Atham Z - How to Develop Your Psychic Skills

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  • 7/28/2019 Atham Z - How to Develop Your Psychic Skills


    2001 Atham ZHow to Develop Your Psychic Skills - 3 -


    The Concise Oxford Dictionary defines a psychic as "a person

    susceptible to psychic influence," and a clairvoyant as having a

    "faculty of perceiving, as if by seeing what's happening or exists out

    of sight; exceptional insight." A clair audient simply hears in their

    mind the information or guidance being sought.

    No longer does the word "psychic" bring forth an image of an old

    crone in a long robe, shaking a tambourine and saying, "Cross my

    palm with silver and I'll tell your fortune," or the guru sitting with legs

    crossed contemplating the meaning of life.

    You're using your intuition when you know something, but don't know

    how you know it. Intuition is different for different people. Some people

    have hunches or flashes. Some get sudden ideas. Some hear voices or

    music. Others see pictures or have sensations. Others receive insights

    through dreams. All these people are using a psychic capacity to garner



    Here are 14 test questions to help you determine if you

    may be psychic. You can answer each with a yes or no.

    1. Do you sometimes know who is calling before you pick up the telephone?

    2. Are there times during conversations when you know ahead of time what

    someone else is going to say?

    3. Do you occasionally experience a sense of "deja vu", the feeling

    that you have previously experienced something, or have already seen

    something that is happening to you?

    4. Are animals attracted to you, and/or do you silently communicate well

    with family pets?

    5. Are your dreams sometimes prophetic, or a help with problem solving?

    6. Do you ever know ahead of time that the phone is going to ring, or

    that someone is about to enter your office or knock on your door?

    7. Have you ever had a presentiment of an unexpected death or other

    tragedy before it occurred, or simply had a sense that something was

    wrong and subsequently discovered that you were correct?

    8. Have you ever seen or heard or been touched by a ghost?

    9. Have you ever shared thoughts or emotions with a close relative or

    friend over a long distance without using traditional methods ofcommunication, such as telephone or mail?

    10. Have you ever "heard" someone else's thoughts in your mind?

  • 7/28/2019 Atham Z - How to Develop Your Psychic Skills


  • 7/28/2019 Atham Z - How to Develop Your Psychic Skills


  • 7/28/2019 Atham Z - How to Develop Your Psychic Skills
