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Pastor/Párroco����������������Reverend Ken Ramón�Landry�

Parochial Vicar���������������Rev. Charles Kwabena Arthur�

Deacons/Diáconos�����������������Randy Duke; Warren Goff�

……………………………………...Tomasz Powroźnik�

Coordinator of Hispanic Ministry/Coordinadora del

Ministerio Hispano…Hna. Claudia Ines Crisóstomo Reyes�

Religious Ed./Educación Religiosa��������Elizabeth Trejo�

Dir. of Religious Education����������Christopher Vineyard�

YFF/CCD……...………………..Christopher Vineyard�

Parish Secretary/Secretaria����������������������Patty Nowell�

Youth/Juventud���������������������������…….....Angela Marco�

Choir Director������������������������������������Olivia Drinkwater�

Music/ Música����������������������������������������Blanca Berdion�

Webmaster�������������������������������������������������Paul Sanchez�


Mondays, 9:00 a.m.�6:00 p.m.�


Saturday, 3:15�3:45 p.m.�

Sunday, 12:45�1:15 p.m.; 3:15 �3:45 p.m.�



www.shshattiesburg.com • Fax: 601�583�8684�

Sacred Heart Catholic School�����������������Keith Brackett�

������������������������������������������������������������������Vicki Flanagan�


608 Southern Avenue • 601�583�8683�

High School/Secundaria:�

510 W. Pine Street • 601�450�5736�


Make Disciples. That’s It!�


Hagan Discipulos. Eso es Todo!�


Monday�Wednesday 8:15 a.m.; Thursday 8:30 a.m.�

Saturday 4 p.m.�

Sunday 8 a.m., 10:30 a.m., 4 p.m.; Domingo en español 1:30 p.m.�

Mass is Live Streamed on Facebook and YouTube �

Sun. at 10:30 a.m.(English); 1:30 p.m. (en Español) �


Monday�Thursday 9 a.m.�4:30 p.m.; Friday 9 a.m.�4:00 p.m.�

(Closed for lunch from 12:00 p.m.�1:00 p.m.) �

OCTOBER 3, 2021 • 3OCTUBRE 2021�


www.sacredhearthattiesburg.com • Email: [email protected]

Parish Office: Tel. 601�583�9404 • Parish Fax: 601�583�9486�




Visit Us�





Stephanie Land�� � 601�408�9190�

Adult Choir�

Olivia Drinkwater� � 601�583�9404�

Altar Servers/Monaguillos�

Christopher Vineyard� � 601�583�9404�

Gaspar Martin Carmelo� 601�778�1264�

Altar Society� � � �

Kay Bucciantini� � 769�390�7941�

Baptisms �

Shannon Bennett � � 601�583�9404�

Becoming Catholic (RCIA)�

Deacon Warren Goff� 601�447�3227�

Counseling� � � �

Camille Bondurant,� � 601�583�9404�


Faith and Justice Ministry�

Kathy Zipple� � � 601�297�9055�


Knights of Columbus Council 1908�

Quincy St. Pierre� � 601�408�6222�


First contact the church� 601�583�9404�

Candace Barquero� � 601�544�8052�

MOMS Ministry of Mothers Sharing�

Amanda Pegram� � 601�434�3725�


Parish Office� � � 601�583�9404�

Parent Morning Out�


Candace Barquero � � 601�408�0299�

Social Coordinator�

Julia Starrett� � � 601�325�6401�

� � �

St. Vincent de Paul Society� �

Visit Tues. & Wed. 9:30 a.m.�11:30 a.m.�

e�mail� � � svdpshattiesburg.org �

Youth Ministry Team�

Team Leader�

Angela Marco� � � 601�583�9404�

E�mail� � [email protected]

Readings for the week of October 10, 2021�

Sunday:� Wis 7:7�11/Ps 90:12�13, 14�15, 16�17 [14]/

� � Heb 4:12�13/Mk 10:17�30 or 10:17�27�

Monday:� Rom 1:1�7/Ps 98:1, 2�3ab, 3cd�4 [2a]/�

� � Lk 11:29�32�

Tuesday:� Rom 1:16�25/Ps 19:2�3, 4�5 [2a]/�

� � Lk 11:37�41�

Wednesday:� Rom 2:1�11/Ps 62:2�3, 6�7, 9 [13]/�

� � Lk 11:42�46�

Thursday:� Rom 3:21�30/Ps 130:1�2, 3�4, 5�6 [7]/�

� � Lk 11:47�54�

Friday:�� Rom 4:1�8/Ps 32:1�2, 5, 11 [cf. 7]/�

� � Lk 12:1�7�

Saturday:� Rom 4:13, 16�18/Ps 105:6�7, 8�9, �

� � 42�43 [8]/Lk 12:8�12�

Next Sunday:� Is 53:10�11/Ps 33:4�5, 18�19, 20, 22 [22]/

� � Heb 4:14�16/Mk 10:35�45 or 10:42�45�

2021 Liturgical Publications�

Deadline for the October 17th bulletin �

is Monday, October 11th at 9:00 a.m.�

Altar Flowers�

The flowers for the Mass were donated by �

Fr. Ken Ramón�Landry in memory of �

Roland and Don Landry.�

Las flores para la misa fueron donadas por �

Padre Ken en memoria de �

Roland y Don Landry.�



9:00 a.m.�6:00 p.m.�

Come spend time with Our Lord, �

present in the Blessed Sacrament.�

KC Council 1908�

KC Council 1908 will meet on October 11, 2021, at

Sacred Heart High School, from 6:30 p.m.�8:30 p.m. All

members are encouraged to attend.�


28th Sunday �

in Ordinary Time�

If we are truly in love with

God, then the basics are not

going to be enough. That love

is going to want to be expressed

in going above and beyond, in leaving the comfortable

and familiar, in stretching and growing, and in following a

voice other than our own. St. Teresa of Calcutta rightly

instructs us that for “love to be real, it must cost, it must

hurt, it must empty us of self.” Being in love with God

requires more than just checking the boxes of the

commandments. It requires a sincere and unconditional

self�investment. Desiring God with our whole heart, mind,

and soul means that I must also desire a relationship with

my neighbor with that same degree of fervor. �

Biases and prejudices usually occur when people are

kept at a distance and treated as objects. We cannot truly

know our neighbors, especially if they are different than

us, if we keep them in boxes and do not listen to their

stories. When we open ourselves to listen to another

person’s story, we begin to realize more how similar we

are than dissimilar. Being overly attached to our

possessions, ideologies, agendas, lifestyles, and personal

needs are absolute barriers to achieving the type of

personal investment love demands. This is why following

Christ can be difficult. It is less a matter of intellect and

more a matter of heart and soul. It requires that we

transfer our treasure from an investment in tangible

secular things and move it into the Kingdom of God. It is

only the gift of wisdom and discernment that can help us

decide what to do and how to do it.�

Contemporaries of Jesus would know that a camel

could not enter through the portal of a city weighed down

with the baggage it was carrying. In order to enter, the

baggage must be removed so that the animal could fit

through the entry way. The same is true for us. We carry a

lot of excessive baggage around with us that keeps us

tethered to our past histories, wounds, myopic world

views, prejudices, fears, and suspicions. To invest

ourselves in the Kingdom of God, do God’s work and live

out our love relationship with God, we need to shed the

extra weight. While it may seem that a lot of that stuff is

necessary, it really is not. We are much more than the

things that we think define us and more secure than we

think. The more there is to hold on to and the more that

we carry with us, the harder it will be to leave it all

behind. Many choose not to and walk away sad because

they are not ready to trust.�

2021 Liturgical Publications�

Pregnant? Need Help? Call Birthright of Hattiesburg 601�606�7054�


New Wine classes begin Tuesday, September

21, at 6 p.m. in the Parish Life Center. New

Wine is accepting students again. Please visit

our webpage, Facebook, or contact Christopher

Vineyard at the Parish Office for more details.�

Oct. 19 Christian Scripture Dr. Mark�

� � � � Nicovich�

Nov. 2 Christian Scripture Dr. Mark�

� � � � Nicovich�

Nov. 16 Christian Scripture Dr. Mark�

� � � � Nicovich�

Nov. 30 Christian Scripture Dr. Mark�

� � � � Nicovich�

Thank you!�

Thanks and much gratitude to all who helped

make the Sacred Heart COVID vaccination

events in August and September such a

success.� Immunization shots were administered

to 150 people in our Sacred Heart faith

community.� We are grateful for this excellent

response and participation.�

� So many contributed to making these events

the success that they were.� Special thanks to

Fr. Ken, who promoted, supported, encouraged,

and even helped work the check�in desk on

August 22; to parish staff; to Sacred Heart

Elementary School for the use of the gym and to

its coaches for preparation of the floor for use; to

Hispanic ministry leaders, usher team,

catechists, those who served as interpreters, and

the prayer groups who prepared tamales for

those being vaccinated, Conquistando las

naciones para Christo and La voz de Maria; to

the Faith and Justice ministry; and to our great

partners Park Place Pharmacy in Petal for

providing and administering vaccinations, the

city of Hattiesburg for its Fire Department

presence, and the Mississippi State Department

of Health.� Gracias a Dios!�


28º Domingo �

del Tiempo Ordinario�

Hemos vivido en estos

dos años experiencias

inimaginables en nuestras

vidas. Si hace tres años nos

hubieran dicho que esto de

la pandemia pasaría, no lo

hubiéramos creído. Sin embargo, el tiempo de confina-

miento en casa, el cuidarnos los unos a los otros, el distan-

ciamiento y la limpieza, junto con el ser vacunados, nos ha

llevado a apreciar y creer lo que escuchamos hoy en la

liturgia de la Palabra. La primera lectura describe con lujo

de detalle lo que es apreciar lo más importante: “Oré y me

fue dada la inteligencia; supliqué, y el espíritu de sab

iduría vino a mí. La preferí a los cetros y a los tronos, y

estimé en nada la riqueza al lado de ella” (Sabiduría 7:7�

8). �¿Qué nos enseña está lectura con referencia al tiempo

que estamos viviendo? ¿Qué debemos de apreciar ahora?�

Bueno, para seguir reflexionando, Jesús en el Evangelio

lo pone clarísimo con un mensaje exigente y radical,

poniendo en contraste la riqueza y la sabiduría. Su

mensaje: “Sólo te falta una cosa; vete, vende todo lo que

tienes y reparte el dinero entre los pobres, y tendrás un

tesoro en el Cielo. Después ven y sígueme” (Mateo 10:21).

Más claro que el agua no puede ser. Seguir a Jesús es el

siguiente paso. ¿Cómo? Dándonos unos a otros hasta que

duela. Los pobres son el gran camino para el cielo y creo

que durante el confinamiento que hemos vivido todos

somos pobres, porque a todos nos falta de alguna manera

la salud, el trabajo, y todos hemos perdido a algún ser

querido durante este tiempo. ¿Qué opinas de la invitación

de Jesús? ¿Crees que es actual o está pasada de moda?�

2021 Liturgical Publications�

Preguntas De La Semana�

Tómese un tiempo en familia

para reflexionar y discutir las

siguientes preguntas.�

Primera Lectura:�

La lectura de hoy presenta la sabiduría y la

prudencia como los dones más preciados de la

vida. �

¿Por qué crees que estas virtudes eran tan

apreciadas por el antiguo Israel?�

Segunda Lectura:�

Hebreos conecta el poder de la palabra de Dios

con el juicio divino: un día todos debemos

"rendir cuentas" de nuestras vidas ante el Señor.

¿Con qué frecuencia piensas en tu propio día del



Jesús le enseña al hombre rico y a los discípulos

que, si bien la riqueza a menudo puede impedir

que uno entre en el reino de Dios, el sacrificio

personal y el discipulado pueden ganar la vida

eterna. �

¿Qué tan bien equilibras estas realidades en tu


� �

2021 Liturgical Publications�

Vivir La Liturgia�

La presunción puede ser un gran pecado.

Podemos convencernos fácilmente de que siempre

que hagamos lo mínimo o dominemos lo básico,

es suficiente. El amor no opera de esta manera. Si

estamos verdaderamente enamorados de Dios,

entonces lo básico no será suficiente. Ese amor va

a querer expresarse en ir más allá, en dejar lo

cómodo y familiar, en estirar y crecer y en seguir

una voz distinta a la nuestra. Esto es de lo que se

dan cuenta aquellos que verdaderamente buscan la

sabiduría. Tal como revela cualquier relación

humana que valga la pena lograr, nunca llegamos

a un estancamiento al seguir el Evangelio o en

crecer en sabiduría y santidad. La sabiduría es el

timón que nos guía a través de todas las

atracciones y opciones de la vida. Solo ella

determina lo que vale la pena perseguir y lo que

debe dejarse atrás. Es por eso, que, aquellos que

solo están preocupados por marcar las casillas y

hacer la menor cantidad posible, a menudo se

alejan tristes cuando se les ofrece el regalo de Dios

de la vida eterna. No están realmente enamorados.�

2021 Liturgical Publications�

Procedimiento para el Sacramento �

del Matrimonio�

Paso I: SOLICITUD: La pareja se comunicarán con

Elizabeth primero. Elizabeth recopilará información para la

Solicitud, Certificados, Datos, etc. Elizabeth remitirá a la

pareja a Lorena. �

Paso II: PREPARACIÓN: Lorena capacitará a la pareja a

través de las sesiones de preparación para el matrimonio. Si

completa el curso satisfactoriamente, los remite a


Paso III: CELEBRACIÓN: Elizabeth planificará la

ceremonia de matrimonio en si… lecturas, lazo, padrinos,

música, ensayo, etc. �

Paso IV: INFORMACIÓN: Padre Ken será informado

tanto por Lorena (Prep) como por Elizabeth (App y Cele)

que el matrimonio está listo y la fecha se solidificará. �


Happy Birthday to all of our October babies

who were born this week:�

May God bless you with good health and �

happiness for many years to come!�

Sun., October 10�

Alexis Broussard�

Eugene Christen�

Jade Craig�

Katherine DeViney�

Jeremiah Morgan�

Stephen Nagy�

Everette Spillman�

Dennis Warren�

Mon., October 11�

Cynthia Anderson�

Valerie Covington�

Sher Gibbs�

Tammy Greer�

Jennifer McCurdy�

Stephen Meyers�

Kyla Sims�

Tues., October12�

Patrick Finnegan�

Isaac Garcia�

Maureen Martin�

Steve Nguyen�

May Tang�

www.sacredhearthattiesburg.com www.facebook.com/SacredHeartHattiesburg�

Wed., October 13�

Robert Cunningham�

Rebecca Hensarling�

Emmanuelle Hileman�

Stephanie Mena�

Theresa Nguyen�

Chloe Vickery�

Connie Worrel�

Thurs., October 14�

Ashley Bordelm�

Alicia O’Brien�

Linda Pieklik�

Fri., October 15�

Janet Blouin�

Heather Davis�

Danny Dossett�

Ngoc Le�

Maria Ortiz�

Shannon Smith�

Melissa Ziegler�

Sat., October 16�

Joe Bishop�

Rodrigo Coronado�

Cheryl Eager�

Lauren Haines�

Madeline Russell�

Mallory Tyrone�

This Week At The Heart �

(Sacred Heart School)�

School Ac�vi�es:�

October 11� Fall Holiday�No School�

� � 3 p.m. Center Stage�

October 12� Volleyball 1st Round Playoffs�

� � 3 p.m. Cheer (HS Chapel)�

October 13� PSAT?NMSQT (10th�11th)�

� � 6 p.m. England Trip Meeting�

October 14� Volleyball 2nd Round Playoffs�

� � 8:30 a.m. Elementary Mass�

� � 9:30 a.m. High School Mass�

� � 3 p.m. Cheer (HS Chapel)�

� � 6 p.m. Jr. High Football @ Baxterville�

October 15� 7 p.m. Football @ East Rankin�

October 16� Swim Meet South Gate�

� � Volleyball Playoffs North/South�

Cemetery Cleanup�

The Sacred Heart Cemetery Committee is planning

a cleanup and refreshening of the cemetery for All

Souls’ Day. Any flowers that are not on the grave

stone and articles not conforming to the regulations

will be removed. If you have any sentimental items,

please pick them up before October 26.�

May She Rest In Peace�

Fr. Ken, Fr. Charles, Deacon Warren, Deacon

Randy, Deacon Tomasz and the Sacred Heart

Parishioners extend their deepest sympathy to Cinthy

Rojas Salas and her family on the death of her mother,

Guadalupe Salas.�

May God’s loving presence strengthen the family

during this time of sorrow, and may they be consoled

knowing that their loved one is at peace. �




Mon., Oct. 11, 8:15 a.m.� †John P. Curley�

� � � � Theresa & Gerald Lester�

Tues., Oct. 12, 8:15 a.m.� †Orbelin Jaimes Garcia�

� � � � Rose Williams� �

Wed., Oct, 13, 8:15 a.m.� †Arturo Samonte�

� � � � Charles Hosey�

Thurs., Oct. 14, 8:30 a.m.� Keshawn Leverette�

Thurs., Oct. 14, 9:30 a.m. (HS)�Wagner & Groulx Family�

Sat., Oct. 16, 4:00 p.m.�� †Steven Pugh�

� � � � The Sick�

Sun., Oct. 17, 8:00 a.m.� Rose Williams�

� � � � The Burckel Family�

Sun., Oct. 17, 10:30 a.m. � †Charles Hosey�

� � � � †Jonathan Farris�

Sun., Oct. 17, 1:30 p.m.� Javier Marroquin & the�

� � � � Diaconate Class of 2025�

� � � � †Orbelin Jaimes Garcia�

Sun., Oct. 17, 4:00 p.m.� †Von Kyle Mordica

� �

October 16�17�

Sat. 4:00 p.m.�

Sun. 8:00 a.m.�

Sun. 10:30 a.m.� Sun. 1:30 p.m� Sun. 4:00 p.m.�

Extraordinary �

Ministers of �


Helen Cartwright�

Jim Ford�

Julia Landrum�

Jana Pace�

Lee Boyette�

Teri Garcia�

Juan Garcia�

Antonia Garcia�

Kim Cargill�

Rebecca Revoir�



Kathy Zipple�

Joseph Beran�

Theresa Lester�

Michelle Whitacre�

Theresa Bush�

Leslyn Tamberg�

Celia Gomez�

Sonia Vasquez�

Ascencion Martinez�

Shannon Bennett�

Jim Gladden�



David Loveless�

Ann Loveless�

Zeke Baucum�

Casey Mercier�

Andy Mercier�

Gary Pace�

Douglas Lipka�

Margo Lipka�

Jim Maloney�

Teresa Maloney�

Sergio Lopez�

Felipe Espejo�

Seferino Montalvo �

Cipriano Hernandez�

Rubicel Toledo�

Mary Ann Purvis�


Altar Servers�

Len Charleville�

Benjamin Breeden�



Cooper Mercier�

Satchel Mercier�

Tanner Dean�

Emi Clark�

Kristen Dean�

Karen Guzman�

Beyonce Lopez�

Jaretz Lopez�

Ana Montalvo�


Madeline Hodges�

Klaire Bennett�


Len Charleville� Zeke Baucum� Jim Maloney� � Jeff Lee�



Sun., October 10� Fr. Mark Ropel�

Mon., October 11� Fr. Alwin Samy, HGN�

Tues., October 12� Fr. Jacob M. Smith, OFM�

Wed., October 13� Fr. James Smith�

Thurs., October 14� Fr. Mike Snyder�

Fri., October 15� Fr. Emmanuel Subaar�

Sat., October 16� Fr. Sebastian Thekkedath, CMI�

Prayers For Our Sick�

Oración Por los


Althea Aucoin�

Lauryn Barrett�

Joyce Beran�

Annett Sanford Beverly�

Janet Blouin�

Edna Brewer�

Kate Corrigan�

Sarah Agnes Fink�

Adriana Forcade�

Nancy Forte�

Sunnye Forte�

Presley Gibbs�

Jim Gladden�

Nancy Goff�

Carolina Gonzalez�

Luis Gonzalez�

Miriam Gonzalez�

Jennifer Guitar�

Pat Harrington�

Judy Heintz�

Cindy Hixson�

The Homeless�

Meco Johnson�

Jim Jones�

Virginia Katerski�

Ed Kauchick�

Tom LeBlanc�

Ronald J. Leonard, Sr. �

Rhonda Little�

Collette Machauer�

George Magola�

Just Maloney�

David Manwiller�

Dave Martin, Jr. �

Pam McClary�

José Luis Moreno�

Kathleen Muli�

Ruby Nicdao�

Cherice Nobles�

Meg Nobles�

Carter Powell�

Marcia Russell�

Pat Russell�

Michaela Sanchez�

BJ Sanford�

Joe Schlautman�

Pilar Juan Sevilla�

Richard Smith�

Beth Strahan�

Terry Sullivan�

Alondra Villalobos�

Maria Villalobos�

Agnes Watson�

Bette Worrel�

Francis Zipple�

Willa Zumwalt�

For all who are sick�


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