AES News is the official newsletter of the BSc and MSc Applied Earth Sciences programmes. It contains important information for students about changes to lectures and examinations, enrolling for practicals, excursions and so on. AES News may update information which has previously appeared elsewhere, so it is very important that you read it. Contents 12/04/2018 – Number 32-52 Personal circumstances justifying postponement of the Binding recommendation on continuation of studies (BSA) for current students .............................................. 1 Extra exam opportunity Mathematics 4 (AESB2110) – ONLY if this is your last uncompleted course......................................................................................... 2 Study Abroad - Holland Scholarship 2018-2019 ......................................................... 2 Study Abroad: Safe Travel Training Sessions 2018 (26 April) ....................................... 2 Data joint Board of Examiners CE and AES ................................................................ 3 Data Examination Meetings...................................................................................... 3 Agenda / student events ......................................................................................... 3 Personal circumstances justifying postponement of the Binding recommendation on continuation of studies (BSA) for current students BSA means that you will have to attain 45 credits in your first year in order to continue with your studies. However, personal circumstances may have an adverse effect on your study performance. As soon as these circumstances occur, you need to inform your academic counsellor. Your academic counsellor will discuss with you whether these circumstances have indeed (had) an effect on your study performance and if you can request postponement of the BSA from the BSA Committee. A request for postponement of the BSA includes not only a good motivation on why you make the request, but also includes a declaration from the university doctor and/or psychologist. Postponement of the binding recommendation on continuation of studies can be requested on the grounds of the following personal circumstances: a. Illness (including mental health problems) b. Disability c. Exceptional family circumstances d. Pregnancy e. Membership of the Faculty Student Council, the Central Student Council or the Board of Studies f. Late registration for studies (after 30 September) g. Athletes with a TUD top-class sports status It should be noted that personal circumstances do not automatically lead to postponement of the BSA! In case of postponement of the BSA you will have to earn 45 ECTS credits from the first-year curriculum during your second study year, or successfully complete all first year courses. Application for postponement Applications for postponement of the BSA on the grounds of personal circumstances can be made until 22 June 2018. Also apply when the results of Quarter 4 are still unknown! Please contact the academic counsellor about the procedure and the essential documents. Please take into account that there is a waiting period for getting a declaration from the student psychologist or physician. Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences Education and Student Affairs AES News


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AES News is the official newsletter of the BSc and MSc Applied Earth Sciences programmes. It contains important information for students

about changes to lectures and examinations, enrolling for practicals, excursions and so on. AES News may update information which has

previously appeared elsewhere, so it is very important that you read it.

Contents 12/04/2018 – Number 32-52

Personal circumstances justifying postponement of the Binding recommendation on

continuation of studies (BSA) for current students .............................................. 1

Extra exam opportunity Mathematics 4 (AESB2110) – ONLY if this is your last

uncompleted course ......................................................................................... 2

Study Abroad - Holland Scholarship 2018-2019 ......................................................... 2

Study Abroad: Safe Travel Training Sessions 2018 (26 April) ....................................... 2

Data joint Board of Examiners CE and AES ................................................................ 3

Data Examination Meetings...................................................................................... 3

Agenda / student events ......................................................................................... 3

Personal circumstances justifying postponement of the Binding recommendation on continuation of studies (BSA) for current students

BSA means that you will have to attain 45 credits in your first year in order to continue with your studies.

However, personal circumstances may have an adverse effect on your study performance. As soon as these

circumstances occur, you need to inform your academic counsellor. Your academic counsellor will discuss with you

whether these circumstances have indeed (had) an effect on your study performance and if you can request

postponement of the BSA from the BSA Committee. A request for postponement of the BSA includes not only a good

motivation on why you make the request, but also includes a declaration from the university doctor and/or psychologist.

Postponement of the binding recommendation on continuation of studies can be requested on the grounds of the

following personal circumstances:

a. Illness (including mental health problems)

b. Disability

c. Exceptional family circumstances

d. Pregnancy

e. Membership of the Faculty Student Council, the Central Student Council or the Board of Studies

f. Late registration for studies (after 30 September)

g. Athletes with a TUD top-class sports status

It should be noted that personal circumstances do not automatically lead to postponement of the BSA!

In case of postponement of the BSA you will have to earn 45 ECTS credits from the first-year curriculum during your

second study year, or successfully complete all first year courses.

Application for postponement

Applications for postponement of the BSA on the grounds of personal circumstances can be made until 22 June 2018.

Also apply when the results of Quarter 4 are still unknown!

Please contact the academic counsellor about the procedure and the essential documents. Please take into account that

there is a waiting period for getting a declaration from the student psychologist or physician.



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AES News

AES News

12/04/2018 – Number 32_52

The next meeting of the BSA Committee will be on Monday 28 May 2018. Please send your request before Monday

21 May, 12.00 hrs. Send all your documents per e-mail to Secretary ESA : [email protected].

Details of the academic counsellors of the Faculty Civil Engineering and Geosciences can be found here. Extensive

information with regard to BSA can be found here. Information about the BSA CEG is listed on this page.

Extra exam opportunity Mathematics 4 (AESB2110) – ONLY if this is your

last uncompleted course For those students whose final uncompleted course for the BSc is AESB2110 (Mathematics 4), an extra exam opportunity

will be organised.

Please read the requirements carefully! Only those who comply with these requirements will be eligible for a resit.


Mathematics 4 is the last course you need to pass in order to obtain your BSc degree;

You failed the Math 4 exam four times or more;

You need to send in your ‘ SVO’ (progress summary) as proof;

You are obliged to participate in four practical sessions, in which you will receive feedback on the homework that you

need to make.

The exam will take place in week 4.9 or week 4.10.

E-mail your request for participation including your ‘SVO’ to: [email protected] no later than April 20,

2018 with reference to ‘extra exam opportunity Math4’.

Study Abroad - Holland Scholarship 2018-2019

Voor talentvolle studenten die voor hun studie, stage of onderzoek naar een NonEU-bestemming gaan, is er een

interessante beurs à € 1250 beschikbaar, de Holland Scholarship. De voorwaarden om in aanmerking te komen zijn te

vinden op https://www.tudelft.nl/studenten/ondersteuning/study-internship-abroad/funding-scholarships/holland-

scholarship/ en op het HSP application form.

Aanvullend vraagt de faculteit CiTG nog het volgende.

- GPA aantoonbaar 7.5 of hoger;

- Nederlandse nationaliteit;

- het verblijf vindt plaats in collegejaar 2018-2019, bij voorkeur in het 1e semester 2018-2019.

Graag vernemen we ook wat je zelf onderneemt/ter plekke gaat ondernemen om financiële tekorten aan

te vullen.

Meld je aan door uiterlijk 1 juni 2018 het ingevulde aanmeldformulier (incl. de benodigde bijlagen met daarbij een

officiële cijferlijst met GPA en gespecificeerde begroting) te sturen naar [email protected]. Na deze

deadline zal er een selectie plaatsvinden om het beperkte aantal beurzen (4) te verdelen. We verwachten voor eind juni

alle studenten over de uitslag te berichten. Over de uitslag kan niet worden gecorrespondeerd. Er kan geen aanvraag

worden ingediend na vertrek!

Het aanmeldformulier vind je op Brightspace (Student and International Office Civil Engineering and Geosciences).

Student and International Office CeG, kamer 2.73

Maaike Kraeger-Holland

Study Abroad: Safe Travel Training Sessions 2018 (26 April)

All students travelling abroad have to register themselves in "Osiris abroad" and follow the procedure as described in

the manual. All students have to attend the planned safe travel training sessions (see data below).


AES News

12/04/2018 – Number 32_52

Students visiting ORANGE areas are obliged to contact IV (Internal Safety department) [email protected]

on beforehand and are obliged to:

1. attend a safe travel training session

2. fill in the Personal S&S plan (handed out during the training)

3. send the plan to TU-IV.

The next safe travel training sessions (2018) are planned on:

26 April, Danszaal, Culture building 31 May, Conference room 2, Sport building

28 June, Conference room 2, Sport building

12-14 hrs. Please register yourself by sending email to [email protected]

Data joint Board of Examiners CE and AES

2018: 14 May, 11 June, 9 July 2018, 3 September, 8 October, 12 November and 10 December

2019: 14 January, 11 February, 11 March, 8 April, 13 May, 3 June and 8 July 2019

Letters for the Board of Examiners have to be provided with study number, name, address and signature and shall be

handed in 12 days prior to the meeting. Please mail to [email protected]

Data Examination Meetings

Apply before Meeting date BSc AES Graduation
















Not known yet

Not known yet

Not known yet
































Not known yet

Not known yet

Not known yet

The data can also be found here.

Agenda / student events

26 April Safe travel training session Danszaal, Culture building

27 April King’s Day, faculty closed

2 May Deadline handing in documents for Board of Examiners meeting 14 May

18 May Deadline handing in documents for Examination meeting 18 June

AES News

12/04/2018 – Number 32_52

21 May Deadline applications BSA committee 28 May

31 May Safe Travel Training Session, Conference room 2, Sport building

1 juni Uiterste datum aanmelden Holland Scholarship 2018-2019

Useful websites:

Student Portal CEG (all information for students faculty CEG)

Academic counsellors (information and advice i.r.t. planning your studies)

Board of Examiners (can be of assistance with f.i. special requests regarding your curriculum)

Board of Studies (safeguards the quality of the programmes, sounding board for the study programmes)

CSA, Central Student Administration (enrolment, fees, online helpdesk)

In case you cannot find the information on the website, we can help you with finding your information during our daily

opening hours from 12.30 to 13.30 at the Education & Student Affairs department on the 2nd floor.

Appointments with a studyadvisor are to be scheduled online

Where? Studentportal, webpage study advisors CEG

How? Select date & time, book an appointment!

TU Delft Career & Counselling Services offers activities, training and workshops to Dutch and International

Students, BSc, MSc, PdEng, PhDs and recent alumni. Please check the descriptions on the organisation “Career &

Counselling Services” on Brightspace for detailed info.

Editors: Education and Student Affairs CEG (e-mail: [email protected])

Copy to be delivered to: AES News appears weekly. The deadline for items is Wednesday morning before 10:00 AM.

Items should be e-mailed in Word and should be provided in English with a maximum of 150 words.