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Preliminarynglishest PET)orSchoolsCEFRevel 1


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LOntentano overvtew


Paper^imins Content Test focus


Read¡ngFiveartstest rargeof readingskillsithavariety l exts,ransinglronrery hodnoiiceso onser ontinuousexis.

writingfhreepads est¿ range fwriting ki s.

ln P¿rt1, andidatesnter¿ctwith nexaminer;lnP¿rts2 nd4 they nteraciwith notherandid¿teiinP¿rt , heyhavean xtendedndividu¿ongtum.

Assessmenifcanddaiel ability o undeÉt¿ndthemeanins l writlenEnslisht word,phr¿se,enience,P¿rag.aphndwhole ext eve.

Assessmentf candidates'biliiyo producestr¿ightfoMardrittenEns sh, arsinslonrproducingariationsns¡mp sentencesopieces f coniinuolsext

Assessmentf candidates'billty o expressthemselvesn ordertocary out unctio¡s t CEFRLevelBl.To skand o u¡derstarduestio¡s¡dm¿keappropri¿teesponses.ot¿ klreelyon matters





Fouparts nsinslroír shoriexchangestoorserdialogues Assessmentf candidates'bility o undefstarddialosuesand onolosues¡ both ¡form¿andneutlalsett ingson¿¿ngeolevefyd¿ytopics.

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Ahnr r l l^emhridoc FSOI

.dñbtmse ns\sh:rcl¡ñ¡naryo¡5.haolssdevé ped yUniveEityófCambr¡dgeSOL xamirationsc¿ñbrdseESOL),nol orprortdepartmeniflhe Unvers y of C¿mbridge.

C¿mbreeESOLsoneofihreemalor xamó¿rds hich orm he

C¿mbrdsessessmentroupCambrldsesse$ment). o€than8 m on C¿mbr geAssessmentxamsare ake¡ ¡ over 60có ntrlésrolrd h€world verye¿r

Theworld'smost aluableange f Englishqual¡ficát¡onsC¿ñbrldge 5OLofieEtheword'sadng ¿nge fquafcatio¡sfor e¿rnerend e¿chersfEiSlÉh. ver35m onpeoPé¿keourex¿ñs ach e¿ri¡130 ountrles

Cambrdge 5OLffe6assessme¡lscrosshe úllspecrof ¿nguageb¡l¡ty. eprovidex¿mlnationstorge¡eral

comd .icauon,orprofess¡a ¡id¿cádemicurposesndálso

spe.iást ég¿l ndfir¿¡clal¡glishua l¡cauons. of ouré¡añs¿re g¡ed oiheprnciplesandppro¿chftheCommon lrope¿nkameworkl Referencefor¿¡s ¿8€scEFR).

To ind oüt moreaboui C¿mbridgens sh examsand heCEFR,gotoww.C¿mbridseESOL.o€/cEFR

ln ¿ddlt¡ono our ow¡progr¿mmesfwór d- eadi. g r€search, eworkcoselywlthrofesslon¿lbodies , indrshyprófesslon¿handgovernme¡lso ensúre hat oúr ex¿ms cm¿ln ¿irand elev¿¡t ocaididatesola b¿cksrc nds¿¡d o¿ wide Éisé of siak€ho e6.

Key eatufesof Cambridge nglish xamsCambridge .glishexams:

. arebased n fea sti. tasksand sflaiions sothatpreparirgtortheireiamglvesearne6 rea life a¡su¿seskills

' ¿cclrateyand conslslentytest¿illóLrá.eüageski s readng,writi.g,lisieningandspeaklng ¿sweli ask¡ow edgéo, language

' e¡coúrage oslt¡vee¿rning xperences, .d séektoachieveaposiUvemp¿cion eachingwh€reverossbe

. Íe asfaúas possibieioa c¿¡d dates,wh¿ieverhei naUonaethi lc¿.dine Éucbackgro nd,ge¡derordsabi l i ly

ProvenualityCañbridge SOfs ommltme¡toprovideexáñs f héhighesiposslbe lalilyls¡derpnned y¿ñextensivé¡ogrammeofresearchndev¿ ¿tió., ndbycó.iinlols mor orl¡gotthema*¡s¿¡d sEdi¡góf állC¿ñbridee nslishxamsOtpartic¿rimportancere he igorolsroced reshcharé sed n heprod ctio¡¡dp¡elestiñ8fquesiio.ape6.

Allsystemsndprocessesordesigii¡s, evepi.8anddel¡ver sexams ndassessñe.t ervlcesre ertified smeetng heinternatona recog¡lsed 0 9001:2008t¿nd¿rdorqu¿lltydanacementandaredesig¡edarouñdfiveesséntl¿lpr¡¡. iples

Validity areolrex¿ñs ¡ authent¡.tcstofe¿ ifeE¡s sh?Reliabili tyoo rex¡ms eh¿véconsisténtyandf¿i ry?lmpact does ur¿ssessment¡ve¿postive ilect n eachins

Práctic¿liiy oes ur¿ssessmenteet e¿r.éa ne€ds lthln¿val¿b r€solrce5?Qualityhowwé lan,deverandh€ckthalwerovd€exceeice . ¿lloftheselelds.

Howtheseq ¿Ues e brórghtogethersoltl¡nedr o rpub calú Pan.¡pis f Gaod rd.tice,hch c¿. bedown aded¡eef omwww.cambidgeEsoL.o€,/Principles


Otreof.lre d.st rive¡sit ; n |r¿ tóild¿ndóie ofthe areesti the Uni ¿dKiRsdoñ

D¿p¡rtmeiis oiih€ unversity


Camb' seA:r.ssñ¿nt iret'¿dinsamecrih.Universyol Camiri¡ger.al tuáñlnat¡o¡synd ateUCLas)

Dcp¿.treils (erambo¿ldsl

v¿l ¿ó1€ise orqrrir.¡ii¿isi.,

UNTVIjRSITY o/CAMBRIDcI¡ternatioml Elmilatiors The ond i¿ry¿rprcviderol


OCRFqocR cxtor¿ Gnrt¡idge ¡rdRs A

lJieoith¿U{ ie¿dnspjoyideÉ


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Introductiono Cambridgenglish:Pral i rn n a r r ¡ nr( rhnnlc

Canú¡dsenslÉh: rclnn¡notyar5.h olss a¡ Ens shquá cation¿ . r - r ' e d c F F " l s d d é . é l o p ó d ¡ r0 0 8 . . . q . o 'ófCóñbr¡dqengl¡sh:rclin¡noryithexam ontent nd opics' a - l i . t . e - d . l ó r ó ó ¿ r ¿ p e ó o _ ú ó l ¿ e ó

Canbt¡dqenql¡sh:Preliñ¡naty'otschaak:. follows x¿cilyhes¿meóñat antllercl sCanbi.lge nglÉh:

. leadsto xactlyihe¿mentér.atiónallyecognisede.tilicatesCanbt¡de ngl¡sh:Prclirn¡n.ty

. malchesstude.tsxpere¡ces¿¡d ter€sts

. €¡¿bles tlderts o take n ¡ternationarecog¡lsedx¿n¿nde. oy heexam xperle.ce

Cá.drd¿iesá. chóóseo ¡ke Conbr¡tlsenslÉh:rcl¡n¡notyalSchoolsseiiher paperbaséd.coñputerbased x¿m.

Who s heexamor?Conú¡dqe nq|sh:rel¡ninotyar5.h olss¿¡med t e¿rné6 ho

. unde6tandtheain ontsof straightforwardnstrLcilonsorpuDr¿¡¡ou¡cemen6

' deawithmostofthesitu¿tio¡sthey lghtmeetwhe¡ rave ngas¿ oúristnanEnglish-spe¿k¡gcountry

. asksimplelesUo¡snd ake artnfactu¿ onvers¿Uonslthfriends,¿mi ¿nd¿tschool

. w.ile etters/eñalsrmake oles ¡ famlllar attere.Who recogniseshe exam?, Canbt¡dgenglÉh:rel¡ninúrys a rlly internauón¿léxañ,

recogn¡sedythousandsofndlst¡a,¿dm¡.isfaiiveandservlce-based mpoyers s¿ qua fic¿iio¡n nterñe¿iatengl¡sh

' lt is¿koacceptedy a w de anse f educai n¡ l¡st¡tuiionsfor

. TheUKEoderAse¡cyaccepfs anbidge nql¡sh:rcl¡ninatycerUfic¿tesasmeet¡ngthéngu¿gereq iéñentsforTier2and4 visa pplc¿t¡on s' .

'Alli¡formatior¿cc ratesofApril20llCheckiheiesirequirene¡ts twwukba.homeoffce.gov,ukFormore ¡form¿tior bout ecognitngo oww.CamblidgeESOL.org,/recognition


What evel s heexam?Cúnbt¡d1enql¡sh:rel¡ñinarlars./roo/ss arseted t Level r.whiclrislntérmediate¡ heCtFRscaletth¡s vellsersca¡odersrandl¿ctua nlórn¿ton ndshow warenessf opinións,titLdesndmood n both pokén ndwritte¡E¡gsh.ltcanb€Lsed sproolof¿ c¿ndldate'sb¡l¡tyo se Engsh o communicate¡thnaiivespe¿rcrsoreveryaayürpóses

What can candidatesdoat LevelB1?

TheAssociatonr L¿¡su¿seTeste6. EúrópeALTE)¿s atrledóut e<€archtoetermi¡e hai ¿¡gúagee¿r.ers ¿¡typc¿l¡ydoteachCEFRevel.t h¿s escrlbedhese b¡l¡ties. ¿ seriesó{ anDostatemenisslngerañplésiake¡rom e¿ lfesit ¿t¡o.s.

C¿mbridseSOL,só.éófthelo ¡dsmemb€6ofALTE,sésihframeworkás¿ayofeñsur s tserams ef€ctre¿l-fé ángu¿ge

Exarnples f Can Do statementsat LevelB1

Typkal Reading¡rdW ting

ot€nll t¡N údeBl¿ndcut e nfom¡t r

¿biiig cANM¡tette6 m¿teotes nl¿n arorpedictable¿fte6


on bnúcv.últuÉ¿ltéÉ ¿

So.¡al CAúrjsnanda.tlaladiclesnand ñ¿sazinAd ktlss from rie¡dsl¡¡sure expEs¡ngqson¿ pinloB


iheb@k,m6¡candilns h¡i hé/

CANdeitilyhe oinpoirnsJ \/progÉnmesonlañ.hpcCAN¡ kóouiü¡nss .h Á fi u¡d ns cad dar be ilher

S.hool CANmdeEt¿nd 6i iforn¿tiorard ofa ¿.tualnáurcnhillrer

CAN ri,te derdpto¡ of a¡ evenlIors¿mple hool t pCAII¿ke asicohs na h$ú

CAN nde6tdd nlructionsnc a$esaod oñeworkven ya

Examontent ndprocessingConbidge nql¡sh:rcl¡n¡.atyo¡S.hoois ¿ risorous nd horolshtestofEnglishi LéveBl tcóvers¿lifolr¿ngu¿geki s re¿dlng,wriUng,¡sie.lne.d speaking tep¿t EfatCanbr¡dgengl¡sh:Prel¡n¡naryarS.haalselps andid¡teseve p hésk s hey eedr o ' F E r g i iL o , , ó d , ¿ ¡ ó t o p d l t c

Athoroughestof allareas f languagebilityThere ethre€papers: eadi¡g Wriilng, isiéni.gandpeak gTheRe¡ding¿¡dW¡it¡ng¿per ¿¡r¡es070 f he ot¿lm¿rks,heLlsteningape¡¿.dhéSpé¿klng¿pere¿chary 2570 flhetotalm¿rks €ta d nlormaUononachtest¿.dáñp€ ¿persfowiaterinihisandbook,uttheovera o. s ofeachesi s¿slóllóws:


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Candid¡teseéd o beábh o mdsstandhemai¡ oi¡hom ssns dm¿hrewp¿peE ndmag¿z6 rd úé wcb ¿ry nd rudufewrccty.

ReádingándWing:hour0m¡nuhs identifyirs nd esc¡ibi¡s ccommodalio¡houses,¿ts, ooms,

buyins nd elll¡sth ss(costs, e¿surementsñdaño ñts)talk¡¡s bout oodandmeat¿lki¡s bouthewe¿ther1¿lki¡g bout ¡es he¿lthlóllówiñsñ¿ ivlngiñple nstr ctións nderstañdingimple ie.s¿ndnóticesaski¡gthe ¿ya¡dglvlngiectio¡s¿sk¡nsfornd ivlngrave nformationaski.elór ndgivlngsiñplefófmaUonboliplacesi¿entfyi¡aanddesc¡ibinssiñpeóbjectsGh¿pé,sl2e,weshl,co

makingcomparlsorsndexpressingegreesf d fJere¡cet¿lk¡.g bolt howtooperatelrlngsdescriblngimplerocess€sexpressi.gp rpose,aúse nd es , ¿nd iv¡ngeasonsdf¿w¡ngimp conclusnsa¡d makingecommeid¿tonsdáking ide6niing,4ef si.gimp req estsm¿k g¿nd éepo.dingtoo{fers¡d sLggéstions

€xpréssi.gnd espondingo h¿nksglving¿ndespo.dingto v¡tat¡ons

slvinsw¿rnirss ndprohiblt¡onspeEuadiñgndask¡ng/tenspeopleiodoomethinsexpressinsb satona.d ack l obs¿ton¿sking nd iv¡ng/ref si¡g€rmiss¡ono dosomeihingmaklng¿ndespondingo apoog€sa¡d excuses€xpressinggreem€¡tnd ls¿greem€nt,nd o¡tradictgpeople

criilc ¡¡gand omp in¡ng

erpressinsrefer€nces,likesnddis kes(especi¿abouthobbiesand eisLré .ilv ies)ta kñg¿boul hysic¿l¿ndñotionálleéli.Esexpressgopln .s a¡d makine hoicese¡pressingeeds ndwantserpress g in)abiitynthepres€rt¿ndr tlrepastta kins¿bouiim)p¡obab¡l¡tynd lm)posslbtyerp¡ess s desrees f cert¿i¡ty ¡ddoubt

Inventoryof grárnñaticá¡áreas

Res ¿rand Íegular orms

c¿n ab¡l¡1y;eqLesirermlssn)couldGbiity;poss iLity;oliteequests)wor d(pol¡teequests)wi (ofier)sha Guggeston;fie,

h¿vegot)ó (óblig¿iion)

neéd. ( ¿ck f necesslty) sedto+ nflniUvepast ¿bils)

Listening:X)minut€sapprcrin¡tely)G¡did¿hs@edo +ow hE c¡ fo owand deri¿¡d a Gnge l spoten¿tú¿lsi¡c d ¡g ¿¡nouo@mentsnd ¡cu$ion5bout veryd¿yile

Speakins:0-12 inutesGndid¿lesle he €linsienwthanotherndld¿ier n¿gorpof hree d a,etstedon hei. bilrtyohlepadndillsertypesf teÉclion:iú he x¿mlner¡Urthe tlrer@ndid¿tedby hñseva.

Each lthese hreé éet cómponents rov¡des nlque contr butionto aprofleóf óver¿ll ónmún icauve¿ngLageabilitythatdefi¡eswhat acandid¿te ¿ndo ¿t hÉ levé

LanguagepecifcationsC¿ndidates ho aresüccessfll r Can bt¡dsenslish:Prcl¡n¡naryfor5.hool5shor bé¿be io commLnicate ailsfactorly n most

everyday tL¡tións with both n¿tive nd on ¡alive speake6otEng sh.

Thefol lowi¡glsastof helangú¿gespec¡f¡cai ionsthat theCanbt¡tlqe nslbh: rcl¡minaty'arSclroolsx¿ñinaiións b¿sed n.

Inventory offunctions,noiions and communicative ask5

Note hat talki¡gisused €ówtó reférióBOTH peakl.gand

greet Apéóplénd espo¡dingo greetingsinpersor ¡don he

infodlcingoneseandother eop

¿skinsforandgivingpersonaetais:(full)¡¿me,ase,addess,¡ames f re¿tvesa¡drriends,t.underst¿nd¡ngnd ompletg orms ivingé6ón¿lei¿lls| .dp oadr.e"1dú'¡ 1eL"-ó e 'gpó or¿ dóL¿

des.¡iblngd cat¡o¡,ualiflcations¡dsk sdescriblngeóplepe6o.a¿ppearance,üa ties)askingard nswer gquestionsbóúi érsónaloss€ssns¿skinsor epéiillon nddarlfcatioire si¿tingwh¿tas ee¡saidcheckingnme¡n¡ng nd ntentionhepngothersó expréssheir de¿sntefupii.ga conversatio¡

res mi.gorcónUnuinghe opic¿skineora¡d ivirsthepe ng¿id ea.¡ngofwordscou¡tingandsi.8n mbersasking ¡d ellirgpeop thé imé, ¿yand/ordaie¿skingforandAivi¡sinformaiionabo tro t¡nesa¡d¿btsunderst¿ndi.gndw¡¡ting ¡ares ¡d ettersgvin8nló¡ñ¿to.

¿bout veryd¿y.iiv¡t¡estalk¡ngaboulwlrateop áredoing t h€mome¡lt¿lk¡ngbout ¿steve¡tsndstatesn hep¿si,ecent civit esand

understandi¡g¿ndroducingimp naraUvesreport¡ng'r¿t eopleaytalking boutut re or magln¿ryituat¡o¡st¿lkingaboltflture anso¡ rtenlons


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Presenlimple:t¿ies, ¿biis,yslems¿ndrocessesandverbsot sed n hecontinúó sorm)

Prese¡t ontinuous:ulure ansandacUviUes,réseftc¡ onsPreeentperfectsimple:recentpasiwith5t, tndefinitep¿stwilhyet,

a ré¡dy, ever ver;unfinishedastwith orand inLePast mplé:ast v€¡tsP¿sicontinuous:paralle¿st¿cUons,continLous¿ct¡ons¡nieúupted

by hep¿st impleensePast erfectsimple:¿n¿iive,epodedpeech


Af nñative,nterog¿tive,egat¡ve

nj¡niiiveswitha.d wiihouto) after erbsnd djectNesGerundsi¡sforñ)fterverbsa.dprepositionsGeru¡ds ssrbjectsndobj€cisPassiveorms: resentndp¿si tmpiéVerb object nfinitileive/take^endlbrins/show


5o/rorwlth¿ x lrfies


Co d t¡onalse¡tercesType : An on bárexp¿nds/wheiyouheat iType: fyo dohat¿ga¡¡, eave.

Type2:woudte youthe¿.sw€r¡fnew.It wereo , would.'tdoth¿t¿gai¡.


laske¿er lcould avéNoore o d mewh¿to do.ndnectndembeddedlestions:¡ow wo¡derDoyouknowwhatesad?rwonderedh¿thewouldo néxt

'oa.lox | , r 'Pos ao ' Fovol-F -os o g ó.whv( ncludl¡sthé.teros¿tiveorms f ¿ltenses ndmodá tisied)

singularandplur¿l(resrlar¿¡dirresul¿rfórms)Cou¡tab€nd ncourt¿bleouns i ih ome ¡da¡y

Dolb eeenitive .iend f hens

Pe6oiaG bject,bject,ossessive)Reflexivendemphaiic.ys€lf,tc

Demonstrativehis, hat, hese,lroseQ antiiative:ne, omethingverybody,tcIndefite:somé,¡rsomething,ne, tc.

Re tive:who, hch, h¿l,whóm,whose


Cólo rsize, hape,u¿ ty, ¿iio¡atyPredicative¡d attribut¡veCardinañd rd al¡úúbersPossessivermy,our, t heretcDemorsiraUve:his, hai, hese,hoseQ ¿¡titativeróñe,any,m¿¡y, uch,a ew á orol a ,orherevery,

Comparativea¡dsuperatvefo¡ms(res arandirresltar:(not) s. . ¿5, ot . enolgho,too. to

P¿rticips¿s ádjectives

Regularandeg ¿rformsM¿¡¡er:q lck ,carefully,t. .Freq €¡cy:ften, €ver wiceaday, icDeJ¡niteime: ow, ¿stweek,tc

Indeliniteime:lre¿dy,ust, et, ic.Degree:ery, oo, ather tc

DirecUonft, ighi,lo¡g, tc.Seque¡ce:úsi,.éxi,etc.s€¡tencedvérbsoo,either icP€ verb¿|,on ve¡b¿landndpos¡tio.dve¡bsCompaEtiveandsuper¿tivefórnrs(regu¿randnre&ar)

Locato.:to,n, nslde, éxtto, t(hone), lcTmerat, n, n,duri¡g, tc.Dieclion:to,ntó, utol from, t.

Mlsceaneoús ke,¿s,dúeto,wirsto,eicPr€position¿hr¿ses:tthebegin¡i¡solbymea¡s l ercPrepos¡tio.srecedl¡soúns ¡dadjecuvesycar,o¡sae.at ¿s eic.Prepositiónsfowinsi)nóu¡s ndadjecuvesr¿dvicen,¿fr¿idl

etc. ii)verbs:aush t,askfor,tc.

á¡d,but,or€ithér o¡when,while,¡U, beJore,flelassoon s

so,só th¿t, úch . . h¿t

¿ hough, hle,whereas


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Notethatstudeniswimeetforms thérh¿n hose sledinCanbt¡dltenqlish:Pel¡ñ¡hatyo¡Schoo/s,n whichhey w¡ll ¡ot

Statement ofResults

ThisSialementf Resus oltli¡es:' tlrecan¿idáleesults.Thees is based na c¿.dldate'soial

scoreñ ¿llthreeapers.. ¿er¿phicaidispyof ¿ ca.dld¿teserJormancene¿ch ¿per

(shownga¡¡stthe.ae ExcépiionaGood Borderliné

. a r¿nd¿rdisedcore utofl00wh¡ch llows c¿nd ¿te o seeexaci how heyperJorm€d.


Daly ife


Person¿lee ngs, xperiences


Re tions ithoiherpeop

CertificatesWe h¿le madeenhancementso thé w¿ywe report he resu sol ourexámsbecarsewebelievet i5 ñpódántto recognisec¿¡d ates

Ine Conbi.lseEñslÉh: tel¡n¡na¡y n¿Cdñbt¡dgenqlish:Ptet¡ñ¡nóryfoiJchoo/sxaminatns ncludeiemswhch norm¿llycclr r¡ tlreeverydayvoc¿bryof nat¡ve pe¿ke6singE¡g sh od¿y

C¿ndid¿tessho dknówthexlsappropr¿teioiheipersor¿lreqúnemenls,orexáñple, ¿t¡o¡aliUes,obblés,lkes nddislkes

Notethatthecóns¡stenluseofmericanpron ¡ciation.spene¿ndexiss accept¿be. Cdnb¡idsehgl¡sh:elin¡nary¡dCañbt¡ttqeEnslÉh: rcl¡nino¡yotSchoah.

A listofvocabularyh¿lcoud appe¿tn heCanbr¡dsenglish:Prclminoty Cañbíi1qensl¡sh: rel¡ñiñatyatS.haals xañi.artonsÉ¿v¿ilablefromthéCamb¡idgeSOLTe¡chers pporlwebsrte:www.teachers.CambridgéESOL.ora

Thelisidoes otprovdé¿nrhaustveistol ¿l¡héwordswrr hapeear. CanbidseEnstish:rcl¡n¡naty .d CanbI¡dgenglÉh:Pteünina¡yatSchaoh úesrio¡p¿pers .d c¿ndidates houd notconflnehei strdyof vocabularyo the ist¿lo¡e

InternationalnglishEnglshs used na wlde ange flntern¿t¡orao¡texts.Toeteclth s,cañdidat€sesponsestóasksn Cambridgeñglsh xams re¿ccept¿benallv¿rletes ndacceits f Enslish,róvidedheydonot nterfere¡th omm ¡ c¿lionMaiéri¿lssedeature r¿ngeot¿ccenis¿ndextsfrom .gl¡sh{peakjrsountrles,ncludirsheUK,NorthAmericáidAustm a.U5and ther ers¡onsf spellinsreacceptedl sedcónsGiently

Marksnd esultsCanbidsenshsh: tel¡n¡ñotyo¡Schoo/slves etailed,eanirsf€sllls A cand¡dateseceve Statementf RestilcCand¡dateswhose erforr¡ancenees etwee¡ EFRevels42 ndE2w ¿ko

Cambridgenslkh: rcliminaryL€vel 2

Exceptona¿rdidatesometim€show¿biityeyond evelElacandidatechieves¿assw¡ih isiinct n, heywi receivethePrcl¡ñ¡natynglishest.én c¿té taUnghat heydemóñstÉiéd

camb¡idgeñglishiPre,iniráryLével ll f¿candidateach¡evesP¿sswltheritórP¿ssintheexam,theywbe¿w¿rdedheP¡ei'm¡r¿¡ynql6hest ertificaiet Lével l.

lla c¿ndjd¿te3erformances beow Level l,búi alswlthlr Leve42, heyw¡ll eceive C¿mbridge¡gl¡shert cate tatinghat h€ydemonstr¿tedb ty¿i 42 eve

SpecialcircumstancesC¿mbridsenslÉh x¡ms¿¡eessnedo b€ air o ¿il er t¿keÉ.This ommitme.io J¿iness overs:. Specialrangeñents

These¿relallableorc¿¡dida¡ésltha permanentorng_térmdisabiity. orsulthecaúbridge sOLCentrexams an¿ger(CEM)¡ yourareáormore eta¡lsassoonsyou ecomeaw¿re f¿ cand at€whomayneed pecl¿ldangements

' SpecialconsiderationC¡mbridgeESOLwillsivespeciao.siderauontoc¿nd¡dat€s¿fiectedyadve6ecÍcumstancessLchasillnessor

bere¿vementmedláielyeforeorduingan x¿mApplcat¡onslor spec lco¡sidér¿iionustbem¿dethróughhecenhe olater h¿.l0 work¡red¿ysfterheéx¿m ate.


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Cambrldge SOLwill¡.vestlgateall caseswherecanddates¿resuspected fcopyi¡g, collúsionr breakl¡gtheex¿m egú¿iions¡ . som€ therw¡yRes s m¿y ew¡lhhedwhilethev¡rebeingnvest¡gated,r be.alse we have oLndan nírns€ñe¡tofreg atóns ce¡t¡es ¿renotitiedl¿ c¿.dld¿ies esllte havebee¡

t r - - - . ' h ^ ^ r tL ^ o r | | r u P P U r L

A featurefCambridgenesh€x¿m5 theol ts t¿nd3slppotw€offer o téachers ¡d cand¡dates

Howtoorder upport aterialsfromambr¡dgeSOL

AwideEngeófofiicias ppónmateriafórcandld¿lesndteaclrers.anbeorder€dne.ilyfromheC¡mbrdse5OLeshops:

. . PrntédDublic¿tonswwshop ¿ñbridgeEsolrg9t"- 'u,

onlln"or"ou,utiói:htipst/ /eshopcambridgeesolo€Supportor eachersTeacherSuppodwebsite

Ths webse povides .lnvallable,ser r e¡dvkee esourceórate¿chersreparl¡gforoúrexamst ¡cúdes:

Generalnform¿tioñhandbookso.te¿crrers,¡ñp ep¿p€¡5,exam epods,¡amdatesDeta¡ledrforñationlord¿i, ¡mlng,mber otq estó¡s,asrtype5, arkschener€achP¿PerAdvlceforieacherseveopl¡sstúdentsk s andpreparg

Downloadableessons a essonforevervartófeverv¿per,there¿re orelhan,000n otaForumswheree¿chersan h¿re xperlen.esandrowedgec a r e e A ¿ 8 q o ¿ o o o " ó r o g " oNewsañd veniswh¿tsh¿ppen¡nglobaLLvnd oc¿llvnvo r

5emir¿¡swdeÉnge fex¿m_specifi .eminarstor¡ewndexperié..ed€¿.hers.dmi¡lslratoGnd chooldecio6


.X Carrb.idg{:¡1gli5h

f TeocherCambridgeñglisheacherDeveopedycambr¡dgc¡ verstyPress ndUnversit ' fCambridsesOL raminat¡onsCañbrldse5OL).ambrldse

EngshTeacherrovldespportu¡itiesorEnglisheacherso eng¿8enconti . l¡gprofesslon¿ldeveopme¡lihróúghonli¡eco rses,sbest ractlcénd etworkwithótherELTrolessó.awondwrde

Formol"{órmaton¡hówtó ecome¿¿mbrdse¡slÉhTe¿cheiis wwwcámbridgeEnglishTe¿cherorg

o a D a p .p a . . . ó . ú ó a t 1 " , ' p " , ' " o r d d d ¡ " ú " D d ¡ e

for Cañbrldsenglishaper ased x¿mln¿iionsndareldeao use

. 1e¡ opiesfeachfihe aperswihhóiocopi¡benswér

. CDwiihaudioeccrdirgsor heListenrngpaper

. Teácherooket i ih

m¿rk .hemes .dsamp answel5orWritinstápes.riptsforthelslen gpaperthe¡ssessmentrlterla nd¿coFy fth€Cambfidse5OLCommon c¿leorthe peak sPaper

- Speakinglestater s,whichncudecandidatels ¿s ¿ndexamr.ercrp¡s



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NOOFQUEsTIONSRe¿ding¿s 5 quest¡o¡s;

Matchl¡g,u lp e choice,ruelf¿lse,ransformation¿lentences,guided riting ndexiended¡itingAuihenlicndad¿pied uthénlicre¿l-woldoUcesjewspapersand ¡agazines;mp iiedencyclopaediasirochLresnd

c¿¡d d¿ies ndlc¿tenswe6 vshadi¡go2ensesReadins),rwritinganswersWr¡i¡ng)nan

ln computerb¿seddnb¡¡dgeEnslish:rcl¡n¡noryótSchaah,cand ¿lesmark rype heanswersúect oniohecomputerhere renoexamplesió computer ¿sed ¿mbrid4eEhgl¡sh:relinihdryarschoats,utc¿ndldatesre hown shorttutori¿l

ReadingrEachf he35questionscarlesonemark. hiss weightedso hatihis omprlses5ol.itot¿lm¿.ksor hewhoe examln¿t¡onWriu s:Qúesuons-5 carry nemark€ach.úestior is ma*edoli of 5rardq éstior7/8lsma.kedoltof20,weighiedtol5hlsg¡ves otálof25 whch epresents25%óftot¿lm¿*sor hewhoe

StructurencLasKsKeaolngPART1¡ASKTVPE Three ptionmultple hoiceANDFORMATFive ery hoddiscreteexts: lgns nd

ñessages,ostc¿fds,otes, ñ¿¡ls, bes

TA5(FOCUs Readingea wo¡dnotcesandothershodtextsorthemal¡message

IASKTYPE M¿ich¡ng.AND TORMATr .a F, r .e fo , o d-sc¡pLor 'o

peopleo match oeightshortad¿ptedautheni¡ctexts.

TASKOCUS Read¡nsultipleexts orspec¡ticnformauonnd¿eiáiledomprehension

1ASKTYPE Truelf¿ke.ANDFORMATTeniemswithn¿dapled uihenUcng

TASKÍOCU5Processi.g¿actu¿lextScanr g forspecifc nf rmat¡orh Le isresardlng€dundantm¿tera.

¡ASKTYPI Fouropiionmullplecho¡ceAND ORMAtFveltemswith¿¡dapied uthent¡cns


TASKTYPE Fo ¡opiionmultplechoiceozeANDFORMATTeniems,with¿nadapted_authert¡cext

dr¿wnrcm¡variety J ourcéshetextsota ¿c tua r narai¡ve ¿tureU¡dersta.dlngf vocabúlarynd .áñmarna shórlext ardu.derstandi¡gheLexlcostruci r¿lp¿lternsn he exi.


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READINGGeneral. ThéReadingomponentconsistsof35lesuons nd ve p¿ns

fogéthel hese ¿rts re esign€do testa bro¿dange treadi¡gskills exls¿reÉwnwherevérósslberom he €awold andareadapted snecessarytotheeveloltheCdmbrdgeEnqlÁh:rcl¡n¡na.ratSehaolsxam¡nauon o hise¡d, temwr¡t€rsworkwthagrammat¡c¿lsyblsandavocabularylist ,which pdated n¡ualytoeféctcodmónsagé

, Thetopcsolthetextsfath n he ist f ópi.s ve.onpageó. Eve¡yeffort madeloens rethat¿lllexissedn a¡ñbidqeEnqlÉh:tel¡n¡naryarSchaa\ re ccess e wo¡ldwidendolgenerallnteré5tó ihé'11-'14ee foüp. ¿ch xam¿sk spretestedn arge umbersf5tlde¡tsbeloreSog ive,ómonitortssu¡labllly nd eve

. Toprep¿reforthee¿dingoñpóne.t, t dents hourd €exposedo¿ varlety f áuthenilcéxts, r¿wnromnewslette¡sa.d masaz¡nes,on lcuon ooks,ndotlre¡ ource5lÍact ¡lmateia,slch ¡s eatleh, rochlres id websii€st 6¿ sorecommendedhatstudentsract e e¿d s ¿¡dwritiig)shóri.oñmln c¿tilemessages,ncuding otes,cards¡d emas.

. AstheRe¿dingomponent¿ces ome mplr¿sisonskmng¿nd c¿n¡ gskilis,t s mportan tfo.studentsobegvenpr¿ciice hese kilis, orkngwithlexts fdflere¡t enEths.should estressedo stldents hat lreydo not eed o processevery órdolihe eNt heymay e¿d nartc€ o¡ h storypure

tof ndp¿¡1icul¿rdates

ra broch .eto heck n diftereñl

. lt isessentiah¿tstLde¡ts¿miarisehemseveswlthhenstrlctio¡s n he .o¡lpage flhequestio¡ ¿per ¡d readthe ¡dvidu¿l¡struct nsoreach adveryc¿refully.here nerampe sgv€¡, t is¿dv ableo sludy t betoreeñb¿rk¡ngonthet¿skStudenlsho d ¿hok¡owhowtom¿rkthe ¿¡sw€rsontheseparate¡swersheet,oth¿i n heex¡ninatio¡heyc¿¡do hisquicklynd¿ccuÉtely.oextraim€ s a owedforthe ansferof answeE nP¡per and tLde¡tsáy préleriotr¿nsferheúanswerst hee¡d of e..hp¿ri.

' Whe¡ dóingfln¿lprep¿r¿tio¡or heexam¡¡ai n, ls helpf od sclss iml¡gwith tudentsnd oget hem o co¡srderow ód videup he iñebetwee.heva¡iols arts f hepapeL roadlyspeaklng,t ¡serv s¿sedlratc¿¡dd¿tes illspend pproximately50 m ¡utesonlhe e¿dingcómponentnd 0 m¡nutesontheWrU¡gcompon€¡t.

BypartPART' Padl ests thecand¡datesnderstandingófariousinds

of short ert s:authe¡t¡cnotic€s ¡d sig¡s,packagir"nformaUonlorexample,nst¡lctio¡son¿ foodpack¿ge), nd

.ommuni.¿tve mess¿gesnoles,em¿ils,ards¿ndpostcards)Accomp¿¡yngth€text lso¡e muUpe cholceqlestionw ththreeoptiors,A, B¿¡d C.

. Whe. c¿ndidatesat tempt¿úesUonn hispaft , lheyshóuldllrst re¿d he tert .a réf lly ¿.d ih nk ¿bóul he sitú¿tró¡ ¡whlch lwo d appe¿rAtert i5olten á.companied y vlslairformal¡onasto ts cortext, or example lrowlng ts loc¿ion,¿ndthÉ m¿y¿ so lr€lp ardidates oguess he purpose ithetextAfier lhinkingaboutthegene¡aeanlng¡nthlsw¿y,candld¿ies ho d re¿d¿ll hreeopiions¿¡d comp¿re achonewiththe text before hoosi¡glher answefAs a ina check,candidates holld reread oih ihetext¿nd the¡¡cho ce ofanswel o décidewheiher hechose. opt ón i5 really wh¿i the

PART. Part2 teststhec¿ndidate deta ed comprehe¡s¡on f factla

nratefia c¿¡d datesarepresented ith flvesho|t descrlptlonsofpeope and have o m¿tch his.o.teni to flveof eighi shortie t tsona part¡cLrtópicThetopc s s ¿l ly ó dówithgóodsandseryices lsome kind,lorex¿mpe pu¡.h¿si¡sbooks, silingmLseums, r chooslng .tivities Can¿idátes hó ld beginPád2by reádi¡g hro gh hé fivedescriptións fihepeópleTheyehóuld hén read hr ougha eighi é¡is c¡refLy, ú.derl¡nl¡sanym¿tcheswlthi¡ them n orderto choosethecotrecttext,ca¡didatesw needto checkthaiallthe req ¡r€me¡tsivenin he descriptio¡areñel by t C¿ndld¿lesho d bewarnedagal¡sl word spotti¡g lhat is, lr€yslroud ¿vod m¿ki¡gq ckmatches tword eveland ¡stead eade¿ch extc¿ret y,th nliñe ¿bóui¿lier¡¿iivewayeol saylng he s¿me hi¡g, ie.

PART' PartSesisthe bi iy o workwliha on8elJact ¿ext, ook¡.8

lorpre.isenlormatlon lre ¡form¿ionlo elo ¡d sls ¿llypractic¿ nature,esemb¡g the ypeoftaskwithwh¡clreople¿re ften o¡fro¡ted¡ reallifeFreq e¡11y,heseexts ¿ke helormof rochufeexi¡acts,ádvertisem€¡tsinm¿gazines¿n

wébs e ntórñ¿iió.' There rel0qlesiións,hich ¡e nge seniencet¿teménts

¿bort he ext.The ask s mademore lthent bypuit g thes€questio¡selorehe éxt,l¡órdero encóur¿8e¿ndld¿testo e¡d hem rsta¡dhe¡ canthetexttofde.. ' d,rswc'ThenJorm¿tonsiventhetextlo ws hesáñe ¡der¿sthecontent i theq est¡o¡s.

' ln h¡s árt, ¿.dld¿ies ¿ywé méet omenfam arvoc¿bu¿ry owevelheywi .ói be éqúlredtonderstandsuclr ocabularyn orderto¿¡swerqueslio¡orectyWhenthéymeél¿n nl¿mlrwordorphr¿se,thereJore,theyshould


of ¿.d shtud cón.é.fáleó¡ obi¿¡¡lnghespe.ificniórmátionéq nedroñ the exi


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PART. Part presentsandidaieswiih¿extwhcheoes evondhé

provisio¡ff¿ctuanlofm¿tion,¡d efpiessesnÓ¡inÓn.r¿tUtudeherearefive tipe choi.éúesl¡onsith olroptio¡s, , B,C¿¡dD n answeri¡giheselestions and ¿resw demonstr¿tehetherhevhave nderstóódhewrterspLrpose,hewriter's tlituder op¡rion, r¡. oplnionLotedv

thewrlter¿nd oth hedet¿ilednd oba me¿.¡ngoftheextThispartrequiescandidatestore¿dtheiextvervcarelullvAfterat EiJ¿ntquickeádine,o f ndout he opicandge.eramean gofthe ext, ¿ndldaleshólld hl¡k¿boÚthewriterplrpose rd hemeaningl the ert as¿whoLe. ¿vingestablishedhis, andidateshouldeadhe extó..e asan ihÉiim€muchmore ¿refully.ft€rthisecondeadi¡gf he ext.¿.didatessho deawlth hequestiónsnebvoñecheck.gthenchoice f ¿iswer¿ch mew¡th he er t t m¿v emorepr¿ctjc¿lor candidatesocons er he ist ¿nd aslqleruonstógether,¡ thathe úst ocúsésnwr erpurpose¡d he astóngoba me¿ning.heotherhree uestiónsollow heÓr¡ér tlnformatoneivenlnihetextandoneofheihreew ocuso¡


PARTñ Part5,candidatese¿d¿ sho.i ext conlalnnel0 numbered

sp¿ces .d an ex¿ñple.There afouroptionmllt¡p echoiceqúesuo¡ oreáchn mberedspace, ve. áJtertlre extThespáces redesig.ed o testña nLvvoc¿burv but ¿lsogr¿nmaUc¿lpontssuch¿sp.ónou.s ,od¿lverbs,conné ' r lves

Belofeat templi¡gióanswerthel0quest ions,candid¿tesshouldre¿d hrolghlhe who e e xiio esl¿b sh tstopic andsener¿lmeaning. fterthis,hey shoLldgo backto hébeginnngorthetext andconslderthe xampe Thé. ihey sholldwolklhroushthe O qL€stons, .yi.glo seect he corcct wórd o fitin e¿chspáce l mayóftenbe ¡ecesrarytoreada comp etesenlén.ebeforeset t lngontheirchóiceofnsw€rOncec¿ndldateslr¿vedecided n ¿¡ an swet hey shóúld heck hát he rem¿lilngtheeopuonsdo.ot l ¡ t inlhesp¿ce¿vl¡gcompletedal ' l0qtesuoisc¿¡dld¿tessho d read hewholetextagainwiih theú answers,to.heck th¿t t makes ense.


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Structurend asks WritingPARTIA5(TYPE 5é.te¡ce transtormations

Flve lems h¿t¿r€ heñére ated.C¿nddaiés¿¡egive¡seni€¡ces¿.d h€naskediocompleteslmil¿rsentencesusi .ga different t r ct ¡alp¿tte.¡ so thathésentencé il hasthe sam€meaningC¿rdidaies hoúd use o mo¡e h¿n hree

¡AS( rOCUS Conlro¿.d u.déBi¿ndingf 81 evelCañbt¡dge nglÉh: tel¡n¡naryotSthóolsg.amm¿iicatru.turéRephr¿singnd elórd ¿tinenformaton

TASKYPE 5hort ommúic¿tive essase.ANDFORMAT Candid¿tesre romptedo wrlte¿ short

méssagén he ormof¿post.¿rd,ote,emal,etc Thepromptákéshe ormot¿rubric r short.pui text o respondo

TASK¡OCUs A short lece l wr l¡s ot 35-45wordsfócús¡ngncommunicatnoithrée pec cco¡rent ornls

A óngerlece f continuousrUngC¿ndldalesarerese¡ted ilha cho¡ceoltwoqlestio¡s, ¡nlórña ett€roraslory.Carddales re¿ssessedsi¡gassessmentsca€sco¡sistnsofours bsc¿les:Conterl ,

Commun¡cat€Aclrevement, r8¿nÉat¡onfASK'OCUS Wrt¡g¿boLil00wofdsfocusingono¡trol

_ - d d á r g ó ó ¿ l g u a g ó . , . _ . . . .NO. O'QS I


Prone ¡ t in n

WRITlNGGeneral. liis ¡mpot¿ntth¿tc¿nd¿lese¿vethemselvesnóughime

to ¿nswer three arts lthe Wr Urgcomponeóts hlscarlesthe ¿ñeweghU¡gs heRead¡ngompone¡t.e.25%ofthe otalexam s ¿so mportanth¿tcándidálesea seth¡iWrliingPart3cariesl5n¿rksoutofhetotá 125 ilssúggestedhatcandld¿lespend t e¿sl40minltesón heWriling ompo¡ent

. Parts and3 oltheWlit necómponentocus n extendedwrit g¿¡dcandidatéseédó hi.kca¡etu¿boutwholhetargetre¿de¡lsfo¡e¿chtask¿ndt¡ytowr¡teln¿¡approprlai

. t s mportanto wriiec eár so hat hearsw€rs re ¿syto' " d dH o x - / " r ' - o _ r ñ p ó r _ ú{ d a d . " ¡ ' i i a ' o n F tower ¿se, r f thei wrlti¡g sol¡edpornot

BypartPART. P¿rtlocusesngÉñm¿iicare.¡sionnd quiresc¿rdidates

tocompet€vesenteñ.es,shárlng¿ommonihemeortopc Theres ¿ñeEmpe, howingxact wh¿t he ¿sKr o l . e s o " ¿ q 4 r o " ' d r d o " , o ' a g r / " 'o l p F '

sente¡ce,ogether ¡iha gapped ent€¡ce elow C¿¡didatesshould ritebetweenne¿id thréewordso fill h ss¿p Thesecoid é.ie¡c€,when omplete, ustme¿¡ hes¿neas helist s€rtenceBoth €ntencesréwrittenwithin he a¡ge tgramm¿randfuct res sledo¡p¿ees4-6Theremaybemore

. Asstáted bove,t s esseru¿or c¿ndidatesospellcórectlyand.ómarksw¡llbegiv€rf¿wordsmisspel¡edandidáteswilLaso osethe arklfiheyproduceannswerfmorelr¿¡ hreewords, ventth€irwriunsnclldeshecorectá.swer

PART. Candldalesare sked oprodu.é¿ehórtcomm .lcativemessage

of between 5and45 words n en8lh.They¿re old whom they¿rewr t ng tó ¿.d why,andmust n c ude hreecontentpoi¡ts,wh ch are¿idoutwlthbuLetsnthequesl ionogantóp m¿rk,¿llthreepointsmúsi bepresentn thecandidates¿¡sw er,sols importantthatc¿ rd dates e¿d heqlest¡on /efu y andpanwlrat theywindlde.fhenanswershourelatetothe ontextprovdednlhequest ión¿.dld¿iesreakoassessednthec¿.¡ lyof hem€sságeiheyprodúcerl¡or,no¡npedineerors

. Candidateswineedpraciicel¡writingiothewordlé¡EthfequiredTheyñay ose d¿rkslftheir a¡sweEl¡ oltsidé1hel¡mlts shodanswer ikey10 emisslngateastonecontenlpol¡t,an ove¡ongonewl ack.¿rty by cont¿iningupérlluols¡nform¿tio¡. r¿cticeshoúlde

s¡venn cl¿ss,witlr t dents

comparns¿nswerswlthea.h other¿nd edr¿Jti.E hai théyhávewritt€nas¿ resuli


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. n ordero help e¿chersssessthet¿nd¿.dsequired,lrereareseveraampe nswerso thewrit¡ngPari qles¡o¡sonpage 2,wth ña*s andexrñne.comments

PART3. P¿ri oÍ€rsc¿.didateschoic€ ftaskéithera iofyor¿n

inlormalletler ¿y ewrltle¡ Bothasks equire ¡ answeroraboutl00words.Candidatesshoudbe¿dvisedtokeeptothetask et, athe¡th¿n¡c ude'pree¿rnedext,wh¡ch ¿ywellnotfit¿spartolthei¡answeLA¡swersthaido¡otl fl lpartsoftheüsk wlli¡ot receiveopmarks.

. C¿¡dd¿tesshouldeen.our¿sedochoosehe ¿skwh h bestsuiis hei ¡nterests.hey holld onsldertheontextg. op¡c,áswe ¿s he range f aneúagé,g.lexis,haieeood nswer

, Forthelnlormalter ¿¡didatesaresve¡nextractol¡ t ierfrom¿fr¡end ftheis,wh¡chrovdesth€oplc heymustwrlteabout:orexádpe,acóuplé JqLéstió¡s¿ybe ncudéd,10focusthe deas. ¿idd¿tesmusteeptó hétópic ndanswér

thequestionsrtheywi osem¿rks.. TopracUsehe¡retterwrit¡ng,and¡daieshould eencourag€d

towrtetopenf¡ie¡dsr 'e-pals 'o¡regularb¿sisad¿iiiói ,ilrey hou have pportu¡itiesr c ¿ss o thi¡k ¿bouthel¿¡g ¿ge ndo¡g¿¡lsationl such elterwithexamplesiappropriatepenins nd losingform l¿erovided,swe ¿susefllphras€sfsreeurs nd eave akns

. Forlhetorycandidatesre giventher¿ short itleorthe irstsente¡ce h€answer lst be écógnisáblynké¿n.óntentto theqlesUon¡d candidatesshopaypart u¿rattent ñto anynames rp¡oro ns lvenn he itleor se¡terce.ll,

fo.ex¿mpie,hese¡tenceis rilte. ithe h rdperson,thecandldatewneedto o¡sfucthisorherstory ccord gy.' Tog¿inracUcend o¡fdence¡ storywritins,.¿¡d ¿tés

shóL beencoúrágedo wr¡teshori¡écesorhomeworko¡a régul¿rb¿sis.heywi ¿ sobenefitfromeadinssimplifiedr€ade6. Eiglish.wh¡chll s¡veihemde¿sfor owtostart,develop¡d enda story

. Asa re¿dystressed,i is mpod¿ntorc¿¡didaiéso showambition.hey ould¿inopm¿rGby ncudins¿Grseolienses, ppropr¡ate€xpress¡o¡snddifferenivocabularyven¡f hei answers not l¿wless.on mpedngercrs,whether¡nspe ng, r¿mmarrp ¡ct ¿tion,w nótñecessaraffect¿c¿¡didate 'smúk,wheré¿serórswhlchi. ielerewithcommurlc¿tio¡orc¿use¿breakdowncodmuilc¿tionaretreátedmoie erious

. Inorderto eLpte¿cheEssessthet¿.dardsequied.here¿resever¿lampe nswersioiheWrti¡gart3questio¡snp¿ges27 29,withmarks ndex¿m e.commeñts.



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Part1 Q Part 2 Q Part 3 Q Part4 Q Part56 H 21 A 2 6 81 A

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AssessmentfWriiingartMarkschemeor WritingPart


H,9añ. qaa¿ovn¿yhane. aúñeyhañeón he búe n rert eA.yaúma.tr¿ vetiñe. i wa' e\ole¿ abaút t ttyaú¡1aw t¿ or? n hapw veryhaPW) ondon. 2 beáurdúl irti

*:*:ta3 ii#¡iAllthrée contenteementsh¿le beenattempted,útihe amolrt oteror me¿ns hat someeffod s ¡eq redby theread€rto nderstand


I wahte¿tu ay thal : l 'ñwdt . ha¿$ry ncehal¿aydlh.hol i¿a: i .||¿re rp.r, wañf to40 Noyaúe4ain.Iwañ to 5e.?la.e6ófrtéÉ.,t a4ai¡. waht ró .¿eyaú eo)

?lea.eM+¿ nehaw areyóú.V'lhaltf.ihewaiherin Lón¿ón n

waft n4 rnyorra/6@.

$GirffiThec¿ididatehassaldeiough¡bolithe holid¿ywiihSam o cove.wh¿l heye.jóyéd,but has ot me¡iloned heolr¡ey rróñeor

5 All hÉepaÉ of tss8€ do ycMmuni@ted0ryni@ stsll¡ng m6orocslo¡a g¿mmaii.¿tu6

4 AIlthree¿d ol nieisásEmmuniiat€d,5oneon-impedlngror dspelg¿ d Emmdsode wladde$ofqPras ¡

I Allthepa¡ts lnesagetlemp@trprc$lo¡eqúesterp¡el¿tiony hee¿derd onla o mPedgero6 ¡ speng

{ " p o ro " 4 . d 8 " ¿ e d ¿ d b i r é o é ¡ i 4 o 4ORTwpans f Gsaee anddly cmmunidt€dd one at su¡attempted.0n ñirorspell¡ngm6o¡o(aloi¿gr¿mm¿tic¡ró6

2 only ¡¡¡oanrol nsss€ conmunic¡ted.Someercsinspeg ¿idgr¿mm¿lThe rcr inexpre$loi¿y eq ¡re¡¡e¡ceñdnlerpreta¡o¡y heÉader nrl

Someelev¿ntte¡t lo tto orúorepointblt resPonrsuidür

I onlyone áñol mes4e.onnun¡rated5omettemptoaddrsshe ¿sk ltrespoBevery ndeat

0 olertionunatt€mpt€drot¿lb n@mpreh€Jlíblepor*




| ftry like fhewee(. hal Aay .iay|n4ar tbú hone l EA 1ye\oJeA5wnn:|ry withaú in he ecÁ.r w2. trn gur ny )a¿.nd hane wa5ar,4ú1,ha¿ i .1tay wénty haúrcna P12n..

r'IN¿an't raú .ane 1ov .t ny ?lacehdf .únmer?


Sá¡tirií{6GtÉ::::'i:j:::,,*X3?iii€ñ&Allthreeconte¡temenis re overedpp.opri¿tey icki¡gouto¡egóod xperience.sw€rswlratyoue¡joy€dmost tro6arepresenlutdo ot ailectthelarily fhécommunicauon


fhe jojner backhañe M. 5o botinI.¿i¿ti ||anl ro .óñ¿ bz.ltó n: haúbe. rcdly Ne Nheine 9¡lf'hau,bui ñ fav. )ri're idewaó wher we wentó th., lale.th¿ rext ha ¿ay.yaúhaw Nacode

:É@Allthreecontenté€m€nls¿reincuded, lthouAhwe do nolle¿rnenoughabóutthejour¡eyhomeespi teonetenseerorthemessagéscommunicated ccesslully,n th€ whole.


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AssessmentfWritingartExaminersndmarkingWrti¡sExam¡¡ers(WEnderso sorousprocessf rr¿in¡¡sandcertilicaliónetoretheyarenvttedtom¿{.Once ccepred,eyaresúpervisedyTé¿m eade6TLs)whoa¡e ntLr¡

ted y¿pri¡cipa

Er¿minerPE), ho ides¿id moiirorsthema*insprocess.WEsmarkc¿¡did¿teespons€sna secureonti¡earkngenvnonmeñt.he oftwareandomtylloc¿tesandidaieespo¡sésto€.surehat ¡dividuatxam¡¡érso not eceivecórcenr¿t norsoooo¡weak esponses,r ofanyone ¿¡glagegrouphe oftware¿lso ¡lowsor€xamiñersarkingo behonitoredorquality¡dcorsistencyuringthe¿.kingerod,hepE¿nd L\ dre¿Dto vréwhenteam's rogressnd o olfe¡ upportndadvice,s

AssessmentcalesEx¿minersarkasks sing ssessmenlc¿leshátwere evebpedwrth€xplicitefere¡ceo th€Commonüropeanlamewo(orRef€re.ceorLansú¿sesCEFR).he c¿te,whkharÉ se ¿crossthespecrur¡ofC¿mbridgeSOL,seieral¿idBrsiness.stishWrt¡ngtests,onsistofoúrsubsc¿tes:o¡teni, omr,ürra veAclirevement,r8anisation,ndL¿¡gLage:. ConteñtrocLsesnhowwéllth€and¡dateas rlf ed hetask.

rnotherwordrf|reyh¿ve ó.ewhatrey were skedodo.. Commun¡cativechievementocuses¡ how¿ppropratehe

writings or hé ask¿ndwhethe¡heca¡did¿te¿5 seo ¡e¿pproprr€ egrster

. Oryanisatio¡ocuses¡ thew¿ythe ¿ndid¿teutsogeiherhepece t writng,¡ othérwordsfitis ogtcátand¡dered

. L¿nguageocusesnvocábltary¡dgr¿mmarhisncrudesrherange t anglage¿sweashowáccuratetts

Responses¿.earkedon¿ch ubscátefrcmo5When ¡¿rkingth€asks, x¿mine¡s¿ke¡toaccountrsúrorrespo.sésnd a¡ietiesf E¡s sh:. GúidelinésoneiSrh réprovidedforeachi¿sk;espónses

whrch¿reióosho¡tmaynóaveanadeq ¿t€r¿rgeoll¡¡g áge¿¡dñaynotp.ov¡detithé ntormátio¡hat s equiréd,whrre

respónseshchare oo ongmay oniai¡r€tevánionie¡tandh¿ve¿eg¿tiveffect¡ the eader hése ayaftectandidates,marks n he elevantúbscalés

, Candid¿tesreexpectedtose p¿rticütararietyf Engtishwiihsome egree fconsistencyare¿ssuchsspéllingnd¡oi forexadplewitchrohus¡ng B¡itishpellingot¿ordo¿nAñerca.spellin8tihe sameword.



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The ubscaleonte¡tGcommo¡10 evels:

ContentA .onleni5 eevart o he ¿sk

Miú i€ evancesrd/or mi$lonsay eprcsentl¿Bet e¡deron hewhole tormed.

lrrelevanesd misnterprctalion1t¿sk ay epre5enlTargetads mi¡lm¿ dormed

The emaininshree bsc¿lesCommunicallvech¡eveme¡iOrganáUon,¡dLaigtage) aveescrlptorspeclflco eachCEFRve

CETRCommunicativechievement Oganis¿tion l,¡nguage

Demónsfates ompéte command fthecó.vent ons o{he communicaiiveask.Comdúnic¿tesomplexldeasn an effectiveand co¡vncingway, oldngthetargetre¿der's ttenilonwlth e¿se,ulf¡lling¿llcommunr.auveurposes.

Text s org¿¡isedmpress elY nd

coherent úsl.g a wde range f coh€siledevces¿ndorga¡sailon¿lpatter¡sw¡ih

Uses wideÉnge fvocabulary,ncluds

e5s.oñmonexis, ith Luency,recslon,sóphist¡caUon,nd tYLe.Use lsr¿mñ¿rssophislicated,ú ycóntro dand ompletenatlraA¡y inaccuraciesccuronyss rps.

c2 Usés he convenuonsflhe communc¿tivet¿skwith sufficle.iexlb tytócómmu ic¿teómplex deasi an effectveway,holdl¡ghe arget eaders ttentonwlth e¿se,úlf¡llirga cómmunlc¿tive

T€xts¿wel orga¡ éd,ohere¡t hóe,úslngv¿riety f cohesiveevicesñdorg¿nis¿tiona¿tt€fs wlth exibility.

Usesá range f vocabú¿ry, rc udi¡glesscodñó. lexs, effectively.d precselyllses ¿w de ra.ge of simpleand complexgramm¿ticaormswith ull confo,flexibiliiyandsophisticatn.Erors, fpresent, re €latedtoesscommonwórdsa¡dsf lcturés ,orocc rasslrps .

o UsesheconventionsfthecommunicaUvetaskelfect¡veto hóLdheiargete¿der's¿tte¡tio.a¡dcomñu.¡catetr¿ishllorward¿nd omplexde¿s, saPProPirate

Textlswellorgansedándcoherent,using¿ varety olcoheslvé evlces ndórg¿nlsationáLatlernso generaygoo'r

Uses 6nseofvocabulary,ndudl¡gesscommonéxis, ppropratéy.Uses r¿nge fsiñp e and omp xgrammat¿l ormsw thcontrola¡df€xiblliyOccasio¡.le(oreaybepresentutdo otiñp€de ommunic¿tion.

82 Usesheconve¡tionsftlrecomñ nlcatetasktohold he ¿rgeieadels ltentio.ndcommurlcat€iúlshtloru¿rddeas.

Textsgenérallyweor8án¡sedndcóherent,5nga variety llnklngwords

Uses¿ ¡¿.ge of everyd¿yocabuiaryapprop¡iately,ith occasion¿Lnappropr teúseol esscommónexls.Usesa 6nge ofslmplé¿.d somecoñplexgrammalicaórmswith agooddegreeoi

Erorc do notmpede ommu¡lc¿iio..

81 UsesheconvenuonsflhecommunatNei¿sk ngeneÉyappropri¿teays ocóñm n c¡tesiraightforwarddeas.

Te\t sconnectedndcoherent,sine as¡cinki.swordsnd¿ im ednúmb€r f

Uses vefyd¿yocabularyenera rappropr tely,hle occaslon¿llyveruslng

Uses impleramñáuc¿lormswih¿good

While 106 arenoiiceable,eánr.g a¡

Prodlcesext hatcomm n ¡tess mpe Texts coniectedsi.s basic,rish'f eque¡cyink¡ng ords

Uses ¿sicvocabúlaryeaso¡ably

Uses lmpleramr¿ticalormswithsome

Erorsmay mpede e¿.ing l més.


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Canbrilqenslish:rcl¡ninotyfo¡5choolsriri¡sExam¡ne6se he olowinsassessme.tBI

Pelarnan@ hareseatúrcsfBandsand5

pe4amancesho,esd,tu)esfBands ónd;.

Contents ot¿llyrrelev¿¡tT¿€€t e¿dersnot nfo.med. Pelomoncbetaw

and .

sc¿re, lt¡acted rom he o¡e o¡ theprevjousage:

uses range feverydayvocaDLraryppropri¿tety,ithocc¿sEnar¿pproprjaiese f

usés range Jsimpte.d somecomplexr¡nrmaUc¿torñswitlr¿goód *.eéofconfol

uses veryd¿yocabúiaryg€neraÍyppropri¿tely,hileocc¿s n¿ yoverusingcertaj¡

Uses impl€grámm¿iicaohswtrña gooddeSree fcontrot.Wh¡leerore a¡enoticé¿ble,meanrnSca¡ti bedeter.¡ined.

re¿soñaDryppropri¿lely.Uses impleramñ¿t¡cao¡mswiihsome €greetcontrot.Ero¡smáympede e¿nj¡gt

Allcontents eleva¡to rhe

l¿¡set e¿ders u|y nformed.

Uses he conveniiónsfthecomñunic¿tive¿sk o hold he¡árget eadefs

tte¡tionandcomnunicate t¡aighrJorward

TextsBeneratlyetfors¿nisédand oherent,si¡g¿ ariety

ot riñkingwo¡ds¡dcohesive

Mirorürelevances¡dloromrssionsaybeprese¡t.T¿rséteaderjsn hewhote

Usestheonventionsfthecomm ¡icativeask ¡gener¿llypp¡opr¡áteaysocoñmunicatétr¿ightfórward

Textsconnectedndcohereni,usrng¿s¡cinki¡gwordsnda imited¡umberofohesivé

mrshterpretaUo¡f askm¿y é


commun¡cátesimptede¿snTextscoinectedsins asic,high-f€quencyinkingo¡ds.


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CambridgeSOL ritingMarkSchemeGlossaryf erms

B6i. rcÉbularyelss10 Gbu .ysedor ury¿pu'tore5lorsmpefmsaciions¡dhe ikeEwrydaywabuaryrcte6tovocb¡l¿rythatronesup.óñnon itu¿ors l¿noniechii.aaiuren he eevanl

Le$ ommondjs rele6ovocbularylemsh¿t pped $

olGnn heÉhsntdoma. Thestemsften elpoqprssidednorecc .t ymdp@sely



GerMliysaqúal¡lise¿n¡ngot ¡ every¿y r rl¡n.-. Thú,gerera¿ppropriateLy'le6operfom¿@ h¿ts ota5 oodAp ¡p¡iacyof Appropcyof cabulary:theurolwords¿idphÉsthal

Fldibhddllexiblyrehriothe¿blltytoad¿pthetherl¿igúage€ansaiion¡evn4,orhsk.onvenlionsátherlhaius gihe5¿meom over nd vef hús vdsdng bettso¡todd ¿widercpedoi@f heeeúce hrb ¿lows¿Gndid¿teto belter chleve mmútivego¿ls

lii the.ontert l heBVen¿s[For Emp i /i¡ ¿r],J¿rrr/¿¡ono6e heüDd se,sibh ir¿ppropriatelhe wod sh ldbe rsno¿ ^nother ¿mple oud be adat\bts5rcwn¿k6gett¡ag mdthe.i, dttftrüftneahtaraeftr4garuudwelsuiledo hs s úaUo¡. owever,g5rowÉn¿pp¡opri¿tebdmd eowae mt 6ed ogethel @ry5,odwouLde¿ppopriate


2.CONTENTRelevant eds@ te¡or éal¡b e o Éq red ntst pointsd/


CompldEmmat¡@loms o¡ger ¡dmoe.omple¡um' e€¡o ¡ d&e' € ¿t¡ve d adwú ddes, 5 bodn¿tion¿slvelom' inl nltva, vúbp¿ltemtod¿ orms id éBecoit€slshéargetcaders he ypotheinae¿dert p n he ¿sk g¿

m¿gaz¡nede6lryoúrng she¿.hq Gónmatidlonircl:theb tlo úns stt 6egnmmd¿@EhlI nd pp¡otrle o onveyrhided ear g.WhecanguaSee.ifi.¿tB epo ded towslewsG5CMbdsenqlshey Kfl)aúGnbidsend¡fPE¡¡ñinayaPE,G¡ddates¿y areo¡trc fonlyhe mp l expone¡t5

Tlre¿€et e¡dsÉ nforned ortút poi¡h¿¡dlor¡5trequiemsh e ¿ddesed d ¿ppdp,i¿ie¡yéve pedSome.onter(ónlsdo oi rertie much eve pmenteA stale h¿tÉr)wlr leoihe6equre(daúbe, eDa¡ ' ) .

3.COMMUNICATIVTCHIEVEMENT Rmgq hewriety lworn5d gDmrollollorns¿€rdid¿leu5es thlghervehcndldalawmielioeÁineuseol¿géhr er ely fwüds,ltedhÉfsm oc¿t¡onsand

ConventioB Conven¡onsf he omnu¡i.aii€ t¡sk ¡. ude u.hhin8sotthe ógenÉ,,om¿ie8 er, nd ¡ctionoresmpe,apeBonaomnunidtiw kltsshü d oi bewriile¡a ¿ orm¿ eport lrü dbe ¿d dtt¡* ¡codingy,dd 6e lhe hl tore or hecommu¡cat epuaose 0w6e re1q51ohoe oes qheec¡dldalesepé¿iedsé ihe

sme wüd b{aúr treydomt h¿w he€era to use nothsted orphÉseheene dé¿naioth¿fwaySomewods ¿yu0¿voábly ppeárltér¿s rea ol beinghe opc of he ¡5lithalÉnotovere¡by he em overusere@

Emtsardslips Eío6desyrenatcmlsl¿le Slipsaemstakesthaldeno¡5ytú¿ti. .e heGndid¿tes eame¡he ocb ary tem rE¡mmatic¿ruct re,buii nh¡ppenedtonaleánist¿lethisnsi¿me ¿Gndid¿te csponseiheremonother n mpesof¿ dól/EÉrh¿tü pónl de ¿tuÉte anist¡le on h¿tpoi¡twü d m6l likely e¿s p.

Inpede Inp¿d¿ommuri.alióre¿nsett gn heway fde¿i¡ngonnúnk¿tion lveani¡8¡ stl bedetemineddates hat meeffort

€quiredmmhe e¿derodeiemineean&

Holdingargel Holdiry ie taBq rcade. attentions red i théposvesercedÉÍe6ioikq ¿ tyol¿texlur¿t¿llow5¿eadérloderveñear g ¿ d ¡ot bedúiE.tedtdoe5ot eierD exh hai o(e¿ 6dcrb @ddose be.aúe hey re lfli.ú 1ool oworm¿ke

ComnunicativeCommúnicatiEueoe ck6 o he ommuni.¿lpurpo* rcitirem nls s et uiihe ¿sk,3.makecompinl, gesl

StraightloM¿id4s de ho* whi.h eate o e ¿l vely úiiedablectmattei uayroncreie ratúe andwhichcquie implerrhetoricdev eso enmu¡ Gte Complerdss aE hose hchde oJamore bfúct n¿iure,rwhichdú áwider biectasreq ¡gmore retorG esoú.eso brng oget¡sand pr45

4' ORGAI{ISATIONiinkingrcrdsaeohes€ devi.esúide sepaÉtederetoclertohigherlrcqreqv(óu arywhchpmvés p ¡.it ¡nl¡ge. heyonÉ¡sefombasnhÉhfE@rcyms{súha'and'buf10baslcnd hE5¿tpmsü.hs'beousef 6tof 1 f yICoh6i@ eic6 rcie6tomo@sophút.¿led[ngwords ndphes (é . moreover'¡tm¿y ppe¿, 6aÉat ) A wellÁgdnmatj.a evl@sclr ó theúe olréhÉncercnoum,$bsliluloiG Íre€¿E ¡wowome, theprt É fheaneantlE sht. ) e wts(eerhe ¡n @ heaMetl was ..úveni,e.lhe@and¿kn¡ly al,ot rcr¡li\ón

oB¿nisátionalattensele6 o s erpli.ilw¿yiol a.hievi¡gconne.t ¡ ¿t hebebveennten@evelaid eyond rl¿ra¡gl¡genlei.es dinet c oder lreúe ofpaEileñ,úirg¿ hetori.¿uenon o set p a rewpaEg¡¿ph


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Part - LetterCandidateA

tn ñy @uñry,r^ercare ña.V hoti¿ay.thouqhaúhe year,bú1t heé¿irionathai¿ay .fet holl¿ay.ll. al6ahe no.r'ñPórtaÉholi¿av lL

oc.úrer lak Jaruary.ea.yir februa. . Í f,halttime,dery fañily clár an¿¿ccorateNhei.ou.¿..ll. aLaar oc.a.ianfórP@Ple|ha lv¿tarawa frcm'he]|hañeraqa|h¿.an¿e|)orrhedc|1}nqatnagPh¿ftwlhlh¿i.fami]y'fh¿:/PrcPare60nÚch|aod.¿.Púial|yi.aI'.k ice.i'i6a¿eftafriticky.)c.úirhnea'andPea.,vernanege?¿aPeü|I..ba.hchur|a"'^r1e',youn4ch|¿rcnreÓe¡wñahyrc¿ewe|aPeqwirh|Úcirdae.peoplei;hbe.rwi5htubrt1¿¡c arives n¿ftien¿5.\tnan¿.epeoptelavettl.ooñr.h.Doyaúle¡t Lfti^riú.nr4 aú ¿rcÉin4?




Subscale CommeÍtary


A cóniénts relevanttotheaskwithentvof det¿il- tó .d .g - róéop ,̂ o Ld oó| ' . i io | po ¿óo l p _ohdáv- .

The eiier ¡swriitenn a ¡atúra styleánd he fl¡¿lquest¡onsnecied othetarget re¡derhave¿ positve eiiectand

wouldmotvate he e¿dertoespond

Theletterlswellors¿ilsedardcoherert ,usinssomelink¡nswords(but,olso;d¡d)and¿varleivofcalsa henast nlanúnthol¡day;t that¡net hevprcparcan .h loodiosoodelfectlde¡s ¿É iikedw thln ¿'dacross

Ara¡seófeve¡yd¿yandlesscoñmonletis(o.. ^;/¿teid, arv;Óc'as¡on;sathetandenjavtheexcit¡nsotñospherc)itusedappr;r¡ately,aswellas¿ r¿ise of simpe andsoñe morecomp€x structÜresdt o"¿sio¡fo peÓpleha iveotawov

frcñthe¡t one ósdrhe, t ¡snatle ñn n¡.kv¡.e)ErcrswithsomesimplestruciÜres¿feplesentGreryfdni]y.leonanddecÓrote;especialy¡sst¡clqa¡ce;peoplelove|¡¡nuch), uthese ónot mpedeommun¡cauon


hfry.aÚn1'ry|lh|n|lh¿mo.l'imPo|aarf'¿ayisNhenÉ|aayotsP|inL,\\h¿nwewe|cofr¿rhercw*afuír¡d'.Mhaveb|¿akta.l'wehaw.pe;arbfta;sirhcln@floñ,horA,ar¿6 ftu¡Láawe|255w.6rñitkfiÉ'eaEcoinsIrhebfta¿a rhePeaP wha¿fNheñ e'¿Ñt a

41ft.Afr¿r reakfa.r, e t it Élarive.an¿Plav an¿. AanePeaplea oÚr¿ au565'la'JtnLr5ic a(d?¿ÓP4ivet¡añ nane

tr thedeninL,he.¿ e f'rce n he+aM.quare a .av 4aodweo whreí'añe PeoPleeafa5trme6ard dance

Da d celeb.are.PectaIay nyaú. aú$ ry?


Allthecontents reevartandexp¿ndedppropr¡¿teivThe ¿rsei ¿derwould etullvnlormedLetterwrili.gconveniionsre sedocommunicatethedeas ndhold hé e¿der'stteniion

Awe||'organsedandcohereni|etterAvar¡eiyof]]nk]rgwÓ|ds(ond;oswe|Ia5;||hei¡ntheevenihg;afte|breÓk|ast)an¡coheslvedevcese lpss, efere¡cs, elativéronount reused'

Agoó.1nge ofeveryd¿ynd esscommonexis s used¿pp optlatelvc¡nnoñon:anev; o¡'s;Eld¡¡ve5ostunerl

Gr¿mmaticasl |Ucturesaremainly|im]tedtothePleseni5mpleiense,bulih]s¡s¿ppropr¡atetothsimp sramm¿ticalormsw¡ihsood ontPIsused


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lhankloú aryav letter I will ry io helpou. nñ @rntry, h¿reae ñany blq p6)al ¿ay4buNthe ore ñ?arrañre 1nQ@eñber@eryyea. lhen rf. e veryaaldwitha lattof . o\¡ áh¿ óean¿ ba¿ wñther Dúl||e Oaoui an¿vi.icorr frieñ¿.an¿ 4iv¿?re6ehtb.Chil¿reñ¿t rtolsa floney atu ewee,,6 h¿Arev¿r.jháp\. W¿¿ar 5?e.ial ñeaL - 'o\p, near Mrh?a+Áibehd núóhtóone' an¿ hóh úke wtrhcún¿ an¿

?laoe wt'rteñe hN yauare an¿ úher ¿a youaatr,a o W aóúnrryD 5ee his sPecial arla


Théeiteris enerallywellrsanisednd óherent.

lde¿s re onneciedith¡n nd¿crosse¡tencessing ¿sicinkingwordsbri,¿hei; id and¿ variety f cohés edev)..s<ttenarc ¡npottant s n Decenbe\c vety oldv¡lhokt o[ snov]|¡svety aod; Éspecial ay)A Énseof everyd¿yéxis used ppropri¿te,¿nd imple¡amñaiicálorms feusedw¡th¿sooddesree f co¡rol.lhére¿reminlm¿lerorsmainlypellinS¿ndhéquestionorm n he nalsentence),hich o not mpede


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Dbdü attthe náp d¿ ¿eci¿¿¿+b ó let¡t.H¿want¿¿+ñ40talhe Ur?a an faor,Jalike¿ro OotoNhe.wre,fae.+é anamaúnltain5ón

HeAI||ay. ¿ol nap w¡thhe,6ur anedayhe a.rl ,)oM. veryworiedan¿6careA. ewa. inüe fore.t aneweek, ewa. coul¿ f rlqht,

Bewryholtinüe aftefnaan,Ne af¿ nú5hrcoñe. a berries,AúthefaunA awa ftar¡Lhefa.e .i, AnA rcnthat¿ay hender canerotoreet ortfaat. Healwa:t6qa +"oh¿ .ú¿t5. foreet. ar¿ maúnLains an .hip.,Wfrains, W planf¿.. OúNhe nd¿r 40 fD th¿ únkhN. pla6¿eon

3- Story

iner ommentsCom:nentaryThestoryconlinlesf¡om heprompt,wlih a beg¡n¡i¡& m¡dde¿nd end,andallihe conteñt s relév¿ntlhé iárgei éader s u yinforméd.

The oryfollowshecoiveótio.sf sióMe lns nsenerallyppropr¡ateays. he imple ioryl¡nescommL ic¿iedothe eader,esp e ercrs¿rdwe¿k rg¿nis¿iio..The ext sconnectedsnsa imiled umber finkins ord(and; ut;tóñ hot ay)Althoughhem¿joityofsentencesre hort ¡d heres im ed iñking crosseniences,hésióry scoherent.Everyd¿yóc¿bllarysLsed énera approprlatelyhereissomeevidenceoflesscommonlexisappropriatetothestorynus¡¡ooneshd er¡es;aund way:unknawslaces).pe ngerorsseneray do noic¿Lse onfusion,lth heexception f cof/d or cofdandplohtesat planes.Simplegramm¿ticaoms(m¿iilyimp pásiie¡se) reused iih¿sood egree f controWhle eroE ¿re otice¿ble,heme¿ningcant¡llbe eterm ed.

idateE'b laake¿ t üe na? añA¿eai¿e¿ n 4ó left. Jó w¿r¿ t .ar ||ith he tien¿.Lucyard 4o frcñ ciiyr car Ja Aeci¿e a I yaú.car a.¿ niceday,

Lucyary. lhe ¿ani cane inqoo¿ |ay an¿lvJ leave6oohar¿ tak¿ ñap bú )o Iooke¿ ar nap ar¿ A6 ¿e¿ 1o4a tett .o weni iñbaAwa ah¿go ta fhe youthoñe. \lhah rheyaáne hoúé hobo¿y an¿ 50 thd. watch w an¿ .ee mñ an¿ erior.

Exarninerommentss|lbs&le Comment¿ry


The¿rgeteader nforñed, ndihestoryhascedending.Thestorylirescommunc¿tednsinrpew¿vsTheformatsappropriaie,ut he arset eader as omake¿n fiortofolowhesioryai imesforexamp,duetoercrswiihpronount.Tlretext coi¡ecied nd óhérent,sins asicinkl¡swordsandt ut:when:a)Everyd¿yocab ry s used e¡er¿llyppropri¿teSimp grammaUcalfofmsreusedwthsomé egreelconko brt ihere re¿ númbér f érors,whlch ¡sir¿ci tt mésOawere ncorw¡thhe iend lhey dón cañe ¡nsaadwayandso a theyauthane)


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Thépaper oniainsourparis.About 0 mirutes, us6 minltes

NO.OFQUES'|ONSMultip cholce,sapi , rue/¿lse.

Candidatesndlcaie nswersitherbyshadinsozergesParts,2 and4) orwritirsansúe6 P¿ri ) onan

C¿ndid¿tesecordhe answers ntheqlesi¡on ¿pers hey lsten.They re héngiven m¡nutest he€ndof he est o copy hesen o

Incompúeibased dmb¡dseEnsl¡sh: tel¡ninaryarS.hools,c¿¡didates ark r ype hen¿nswe6 rectly nto hecompLteLThe¡e re oexamples¡ computerb¿sedCanbftse Enlsh P eln ¡na yfo¡Schools,utcandidalesre howñ¿shorltLior¡aeforehe est.

Eachextk heardtwlce.ecordineswi coniain variety i accentscorespondingo standa.dari¿ntsofnativepe¿kerccenisE¿chtemcarries nemark.hiscives otalof 25 marks, hichrépresents5%oftotalrnarksor


Structurend asksPARTTASKTYPE Multiplechóice(dlscrete).ANDFORMAT Short eufa or n formamonooguesr

diaogues.Seven lscreie3 puonmu ipe choice¡iemsw¡th isua .

TASK OCUS Liste¡iigtodeniily ey nJormationfomsnotrexc¡anges.

TAsKTYPE Muli¡plechoicé.AND ORMAT Lo¡germonologle rnteruléww¡ihone

marn pe¿Ker.Six opuonmlltiplechoiceitems.

lASK FOCUS Listeiiigtode.tilypecificnform¿tionanddet¿iledeanlng.

TASKfYPE Gap l .ANDFORMAI LongermonologLe

Sixgapso ii in C¿ndid¿teseed o witeore or morewords¡ e¿chsp¿ce

¡ASK OCUS Lktenjrsto dentify,ndeEt¿ndndinie¡pret formation

¡A5KTYPE Truelfalse.ANDFORMAT Lo¡sernform¿ll¿logue.

Cand¡dateseedo decide hether ixstatemerts¿ e corect or nco fect.

IASK FOCUS L¡steningor dei¿iledmeaning, nd o. d é n . r bc a , d . . t o p . 0 1 . o 5 espe¿kers.

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rreparat|onGeneral. Thé iste¡i¡gpáperconsisrsoifour¿rts ¡d¿tola rrén

listeninetexts.Thepaperh¡s¿standárdstructurcd,ruurf¿¡sotlralcandidateswinowwh¿to €xpectneach ¿rtThe ¿nge

ol texts ndask ypeseftectsh€vareiyof isteni¡gitú¿tio¡swhich¿ndid¿testthÉ evetca¡eexpeciedodeawth.. Thensrúctio.soré¿ch¿skare eardo.he ecords,aswell

¿sbeingwrittenonhepage thecaseof aril ,heresasoa. éx¿mpleéxtand ask o show ¿rdidatésow heir¿¡swerssholldbe ecorded.P¿rts , 3 and4, he nstrucuursrelorowe¡by¿p¿üse,úrnswhichhecandtd¿reshoutdead heqlesiionsinth¿tpart .C¿ndid¿iesshout¿Lsethisiimétothink¿boui heco¡text ¡d hequesuo¡s,s hiswithetprhemo ndersla¡dhe isteni¡gtexthenheyheart.This efectswh¿ihappensñ rea l¡tene¡ingsitu¿iionshenwe riñgk¡owtedgeorthecóntext,peaker,tc. o whatwehear

. C ássroomctivitieshich etpstudentstodentiryndundeEtandthetypeofexttheyarete¡ingto,a¡dthepurposeot he ¿skhey¿re sked odo,wil helplrem oa¿opthemostappropn¿teteningtr¿leeies.lrs, niurn,wihelpthemapproachhe askswiihconftdence

. lhe best reparatio¡ortheLtsieningp¿perséxposureó,¿¡d€ng¿gemeniwith,utheniicspokenngshat¡¡ appropriateevelói ifficulty.¿ssroóñ iscussio¡ciivitiesrov edsoooa theniicsourcef istenl¡gracUce,sdoes sie, s ro rreteacher utthis hould esuppleme.tedith ecordedste¡ gierts,dr¿wnom a range f contexts,hatgive r¿cUce¡

undeGt¿¡dinsiJferentoicesnd ryesofde ve,y.. C¿n¿id¿lesholldb€ amiliawtth he o¡m¿t fthepaper¿¡d he ¿sktypés is, heretore,au¡be o wórkr ¡uLs¡¿s¿mplepaperbeforetheexami.atio¡iakesptace.Thtsasogjvésstude¡tssóñepra.l icecompetingtheanswersheets.

BypartPART. The nstpartófthe est cómpr¡s€severshort isten¡nglexts,

each¿ccompaniédyaq éstio¡ and hreev¡su¡ r,¿Bes.Candid¿tesisten óthetextéid thenchóosethevÉua imagéwhich bestanswers hequesiiónn thecóntextof what hey h¿vehqrd. Candldatesndcate hécoÍreci¿nswer y icki¡gthe bóxbeneathth€ pp¡opriatéisu¿ Theres a so a te¡t ard qlestior

. Paril texts,whichmay be ño¡o ogués r di¿togLes,re,nonextfacts takentroñd¿l lyl i fe .Theymayinctude,forcxdpe,cofversatonsathomeo¡betweenfr iends,adioanno ¡cements ,p ¿ ' ó o " ' d l g F r r h o p . , ó o r ¡ p q l ¡ F.c¿ndd¿testo istenor specificnformáUonn he text whichwill answerhe quest¡o¡Eachtext srepeated nflre recordirs.C¿nd¡¿ateshouldbe encou¡¿gedo t¡ste. ors¡si nttiay,choos gthebestopt ionslheydo ó Theyshólldthencheck. ¿ - f r r l , , t 5 F, " . d h . t - , r co " . L ¡ "t d r , t - rc r , a F rcoréct C¿rdidaiéswillneedtounderst¿¡dhe key nfor maUoninthe ert i¡o¡der o átriveat hé.oneci ¿nswer


PART. In hispartófhet€stc¿rdid¿iesisteno a ongertextwhich

m¿y eé rer¿ mó¡otogLe,ra¡ t¡rerviewtrhquestionsrom¿ r¿d presenteLTextsretákenfromr¿ngeótlortr€xrs,nawillbeargelynlormationat¡nóc s.Soñemay e ¡formatióralmo¡ologues,suchs ¿d ¿n¡oúncementsnd eLoroeomess¿ges,¡ovidingnfórm¿tionboui taces¡devents,whitstothersmaybe xtractslromtasor radiorogr¿ñhes,n whchpeoplearei¿lkinsaboüriheirlives,i.ie.esrsorexperie¡cesThetext s he¿rdwice

. Ca¡did¿tesavétoanswe.sx uttiptehoiceuest ns¿s neyrsteno hetext, hoosingtheorecianswerfroñchoiceótlhreeoptio.svlostquesUónsrcq nécand¡datestoc¿te¿nd ndeEt¿ndspécificinformat¡o.romtheext,a houghoccasón¿|yauestonmáyfocLsn¿ very te¿rtyt¿iedattiiuder opinion.oariveat hecorect¿¡swe, ¿¡oo¿reswillneedo undeBt¿¡dheder¿ited eaninstihe exi.Theyshouldlrereforeistenorgistntt¡¿y, hoosinglhees¡ pI|onroreachqLestio¡ástlreydóso.theyshout¿thencheck.¿refthatthei¿.swersarecorecrastheystentorthe5econo¡me

PART. nihis artofhetest añ¿idatesistento¿o¡gertextwhich

willtaketheformofninfo¡m¿tion¿lmonotogleexts¿.et¿ke.froña range l conie¡is,ndm¿y e ¿dió¡noun.emenrsnarecorde,réssages,róvidi¡gnfo¡matio.bout laces¡delents, r heymaybee¡lractsfromalk orEdiop,usrdrrrr€s,¡nwhiclreoplere alkingbo tcó rses,ripsor ho d¿y¿cti ities.he ext s he¿rdw ce

. Can¿idat€sepresentedith¿ pase f oressuñña sins hecontentitheiexi, romwhich


f nformat¡oi¿vebeen emovéd sthey ste¡, áñdidaiestilnthenumberedg¿ps n hepagewitho.dsrómhe extwhich omptetethemissi¡gnforñ¿tion.

. Mostkéys .e ¡ngewords,umbeBrveryshortoL¡phr¿ses¿¡dc¿¡dd¿tes hould edisco ragedtromrtemptinso¡geransweERecognis¿biepe t¡s saccepted,xceptw,uie,yhish leq er.ywords,s 'Monday'.or wherépe rrs sdiclated.¡ yco¡creteiecesf ¡tormationre ested,o hátcandidatésr€ otbéingi€siedn henabiity o md puE¡egcmmatc¿l irlctL es,orare heye¡pectedo interpreLorrep¡ódlceangu¿gen ellipticaoteorm ¡altcases,hewords

th¿t ¿ndidaléseedo writewitlbeheard n he eco¡di¡g¡ iherorñ h¿t heyneedo bewritten. Candidateshould eercou¡agedo useth€nfomdto,,r

thepagetogúidethemhroughhe extas hey st€n. ¿v¡rglÉtenedothe ubrtc,andidateshoutdeadthroughther¡iteninformationinthepaúsebeforethétext¡spt¿yed.Thisshouenab them o ñ¿kepred¡c(ionsbóuthesortoftangLagendr.rormatn hey¿re o¡ngo hearwhtchwihep rem ó ¡eepreparedor hé¿nswershen hey ome

. Thetaskreqúirescandtd¿iesroocate nd ecordpecificrntormationfromhetext,whilstgnor gother arts r he extthai ¡cude édLrdant¡formatio..


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PART. In hispartofthetest andidateiisien ca onsertextwhich

williakehe om of¿n nfomadi¿logue,sLallvetwéenwopeoplefslmilar8é nd tatus.heresgenerállvonéale ndone emaiepeakerto lddentif¡cationnd heconvérsauontypcallyocu eson evervdavoncer's thataifecthe sPe¿ ersThe onve6ations nformalinaturendSenerallvnvolves

spe¿kers¡scusslngthei¿ttitudesnd pinionsn¿givenopic¿s hey¿gree nd isagreeonertainpornts'

Ascandldates¡ste¡o ihe éxt hevook ta seresoi sr"+ateméntswhichreportthe¿tti tudsa¡dopi¡io¡sotthé'spe¿ke6.andidatésust ecide hetherhese tatéments¿retrue r ¿lser ihecontextlwhat hevhear, ¡duck heappropr¡ateóx. he extÉ heardwice

The ¿sk ¿Lsoranun¿ersiandinSfthesktof a convers¿noncontainingess ormiil¿nsua8erd hecorectdentificaiionl

¿ttitudes,pin¡onsndagreement¿¡didatesillieedo LocateándundeEtandet¿¡ledeaningn ordertomaketheorrect

choi.eoreach lest¡on. hev houldhereforelstenof

Slsiiniii¿llv,hóosinstheest ptionoreách uestions hevdosoThey houldhen heckarefullvihatthei¡swe6are Órecl as

theyistenor hésecondme.


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Ta n o<¡ rint

fh¡s s heCanbt¡dgerel¡n¡natyngl¡shest otSchaols,añplePapet

fhercate aú patis othe en. Youwillheoteó.hpatt wiceFotéóchaftof the ettÍhetew¡llbe ¡ne .t routo ook hrcushhequesüansndnñeloryau o che.k aútanswesWileyoDranswes n hequest¡onapeL ouw¡llhdres¡t n¡nutes ttheenrlofthe est a capy ourahswercnta heonr@tsh4t

Thec.ód¡nqw¡llnawbestóP1ed.Pleasesk nyques¡¡ónsaw becouseoúñust notspeok Lñq he

No||ape.yaú quesf¡ondpet nd aakat Port1

Ihe¡ed¡e5evenquesi¡ons¡nthisartFú eachuest¡onherc tethrce

p¡ctDresnda shótt ccar1¡ngoted.hquestian,haasehecaúecf

Eefate estatf,hereÉ ohexonpte.

Wom¡i:Where'syourewh¿tS¿ y? hopeyoú aventert i ón he

Gnr Don'twory m.lput lnñyschoo ¿gbécalsewas

Wóñan: Areyo sure?ca¡'t see tthere.Yourob¿blydroppedt n

Gnl: Oh,heEltÉ- hanging theha I o€ot o ükeilihÉ

Laok t üe three¡.turesotauest¡Dñnow

Nawweate catly a slottLÁten atefully.aDw¡llheóteach ccotuthg

1:what does he boywontfromtheshops?8oy: Aréyoúgoingloheshopsoday, ¡uñ?

Woma¡ lexpeciso whatdoyo w¿nt not¿nothe¡ooiball VD?

Boy ACrua rotlhisume. waswonderlngfyou oudgétme

a newspaperoitheoneDad ets, utone alledthea¡lv

flerald thefe ¿n¿diclel¡ t aboLimotorblkeshlchw¡llbedselu oraproject'mdoinsat choo.

Wom¿.: vlotorb es¿g¿iiStillitmakesa hansefromootb¿lls ppóse. K, llgett

2: Whichprcgronmes onf¡rsthisevening?TVánnounce¡:ów m sur€ou'realtóok¡ngfom¡rdtoeeing

Ker R¿mseynconce¡lthlsvenl¡g. he onceftst¿rts i sevenifteen ndwe' bego¡ngovereatseven tlock But¿oi forsetth¿t eÍ¡i'soncert

is ollowed y he¿w¿rd_wl¡ingw d Ie ilm'ElephantslrDarger 'whichlswe¡lwo¡thseeingityo l¡ke ¡im¿ls.utnowo¡ ch¿¡.elf¡ve,e've oi| , " | ¿ l p d l o r ' . . | ' | { " r r ' s . " r p ¿ "i¡ thenot-too istanttLre.

Whotprent w¡I thegi siveLuisa?Boy:Wlr¿thaveyóúotlorLllsa'sitthdáytomorow/s¿wsómé

ove t ówers n hesuperm¿¡kei

Girl: Fowers?ñean, know he'syoursistetutarer'itheywe,thekindolthngyo dsetfo.yourrnum?


ci We,look 'vea e¿dygothertlr¡€ckáce,ndth¡st h tknow lisa e¿llywantedheneck¿ce,owhydo¡ yo

give erthat neand heother ¡e canbefromme thenii tdoesnft, canalwayskeepltyseli

4: Whi.h¡nstrument oes heboyplaynow?

Bóy Só owareyourp¿nossonsoing,lsabellé?t ke€plngpw¡th ourpract ¡.gl

Girl:WéLL¿m, ut ll neveré¿sgood syou,aké don k¡owwhyyouaveit p. . .Anyway, 'nthink¡ngofh¿ngi¡StothevoLinEveryo¡€¿yshat eacher ts.hool reay8ood.

Boy:Yeah,e s.Actlay, iwashim hatlntrodlced etó heguit¿rso h¿t's ecometheew oveofmyife hadvlol¡ essónsfrom in as lterm,too dñtkéepitupthough

5: what w¡I the westhetbe ikeorthe spottsday onarow?\ , ¡ d M o r ' r B M . , , o a r " o ' g o t r e p l , o r r r ' I

fór hesportsaytodorów?mea., lknowóL ¿. gooltsidenow . the ain

Gir WeLl,Ive¿lreadyractse¿ot,blt now mworiedth¡tthed¿ymishtbecancelledlThey¿id n h€ ado tlr¿t he alnwistópaterbut t lbe ollówed ystrongwindsl

Man Oh,do¡tworyihey'l l sappe¿ronisht,accordi¡stoihe¿testforec¿st¡ thé .iernet so t willbe iié tomorow Andthos€ orecastsre¿lw¿ysightl

6: Who s theboyphaning?Boy:Ohhe o [4yname BenWesta¡d vegotanappointmertlor

¿ch€ck-úpatfolrfiftee¡utlmgoi¡globeabitle. 'veusth¿dmyh¡ircltand thought'dhavetme oset oL¡d oyo ¡sLrgeryfterw¿rdsutthehaidresserwasúnnlng ie 'm

sory. Oh es ivéhitywouLde iné'vealso otto ckupñy.éwgassesthlsiter.oo¡,o h¿veumetooth¿t ¡

7:whatfoadw¡ theboy's othetbuy?WomarrSohave o goteverythingorwhen ourlreñdsome

tonight?o¡ forgétoumiglrtw¿nt óñechocolateoe¿t ¿terwhleyoutewatch gyóurilm


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Boy: Oh,lsortedh¿t ut esterd¿y,lm lthinkweeedtoglvehemsóñéthinso eatwhenhey ist ¿rive,houghlikepizzas,aybe. erybódy esthose

WomanWe, et ookn he reez€r ñm- dbeitersetsometrom héslpe.m¿rket.ehalen'tgotmlclrcecream€ither utihere' €enoushoryo rlrends.

Boy ThanG,Mrm.

rhatÉ theehdóf Pón1

Naw un ta Pan2,quenians ta 13.Yauwi| heotpanaf on nteNieww¡thóqnlcaled 5allyMyea wh6efr6tboak as c.enuyeen úbl¡shed

fat each uest¡anhaóseheca¡ecfans\|erA, B at C.

You awhave 5secandso oak t theqúen¡ansatPo¡i2Na|| wedre eddy naft. L¡sten orcfullyYauw¡llheat he ccatu1¡.s

lnteruiewer ally\¡ye6s¿ur deen-ye¿.old rite¡whose 6t bookwaspubÉhéd¿lyeü 5¿ y,telrs abouiihatook

5ay Well,I ved ri t ingdlradad¡aryfo.acóupteolye¿rswroié¿bóut yda,poems,tories,stuflketh¿tButnevershowédeop what wroteThen,bec¿usemy

penf¡e¡dw¿smovng o anew ityw th heri¿milyjustlke 'ddóié heyedbefor€ wroiédow.some¿dviceiorhefhinsswhlch adhepedme 5lre

thoughtlt asg¡€aind ¿idshorld rl te¿lt tebookaboLtt ofotherkds.5o ¡d.Interviewer:ida¡ybódy épyo ?S¿lly: Notwithhew¡lt¡ng.onyrhówedto myDadafter

itwasl¡shed.€thoLghtiwás ood,ut etriedtoslopmesend¡ngt o ¿nyplb sheE.Hethought'dfeel¿isappol¡tedifheyddn't l¡kettó,seirt t lounonecomp¿nytoeewhathey'd ¿yHowdidyo knowwhich ompafyo.hoose?ldidasé¿rchn h€ ¡temet¿rdoundh¿tsomepublshersn did kestoriesboul nima,so didn't

boihe¡ ¡th hem. ústemaed heone h¿t¿lre¿dypublishedhatsortofbóók heext mo¡nl¡smyp¿¡entsgotphone¿ fromth€mTheyw¿niedó

Thd mln have eenm¿zinglYe¿h. umwas e¿llyc¿ln.dbus esslkeo¡lhepho¡e ll assoor¿sshe Lt tdówi shewas, ke,jumplnsp¿¡ddownw¡thexclteñent.shedoldmethat hlsk¡nd fthingjúst ever appened,nd dbel¡eveder, o w¿s ooshockedo feelan ,thinstrirst.ThenyDad t¿rted orylng¿boltwhatwouldhappen exi.But véryihine¿sOK ¡ theend.Hasbeing nauthor hangedóu?don't eallyhink o i st so o school, argoutwlthl é 5 a ' ó ó d . é L ¿ o ó ó f f ó ó d o , e e - t o - 8 .

Peopethinkake otsofmoney,lli t 's .ottrleBLidog€t ett€rsroñ kidswho'veead y book ¡d h¿ts

Intervwer:Tellúswh¿to rnet1 ook'sói.gtobe¿bout.

<¿ll , l .oo' t . , gschool,whchostkids¡ tlr s co ¡trydowhenhey'rell . l t sucha biechangeheast e¿r iprmaryschoo,otsofkdsst¿rt ogetnervoúsbolrrnemoveM.boo¡ r "tó. . - ,Fo ó ,o ó órrbodrsoé.ihroúghh s: here'so neédo ee¡frighte¡ed.

l|ów lunta Patt3,qust¡oñs 4 a 19yoú9¡llhearsor.e nfonrat¡ón bautf¡lnnak¡nl coñpetiüanFateach uest¡ah,¡|lh then¡$¡ns nt'amdt¡óhn henunbercd pocefau na\9 ave Qecondso oakat Part3Nawweate eotlyb noú LÉtendrct'ully. auw¡llhdy theEcad¡nq

TVannou¡cer:lyouw¿nttom¿kefimsth€¡oú bé nterested¡

fyourebetwéenllndlSyoucanentérthsye¡¡sF¡lm¿kingcompetitonhe iimshould¿st omorehanl2mi¡utesnd óLrshoudhave t e¿stthreem¿i¡haractersast ea/swinner¿de¡ght eople t buiwedo¡'tusuayexpectso ¿ny

ThisisthethidyearolthecompeiiUon.previousyears,wed ¡ p p ó d d r \ l \ o - o [ o n S o o . o o - " d , o r t | . , a ¡ ^ " " ' "looki¡gforadr¿ñ¿herellbe¿.othercomp€tit ionlaterinlhey€arfórpeoplenteresiednñ¿kl¡sdocumentariés.Wehave een omegreatfimsove¡th€€arsfromery xcit gyounsfilmake6 ¿styear 'sfswere¿boulThe¿m ,andwes¿wsome o¡dedulntrles.hisye¿r, owever ewaniJilñsaboutthewe¿thertc¿n iiherbebout ow t ñakesyoe€lorhowti

Théudgesh¡s ear reMártha er¡¿ndo,rese¡terf our m

p oEr¿f-e rrrnword "rd ¿;t o o d boo. bo rdÉ". Irlmma iñg¿lledFilmLife,¿id thedrectorL¡ark atihéws, hoselatestilm'Nieht's now ncinemas.Therere ome antasticr¡zesOu¡1i61p¡ize innérwl visltLóñdo¡ler¡ationaAc¿demy,¡e of he op ¡lm chools. ehaveotherprizestogiveawayhérearel00books¿nd¿lsosóñéofhe

Yo can end ourfilmsiosbyposióf bringhem o ourotfices¡n héM¿¡ketqu¿re h€Ldges'eclsiónsfi¡alYou haveihechancetoseetheest iLms heñheyare hown t heTówi H¿ll.M o r p ¡ o , n t ó . ¿ b o L 1 5 " , o r p " l o . , d ó ó l ó r 1 o d





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I ow turn o Paft4 quen¡ansAb 25

Look t thesixsérrer.es or h¡spaft.Yauw¡ heara cónvetsa4anbefweenq , M¡chee,anda bay,Antany, baut telev¡s¡anrogranne

arc t l Popchótó F "n \h henoop : -oq . an e te ¡ó oD,n

Dec¡def each enfencescanect t ¡ncone.t.f it is conect, haasehelettetAlotYE'. f ¡t ¡snotcoúe.f,chaasehe etterB otNO.

vaü aw have Asecandsokók dt thequest¡ansatPaft4.Noww aÉ reddy o sfatL LÉten atefullyYauw¡llhedt he e.oú¡ng

Gir:50 Ar¡ony,ldyo seelhethi¡dartofPopChóicenTV ¿stnight?couldn't ¿it ort o sfart

Boy:lh¿dogoout utMum apedtlorme, ecaúsewa.tedtosee t re¿lly¿d . don'iw¿¡t o knowwhath¿ppénédnt¡lsee t or myse ihlseven¡¡g.

Gnl:OK li w¿sreat gainholghEveryóneatschoostalkingabouittod¿y.Therereonlythees gerseft nthecompetitiorow¿idihetusiprlzels record ecoñt6ciWhatan¿m¿zingsi¿rtn hepopmus business lwishh¿d good

Boy:Wéll, lknowyouthinkyou.an'tsinguttoproveyoucañ,perhapsyouhould ¡terñextiimeYoumust nowou'veot¿great oice. ou ouldeonTV oo

Girl:Now¿yl 'sklnd fyouo saythat, ut 'mnotsell_conf¡dent,youknowThejudgesn héproerammeay xactlyh¿i heythi¡k.Jsomeone'sosood,heysay o

Boy:Well, hat f¿irTheyhólid ellihe ruth.

GÍ: lagree, utevenfsoñeone's antasucirger,hey'ilsaysomethlngorib e abouthe c othes r someihlng,hlchsre¿llyunk¡ndeopleslroulddresshówtheywant.

Boy,\,4mñ,ihai'shLeoyou emernber¿stweekwhenneoflheludsestoldthatboytof¡ndbetter airdfessertheserlousw¿¡tedtobe¿pop t¿r? ne¿rly ways 8¡ee ¡ihwhat lreysay, ut his ir¡ethousht hathewas eally uioforder

Gi: lsympatheuc¿ugh] e óo. nyway.. . lfs ok¿y ith ou,can come ound ndw¿tch eftweek'srogr¿ñmetyourplace?ouwouldntm¡nd, o dyou?

Boy:Asoig asyoudon'tlmpup¿¡ddown¿nd alka the w¿ythrousht l lyoüdo'¿skyoLtoeave.kay?

Gi¡l:Allishiiprom¡se.ee ou ¿terl

You owhavesixn¡nutes a checkntlúpyyautarewesoh a fhe

You ave neñarc ninufe.

That s heendof the est.


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Pa er3Speaking

GeneralescriptionThepaper o¡tainsourparts.

TIM¡NG I0 12 minuteser Dair f cand¡datesThe tándaidorm¿ts wocandidatesnd wo examiners.Qné xam¡¡er cts s nterloc tor¿ndman¿geshe nt€racliony¡skingúésUonsnd etting p lret¿sG. heother cts sassessoranddoes otlon n heconle6¿t¡on.Shortexch¿¡ges ilh theinterlocLtoi; collaboraUve¡sk¡nvolving oth c¿ndidates;'l-mi¡uteLongturn nd a fo ow-up

C¿ndld¿tesre ssessedn heirpeformancehroushouthe est.fhereare ota of25markso¡Paper ,making 5%ol theot¿lscoreorthewlroe ex¿ñln¿iio..

Structurend asksPARTfAS( ?YP¡ Each ¿rdidatenter¿ctsith heANDiORMATi.terlocuto.

The nter cutor skshe andidatesquesUonsn úrn,ús¡ng ta¡dardisedqúestons.G v ns nlormat nol a ¿ctúaperson¿

The ¿rdidatesespondo q esuonsábóútpresenlircumst¿¡ces,¿st ¡perences

¡ASKÍYPE slmulatedsituation.Can¿id¿tesinleÉcrANDTORMATwlthe¿ch ther

Visu¿istimLs sgiveno thecandid¿teso¿id hed¡scuss¡o¡ask.Thenterloc toretsup heactiv¡tys¡ng¡ sl¡nd¿rdisedubric.llsingfurcuon¿langu¿geó make ndrespondó suggéstións,isc ss lternaUves,m¿kéé.ómdeñdatio¡sndnegotiate

2 3 m nuies

TASK]YPE Exiendedt rn.ANDFORMAI A coloLrhotosráph5giveno each

ca.did¿tén urna¡d heyareaskedo t¿lk¿boLit forapproximatelyminute. othpholosraphselateo hes¿metoplcDescribl¡shoiogr¿phs¡d manasl¡sd¡scou6e,sl¡gappropriateocabulary,n a

Ge¡eral onversátionandidalesteraci

The opicol thecoivérsátionévelopsthetheme st¿blished¡ P¿rt .The nte¡locutorets p he¿ctivity sng¿

The andid¿tes¿lk oeetherboLtthéopi¡ions,ikey¿islikes,referc¡ce,exper¡ences,abiis, tc.



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PreparationGeneral. h the CdnbidseEnql¡sh:rcl¡n¡natyóts.hoohSpe¿ki^stest,

c¿ndidatésaréx¿med npairsytwoeDñi.érs¡eoflheexaminers¡ctssan nierlocltornd heothe.asañassessorThe nterocuto¡nectshe est,whie he¿ssessorakes opartin he nter¿ctio¡.x¿m¡nershangeoles r¡sthe cor6eol¿¡ eramin¡ngsession,lt ¡otd . irgthe€xam¡.ingofóne¿Theree¿. mbéroldlfferentacks lmater¡ahátexami¡ers

. theiéstt¿kesetweenl0nd'12i¡útesando¡sistsffourpariswhiclrre esignedo elicit wide ¿¡gefsp€akingskillslromthecand¡¡atesherethereis¿nu¡evennlmberofcandid¿tesia cenre, heli¡a Speakinstesiwi eagroup fihree¿the¡than¿air hegroLpfth¡eetestisot nopt¡o¡o r , . . d d . " , b , t , o , , L e ao . t " t . , t ó¡ é ó , o .


PART. Thetest egins lthag€neralo.veGatio¡dbyihe

inte.¡ocutor,hoaskshec¿¡dd¿tes uesUonsboLt héirpersonaldetais,d¿ilyró t i¡es,l ikesanddlslik€s,etc.Cand¡d¿tes¿r€¿ddressedn rúrn¿nd¿re ot expectedo tá k to each therat lr s stage. t hebegi.nlne f heest, ¿ndidatesre¿skedospe ¿llor art fthein¿me.

. Thepurposeofhisconvers¿tionstotesttheanglage f simpesoci¿lnteractn,¿¡d o e¡¿ble ach andidatelo

¿ke n r tiaconfibutiono he ési,usin8smple veryday ngLage.stheyare ¿iking bóuthemselvess¡¡g am¡l¡ar .guagé,h sconversationho d heptosettletheandldales,nabli.ghémtó overcomeny nitialnervous¡ess

. Althouglrlre nterocutor' súesuonsáreesg¡edloelicitslrortEtherth¿¡ xtendedesponses,¿¡did¿tesho d bediscouragedromgvingo¡e wordanswers. thispart.Espec llywhe¡asked bo tthelrd¿¡lyóuti¡esr heir ikes ¡d dÉlikes,candid¿iessho ldee¡co Esedtoextendihelrá.swe¡swlthreasonsnd xamples

. Ths partof he estassesséshec¿¡did¿tes'bi ty o takepart¡ sponianeousomm ¡c¿tioñn áneverydaysetiingC¿¡did¿teshoJ¡idoppoftúnltiestoocia ewithothersn anE¡g sh-speakinsnvironmentl bewe preparedorthispartofthetest Wherelhiss notposs le, owever,uch ¡tuatio¡sneedto e ecré¿ted¡ theclass¡oomhrolgh tructlredspeak¡¡g¿sksth¿t ¡¿ctiseppropri¿lenguagenaslm¡larcontext. and ¿tes holldbediscóuraséd,owever.trompreparingehea¡sedpeechess hesewisound¡n¿turai¿ndwl prob¿byJ¿iiionswérth€pecificlestionssked.

PART. fhisp¿r( f he est akeshe ormof a s¡mul¿iedlt átio.whére

thec¿¡didalesre¿sked,orexample,o m¿ke .d respondto suegestio¡s,iscusslte¡natives,¿keecomme¡d¿tio¡so d | " g o l a , F d B - F n e r . ú ' ' 5 - ¡ p " . 1 - l - o

" o " D ¿ ,actvity, howévél ásc¿nd dates willa ways beg¡virgtheiown



. n thlspártóflhe est, hec¿ndld¿tespe¿ko each therThe .ielo.utorsets p he ¡sk, epe¿tingthe¡struciiónswhllstcandidatesokattheprompi¿teri¿lThe me¡ocúrórthen ¿kes ofurthe¡artnthe nleraciio¡.n heeve¡tofacómpletereakdownnthe ¡te¡acUon,he ¡terlocutoraysubtynterveneo rednedhesiudents,riwillnottakep¿rt nthetaskiseltCa.dd¿tes reexpectedtons¿se ¡1hhe áski.depende¡tly,€gotiatineurñs¿¡d liclt¡ngpinio.sroñe¿clr

. Asheetofvislaroñptssgventohé andi¿¿teshichs desisnedoseneÉiede¿s ¡dprovidehebásisorÚediscussion.¿ndid¿tes¿y, owevelnfóduce heir wn dé¿sif theywish.Candi¿atesre ssessed. théir¿bililylo ¿kepartn he ask, ¿therhanon heoltcomeofthei d:scussns ,¿ndso t is ot.ecéssaryforth€mo comp tehe ¿sk ¡ theUmeglve.Cándid¿tesreassessedn heiruse fapproprtátea¡glageand .ter¿cUvet¡ategles,óton he ideas.

' A cL¿ssroom¡sclssionsnpa sandgroupswipróvidep¡ep¿¡¿t¡o¡or hÉpa( olthe est C¿nd¡daieshouroeencoú¡¿gedo ñakeposiliveo¡f¡blllonshatmovehediscusslonoru¿rd ypick¡.gupone¿chthe. deasCandidatesshouLdearr o dGcrsshesitu¿tio¡ yw¡ththeirpart¡ers,s¡ngiheange lvsualpromptstoxte.d hed scLssio¡,elore omingtó¿ o¡cuson.lt s us€f opói¡toutió cándidateshal fthey urh o re¿chconclusionoo soón,opportunitieso demofsfai€ he ¿.guageskim¿ybe ost

and t is hese ki s rathertha¡heoutcomeofthe scLsso.whichrebeng¿sse$ed

PART. n his artoftheiesi ,ach.andidátesgive¡necooúr

phótogr¿phtoescrlbe.hephotógraph5wiepicievery¡aysltlat ons elevantó theage rolp¿nd andidáiesre skedtogvea slmpie escriptio¡fwhal heyc¿n ee n he.

. This artofh€t€si¿ilowsca¡ddatestodemonstÉteothlhe, d 8 " o f \ od b . t . . l d É d o h . o o , s " ." " e b s - .lo.gt rn.The descripiionsre xpectedo besimp ,however,¿ndc¿ndidates¿tthisve¿re ótéxpectedospeculatebolttheconiextórtálkbolla¡yw¡der ssúésa sedby hesc€¡es

. C¿ndidatesshoubeeicourasedtoescribetheéópléndactivitiesnihephotographss lly¿spossibleheyshouldimagineh¿i heya¡edescribinsthehotosraphó soñeo¡ewhocan'iseei, n¿mingll heobjects nd ncludi¡gilustratedet¿lsuch scoóurs, eople'soth€s,¡me fdat weathertc.

' Whilstthehotographsillnotc¿llfo. ¡owledgef diff¡corspecia ed ocab ry, ¿.dld¿tesillbegiv€rcredr orthe¿bltyto se araphr¿seoróther¿ppropri¿lesfai€g¡esto de¿lwithtems fvocábülaryhiclr heydo nolknow rcannot a to mind.C¿ndld¿teshou thereforees¡ven lentyoiclass¡oomraclicenboththeanguagel descriDUonndsfat€g¡estordeangwithunk¡own oc¿b ry

. Thepholographsillhave coñño. theme,whch an¡id¡teswi be o d, butwi d¡ffern erms f hei detai dconi€¡t.Altho glrthkthemeest¿bllshes¿commorslarti¡gpointl

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Part thephotosr¿phsre eturne¡othe nte ocLrtorattheend f Pad3andplayofurtherparinihetest.

PART. In hispadofthetest, hecand átes peakio ach therThe

nterLocútorets p he ask,he.t¿kes olurtherpa¡t.hétheme stablishedn P¿ri ls nowused s hest¿rti.g ointforageneralconveEatiónn wh¡chhecandidatesccussl r F io * 1 h I " " ¿ d ol i l " s p é , F " p . p d l d i d d t e s ¿ eqpectedo engage ¡th he ¿skrdepe.deiily,egouatinst r¡sand elicitins piions romeach therntheeven¡ora.ompetebre¿kdownn he nteraci¡on,lhenierlócútormaysLbt i¡terveneo rédiect hestudeñts ith Lrihefrompts,butwill ioti¿keartlrhet¿sktsefCandidateshouldeableto talkaboutheirniérestsnd ntlrusiasñsnd ¡ve€asonsforthelrvews¿id preJe€nces.redit illbeeive¡or heuseol apprcpriatenter¿ctivev¡tegiesnd and ¿tes hotldbeencourasedo eliciiheviews ltheirp¡dne(t, pick pon heirpartner'solntsnd how ntercslnwhattheip¿riné(,ls,/ares¿ylñe,swellas ¿lklngboLi hemselves.

. I at ¿¡y imeduringthetesl andidatés¿ve ¡fi¡cuitynundeFt¿¡d g¿i ¡nsiruction,uestionoresponse,hey houldaskhe nter cutor ¡ henpartnertoepeat halwas aid.N¡arks i notnomallye ost or heoccasion¿cquel or


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¿ . \ c c ó c c r n o n f ñ f \ n a 2 r l n o

Examinersndmark¡nglhe qua ty¿ssurá.céf Speakinsx¿dlners5E ism¿¡¿8edbyTe¿m eádé6flr. TLsensuré éx¿mine6uccessfúllv

comp ieexaminerraining¡dregulareruflcatio¡lprócedure

¿nd¿ssessmenteforcheyexamine.Lsare n urn espo¡srbleto¿ProJess¡onalSupportLeader(PSL)whoistheprotess¡or¿lrepresentativefCambridgeSOLoriheSpeaki¡glestsn ¿g¡ven

a , I b " . 1 i r e . 1 l d l o I i ' r o r e . ¿ l l F. o d '

meetingofocrsonanddiscússssessment¡dprocedure,ollowedbythemarkingJsample pe¿kingestsn anonline.vnónmentEx¿mine6 ust ompleteta¡dardisaUonf assessme.to.¡lrelevant veLsach e¿r ndare esularly onltorcdurinsive

AssessmentcalesThrousholthe estc¿¡didaiesreassessedn heirown ndividu¿lperformancend oi ¡n€ ation oé¿ch therThey rew:f.lFdmarks y woexamine6;heassessor¿ndhe nierLocutorhe¿ssessoraw¿rdsa¡ks y applylnserlórmanceescripto6rcm he¿r¿llticaLssessmentcalesorthe olowngcritéri¿:

. Gámmar¿ndocabúlary

. Discourse añagement

. lnieractiveCoñmúnlcaiion.The nt€rlocutorawards¿ark orslob¿lchieveme.tsinshe

gobal chievementca .AssessrentorCdnb¡idqe4iÁhirelmi¡o,yorSchoo/ss based npelomanceacross padsofthetest, nds achievedy¿ppv¡ngthe eevantdes.riptóBn he¿ssessñenic¿ies.heasséssme¡ts.a es notCanbr¡dqenqlÉh: reliñt¿d¡yo¡Schoo/sshownonp¿ge 9) areextractedrom heoverallSpé¿k¡¡sca soi p¿se 0


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81 Grdmmarando(¿bularv Discou|seanas€rneÍt honunciation lrter¿ctiv€onmunicationshows sood eg¡ee f controlof slmple¡¿mm¿ticaorms,andattemptsoñecoñplex

Uses range i¿ppropri¿te

exchangeiews ¡laniliar

Produces xtended fetchesof¿¡g age desp e somehesit¿tion.Contribuiions re eleva¡tdespite

Usesa r¿nge fcohesive evices. S€ntencendword fess sgénera ¿ccurat€ly¿cedl¡divid al ounds reener¿1iy

Ma ntains rd developshe

inter¿ct¡on¡d regotiatestowards noutcome ¡th

Peiomance sharcsúturcs af Bands3 ond53 Showssooddesree fcont¡olof

simpesramm¿ticalorms.Uses r¿nge i apprópriatevocabularyhen alking bout

Producesesponseshich reexteided eyoid hódph6ses,

Coitributio¡s remostrelevani,ut herem¿y esor¡re

Uses ¿sic ohesiveev¡ces.

s most inieligib ,andh¿ssome oniról {phonoloei.afeáturest bothtter¿nce¡d Keepshe nteracuonolne

w¡th ery itiléprómpting

2 Peloman.e shoteseoturcsf Bondsond3Shows ufiicieit ontroofsimple

approprlateocabu ryto alk

Producesespo¡ses ¡ich¿recharacterisedyshort hrases¿¡d requentesit¿iion.Repe¿ts¡iorñationr dlgresses

¡sñostly itelligible,espitelimitedconfo fpho¡oosical excharges, espite ome

Req ires rompting¿nd

o Pelarnance elawBand


Exar¡i¡e6 se more eiailédersionlthe ollowingssessmeitc¡let ext€ciedroñtheoveraanbñse Ensl¡sh:Ein¡naryarSchoo/speak rgSpeakineca sonpage 0

fmdl6 ommmlc¿lio¡ imili¡r opi.rdespiteone esitallontuaIa¿a-cdd..ü ebl@r-or ' lpúdlcerbÉ t dcdres@, nd me D@Eci6¿ndn¿pprcprlatesaSeccu.

Pa4MM stta$le¿tú6 ofBands{d 5.Ha¡dsonmunicáliorr évérydayilútioB, dapite Fsil¿iioñCmslncts nger iieranc6 d ¡snotabh o 6e @mp l¿nguagecept

Pelúmrce úB katn6al Bandtatul3ConveFas¡c eanirgnveryami¡dmrydayitu¿lionI lo ¡ e , l ed la ¡hRhl - d lok€f hor t rod-o D dq-a-fequent h6it¿lion ¿idtÉñ'



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CambridgeSOL peakingAssessmentGlossaryf erms


Convelingbas¡.mwyjngbasicnúrirg:the¡byofG¡dldatstosetthein d n n S T. " g e " r oo t h " r I t " p pt a t {b l " , - , . ¿ F

henrlcluedd¡r de ery l hemaese.

GEmftti.dcontrcLtlk¡bty ¡ onsiste¡dy seammrar.ú¿léy¿nd ppmpri¡teo conveyde¡ded e¿iingWherenglagep{l Gt o¡sae prcded¿t owerevelsóinCnb dge ng¡itheyKtT)aú Gnbidge nglish: @ ¡ñk¿yaPtD,onddate nayh¿w@nlrofon¡ythesmpelqporcnls

Attempis tcodtDlspoEdicndncodsie¡túe oi eúÉteand pproptuteEmm¿ticloms foreEnde the nco¡s¡sle¡turof onefom temsof Í .lueorme¡¡&theprcdrct¡onolone ¿ft t a complexorñ ncorectlyr lreúe olsomemmpldtomscor@_üynd omeore.lly5poken ngu¿gefte¡ nvolwsale ndtt i..ompletelleaneie lps¡s nd efom alionWhereodúúr cd onn ¿.lrievei, úch


Everydayil¡ElioN: it€t om i¿t cndld¿ks ome oo$ nlfeir éverydayiva, es havingmeal 5kingor lom¡tionshopp¡ng,o g o0twith ends r anily r¡vélliigo 5dróo rwo{ tal¡ngart h sÉ &lt tiesAC¿n¡ridge,S/¡d(qflfDtaskthal eqúesGndid¿teró ed¿n8edetai5 boullore openir€ @6exeñpliliú n veryd¿yltlailo¡.F¿mili¡fopics:opa ¿boLrthi.h id dais c¡ beopected ofú@ onekrowhdgepeBomlpercr@Cdt¡bndgengl¡ttr¡tJ¡a¡C¡)t¿skh¿tEuneGndidaleslo kabout hat eopleke o door ho d¿yorwf¿t t c ike ododi¡lqflljobsqempry

Unlaniliaropics:ops whl.¡ cndid¿tes o d ¡ot beertsctedtoh¡w mdrpe&mldperena ot C¿nt¡idgend¡tti.Adñn@dfAOtaskth¿t equirendidateso spec teaboulwhelherpsple n lreword oiayonlyG€ ¿bouthemrelves,r helindsofprobmshath¡vi¡g¿ ot ol morey r cur, deñplily

Abstbct opi.s topi.swhilh ncudede¿saiherh¡¡ @noelesltualio$ r wmb. Gaú,ils¿E€l¡t Ptól¡rhrcyCPE)tdsktlrat equie ¿¡didatesod rur how ar ¡e developnerll ourc viisal¡onús ben affe.ted [email protected] oreventr r ¡elmp¡ci f Milingo¡ o.iety, ienp y ¿&trá.t opi.s

Simpleammatiralorms: ordtphrs6 b8 . hn$ dd

Con lex Emmaii6lomr orSer ndmoreomplexuttets¡@sg nomcaúesél¡tñend dveód5s,súbord¡n¿t¡,pdsiveormr, f n ver, erb¿ttútrmod¿lorms

RanS€:heurietyo1wodsmdgEmm¿l¡.¿om5¿Gnd¡d¿te6et Athlglrs yelsa¡didats willrole inüss ngúeoJ sre¿ls ft ol wüds iredphñse5ol oction5 nd


Uttenncereopg4sdt wile ¡ fnten@snd reype¿lnultec¡A A¡utteün@¿y ó +oñó ¿wodorphÉse,ra

Cohetun.erdcohesione d fd t to sepaale d eú6aBrcadylpealn&.olErenceefe6toacfld ogGistrckhol5pe.h whi.hoi beü5t fo ouedby¿ ¡lúa Cohesionele6h ¿nÉkhol 5pee.h hich unified ndMiúÉ yore¡ise¡Coh{s@ad ohqfun G¡ be&hie@dn¿ur e ol w¿ytrc dinsw h heu* of.ohes¡úeev s rel¿lédoobuhry.grammafn0 foüre marcaGh6ive devjc6:wórdr rphGs6whichndlc¡leclationshipsbetw@nttúm@s eg ¿ddtion¡d¡naddit¡an.úúvellúirqunle ko ¡he¡elo€t, €5rl, oderol nford¿tm(ltq

At hiShervels, ¡d d¿ts shu d be¿bleopov¡deohesr notj6twirhb¿s¡cheste devi.6G€¿rd bu¡. . t¡w.liElll'tn¿lr w¡l¡ müesph s|úhd dNes Ge ¡túefa@,o@w eseBL¡l ¡n¿rl¡litiú,owe@t theaths úft.)Rel¿led bulary:the úe ofseverallemson ihe me lexi.¿selee t¿h 4at¡ú,d¿lom 6 agetat u'lern rcve.

GÉñú¿ficddryics e5anU¿ the s ol relereÍreúo6G&¿ rl5 dre)¿nd irl.s G ¡rm & tírwmn ¡n Lppi.lúeIlpüe ü ILEight. .)Discoúsmrks: wotrisplr€eswhnh eprimdyúed rspokenngMgeo 3dd earirS o he nteE.tiong t@t ouNuse, arlúIy, bat¡c¿Iy,Iu¿n,@1, wa, ike

ZGRAI',MARNDoCABULARYAppropriey l bcbulary: hesé0fwddsand hcss halJilth.onhnotthegñe¡1¿sLF¡rs¿mpeüretls&c /1,B1rfleir/e to m/ta thewrdjürble s mpFopr ieas hewordsho d be ¿ríi@ Arolherrampleoúd6r lodatt basnownak6gettingaundthe ttl1¡fftrüft.lhehúe ge¡riE¿¡orrdwe5uitedo hú5itlaiionHoweyer,Esnor s ¡mppopriate¡rgand tur ee ot usedogethúde¿ ,eo rwoúldbe

Fkx¡biliV flexibility:lreiliv ofo¡did¿hsoad¿plhemcraselrey6e nüder¡ gi@mphóúod foent ie .codingo heoile{ andlon:nater¡biglity xandesf hiiwoulderdomulatg¿ndaüphr¿sg dea5

Exlenvertendedtrelchsof anSuage;he¿mo ¡tof ¿¡Crageprcducedya Gid datéwhirh hóu¡d eapproprÉteo lre ¿slLo¡g u¡i tasls eqlire ngertet.hú ol anglage, heres¿slswh h ivo vedG.u$lon ¡¿n5wednguesllo¡soú rcqu¡Esho'ier nd rtendedesponrsRelevance;anlrlbütio¡lr¿i el¿tedo heask ¡d otabtulsometlri¡gompleiedilfere¡tRepei¡tionicpe¿tg hesame eaBte¿d f nlrod c s ñew


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Cambridgenglish:reliminaryorSchools ossary

¡Éftr Shet lhéod on [ L[ cnL]rd¿|l\o.orL]her apotua

flre robrci¡onso anq¿mli¿tionúatioiwhch éllihe@ndid¿tewh¿l o dowheó neeringhequ4Uo¡.

TdgetRsder thenteddede.iplenl1¿ l{eofMiling úlmponanttoenrr clh¿theefie.toi a wrlttenask n¿ ¿rgel4der saposñe ore.



lhe5pe¿klngl6txam¡ns ho $lgns orc lo ¿ondid¿tepedoma¡@5ing nalttic¿ terl¿ odo$. TheA$e aL i of


¡n uopeLTI

OoET¿st a yPe fg¿pjingasknwlr¡ówho uúds üw bememwedfom¿hxi ¿nd h h ndidahs út epl¿@

tdñú Eúop@nGmewskReferenceorLangLagerETR

¿ngraseh h .oherentwelllanneid dúr ¿¡d thepartsr de6it wel o h¿lheyomauniled hole

(oll¿bd¿tirc the pponünynúespe¿liner or he aiddatésoen ¿geI¡sl ir ádhcsion¿idworko8ethe.owardsneg aied ukone


U¡w¡ity ofC¿mt¡dgeoc Ex¿nin¿tioBndclets0L lnelilh orspe¿ier5f Othe¡ ngrages.UCLts

wrilienr$oien mnún t o¡@Ftilliliglten dy type f teú whch eq esfE ondidate iEeftsme

Mtienm¿toaletle6, rmber ¡ngLeodtphEsetenien@s rp¿r¿gGplrsto p¿fts¡ the st Ihe rcspon5e¿y

be ppl¡ed y heGndid¿k e {hd lmma rt of option5id lhe@rtDhemeormedn olrhee'r

lnp€dirgEnü e úúr whi.hdenlshe ¿dúronúdertardinghewordofpnfasetheSpealingen eiami¡efwho oidüctshe esta¡dmal€sglo¡áá*smsl of €.h Gndidaleérldman@.

é¿chelingpoinlna 6t whch s vú aepeale a* or mrts

¿dlecte úd leih ñé¿ilr lo dow hvoúbúdlrúré ppodmy r heSpéakingn or¿crdid¿teo alkm terupkdor per doi me, ¿bng henopódu.er

ihesp¿@ hem¿*shet which nd¡d¿tes rt f ¡n oi¡dcatelheranswsto¿mrtiperol@quesilon.

MrltipléChoi.e ¿1¿slwherc ndid¿i6 eSlvensetof sder¿l o$ibe ¿nswersol which nyones orcct.


a ak nwhich umberfquenioEr e¡ten.emp uonteñrCenerab¿$d 0 eadinge(.¿Éel lhee5pomereprcv¡ded¡ tlreomol¿b¿¡k lwsds phúss. ó olwhic¡Gn e ed úl¡n¡ledlnber fiim6.theexpadort é her ornalor rlorñ¿1,h¿láÉusúallyed oopenaiddose iteÁ,e¡ ite¿¡Mr¡l,r...W¡lh ettwishatún...:a, DeaLt Daht¡ . YMss¡rcqe\ ..:

Urendividu¿lordsnhe5etoJ o$¡ble6ws lor¿nultpe-

tosiEhemqnins lsomelhinsns difierc¡t ods¿ a8e n hedevelopme¡tf en mated¿¿twhkh tss de ¡edoutp th epraenblile mp a fromhe a8eipopúl¿t ¡ ords

thecomp te5enlen@ñen lheop¡ningrdosingneotas\attiaCanlni@ ndtúP¡elininary, t11óó1.\th¡EPadl

lhe e.hniquefusinS'efe€nl5