Becoming a Better student What if I told you that to become a better student, (and get better grades!!) you only needed to do one thing differently? Would you do that one thing?

Becoming a Better student

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Becoming a Better student. What if I told you that to become a better student , (and get better grades!!) you only needed to do one thing differently ? Would you do that one thing?. NOTE TAKING. What do you DO in class right now while the teacher is talking? While a Video is Playing? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Becoming a Better


What if I told you that to become a

better student, (and get better grades!!) you only needed to

do one thing differently? Would

you do that one thing?

What do you DO in class right now while the teacher is talking? While a Video is Playing?

Passive vs Active Learning Why Take Notes? Why not? http://learning.londonmet.ac.uk/TLTC/learnhigher/notemaker/



Practice Note TakingParts of SpeechNoun – Person, Place, Thing, or IDEA

- Examples: dog, door, beauty, time

- S: I ran a marathon to win a prize.

Verb – Action or State of Being

- Examples: run, running, ran, jumped

is, are was were, has have had, be

I was running to the store. I fell.



Nouns are People Places Things Ideas

They CAN be the subject of the sentence, but a sentence can have more nouns than just the subject

PronounsLink: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=koZFca8AkT0 The “professional” noun – to replace your noun when it is too lazy to do the job

Joins words, phrases, sentences.

For And Nor But Or Yet So



Prepositions! ◦ Show relationships◦ A preposition sits before a

noun (or a pronoun) to show the noun's relationship to another word in the sentence

◦ http://www.grammar-monster.com/lessons/prepositions.htm - more help

◦ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yfExXGMX2JM


Prepositions tell where or how.

The subject is NEVER found within the prepositional phrase.

Prepositional Phrases

Common Prepositions (pg 41)

about behind except onto toward into near

above below for out under of like

across beneath from outside into on within

after beside in over unlike at with

against between

Inside Past until as to

Verbs : action, state of being, or occurrence


Verbs Action Verb Helper Verb Linking Verb

Verbs tell time

◦ Test the sentence by adding Today, Yesterday, or tomorrow.

◦ Notice: the verb is the word(s) that change endings!

◦ Today she dances.◦ Yesterday she

danced.◦ Tomorrow she will


How to Find the Verb

Tells what the subject is doing and when the action occurs.

◦ Examples: Arrive, leave, learn,

write, open, write, teach

◦ The woman studied ballet.

Action Verbs

Links the subject of a sentence to one or more words that describe or identify the subject.

◦ Examples: Act, appear, become,

feel, get, grow, look, remain, seems, smells, sounds, tastes, turns

Be (am, is, are, was, were, has been, have been)

◦ She seems distracted

Linking Verbs

Combines with a main verb to form a verb phrase. It always comes before the main verb and expresses a special meaning or a particular time.

◦ Examples: Can, could, may,

might, must, shall, should, will

Being, been, am, is, was, are, were

Has, have, had Does, do, did

◦ He is sleeping◦ He might sleep◦ He should sleep. ◦ He could have been


Helping Verbs

Finding Nouns – ways to categorize

•ConcreteName things we can

see or touch• Face• People• Jewelry


Abstract Things we cannot see or touch


Common◦ Name general things

(not capitalized) aunt country watch

Proper◦ Name particular persons,

places, or things (caps) Aunt Meriam Nigeria Timex

1. The morning of June 27 was sunny and


2. The flowers were blossoming profusely and the grass was richly green.

3. The people of the village began to gather in the square

4. The lottery was conducted by Mr. Sommers.

5. The jovial man had time and energy to devote to civic activities.


Replace the underlined word(s) with a pronoun.

1. The crowd arrived early.2. The gym was noisy.3. People waited eagerly.4. Coach Ann Bradway had not lost a game…5. Steven and I found the best seats in the

front row.6. Not one person could predict the outcome.

Pronouns take the place of nouns

They arrived earlyIt was noisy.

They waited eagerly.She had not lost a game yet this season.We found the best seats in the front row.No one could predict the outcome. Nobody could predict the outcome.

Draw a word from the word bag Identify part of speech Put it in the appropriate place

◦ If you are wrong, I won’t tell you where it goes, I’ll just say “WRONG!” and send you back to figure it out

◦ You may NOT use a dictionary, internet, or other resources. ONLY your notes.


What do your notes look like? Circle/highlight, review/revise your notes. Review them once a day for 5 min

Assignment◦ Take notes in class (2 week)◦ Take notes on your reading (2 weeks)◦ Take notes on your research

If you learn to do this well, your grades will improve drastically

Notes Review & Assignment