Join in the music-making! 2014-2015 Performing groups, courses and workshops for adult singers and instrumentalists www.music-for-everyone.org

Adult Courses (2014-15)

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Music for Everyone's participation brochure with information about courses and events for the 2013 - 2014 season specifically for adults.

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Page 1: Adult Courses (2014-15)

Join in the music-making!

2014-2015Performing groups, coursesand workshops for adultsingers and instrumentalists


Page 2: Adult Courses (2014-15)

Welcome to a new season ofmusic-making opportunities

presented by Music for Everyone.

We believe that Music really IISS foreveryone. So, whatever your age, whatever your level of ability, whethersinging or playing an instrument, you willfind a regular group or a one-off event inthis brochure that is just right for you.

Turn the pages and see what we haveon offer. Come along and enjoy thefriendly atmosphere, the high standardsachieved and the inspiring experienceswhich are open to you.

I very much look forward to welcomingyou to a Music for Everyone event soon.

WWeellccoommee!!Angela Kay - Artistic Director

For further details about any event which interests you, including how to enrol for courses or join a group, please telephone our Administrator on 0115 958 9312, email [email protected] or visit our website atwww.music-for-everyone.org

Music for Everyone gratefully acknowledges the support of the following Education Sponsors Nottingham Trent University and The University of Nottingham

Music for Everyone is a Registered Charity No.1153412


Page 3: Adult Courses (2014-15)

‘‘BBllooww tthhee DDuusstt ooffff yyoouurr IInnssttrruummeenntt’’ OOrrcchheessttrraall WWoorrkksshhoopp DDaayyss

• Rediscover the joy of playing• Come and be part of this fun playing day

• Play with others, build yourconfidence, forge ahead!

• Membership open to all • Instrumental parts sent outin advance.

SSttrriinngg OOrrcchheessttrraa WWoorrkksshhooppssA chance to work with distinguished violinist RichardHowarth, former leader of Manchester Camerata.• For experienced stringplayers

• Exciting works from thestring repertoire

• Dynamic conducting by astring specialist

PPrrooggrraammmmee ooff EEvveennttss • Workshop DaySunday 14 September Djanogly Recital Hall, University of NottinghamSScchhooeennbbeerrgg VVeerrllkkäärrttee NNaacchhtt

• Workshop Day & ConcertSat & Sun 9/10 May The Hermitage, Ruddington St Peter’s Church, RuddingtonSShhoossttaakkoovviicchh CChhaammbbeerrSSyymmpphhoonnyy

00111155 995588 99331122

PPrrooggrraammmmee ooff EEvveennttss • Workshop DaysSaturday 10 JanuaryNottingham Trent UniversitySaturday 13 June Venue TBA


WWoorrkksshhooppss aanndd MMuussiicc WWeeeekkeennddss

Page 4: Adult Courses (2014-15)

NNoottttiinngghhaamm FFeessttiivvaall CChhoorruussCome and be part of our flagship choir. All you need is awillingness to work hard and a sense of fun!

• Mixed choir of 200+ voices• No auditions• Expert, highly enjoyable rehearsal weekends• Distance-learning packs

(get to know the music at your own pace)

• Concerts with orchestra and top soloists


WWoorrkksshhooppss aanndd MMuussiicc WWeeeekkeennddss

Page 5: Adult Courses (2014-15)

NNoottttiinngghhaamm FFeessttiivvaall CChhoorruuss PPrrooggrraammmmee ooff EEvveennttss •• WWoorrkksshhoopp DDaayy -- SSiimmppllyy CCllaassssiiccaallSATURDAY 11 October, The Chapel, Bluecoat Academy, Aspley Lane, Nottingham NG8 5GY

Come and experience the elegance and beauty of musicfrom the Classical period.

An inspiring singing workshop led by Angela Kay and Alex Patterson featuring music by Mozart, Haydn, Schubert,Cherubini and Beethoven.

•• CCaarrooll SSiinnggiinngg SATURDAY 6 DecemberMarket Square, Nottingham 10.30am - 12 noon

Bring some Christmas cheer to Nottingham shoppers with Christmas carols performed ‘live’!

•• WWeeeekkeenndd CCoouurrssee aanndd CCoonncceerrtt SATURDAY 31 January and SUNDAY 1 Feb (course) Nottingham Trent University, CliftonSATURDAY 7 February (concert)Albert Hall, NottinghamKKaarrll JJeennkkiinnss TThhee AArrmmeedd MMaann,, AAlleexx PPaatttteerrssoonn CCoommmmiissssiioonn Course led by Angela Kay and Alex Patterson, with a concertthe following Saturday, at Nottingham’s Albert Hall.

•• WWeeeekkeenndd CCoouurrssee aanndd CCoonncceerrtt SATURDAY 27 June (course)Nottingham Trent University, CliftonSUNDAY 28 June (concert)Albert Hall, NottinghamBBeerrnnsstteeiinn CChhiicchheesstteerr PPssaallmmss,, RRuutttteerr FFeeeell tthhee SSppiirriittA musical treat for midsummer - works from England andAmerica blending lyricism, vitality and exuberanceConductors - Angela Kay and Alex Patterson.

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GGrroouuppss ttoo jjooiinn

DDaayyttiimmee VVooiicceessIf you enjoy singing and would like to join a choir which rehearses during the afternoon, then come along to DDaayyttiimmee VVooiicceess!!

• Friendly fun-loving groups• Membership open to all• Groups in Southwell, West Bridgford, Wollaton and Sherwood

• Appealing music - lots of variety• Informal concert at the end of each term



Page 7: Adult Courses (2014-15)

DDaayyttiimmee VVooiicceess -- rreehheeaarrssaall sscchheedduullee

Rehearsals start at 2.00pm and finish at 4.00pm with abreak for refreshments

•• SSoouutthhwweellll MMeetthhooddiisstt CChhuurrcchh,, WWeesstt GGaattee NNGG2255 00JJHH Mon Sept 22/29 Oct 6/13/20 Nov 3/10/17Mon Jan 12/19/26 Feb 2/9/23 March 2Mon April 20/27 May 11/18 June 1/8/15

•• WWeesstt BBrriiddggffoorrdd BBaappttiisstt CChhuurrcchh,, MMeellttoonn RRooaadd NNGG22 77NNFFTues Sept 23/30 Oct 7/14/21 Nov 4/11/18 Tues Jan 13/20/27 Feb 3/10/24 March 3Tues April 21/28 May 12/19 June 2/9/16

•• WWoollllaattoonnKKiinnggsswwoooodd MMeetthhooddiisstt CChhuurrcchh,, LLaammbboouurrnnee DDrriivvee NNGG88 11GGRRWed Sept 24 Oct 1/8/15/22 Nov 5/12/19 Wed Jan 14/21/28 Feb 4/11/25 March 4Wed April 22/29 May 13/20 June 3/10/17

•• SShheerrwwooooddMMeetthhooddiisstt CChhuurrcchh,, DDeevvoonn DDrriivvee NNGG55 22EENN Thurs Sept 25 Oct 2/9/16/23 Nov 6/13/20 Thurs Jan 15/22/29 Feb 5/12/26 March 5Thurs April 23/30 May 14/21 June 4/11/18

DDaayyttiimmee VVooiicceess EEXXTTRRAASS

Weeks beginning Dec 1 & 8 - rehearsalsSun 14 Dec CChhrriissttmmaass CCoonncceerrttAlbert Hall Nottingham at 3.30pm

Week beginning Mar 16 - rehearsalsSat 21 Mar - workshop daySun 22 Mar BBiigg BBaanndd CCoonncceerrtt -- SSoonnggss ffrroomm tthhee SShhoowwss!! Albert Hall, Nottingham at 3.30pm

Page 8: Adult Courses (2014-15)

EEaasstt ooff EEnnggllaanndd SSiinnggeerrssCChhaammbbeerr CChhooiirr Formed in 1985, our ChamberChoir is auditioned, rehearsesweekly and performs both a capella and with our chamber orchestra, the New ClassicalPlayers.

• Exciting concert schedule• Wide-ranging repertoire• Performances in Nottinghamand beyond

RReehheeaarrssaallss:: WWeedd 77..3300--99..4455ppmm Nottingham Trent University, CliftonPrincipal Conductor: Angela Kay

PPrrooggrraammmmee ooff CCoonncceerrttss

SSAATTUURRDDAAYY 44 OOcctt 77..4455ppmm St Barnabas Cathedral, Derby Road, NottinghamTThhee FFrreenncchh CCoolllleeccttiioonnDuruflé Requiem, Vierne MesseSolennelle, Motets by Franck,Saint-Saëns and Villette

SSAATTUURRDDAAYY 66 DDeecc 77..3300ppmm Dingley Hall, NorthamptonAA WWaassssaaiilliinngg CChhrriissttmmaass

SSUUNNDDAAYY 1144 DDeecc 33..3300ppmmAlbert Hall, Nottingham CChhrriissttmmaass CCoonncceerrtt

SSAATTUURRDDAAYY 1177 JJaann 77..3300ppmmSt John’s Church, BeestonHHaannddeell DDiixxiitt DDoommiinnuuss

SSAATTUURRDDAAYY 77 FFeebb 77..3300ppmmAlbert Hall, Nottingham(with the Festival Chorus)

KKaarrll JJeennkkiinnss TThhee AArrmmeedd MMaannLLee FFlleemmiinngg EEvveerryyoonnee SSaannggAAlleexx PPaatttteerrssoonn CCoommmmiissssiioonn

SSAATTUURRDDAAYY 2288 MMaarr 77..3300ppmmSt Mary the Virgin, BunnyMMuussiicc iinn QQuuiieett PPllaacceessBrahms Requiem

FFRRII 11 MMaayy -- MMOONN 44 MMaayySSoouutthheerrnn LLaakkeess CCoonncceerrtt TToouurr

SSAATTUURRDDAAYY 66 JJuunnee 77..4455ppmmSt Barnabas Cathedral, Derby Road, NottinghamBBaacchh MMaassss iinn BB mmiinnoorr

0115 958 9312

HHooww ttoo jjooiinn New singers are invited to come to a rehearsal and ifthey then wish to join, a short audition is arranged.

GGrroouuppss ttoo jjooiinn