All Things Current -- Nov. 19, 2014

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  • 8/10/2019 All Things Current -- Nov. 19, 2014


    All Things Current: What you'll find in your Nov. 19, 2014, edition


    Although a bill to end the Districts contributory negligence practice has moed !urther along thelegislatie process than eer be!ore" the recent rush to re!orm has some sta#eholders loo#ing to put

    on the bra#es. $all editions%


    *he 'an Ness 'ision group hopes a proposed promenade lined +ith ine,coered trellises +ill

    enlien a stretch o! upper Connecticut Aenue. $North+est Current" Dupont Current%

    -esidents o! the Ingleside at -oc# Cree# retirement community and their Chey Chase neighbors

    sounded o!! be!ore the local adisory neighborhood commission on )onday" as commissioners

    reie+ed plans !or Inglesides e/pansion. $North+est Current east%

    A proposed 0lagden Alley micro,unit deelopment is moing along despite some community

    concerns oer the deelopers plan to include no par#ing spaces. $Dupont Current" 1oggy 0ottom



    As an unprecedented plan to bury ma2or po+er lines in the District adances" the citys leading tree

    adocacy group is urging regulators ,, and (epco ,, to build tree protections into the massie

    undergrounding pro2ect. $all editions%


    *he rotisserie chic#en chain Nandos is one step closer to opening a restaurant in 4oodley (ar#"

    haing secured support !rom the communitys adisory neighborhood commission. $North+est


    In the 556,year,old 7erb Cottage at 4ashington National Cathedral" a ne+ Open City ca!e +ill start

    sering patrons ne/t month. $North+est Current" Dupont Current" 1oggy 0ottom Current%


    As it +aits !or lo!ty long,range transit isions to reach !ruition" the 8eorgeto+n 0usiness

    Improement District is carrying out a series o! relatiely minor !i/es to ease transportation

    di!!iculties in the neighborhood. $8eorgeto+n Current%

    *he Dupont Circle adisory neighborhood commission is see#ing ne+ signage near the 59th 3treet

    cycle trac#" an e/pansion o! the DC Circulator bus system and a study o! area tra!!ic signals.

    $Dupont Current" 1oggy 0ottom Current%

    O*7&- N&43

    *he holiday season is starting early at 1ords *heatre" +here an annual production o! the Charles

    Dic#ens classic :A Christmas Carol: opens be!ore *han#sgiing and runs through December. $alleditions%

    A ;elle!! -ecreation Center parent is pushing !or a large,scale oerhaul and e/pansion o! the 5

  • 8/10/2019 All Things Current -- Nov. 19, 2014


    O(INION $all editions%

    &ditorial 4ere pleased +ith the simple ne+ ran#ing system o! public charter schools and thin#

    !amilies might bene!it !rom the D.C. (ublic 3chools adoption o! a similar metric.

    &ditorial )ayor,elect )uriel 0o+sers inclusion o! all !our liing !ormer mayors is a positie sign

    that shell try to be inclusie.

    3her+ood City Administrator Allen Le+ is li#ely on his +ay out" but he le!t Buite a mar# on D.C.

    3(O-*3 $North+est Current" 8eorgeto+n Current%

    Despite great preseason promise" 8onaga !ootball missed critical opportunities during 3undays

    loss to De)atha in the 4CAC semi!inals.

    'isitation so!tball star Alee 0ur#e signed yesterday to play !or Notre Dame College.

    3t. ;ohns s+ept )aret =,6 to repeat as the DC3AA olleyball champions. 3id+ell olleyball topped o!! a strong season +ith an I3L A championship +in.

    4ith a loss to 3t. 3tephens 3t. Agnes" 'isitation !ield hoc#ey is settling !or a share o! the I3L



    0lessed 3acrament +or#s +ith the Capital Area 1ood 0an#" 3toddert &lementary hears !rom a

    Natie American storyteller" and other reports !rom local schools. $all editions%

    AL3O IN *7& CU--&N*

    Crime report

    Adisory neighborhood commission reports and agendas

    -eports !rom local citiens associations

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