Bibliography of East Timor

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  • 7/26/2019 Bibliography of East Timor



    Bibliography of East Timor

    BibliographiesDettman, Anya, and Linda Newbown. 2009. Bibliography of Works on Timor

    Leste (East Timor) held in the National Library of Australia . National Libraryof Australia.

    Ricardo Roque (coord., !"istory and Ant#ro$olo%y of &'ortu%uese imor), 1*+019-+. A iblio%ra$#y/, online ersion of 21st December 2011, aailable at#tt$www.#istoryant#ro$olo%ytimor.or% (downloaded on 3date of access4

    5#erloc6, 7ein. 2002. The Timor Collection of e!in "herlock. Darwin.

    Archivo & Museu de Resistancia Timor-Leste (!"-#$$%http'amrtimor)orgdocsinde*)php5ection !8%rea/ (19--199*5ection !:NR;/ and !:NR/ (19**19995ection !++G.AL;?8DA, Ant@nio de. 19>=. &:r@nica de ?tno%raa :olonial :arne de8nertebrados M tabu alimentar dos natios das col@nias $ortu%uesas), oletim

    da A%ncia Ieral das :ol@nias, 22 (2>9 10-11+.AL;?8DA, Ant@nio de. 19>=. &:r@nica de ?tno%raa :olonial das ;utilaesOtnicas dos 8ndC%enas de imor), oletim Ieral das :ol@nias, 22 (2+1 =>-GP22 (2+2 >*+>P (2+G 10>111P 22 (2+>2++ =1=-P 22 (2+= 10210*P 22(2+- 9G101P 22 (2+* +G+*.AL;?8DA, ;aria ?mClia de :astro. 19-=. &Les .ANDRAD?, Ant@nio Alberto de. 19+2. &Artes e Letras do Fltramar), oletim daA%ncia Ieral do Fltramar, G2 (G=9 929+.ANN8;S. 1929. &?studo Antro$ol@%ico do 8ndC%ena de imor), oletim daA%ncia Ieral das :ol@nias, ano + (+> 1>9 M 1+1.

    ANN8;S. 19G1. & (1=1 1G9.ANN8;S. 19G9. &;issBo Ieo%rUca e Ieol@%ica de imor im$lantaBo do;arco no1 da rian%ulaBo IeodHsica de imor no Alto do 'ico de ata ;ailau),oletim Ieral das :ol@nias, 1+ (1=> 10+10=.ANN8;S. 19>+. &'rimeiro is$o de DCli.) oletim Ieral do Fltramar, 21 (2>+111112.ANN8;S. 19=+. &A$ontamentos $ara a ;ono%raa de imor), oletim daA%ncia Ieral do Fltramar, >1 (>*0 -111G.ANN8;S. 19>9. &'rosse%ue a Sbra do Administrador scar Ruas), oletim

    Ieral das :ol@nias, 2+ (292 1=>1-G.
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    ANN8;S. 19+2. &imor 'o$ulaBo em 19+0), oletim Ieral das :ol@nias, 2-(G22 1-11-2.ANN8;S. 19*0. imor do 5Hculo JK8 ao 5Hculo JJ. 8n ?V$osiBo do 8K:entenUrio de :ames. Lisboa iblioteca Nacional, $$. ==ARFR, ;UVimo Ribeiro. 192= &'olCtica, AdministraBo e rabal#o na 'roCnciade imor), oletim da A%ncia Ieral das :ol@nias, 2 (* 1021G1P 2 (9 +G*=P2(10 1121>0P 2 (11 11*1G2P 2 (12 1>*1-2.SRI?5, Kasco. 19>2. &S :aso De imor), oletim da A%ncia Ieral doFltramar, 1* (200 -9*1.SJ?R, :#arles Ral$#. 19>0. &Noos 5ubsCdios "ist@ricos Relatios a imor),oletim Ieral Das :ol@nias, 1= (1*> G2G*.RAIA, 'aulo. 19G=. A erra, a Iente e os :ostumes de imor. :adernos:oloniais ?ditorial :osmos, nW -.RAIA, 'aulo. 19G=. Nos AntC$odas. :adernos :oloniais ?ditorial :osmos, nW21.RAIA, 'aulo. 19G=. DCliaXarete (sCntese Da Kida imorense. :adernos:oloniais ?ditorial :osmos, nW 1>.RAIA, 'aulo. 19G*. imor 'aCs de 5ol e KolT$ia. :adernos :oloniais ?ditorial:osmos, nW >2.:ARDSN, Omile. 1*=G. Otudes 5ur l/?s$a%ne, Le 'ortu%al ?t Leurs :olonies.'aris Reue Du ;onde :olonial.:ARDS5S, E. IardH Alfaro. 19G-. &imor 5ob o 'onto de Kista A%rCcola), oletimIeral das :ol@nias, ano 1G (1>0 G1+1.:ARKAL"S, EosH dos 5antos. 19-2. Kida e ;orte em imor Durante a 5e%undaIuerra ;undial. Lisboa Liraria 'ortu%al.:A5RS, Afonso de. 1*=-. As 'ossesses 'ortu%uesas na SceYnia. Lisboa8m$rensa Nacional.:8NA8, Ruy. 19+>. &KocabulUrio 8ndC%ena de Al%umas 'lantas imorenses).

    Iarcia De Srta, ol. 2 (G G+9G==.:SRR?8A, A. A. ;endes. 19G>. &Antro$olo%ia de imor). oletim Ieral das:ol@nias, 10 (10* 20+20-.:SRR?8A, A. A. ;endes. 19+0. &LCn%uas De imor), oletim Ieral das :ol@nias,2= (29* 191192.:SRR?8A, A. A. ;endes. 19>+. &5obre Fm 'roblema de iolo%ia "umana emimor 'ortu%us), oletim Ieral das :ol@nias, 21 (2G+ 1G2=.:SRR?8A, Armando 'into. 19G>. &Notas de ?tno%raa imorense M Re%iBo deaucau), oletim Ieral das :ol@nias, 10 (10= G++2.DSR?5, Rafael das. 1901. &A$ontamentos 'ara um DicionUrio :oro%rUco deimor), oletim da 5ociedade de Ieo%raa de Lisboa, 19 (-P 19 (*P 19 (9P 19

    (10P 19 (11P 19 (12.DSR?5, Rafael das. 190-. DicionUrio eto'ortu%us. Lisboa 8m$rensa Nacional.DFAR?, Eor%e arros. 19-+. &:asa uri 5ai Fm i$o De :asa imorense),Iarcia de Srta M 5Hrie de Antro$olo%ia, 2 (12 1G>DFAR?, e@lo. 19G=. &S 'roblema ?con@mico de imor), oletim Ieral das:ol@nias, 12 (1G* GG+*.?5'AR?8RS, Ant@nio ;arques. 19+1. &A :an#oeira !Diu/ e a Iuerra de imor/,oletim Ieral das :ol@nias, 2= (G09 1->*P 2= (G10 G1=>

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    . &Sn 5ome of t#e ribes of imor), Eournal of t#e RoyalAnt#ro$olo%ical 8nstitute, 1G >02>G1.I?N8L, 5ousa. 1929. &S 'roblema De imor), oletim da A%ncia Ieral das:ol@nias, + (+> 1-21-=.ISN]ALK?5, EosH ETlio. 19=0. &iblio%raa Antro$ol@%ica do Fltramar'ortu%us), oletim Ieral do Fltramar, G- (>G>>G+ GG+G>1P G- (>G=>G->G* >G1>-2."A;^, ?rnest#Hodore. 1*-+. &5ur L/ant#ro$olo%ie de l/8le de imor), ulletinde La 5ociHtH d/Ant#ro$olo%ie de 'aris, 88 (10 22>22-."8:75, Daid. 19-G. e :araubalo etum), Iarcia de Srta M 5Hrie deAntro$olo%ia, 1 (12 1G1*."8:75, Daid. 19-G. e :airui and Fai ;a/a of imor), Ant#ro$os8nternational Reiew of ?t#nolo%y and Lin%uistics, =* >-G>*1.EARD8;, EoBo dos 5antos 'ereira. 190G. &A :erYmica De imor), 'ortu%Ulia, tomo8 *2G*2+.EARD8;, EoBo dos 5antos 'ereira e RS:"A, 5antos. 1*9*. &Notas ?tno%rUcas5obre os 'oos de imor), 'ortu%Ulia, tomo 1 G++G+9.LA'8:QF?, Louis. 1*9+. &A La Rec#erc#e Du Ne%rito), our Du ;onde, 1(G+>09>+=.L?8_S, "umberto. 1929. &Al%umas 8ndicaes 5obre a Nossa :ol@nia de imor),oletim da A%ncia Ieral das :ol@nias, + (+> GG1.L?N:A5R?, ETlio IarceX De. 1929. &Al%uns Dados ?statCsticos 5obre a :ol@niaDe imor), oletim da A%ncia Ieral das :ol@nias, +(+> 1121G1.L?N:A5R?, ETlio IarceX de. 1929. &Al%umas Re%ras Iramaticais da LCn%uaetum e KocabulUrio), oletim Da A%ncia Ieral Das :ol@nias, + (+> *292.L?N:A5R?, ETlio IarceX de. 1929. &As$ectos da AdministraBo de imor),

    oletim da A%ncia Ieral das :ol@nias, + (+> G2+>.L?N:A5R?, ETlio IarceX de. 19G1. &:limatolo%ia e Nosolo%ia de imor), oletimda A%ncia Ieral das :ol@nias, - (-1 =1 M --.L?N:A5R?, ETlio IarceX de. 1929. &Lista Dos Ioernadores De imor ? Data De'osse (1-01 a 192=), oletim da A%ncia Ieral das :ol@nias, + (+> 11211>.L?N:A5R?, ETlio IarceX de. 19G>. ;arcos da ?V$ansBo do 8m$Hrio 5olor, Alore imor, oletim da A%ncia Ieral das :ol@nias, 10 (10> 12G=.;AIRS, Ant@nio Eacinto. 19>-. &ro$as e Aquartelamentos de imor M 5ubsCdio$ara a "ist@ria das Fnidades ;ilitares da :ol@nia (* Sut. 19G-;aio 19>0),Reista ;ilitar, ol. 99 (2> *9.;AIRS, Ant@nio Eacinto. 19>+. &'roblemas ?con@micos e de AdministraBoIeral de imor), oletim Ieral das :ol@nias, 21 (2G* 19-20G.

    ;AR8N"S, EosH 5imes. 19>*. &A :ultura da orrac#a em imor), oletim Ieraldas :ol@nias, ano 2> (2-+ 20*212.;AR8N"S, EosH 5imes. 19>+. &Aldeamentos 8ndC%enas M Fm Dos 'roblemas Da:oloniXaBo De imor), oletim Ieral das :ol@nias, 21 (2G* 1>*1=9.;AR8N5, LuCs Au%usto (> G*>


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    NFN?5, EosH da :osta. 19G+. &;isses De imor), oletim Ieral das :ol@nias,11 (11+ 1+21+9.NFN?5, EosH da :osta. 19G*. &Relat@rio da Kisita s ;isses De imor), oletimIeral das :ol@nias, 1> (1+> 1*11*>.'ARR?8RA, "enrique. 1929. &:ontribuiBo 'ara o ?studo da Sr%aniXaBo5cientCca do rabal#o 8ndC%ena), oletim da A%ncia Ieral das :ol@nias, +(+1 G9>9.'8N"?8RS, Almeida. 192-. &imor), oletim Ieral das :ol@nias, G (21 1--191.5Z, Artur asClio de. 19>*. &'reliminares da "ist@ria de imor), oletim Ieraldas :ol@nias, 2> (2*0 G2+.5Z, Artur asClio de. 19+0. &Ss :aladis De imor), oletim Ieral das :ol@nias,ano 2= (G02G0G G+>+.5Z, Artur asClio de. 19+1. &ndia, ;acau e imor), oletim Ieral das :ol@nias,2= (G10 =+-*.5Z, Artur asClio de. 19+>. DocumentaBo $ara a "ist@ria das ;isses do'adroado 'ortu%us no Sriente M 8nsulCndia. Lisboa A%ncia Ieral do Fltramar.5ALAAR, Ant@nio de Slieira. 19>2. &:omunicaBo de 5.a ?V.a o 'residente do:onsel#o Assembleia Nacional Acerca do Ataque Ni$@nico a imor), oletimIeral das :ol@nias, 1* (200 101>.5ALAAR, Ant@nio de Slieira. 19>+. &Ss Acontecimentos de imor Durante aIuerra do 'acCco), oletim Ieral das :ol@nias, 21 (2>> G1>.5ALAAR, Ant@nio de Slieira. 19>2. &?V$osiBo de 5.a ?V.a o 'residente do:onsel#o Acerca dos 5ucessos de imor), oletim Ieral das :ol@nias, 1* (199G12.58LKA, EosH :elestino da. 192-. &=2-+.KALD?, EosH d/ AscensBo. 1929. &A 8nstruBo do Natio de imor S Que 5eDee 9G110.KALD?, EosH d/ AscensBo. 1929. &imor e a 5ua 'ecuUria), oletim da A%nciaIeral das :ol@nias, ano + (+> ++ M -1.KAR8, ;.;. 19G-. &'ortu%al ;issionUrio e as ;isses de imor), oletim Ieraldas :ol@nias 1G (1>1 12G129.KA5:SN:?LS5, -2*1.K?8IA, Duarte. 192=. &?stradas em imor), oletim da A%ncia Ieral das:ol@nias, 2 (1= **9>.

    [ALLA:?, A.R. 1**G. #e ;alay Arc#i$ela%o. London ;acmillan.

    /ational Library of AustraliaRefer to Anya Dettman, 2009.

    /01 LibrariesBoo2sA: Australia. and :#i$ aylor :ommunications. (2000. ?ast imor a license to6ill. Derry, New "am$s#ire, :#i$ aylor :ommunications,.

    Ea6artas astonis#in% announcement t#at t#ey would at last considerinde$endence is $roin% to be little more t#an a c#an%e in tactics by t#e real$owers in east imor, 8ndonesias military. "ere we establis# t#e lin6 between

    t#ese militiasbeni%nly 6nown as `illa%e $olice` and t#e 8ndonesian military,

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    AR8, w#o #ae su$$lied wea$ons and do not#in% to sto$ t#e cam$ai%n ofterror.

    Acquisto, L., et al. (2002. ?ast imor birt# of a nation. Lindeld, N.5.[.,

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    :at#olic 8nstitute for 8nternational Relations. (1992. ?ast imor aninternational res$onsibility. London, :at#olic 8nstitute for 8nternationalRelations.

    :#al6, '. and Rand :or$oration. National 5ecurity Researc# Diision. (2001.Australian forei%n and defense $olicy in t#e wa6e of t#e 19992000 ?ast imorinterention. 5anta ;onica, :A, Rand.

    `8n late 1999, Australia undertoo6 its most si%nicant eVternal militaryo$erations since t#e Kietnam [ar t#e interention to stem t#e iolence andbloods#ed followin% ?ast imors Au%ust 1999 ote to se$arate from 8ndonesia.#is boo6 eVamines 6ey deelo$ments leadin% to t#e de$loyment of t#e8nternational 'eace6ee$in%

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    factors w#ic# inuence decision ma6in% $rocesses. 8n su$$ort of t#eseconclusions, t#e boo6 features detailed case studies of 8raq, 5omalia, Rwanda,7osoo, ?ast imor and 5ierra Leone.` `#is realistic iew of militaryinterention and $eace6ee$in% $roides a new $ers$ectie w#ic# $romises amore rewardin% future for t#e international security system. ?ssential readin%for academics and $ractitioners of international relations and conictmana%ement.`SS7 EA:7?.

    :otton, E. (200>. ?ast imor, Australia and re%ional order interention and itsaftermat# in 5out#east Asia. 'olitics in Asia series. London P New or6,Routled%e:urXon, 1 online resource (Vii, 19G $..

    :otton, E. and NetLibrary 8nc. (200>. ?ast imor, Australia and re%ional order interention and its aftermat# in 5out#east Asia. New or6, Routled%e:urXon.

    :ristalis, 8. (2009. ?ast imor a nations bitter dawn. New ^or6, ed oo6s.

    Dalrym$le, R. (200G. :ontinental drift Australias searc# for a re%ional identity.Alders#ot, "ants, ?n%land P urlin%ton, K, As#%ate.

    `Rawdon Dalrym$le studies Australias sense of ulnerability andattac#ment to distant $rotectors w#ic# #as coeVisted wit# tendencies of bot#assertieness and com$lacency. #e boo6 eVamines t#e cautious deelo$mentof Australian relations wit# ?ast Asia durin% t#e 19*0s and 1990s, wit# detailedcoera%e of t#e bac6%round to t#e Australian egort and critical analysis ofw#ere Australian forays into t#e $olitics re%ion leae its standin% in ?ast Asiaand t#e world today.`SS7 EA:7?.

    Dunn, E. (200G. ?ast imor a rou%# $assa%e to inde$endence. Double ay,

    N5[, Lon%ueille oo6s.


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    it a$art.`SS7 EA:7?.

    . 5earc#in% for $eace in Asia 'acic an oeriew ofconict $reention and $eacebuildin% actiities. oulder, Lynne Rienner'ublis#ers.


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    critical bac6%round information, u$todate sureys of t#e conicts in Nort#eastAsia, 5out#east Asia, and t#e 'acic, and a directory of some >00 or%aniXationswor6in% in t#e eld of conict $reention and $eacebuildin% in t#e Asia 'acicre%ion. #e aut#ors $roide detailed, obectie descri$tions of on%oin%actiities, as well as assessments of t#e $ros$ects for conict resolution.`SS7 EA:7?.

    "ill, ". and E. ;. d. 5. 5aldan#a (2001. ?ast imor deelo$ment c#allen%es fort#e worlds newest nation. 5in%a$ore, 8nstitute of 5out#east Asian 5tudies Asia'acic 'ress, t#e National Fniersity, VV, G*1 $. ma$s G2G cm.

    "itc#ens, :. (2001. #e trial of "enry 7issin%er. London P New ^or6, Kerso.`"itc#ens inesti%ates, in turn, 7issin%ers inolement in t#e war in

    8ndoc#ina, mass murder in an%lades#, $lanned assassinations in 5antia%o,Nicosia and [as#in%ton D:, and %enocide in ?ast imor.`SS7 EA:7?.

    "uman Ri%#ts [atc# (Sr%aniXation (200=. ?ast imor tortured be%innin%s $olice iolence and t#e be%innin%s of im$unity in ?ast imor. New ^or6, N.^.,"uman Ri%#ts [atc#.

    8nbara, 5. and [.

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    institutions of t#e countries in 5out#?ast Asia, in $articular tracin% t#eir $astand eV$lainin% #ow t#ey #ae come to be w#at t#ey are.` `#e boo6 is ideal forstudents of $olitical science and 5out#?ast Asian studies at all leels.`SS7EA:7?.

    7in%sbury, D. (2009. ?ast imor t#e $rice of liberty. New ^or6, 'al%rae;acmillan.

    7in%sbury, D. and ;. Leac# (200-. ?ast imor beyond inde$endence. :layton,Kic., ;onas# Fniersity 'ress.

    7in%sbury, D. and ;onas# Asia 8nstitute. (2000. Iuns and ballot boVes ?astimors ote for inde$endence. :layton, ;onas# Asia 8nstitute.

    7rie%er, ". and D. Rausc#nin% (199-. ?ast imor and t#e internationalcommunity basic documents. :ambrid%e P New ^or6, :ambrid%e Fniersity'ress.

    Lei%#, ;. . and Fniersiti ;alaysia 5arawa6. 8nstitute of ?ast Asian 5tudies.(1999. ?ast imor, Ieneral [iranto, international interation 3i.e. interention4and A5?AN re%ional security. 7ota 5amara#an, 5arawa6, 8nstitute of ?ast Asian5tudies, Fniersiti ;alaysia 5arawa6.

    Lye, ;. ;. ". (19--. #e ?ast imor issue 99 $.

    ;a%al#aes, A. . d., et al. (1992. ?ast imor 8ndonesian occu$ation and%enocide. 'ortu%al, S$orto Fniersity.

    ;alone, D. (200>. #e FN 5ecurity :ouncil from t#e :old [ar to t#e 21stcentury. oulder, :olo., Lynne Rienner.

    ;annin%, :., et al. (2000. 8ndonesia in transition social as$ects of reformasiand crisis. 5in%a$ore, 8nstitute of 5out#east Asian 5tudies.

    ;anuel, '. :., et al. (200=. #e :at#olic :#urc# and t#e nationstate com$aratie $ers$ecties. [as#in%ton, D.:., Ieor%etown Fniersity 'ress.

    ;ar6er, E. (200G. ?ast imor a memoir of t#e ne%otiations for inde$endence.Eegerson, N.:., ;c

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    `?ast Asia and 5out#east Asia are ast and com$leV re%ions, wit# abewilderin% array of #istories, demo%ra$#ics, economic structures, culturalbac6%rounds, and %lobal mar6etin% $otentials. #is "andboo6 unraels t#emystery. ?ac# c#a$ter is written by a country s$ecialist and $roides a t#orou%#and u$todate analysis of one of t#e ?5?A countries. ?ac# aut#or follows aconsistent model and coers %eo%ra$#y and natural resources, t#e $oliticalsystem, t#e economic system, t#e social system, and t#e mar6etin%enironment.`SS7 EA:7?.

    'into, :. j. and ;. Eardine (199-. ?ast imors unnis#ed stru%%le inside t#eimorese resistance. oston, ;A, 5out# ?nd 'ress.

    Ramos"orta, E. and 8nstitute of 5out#east Asian 5tudies. (2001. ?ast imor andt#e re%ion. 5in%a$ore, 8nstitute of 5out#east Asian 5tudies.

    5aldan#a, E. ;. d. 5. (199>. #e $olitical economy of ?ast imor deelo$ment.Ea6arta, 'usta6a 5inar "ara$an.

    5mit#, ;. I. and ;. Dee (200G. 'eace6ee$in% in ?ast imor t#e $at# toinde$endence. oulder, :olo., Lynne Rienner 'ublis#ers.

    5myt#e, '. A. (200>. #e #eaiest blow t#e :at#olic :#urc# and t#e ?astimor issue. ;knsterNew runswic6, Lit PDistributed by ransaction 'ublis#ers.

    anter, R., et al. (2001. itter owers, sweet owers ?ast imor, 8ndonesia,and t#e world community. Lan#am, ;D, Rowman \ Littleeld 'ublis#ers.

    aylor, E. I. (1999. ?ast timor t#e $rice of freedom. New or6, ed oo6s Ltd.`8n t#is u$dated and muc# eV$anded edition of #is boo6, 8ndonesias

    . ?ast imor t#e stru%%lecontinues. :o$en#a%en, 8nternational [or6 Irou$ for 8ndi%enous Agairs.

    Kaldiieso, L. and 8nternational ;onetary

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    [#eeler, . and Lonely 'lanet 'ublications (. ?ast imor. years of 8ndonesian occu$ation. #at occu$ation $roduced a refu%ee dias$oras$read between 'ortu%al and Australia t#at #as been inte%ral in adancin% ?astimors cause abroad. ecause ?ast imorese in t#e dias$ora identied stron%lyas eViles and inested so muc# in $ursuin% ?ast imors inde$endence, t#e#omelands liberation #as com$licated t#e ery basis on w#ic# many #ae`ima%ined` t#emseles since eein% to Australia.`SS7 EA:7?.

    eo, . . and 8. "ossain (2002. ?ast imor a case study of Fnited Nations`new` %eneration $eace6ee$in% (19992001, De$t. of 'olitical 5cience, . `#e 'ortu%uese :olonisation of imor t#e nal sta%e,1*+01912.`

    Lye, ;. ;. ". (19--. `#e ?ast imor 8ssue.`.

    na #alan%, :. (200-. `5tate, society and social control in 8ndonesia acom$aratie study in t#e cases of ?ast imor and Ace#.`

    Sei, L. ;. (1992. `8ndonesia and ?ast imor strate%ies of le%itimation in t#eworld community.`

    Ric#ards, ?. E. (2010.. `#e :at#olic :#urc# and t#e stru%%le for re$roductieri%#ts in $ostinde$endence imorLeste.`

    en, L. 7. (2011. `5$irits of t#e $ast, %#osts of t#e future #istory and identity in$ostcolonial ?ast imor.`

    Ea$anese 5ources on (?ast imor and ?t#no%ra$#ies of Nusa en%%ara imor1 !"#$%&


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  • 7/26/2019 Bibliography of East Timor



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  • 7/26/2019 Bibliography of East Timor



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