Blok 7 Pembahasan

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  • 7/24/2019 Blok 7 Pembahasan


    1-10 Blom

    Azzahra S Intansari (11-20)

    11. Parathyroid hormone is important in regulating calcium homeostasis. Which of the

    following mechanisms is the direct action of parathyroid hormone?a. Controls the rate of 25 hydro!ycholicalciferol formation

    ". Controls the rate of calcium transport in the mucosa of small intestine #indirect$

    c. Controls the rate of formation of calcium "inding protein

    d. Controls the rate of formation of 1,25 dihydroxyholialiferol

    e. %timulates renal tu"ular phosphate rea"sorption #hrsny "loc&s$


    P, has + maor actions.

    1. ,he first action is to increase renal calcium resorption and phosphate e!cretion. /n

    the &idney P, "loc&s rea"sorption of phosphate in the pro!imal tu"ule while

    promoting calcium rea"sorption in the ascending loop of enle distal tu"ule and

    collecting tu"ule.

    2. P, promotes a"sorption of calcium from the "one in 2 ways. ,he rapid phase

    "rings a"out a rise in serum calcium within minutes and appears to occur at the leel

    of the osteo"lasts and osteocytes. When P, "inds to receptors on these cells the

    osteocytic mem"rane pumps calcium ions from the "one fluid into the e!tracellular


    ,he slow phase of "one resorption occurs oer seeral days and has 2 components.

    irst osteoclasts are actiated to digest formed "one and second proliferation of

    osteoclasts occurs. /nterestingly mature osteoclasts lac& P, mem"rane receptors3

    actiation and proliferation appear to "e stimulated "y cyto&ines released "y actiated

    osteo"lasts and osteocytes or "y differentiation of immature osteoclast precursors that

    possess P, and itamin 4 receptors.

    +. ,he third maor action of P, is conersion of 25-hydro!yitamin 4 to its most

    actie meta"olite 125-dihydro!yitamin 4-+ 125-#6$2 4+7 "y actiation of

    en8yme 1-hydro!ylase in the pro!imal tu"ules of the &idney.

    12. /nsulin is the mayor control for "lood glucose leel. Which of the following is the

    most li&ely to produce the greatest increase in insulin secretion?

    a. 9mino acids

    !. Amino aids and "l#ose

    c. 9mino acids and somatostatin

    d. :lucose and somatostatine. :lucose and glucagons

    /, dr.%W;
  • 7/24/2019 Blok 7 Pembahasan


    9&si fisiologis /nsulin


  • 7/24/2019 Blok 7 Pembahasan



    ipofisis posterior yang mengeluar&an hormon posterior terdiri dari aringan glial dan

    termini a&sonal. Pada dasarnya menyimpan hormon yang disintesis dalam "adan sel

    neuron supraopti& dan paraentri&ular di hipotalamus. /ni tida& menghasil&an hormon

    sendiri tida& seperti hipofisis anterior. ipofisis posterior mengeluar&an dua hormon3

    ormon antidiureti& #94$ yang merupa&an regulator dari olume plasma dan

    o&sitisin yang memili&i pengaruh terhadap &ontra&si uterus dan menyusui.

    15. 9 )>-year old man has puffy s&in and is lethargic. is plasma thyroid stimulating

    hormone ( ,% concentration is low and increases mar&edly when he is gien thyrotropin-

    releasing hormone ( ,@. Which of the following is the most li&ely diagnosis?

    a. yperthyroidism due to a thyroid tumor". yperthyroidism due to an a"normality in the hypothalamus

    c. yperthyroidism due to an a"normality in the thyroid

    d. &y$erthyroidism d#e to an a!normality in the hy$othalam#s(hy$o 'ali


    e. yperthyroidism due to an a"normality in pituitary


  • 7/24/2019 Blok 7 Pembahasan


    ipotalamus gagal memprodu&si ,@ sehingga se&resi ,% menadi rendah.

    1>. 9 large dose of insulin is administered intraenously to a patient. Which of the following

    sets of hormonal changes is most li&ely to occur in the plasma in response to insulin


    a. +& inrease, "l#a"on derease, e$ine$hrine no han"e

    ". : no change glucagon increase epinephrine increase

    c. : increase glucagon increase epinephrine increase

    d. : decrease glucagon increase epinephrine increase

    e. : decrease glucagon decrease epinephrine no change

    /, dr.%W;

    /ne&si insulin mem"uat se&resi glucagon menadi menurun #&era antaganis$

    sedang&an hormone epinephrine hanya diguna&an dalam &ondisi fire fight fright #&ondisi

    terdesa&$. 9dapun hal-hal yang mening&at&an : plasma '

    1. ypothalamus ia :@ dan somatostatin.

    2. 9sam amino ia nuclei Aentromedial hypthalamus.

    +. %tress(trauma mening&at&an : tapi tida& pertum"uhan.). %trenuous e!ercise.

    5. ypoglycemia.

    >. ,idur teradi pening&atan &adar ma!imal : setelah 1 am tidur dalam # deep

    sleep( slow wae sleep $

    pening&atan &adar : mediated "y lim"ic system ( serotonin.*. %omatomedin negatie feed "ac&.

    Pada &eadaan ine&si insulin menanda&an insulin #mening&at &adarnnya$ yang

    menanda&an "ahwa glu&osa dalam darah rendah &arena glu&osa diru"ah menadi

    gli&ogen. al ini "erarti : a&an menig&at.

    1*. ,ransport of hormone can "e in free form and(or "ound to plasma proteins. Which of the

    following hormone is largely un"ound to plasma proteins?

    a. Cortisol

    ". ,hyro!in ( ,)

    c. 94d. Hstradiol

    e. Progesterone

    I.dr. S

    ,ransport ormone

    Protein hormoneswater solu"le

    Circulates as its hormone form.

    %teroids thyroid hormones lipid solu"le

    1. free ' 1 J

    2. "ound ' DDJ

  • 7/24/2019 Blok 7 Pembahasan


    K BP -BP

    ,ransport of cortisol

    9. ree ' )J in plasma.

    B. Bound ' D>J.

    1. al"umin '15J non specific low affinity reersi"le

    2. cortisol "inding protein #CB:$


    1E. ,he action of hormone can "e influenced "y the leel of plasma proteins in "lood. Which

    of the following changes would "e e!pected to occur with increased "inding of a hormone

    to plasma proteins?a. /ncrease in plasma clearance of the hormone

    ". 4ecrease half life of hormone

    . Inrease hormone ati/ity

    d. /ncrease in degree of negatie feed"ac& e!erted "y the hormone

    e. /ncrease in plasma reseroir for rapid replenishment of free hormone



    Pada hormon polipeptida pengi&atan plasma dapat mening&at&an wa&tuparuh

    hormon dalam sir&ulasi3 uga dapat mempermudah pengirimannya &e

    dalam aringan target.

    /, dr.%W;

    AS A 34A6IS3 7 &34S

    I 9mines peptides and proteins circulate in free form whereas steroids and thyroids

    hormones are "ound to transport proteins

    8 indin" of hormones to arrier $roteins has a $rofo#nd im$at on the hormone

    learane rate from the ir#lation

    I ,he meta"olic clearance rate of hormone defines Luantitiely its remoal from plasma

    I ,he interaction of hormones with their target tissues is apparently followed "y

    intracellular degradation of the hormone
  • 7/24/2019 Blok 7 Pembahasan


    1D. 9 5>-year old man as deeloped the syndrome ofina$$ro$riate Anti di#reti hormone

    secretion due to carcinoma of the lung. Which of the following physiological responses

    would "e e!pected?

    a. /ncreased plasma osmolality

    !. Ina$$ro$riately lo% #rine osmolality (relati/ely to $lasma osmolality)

    c. /ncreased thirstd. 4ecreased secretion of anti diuretic hormone from the pituitary gland #ustru

    hiperse&resi 94$

    e. 4ecreased water rea"sorption in renal tu"ules #ustru mening&at&an rea"sorpsi$


    Masalah utama dalam S!"# adalah ke$a$alan untuk menekan

    secara maksimal sekresi vasopresin. %ele&ihan !"# ini

    men$aki&atkan retensi air dan ekspansi volume' yan$ menye&a&kan

    penin$katan &erat &adan dan ter(adinya natriuresis.

    )smolalitas serum turun di &a*ah nilai normal. #iponatremia

    &iasanya tidak ter(adi kecuali pasien menerima &e&erapa sum&er air

    &e&as. +atriuresis ter(adi karena penurunan rea&sorpsi natrium di

    tu&ular proksimal' yan$ secara sekunder &ermakna untuk perluasan

    volume cairan ekstraselular.%/94 - pathophysiology

    94-induced water retention

    4ilutional hyponatremia

    Aolume e!pansion -M secondary natriuresis

    %odium and water loss

    Potassium loss

    @esult' Huolemic hyponatremia

    @educed serum osmolality

    /ncreased urine osmolality

    /ncreased urine sodium

    20. 9 20-year old woman is not haing menstrual cycle. er plasma progesterone

    concentration is found to "e minimal. Which of the e!planation for the low leel of


    a. = secretion is eleated

    ". = secretion is suppressedc. % secretion rate is suppressed #?$

    d. o or$#s l#te#m (*)
  • 7/24/2019 Blok 7 Pembahasan


    e. igh inhi"in concentration in plasma has suppressed progesterone synthesis

    Galo menurut a&u &an hormone progesterone dihasil&an oleh &orpus luteum adi &alau

    &orpusny hilang ma&a hormone progesetron yang dihasil&an uga rendah.

    Irinne 9arina (21-:0)

    21. 9 55-year old man suried from stro&e a month ago. ;ow he is paraly8ed at his right

    side "ody. Which area in "rain that was affected "y his stro&e?

    a. 9mygdala

    ". ypothalamus

    c. ypocampus

    d. 6eft hemis$here

    e. @ight hemisphere

    %um"er '


    22. 9 stro&e patient suffers e!pressie aphasia. ,he therapist teaches him to sing in order

    to communicate his needs. What symptoms did he e!hi"it "efore therapy?

    a. Nna"le to understand any spo&en or isual information

    ". Nna"le to differentiate gustatory sensation

    . ;nderstand s$o'en and %ritten lan"#a"e !#t #na!le to ex$ress the res$onses in

    normal syntax

    d. Nnderstand the spo&en and written language "ut una"le to e!press his emotion


    e. Nna"le to recall his long time memory
  • 7/24/2019 Blok 7 Pembahasan


    %um"er ' /, %istem =uhur %W; #%lide 12$

    2+. 9 stro&e patient suffers e!pressie aphasia. Which is the most li&ely damaged area in his


    a. 9mygdale

    !. roa

  • 7/24/2019 Blok 7 Pembahasan



  • 7/24/2019 Blok 7 Pembahasan


    e. Capa"le of dis-coordinating of disparate "ehaiors to achiee that goal

    %um"er ' /, %istem =uhur %W; #%lide *+$

    ,he intracellular recording of cardiac cells.

    @esting mem"rane potential -50 ->0 -E0

    Capacity for diastolic depolari8ation Qes yes ;o

    /ntrinsic rate of depolari8ation D0 )5 none

    2>. Cell a would most li&ely to "e found in thea. Sinoatrial (SA) node

    ". 9trial muscle

    c. 9trioentricular #9A$


    d. Pur&ine fi"ers

    e. Aentricular muscle

  • 7/24/2019 Blok 7 Pembahasan


    %um"er '

    /, Cardioascular 1

    #Hle&trofisiologi$ 4 # %lide +D$

    2*. Pacema&er actiity is e!hi"it "y

    a. Cell 9

    ". Cell B

    c. Cells C

    d. Cells A and

    e. Cells 9 and C Potensial 9&si pacu #pace ma&er 9P$ teradi di %9 node dan 9A ;ode. Cell 9

    menunu&&an %9 node &arena /ntrinsic rate-nya D0 #;o.2>$ sedang&an Cell B

    merupa&an 9A node &arena /ntrinsic rate-nya )5 #%esuai gam"ar di pem"ahasan


    %um"er ' /, Cardioascular 1 #Hle&trofisiologi$ 4

    2E. Cells lac&ing fast ;a current during phase 0 of the cardiac action potential include

    a. Cell 9

    ". Cell B

    c. Cells Cd. Cells A and

    e. Cells 9 and C

  • 7/24/2019 Blok 7 Pembahasan


    lac&ing fast ;a current during phase 0 of the cardiac action potential teradi pada

    potensial a&si pacu ( pacema&er. %el yang "ertugas se"agai pacema&er ada %9 dan 9A

    node. Cell 9 dan Cell B menunu&&an %9 node dan 9A node. # %esuai awa"an no.2*$

    %um"er ' /, Cardioascular 1 #Hle&trofisiologi$ 4 #%lide +2-++$

    2D. 9n e!perimental record o"tained from an anestheti8ed dog

    ,he e!perimental interention at time 1 most li&ely represents'

    a. Hlectrical stimulation of the "om"er sympathetic nere roots

    ". Hlectrical stimulation of the superior cerical ganglion

    c. 9dministration of a R-adrenergic "loc&ing drugs

    d. Stim#lation of the ri"ht /a"#s ner/e

    e. 9dministration of a cholinergic "loc&ing drug

    +0. ,he interention at time 2 most li&ely represents

    a. Hlectrical stimulation of the sacral sympathetic nere roots

    !. 4letrial stim#lation of the s#$erior er/ial "an"lion (Cardia Sym$atheti


    c. 9dministration of a sympathetic "loc&ing drugs

    d. %timulation of the right agus nere

    e. 9dministration of cholinergic "loc&ing nere/ni untu& menawa" soal 2D dan +0

  • 7/24/2019 Blok 7 Pembahasan


    %um"er '





    3. Arif a#fal Ilham (:1-=0)




    +). ,he phase of the response action potential that is associated with the oltage gated

    calcium current is

    a. Phase 0

    ". Phase 1

    . hase 2

    d. Phase +

    e. Phase )


    9&si potensial dalam "e"erapa fase. ase depolarisasi #fase 0$ adalah fase awal dari potensial

    a&si yang tim"ul pada saat &anal ;aK mem"rane sel terstimulasi untu& mem"u&a. ase
  • 7/24/2019 Blok 7 Pembahasan


    @epolarisasi #fase 2$ lihat di gam"ar. %edang&an fase ) merupa&an fase istirahat #rentang

    wa&tu antara 2 potensial a&si$ merupa&an fase dimana ta& ada perpindahan ion di mem"rane


    %um"er '


    ;ote ' Galau ada tam"ahan atau &esalahan mohon di"eritahu&an. ,erima &asih

    +5. Phase 0 of the slow response action potential is mediated "y

    a. Cali#m

    ". %odium

    c. Potassium

    d. Chloridee. ydrogen


    4engan soal nomor +) uga masih "ingung dengan awa"annya maaf "anget soal pa& hardy

    susah "inggo

  • 7/24/2019 Blok 7 Pembahasan


    +>. 9rteriography of a patientOs left renal artery shows narrowing of the arteryOs radius "y

    50J. What is the e!pected change in "lood flow through the stenotic artery?

    a. 4ecrease to X

    ". 4ecrease to Y

    c. 4ecrease to 1(E

    d. erease to 1>1?

    e. Nnchanged


    ,ida& tahu pastinya daripada asal tapi awa"an dari soal ini ada di Lui8let dan Circulation

    dari inet

    %um"er '

    https'((*>*(physio-"rs-e!am-+-flash-cards( https'((


    +*. What is the direction of fluid moement and the net driing force?

    a. 9"sorption3 > mmg

    ". 9"sorption3 D mmg

    c. iltration3 > mmg

    d. iltration3 D mmg

    e. here is not fl#id mo/ement


    Gurang tahu pasti mengenai hal ini

  • 7/24/2019 Blok 7 Pembahasan


    %um"er '



    +E. /f Gfis 0.5 ml(min(mmg what is the rate of water flow across the capillary wall?

    a. 0.0> ml(min

    ". 0.)5 ml(min

    c. )0.5 ml(min

    d. D.0 ml(min

    e. 1E.0 ml(min


  • 7/24/2019 Blok 7 Pembahasan


    ,ida& tahu caranya

    %um"er '


    +D. Blood flow to which organ is not controlled primarily "y meta"olic factors #local


    a. %&in

    ". =ungsc. eart

    d. Brain

    e. %&eletal muscles during e!ercise


    ,ida& tahu S.S ,api %&eletal

  • 7/24/2019 Blok 7 Pembahasan


    )2. 9 patient e!periences orthostatic hypotension after a sympathectomy. ,he e!planation for

    this is

    a. 9n e!aggerated response of the rennin-angiotensin-aldosterone system

    ". 9 suppressed response of the rennin-angiostensin-aldosterone system

    c. 9n e!aggerated response of "aroreceptor

    d. An s#$$ressed res$onse of the !aroree$tor mehanism

    %um"er' https'((*>*(physio-"rs-e!am-+-flash-cards(

    )+. ,he greatest pressure drop in the circulation occurs across the arterioles "ecause

    a. ,hey hae the greatest surface area

    ". ,hey hae the greatest cross-sectional area

    c. ,he elocity of "lood flow through the is the highest

    d. ,he elocity of "lood flow through them is the loweste. hey ha/e the "reatest resistane

    %um"er' https'((*>*(physio-"rs-e!am-+-flash-cards(
  • 7/24/2019 Blok 7 Pembahasan


    )). Pulse pressure is

    a. ,he highest pressure measured in the arteries". ,he lowest pressure measured in the arteries


  • 7/24/2019 Blok 7 Pembahasan


    A if 1,2,: are orret

    if 1,: are orret

    C if 2,= are orret

    if only = orret

    4 all orret

    )>. Characteristics of omeostasis

    1. 4ffetors may ha/e o$$osin" ations

    2. e"ati/e feed!a' is the $roess that $re/ent han"e (Inhi!it)

    :. ositi/e feed!a' is the $roess that $er$et#ate han"e (Stim#late)

    =. 7eed for%ard ontrol is o#tside stim#li that alter the normal feed!a' res$onse

    awa"' 4 bring about the change specified by the integrating center (e.g., skeletal muscle, glands, &

    organs). Effectors provide the means for acting on the control centers response to a stimulus, either

    depressing it (negative feedback) or enhancing it (positive feedback).

    Negative Feedback: regulatory mechanism in which a change in a controlled variable triggers a

    response that opposes the change, thus maintaining a steady set point for the regulated

    factor. This is the most common etrinsic control system to maintain homeostasis (i.e. it is


    Positive Feedback! is the opposite of negative feedback"" The action of the effector amplifies the

    changes that first stimulated the effectors. There are no antagonistic factors.

    )*. ,he languages of communication are

    1. hysial (: !enar ma'a 1 #"a !enar)

    2. Chemial

    :. iolo"ial

    =. 4letrial



  • 7/24/2019 Blok 7 Pembahasan


    %e"elumnya soal ini da& diperinci language of commucation disini secara umum

    atau &omuni&asi sel atau gmn.

    )E. ,he factors of communication

    1. S$eed#

  • 7/24/2019 Blok 7 Pembahasan


    awa" ' 4

    /, Hndo&rin dr. %W; al. 15D

    50. 9ctiated : protein interacts with effectors proteins to alter their actiities this process of

    communication occur in

    1. H!tracellular compartment

    2. /ntracellular compartment

    +. /nterstitial compartment

    ). /ntracellular compartment

    #r Ilmi Sofiah (51-?0)

    51. : protein actiates against receptor comple! then cleared phospatidylinositol

    )5"iphosphate. Cyclosporine "loc&ing this pathway. What &ind of secondmessengers.

    1. C9

  • 7/24/2019 Blok 7 Pembahasan


    Nntu& /P+ dan 49: pathway dapat dia&es di'https'(("oo&"oo&s?idSW1aey4)>&/CpgSP950*lpgSP950*d



    &!AaL)o=Fug,logBgedS0CBgT>9Hw9w chapter 1* page 50*

  • 7/24/2019 Blok 7 Pembahasan


    1. &y$oalaemia

    2. yper&alemia

    :. &y$o'alemia

    ). ypernatremia

    awa"an ' B. 1 dan +

    5>. ,rypsin is considered as an

    1. 9utocrine

    2. Hndocrine

    +. ;eurocrine

    =. 4xorine

    awa"an' 4

    @eaction meta"olism dalamtu"uhmanusia'

    #C6$! K 02ZM C62 K 20 K H5*. %um"er C6 diperoleh tu"uh melalui sistem

    a. i"estif

    ". Gardioas&uler

    c. @espirasi

    d. Nrinarius

    e. 0. Berdasar&anrea&si di atas mana&ahpernyataan"eri&utyang palingtepat

    a. ,ermasu&ana"olisme&arenamenghasil&anenergi

    !. ermas#''ata!olisme'arenamemeahmole'#l C&

    c. ,ermasu&rea&sihidrolisis&arenamenghasil&an air

    d. ,eradi di dalamintisel

    e. @ea&sio&sidasimerupa&anpem"entu&anmole&ul yang "esar

    irin #s$ita (?1-0)

    >1. asila&hir meta"olism energia&anmenghasil&an

  • 7/24/2019 Blok 7 Pembahasan


    a. 50J panas K 50J 9,P

    !. 5B $anas 25B A

    c. *5J 9,P K 25J panas

    d. 50J 9,P K 25J panas K 25J &era internal

    e. 25J 9,P K 50J panas K 25J &era internal

    awa" ' /,

  • 7/24/2019 Blok 7 Pembahasan


    >+. Proses produ&si 9,P yang memerlu&ano&sigen paling "anya&dalamprosesnyayaitu

    a. Gonersi&reatinin-fosfat

    ". :li&olisisanaero"c. osforolasianaero"

    d. Si'l#s're!s

    e. =ipofisis

    awa" ' /,

  • 7/24/2019 Blok 7 Pembahasan


    Gonersi&reatinin-fosfat gli&olisisanare"o" fosforolasianaero"dan lipolysis

    tida&memerlu&an 62. 4ari pilihanawa"an di


    >). Proses fosforilasio&sidatif"erlagsung di

    a. %itoplasma

    ". ;ucleus

    . 3ito'ondria

    d. @i"osom

    e. %el

    awa"' /, 5. Pernyataan"eri&ut yang "enartentangtermoregulasia. 3er#$a'anhasilsam$in"dari$anasa'i!at $roses meta!olism

    ". 4iaturolehpusatsuhu di hipofisis


  • 7/24/2019 Blok 7 Pembahasan


    d. ,eradiperpindahanpanassecararadiasi

    e. Perpindahanpanas&one&simelalui&ulit


    %um"er '

    /, Pengaturan%uhu,u"uh- dr. 9h(;9% #%lide +$


    >>. Pening&atansuhutu"uhterlalutinggidapatmenye"a"&an

    a. enat#rasi $rotein

    ". 9&tiasi meta"olism lam"at

    c. /nfe&si

    d. Gata"olismetida&teradi

    awa" ' /, Pengaturan%uhu,u"uh 9(;9% #%lide )$

  • 7/24/2019 Blok 7 Pembahasan


    Ber&eringat9dimengalamimencret-mencret feses yang di&eluar&an"erupacairansaa

    tanpalendirdandarahse"anya& 1 gelas dam mencretsampai E &ali dalamsehari.%aat B9B

    &otoranlangsung&eluartanpaharusmengeandantanpaada rasa mules.

    >*. Proses defe&asiteradipada organ

    a. Golondan rectum

    ". /leum dam anus

    . et#m dan an#s

    d. /leum dann rectum

    e. Golondan anus

    awa" '

    /, aaldigestif dr.B% #%lide 50$

    >E. ungsi&olondalamhalse&resiyaitu


  • 7/24/2019 Blok 7 Pembahasan



  • 7/24/2019 Blok 7 Pembahasan


    e. 4efe&asidandigesti

    awa" '



    Pada gastroenteritis teradi&erusa&an di selepitel"agian "rush "order



    m"erian8in&diguna&anuntu&memper"ai&istru&tur( mempercepatper"ai&anselepitel di


    Azzahra Afifah (1-F0)

    *1. i&a &ondisi 9di "erlanut tanpa pem"erian oralit dapat teradi

    a. Hdema

    ". Aomitus he"at

    c. :astroenteritis &ronis

    d. ehidrasi


  • 7/24/2019 Blok 7 Pembahasan


    ralit di!eri'an #nt#' men""anti airan dan ele'trolit dalam t#!#h yan" ter!#an" saat

    diare. ala#$#n air san"at $entin" #nt#' mene"ah dehidrasi air minum tida&

    mengandung garam ele&trolit yang diperlu&an untu& mempertahan&an &eseim"angan

    ele&trolit dalam tu"uh sehingga le"ih diutama&an oralit. Campuran glu&osa dan garam yang

    ter&andung dalam oralit dapat diserap dengan "ai& oleh usus penderita diare.

    9a$an oralit $erl# di!eri'an*

    %egera "ila ana& diare sampai diare "erhenti.

    3en"a$a har#s mem!eri oralit setia$ ana' diare*

    Pada saat diare tu"uh ana& "anya& &ehilangan cairan dan ele&trolit. 4engan mem"eri&an

    oralit cairan tu"uh dan ele&trolit yang hilang &arena diare "isa diganti&an.

    *2. i&a &ondisi 9di disertai muntah ma&a respon &elenar salia saat regulasi getah

    lam"ung "erupa

    a. Se'resi !i'ar!onat #nt#' menetral'an asam

    ". %e&resi ptyalin untu& mencerna glu&osa

    c. %e&resi mucus untu& mengurangi asam

    d. 4iglusi salia untu& mencegah mual

    e. H&sresi air untu& mengencer&an asam

    %um"er ' http'((

    Pem"ahasan '

    4i dalamsalia uga terdapat suatu sistem "ufer yang mampu menetralisir penurunan

    p dalamrongga mulut.Bikarbonat

  • 7/24/2019 Blok 7 Pembahasan


    *). ,he following ion#s$ is(are inoled in the neuronal action potential'

    a. Sodi#m (a)

    ". Potassium #Ca2K$ seharusnya GK

    c. Calium #Ca2K$ GK

    d. Chloride #Cl[$ merupa&an inhi"it dalam a&si potensial

    e. 9ll of the a"oe

    %um"er ' /, ;; %istem saraf pusat dan


  • 7/24/2019 Blok 7 Pembahasan


    Pem"ahasan '

  • 7/24/2019 Blok 7 Pembahasan


  • 7/24/2019 Blok 7 Pembahasan


    *5. 9t the pea& of the action potential the mem"rane potential is

    a. H!actly at the ;a2K eLuili"rium potential # A ;a $

    ". Close to "ut more positie than the ;aK eLuili"rium potential #AnaK$

    . Close to !#t less $ositi/e than the a e@#ili!ri#m $otential (Gna)

    d. H!actly at 0mA

    e. ,he same as the resting mem"rane potential #Arest$

    %um"er ' /, ;; %istem saraf pusat danhttp'((www.physiologywe".com(dailyFLui8(physiologyFLui8FTB,a&@5&)C,yB,=VoG:a%8


    Pem"ahasan '

    Pada saat di punca& a&si potensial ma&a ger"ang ;atrium mulai tertutup dan a&an mem"u&a

    ger"ang &alium.
  • 7/24/2019 Blok 7 Pembahasan


  • 7/24/2019 Blok 7 Pembahasan


    *>. 9t what mem"rane oltage do neuronal oltage gated ;aK channel "ecome actiated

    a. *0

    !. 50

    c. 0 mA

    d. K 50 mA

    e. ;one of the a"oe

    %um"er ' /, ;;-%istem %araf Pusat danhttp'((www.physiologywe".com(dailyFLui8(physiologyFLui8FTB,a&@5&)C,yB,=VoG:a%8


    Pem"ahasan '

    Potensial istirahat se"esar -*0 m a&an terstimulasi i&a perangsang se"esar -20-#-+0$ m

    sehingga ger"ang "eroltase a&an ter"u&a pada -50-#-)0$ m
  • 7/24/2019 Blok 7 Pembahasan


    **. ,he spi&e phase of the neuronal potential is due to'

    a. he o$enin" of /olta"e "ated a hannels

    ". ,he opening of oltage gated GK channels

    c. ,he closure of resting ;aK channels

    d. 4ue to the closure of Cl channels

    e. ;one of the a"oe

    %um"er ' /, ;;-%istem %araf Pusat dan


  • 7/24/2019 Blok 7 Pembahasan


    Pem"ahasan '

    *E. ,he hyper polari8ation phase of the action potential is due to'

    a. ,he opening of oltage gate Cl channels

    !. he o$enin" of /olta"e "ated ' hannels

    c. ,he closure of resting ;aK channels

    d. ,he closure of Cl channels

    e. ;one of the a"oe

  • 7/24/2019 Blok 7 Pembahasan


    %um"er ' /, ;;-%istem %araf Pusat dan



    ,his hyperpolari8ation phase of the action potential is therefore due to GK ions diffusing

    through oltage-gated GK channels.

    *D. /n the 9;% the preganglionic neurons synapse with post ganglionic in the'

    a. A#tonomi "an"lia

    ". Brain stem

    c. %pinal cord

    d. 4orsal rood ganglia

    e. %&eletal muscle cells

    %um"er ' https'((>D05>D(autonomic-nerous-system-flash-cards(

    %araf preganglion sinapsis dengan post ganglioni& di ganglia autonom &arena mengandung

    "adan-"adan sel saraf preganglion.

    E0. ,he effectors organs for the somatic motor nerous system are'

    a. Cardiac muscle ' efe&tor saraf otonom

    ". %mooth muscle ' efe&tor saraf otonom

    c. :lands ' efe&tor saraf otonom

    d. S'eletal m#sle ' efe&tor saraf somati&

    e. 9l of these a"oe
  • 7/24/2019 Blok 7 Pembahasan


    %um"er ' /, ;; %istem %araf Pusat dan

    %um"er '



    3andy #triy#di (F1-H0)

    E1. Which of these characteristics descri"e the somatic motor neuron system?

    a. 6ne neuron "etween C;% and s&eletal muscle

    ". Hffect can "e e!citatory or inhi"itoryc. Cell "odies in lateral part of the spinal cord

    d. @eceptor molecules can "e nicotinic or muscarinic
  • 7/24/2019 Blok 7 Pembahasan


    e. 9ll of the a"oe

    Penelasan tam"ahan'

    omatic motor neurons, which originate in thecentral nervous system, pro#ect

    theiraonsto skeletal muscles$%(such as the muscles of the limbs, abdominal, and intercostal

    muscles), which are involved inlocomotion.



  • 7/24/2019 Blok 7 Pembahasan


    %um"er' http'((

    E). Which of these effect results from the stimulation of the parasympatic diision?

    a. /ncreased heart rate and force

    ". /ncreased "lood flow to s&eletal muscle

    c. /ncreased contraction of smooth muscle in the wall of the digestie tracts

    d. /ncreased glucose in the "lood

    e. Contraction of arrectorpili muscle

    E5. Which of these functions is not affected "y parasympathetic stimulation?

    a. %ecretion of tears

    ". %ecretion of sweat

    c. %ecretion of insulin from the pancreas

    d. %ecretion of thin watery salia

    e. %ecretion of digestie glands

    %um"er' http'((

    Penelasan tam"ahan'
  • 7/24/2019 Blok 7 Pembahasan


  • 7/24/2019 Blok 7 Pembahasan


  • 7/24/2019 Blok 7 Pembahasan


    %um"er' /, ;; ;eurologi Nmum 201) slide &e ED D0 D) D*

    E>. %ome sympathetic preganglionic a!ons synapse in collateral ganglia the post ganglionic

    a!on then passes through a

    a. %pinal nere". %plachnic nere

    c. %ympathetic nere

  • 7/24/2019 Blok 7 Pembahasan


    d. %omatic nere


  • 7/24/2019 Blok 7 Pembahasan


    D0. 9n action potential spreads or is propagated through a muscle fi"er

    a. By the myosin myofilament

    ". By the ,-,u"ules

    c. By the cross "ridge

    d. By the sarcoplasmic reticulum

    e. Bt the actin myofilament

    %um"er' http'((

  • 7/24/2019 Blok 7 Pembahasan


    d. istamine

    e. %erotonin

    %um"er ' Ghan 9cademy muscle

    Galau di "u&u guyton memang tida& ada &alimat yang elas menyata&an ini

    tapi dari /, dan secara &eseluruhan "u&u guyton dalam masalah &ontra&si otot hanya

    mengguna&an asetil&olin "ah&an nama en8im nya adalah asetil&olinesterase.


  • 7/24/2019 Blok 7 Pembahasan


    D*. Hach actin and filaments is composed of

    a. 9 single strand of actin molecules

    b. T!o strands of actin molecules !rapped together

    c. ,hree strands of actin molecules wrapped together

    d. our strands of actin molecules wrapped together

    e. undred of strand of actin molecules wrapped together

    %um"er ' :uyton 12 Hd

    DE. 9s actin and myosin filaments slide past each other during muscle contractiona. 9ctin filaments shorten while myosin filaments do not


  • 7/24/2019 Blok 7 Pembahasan


    c. Hither actin or myosin filament shorten "ut not "oth at the same time

    d. Both actin and myosin filaments shorten

    e. #either actin nor myosin filaments shorten

    %um"er ' :uyton Hd. 12

    Qang memende& adalah %arcomere. 9ctin and

  • 7/24/2019 Blok 7 Pembahasan


    a. ,he actin myofilaments

    b. The troponin molecule

    c. ,he sarcoplasmic reticulum

    d. ,he sarcolemma

    %um"er ' :uyton 12Hd

    As%ir Gem!rinaldi (101-110)

    101. Hnergy is released when

    a. 94P is "ro&en down into 9,P and P

    ". 9,P is "ro&en down into 94P and P

    c. 94P and P com"ine to form 9,P

    d. 9,P and P com"ine to form 9,P

    e. 9

  • 7/24/2019 Blok 7 Pembahasan


    %um"er ' /, ;; reprodu&si pria

    10+. 9 primary spermatocytes

    a. 4iide "y mitosis to produce two secondary spermatocytes

    ". 4iides "y meiosis to produce four spermatocytes

    c. 4iides "y meiosis to produce four spermatids

    d. 4iides "y mitosis to produce two spermatids

    e. 4iides "y mytosis to produce two spermatids

  • 7/24/2019 Blok 7 Pembahasan


    um!er " T ++ reproduksi pria

    10). Hach spermatid

    a. 4iided "y meiosis to produce four sperm cells

    ". 4iides "y mitosis to produce four sperm cells

    c. 4iides "y meiosis to produce two sperm cells

    d. 4iides "y mitosis to produce two sperm cellse. 4ifferentiate into spern cells

    %um"er ' /, ;; reprodu&si pria

    105. ,he surge in = that occurs during the middle of the oarian cycle triggers

    a. Nterine lining secretion directly


  • 7/24/2019 Blok 7 Pembahasan


    lona&an &adar = dalam darah dan memicu teradinya oulasi #&eluarnya sel telur dari

    foli&el dan oarium$ dan penurunan &adar estrogen.

    %um"er ' /, ;; reprodu&si wanita slide +>

    10>. ,he usual site of fertili8ation is the

    a. Nterus

    ". 9mpula tu"a falopi

    c. im"riae tu"a fallopi

    d. 6arium

    e. Corpus luteum

  • 7/24/2019 Blok 7 Pembahasan


    Tempat pertemuan sperma dan o

  • 7/24/2019 Blok 7 Pembahasan


    adi peralanan spermato8oa dari %eminiferous tu"ules3 epididymis3 as deferens3 ampulla3

    eaculatory duct3 urethra

    %um"er ' /, ;; @eprodu&si Pria slide &e +510

    10E. Within the oary progesterone is produce "y the'

    a. Corpus luteum

    ". %econdary follicles

    c. ,ertiary follicles

    d. Corpus al"icans

    e. Primary follicles

    um!er" T ++ (eproduksi >anita slide =7

    10D. What hormone is responsi"le for the secondary se! characteristics found in women?

    a. Hstrogen". Prolactin

    c. Progesteron

    d. %

    e. =

  • 7/24/2019 Blok 7 Pembahasan


    Hstrogen # hormon ini dihasil&an oleh te&a interna foli&el$

    a. Pada fase pu"ertas mempengaruhi per&em"angan tu"a dan &elenar mamae serta

    per&em"angan se&s se&under wanita". Pada fase proliferasi lapisan endometrium "er&em"ang le"ih te"al le"ih "anya& &elenar-

    &elenar pem"uluh darah arteri dan ena

    %um"er ' /, ;; @eprodu&si Wanita slide ++ dan


    110. ow do "irth control pills #oral contracepties$ wor&?

    a. ,hey preent the fertili8ed egg from traelling to the uterus for implantation

    ". ,he lower the amount of estrogen in the "ody

    c. ,hey protect the time of oulation precisely and pregnancy can aoided

    d. ,hey increase the amount of = and % which speeds up oulatione. ,hey inhi"it the release of % and = "y a negatie feed"ac& mechanism

    preenting oulation
  • 7/24/2019 Blok 7 Pembahasan


    %um"er ' http'(("itstream(12+)5>*ED(+*11)()(ChapterJ20//.pdf

    3. iz'i arma%an (111-120)

    111. ow do "irth control pills #oral contracepties$ wor&?f. ,hey preent the fertili8ed egg from traelling to the uterus for implantation

    g. ,he lower the amount of estrogen in the "ody

    h. ,hey protect the time of oulation precisely and pregnancy can aoided

    i. ,hey increase the amount of = and % which speeds up oulation

    . hey inhi!it the release of 7S& and 6& !y a ne"ati/e feed!a' mehanism,

    $re/entin" o/#lation

    Penjelasan " 1*+*(? +A0*" !irth control pills @also known as oral


  • 7/24/2019 Blok 7 Pembahasan


    uterus for implantation of the em!ryo. Progestin also makes the uterine

    mucus that surrounds the egg more dicult for sperm to penetrate and,

    therefore, for fertiliCation to take place. n some women, progestin inhi!its


  • 7/24/2019 Blok 7 Pembahasan


    um!er 2 "


  • 7/24/2019 Blok 7 Pembahasan


    Berdasar&an :rafi& di atas menunu&&an penam"ahan ;atrium #%odium$ plasma a&an

    mening&at&an solute( 8at terlarut #"erupa elestrolit contoh utama adalah sodium$

    dalam plasma darah yang menga&i"at&an nai&nya osmolaritas CH%.

    S#m!er I 1? dan 1 - - CAIA ;;& A 7;+SI +IDA6 1 dan 2-


    115. Bagaimana hu"ungan &onsentrasi ;aK plasma dengan olume cairan tu"uh?

    a. enin"'atan 'onsentrasi a $lasma menye!a!'an $enin"'atan /ol#me

    airan e'strasel#ler teta$i /ol#me airan intrasel#ler t#r#n

    ". Pening&atan &onsentrasi ;aK plasma menye"a"&an pening&atan olume cairan

    tu"uh total #total "ody fluid$

    c. Pening&atan &onsentrasi ;aK plasma hanya menye"a"&an pening&atan cairan

    e&straseluler sedang&an cairan intraseluler tida& "eru"ah

    d. Pening&atan &onsentrasi ;aK plasma tida& ada hu"ungan dengan olume cairan

    e&traseluler dan intraseluler


    &y$ernatremia a#ses a loss of intraell#lar %ater into the 4C7 s$ae and

    an !e assoiated %ith ell#lar shrin'a"e. /n the C;% this can "e catastrophic with

    ensuing cell death or rupture of "lood essels. ,o protect against cell shrin&age

    electrolytes enter into the /C usually in the first few hours. When hypernatremia

    persists "eyond 2 or + days the cells "egin to generate intracellular osmolytes to

    maintain intracellular fluid #/C$ osmolarity further and aoid water loss into the HC.

    Berdasar&an penelasan gam"ar pada /, 1> dan 1* - * - C9/@9; ,NBN

    49; N;:%/ :/;9= 1 dan 2- H@ "ahwa penam"ahan ;atrium #%odium$ pada

    &ompartemen CH% a&an menyem"a"&an teradinya osmosis 26 dari C/% &e CH%.

    %ehingga olume CH% nai& dan olume C/% turun. Pada &asus hipernatremia # a

    clinical condition with plasma-;a K7 a"oe 1)5 m

  • 7/24/2019 Blok 7 Pembahasan


    S#m!er I 1? dan 1 - - CAIA ;;& A 7;+SI +IDA6 1 dan 2-





    4ua orang nelayan ditemu&an terapung dilaut &arena &apalnya tenggelam + hari yang

    lalu. Pada saat di"awa &e @% nelayan 9 dalam &eadaan lemas dan mengalami dehidrasi

    sedang&an temannya B dalam &eadaan coma. ha$ter2=.html

    11*. Bagaimana ele&trolit plasma nelayan 9?a. ;ormal

    !. &y$onatremi

    c. ypernatremic

    d. ypo&alemia

    enelasan nelayan 9 dalam &eadaan lemas dan mengalami dehidrasi sedang&an

    temannya B dalam &eadaan coma.

  • 7/24/2019 Blok 7 Pembahasan


    menye"a"&an &eadaan Hiponatremia. Geadaan iponatremia uga "isa dise"a"&an output

    sodium "erle"ih melalui urin sedang&an input sedi&it. Geadaan hiponatremia dapat "eruung


    S#m!er htt$>>%%%.z#ni/.net>$hysiolo"y>!oo'>ha$ter2=.html

    11E. 9pa yang menye"a"&an nelayan B mengalami gangguan neurologic "ah&an pada saat

    ditemu&an dia dalam &eadaan coma?

    a. yponatremia

    !. &y$ernatremia

    c. ypo&alemia

    d. yper&alemia

    enelasan temannya B &arena tida& tahan haus "er&ali-'ali memin#m air la#t

    namun haus tida& hilang "ah&an pda hari &edua B mulai gelisah &esadaran menurun dan

    mengalami halusinasi dan pada hari &etiga dia mulai tida& sadar.6smolaritas air laut 2000-2)00 mHL(l &arena 'adar "aram yan" tin""i.

    Geadaan ipernatremia dapat menye"a"&an defiit ne#rolo"is fo'al penurunan

    &esadaran atau &eang.

    Charateristis of hy$ernatremia Sym$toms related to the harateristis of


    Cognitie dysfunction and symptoms

    associated with neuronal cell shrin&age

    =ethargy o"tundation onf#sion a"normal

    speech irrita"ility sei8ures nystagmus myoclonic


    4ehydration or clinical signs of olume


    6rthostatic "lood pressure changes tachycardia

    oliguria dry oral mucosa a"normal s&in turgor dry


    6ther clinical findings Weight loss generali8ed wea&ness

    S#m!er 9a$ita Sele'ta 9edo'teran 4disi IG !a"ian II


    11D. Bagaimana hal diatas #item B$ teradi pada nelayan B?a. anya' min#m air la#t

    ". ,ida& &uat secara fisi& dan mental

    c. %hoc&

    d. Ge&urangan &alori tetapi tida& mengalami &e&urangan input cairan

    enelasan temannya B &arena tida& tahan haus "er&ali-'ali memin#m air la#t

    namun haus tida& hilang "ah&an pda hari &edua B mulai gelisah &esadaran menurun dan

    mengalami halusinasi dan pada hari &etiga dia mulai tida& sadar.

    6smolaritas air laut 2000-2)00 mHL(l &arena 'adar "aram yan" tin""i.

    Geadaan ipernatremia dapat menye"a"&an defiit ne#rolo"is fo'al penurunan&esadaran atau &eang.

    Charateristis of hy$ernatremia Sym$toms related to the harateristis of
  • 7/24/2019 Blok 7 Pembahasan



    Cognitie dysfunction and symptoms

    associated with neuronal cell shrin&age

    =ethargy o"tundation onf#sion a"normal

    speech irrita"ility sei8ures nystagmus myoclonic


    4ehydration or clinical signs of olumedepletion

    6rthostatic "lood pressure changes tachycardiaoliguria dry oral mucosa a"normal s&in turgor dry


    6ther clinical findings Weight loss generali8ed wea&ness

    S#m!er 9a$ita Sele'ta 9edo'teran 4disi IG !a"ian II


    120. Bagaimana &ondisi olume cairan tu"uh nelayan B &eti&a ditemu&an?a. ;ormoolemic(euolemic

    ". ypoolemic

    . &y$er/olemi

    enelasan temannya B &arena tida& tahan haus "er&ali-'ali memin#m air

    la#tnamun haus tida& hilang "ah&an pda hari &edua B mulai gelisah &esadaran menurun dan

    mengalami halusinasi dan pada hari &etiga dia mulai tida& sadar.

    smolaritas air la#t 2000-2=00 m4@>l 'arena 'adar "aram yan" tin""i.

    Clinical assessment of olume status allows differentiation "etween hypernatremichypoolemia with disproportionate water loss oer sodium and hy$ernatremi e#- or

    hy$er/olemia res#ltin" from hy$ertoni sodi#m "ain. ,he maority of hypernatremic

    neurologic patients will "e hypoolemic and in this conte!t C4/ must "e distinguished from

    simple dehydration "y urine olume assessment and "iochemical analysis.

    6ar#tan hi$ertonis adalah =arutan yang &onsentrasi 8at terlarutnya le"ih tinggi

    di"anding&an dengan larutan di dalam sel. =arutan garam fisiologis "agi tu"uh adalah larutan

    ;aCl 0(DJ.
  • 7/24/2019 Blok 7 Pembahasan


    4ari slide di atas osmolaritas larutan ;aCl fisiologis tu"uh adalah +2) m6sm(l sedang&an

    yang di&onsumsi nelayan B smolaritas air la#t 2000-2=00 m4@>l 'arena 'adar "aram

    yan" tin""i, (m4@ E msm) artinya nelayan men"ons#msi lar#tan Sodi#m hi$ertonis

    !erle!ih ma'a di"olon"'anHipernatremia Hiper$olemia.

    S#m!er I 1? dan 1 - - CAIA ;;& A 7;+SI +IDA6 1 dan 2-


    htt$>>%%%.n!i.nlm.nih."o/>$m>artiles>3C151:???> ist#r!anes of

    sodi#m in ritially ill ad#lt ne#rolo"i $atients a linial re/ie%

    ona &a%a 9amilah (121-1:0)

    121. Nntu& mengatasi &eadaan nelayan B cairan /A yang paling sesuai untu& di"eri&an


    a. /sotonic

    !. &y$otoni

    c. ypertoni&

    d. Plasma e!pander

    9lasan '

    4ehidrasi hipertoni& #hipernatremi&$. ilangnya air le"ih "anya& daripada natrium. 4ehidrasihipertoni& ditandai dengan tingginya &adar natrium serum #le"ih dari 1)5 mmol(=$ dan

    pening&atan osmolalitas efe&tif serum #le"ih dari 2D5 m6sm(=$. Garena &adar natrium serum
  • 7/24/2019 Blok 7 Pembahasan


    tinggi teradi pergeseran air dari ruang e&straas&uler &e ruang intraas&uler.Nntu&

    meng&ompensasi itu ma&a di"eri&an cairan hipotoni& #cairan yang dianur&an adalah cairan

    dengan &andungan sodium rendah$ agar &eseim"angam CH% dan C/% &em"ali seperti semula.



    Wanita ,ua dengan ipertensi @ingan

    %eorang wanita tua umur >+ tahun dating &e Pus&esmas untu& pemeri&saan &esehatan rutin.

    Pada pemeri&saan didapati hipertensi ringan #te&anan darahnya 155(D0 mmg$. 4ia

    dianur&an untu& diet rendah garam. ,etapi setelah satu "ulan &emudian te&anan darahnya

    tida& menurun.

  • 7/24/2019 Blok 7 Pembahasan


    Penurunan te&anan darah untu& penderita pada &asus yaitu hipertensi ringan #te&anan

    darahnya 155(D0 mmg$ adalah diet rendah garam \ 5 mg pada sum"er diatas dinyata&an )

    mg adi masih dalam &adar normal adi tida& a&an sampai menye"a"&an hiponatremia dan

    dapat menurun&an te&anan darah antara 2.) sampai 2.E millimeter mer&uri.

    12+. yponatremia a&an memper"erat dehidrasi pada wanita dise"a"&an'

    a. Penurunan se&resi 94 sehingga e&sresi air oleh ginal mening&at

    ". Pening&atan se&resi 94 sehingga e&sresi air oleh ginal mening&at

    . smolaritas airan e'strasel#ler men#r#n menye!a!'an air !erosmosis 'e


    d. @asa haus hilang &arena lethargi

    9lasan '

    iponatremia adalah kondisi dimana kadar garam dalam ?* @natriumB le!ih

    rendah daripada yang seharusnya. Dalam keadaan normal, konsentrasi natriumdalam ?* antara 2=E:29E milimol per liter, amka pada kondisi ini air akan

    !erosmosis dari hipotonik ke hipertonik, sehingga menam!ah !erat dehidrasi.

    12). ,anda yang paling &onsisten dari teradinya dehidrasi pada wanita ini adalah'

    a. =ethargy

    !. en#r#nan !erat !adan

    c. Penurunan te&anan darah

    d. Penurunan &onsentrasi ;aK plasma darah

  • 7/24/2019 Blok 7 Pembahasan



    Alasan :

    ,anda paling &onsisten dari dehidrasi adalah penurunan "erat "adan &arena &omposisi tu"uh

    &ita iyu *0J cairan &ehilangn cairan otomatis a&an "erpengaruh terhadap "erat "adan sedang

    lethargy #penurunan &esdaran$ tida& selamanya mengi&uti dehidrasi "egitu uga penurunante&anan darah dan tera&hir tida& selamanya iponatremia di &ondisi&an dengan dehidrasi.

    125. Pem"erian ydrochlorothia8ide #C,$ yang "e&era mengham"at ;aCl cotransporter

    di tu"ulus distalis menga&i"at&an'

    a. Penurunan se&resi air oleh ginal

    ". Pening&atan se&resi air oleh ginal

    . enin"'atan se'resi a oleh "inal

    d. Penurunan se&resi ;aK oleh ginal

    9lasan '

    ydrochlorothia8ide is a diuretic #water pill$ used for treating high "lood pressure and

    accumulation of fluid. /t wor&s "y "loc&ing salt and water rea"sorption in the &idneys th#s

    a#sin" inreased o#t$#t of #rine ontainin" inreased amo#nts of %ater and salt

    (di#resis). ,he mechanism of its action in lowering high "lood pressure is not well

    understood. ,he com"ination of alsartan and hydrochlorothia8ide reduces "lood pressure

    more that either drug alone.

    12>. 4ehidrasi(hypoolemia pada pasien ini dise"a"&an pening&atan e&resi urine oleh

    ginal &arena efe& dari'

    a. Pening&atan 94 &arena hyponatremia

    ". Pening&atan aldosterone &arena hyponatremia

    c. Pening&atan input air &arena haus

    d. en#r#nan A7 (Atrial atri#reti 7ator)

    9lasan '

    ,reatment with ;if-+0 was superior to &CK9m in num"er of patients controlled "ut the

    decrease in

  • 7/24/2019 Blok 7 Pembahasan


    12*. %e"agai respons terhadap penurunan &onsentrasi ;aK di cairan e&traseluler'

    a. 94 mening&at

    ". 94 menurun

    . Aldosterone menin"'at

    d. 9ldosterone menurun


    ,iga hormon yang paling penting mengatur ting&at rea"sorpsi ;aK dan Cl- #dan uga

    mengatur "erapa "anya& &ehilangan air melalui urin$ yaitu 9ngio tensis // 9ldosteron

    9trial ;atriureti& Peptide #9;P$ &eti&a tu"uh &ita dehidrasi angio tensin // aldosteron

    menai&&an rea"sorpsi ;aK dan Cl- # dan air oleh osmosis dengan ele&trolit$.

    12E. Penurunan olume cairan tu"uh diterima oleh "aroreceptor dan selanutnya diterus&an

    &e ginal dan menye"a"&an'

    a. enin"'atan se'resi renin oleh #xta"lomer#lar ells

    ". :inal mense&resi 9ngiotensinogen

    c. %e&resi aldosterone menurun

    d. 9ngiotensinogen diu"ah menadi aldosterone

  • 7/24/2019 Blok 7 Pembahasan


    %um"er "u&u ilmu penya&it dalam ilid 2 edisi &e-> "a" hipertensi.

    12D. 6smolaritas didalam tu"uh dipertahan&an &onstan dengan cara'

    a. Pengaturan se&resi air oleh ginal

    !. en"at#ran se'resi a oleh "inal

    c. Pengaturan input ;aK dengan diet

    d. Pengaturan e&s&resi air oleh ginal

  • 7/24/2019 Blok 7 Pembahasan


    1+0. 9ngiotensinogen diu"ah menadi angiotensin / oleh'

    a. 9ldosterone

    !. enin

    c. 94

    d. 9;(9;P

