Biology Paper Form 3

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  • 8/18/2019 Biology Paper Form 3


    | P a g e T E R M I N A L M A Y 2 0 1 4 1 | P a g e

    MAY –  2014 BIOLOGY

    TIME: 2:30 HRS 

    NAME……………………………………….. STREAM……………………. 




    This paper consists of section A, B, and C  Answer all question in A and b and one (1) question form section C


    This section consists of multiple choices and matching item question

    .  Write a letter of the correct answer in the space provided beside each question

    (i)  Which of the following changes occur is the eye when a person moves from a bright sunshine

    a dark room? 

    A.  The pupil become large


    The lens becomes thicker  C.  The ciliary muscles relax

    D.  The eye becomes blind

    E.  The pupil becomes small 

    (ii)  Energy storage in animals is done by:  

    A.   Nucleus

    B.  Chloroplast

    C.  Mitochondria

    D.  Cytoplasm 



    (iii)  Amplification of sound is done by the ……………………. 

    A.  Cochlea

    B.  Round window

    C.  Malleus, incus and stapes

    D.  Pinna

    E.  Tympanic membrare

    (iv)  Deoxygenated blood is brought to the lungs in the

    A.  Pulmonary artery

    B.  Pulmonary vein

    C.  Hepatic artery

    D.  Hepatic vein

    (v)  In Biology experiment are use to lest

    A.  Facts

    B.  Problems

  • 8/18/2019 Biology Paper Form 3


    2 | P a g e T E R M I N A L M A Y 2 0 1 4 2 | P a g e

    C.  Hypothesis

    D.  Theories

    E.  Laws

    (vi)  Which of the following hormones controls reabsorption of water from the urinary tubules wh

    the amount of water in the blood is below normal?

    A.  Adrenaline

    B.  Acetyl-chlorine


    Anti- diuretic hormoneD.  Oxytocine

    E.  Oestrogen

    (vii)  The central nervous system consists of:

    A.  Spinal nerves and sense organs

    B.  Brain and spinal cord

    C.  Spinal cord spinal nerves

    D.  Brain and neurone


    The following are causes of deafness and loss of hearing .Which one is not?A.  Blockage of the external auditory canal

    B.  Rapture of the eardrum

    C.  Fusion of the ear ossicles

    D.  Pierced pinna

    (ix)  Controls movement of substance in and out of a cell

    A.  Cell wall

    B.  Cell nucleus

    C.  Plasma membrane



    E.  Cytoplasm

    (x)  Which of the following organisms is not a primary producer?

    A.  Spirogyra

    B.  Algae

    C.  Fungi

    D.  Grasses

    2.  Match item in list A with the responses in List B by writing the letter of corresponding responses beside

    item number.


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    3 | P a g e T E R M I N A L M A Y 2 0 1 4 3 | P a g e

    (i)  ……….A plant shoot growing toward light

    (ii)  ……….Constant body temperature 

    (iii)  ……….Liver  

    (iv)  ……….Heat gain

    (v)  ……….The eye defect in which a person see nearby objectclearly


    ……….Protein found in urine

    (vii)  ……….The black spot found at the centre of the eye

    (viii)  ………The process by which plants loose water is the form of

    water vapour into the atmosphere

    (ix)  …….Accumulation in muscles during intensive exercise

    (x)  …….Refers to acceptable person’s ways of behaving towardothers

    A.   Lactic acidB.   MyopiaC.   HypermetropiaD.   TranspirationE.   RespirationF.   PupilG.   IrisH.   HomoiothermI.   HomeostasisJ.   Vasodilation


    VasoconstrictionL.   Person hygieneM.  Good mannersN.   PhototropismO.   GeotropismP.   NephritisQ.   DetoxificationR.   DefacationS.  Diabetes

    SECTION B(60MARKS )This section consists of short answer question. You are required to give short and clear answers and dire

    the point.

    (a)  Define the following terms as used in Biology

    (i)  Ecology

    (ii)   Natural environment

    (iii)  Community

    (iv)  Ecosystem

    (b)  Write three (3) reasons why energy decrease as you more from one trophic level to the nex


    (a)  “ MAOMO “ On her way to the market came across a rattle – snake on the path coming righ

    towards her in no time she found herself up a tree.

    (i)  What gave her the ability to climb the tree so quickly

    (ii)  Identify the different processes that went on in her body during this incidence

    (b)  Stunted growth and severe mental retardation during early stages of development may be d

    to the under-secretion of a certain chemical substance

    (i)  Identify this chemical substance


    What name is given to the condition described in (b)?



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    Explain step by step how sound waves are transmitted from the eardrum to the brain forinterpretation


    (a)  What is the difference between gaseous exchange and respiration?



    (b)  List the feature of a respiratory surface

    (i)  ……………………………………………………  

    (ii)  ……………………………………………………  

    (iii)  ……………………………………………………  



    7.  Differentiate between respiration and burning

    RESPIRATION BURNING(i)  …………………………………………………  

    (ii)  …………………………………………………  (iii)  …………………………………………………  

    (iv)  …………………………………………………  

    (v)  …………………………………………………  

    (i)  ……………………………

    (ii)  ……………………………(iii)  ……………………………

    (iv)  ……………………………

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    Answer one (1) question in this section

    Through the process of photosynthesis, green plants converts solar energy into chemical energy which

     be used by other living organisms. Write an essay on how photosynthesis take place and show clearl

    importance of this process to the existence of our planet (i.e. the Earth)

    Write an essay on “Drug abuse using the following sub -headings

    (a)  Meaning of drug abuse

    (b)  Example of common drugs

    (c)  Causes of drug addiction and how to control drug addiction

    (d)  Effects of drug abuse

    (e)  The socio-economic hazards caused by drug abuse


    Prepared by Gerald

    N Wadosa “The chief of Logic”