For more information on the Backpack Project please contact us: Freephone: 0800 698 1212 Email: [email protected] www.marysmeals.org Mary’s Meals is administered by Scottish International Relief Craig Lodge, Dalmally, Argyll, PA33 1AR Scottish Charity SCO22140 Limited Company SC265941 Helpin g some of the world’ s poores t childr en gain an edu cation

Backpack Project

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Backpack Project is the companion project to Mary's Meals - offering basic education materials to the worlds poorest children.

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Page 1: Backpack Project

For more information on the Backpack Project please contact us:Freephone: 0800 698 1212 Email: [email protected]


Mary’s Meals is administered by Scottish International Relief

Craig Lodge, Dalmally, Argyll, PA33 1AR

Scottish Charity SCO22140 Limited Company SC265941

HHeellppiinngg ssoommee ooff tthhee wwoorrlldd’’ss

ppoooorreesstt cchhiillddrreenn ggaaiinn aann eedduuccaattiioonn

Page 2: Backpack Project

TThhee BBaacckkppaacckk PPrroojjeecctt

The Backpack Project is a simple way of helping children from poor families incountries like Malawi and Liberia get to school. Very often these families cannotafford to buy basic things like pencils and notebooks, or even suitable clothesfor their children to wear to school. And so their children miss out on school andan education.

This is a tragic situation because studies show that an education is the best waya chronically poor child can escape from poverty in later life. The Backpack Projecthelps solve this problem by providing poor children with the things they need inschool. It does this by inviting people to fill up an old school bag or backpack withsome everyday things, some of which you might be throwing out anyway. Thesebackpacks will then be given out to children who really need them.

If you are interested in participating or if you would like more information, thenplease contact us:

TTeell:: 00880000 669988 11221122 EEmmaaiill:: bbaacckkppaacckkss@@mmaarryyssmmeeaallss..oorrgg

A photocopiable list of wanted items is available to pull out in the centre pages.

Mary’s Meals + Backpack Project= AA BBrriigghhtteerr FFuuttuurree

Mary’s Meals is a campaign to set up school feeding projects incommunities where hunger and poverty prevent children fromgaining an education. Mary’s Meals began in 2002 in Malawi byfeeding 200 orphaned children. Today around 360 000 childrenreceive Mary’s Meals. Most of these are in Malawi but we alsohave projects in: Romania, Ukraine, Bosnia, India, Philippines,Burma (Myanmar), Uganda, Sudan, Zambia, Liberia, Kenya,

Bolivia and Haiti.

Our vision is that every child receives a daily meal in school

Page 3: Backpack Project

There are 300 million chronically hungry

children in the world - most don’t go to school...

Research shows that basic education is thesingle most effective way of escaping the poverty trap....

The Backpack Project provides basicschool items enabling children to attend school and learn...

MMaarryy’’ss MMeeaallss aanndd tthhee BBaacc


PPrroojjeecctt aarree pprroovviinngg ttoo bbee

aa ssiimmppllee ssoolluuttiioonn ttoo

wwoorrlldd hhuunnggeerr

WWhhaatt tthhee BBaacckkppaacckk PPrroojjeecctt mmeeaannss ttoo aa cchhiilldd iinn AAffrriiccaa......DDoonnaattiinngg aa BBaacckkppaacckk......

The Backpack Project isn’t just for

schools - aannyyoonnee,, aannyy oorrggaanniissttaattiioonn,,

ggrroouupp,, oorr iinnddiivviidduuaall ccaann ttaakkee ppaarrtt......

Taking part in the Backpack Project is a greatway to recycle and can be used as a way of participating in the eco-school inititative aswell as being an enterprise and citizenshipproject…

We have already delivered over 150,000 donated Backpacks to Malawi, Liberia and Romania.

YYoouu wwiillll bbee hheellppiinngg tthhee

wwoorrlldd’’ss ppoooorreesstt cchhiillddrreenn

ttoo aatttteenndd sscchhooooll aanndd lleeaarr


Page 4: Backpack Project

Helpful hintsDon’t worry if you don’t have everything on the list. Just collect what you can,and we will fill in any ‘gaps’ with other donated items (including the backpack itselfif you don’t have one!)

Second hand is good! As long they’re in good condition, that’s fine. Items that haveto be bought need only be from the cheapest range.

Backpack Project

wanted itemsBBaacckkppaacckk//SScchhooooll BBaagg

EExxeerrcciissee BBooookk//NNootteeppaadd







PPeenncciill CCaassee



sshhoorrttss // sskkiirrtt && tt--sshhiirrtt,, oorr ddrreessss

FFlliipp FFllooppss//SSaannddaallss

SSmmaallll BBaallll eegg TTeennnniiss BBaallll





Please don’t put in any extra toys ortreats. Although this is very generous, it causes problems with customs!

Clothing from around age 4 to 12 is suitable.

For more information on the Backpack Projectplease contact us: Freephone: 0800 698 1212

Email: [email protected] wwwwww..mmaarryyssmmeeaallss..oorrgg