Asbestos Awareness Training for Schools

Asbestos Awareness Training for Schools

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Asbestos Awareness Training for Schools. Contents. Why do you need to know about Asbestos? DEECD OHS Management System What is Asbestos? Asbestos in Schools Managing Asbestos Risk Case Studies Labelling Summary Questions. 01. Why do you need to know about Asbestos?. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Asbestos Awareness Training for Schools

Asbestos Awareness Training for Schools

Page 2: Asbestos Awareness Training for Schools

A presentation to DEECD2


1. Why do you need to know about Asbestos?

2. DEECD OHS Management System

3. What is Asbestos?

4. Asbestos in Schools

5. Managing Asbestos Risk

6. Case Studies

7. Labelling

8. Summary

9. Questions

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01Why do you need to know about Asbestos?

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Why do you need to know about Asbestos?

• Asbestos is a hazardous building material which, if disturbed, can pose a serious health and safety risk

• You have a legal and regulatory obligation

• You have a contractual obligation under the terms of your employment contract

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02OHS Management System

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DEECD OHS Management System

• The OHS Management System is a set of plans, actions and procedures to assist principals to systematically manage health and safety in the workplace

• The DEECD OHSMS contains information on Hazardous Building Materials including asbestos

• The DEECD OHSMS also contain the following documents for schools to adopt and use to ensure ACM are appropriately managed:– Asbestos Management Plan template– OHS Activities Calendar – including visual inspections of ACM– OHS Risk Register – including asbestos– Contractor Management – including Contractor Induction

• Schools may contact DEECD’s OHS Advisory Service on 1300 074 715 for support and assistance to address general OHS issues on site

• Report incidents in eduSafe

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What are your responsibilities?

Regulatory Compliance• Subject to the general control and direction of the Secretary, the principal of a school is

responsible for … ensuring safe working practices in the school in accordance with the Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004 (Ministerial Order 199, 2009)

• Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2007, Part 4.3 – Asbestos– Division 5 – Asbestos in workplaces– Division 6 – Demolition & Refurbishment

DEECD OHSMS• Manage all asbestos contained within your school buildings and on school property

• Maintain your Asbestos Management Plan which details the location and past treatment of asbestos within your school – including quarterly inspections of all identified asbestos

• Ensure your Asbestos Management Plan is updated as and when changes occur

• Ensure the Plan contains details of the nominated Workplace Asbestos Coordinator for the school

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DTZ Roles and Responsibilities

• The Asbestos Program is delivered via a contracted services provider, DTZ Pty Ltd., who provides professional services under the program and oversees all phases of the asbestos management process

• DTZ:– Provides technical and practical advice on asbestos management via a 24 hour

hotline (1300 133 468) – Undertakes asbestos assessment, removal and remediation works– Schedules and conducts asbestos audits as part of the annual audit program– Schedules and conducts ad hoc asbestos audits, and– Schedules and conducts asbestos training sessions

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03What is Asbestos?

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What is Asbestos?

• Asbestos is a hazardous building material which was used widely in the past, but has been banned for use in Australia since 31 December 2003

• There are three types of asbestos which were commonly used in Australia: – Crocidolite - Blue asbestos – Amosite - Brown asbestos– Chrysotile - White asbestos

Chrysotile (Serpentine)

Crocidolite (Amphibole)

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Uses of Asbestos in Australia

Estimated to have been used in over 3000 applications• Thermal Insulation

• Fire-proofing materials (sprayed limpet, fire door cores)

• Friction materials (brake linings)

• Decorative and acoustic applications

• Asbestos cement / fibro cement sheet (roofs, eaves, wall & ceiling linings)

• Asbestos cement molded products (pipes, flues, gutters, cable pits)

• Vinyl floor coverings and adhesives

• Asbestos felts and paper-like products

• Gaskets

• Electrical switchboards, insulators and fittings

• Textiles (rope seals, woven cloth, blankets)

• Mastics (e.g. putty and resins) and glues

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04Asbestos in Schools

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Uses of Asbestos in Schools

Splashback/Glue to Urinals and Behind Ceramic Tiles

Cement Flue to Heating Unit Eaves and Infill Panels

Bituminous Material Under Sinks Floor Steps Ceilings and Walls

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Uses of Asbestos in Schools

Mastic (Putty) Expansion Joints Gaskets to Pipework Lining to Fume Cupboards

Lining to Safes and Fire Doors Electrical Switchboards Vinyl Floor Tiles

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05Managing Asbestos Risk

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What are the Risks from Asbestos?

If ACM is in good condition and left in place, it is unlikely that asbestos fibres will be released into

the air and the risk to health is extremely low

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What are the Risks from Asbestos?

• Research has shown a clear link between exposure to asbestos and respiratory cancers and asbestosis in humans

• Exposure occurs through breathing in airborne asbestos fibres



Friable Asbestos (may be crumbled, pulverized or reduced to powder by hand pressure)

Bonded Asbestos

DamagedFrequent disturbanceUnsealed

Enclosed/EncapsulatedRare disturbanceUndamaged

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Bonded vs Friable Asbestos

Bonded Asbestos• Flat, corrugated or compressed asbestos

cement sheeting

• Asbestos cement pipes (electrical/water pipes)

• Older caulking and glazing compounds

• Older vinyl floor tiles and vinyl sheet flooring

• Brake and clutch linings

• Older electrical switchboards

Friable Asbestos• Sprayed limpet insulation

• Asbestos cloth and rope

• Millboard insulation

• Drywall mudding compound and

• Pipe and boiler lagging

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Damaged Asbestos-Containing Material (ACM)


Non Friable

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Managing Risks from Asbestos-Containing Material (ACM)

What you need to do to mitigate the risk• Ensure you know where asbestos is present in your school – this can be done by reviewing the

Asbestos Register and the Asbestos Management Plan

• Ensure that all contractors, maintenance staff and volunteers are provided with an OHS induction and review the Asbestos Register before starting work. Refer Contractor Induction Checklist, Employee Induction Checklist, and Volunteer Work and Working Bee OHS Induction Checklist.

• Ensure that the Asbestos Register is updated whenever there is any work done, when there is a change to the condition of any asbestos or if it is removed, enclosed or sealed

• Principal or Asbestos Coordinator must conduct a visual inspection of all asbestos-containing materials (and materials presumed to contain asbestos) every 3 months. Document Results in the Asbestos Management Plan

• A copy of the asbestos register should be held by each school– An electronic copy is held on the Schools Facilities Website: https://


• Ensure an intrusive (“Division 6”) audit is undertaken prior to any demolition or refurbishment works. Asbestos removal must be factored into the scope and cost of school-initiated works

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Visual Inspection Record

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Dealing with Damaged Asbestos-Containing Material (ACM)

• If Asbestos Containing Materials (ACM) are in good condition and left undisturbed, it is usually safer to leave it fixed or installed and review its condition over time

• However, if ACM has deteriorated, has been disturbed, or if asbestos-contaminated dust is present, the likelihood that asbestos fibres will be released into the air is increased and the material should generally be removed

The following actions are to be taken if suspected ACM has been disturbed or damaged:• Cease any work or activity

• Isolate the area (e.g. lock doors or place cones, to prevent access)

• Ring the DTZ Hotline (1300 133 468) to register the incident and obtain advice

• Report the incident in eduSafe

• Ring the DEECD OHS Advisory Service (1300 074 715) or email [email protected] if further OHS advice is required

• Seek assistance from DEECD Communications Unit (03 9637 2000)

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Asbestos Removal or Maintenance Work on ACM

• All work involving asbestos must always be performed by an appropriately licensed (Class A) asbestos removal contractor

• Works must be undertaken out of hours (e.g. weekends or holidays) to minimise potential for exposure by staff and students

• Removal contractor must notify WorkSafe 5 days in advance (unless it is an emergency situation)

• A hygienist will attend site to conduct air monitoring during the removal and provide a final clearance

• Contractors must complete a Permit to Work (ASB1) prior to conducting any destructive or asbestos-based work (refer Appendix 1 of the DEECD Asbestos Management Plan template)

• Contractors must fill out a Completion Form (ASB2) upon completion of any destructive or asbestos-based work

• File documentation in the school Asbestos File (i.e. the file containing hard copies of the Asbestos Register, Asbestos Management Plan, visual inspection records, clearance certificates etc.)

Consult the Asbestos Register before doing any intrusive maintenance/repair work!

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06Case Studies

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Case Study – Prosecution by WorkSafe Victoria

Context• In 2012, DEECD was prosecuted for breaches of occupational health and safety

legislation arising out of asbestos management at two separate Victorian Government schools

• WorkSafe was notified of potential issues with asbestos management at the schools following works that were undertaken at the schools

• At the first school, building works were conducted at the school, including the removal of a classroom wall which allegedly contained asbestos material

• At the other school, a working bee was conducted with parents on a weekend, including the alleged sanding down of corridor walls with asbestos containing materials

• WorkSafe initially notified the principals that it was considering prosecuting the principals personally.  This is because principals are “persons who manage or control workplaces” and so individually have statutory duties under the Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004

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Case Study – Prosecution by WorkSafe Victoria

Charges• The charges against the Department related to the school’s alleged management

of asbestos.  The allegations were, in summary:– Failure to ensure that the asbestos register was reviewed and updated in the 5

year period required by law– Failure to identify the presence and location of asbestos at each of the schools

by labelling, in circumstances where it was reasonably practicable to do so (as required by law).

Enforceable Undertaking• In order to avoid prosecution, the Department negotiated an Enforceable

Undertaking (EU) with WorkSafe. The conditions of the EU include:– At least 400 Division 5 school audits must be completed by 30 June 2014– Labelling must be undertaken in schools, following an agreed process, in

conjunction with the audit programme

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Case Study – Prosecution by WorkSafe Victoria

Lessons / Recommendations• Sound practices/best practice is for the Asbestos Coordinator to do a 3 month review and

revision of the asbestos register

• The review and revision of the register is the formal requirement, but in discharging this formal requirement, it enables the principal to keep an eye on the whole school facilities - Start of each school term is a good time for the quarterly inspection

• By complying with the statutory obligation to review and revise the register, in looking at what changes there have been to the state of asbestos, it enables the principal to make broader, strategic decisions about infrastructure

• The 3 month review enables you to think about who is accessing the register and keep the register up to date:– Have new office staff come in to the office? – Are office staff on leave so does the principal have to train new staff? – Appropriate review of the register

Next Steps• The Department is certainly moving to a more proactive approach to labelling, linked to

the Division 5 audit process

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Case Study – Principal Video

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Labelling at Schools

• Labelling is one (of many) tools provided to help Principals meet their OHS obligations and manage ACM in their school

• Labels are being placed in schools with known ACM during scheduled audits

• A warning sign is placed at the entrance to the school and/or the main building (reception)

• Additionally, warning labels are placed at the entrance(s) to buildings with known ACM

• If necessary, extra labels are left with the school to be placed on buildings confirmed to contain asbestos following the survey

• Labels will be A5 size

• The Department has developed a comprehensive communications plan to support the implementation of the labelling policy

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• Ensure there is an Asbestos Management Plan for the school

• Ensure there is a nominated Workplace Asbestos Coordinator for the school

• Ensure the latest version of the school’s Asbestos Register is readily available at all times

• Review the Asbestos Register to ensure you know where asbestos is found in your school– Assume all inaccessible or limited access areas contain asbestos until proved otherwise

• Consult the Asbestos Register before doing any intrusive maintenance/repair work

• Ensure that the Asbestos Register is updated whenever there is any work done, when there is a change to the condition of any asbestos or if it is removed, enclosed or sealed

• Conduct a visual inspection at least every 3 months – regardless of any changes

• Ensure a Division 6 audit is undertaken prior to any demolition or refurbishment works

Ring the DTZ Hotline (1300 133 468) to report an asbestos issue, to request an audit, or if you have any queries or concerns about asbestos

in your school

If ACM is in good condition and left in place, it is unlikely that asbestos fibres will be released into the air and the risk to health is extremely low

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