[lends n echnolo0r] $harlng Bvilck ]u|ake$ $oll$o verybody in s whenhe enterpriseulls ogether, ut that's ometimesasieraid handone.That'swlry fr*t ar e usingtechnology o acilitate ollaboration. Orre Fricla\,, llan lirank rvas :rcecl vitli preparingan inrl>ortant 1:resentation or the [ollou'ingNIonclal, x preseutation hat rvoulcl recptirehours of u,ork ancl closecollaboration 'ith hi s colleagues t KPN'[C crrt Nlarrvick.Br,rt nsteacl f closetinghenrseh,esnsicle theirRaclnor, a.,office o prepare,F'rankancl .ris sso- ciates ook a u,eekenclki trip oColoraclo. Altliotrglr he groupspent palt oI theil clat's los'r.r- hilling the pou,clervlopes tucarDenver, he1, \,ar. 'lka able tcl eviseanclpolish theirpresentation'ith the help o f associatesn Palo Alto,Calif.,N4iauriancl acl- nor. The result: conrpre- Irensive Preseut;rtion h a t ru'ils uccessfully ubut'ttecl or rNlonclay ronring. Frank ancl his ivorkgroulr go t a huge assistronr KPN,tCl Peat Vlanl,ick'snfornianon teclrnologi l'f orgirniza- tion,n,hichunclerstitncls ha t teanrrvork an yielcl he best results,even rvhen eaur turentberslon't 1>1a1, rr the sanreielcl. Ancl KPN,IC ea tNlirrrvick isn'talone:N'lan1,inrs ar e real zing that infornration sharing-rvhether >asecln cl erit/sen,erp1>l cations,E- rnail,r'icleoconfcrencing r other collaborativeechnol- ogies-can help tr,rrnncli- vicltrals eparatecl y 'r [eri' officesor thousancls[ miles irrtoa l'inning eanr. WorkGroupTechnolo- gies,a n .rarket esearch inlr in Flanrpton, .FI., orecasts that the nrarket or all cate- gories f rvorkgroup ltroclr,rcts ru'ill rou,fronr $532 million in 1994 o nearly 3 . i billion in 1997.One reasouor this erpectecl rorvth s that the rirtture f rvork s charigirrg cl anr ticalll,. "A s conrpanies lattenancl clorirsize lreirorganiza- tions, vorkgroul>onrltutir.rg s'ill Plat'an ncreasinglt'rit- ical role n helping eanrs win," points otrt Richarcl Sr,rllir,an,lirector f tBlt \\/orkGroup SoltrtionsNIar- keting,Softu'are olutrons Division. No longer loes n orgar.rizational hart clefine tl'renature oF u,ork. lather, t h e paradignrof ri,ork s changing sconrpanieseanr to bring eamskills o l>ear on critical asks." l{orrniN,larshak,clitor n chief o[the WorkgrotLp on'r pttting |lepoft, publishecl r, the PatriciaSeybolcl roup irr Boston, utlines h e acl- vantirges f collaborative cornl>uting: Conrrntrrr cir- tion is niore inrell', n1>uts rurore 'idespreacl,lecisron nraking s broacler nd nrore creative, rrd rrforurations available 'hen ancls'here 1 o u neecl t. Collaborative compnting s the business nroclelor he2lstcentun'."

Beyond Computing Sharing Makes Sense

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8/6/2019 Beyond Computing Sharing Makes Sense

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[lendsn echnolo0r]

$harlng Bvilck

]u|ake$$oll$overybodyinswhen heenterpriseullsogether,utthat's ometimesasier aid handone.That'swlry

fr*t areusingtechnologyo acilitate ollaboration.

Orre F r i c la \ , , l l an l i rank

rvas :rcecl vitli preparingan

inr l>ortant1:resentat ionor

the [ol lou' ingNIonclal , x

p reseu ta t ion ha t r vou lc l

recptirehours of u,ork ancl

closecollaboration 'ith hi s

co l leagues t KPN ' [C c r r t

N la r rv i ck .B r , r t ns teac l f

c loset inghenrseh,esnsic le

their Raclnor, a. ,of f ice oprepare,F'rankancl .ris sso-

ciates ook a u,eekencl k i

trip o Coloraclo.

Altliotrglr he groupspent

pal t oI thei l c lat 's los ' r . r -

h i l l ing the pou,clervlopes

tucarDenver, he1, \,ar. 'lka

ab le t c l ev i seanc lpo l i sh

their presentat ion' i th the

he lp o f assoc ia tesn Pa lo

Alto,Calif.,N4iauriancl acl-

nor. The resul t : conrpre-

I rens ivePreseu t ; r t i onha t

ru'ils uccessfully ubut'ttecl

or rNlonclay ronring.

Frank ancl his i vorkgroulr

got a hugeassistronr KPN,tCl

Peat Vlanl,ick'snfornianon

tec l rno log i l ' f o rg i rn i za -

tion,n,hichunclerstitnclsha t

teanrrvorkan yielcl he best

resu l t s ,even rvhen eaurturentberslon't1>1a1,rr the


Ancl KPN,IC eatNlirrrvick

isn't alone:N'lan1,inrs ar e

real z ing that infornrat ion

sharing-rvhether >asecln

cl erit/sen,er p1>lcations,E-

rnail, r' icleoconfcrencingr

other collaborativeechnol-

ogies-can help tr , r rnncl i -

vicltrals eparatecl y 'r [eri '

officesor thousancls[ miles

irrtoa l' inning eanr.

WorkGroup Techno lo -

gies,a n .rarket esearch inlr

in Flanrpton, .FI., orecasts

that the nrarket or all cate-

gories f rvorkgroupltroclr,rctsru'il l rou,fronr$532million

in 1994 o near ly 3. i b i l l ion

in 1997.One reasouor this

erpectecl rorvth s that ther i r t ture f rvork s char igirrg

cl anr ticalll,."Asconrpanieslattenancl

c l o r ir s i z e l r e i ro r g a n i z a -

tions, vorkgroul>onrltutir.rg

s'il l Plat'an ncreasinglt'rit-

i ca l ro le n he lp ing eanrs

w in , " po in ts o t r t R icharc l

S r , r l l i r , an ,l i rec to r f tB l t

\\/orkGroup SoltrtionsNIar-

ket ing,Softu 'are olutrons

Division. No longer loes n

orgar.rizationalhart clefine

tl'renatureoFu,ork. lather,

the parad ign ro f r i , o rk s

changing sconrpanieseanr

to br ing eamski l ls o l>ear

on critical asks."

l{orrniN,larshak,clitor n

chief o[the WorkgrotLp on'r

pttting |lepoft, publishecl r,

the PatriciaSeybolcl roupirr Boston, ut l ines he acl-

van t i rges f co l l abora t i ve

cornl>ut ing:Conrrntrrrc i r -

tion is niore inrell ', n1>uts

rurore 'idespreacl,lecisron

nraking s broacler nd nrore

creative, rrd rrforurations

avai lable 'hen ancls 'here

1ou neecl t . Col laborat ive

compnting s the business

nroclelor he2lst centun'."

8/6/2019 Beyond Computing Sharing Makes Sense

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/beyond-computing-sharing-makes-sense 2/4

' l ' h i si s e r c len t t KPNI ( l

Peat \' laru'ick,i here 1.'rank,

the na t iona ll ta r tne r f en -

ab l iug echr ro log ies ,rec l i t s


he lp ing he f i rn r n rake he

t rans i t i on ronr >e ing eo -

graphical lv ocusecl rorrncl

taxancl ccounting en'iceso

r e l a t i o n a ld r r t a b r r s e sn c l

rrhrt'saccessiblei'onr ll tl ie

i n f o n r i a t i o n > e i u g s s r r e c l

r la ihl 'he

nloleol)cn \e : l rc,

the urore eerviri \'e l:ive-

ancl he betterpositioneclve

are or he2lstcentun."

A n o t l . r e r n t e r p r i s eh a t

rreeclso cornpi lc rrput ronr

reseitrchrpclatcsn the pub-

l ic corr i l>anieshat t coves.' l ' hese

nr in i -1> ro i i l cs ,a l l ed

Researclt '1rrsh,ontain stock

v a l u a t i o n r i t e r i a L r c l t s

pr ice-to-earningsat ios, lus

aur l rst nsights ncl tan<larcl

rcgrrlaton isclainrers.efore

distr ibrr t ion,here s au e\ -

"Y:::#,:##:';::::;x::#,::continousialoguendactive xchdngef deas."

l>cconr rgarr nternat ior i i t l

1>r<l'iclerf >trsinessen,ices."Bv tapping nto our vast

tesc tvo i r f i n te l l ec tua l s -

sets,".'rank xltlaius,\\,e Al l

inrl>r'oveur abili[, to create

tea r l s l ta t a le focuser l n

solv iug l ientproblenrs,ncl

\ \ /e : l u ns t i tu t i ona l i zche

principle [ rrbic;tritousrccess

to nfornration."

KPN4C ea tVlars,ick's ol-lallorativeeclinology, allecl

Knos, le lgeNlanager, s an

intenral ly levelopeclystenr

basecl n SofL{rc's i'irstClass

sofhr,:rre.norvleclge Ianag-

er is a c l ient/sen,erPackagethat etsgeoglal>hical lyl is-

ltelsecl ntl>lol,eesnteractive-

11'exchangearious ,pes [

infbrnration, ,lrether n th e

loacl , t c l ients i tes r in the

office.F rankconrpares non , l -

eclgeN4anagero an "unrl>rel-

la" enconrpassinghemultiple

clatabasesn KPr\,lC's,orlcl-

rvicle Perations.Other rlter'-

natives ,oulcl rave ecluirecl

t l ov ing iu fo rn ra t ionn to a

procluct's latabase,"e sals."Btr t rve lel ieveour knon' l -

eclge iust be l>roaclerncl

cleeperlun jtrstoneclatal>ase.

"l t must nclucle ,hirt's nthe hrternet, ,hat'snsicle ur

BeyondomputingMay 995

nru l t i p le ou rccss N , lax r rs

L)rergv, Dallas-bitsedntc'r-

na t ion i t l i l and gasexp l< l -

rat iou conrpi t r . r r ' .[ 'he

I rni

chose ohrsNotes, package

that conr l>ines -nrai l i ' i th

shalecl rultirneclia ccesso

clocunrcntsrrcl 1>1>lcations,

as he backboneor tscollab-

rlrative ,olkcfforts.

SinceNotes vas nstal lccl

at Nl:rxus,usage

asexplocl-ec l , r re led y iuu r rn re ra l ; l c

a p 1 > l i c a t i o n sh a t s e e n r < l

conreout of t l ie n,ooclrvolk,"

s: tys , , tot ' t . t - tat iotrystetns

clirector olrnSeifrick. hese

inclrrc lcuvoice r i rckingrr r

i u t e r r r l t i o n i r l l l e r i r t i o r r s ,

consoliclateclLill ing ncl1>ro-cluctiou eports, rrcluterrtl-

tional ravel uthorizations."'['heapplicationsllorvus

t o c o n c l u c t u s i n e s s r o r equicklvanclefficierrtl)',"clds

Seitr ick. ' l 'h isproclucts so

critical o our enterpriseha t

the f i rst nro\ /e ur inter a-

t ioualv ice presic lent akes

rr4.rerrperring nen, ocation

is o put n a Notes en,er ."


Notes s alsobeing usecl >1,

l i i rst Albanl ' ,a [u l l -sen,rce

investrrrentanking i rnr rrA lbaur ' ,N .Y . , to 1>roc luce

tetrsive 1>provirl1>rocesshirt

incltrclescer evicri"I\esetrrclt"/rrs/r s b:rsed

on a Notcs orrrr hatal lor is

us o clrricklr etrieve tarrclard

stock tat ist icalnfornrat ion,

pLice lata nc l irrancial ro-ject ionsbasecl n l , ' i rst \ l -

l>any's t'rtistical rodels nc l

thc ztr t : t l t 's t 'sccornnrencla-

t i o r r , " avsB i r r r r l cCr r rd l

s c u i o rv i c e p r e s i c l e n t u c ld i rec to ro f rcscarch . ' [ ' l i i s

repor t s a lso iukec l r t h i n

Notes o the ap1>ro1>riatelis-

clainrelhngtrage ncl an >c

e lec t ron ica l l y ccessec lt '

otheranalystsor revierr,."

No teshas enab lec l i i r s t

r\lbany o conrbirre 1>eeclnc l

accurAc \ / once n r r r t r ra l l l '

e x c l r r s i v e , c c o r d i n g t o

NlcCurclv- in 1>roch-rc ingts

25 to j0 separateveekly cli-tiorrs f llasac ch b-lash,

l.'irstAlbany s norv vorking

on tn'o aclclitiorral otesap -

plicahons. ne s,i l lenal>lell

erul>loveeso levierr' reviorrs

contacts regarcllessf rr,ho

nraclehe contact ncl vlren t

u,as -nacle-eachime thev

talk to a cus tonrer.l 'he


onclapplicatiorrvillallorv he

firrrr o trseResearch-/ashasa

s1>ringbclarclor procluci rglonger, rore n-cleptl.re1>orts.

'l 'hecluickprocltrctionf ir

cr i t ical locrrnrcnts also he

birs is i r r i r l rkgrotrp rojcct

rr t l rc lcorgirr)c;>irr tnrerr if

N a t r r r a l l c s o r r r c e sD \ l { ) ,

r rh i c h i s u s i r r g p e n N l i n c l

t lorrr \ t t r rchrrratco crcate

l o n g - L a n g cl a n . ' [ ' h e ) N l {

aclnrn sters )eorgia 's tate-

orvn clpir ks iur l lr s o ica

si tes, ncl t l ras r t castonc

e u r p l o i e c r r c a c h o f t h e

statc's 9 corrnties.

One tearrrrscrl 1>cu\incl

kr get nput fron'r ocirlofficcs,

federal fficials, orporatiotts

anc lenv i ron rnen ta ll ' ou l ) s .

,\nother s using hc sofhlitre

to an r t l l ze , o l l abor r t c r t c l

conrpr lcl rc loct trncrr t ." ' l ' l rcreis r lot of <l i r rs i t r

i n t l r c n1>u th r r t r r r so I t c

dist i l lcc lnkr rr c lcar, orrc lse

c l o c r n u e r r t , "c r t t a r k s a t t l

B r r r kha l t c r , i rec to lo f t l i c

l ) rogl iur iStr l l ;>r l r t i r s i t l r r ."Yorr :rn't lrvals et he Pco-

1>lc 'otr eecl r the table at

the sanreinrc.Btrtcollal>tlla-

tivecorripuiingrllorls ontin-

t ro t r s l i a logue t r t c l c t i i e

ercharrge f icleas urong urpeople crosshc state."

S T A N D A R DI N I I I T S' l 'echnologv

can l>eusecl o

facilitatcgroup effortseven f

it'suot optinrizeclor colhl>o-

rirtive ourpr-rting.aurntorts

Conrnrurrications,n operator

of cable elevision t'steuts,rts

stanclardizecln Conrshare's


packageo irrcorl>orateu1>trtfronr nrauagenrentnc lcal>le

opera to rs n i t s s l ro r t - nc l

long-ternr>uclgeting."Corttnritn<let.trrlget ircs

r-rs ruulticlirriensirlnitllata-

base hat executivest head-

cluarterstndat otrr50 enrote

locationsAl laccesso gct he

latest ntbrnrat ion,"ars ef f

Da i l i , d i rec to r f [ i nanc ia l

plauninganclanlltsisat Dal-

las-baseclanrnrous.Other benefitsuclucle li e

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r r r , : l i r r , : ,

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::'i\':llt',i, ?.tii.ri


. . , : : i ) r i : i r i

. . . , i _ : i ; .



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' r € - - ,.

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: rb i l i t r o r lLr icklr<l l loLrt r

srrcccssf i r lt latcgi o othcr

sitcs. :rnrnrons'nfrtrrrr:rtirln

hub also r l lor is rcctr t i rcsr

spc r td ro l c i r r r ct r r i r l r z i r rg

tltcnrrnrltcrsrncl onclLrcting

r i r i t t - i fccrrrrr iosi rct l r rc i r rg

thc < lF tcn - tcc l i oushoreo I

drrtir ollcction.

Sonrct inrcs,f fcct i r col-

la l>orat ionlc l>enclsot on

c r c h l n g i n gk c l s t r o k c s L

filcs, ut on trsiugl)ichlrcs )

tc l l a skrn. l3\ l Netrrorkir ig

Sofhiarc's clsorr r ['ersr.rn,

P i c t u r c ' l ' c l ' s, l V l l ; r n r i l r ,

lntc l 'sProShrlre lr( lot l ler

v ic leocorr fcrencingr 'oclucts

lct rrsels halc ncl ditappli-

cat ionsrr rcal in ic, rsncl l

i r sv i s r r i r l l v o lnn t . l l tc i l t c

u th rc'rnotcollcagtrcs.

l "o r cx l rup lc ,c \ l ) c r t s t

thc r\rrgustal'cchnicnl


trrtc n l\rrgrrsta,a., rcccnt-

It Lrsccl ersori r Pclsorr o

ret ' ien, anr l>le -rat 's ' i th

corrrrterl>irrlsrt tlrc Urrivcrsi-

tr of Nlichigan t,,\rrr \rb<lr."\\/c coulcl ee aclrothcrat

thc sanre inrc,u,c >oth acl'clralkboarcls'

kr annotatclr cX-rays, nclu'c haclnrirrorccl

i rpp l i ca t ions -eac l rf o r r r

kevsh'olics\,irs choe(l n tlle

ot l ic l screcn, 1;1y*o-\nnc[ { o b i n s o n , s l l c c i r r l i s tn

r r r t r l t i n i c d i ar a i n i r i g n d

dcvelopnrcnt t the r\ugtrsta'I'cchnicalnstitrrtc.

' l 'hcschool s bui ld inga

satcl l i tccanr l ) r . lsrbout40

rrrilcs rrrnr ts \rrgrrstaoca-

t ion,arrc l t f ic in ls rc plau-ning to intcglatePclsorr<r

l )crsorrnto clai l i ' c t iv i t ics.' l ' ha t

rv i l l a l l os s t r f te rs o

inoic la loug conrnrLrtc>r

rttost rreetings.

stcRrTs0slJccrss\\zhile he :encfits f collal>

or:rtir,eonrputingrrecle:lr,lcal;ing lienr s usuallvno t

ass in rp le sg rabb ing he

r ight productotT he shel f .' ll rcre lc,of corr lsc,' i r l iorrs

tcchnicalssr.rcs,rrc l r s r t-

stal l i r t iun,ctuork sul) l )or t ,

intentchvorkinglctai lsncl

s o f t \ \ ' a r er r t e g r a t i o n .u t

t h c r ca l c a l s o s s t r c so r r -

c e n r i n g o u p e o p l e o r k

irnclelatc o cachothcr." \ , \ , ' oLkgroupso lu t ions

slroulcl e lblc kr uvcrcorrrc

t l ic tcchnical hir l lengesf

harrdl ing i f - l l rent rpesof

i n f c l r n r a t i o nn s i n g l eo r

rrrultiple oc:ttions t s1>eccls

ttsels :tve ort.tco c\l)ect,"

l l l \ l ' s S t r l l i van c l i scs . l I

loLl hi lve t hcterogeneous

cnvironnrcnt,ool< or tools

tha t can o l )e r i t te c ross

var iehof opcrat ing lstenrs

r i t l r i r r t c l i c r t t / sc l i c rr r r -

ronnrcnt.N.lirke urc hclc's

i l ro l )us tn rcss : rg ingr h l -

n r l i l c i rpa l> i l i h ,rnc l rba l -

anccbctu'ccn i rnct iouir l i t i '

itrtcl trpport f stirnclirrcls.' l lrc

bcncfts of collal>orir-

t i o r r . i kc r r ros l oo r l l r i ngs

in lif-c, onrc rta pricc,aclds

Nlrrrshirk f thc \,\/rlrlrgroup

hrral rn dpolitical. .\ l l fbLrr

lulust )e riorkecl rrt,<tr orr

n t r t l t c r i sko i f r r i l r r r c , "re

\\ 'afi ls.

l"ronra tcchncllogstancl-

1 > o i n t , e i f r i c ko f N I a x u s

l'inergr a\s lre cxprtnentiitl

incrcasc f a ii 'rlrkgroup p-

plicirtiorr an ltut sultstanti:rl

l)rcssurcsn l.\\s arrd \'',\Ns.

l.'olcrrrrnPlc, ,hxLrsashacl

t<-r pgraclc oth it s nationrl

ancl ntcrnir t iorralctrvorks,

au( l ncrc:rsehc lrai labi l ih

of tcclrrr icalrrrr l r lnr i r r is t l i r -

tive csorrrces.

Kl ' ] \ l ( l 's . ' rarrk dcls hat

t l rc orgarr izat ionhorr ldte

c\anriuecl l scehorv hings

get done. ' l 'he cchnologr,

rn r . r s tc f l cc t hos ' pco l t l e

tca l l t ' l r ' o rk , r the s ls tc r r r

u ill lail," ic s:tvs.

c0i l ,A80RATtl/ t|J.TURtCul tuLa l ssuesur '< l l ver r

organization'sbilih, o share

irr fonrrat ion. ortrc1>eolt lcbc l i cvc h r r t r r t i l l r r r i r t i o r rs

.\lscl, e sure lrat r lot of

training s nlohccl. n aclcli-

t ion kr corer ing <xi o use

t h e n e r i s r s t e n r ,r a i r r i n g

slrorr l t l, rcrrsrr r l lcct ; r t iorrs

i t n c l l r ; t r r g e so r v o l k i r r g

hrr l r i tsl r r r t t rc rccr lcclr r r


"C<-r l lzr l lo lut ivccort 1>rr t i r rg

is a pou,eltirlbol, ancl or r

have o takcstcps o nrake

sure hrt i t is not usc( l n l -

p lo l>c r l r , " o in tsou t L ) : rn

Cullcn,urluager [ infornr:t-

tion slstcnrsrt Varih-onic,

i\ inucapols-l>asedr:rn titc-

hrrerof lal>elingnd signage

procluctshat usesCol l rbra

Sothvalc's hrrrc orkgroul>


O r r t h c p o l i t i c r r l r r l n t .

C o l l a b o r a t i v c t r a t e g i e s '

Colcnrrrn (lvocatcsiucling

i l g rou l ) \ \ ' i l r cha r r rp i r l r tr r

[op nr:rnagcnrent.l 'o ( leal

r v i t l r i r i a r r c i a ls s r r e s ,i c

suggcsts 'leasulng l)ro(hlc-tivih'botli l)riork) a n(l aftcl

a p i l o t o h e l p u s t i t - r , t h c

pilot's ost o nranagernerrt.

I f a n c n t e r p r i s e l o v c s

torvalcl , orkgrotrp ourput-

in g u,ithnrcasrrreclteps,hcpavoffs an )e substant ia l .

l lv re-enginccr inghe r i ,av

that1>coplei'ork, oniparrrcs

c iu r g l the l the bcs t c l cas

froui irrouncl hc rrollclancl

inrplenrent heurglobal l r ' .

l 'ronr >oth busincss ncla

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iliC|i'ltgdgnnr{'sirr..\"-pcrrontntn-iatl luts, tt Norcro.-s,Cu., ,tgcttct'

lhut pnn'irlesatlitorid sen ccs kt

I gl rt ct tu r ut s.


u*bT"::#:,'I:r::,*informatiotl. .at speeds sers ayecolne o expect."

Computir tg {cport .l 'ech-

po\\ ,cr ,o hcyn, i l lhoarclev

nologies an bc di f f icul t o c lata o gain clorr t .Othcrs

inr l>lcrrrcnt, r i l l ragenrent l l lav lssr. lnrel i r t col labora-

issrrcs cconrc nrorc conr- tii 'c corttprrtings justa ncri'plcr, and eurl>lolecsin'e o l>rrzzrvorclor "llig llrotlrer s

krror i , l iat posi t ionirrg ncl rvatching."

1>oi i 'crcsrr l t ronr shar ing' l

r i ,o ips anhclp nrplove

infbrnratiorr,<lt roarclingl. thechancesor srrcccss.i' irst,

David Colenran,chair- l ' l 'nrauirgcrshoulc l et n1-

l)crsou or t lre GrotrpWale in fronre\/eqre11sffcctcdrt ,'95

conf-erencenclpr inci- the changes. ' l 'cchnologl ,

pitl at Sau l,'rancisco-bitsccl eoplcoftenaccluire lster.ns

Col laborr t ivc Strrr tegics, u ' i t l iorr tnput lorn he est f

belicr,es our critical areirs tlrebusirress,liich lcaclsl a

cont l i l>ute o a successful nrajorcl isconnect etn 'eelr

col laborat iveuvironnrent: rv l tat 's vantecl ncl r 'h i r t 'stcchnological,iniuicial, rrl- given," <llenranlaiuis.

Reprinted ithpermissionro mBeyondComputersMa y 1995@Copyright 995, BM Corporation