Asking Question Teachers' Notes

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  • 8/18/2019 Asking Question Teachers' Notes


    Asking questions

    Topic  Question forms; asking and answering questionsLevel: SfL E2+ / SQA Access 3+ / CEFR A2+Time: 75 minutes (possi!" more wit# e$tension a%ti&ities'


    • o de&e!op t#e students) ai!it" to form questions

    • o gi&e students pra%ti%e in asking and answering questions

    • o promote !earner autonom" " en%ouraging students to ana!"se !anguage wit# a

    fo%us on form* meaning and pronun%iation+


    #is !esson is aout t#e peop!e in t#e room and %an e use wit# a &ariet" of !e&e!s+ Studentsare gi&en t#e opportunit" to ta!k aout t#emse!&es as t#e" de&e!op t#eir ai!it" to ask andanswer questions+ #e fo%us is on a%%urate question formation t#roug# dis%ussion* peer,

    %orre%tion and student inter&iews+

    There are no materials to prepare for this lesson. 

    #is !esson is ased on t#e prin%ip!es of -ogme Eng!is# Language ea%#ing+ o fami!iarise"ourse!f wit# t#e idea of dogme tea%#ing !ook at t#e fo!!owing resour%es.

    Teaching Unplugged by Scott Thornbury and Luke eddings available at:! L. and Thornbury! S. 200". Teaching Unplugged. #easlake: $elta#ublishing.

    owe&er* t#e students wi!! need t#e fo!!owing. a pen a pencil and lined paper 


    "armer #$%&2% minutes'

    • -raw a question mark on t#e oard to e!i%it t#at t#e !esson topi% is 0questions)+

    • 1ut t#e students in pairs and ask t#em to t#ink of e$amp!es of questions t#e" #a&easked or een asked re%ent!"+

    • 2rite one question from ea%# pair on t#e oard* making sure t#at t#e %ommon

    e!ements !ine up as in t#e ta!e e!ow+ 3ote 4 t is a good idea to in%!ude e$amp!equestions wit# different &er forms and wit# or wit#out question words+

    E$amp!es.Do you like coffee?

    Where do you comefrom?

    What are you doing nextweekend ?

    Have you visited America?


  • 8/18/2019 Asking Question Teachers' Notes


    •  Ask t#e students t#e fo!!owing questions aout t#e e$amp!es t#e" #a&e gi&en+ #ese

    are suggestions; "ou ma" t#ink of more.

    o 2#" do we ask questions

    o 2#at words do we use w#en we ask questions (w#o* w#at* w#ere et%'

    o ow do we pronoun%e a question

    ntonation 4 usua!!".  , t#e speaker)s &oi%e goes down at t#e end of t#e question* if it starts wit# a  question word+

    , t#e speaker)s &oi%e goes up at t#e end of t#e question* if it starts wit# a &er+

    o ow do we form questions

    Question formation guide!ines for tea%#er.

    E$amp!e statement. !ike %offee+ (I  is t#e su()ect* like is t#e ver('

    E$amp!e question. -o "ou !ike %offee (You is t#e su()ect* do is t#e dumm* auiliar*

    to make a question'

    E$amp!e statement. am from Eng!and+ (I  is t#e su()ect* am is t#e ver('

    E$amp!e question wit# in&ersion. 2#ere are "ou from (You is t#e su()ect* are is t#e


    • e!! students to make a ta!e !ike t#e one e!ow and add questions t#at weregenerated in t#e warmer+ En%ourage t#e students to pra%tise t#eir intonation+

    Question word Au$i!iar" &er Su8e%t 9ain &er/parti%ip!e

    :8e%t Ad&ers(p!a%e*time+ et%+'

    Do you like coffee?

    Where do you comefrom?

    What are you doing nextweekend ?

    Task $ , "riting questions #$% minutes'

    • E!i%it ,< topi% areas from t#e students t#at t#e" wou!d !ike to ask t#eir %!assmates+

     A!ternati&e!"* gi&e t#e students t#ese topi%s "ourse!f+o Sport

    o Food and drink

    o Free,time a%ti&ities

    o Fami!"

    • Set a time !imit of 5 minutes and ask t#e students to write down as man" questions

    on t#e topi%s as t#e" %an+ #e students s#ou!d use pens to -rite their questions+ 

    #e students s#ou!d !ea&e at !east < !ank !ines etween ea%# question t#e" write+

  • 8/18/2019 Asking Question Teachers' Notes


    • =i&e t#e students a furt#er ,< minutes to read t#roug# t#eir questions and make

    sure t#e" are #app" wit# t#em+

    • I!/0TA1T , do not provide an* help -ith language at this point (apart from

    spe!!ings* if t#e students are rea!!" strugg!ing'+

    Task 2 , !eer&checking #$% minutes'•  Ask t#e students to swap t#eir !ist of questions wit# a partner+

    • e!! t#em to %#e%k t#e questions* referring a%k to w#at "ou dis%ussed aout

    questions at t#e eginning of t#e !esson+

    • Students s#ou!d write an" %orre%tions on the line (elo- the question in pencil+

    • 9onitor and #e!p an" students w#o are strugg!ing wit# t#e task+

    •  Ask questions to #e!p students noti%e t#e form of t#e questions.

    o -o "ou need an au$i!iar" &er (do/does' in t#is question

    o  Are t#e words in t#e rig#t order

    o s t#e spe!!ing a!rig#t

    o  Are t#ere an" words missing

    Task 3 , elf&checking # minutes'

    •  Ask t#e students to return t#e questions to t#eir partner+

    • e!! students to read t#e suggested %#anges and rewrite an" questions wit# errors+

    • 9onitor and #e!p an" students w#o are strugg!ing wit# t#e task+

    Task 4 , tudent intervie-s #$ minutes'

    •  Ask t#e students to work wit# a partner+ #is %ou!d e t#e same partner from t#e

    pre&ious task or a different one+

    • e!! t#em to %#oose 5 of t#eir questions to ask t#eir partner+ #e" s#ou!d inter&iew

    ea%# ot#er and write down notes aout t#eir partner)s answers+

    • f students finis# qui%k!"* t#e" %an ask ea%# ot#er more questions+ Again* make sure

    t#e" write notes aout t#eir partner)s answers+

    Task , "riting up the intervie-s #$ minutes'

    • e!! students to write up t#eir partner)s answers in t#e form of a question and answer

    te$t+ Students s#ou!d group t#eir questions a%%ording to t#e question topi%s+

    • 9onitor and remind students to write t#eir questions in t#e se%ond person ("ou' and

    t#e answers in t#e first person ('+

    • 2#en t#e students #a&e written t#eir te$ts* sti%k t#em on t#e wa!! and in&ite students

    to read ea%# ot#er)s work+

    •  Ask t#e students to dis%uss an"t#ing t#at surprised t#em aout t#eir %!assmates+

    5ooler #$% minutes'

    • 1ut t#e students into groups of < or > and ask t#em to ask "ou t#e most interesting

    questions t#e" #a&e written+

    • Sa" "ou wi!! on!" answer questions t#at are %orre%t!" formed and t#at ea%# group wi!!

    e awarded a point for e&er" %orre%t!" formed question t#e" ask+

    • f t#e students ask an in%orre%t!" formed question* mo&e on to t#e ne$t group.

    • Condu%t a fina! feeda%k session w#ere t#e students dis%uss w#at t#e" #a&e !earnt

    aout using questions in t#e !esson+

    Etension activities 6 7ome-ork

  • 8/18/2019 Asking Question Teachers' Notes
