further work has established either (i) the validity of the strain as a new type, to be assigned a number in accordance with the recolnmendations of the Inter- national Bacteriological Somenclature Subcomniittee on Streptococci and Pneumococci, or (ii) its identity with a previously recognized type. TFThaterer the outco~neof future serologic studies with the Red Lake strain, there is no doubt that, under sorne circumstances, it is nephritogenic and n~ust therefore be taken into account, together with types 12 and 4, in studies on the relationship of group-A streptococci to acute glorneruloilephritis. References and Notes 1. H. Kleinman, .+f<iznesotn .lfea. 37, 479 (1054). 2. \Ye gratefully acknowledge the technical assistance of Helen Ashworth and the cooperation and assistance ~vitli time and materials of tlle staff of the Red Lake Indian Hospital under the direction of Herman Kleinman ; of A. J. Cheslep, Minnesota State Health Officer; of the staff of the Minnesota Department of Health Laboratory under tlle direction of Henry Bauer ; of Charles F. Bederspiel, statistician, Coniinunicable Disease Center ; and of Cecil grown in calcareous soil, and since analyses of the foliage often show an adequate iron content, this lime- induced chlorosis apparently results from a failure of iron to function in metabolic processes (2, 2). The same type of chlorosis also results froni other treat- ments, such as the presence of nickel or cobalt (3), which apparently interfere with the function of iron. Plants afflicted with the iron-deficiency type of chlorosis are known to have an increased content of soluble nitrogen in the foliage (4). This suggests that iron may be involved in nitrogen nietabolism, a view that is supported by the observation that plants suf- fering from lime-induced chlorosis frequently recoTTer if nitrogen is supplied as ailinloniunl salts rather than as nitrates (2,5;6). Most of the available inforn~ation on the nitrogen ~netabolisni of chlorotic plants is fur- nished by the extensive analyses of nitrogenous frac- tions in chlorotic and green plants that have been re- Reinstein, Epidemic Intelligence Service Officer, Co~i~muni- cable Disease Center, who was in charge of the epidemio- logical investigatiori 3. Antiserunir mere not available for types 34 and 35. 4. H. F. Swift. B. T. Wilson, and R. C. Lancefield, J. Emptl. Xed. 78. 127 (1943). 6. E. Conroy and E. L. Updyke, flcience 119, 60 (1954). 13 September 1934. Accumulation of Arginine in Plants Afflicted with Iron-Deficiency Type Chlorosis Robert W. Holley and John C. Cain New York State Agricultural Experinzelzt Statiow, CorlzelE Ultiversity, Gelteva Iron deficiency in plants leads to the developnlent of a characteristic chlorosis of the leaves. The same type of chlorosis develops when certain plants are ported by Iljin (4). Iljitl has concluded that . . . residual nitrogen compounds [that is, nitrogen conlpounds not accounted for as ammonia, amide, protein, or aniino nitrogen1 are absent in healthy foliage or are present in small a~nounts onlr, but may account for 40 to 65 percent of the soluble nitrogen in chlorotic nlants. I t seemed to us that the identification of this un- known nitrogenous material would be of interest and niight give some clue to the nature of llietabolir changes associated with iron deficiency. Chlorotic and green blueberry, apple, and niagnolia leaves were fractionated, and the free amino acids were identified by paper chromatography. The leaves were extracted with 80-percent alcohol and the ex- tract was diluted with one-fifth of its voluiiie of \vatel and niixed wit11 an equal volunie of chloroforn~. The aqueous layer was separated, diluted with water, and the amino acids were adsorbed in a Dowex 50 coluliin The ailiino acids were eluted with 10-percent aln inoniu~n hydroxide, and the eluate was evaporated tc dryness in high vacuuili over phosphorus pentoxide Table 1. Colnparisoli of con~positio~i of clllorotic and green leaves. Description Bluel~err., chlorotic" Bluebe~r~, chlorotie (Co) f Bluel~err?-, clllorotic (Xi) 8 Blueberry, greens Apple, chloroticll Apple green# -- Dry weight (mg/cm2) Total Nitrogen ( +g/cm2) 80-percent Total alcohol-soluble amino acids Argiliine Magnolia stellata, ~hlorotic"" Magnolia stellatn, ireenf t * Average of 12 plants, both field samples and sand culture. .L Cobalt-induced chlorotic plant grown in sand culture. 5 Average of three nickel-induced chlorotic plants grown in sand cnlture B Average of 14 control plants, both field samples and sand culture. Average of two plants, pot culture, wet. #Average of two plants, pot culture, dry. ** Average of two samples of chlorotic leaves. $7 Svernge of two samples of green leaves froin the same plant. I

Accumulation of Arginine in Plants Afflicted with Iron-Deficiency Type Chlorosis

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further work has established either ( i ) the validity of the strain as a new type, to be assigned a number in accordance with the recolnmendations of the Inter- national Bacteriological Somenclature Subcomniittee on Streptococci and Pneumococci, or (ii) its identity with a previously recognized type.

TFThaterer the outco~ne of future serologic studies with the Red Lake strain, there is no doubt that, under sorne circumstances, i t is nephritogenic and n ~ u s t therefore be taken into account, together with types 1 2 and 4, in studies on the relationship of group-A streptococci to acute glorneruloilephritis.

References and Notes

1. H. Kleinman, .+f<iznesotn . lfea. 37, 479 (1054). 2. \Ye gratefully acknowledge the technical assistance of

Helen Ashworth and the cooperation and assistance ~v i t l i t ime and materials of tlle staff of t he Red Lake Indian Hospital under the direction of Herman Kleinman ; of A. J. Cheslep, Minnesota S t a t e Heal th Officer; of t he staff of t he Minnesota Department of Heal th Laboratory under tlle direction of Henry Bauer ; of Charles F. Bederspiel, statistician, Coniinunicable Disease Center ; and of Cecil

grown in calcareous soil, and since analyses of the foliage often show an adequate iron content, this lime- induced chlorosis apparently results from a failure of iron to function in metabolic processes (2, 2). The same type of chlorosis also results froni other treat- ments, such as the presence of nickel or cobalt ( 3 ) , which apparently interfere with the function of iron.

Plants afflicted with the iron-deficiency type of chlorosis are known to have a n increased content of soluble nitrogen in the foliage (4) . This suggests that iron may be involved in nitrogen nietabolism, a view that is supported by the observation that plants suf- fering from lime-induced chlorosis frequently recoTTer if nitrogen is supplied as ailinloniunl salts rather than as nitrates (2,5;6). Most of the available inforn~ation on the nitrogen ~netabolisni of chlorotic plants is fur- nished by the extensive analyses of nitrogenous frac- tions in chlorotic and green plants that have been re-

Reinstein, Epidemic Intelligence Service Officer, C o ~ i ~ m u n i - cable Disease Center, who was in charge of the epidemio- logical investigatiori

3. Antiserunir mere not available fo r types 34 and 35. 4. H. F. Swift. B. T. Wilson, and R. C. Lancefield, J . Emptl .

X e d . 78. 127 (1943) . 6. E. Conroy a n d E. L. Updyke, flcience 119, 60 (1954).

13 September 1934.

Accumulation of Arginine in Plants Afflicted with Iron-Deficiency Type Chlorosis

Robert W. Holley and John C. Cain New York State Agricultural Experinzelzt Statiow, CorlzelE Ultiversity, Gelteva

Iron deficiency in plants leads to the developnlent of a characteristic chlorosis of the leaves. The same type of chlorosis develops when certain plants are

ported by Iljin ( 4 ) . Iljitl has concluded that . . . residual nitrogen compounds [that is, nitrogen conlpounds not accounted for as ammonia, amide, protein, or aniino nitrogen1 are absent in healthy foliage or are present in small a~nounts onlr, but may account for 40 to 65 percent of the soluble nitrogen in chlorotic nlants.

I t seemed to us that the identification of this un-known nitrogenous material would be of interest and niight give some clue to the nature of llietabolir changes associated with iron deficiency.

Chlorotic and green blueberry, apple, and niagnolia leaves were fractionated, and the free amino acids were identified by paper chromatography. The leaves were extracted with 80-percent alcohol and the ex-tract was diluted with one-fifth of its voluiiie of \vatel and niixed wit11 an equal volunie of chloroforn~. The aqueous layer was separated, diluted with water, and the amino acids were adsorbed in a Dowex 50 coluliin The ailiino acids were eluted with 10-percent aln inoniu~n hydroxide, and the eluate was evaporated tc dryness in high vacuuili over phosphorus pentoxide

Table 1.Colnparisoli of con~positio~i of clllorotic and green leaves.


Bluel~err., chlorotic" B l u e b e ~ r ~ ,chlorotie (Co) f Bluel~err?-,clllorotic (Xi) 8 Blueberry, greens Apple, chloroticll Apple green#


Dry weight (mg/cm2) Total

Nitrogen (+g/cm2)

80-percent Totalalcohol-soluble amino acids Argiliine

Magnolia stellata, ~hlorotic"" Magnolia stellatn, ireenf t

* Average of 1 2 plants, both field samples and sand culture. .L Cobalt-induced chlorotic plant grown in sand culture.

5 Average of three nickel-induced chlorotic p lants grown in sand cnlture B Average of 14 control plants, both field samples and sand culture.

Average of two plants, pot culture, wet. #Average of two plants, pot culture, dry. * * Average of two samples of chlorotic leaves. $ 7 Svernge of two samples of green leaves froin the same plant.



Table 2. Data showing recovery from nickel-inducecl chlorosis in blueberry plants follolving treatnlellt nit11 ferrous ethylenedialninetetraacetate.

Sitrogeil (yg/cmL)

Description Dry weight (mg/cm2) 80-percent Total lrgiililie

alcohol-soluble amino acicls -

Chlorotic, before treatment 5.1 183 44 32 2 8 4 days after treatment* 4.7 169 43 31 28 13 clays after treatment 6.8 139 14 4 3 26 days after treatment 6.9 107 11 1 0.2

* A p p r o s i m a t e l ~30 1111 of ferrous ethylenediai~~inetetraacetate i ~ 0 l lXLIJ asolution containing 20 l>plu of illjc~tt'd illto branch bearing four actively growing shoots. i!.l~iio,~t complete regreening had occurred a f t e r 36 days.

The dried samples were stored a t - 1 8 O C . Aliquots 2. J. C. Cain, I>?-oc.Am. Soc. IIort . Sci. 59,161 (19.32). 3. E . J . IIewitt , Nuture 161,489 (1948) : D. J. D. Sicllollls were chroniatographed quantitatively on Whatman and \V. D. E , Thonlas. Plarit and Sol1 5. 182 (10.34) ; J.

No. 1 paper using procedures similar to those of C. Cain, Proc . Am. Soc. H o r t . Sci . , in glesz . \V. S. I l ~ i n , Plant nad Soil 3 , 230 (1931) ; J. P. B ~ n l l e t t ,Levy and Chung ( 7 ) and Thompson and Steward 4. Soil Sci . 60,91 (1945).

(8). (The data have not been corrected for any losses .5. J. S. Bailey and J. N. Everson, Proc . Ant. Soc. H o r t . 8c i . that inay have occurred during the isolation pro- 35,495 (1937).

6. C. H. Wadleigh, \T. I<.Robbins, and J. R. Beckenbach.cedure. Coiltrols indicated that the recovertes of Soil Sci . 3 4 3 , 153 (1937). arnino acids were at least 80 percent.) The content 7. A. L. Levy a n d U. Chung, Anal . C h e t r ~ .25, 396 (1933).

8. J. I?'. Thornpson a n d F. C. Stelyard, P l a r ~ t PlazJsiol. 26,of arginiile in the sanlples was also deternlined colori- 421 (1951). ilietrically ( 9 ) , using the difference between determi- 9. A. A. Albanese and 3. E. Frankston, J. Biol. Chem. 159,

nations before and after treatment with arginase. 185 (1945). 10. Jou rna l paper No. 981, New Pork Sta te .Igricultural

Results are expressed in terms of leaf area. Total E x ~ ~ e r i m e n tStation. The technical assistance of Brigi t ta nitrogen and 80-percent-alcohol-soluble nitrogen mere ~ t d y ~ ai s gratefully acknowledged.

deterinined by the micro-ICjeldahl method. 11. H. voii Euler and D. Burstrurn, Hoppe-Se~Ter's2.ji7lzJ~iol. C7~eni.215,47 (1033).

The results (Tables 1and 2) indicate that an ac- 12. E. J I iewit t , E. \V. Jones, and .I. H. \Tllliams, Nutui.P

cumulation of free arginine is characteristic of the 163,681 (1949).

nitrogen lrletabolisnl of plants afflicted with iron-cle- 7 October 1954. ficiency chlorosis. The disappearailce of free arginine during recovery froin chlorosis is shown in Table 2. Anliilo acids, other than arginine, that coil~~liorily oc- Differential Sensitivity of the Eye to cur in the leaves studied are (identification by posi- Intermittent White Light tion on the chromatogram) alanine, aspartic acid, asparagine, glutainic acid, and glutailline, with occa- G. H. Mowbray and J. W. Gebhardsional traces of Y-arninobutyric acid, glycine, lysine, proline, serine, threonine, and valine. A p p l i e d Physics L a b o r a t o r y , Johns H o p k i n s U n i v e r s i t y ,

Three of the four nitrogen atoms present in argi- Si lver Spr ing , M a r y l a n d

nine (the three nitrogens in the guanidino group) The eye has often, in the past, been scorned as a would have been missed by Iljin's analyses and would temporal analyzer, the ear always seelning to take have been included in his "residual nitrogen" frac- precedence. Strangely, few data esist that allow a tion. Therefore, a high free-arginine content, which direct, valid conlparison between the two modalities. seems to be characteristic of chlorotic leaves, would This paper ( 1 ) reports the results of an experilllent account for the "residual nitrogen" described by that measured the speed of respouse of the huinan I l j in . eye in a new way. The procedure mas to measure the

I t is of interest in connection with the findings difference-limens for intermittent white liglit a t 16 reported here (10) that von Euler and Burstroln (11) frequencies iii the range of 1to 46 cy/sec. found a high free-arginine content in the white borders The intermittent stiniulus light was produced by a *of leaves of a variegated Pelargonium plant. (Leaves Sylvania R1131C glow-nlodulator tulle operated inde- from two other variegated plants showed normal argi- pendently from two variable-frequency square-wavenine content.) I t should also be mentioned that I-Ieq-itt generators. Glow-modulator tubes follow precisely an et al. (12) have reported that free arginine increases electric input, and the square-wave generator was de- more than other amino acids during manganese defi- termined to have an accuracy of 0.6 percent in the ciency in cauliflower, and these authors suggest that range of the fr.equencies studied. manganese is involved in amino acid metabolism. The stimulus spot provided by the tube suhtended

loof visual angle and had a homogeneous luminance References and Notes of 98 millilamberts. I t appeared in the center of a

1. Y. Milad, Proc. Am. Soc. H o r t . Sci. 21, 93 (1924) : .T. white surround subtending 71° held a t a lulninanceOserko\\,sky. Plant Ph,/niol . 8, 449 (1933) ; K. C. Lind-ner and C. P. I lar l ry , ib id . 19,420 (1944). of 44 millilainherts.