A Recurrent Connectionist Model of Person Impression Formation Frank Van Overwalle Department of Psychology Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium Christophe Labiouse Belgian NFSR Research Fellow & Department of Psychology University of Liège, Belgium Major findings in impression formation are reviewed and modeled from a connectionist perspective. The findings are in the areas of primacy and recency in impression forma- tion, asymmetric diagnosticity of ability- and morality-related traits, increased recall for trait-inconsistent information, assimilation and contrast in priming, and discount- ing of trait inferences by situational information. The majority of these phenomena are illustrated with well-known experiments and simulated with an autoassociative net- work architecture with linear activation update and using the delta learning algorithm for adjusting the connection weights. All of the simulations successfully reproduced the empirical findings. Moreover, the proposed model is shown to be consistent with earlier algebraic models of impression formation (Anderson, 1981; Busemeyer, 1991; Hogarth & Einhorn, 1992). The discussion centers on how our model compares to other connectionist approaches to impression formation and how it may contribute to a more parsimonious and unified theory of person perception. Getting to know others socially often involves infer- ences about characteristics and traits of individuals. This is a crucial to social reasoning, as it allows one to go beyond the specific behavior of the individual and to generalize to similar events in the future and to similar people. How do we make trait inferences from observ- ing an individual’s behavior? How is this information processed and stored in memory? The purpose of this ar- ticle is to attempt to gain insight into this process by tak- ing a computational modeling perspective—in particu- lar, a connectionist approach—to these questions. In the recent past, the dominant view on the impres- sion-formation process in social psychology was that people are intuitive statisticians who extract behavioral information by applying some kind of rule to them. Many of these models rely on an algebraic function to transform social information into abstract traits. Models of this type include the weighted averaging model of Anderson (1981), the step-by-step belief-ad- justment model of Hogarth and Einhorn (1992), and the serial averaging strategy of Busemeyer (1991). Al- though supported by an impressive amount of empiri- cal research, the most popular model, developed by Anderson, was criticized on the grounds that it lacked psychological plausibility, because it seems unlikely that people would perform all the necessary weighting and averaging calculation in their minds to arrive at an impression, and, for this reason, many researchers abandoned algebraic models altogether. The main purpose of this article is to revive compu- tational modeling of impression formation by adopting a connectionist framework to describe the perceivers’ internal computations. This framework is loosely pat- terned after how the brain works—neurons spreading activation to other neurons and developing synaptic connections with each other—to develop computa- tional models of human thinking. Earlier attempts of applying the brain metaphor in social psychology used neuron-like representation and activation spreading as its major principles (Hamilton, Katz, & Leirer, 1980; Hastie & Kumar, 1979) but did not provide any compu- tational formalization of these ideas. However, the ever-increasing success of connectionist models in cognitive psychology that provide more precise com- putational implementations has led a number of au- thors to turn to these models in an attempt to develop connectionist models of diverse social psychological phenomena, including causal attribution (Read & Montoya, 1999; Van Overwalle, 1998), cognitive dis- sonance (Shultz & Lepper, 1996; Van Overwalle & Jordens, 2002), and group impression formation and Personality and Social Psychology Review 2004, Vol. 8, No. 1, 28–61 Copyright © 2004 by Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc. 28 This research was supported by Grant OZR423 of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel to Frank Van Overwalle. We are grateful to Bob French for his suggestions and comments on an earlier version of this article. Requests for reprints should be sent to Frank Van Overwalle, De- partment of Psychology, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Pleinlaan 2, B–1050,Brussel,Belgium. E-mail:[email protected]

A Recurrent Connectionist Model of Person Impression · PDF fileA Recurrent Connectionist Model of Person Impression Formation ... In the recent past, ... knowledge of individuals

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A Recurrent Connectionist Model of Person Impression Formation

Frank Van OverwalleDepartment of Psychology

Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium

Christophe LabiouseBelgian NFSR Research Fellow & Department of Psychology

University of Liège, Belgium

Major findings in impression formation are reviewed and modeled from a connectionistperspective. The findings are in the areas of primacy and recency in impression forma-tion, asymmetric diagnosticity of ability- and morality-related traits, increased recallfor trait-inconsistent information, assimilation and contrast in priming, and discount-ing of trait inferences by situational information. The majority of these phenomena areillustrated with well-known experiments and simulated with an autoassociative net-work architecture with linear activation update and using the delta learning algorithmfor adjusting the connection weights. All of the simulations successfully reproduced theempirical findings. Moreover, the proposed model is shown to be consistent with earlieralgebraic models of impression formation (Anderson, 1981; Busemeyer, 1991;Hogarth&Einhorn,1992).Thediscussioncentersonhowourmodelcompares tootherconnectionist approaches to impression formation and how it may contribute to a moreparsimonious and unified theory of person perception.

Getting to know others socially often involves infer-ences about characteristics and traits of individuals.This is a crucial to social reasoning, as it allows one to gobeyond the specific behavior of the individual and togeneralize to similar events in the future and to similarpeople. How do we make trait inferences from observ-ing an individual’s behavior? How is this informationprocessedandstored inmemory?Thepurposeof this ar-ticle is to attempt to gain insight into this process by tak-ing a computational modeling perspective—in particu-lar, a connectionist approach—to these questions.

In the recent past, the dominant view on the impres-sion-formation process in social psychology was thatpeople are intuitive statisticians who extract behavioralinformation by applying some kind of rule to them.Many of these models rely on an algebraic function totransform social information into abstract traits.Models of this type include the weighted averagingmodel of Anderson (1981), the step-by-step belief-ad-justment model of Hogarth and Einhorn (1992), andthe serial averaging strategy of Busemeyer (1991). Al-though supported by an impressive amount of empiri-

cal research, the most popular model, developed byAnderson, was criticized on the grounds that it lackedpsychological plausibility, because it seems unlikelythat people would perform all the necessary weightingand averaging calculation in their minds to arrive at animpression, and, for this reason, many researchersabandoned algebraic models altogether.

The main purpose of this article is to revive compu-tational modeling of impression formation by adoptinga connectionist framework to describe the perceivers’internal computations. This framework is loosely pat-terned after how the brain works—neurons spreadingactivation to other neurons and developing synapticconnections with each other—to develop computa-tional models of human thinking. Earlier attempts ofapplying the brain metaphor in social psychology usedneuron-like representation and activation spreading asits major principles (Hamilton, Katz, & Leirer, 1980;Hastie & Kumar, 1979) but did not provide any compu-tational formalization of these ideas. However, theever-increasing success of connectionist models incognitive psychology that provide more precise com-putational implementations has led a number of au-thors to turn to these models in an attempt to developconnectionist models of diverse social psychologicalphenomena, including causal attribution (Read &Montoya, 1999; Van Overwalle, 1998), cognitive dis-sonance (Shultz & Lepper, 1996; Van Overwalle &Jordens, 2002), and group impression formation and

Personality and Social Psychology Review2004, Vol. 8, No. 1, 28–61

Copyright © 2004 byLawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.


This research was supported by Grant OZR423 of the VrijeUniversiteit Brussel to Frank Van Overwalle. We are grateful to BobFrench for his suggestions and comments on an earlier version of thisarticle.

Requests for reprints should be sent to Frank Van Overwalle, De-partment of Psychology, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Pleinlaan 2,B–1050,Brussel,Belgium.E-mail:[email protected]

change (Kashima, Woolcock, & Kashima, 2000; VanRooy, Van Overwalle, Vanhoomissen, Labiouse, &French, 2003).

Connectionist models have also been developed inthe area of impression formation. Kunda and Thagard(1996) developed a parallel-constraint-satisfactionmodel that described how social stereotypes and indi-viduating information constrained each other’s mean-ing and jointly influenced impression formation of indi-viduals. However, this model was static, lacking alearning mechanism by which novel impressions or ste-reotypes of groups and individuals could be developedand stored in memory. This shortcoming was addressedin the tensor-product model of impression formation byKashima and Kerekes (1994), from which emerged var-ious results in primacy and recency effects. In additionto this model, the recurrent model by Smith andDeCoster (1998) described how perceivers may use pastknowledge of individuals or groups to make inferencesto unobserved or novel characteristics about them. Bothmodels incorporate a learning algorithm that allows theintegration of old and novel information and the subse-quent storage of the resulting impression in memory.The goal of this article is to extend the work of Smith andDeCoster by highlighting how the recurrent model canexplain many additional phenomena in impression-for-mation research. In so doing, we hope to contribute tothe theoretical integration of the connectionist approachto impression formation. We also formulate“postdictions” that have been confirmed by past re-search and, importantly, novel predictions that havebeen subsequently confirmed by recent research.

Many mainstream processes and findings on impres-sion formation can be explained within a connectionistframework and, in many cases, explained better than bythe algebraic or activation-spreading models developedin the past. What are the main characteristics of theconnectionist models that accomplish this?

First, connectionist models exhibit emergent prop-erties, such as prototype extraction, pattern comple-tion, generalization, constraint satisfaction, and grace-ful degradation. (All of these are extensively reviewedin Rumelhart & McClelland, 1986, and Smith, 1996).It is clear that these characteristics are potentially use-ful for any account of impression-formation phenom-ena (see Smith & DeCoster, 1998). In addition,connectionist models assume that the development ofinternal representations and the processing of theserepresentations are done in parallel by simple andhighly interconnected units, contrary to traditionalmodels in which the processing is inherently sequen-tial. As a result, connectionist systems have no need fora central executive, thereby eliminating the require-ment of explicit (central) processing of relevant socialinformation, as assumed by previous theories. Conse-quently, information can, in principle, be processed inan implicit and automatic manner without recourse to

explicit conscious reasoning. This does not, of course,preclude people’s being aware of the outcome of thesepreconscious processes.

Second, most neural networks (e.g., Kashima &Kerekes, 1994; Smith & DeCoster, 1998) are not fixedmodels but are able to learn over time, usually bymeans of a simple learning algorithm that progres-sively modifies the strength of the connections be-tween the units making up the network. The fact thatmost traditional models in social psychology are inca-pable of learning is a significant restriction. Interest-ingly, the ability to learn incrementally putsconnectionist models in broad agreement with devel-opmental and evolutionary constraints.

Third, connectionist networks have a degree of neu-rological plausibility that is generally absent in previousstatistical approaches to information integration andstorage (e.g., Anderson, 1981; Busemeyer, 1991;Hogarth & Einhorn, 1992). Although it is true thatconnectionist models are highly simplified versions ofreal neural circuitry and processing, it is commonly as-sumed that they reveal a number of emergent processingproperties that real human brains also exhibit. One oftheseemergentproperties is the integrationof long-termmemory (i.e., connection weights), short-term memory(i.e., internal activation), and outside information (i.e.,external activation). In short, there is no clear separationbetween memory and processing as there is in tradi-tional models. Even if biological constraints are notstrictly adhered to in connectionist models of socialjudgments, there is currently an outpouring of interest inbiological implementation of social inference mecha-nisms (Adolphs & Damasio, 2001; Allison, Puce, &McCarthy, 2000; Cacioppo, Berntson, Sheridan, &McClintock, 2000; Ito & Cacioppo, 2001; Phelps et al.,2000) that parallel the increasing attention paid toneurophysiological determinants of social behavior.Other emergent properties of the connectionist ap-proachareexplained inmoredepth in thenextsection.

This article is organized as follows: First, we de-scribe the proposed connectionist model in some detail,giving the precise architecture, the general learning al-gorithm, and the specific details of how the model pro-cesses information. In addition, a number of other lesswell-known emergent properties of this type of networkare discussed. We then present a series of simulationsusing the same network architecture applied to a numberof significantly different phenomena. These phenomenainvolve primacy and recency in impression formation,the asymmetric impact of ability- versus morality-re-lated behaviors, memory advantages for inconsisten-cies, assimilation and contrasts in priming, and the ef-fect of situational constraints on trait inferences.

Our review of empirical phenomena in the field isnot meant to be exhaustive but is rather designed to il-lustrate how connectionist principles can be used toshed light on the processes underlying impression for-



mation. Although the emphasis of this article is on theuse of a particular connectionist model to explain awide variety of phenomena in social cognition, previ-ous applications of connectionist modeling to socialpsychology (Kashima & Kerekes, 1994; Kunda &Thagard, 1996; Smith & DeCoster, 1998) are alsomentioned. In addition, we compare and contrast ourmodel with a number of different models. Finally, wediscuss the limitations of the proposed connectionistapproach and point to areas where further theoreticaldevelopments are underway or are needed.

A Recurrent Model

Throughout this article, we use the same basic net-work model—namely, the recurrent linearautoassociator developed by McClelland andRumelhart (1985; for an introductory text seeMcClelland & Rumelhart, 1988, pp. 161ff.; McLeod,Plunkett, & Rolls, 1998, pp. 72ff). This model is alreadyfamiliar to a number of social psychologists studyingperson and group impression (Queller & Smith, 2002;Smith & DeCoster, 1998; Van Rooy et al., 2003), causalattribution (Read & Montoya, 1999), and attitude for-mation (Van Overwalle & Siebler, 2002). We decided toapply a single basic model to emphasize the theoreticalsimilarities that underlie a broad variety of processes inperson impression. In particular, we chose this modelbecause it is capable of reproducing a wider range ofphenomena than other connectionist models, such asfeedforward networks (e.g., Van Overwalle, 1998; VanOverwalle & Jordens, 2002), parallel-constraint-satis-faction models (e.g., Kunda & Thagard, 1996), or ten-sor-product models (e.g., Kashima & Kerekes, 1994;Kashima et al., 2000).

Webelieve thatoneof thestrengthsofourapproach isthat—despite the great flexibility of connectionist mod-els, which is sometimes seen as rendering them theoreti-cally empty because, as models of human cognition,they are too powerful—we actually make little use ofthat flexibility here. As we demonstrate shortly, the pa-rameters of our model are not varied at will to fit eachdifferent situation. Rather, only the learning rate and theassumed sequence of learning inputs vary from problemto problem. This makes the network directly testable be-cause, at least in principle, assumptions about sequenceof input informationandspeedof learning(e.g., depthofencoding)canbe testedempirically.This stands insharpcontrast to parallel-constraint-satisfaction models, inwhich the key assumptions are not about potentially ob-servable inputs but about unobservable internal struc-ture, such as connection weights that are set by hand bythe researchers but are not directly testable.

The autoassociative network can be distinguishedfrom other connectionist models on the basis of its ar-chitecture (the elements of the model) and how the in-

formation is processed and consolidated in memory(the activation updates and the learning algorithm). Wediscuss these points in turn.


The architecture of the linear autoassociative net-workused in thisarticle is illustrated inFigure1. Itsmostsalient property is that all nodes are interconnected withall of the other nodes. Thus, all nodes exchange (sendout and receive) activation with each other, but not withthemselves (i.e., there are no self-connections).

Information Processing

In this type of recurrent network, processing infor-mation takes place in two phases. During the first activa-tion phase, each node in the network receives activationfrom the environment. Because the nodes are intercon-nected, this activation is spread throughout the networkin proportion to the weights of the connections to theothernodes.Theactivationcomingfromtheothernodesis called the internal input (for each node, it is calculatedby summing all activations arriving at that node). Thisactivation is further updated during a number of cyclesthrough the network. Together with the external input,this internal input determines the final pattern of activa-tion of the nodes, which reflects the short-term memoryof the network. Typically, activations from externalsources are bounded between –1 and +1, although theactivation levels within the network may grow beyondthese bounds (e.g., because the external activation isaugmented with the internal input). In addition, the ini-tial weights are also bounded between –1 and 1 and, likethe activations, are allowed to grow beyond thesebounds.

In the linear version of activation spreading in theautoassociator that we use here, the final activation ateach cycle is the linear sum of the external and internal



Figure 1. Generic architecture of an autoassociative recurrentnetwork.

input. In nonlinear versions used by other social-psy-chology researchers (Read & Montoya, 1999; Smith &DeCoster, 1998), the final activation is determined by anonlinear combination of external and internal input(typically, a sigmoid function). During our simula-tions, however, we found that the linear version with asingle internal updating cycle often reproduced the ob-served data slightly better for reasons that we discusslater. Therefore, we used the linear variant of theautoassociator for all the reported simulations.

Consolidation in Memory

After the first activation phase, the recurrent modelenters the second learning phase in which theshort-term activations are consolidated in long-termweight changes of the connections. Basically, theseweight changes are driven by the error between the in-ternal activation generated by the network and the ex-ternal input received from outside sources. This error isreduced in proportion to a learning rate that determineshow fast the network changes its weights (between .10and .35 for all simulations reported). This error-reduc-ing mechanism is known as the delta learning algo-rithm (McClelland & Rumelhart, 1988).

Thus, when the network overestimates the externalinput of a node, this means that this node received toomuch internal input from the other nodes through theirconnections. To adjust this, the delta algorithm de-creases the weights of these connections. Conversely,when the network underestimates the external input,this means that it has received too little internal inputand the weights are increased. These weight changesallow the network to better approximate the externalinput. Thus, the delta algorithm strives to match the in-ternal predictions of the network as closely as possibleto the actual state of the external environment andstores this information in the connection weights (seeAppendix A for more details).

Basic Emergent ConnectionistPrinciples

Before moving on to the social phenomena of inter-est, it is essential to briefly discuss the basic principlesor mechanisms that drive many of our simulations.These principles are emergent properties of thedelta-learning algorithm and include acquisition, com-petition, and diffusion. Some of these principles havealready been documented in prior social connectionistwork (Van Overwalle, 1998; Van Overwalle & VanRooy, 1998, 2001, 2003; Van Rooy et al., 2003). How-ever, because they are essential for understanding ourexamples, we describe these principles first and dis-cuss their application for impression formation in moredetail later during the simulations.

Acquisition Property and Sample SizeEffect

Theacquisitionproperty involvessamplesizeeffectsthat have been documented in many areas of social rea-soning. For instance, when receiving more supportiveinformation, people tend to hold more extreme impres-sions about other persons (Anderson, 1976, 1981),make more extreme causal judgments (Baker, Berbier,& Vallée-Tourangeau, 1989; Försterling, 1992; Shanks,1985, 1987, 1995; Shanks, Lopez, Darby, & Dickinson,1996), make more polarized group decisions (Ebbesen& Bowers, 1974; Fiedler, 1996), endorse hypothesesmore firmly (Fiedler, Walther, & Nickel, 1999), makemore extreme predictions (Manis, Dovalina, Avis, &Cardoze, 1980), and agree more with persuasive mes-sages (Eagly & Chaiken, 1993).

One of the most striking characteristics ofconnectionist models using the delta algorithm is thatlearning is modeled as a gradual online process of ad-justing existing knowledge to novel information. Thischaracteristic has already been exploited in the earlierassociative learning models that precededconnectionism, such as the popular Rescorla–Wagner(Rescorla & Wagner, 1972) model of animal condi-tioning and human contingency judgments.

The Rescorla–Wagner (Rescorla & Wagner, 1972)model predicts that when a cue (i.e., conditioned stim-ulus) is followed by an effect (i.e., unconditioned stim-ulus), the organism incorporates this information,thereby resulting in a stronger cue–effect associationand a more vigorous response when the cue is present.In humans, this also results in stronger judgments ofthe causal influence of the cue (see Baker et al. 1989;Shanks, 1985, 1987, 1995; Shanks et al., 1996; VanOverwalle & Van Rooy, 2001b). Likewise, the delta al-gorithm predicts that the more information that is re-ceived about the joint presence of an actor or stimulusand a trait category, the stronger their connectionweight will become. This results in a pattern of increas-ing weights as more information is processed, that is, asample size effect (see illustration in Figure 2A). Mostearlier algebraic models of impression formation alsopredict this gradual increase of the strength of judg-ments (Anderson, 1981; Busemeyer, 1991; Hogarth &Einhorn, 1992).

How are online learning and a sample size effectachieved in connectionist models? Given that connec-tion weights are initially set to zero (or any arbitrarylow-scale value), the effect is that in the initial phasesof learning, the connection weights are relatively smalland often inaccurate, and gradually grow more accu-rate (stronger or weaker, positive or negative) as moreinformation is received. The reason for this incremen-tal learning is that the error in the delta algorithm isonly gradually minimized as a function of the learningrate. Even when the covariation between a feature and



a category is perfect, the learning rate dictates that theweights connecting the two will increase by only asmall fraction. Thus, it takes multiple repetitions of thesame information before a strong weight correspond-ing to this covariance emerges.

Figure 2A, for example, depicts a system with alearning rate of 0.20. Feature A is always paired with aparticular category (i.e., perfect correlation). Assumingthat the connection weight associated with feature A isinitialized to 0, a learning rate of 0.20 means that the ini-tial errorofunderestimating this correlation isgraduallycorrectedby increasing theconnectionweightwith20%of the error. As a consequence, the weight will graduallyincrease at each trial starting with 0.20 at the first trial toeventually reach a maximum value of +1 after a numberof trails. Note that parallel-constraint-satisfaction mod-els (Kunda & Thagard, 1996; Read & Marcus-Newhall,1993; Shultz & Lepper, 1996) do not posses a learningalgorithm and are therefore not able to make this obvi-ous prediction.

Ithasbeennoted that,givenasufficientnumberof tri-als, the delta learning algorithm converges to the samepredictions as conventional rule-based algebraic mod-els of causal reasoning (Chapman & Robbins, 1990;Sarle, 1994; Van Overwalle, 1996). More important, us-ing the same logic, it can be demonstrated that the deltaalgorithm also converges to Anderson’s (1981)weighted averaging model (see Appendix B). That is,the delta algorithm predicts that in the initial phases oflearning, a person impression gradually becomes stron-ger, as if the information is summed (e.g., Betsch,Plessner, Schwieren, & Gütig, 2001), but after more in-formation, the impression ischaracterizedasaweightedaverage of the information. In addition, it is easy to showthat other algebraic models (Busemeyer, 1991; Hogarth& Einhorn, 1992) are mathematically identical to a sim-plified version of the delta algorithm applied inconnectionistmodels,one thatdealswithonlyonecauseat the time (for a proof, see Van Overwalle & Van Rooy,2001b; Wasserman, Kao, Van Hamme, Katagiri, &Young, 1996). Because these models can be consideredto be special cases of the more general delta algorithm,only with less computational power, we ignore them forthe most part in the remainder of this article.

Competition Property and Discounting

Another essential property of the delta algorithm isthat it gives rise to competition between connections.This competition favors the more predictive or diag-nostic features. The term competition stems from theassociative learning literature on animal conditioningand causality judgments mentioned earlier (Rescorla& Wagner, 1972; Shanks, 1995) and should not be con-fused with other usages in the connectionist literaturesuch as competitive networks (McClelland &Rumelhart, 1988). A typical example of competition isthe phenomenon of discounting in causal attribution.When one cause acquires a strong causal weight,perceivers tend to ignore alternative causes (Hansen &Hall, 1985; Kruglanski, Schwartz, Maides, & Hamel,1978; Rosenfield & Stephan, 1977; Van Overwalle &Van Rooy, 1998, 2001a; Wells & Ronis, 1982). In im-pression formation, information on the situational con-text in which a behavior occurred often (but not al-ways) leads to discounting of trait inferences to theactor (Gilbert & Malone, 1995; Trope & Gaunt, 2000).

Competition arises naturally in associative learningmodels such as the Rescorla–Wagner model (Rescorla& Wagner, 1972), where it is known as “blocking.” Infact, one of the reasons for the widespread popularityof the Rescorla–Wagner model is that it was among thefirst conditioning models capable of predicting thisproperty. As noted by several researchers (Read &Montoya, 1999; Van Overwalle, 1998), the delta algo-rithm makes similar predictions. In contrast, anotherwell-known connectionist learning algorithm, the



Figure 2. Graphical illustration of the principles of (A) acquisi-tion (with learning rate 0.20), (B) competition, and (C) diffusion.T = trait; M = multiple features; I = infrequent features. Fillednodes are activated at a single trial; empty nodes are not acti-vated. Full lines denote strong connection weights; broken linesdenote moderate weights; dotted lines denote weak weights.

Hebbian algorithm, used in the tensor-product modelof Kashima and Kerekes (1994) does not posses thisproperty and is therefore not able to make straightfor-ward discounting predictions.

How does this property work in connectionist mod-els? Competition is driven by the connections linkingmultiple determinants (actors, situational circum-stances, and so on) with a category node (e.g., impliedtrait; see upward arrows in Figure 2B). The key mecha-nism is that the activation of the trait node is deter-mined by the sum of the activations received from allother determinants. The left panel in Figure 2B depictsmultiple possible determinants of trait T1. Given thesemultiple activations, this leads to overactivation of traitT1 and increased (negative-valued) error in the deltaalgorithm, and therefore blocks or even decreases anyfurther growth of the connection weights to T1. In con-trast, in the right panel of Figure 2B, the connection ofa single determinant with T2 can grow unhampered un-til it reaches asymptote, because there are no other acti-vations that compete and may slow down acquisition.

Diffusion Property and Memory forInconsistent Information

Still another property of the delta algorithm is re-sponsible for the weakening of connections when a sin-gle trait node is connected to many behavior nodes thatare only occasionally activated. This property is intro-duced to explain enhanced recall for inconsistent ascompared to consistent behavioral information in im-pression formation (Hastie & Kumar, 1979). Enhancedrecall for inconsistent behavior has been traditionallyexplained in terms of a spreading-activation model ofmemory, in which inconsistent information is moredeeplyprocessedso that it developsstronger lateral con-nections with other behavior nodes (Hastie & Kumar,1979). Other researchers argued that enhanced memoryfor unique information is due to a fan effect, whereby agiven amount of activation is divided between the con-nections fanningout toothernodes.Themorenumerousthe connections, the less activation each one gets (An-derson, 1976). However, the diffusion property is a fun-damentally different mechanism. Whereas fan-outcauses a division of activation, diffusion involves the di-vision of weights. In the associative learning andconnectionist literature, this is a novel property that—toourknowledge—wasnotdetectedormentionedearlier.

How does this diffusion principle explain enhancedrecall of inconsistent information? In contrast to thecompetition property, the diffusion effect is driven bytrait→behavior connections (see downward arrows inFigure 2C). The basic mechanism is that during learn-ing about behaviors performed by an actor, each nodethat reflects a specific behavior is activated only oncetogether with the trait node and remains inactive whileother behaviors are activated with the same trait node.

This long period of inactivation results in a weakeningof the trait→behavior connections. This is not due tospontaneous decay of the connection weights. Rather,the mechanism is that each behavior node (except thelast) is inactive at some moment in learning after hav-ing been active during previous learning. This inactiv-ity of the behavior node is unexpected by the networkand therefore leads to a weakening of the trait→behav-ior connections. This process continues for all the be-havior nodes (except the last activated), resulting in anoverall weakening of the trait→behavior connections.

To illustrate, after observing a first behavior, thetrait→behavior connection gains some strength (by theacquisition property). When the second behavior ispresented, the first behavior node is inactive while thetrait node is still active, and consequently the strengthof the first trait→behavior connection is reduced. Thisreduction continues for all the behaviors that follow(see left panel of Figure 2C for a schematic illustra-tion), resulting in the weakest weight for the first con-nections. However, compared to many consistent be-haviors that imply trait T1, inconsistent behaviors thatimply the opposite trait T2 are, by definition, smaller innumber. Hence, there is less often inactivation and thusweakening of inconsistent trait→behavior connections(with T2) than of consistent connections (with T1).This unequal weakening or diffusion therefore leads tobetter recall for inconsistent information.

Overview of the Simulations

Simulated Phenomena

We applied the three emergent connectionist pro-cessing principles to a number of classic findings in thesocial cognition literature. For explanatory purposes,we replicated a well-known experiment that illustrates aparticular phenomenon. Table 1 lists the topics of thesimulations to be reported and the relevant empiricaldata that we attempted to replicate, as well the major un-derlying processing principle responsible for producingthe data in the simulation. Although not all relevant datain impression formation can be addressed in a single ar-ticle, we are confident that we have included some of themost relevant phenomena in the current literature.

Essentially the same methodology was usedthroughout the simulations. The particular conditionsand trial orders of the focused experiments were repro-duced as faithfully as possible, although sometimesminor changes were introduced to simplify things(e.g., fewer trials than in the actual experiments). Foreach simulation, the autoassociative network was run50 times (i.e., simulating 50 participants) with a ran-domized or fixed trial order (as in the real experiment),and the results were then averaged over the 50 runs.



Architecture of the Network

The concepts of interest in the simulations such asactors, traits, behaviors, and so on are each representedby a single node. This is a localist encoding, wherebyeach node reflects a “symbolic” concept. In contrast, ina distributed encoding, as used by Kashima andKerekes (1994), and Smith and DeCoster (1998), aconcept is represented by a pattern of activation acrossan array of nodes, none of which reflect a symbolicconcept but rather some subsymbolic micro-feature ofit (Thorpe, 1994). We acknowledge that localist encod-ing lacks biological plausibility, because it implies thateach concept is stored in a single processing unit and,except for explicit differing levels of activation, is al-ways perceived in the same manner by the network.However, this localist coding scheme was chosen as asimplifying assumption in our attempt to demonstratethe power of our model. We show at the end of this arti-cle that when distributed representations are used, theyyield approximately the same results.

Representation of traits. We assume that behav-iors or actors are naturally categorized by at least one oftwo opposing trait categories (i.e., represented by twonodes given localist encoding). For instance, someone’sperformance may be characterized as “stupid” or “intel-ligent.” More fine-grained categorizations, such as dif-ferent levels of intelligence, are also possible. However,

perceivers in an experimental setting are sometimesforced to make one-dimensional judgments, for in-stance, when the experimental instructions call for par-ticipants to make ratings on a single intelligence orlikeability scale. When such demands dominate the im-pression task—especially when participants have togive unidimensional ratings repeatedly—we assumethat perceivers are likely to represent their judgmentalong a single integrative conceptual category (i.e., rep-resented by a single node given localist encoding). Thissingle unidimensional representation is used only in thefirst twosimulationsdiscussedshortly,but it is critical toreproduce some of the phenomena of interest.

How might such a novel unitary trait concept be rep-resented in human memory? Research inneuropsychology has revealed that traces of novel epi-sodic events or concepts are stored in the hippocampus,and, recently, connectionist modelers have begun tomodel these processes (e.g., O’Reilly & Munakata,2000, pp. 287–293; O’Reilly & Rudy, 2001). The basicidea is that novel information or concepts consist of aunique combination of existing features, and this con-figuration is temporarily stored in a hippocampal layerby representing each unique event or concept by an in-ternal representation (e.g., a limited set of nodes) that isconnected with its constituting features. However, be-cause such a detailed network is beyond the scope of thisarticle, in our simulations, we simply added a single



Table 1. Overview of the Simulated Person Impression Topics and the Underlying Properties

Topic Findings Property

Person Impression Formation1. Online Integration More extreme judgments given more evidence on

positive or negative featuresAcquisition of actor–trait weights

2. Serial Position Weights The last item in a series has most impact on traitinferences (recency). In addition:

• Recency attenuates after longer lists of items Competition: Stronger context discounts impactof inconsistent item on trait

• Primacy if only a final trait inference is given Acquisition of trait→actor link sendsinconsistent trait activation to actor and soreduces learning

Inferring Behavior–Correspondent Traits3. Asymmetric Cues High ability and low morality behaviors are more

diagnostic for an actor’s traits than low abilityand high morality

Acquisition: Skewed distribution of ability andmorality behaviors

Recall of Behavioral Information4. Inconsistent Behavior Recall is better for trait-inconsistent behaviors Less diffusion of infrequent trait→behavior links

Priming5. Assimilation and Contrast Priming with

• a trait leads to assimilation of that trait Acquisition: Additional trait activation is linkedto the actor

• an exemplar leads to contrast away from theimplied trait

Competition: Exemplar→trait link competeswith actor→trait link

Discounting by Situational Constraints6. Integration of Situational

InformationDiscounting of a trait given situational information,

especially if this information is more salient orapplicable

Competition: Discounting of actor→trait linkgiven a stronger situation→trait link

7. Discounting and Sample Size Discounting of an actor’s trait when there is moreevidence on an alternative actor

Acquisition of alternative→trait link which leadsto competition against target→trait link

node to represent an integrative one-dimensional repre-sentation of a trait. To elucidate the most basic learningprinciples, we made use only of this integrative traitnode and ignored the two opposing trait categories (i.e.,represented by two nodes in a localist encoding). Al-though it is very likely that these opposing trait catego-ries continued to play a role in learning because theyseemmostnatural, adding themin thesimulationdidnotmeaningfully alter the results (if anything, it slightly im-proved the fit with the observed data).

Context nodes. In practically all simulations thatinvolved a judgment about an actor, the target actorwas accompanied by a general context or other com-parison persons. This serves as a standard of compari-son, to judge the level of a trait that an actor possesses.This is a crucial process in social cognition. Becausethere are no objective standards for judging people’sbehaviors and opinions, perceivers need another, socialstandard of comparison in their judgments. This ideawas perhaps best elaborated in attribution theory(Kelley, 1967). An abundance of research has docu-mented that attributions to an actor depend on low con-sensus, or the degree to which the behavior of the per-son differs from that of other comparison persons. Ifthe behavior is similar, we do not make attributions tothe person but rather to some external circumstances orcontext (Kelley, 1967; Van Overwalle, 1997). Otherpersons thus provide a standard of comparison, ofteninternalized as norms for different target categories(e.g., sex, social groups, and so on). Comparisons canbe made against general norms or specific comparisonpersons, depending on task instructions and the avail-ability of specific individuals to compare with. In otherwords, including a context is necessary to determinewhether the actor is responsible for his or her behaviorand is thus required for making trait inferences. Indi-cating how often a behavior occurs in general allows usto establish what the relevant social norms or standardsare. How much the actor’s behavior deviates from thisnorm is indicative of the actor’s underlying trait.

What connectionist mechanism allows a context toserve as a standard of comparison in trait inferences?The underlying mechanism is the principle of competi-tion. If the context develops a strong connection with atrait because it is paired equally (or more) often with atrait-implying behavior than with the actor, it tends tocompete against the actor→trait connections, leading toweaker trait inferences. Incontrast,when thecontextde-velops a weaker connection with the trait because it isless often paired with the behavior than with the actor, itcannot discount the actor→trait connection, leading tostronger trait inferences.

Competition by the context plays a role in all oursimulations of trait judgments. We used a variety ofcontextual factors. In some experiments, the contextwas implicit (e.g., only trait adjectives described the

person), so that we used a general context node withoutspecifying in great detail what it represented. In thesecases, the context might reflect a variety of aspectsfrom task instructions to (unspecified) cues in the ac-tor’s behavioral environment (Simulations 1 and 2). Inother experiments, the context was explicitly manipu-lated and was defined by specific actor exemplars withdetailed meanings or behaviors, which we used in Sim-ulations 5, 6, and 7.

Activation and Learning Parameters

All parameters of the autoassociative model that in-fluence the spreading of activation were kept fixed forall simulations (cf. McClelland & Rumelhart, 1988;see Appendix A for the technical details of our simula-tions). In contrast, we did not impose a common learn-ing rate for all the experiments simulated because ofthe different contexts, measures, and procedures usedin them. Rather, we selected a learning rate value thatprovided the highest correlation with the observed dataof each simulation, after examining all admissible pa-rameter values (see Gluck & Bower, 1988; Nosofsky,Kruschke, & McKinley, 1992).

Variations in the learning rate are assumed to arisefrom differences in attention to the task. These differ-ences can originate from modulations in basic arousaland behavioral activation (e.g., sleep–wake cycle); re-sponsiveness to novel, affect-laden, motivation-rele-vant, or otherwise salient stimuli; or responsiveness totask-specific attentional focus and voluntary control ofexploring, scanning, and encoding information. Re-search on the neurological underpinnings of attentionsuggest that general arousal is driven by lower level nu-clei and pathways from the brain stem, whereas basicfeatures of the stimuli are detected by the thalamus andrelated subcortical nuclei (e.g., amygdala, basal gan-glia). In contrast, task-specific attention and voluntarycontrol is most likely modulated by supervisory execu-tive centers in the prefrontal neocortex (LaBerge,1997, 2000; Posner, 1992). We felt that this wide rangeof sources of attention justified our allowing the learn-ing rate to vary from simulation to simulation.

Further, in several simulations, variations in learn-ing rate stem predominantly from conscious controlover one’s attentional focus. For instance, instructingparticipants to memorize behavioral details or by giv-ing them an additional cognitive task (Simulations 4and 7) causes them to turn their attention away fromtrait inferences. Some connectionist researchers havebegun to model these higher level voluntary controland attention processes (e.g., O’Reilly & Munakata,2000, pp. 305–312, 379–410). The basic idea of theirapproach is that activation plays a major role in main-taining and switching attention (through dopa-mine-based modulation), resulting in greater accessi-bility and impact of the internal representations. When



information is actively maintained, it is immediatelyaccessible to other parts of the system and constantlyinfluences the activation of other representations. It isassumed that task instructions directly impact on theactivation of internal representations.

Because such central executive “subnetworks” arebeyond the scope of this article, to simulate reduced at-tention to the target task, we simply hand-set overalllearning to a lower rate to reproduce the idea that en-coding and learning was hampered and more shallow.For instance, when instructed to memorize behaviorsor by giving participants a secondary task, we assumedthat they would be less attentive to making trait infer-ences, so that the rate of development of trait-relevantconnections is diminished. Although we could havemanipulated the activation of the input nodes ratherthan the speed of learning to simulate reduced attention(which gives similar results), for reason of parsimonyin the manipulation of parameters we varied only thelearning rate (for a similar approach, see Kinder &Shanks, 2001).

In some cases, apart from a general learning rate,the context node received a separate learning rate forall context→trait connections. Because, as noted ear-lier, the context was not always sharply defined in theexperiments on which the simulations were based, itwas unclear what constituted its representation. For in-stance, it might consist of fewer or more relevant fea-tures than other representations in the network, and thismight lower or increase, respectively, the speed oflearning about the context. Nor was it clear how muchattention participants would pay to contextual featuresas compared to other information. Rather than makingad hoc arbitrary assumptions about the content or en-coding of contextual features, for reasons of consis-tency with our overall simulation approach we esti-mated a separate learning rate for the context that fittedmost closely with the observed data.

Varying the learning rate as described previouslydoes not violate the locality principle ofconnectionism, which says that each connectionweight should be able to be updated using locally avail-able information from associated nodes. That is be-cause the learning rate only affects the general speed oflearning in the network, not how much and in which di-rection weight adaptation should occur, which isuniquely determined by local information according tothe delta-learning algorithm. Generally, the selectedlearning rates were quite robust. In other words, in-creasing or decreasing this parameter had little sub-stantial effect on the simulations. Only when the origi-nal learning rate was already high (≥ .25) didincreasing the rate further become problematic, be-cause the weights became too large and became unsta-ble. Moreover, this would give too much impact tonovel information and would result in a complete ne-glect of earlier information.

Dependent Measures

At the end of each simulated experimental condition,to simulate the empirical dependent measures, test trialswere run by prompting certain nodes of interest (i.e.,turningon theiractivation), and theresultingoutputacti-vation in other nodes was recorded. For instance, to testtrait inferences, the actor node was turned on and the re-sulting activation of the trait node (without any addi-tional external activation) was read off. Similar test pro-cedures for the other dependent variables are explainedand motivated in detail for each simulation.

Our predictions were verified by comparing the re-sulting test activations with observed experimentaldata. Given that the resulting activation values and ex-perimental results are difficult to compare quantita-tively, we examined only the general pattern of activa-tions and projected them visually onto the observeddata (i.e., we re-scaled the obtained test activations bylinear regression with a positive slope). In addition, wereport statistical tests between conditions of interest.All tests involved between-subjects analyses of vari-ance (ANOVAs) or unpaired t tests, unless otherwisenoted. These tests would be impossible in some simu-lations because a fixed order of trials prevents variabil-ity in the results. To avoid this and to add realism to oursimulations, in all the localist encodings, we added tothe default starting weights a random value ranging be-tween –0.1 and +0.1.

Impression Formation

Most processes of impression formation can bethought of as categorization. That is, in making trait in-ferences on the basis of feature information or based onthe behaviors of an actor, the social perceiver attemptsto decide to which trait category the person belongs.The categorization of diverse information into mean-ingful trait concepts or categories that contain similarfeatures, roles, or behaviors promotes cognitive econ-omy and organization, thus enabling us to go beyondthe given information and to plan our behavior and in-teraction with social agents accordingly.

In recent approaches, categorization is most oftendescribed in terms of either a prototype or an exemplarapproach. According to the prototype approach, learn-ers abstract a central tendency of each category and thenclassify instancesaccording to their similarity to thecat-egory’s central prototype (e.g., Rosch, 1978). In con-trast, no such average or typical prototype is assumed inthe exemplar approach, in which categorizing dependson the similarity of the given object to a sample of mem-ory traces of category exemplars (Fiedler, 1996;Hintzmann, 1986; Medin & Schaffer, 1978; Nosofsky,1986;Smith&Zárate,1992). In this recurrentapproach,like in most connectionist models, categorization is per-



formed by prototype extraction, that is, by developingconnections between the person and various trait proto-types.Thestrongeraperson’sconnectionwithaparticu-lar trait category, the more the person is thought to be amember of that category and to possess that trait.

In the following simulations, we illustrate how a re-current network can model impression formation with-out recourse to explicit arithmetical calculations, as as-sumed in algebraic models, with two experiments thatgrew out of Anderson’s (1981) weighted averagingmodel. In these experiments, participants typically re-ceive a series of trait adjectives or behavior descrip-tions about an actor and are requested to make overalltrait or likability impressions of that person (e.g., An-derson, 1981; Asch, 1946; Kashima & Kerekes, 1994).We focus on representative findings from this researchthat reflect

• how impressions are integrated online and growstronger or weaker after participants are given infor-mation bearing on the positive (high) or negative (low)status of a trait, and

• when initial or final pieces of information areweighted more heavily in making an impression.

In this experimental paradigm, judgments are re-quested along a single dimensional rating scale fromthe start of the experiment and at several intervals dur-ing the experiment, so that we assume a single trait rep-resentation (by a single trait node).

Simulation 1: Online Integration

We first consider an experiment by Stewart (1965)in which an actor was described by four adjectives im-plying a high trait (e.g., “talkative”) and were followedby four adjectives implying the opposite (or low) trait(e.g., “reticent”). Some participants received high traitinformation about an actor in the first half of the exper-iment and low trait information in the second half,whereas other participants received the reverselow–high order. In the continuous condition that wesimulate here, after each adjective, participants had torate the actor on a likability scale that ranged fromhighly unfavorable to highly favorable. In line with thepredictions of Anderson’s (1981) weighted averagingmodel, Stewart (1965) documented that when hightrait information was given, the likability ratings wentup, and when low trait information was given,likability went down (see Figure 3). In addition, he alsodocumented a recency effect; that is, the later informa-tion had somewhat more impact on the final judgmentthan the earlier information, as can be seen from thecrossover at the rightmost part of the figure.

Simulation. Stewart’s (1965) experiment wasmodeled using a network architecture consisting of an

actor node connected to a trait node and an additionalcontext node that reflects situational constraints (e.g.,social and group norms) or other experimental contextvariables (e.g., instructions). This context node guar-antees a smooth acquisition curve in agreement withStewart’s data, and, without it, the acquisition patternis more rigid.

What we want to demonstrate here is how thetrait-implying information is applied to build up an im-pression of a specific actor by changing the weightslinking the actor with the trait according to the acquisi-tion principle. Therefore, the simulation starts from theassumption that the likability implied by the adjectiveshas already been learned and recruited from semanticand social knowledge. This assumption is elaborated inmore detail in the next section (Simulation 3). Spe-cifically, we assume here that adjectives associatedwith likeability are denoted by an activation value of+1 for the trait node, whereas adjectives associatedwith unlikability have an activation value of –1 (this isequivalent to Anderson’s scale values).

Table 2 schematically depicts a list of the trials tosimulate the information given in Stewart’s (1965) ex-periment. When the actor is described by a positive(high) trait, the trait node is activated by a value of +1and the connection weight is increased according to theacquisition principle of the delta algorithm. In contrast,when the actor is described by a negative (low) trait,the trait node is activated by a value of –1 and theweight is decreased according to the acquisition princi-ple. After each adjective, the actor node in the networkis prompted and the resulting activation of the traitnode indicates what trait the actor conveys (see bottom“test” panel of the table).



Figure 3. Online integration of trait-implying information: Ob-served data from Stewart (1965) and simulation results (generallearning rate = .32, for context = .08). The human data are fromFigure 1 in “Effect of Continuous Responding on the Order Effectin Personality Impression Formation,” by R. H. Stewart, 1965,Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1, pp. 161–165.Copyright 1965 by the American Psychological Association.Adapted with permission.

Simulation results. The simulation using the re-current network was run with 50 “participants” (i.e., 50different simulation runs) and a fixed trial order. Theresults with learning rate 0.32 (0.08 for the context) areshown in Figure 3. Recall that the simulation data werere-scaled by a linear regression to make them directlycomparable to the observed data. As can be seen, thereis a close fit between the simulation and the empiricaldata, which strongly suggests that online integration inimpression formation is adequately captured by the ac-quisition principle of our recurrent connectionistmodel, much like Anderson’s (1981) weighted averag-ing model. A repeated-measures ANOVA showed thatthe differences between trial order were significant inboth the high–low condition, F(7, 343) = 3853.21, p <.001, and the low–high condition, F(7, 343) = 3344.23,p < .001, and simple t tests confirmed that the differ-ences between all adjacent trials in each conditionwere significant, p < .001.

Of particular interest is the crossover at the end oftraining. The difference between the two conditions atthe most recent trials was significant, t(98) = 44.11, p <.001. This reflects a recency effect whereby the most re-cently presented adjectives win over the earlier pre-sented adjectives. It is interesting to note that increasingthe learning rate would produce an even stronger re-cency effect, as it would force novel information to havemore impact than older information. Together, the re-sults suggest that the revision and adjustment of personimpressions is an online acquisition process wherebynovel information often “overwrites” older informationpreviously stored in the connection weights.

Simulation 2: Serial Position Weights

As a second example, we considered research inwhich disconfirmatory information is given during asingle specific position in a series of trials. By compar-ing the effect of disconfirmatory with confirmatory in-formation at the same position in the trial series (de-

noted as serial position), one can estimate the weighteach trait takes at a given position (Anderson, 1979;Anderson & Farkas, 1973; Busemeyer & Myung,1988; Dreben, Fiske, & Hastie, 1979; Kashima &Kerekes, 1994). Early disconfirmatory trait informa-tion might be important in crystallizing an impression(primacy effect), whereas late information might be in-fluential because it sheds new light on traits presentedearlier (recency effect).

The bulk of research suggests that when partici-pants give their trait ratings continuously after eachadjective is presented, item weights are relativelyequal in all but the last position, at which point theyrise sharply. This reflects a recency effect that wasalso observed in the previous simulation. However, itis important to note that this recency effect attenuatesafter more trait information is given and processed.That is, after been given only a few pieces of trait-im-plying information, disconfirmatory information hasa stronger recency effect than when given a lot oftrait-implying information. It is as if increasing theamount of confirmatory information shields theperceiver from the disconfirmatory information. Incontrast, when trait ratings are given only once afterthe whole series of information is presented, then pri-macy is more likely (for reviews, see Hogarth &Einhorn, 1992; Kashima & Kerekes, 1994).

In a typical experiment by Dreben et al. (1979), par-ticipants read about several actors, each described byfour behaviors that implied the same high (H) or low(L) extreme of a trait (e.g., HHHH, HHHL, HHLH, …,LLLL). In the continuous condition, the participantswere requested to make a likability rating about the ac-tor after each behavioral description on a scale withendpoints labeled most likable to least likable. In the fi-nal condition, this rating was made after all behavioraldescriptions of an actor were presented. Serial positionwas measured by comparing the judgments of eachitem list with another list that had the same set of highor low items except for one opposite item (i.e., with abehavior conveying the opposite trait). This inconsis-tent item was positioned at the first, second, third, orlast position of the series so as to provide a means ofmeasuring the weight of the item in the first, second,third, or fourth position of the list. For instance, if wepresent behavioral items implying the same (high orlow) trait by the same characteristic x, y, or z, then theweight of serial position 1 is measured by the mean dif-ference in the ratings between all item lists Hxyz andLxyz. Similarly, the weight of serial position 4 is mea-sured by the mean difference between all item listsxyzH and xyzL. The results were as expected (see Fig-ure 4). When given concurrent ratings, a recency effectappeared that became weaker at the end of the list, asindicated by the dotted line depicting attenuation of re-cency. Conversely, after a single final rating, a primacyeffect was observed.



Table 2. On-line Integration of Trait-Implying Information(Simulation 1)

Actor Context Trait

Condition 1: High–Low Presentation Order# 4 High trait 1 1 +1# 4 Low trait 1 1 –1

Condition 2: Low–High Presentation Order# 4 Low trait 1 1 –1# 4 High trait 1 1 1

TestTrait of Actor 1 0 ?

Note: Schematic representation of the experimental design of Stew-art (1965), High = adjective implies trait, Low = adjective impliesopposite trait, # = number of trials. Cell entries denote external acti-vation. The simulation was run separately for each condition.

Simulation. To simulate the experiment ofDreben et al. (1979), we used the same recurrent archi-tecture as before. The learning history is schematicallylisted in Table 3. The table depicts only the fourth serialposition, and the other serial positions were simulatedby changing the order of the inconsistent trial in theitem lists. The likability rating was simulated by prim-ing the actor node and reading off the activation of thelikability node after presentation of each trial. The se-rial position weight was measured just as in the origi-nal experiment, by calculating the mean difference ofthe resulting likability activations between items liststhat differed only on a single trait.

Simulation results. The recurrent simulationwas run with 50 participants and a fixed order of trials.

The results with learning rate .25 (and .025 for the con-text) are shown in the top panel of Figure 4. Therecurrent network was clearly able to reproduce thepredicted recency effects (indicated by the solid lines).For each likeability rating, t tests confirmed that theweights were significantly higher at the last positionthan at previous positions, ts(98) = 2.37—12.21, p <.05. More important, there was also attenuation of re-cency, as a one-way ANOVA showed that the weightsat the last serial position (indicated by the dotted line)decreased significantly from ratings given at the begin-ning (first) to the end (fourth) of the item list, F(3, 196)= 9.26, p < .001.

As we have seen in the previous simulation, re-cency is a natural consequence of acquisition in aconnectionist network, because later informationtends to overwrite earlier information stored in theconnection weights. The more crucial question is howthe network attained attenuation of recency. Herecontext plays a crucial role. Because the context is al-ways paired with the implied trait, the context→traitweight becomes increasingly stronger given more in-formation and hence competes more strongly againstthe person→trait weight. Thus, when inconsistentitems are provided later in a series, they tend to bediscounted more by the increasing (confirmatory) im-pact of the context. Stated somewhat differently, a ro-bust impression that is the consequence of earlier in-formation in the same context makes the perceivermore resistant to change his or her impression in theface of one disconfirmatory item. This explanationdiffers from Anderson’s reasoning based on a distinc-tion between item-specific and abstract aspects of im-pression formation (Anderson & Farkas, 1973;Dreben et al., 1979) but is similar to the tensor-prod-uct simulation by Kashima and Kerekes (1994) in itsemphasis on the role of the judgmental context.



Figure 4. Serial position weight: Observed weight curves fromDreben, Fiske, and Hastie (1979; left panels) and simulation(right panels) of attenuation of recency given continuous re-sponding (top; general learning rate = .25, for context = .025) andprimacy given final responding (bottom; general learning rate =.25, for context = .00). The human data are from Figure 1 in “TheIndependence of Evaluative and Item Information: Impressionand Recall Order Effects in Behavior-Based Impression Forma-tion,” by E. K. Dreben, S. T. Fiske, & R. Hastie, 1979, Journal ofPersonality and Social Psychology, 37, pp. 1758–1768. Copyright1979 by the American Psychological Association. Adapted withpermission.

Table 3. Serial Position Weights (Simulation 2)

Actor Context Trait

Item List# 3 High or Low 1 1 +1 or –1# 1 Higha 1 1 +1

Item List with Opposite Trait# 3 High or Low (same as above) 1 1 +1 or –1# 1 Lowa 1 1 –1

TestTrait of Actor 1 0 ?

Note: Schematic representation of the experimental design ofDreben et al. (1979), High = behavior implies high extreme of a trait;Low = behavior implies opposite extreme of trait; # = number of tri-als; Cell entries denote external activation; Initial weights were set at.05 (for distributed coding .02). The simulation was run separatelyfor each item list.aThis trial is presented at position 1, 2, 3, or 4 of the series (here it isshown at position 4), and the resulting test activation averaged acrossall target trait lists and across all opposite trait lists are subtractedfrom each other to measure the serial position weight.

Let us now turn to the primacy effects that are typi-cally revealed when impression judgments are given atthe end of the series of trials rather than continuously(Anderson, 1979; Hogarth & Einhorn, 1992). Perhapsthe simplest way to obtain a basic primacy effect is byreducing the learning rate of the context node to zero orby ignoring the context altogether (i.e., by setting theexternal context activation to zero). The bottom panelof Figure 4 shows the results of the simulation whenthe learning rate is set to zero. A one-way ANOVAshowed that the differences between trial orders weresignificant, F(3,196) = 29.32, p < .001.

How did recency disappear by reducing the learningrate or external activation of the context? An analysisof the simulation suggests the following explanation.After a few trials, the person node and the trait node de-velop strong connections with each other in both direc-tions (cf. the acquisition principle). When adisconfirmatory trial is presented, the negative (ordisconfirmatory) activation of the trait node spreads tothe person node and reduces the net activation of theperson node. (This does not happen when a context ispresent, because that context sends positive activationto the actor node so that a reduction of net activation inthe person node is prevented.) The same logic appliesto the trait node. The positive external activation of theperson node spreads to the trait node and reduces thenegativity of the trait activation. As a consequence ofthe reduced net activation of the person and trait nodes,there is little adjustment of the person→trait connec-tion. In other words, in the recent trials, the opposingexternal activations of the person and the trait tend tocancel each other out, resulting in little learning and norecency. This reduction is stronger at later trials whenthe person and the trait have developed stronger con-nections. Note that this mutual cancellation is onlypossible if a single integrative trait node rather thantwo independent opposite traits is assumed; otherwisethis primacy effect would not happen.

A more direct way to simulate primacy is by having ahigher learning rate of the actor node at the beginning ofthe item list that then gradually decreases. This explana-tion shares with Anderson’s (1981) attention decrementhypothesis the notion that there is the most attentionpaid to and the most uptake of information during theearliest trials, thus allowing little impact of informationpresented later. Such a procedure was followed in thetensor-product simulation of primacy by Kashima andKerekes (1994).However,because this forcesaprimacyeffect to occur rather than having it emerge from under-lying processing mechanisms, it leaves open the ques-tion of the origin of a decrement in attention.

In sum, based on our connectionist simulations, wecan explain the different effects of continuous and finaljudgments by differences in learning or encoding of thecontext.Weassume thatwhenperceiversaremademoreaccountable of their impression by requesting judg-

ments continuously, information uptake and processingbecomes more careful, taking into account more of thecontextual cues in the actor’s situation or experimentalset-up. This might be less the case when a trait judgmentis requested only once, resulting in more negligence ofthe context and hence primacy rather than recency.

Discussion and further research. Our recurrentmodel reproduced both recency and primacy effects.Although Kashima (Kashima & Kerekes, 1994; seealso Busemeyer & Myung, 1988) pointed out that at-tenuation of recency could not be simulated with afeedforward network (which is correct) or even with arecurrent network (Kashima et al., 2000), we havedemonstrated here on the contrary that it can be repro-duced easily with a recurrent connectionist model. Thetensor-product model proposed by Kashima andKerekes was also able to replicate these effects, butthey required additional assumptions such as a chang-ing context after each judgment to obtain attenuationof recency. This was not needed in our model, as thepresence of the context was sufficient.

We suggest that encoding contextual cues in thepresence of the actor allows later information to havemore impact (recency), whereas ignoring the context isresponsible for building up an impression very quickly(primacy). Furthermore, we suggest that attenuation ofrecency was due to a growing discounting of inconsis-tent information by the context. There is some supportfor our hypothesis that recency is driven by greater at-tention to the information (including the context). Thiscomes from research demonstrating that conditionsthat induce increased accuracy or motivation result inmore recency as opposed to primacy. A series of stud-ies by Kruglanski (Freund, Kruglanski, & Shpitzajzen,1985; Heaton & Kruglanski, 1991; Kruglanski &Freund, 1983) documented that conditions that pro-mote accurate judgments reduce primacy. Similarly,Gannon, Skowronski, and Betz (1994) observed thatdepressives who are more motivated to process infor-mation show enhanced recency.

Future research might be able to provide additionalsupport for the predictions of the recurrent network.According to our network, giving more attention to thecontext to explain the actor’s behavior should increaserecency as opposed to primacy. Moreover, the moreconstant the context is, the more the attenuation of re-cency might be expected, because an unchanging con-textual core increases its strength and hence tends todiscount more inconsistent information.1



1Dreben et al. (1979) also reported serial position effects on recall.Regardless of the response conditions (continuous or final), they foundprimacy of the first two items and recency of the last item. Recall of be-havioral information can be simulated by extending the network (in-cluding the original opposite traits) with nodes that reflect unique be-havioral information (see also Simulation 4). This approach was able toreproduce the reported primacy effect but not the recency effect.

Inferring Traits From CorrespondentBehavior

In the previous simulations, we ignored the issue ofhow information on behaviors or features of an actor isused to make a trait judgment. We simply assumed thatthe implied trait or evaluative meaning that these behav-iors and features carry was directly applied to the actor.Although this simplification might characterize themost importantaspectsofperson-impressionprocesses,there are two questions that remain unanswered. First,are all behaviors equally diagnostic for traits; that is, aresome behaviors applied more readily than others inmaking a trait inference? Second, can this process of in-ferring associations between behaviors and traits bemodeled by a recurrent network? In the next simulation,we attempt to address these questions.

Simulation 3: Asymmetry in Inferencesof Ability and Morality

Aremarkable finding in the researchondispositionalinferences is that the diagnosticity of a particular behav-ior varies according to the content of the inference do-main. In the domain of ability, for example, becauseperceivers typically expect that a high level of perfor-mance could have been attained only by someone with adisposition of high ability, an actor’s high level of per-formance should prompt an inference of high ability. Incontrast, a low level of performance should creategreater uncertainty for the perceiver as it may indicateboth low and high ability, as even someone with highability may occasionally fail. This pattern is completelyreversed for inferences of morality. Because perceiversexpect that a low level of moral conduct could have beenattained only by someone with a disposition of low mo-rality,anactor’s immoralact shouldpromptan inferenceof low morality. In contrast, a high level of moral con-duct could indicate both low and high morality, becauseeven immoral persons behave morally most of the time.These behavior–trait expectations lead to an asymmetryin the diagnosticity of ability- and morality-related be-haviors. High performance is more diagnostic for infer-ences of ability, whereas low moral conduct is more di-agnostic for inference of morality. Moreover, extremebehaviors are generally seen as more diagnostic of peo-ple who have extreme traits, whereas moderate behav-iors may be characteristic of both extreme and moder-ated traits (Lupfer, Weeks, & Dupuis, 2000; Reeder,1997; Reeder & Fulks, 1980; Reeder & Spores, 1983;Skowronski & Carlston, 1987; Wojciszke, Brycz, &Borkenau, 1993; for reviews, see Reeder & Brewer,1979; Skowronski & Carlston, 1989).

Where do these asymmetric behavior–trait expecta-tions come from? One of the explanations that has re-ceived considerable empirical support is thecue-diagnosticity interpretation of Skowronski and

Carlston (1989). In line with our perspective, these au-thors assume that behavioral cues are used to assign anactor to one or more trait categories. Behaviors thatstrongly suggest one trait category (e.g., dishonest)over alternative categories (e.g., honest) are said to bemore diagnostic. The asymmetry is assumed to comefrom differential associations with ability and moralitytrait categories. According to Skowronski andCarlston, extremely immoral actors may rob banks, butthey may also help an old woman to cross the street. Onthe other hand, moral actors may lie about their age,but they will never rob banks. In contrast, in the abilitydomain, an outstanding high jumper will sometimesclear 7 ft and sometimes fail to do so. On the otherhand, a poor high jumper will probably never clear 7 ft.Thus, immoral behaviors are more often associatedwith immorality than moral behaviors are associatedwith morality, whereas competent behaviors are moreoften associated with high ability than incompetent be-haviors are associated with low ability.

One possible interpretation of the cue-diagnosticitynotionmight result fromthesemanticmeaningofabilityand morality traits. This argument relies on the seman-tics of high or low ability and morality to infer what be-haviors are most likely. However, this leaves unan-swered the question of how this semantic knowledgewas learned in the firstplace.Fromadevelopmentalper-spective, it seems more likely that when toddlers learn tocorrect a semantic error, such as an overgeneralization(e.g., callingallmaleadults “Daddy”), theydosonotbe-cause they were explicitly told the correct meaning, butrather because they experienced first-hand the circum-stances under which children call someone “Daddy.”Therefore, a more interesting interpretation is that theasymmetric strength of the behavior–trait associationsis due to the asymmetric distribution of prior relevantobservations in the morality and ability domain. Theseobservations might be direct or indirect (e.g., whenother people relate their own experiences or observa-tions) and may only later become incorporated in themeaning of ability and morality traits.

The aim of the next simulation is to demonstratethat a skewed distribution during prior learning maylead to differential diagnosticity, as revealed in astudy by Skowronski and Carlston (1987, Experiment1). In this study, participants were provided with de-scriptions of positive and negative behaviors reflect-ing five different levels of intelligence and morality.Examples of extreme morality behaviors were rob-bing a store (low) and returning a lost wallet (high);examples of extreme ability behaviors were failingmost exams (low) and teaching at a university (high).For each behavior, participants were asked to esti-mate to what extent “would a [trait] person ever [be-havior]?” (Skowronski & Carlston, 1987, p. 691),with possible traits including dishonest, honest, intel-ligent, and stupid.



Simulation. A possible (simplified) learning his-tory that may reflect participants’ acquisition of priorrelevant knowledge on behavior–trait occurrences is il-lustrated in Table 4. The figure lists five levels of abilityand morality behavioral features together with the im-plied high or low traits. Extreme behaviors are charac-terized by a configuration of extreme to neutral features,moderate behaviors by a configuration of moderate andneutral features, and neutral behaviors by a configura-tion of only neutral features. Thus, for instance, ex-tremely competent behavior does not only involve neu-tral features, such as writing up your research, ormoderate features, such as having your article accepted,but also extreme features like publishing the article in atop journal (see first row in the table). In contrast, mod-erate and neutral competent behaviors involve onlylower-level features (see rows 2 and 3).

To be realistic, because extreme behaviors are lesslikely than moderate behaviors, we began by settingthe frequencies of the extreme trait-consistent behav-iors equal to those of the neutral behaviors. In addition,to reflect the common finding that perceivers typicallyhold positive expectations about people, we also as-sumed that the behaviors for high ability and high mo-

rality traits were more frequent (i.e., 6, 7, 6, 5, 4, fromhigh to low) than those for the low traits (i.e., 4, 5, 4, 3,2, from low to high). The realism of this learning his-tory is reflected in the fact that the overall distributionreveals many more neutral than moderate or extremefeatures in people’s behavior and many more moderatethan extreme features.

The asymmetric distribution during learning is re-vealedbythefact thatanactorwithhighabilitywillmostoften perform well to very well but will sometimes per-form moderately or even occasionally very poorly. Forinstance, a top researcher will most often publish in topjournals but occasionally in lower-ranked journals aswell. In contrast, an actor with low ability will most of-ten perform poorly or sometimes moderately but neverextremely well. In the table, nondiagnostic behaviorswere introduced by setting the frequencies much lower:For extreme behaviors, the frequencies were set to zero,and for moderate behaviors, the frequencies were set to3. In the morality domain, this asymmetry is reversed.Apart from this, the simulation was quite robust forchanges in the nonzero frequencies of Table 4, such assetting the nonzero frequencies to other smooth distri-butions or even setting them all equal.



Table 4. Asymmetry in Ability and Morality Trait Inferences (Simulation 3)

Behavioral Features Traits

A++ A+ A0 A– A– – M++ M+ M0 M– M– – A+ A– M+ M–

High Ability Trait# 6 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0# 7 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0# 6 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0# 5 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0# 4 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0

Low Ability Trait# 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0# 3 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0# 4 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0# 5 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0# 4 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0

High Morality Trait# 6 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0# 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0# 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0# 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0# 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0

Low Morality Trait# 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1# 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1# 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1# 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1# 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1

TestTrait A+ 0 0 ? ? ? 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0Trait A– ? ? ? 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0Trait M+ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ? ? ? 0 0 1 0Trait M– 0 0 0 0 0 ? ? ? 0 0 0 0 0 1

Note:–Schematic representation of the experimental design of Skowronski and Carlston (1987, Experiment 1), A = ability, M = morality, ++ = ex-tremely positive, + = positive, 0 = neutral, – = negative, – – = extremely negative. # = number of trials. Cell entries denote external activation. Alllearning trials were presented in an order randomized for each run.

Trait-inconsistent behaviors were considered to bemost diagnostic by Skowronski and Carlston (1987)and therefore constituted the most important test oftheir cue-diagnosticity hypothesis. As an example oftrait-inconsistent behavior, participants were askedwhether an honest person would ever engage in an im-moral behavior. As can seen in the bottom panel of Ta-ble 4, these ratings were simulated by prompting thetrait and then reading off the output activation of the in-consistent behavior. The reverse direction of testingthat would make more sense theoretically would in-volve asking for the trait implied by the behavior (butthis was not used in the experiment). This would besimulated by prompting the behavior and testing forthe output activation of the trait, and this procedureworked equally well in the simulation.

Simulation results. The learning history andtesting prompts depicted in Table 4 were run for 50participants, each with a different random trial order.Figure 5 shows the results with a learning rate of .10.As can be seen, the simulation results clearly conformto the empirical data obtained by Skowronski andCarlston (1987), and the predicted interaction is signif-icant, F(1,196) = 79.98, p < .001. Inconsistent low per-formance is more probably given high ability than ishigh performance given low ability, t(98) = 8.42, p <.001. Conversely, an inconsistent high moral behavioris more probably given low morality than is low moralconduct given high morality, t(98) = 4.18, p < .001.

The underlying connectionist principle that pro-duces these results is low acquisition of the behaviorslow in diagnosticity. Recall that testing occurred fortrait-inconsistent behaviors. Because high perfor-mance behaviors never occurred with low ability, low

ability is not a good predictor of (inconsistent) highperformance. In contrast, because both high and lowperformance behaviors occur with high ability, highability is a relatively good predictor of (inconsistent)low performance. The reasoning is analogous for mo-rality behaviors and for the reverse connections frombehaviors to traits. Simply put, the network does notlearn things that it was never taught.

Extensions and further research. The samelearning history also reproduced Skowronski andCarlston’s (1987) straightforward prediction and find-ing that trait ratings are higher for moderately inconsis-tent behaviors than for extremely inconsistent behav-iors. This was tested in a simulation by comparing theresulting output activation of extreme positive or nega-tive behaviors (as shown by “?” in the bottom panel ofTable 4) by the resulting output activation of moderatebehaviors (not shown).

With respect to trait-consistent behaviors, Skowronskiand Carlston (1987) reported that there were nodiagnosticity effects, although earlier work indicates thattypical behaviors are usually very diagnostic of the im-plied trait (e.g., Anderson, 1981; Cantor & Mischel,1977). Consistent with these latter findings, our modeldoes predict diagnostic effects for trait-consistent behav-iors in the same direction as trait-inconsistent behavior.Thus, high performance is predicted to be more diagnos-tic of high ability than is low performance of low ability;and low moral conduct is more diagnostic of low moralitythan is high moral conduct of high morality.

Another issue is how prior learning about the differ-ent levels and diagnosticity of ability and morality be-haviors (as simulated previously) can be used to make atrait inference about a particular actor. Our assumptionis that this prior learning on behavior–trait associationsis stored in semantic memory and that novel behavioralinformation automatically spreads to the implied trait.There is considerable evidence demonstrating that traitsare automatically and immediately inferred upon read-ing behavioral information (for a review, see Uleman,1999). This activated trait is then paired with the actor,resulting in the acquisition of a connection between theactor and the implied trait. Skowronski and Carlston(1987) investigated this process in a second experiment.Participants read information about actors engaging infive different levels of ability- or morality-related be-haviors and then judged how intelligent or moral eachactor was. As one might expect, the results documenteda linear decrease in trait inferences when going from ex-tremely high to extremely low levels of the behaviors.Our recurrent model can easily reproduce this linear re-lation using the same learning history from Table 4, ex-tended with an actor node.

In the simulations that follow, we do not further im-plement explicitly the prior learning of behavior–traitassociation but rather assume—as before—that the im-



Figure 5. Asymmetric cues of ability and morality: Observeddata from Skowronski and Carlston (1987, Experiment 1) andsimulation results (learning rate = .10). The human data are fromFigure 1 in “Social Judgment and Social Memory: The Role ofCue Diagnosticity in Negativity, Positivity and Extremity Biases,”by J. J. Skowronski & D. E. Carlston, 1987, Journal of Personalityand Social Psychology, 52, pp. 689—699. Copyright 1987 by theAmerican Psychological Association. Adapted with permission.

plied trait is automatically activated from semanticmemory. This allows us to focus on other person-im-pression phenomena of interest.

Memory for Behavioral Information

When we learn about others from our own observa-tions, we infer traits from the behaviors that are associ-ated with them. In addition to the question of how wemake these inferences, as addressed in the previoussection, it is also important to understand how these be-havioral observations are stored in memory. An in-triguing finding is that inconsistent or unexpected be-havioral information about an actor is often betterrecalled than information that is consistent with thedominant trait expectation (for a review, see Stangor &McMillan, 1992). Thus, we better recall a hooliganhelping an older woman cross the street than a nurseperforming the same act.

Hastie (1980, Hastie & Kumar, 1979) reasoned thatthe inconsistent information requires an extra cognitiveeffort to explain and to make sense of the inconsistencyand is therefore elaborated more deeply. This leads toextra links between the inconsistent information andother locations in memory and, thereby, to better recall.Hastie supported this interpretation by research indi-cating that inconsistent information leads to morecausal elaborations of the behavioral sentences. How-ever, these sentence elaborations were explicitly re-quested from the participants after the initial phase ofimpression formation was over. It is thus not clearwhether they were generated spontaneously during ini-tial encoding or only constructed after the request (cf.Nisbett & Wilson, 1977). Moreover, recent researchquestioned the assumption that inconsistent behaviorsare more strongly associated with other behavioral in-formation about the actor, because support for this as-sumption was based on flawed measures of associativestrength (Skowronski & Gannon, 2000; Skowronski &Welbourne, 1997). It was, therefore, concluded that“associative linkages may not provide the only mecha-nism, and may not even provide the primary mecha-nism, for incongruency effects in recall” (Skowronski& Gannon, 2000, p. 17).

Simulation 4: Higher Recall forInconsistent Information

Can our connectionist principles account for the en-hanced memory of inconsistent information withoutrecourse to explicit elaborative processes or associa-tions between behaviors? Yes, and to illustrate this, wesimulate a well-known experiment by Hamilton et al.(1980, Experiment 3). Participants read informationconcerning several fictional actors. For each actor, theyread a list of 10 consistent and 1 inconsistent behav-

ioral descriptions about that actor, after which they hadto recall as many behavioral sentences as possible. Theconsistent descriptions conveyed common, everydaybehavior (e.g., read the newspaper, cleaned up thehouse), whereas the inconsistent description included aviolent behavior (e.g., lost his temper and hit a neigh-bor, insulted his secretary without provocation). Halfof the participants were instructed to form an impres-sion of the actor, and the other half were told to memo-rize the behavioral information. After a distracter task,the participants were asked “to list as many of the be-havior descriptions as they could remember” (p. 1053).The recall data (see Figure 6) documented that underimpression-formation instructions, participants weremore likely to recall inconsistent items, whereas thisdifference disappeared under memory instructions.

Simulation. To understand enhanced memoryfor inconsistent behavioral information, consider a net-work architecture with an actor node connected to twoopposing trait nodes. One trait node reflects a neutraltrait as conveyed by the descriptions of everyday (non-violent) behavior, whereas the other trait reflects a vio-lent trait implied by the inconsistent violent behavior.In addition, the behavioral descriptions are representedeach by a separate node that reflects the particular be-havioral exemplar. In sum, each description is repre-sented by two nodes that reflect the categorical trait im-plied by the behavior as well as the individualbehavioral exemplar. Table 5 provides a schematic de-scription of Hamilton et al.’s (1980) experiment with10 consistent behaviors and 1 inconsistent behavior.



Figure 6. Recall of inconsistent behavioral information after im-pression-formation and memory instructions: Observed datafrom Hamilton, Katz, and Leirer (1980, Experiment 3) and sim-ulation results (learning rate given impression instructions = .27,given memorizing instructions = .027). The human data aretaken from Table 2 in “Cognitive Representation of PersonalityImpressions: Organizational Processes in First Impression For-mation,” by D. L. Hamilton, L. B. Katz, & V. O. Leirer, 1980,Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 39, pp. 1050–1063.Copyright 1980 by the American Psychological Association.

As can be seen in the table, each behavior was acti-vated together with the associated trait and the actornode. As predicted by the diffusion principle, however,many of the consistent behaviors are not activatedwhen the consistent trait is present, resulting in a nega-tive learning error for these behaviors and weakertrait→behavior connections. Thus, the more behaviorsconfirm the consistent trait, the less indicative each be-havior becomes for that trait. Because there are moreconsistent behaviors than inconsistent behaviors, dif-fusion is particularly strong for consistent behavior. Asa result, the trait→behavior connections are weaker forconsistent as opposed to inconsistent behavior. It is im-portant to note that because the actor is always activetogether with the traits, the learning error that causesincreased diffusion for consistent behaviors impactsnot only on the trait→behavior connections but also onthe actor→behavior connections.

In contrast, in the memorizing condition, perceiversare less motivated to form a unified trait impression ofthe actor. As discussed earlier, we assumed that thiswould result in a much shallower encoding of actor andtrait information, which was simulated by setting thelearning rate to 10% of its original value. As a result,all connection weights between the actor or trait andthe behaviors would sharply decrease.

To simulate recall of the behavioral episodes, we ac-tivated the actor node and read off the resulting activa-tion at each behavioral episode (see bottom panel ofthe table). This priming procedure assumes that the ac-tor is most strongly available in memory and used as acue to recall the behaviors. The resulting activation re-flects the probability that any of the behavioral exem-plars would be recalled. Because research suggests that

participants may use also the actor’s traits as cue (e.g.,Hamilton, Driscoll, & Worth, 1989), we also ran thesimulations with traits as additional primes to retrievethe behavioral information, together with the actorprime. These simulations gave very similar results.

Simulation results. Figure 6 shows the results ofthe recurrent simulation with 50 participants each re-ceiving a different random trial order. The learning rateunder impression instructions was .27, and, as men-tioned earlier, under memorizing conditions it was set to10% of this value (or .027) to reflect shallower encod-ing. The expected interaction was significant, F(1,196)= 5.72, p < .05. As can be seen, the simulation replicatedthe basic finding that inconsistent information wasbetter recalled than consistent information under im-pression-formation instructions, t(98) = 2.33, p < .05.However, under memorizing instructions, this differ-ence disappeared, t < 1. The diffusion principle suggeststhat higher recall of inconsistent behavioral informationis primarily due to relatively stronger trait→behaviorand actor→behavior links of unique or infrequent be-havioral information. Thus, this connectionist accountemphasizes the direct connections from a particular per-son or trait to behavioral exemplars. This account is con-sistent with Skowronski’s (Skowronski & Gannon,2000; Skowronski & Welbourne, 1997) argument thatassociations between behaviors are not responsible forbetter recall of inconsistent behaviors, in contrast to ear-lier suggestions by Hastie (1980) and Srull (1981).

Extensions and further research. This networkmodel makes a number of additional “postdictions”(i.e., a “prediction” of something that was already



Table 5. Memory for Inconsistent Information (Simulation 4)

Traits Behaviors

Actor Neutral Violent Consistent Inconsistent

Item list# 1 Consistent 1 1 0 1 0 .. 0 0 0# 1 Consistent 1 1 0 0 1 .. 0 0 0…# 1 Consistent 1 1 0 0 0 .. 1 0 0# 1 Consistent 1 1 0 0 0 .. 0 1 0# 1 Inconsistent 1 0 1 0 0 .. 0 0 1


Consistent 1 0 0 ? ? .. ? ? 0Inconsistent 1 0 0 0 0 .. 0 0 ?

Unbiased (and Biased) Recognitiona

Consistent ? 0 (?) 0 1b 1b .. 1b 1b 0Inconsistent ? 0 (?) 0 0 0 .. 0 0 1

Note: Schematic representation of the experimental design of Hamilton, Katz, and Leirer (1980, Experiment 3). There were 10 consistent itemsoverall. Although the inconsistent item was given at specific positions in the series, a random order is simulated here (like in most similar stud-ies). Cell entries denote external activation; # = number of trials. All learning trials were presented in an order rancomized for each run. Thelearning rate was reduced to 10% under memorizing instructions.aBetween parentheses is the coding for recognition biased in the direction of consistent traits.bOnly one exemplar node was activated (with value +1) at a time, and the resulting output activation of all of them was averaged.

known independently). The model predicts better re-call for items at the end of a list than at the beginning ofa list, because diffusion impacts more on earlier infor-mation than later information. This has been confirmedby research (Srull, Lichtenstein, & Rothbart, 1985, Ex-periments 5 and 6). In addition, the model predicts lessrecall advantage when the number of inconsistentitems increases, because this results in more diffusionof the inconsistent items. This prediction has also beenconfirmed (Hastie & Kumar, 1979, Experiment 3;Srull, 1981, Experiments 1–3; Srull et al., 1985, Exper-iment 3). However, research has shown that a recall ad-vantage remains even when the number of consistentand inconsistent items is equal, and inconsistency ismanipulated by providing advanced trait expectationsabout the actor (Hastie & Kumar, 1979, Experiment 3).The model also predicts this result if an advancedlearning phase is inserted in which the actor is firstpaired with the consistent trait.

Support for Hastie’s (1980) alternative suggestionof effortful generation of elaborations came from stud-ies that found decreased recall for inconsistent behav-iors when mental resources were limited by reducinganswering time, by making the task more complex, orby adding distracter tasks (Bargh & Thein, 1985; Ham-ilton et al., 1989; Macrae, Hewstone, & Griffiths,1993; Stangor & Duan, 1991). However, these resultscan be easily simulated with our connectionist networkby simply assuming that load decreased the encodingof the behavioral episodes or even all information (e.g.,by reducing the learning rate to 10% of its originalvalue). This suggests that poorer encoding of concep-tual information, rather than less inconsistency reduc-tion and elaboration, might have been responsible forthe reduced recall of inconsistent information (for asimilar view, see Pandelaere & Hoorens, 2002). Again,there seems to be no need to postulate explicit elabora-tions to explain higher recall of inconsistent behavior.

Other conditions under which less cognitive effortis spent on the impression-formation task and that typi-cally reveal no enhanced memory for inconsistent re-call can be explained in a similar manner. For instance,when an impression or stereotype is formed of a groupof individuals rather than a single individual, thereseems to be enhanced memory for stereotype-consis-tent behaviors (for a review, see Fyock & Stangor,1994). This can be simulated by assuming a decreasedlearning rate, based on the idea that perceivers do notexpect the same level of evaluative consistency in agroup of people and therefore are less willing to investcognitive effort in encoding an overall coherent im-pression. This results in a loss of enhanced memory ofinconsistent behaviors, and, to the extent that the domi-nant stereotype biases retrieval when in doubt, a stereo-type-consistency memory effect is observed.

Thisnetworkcanalsosimulate recognitionmeasureswhen participants are presented with behaviors and

asked to assign each of them to the correct actor. Hence,in contrast to recall measures, recognition is simulatedby testing the opposite behavior→actor direction.Typically, recognition is biased in the direction of con-sistent information, presumably because consistenttraits guide recognition when the perceiver relies onguessing rather than on genuine memory traces (for a re-view, see Stangor & McMillan, 1992). This can be repli-cated by a recognition test that is biased by detectingmore easily behaviors congruent with the consistenttrait (see “?” for the consistent neutral trait in the bottompanel of Table 5). However, if this bias is removed in thesimulation (by setting the activation to zero for all con-sistent and inconsistent traits), then inconsistent behav-iors are again better recognized than consistent behav-iors, in line with research showing that improvedrecognition sensitivity measures reveal better memoryfor inconsistent behavior (see Stangor & McMillan,1992). It is important to note that, unlike recall, im-proved recognitionof inconsistentbehaviors isbasedonthe competition between trait→actor and behav-ior→actor connections. When consistent behaviors arepresented, the trait that they reflect becomes morestrongly associated with the actor. This strong trait→ac-tor connection competes against the weaker behav-ior→actor connections, so that these latter connectionsare discounted (see also Van Rooy et al., 2003).

Overall, it appears that the proposed model isbroadly consistent with a relatively large spectrum ofresearch findings. This suggests that the diffusion prin-ciple provides an interesting alternative hypothesis ex-plaining increased recall for inconsistent information.Moreover, the competition property might play an ad-ditional role in the enhanced memory of inconsistentinformation when recognition measures are used.

Assimilation and Contrast

An important feature of recurrent models is their ca-pacity to generalize. A trained network exposed to anincomplete pattern of information fills in the missinginformation on the basis of the complete patternlearned previously. This property was convincinglydemonstrated by Smith and DeCoster (1998, Simula-tions 1 and 2) who used a recurrent network very simi-lar to this one. This generalization process can be seenas a type of assimilation in that past experiences influ-ence how we perceive and interpret novel informationthat is similar or closely related to it. For instance,when seeing a photo of Hitler, we might immediatelycomplete this image with activated memories on hisaggressive wars, mass annihilation of Jews, and so on.There is abundant evidence showing that accessibleknowledge like traits, stereotypes, moods, emotions,and attitudes is likely to result in the generalization tounobserved features.



Perhaps a more intriguing and unique property of arecurrent network is the creation of new emergent attrib-utes by combining parts of existing attributes (see Smith& DeCoster, 1998, Simulation 3). Traditional theoriesof categorization assume that people use a singleschema, stereotype, or knowledge structure to make in-ferences about a target person or a group. Even if multi-ple schemas are relevant, each of them is independentlyactivated and applied. However, people can combinemany sources of knowledge to construct new emergentproperties to describe subtypes or subgroups of people.For instance, a militant feminist who is also a bank tellermay become subtyped as a feminist bank teller with spe-cific idiosyncratic attributes that are not those tradition-ally associated either with the militant feminist or thebank teller representations (Asch&Zukier,1984;Smith& DeCoster, 1998). Previous connectionist models,such as constraint satisfaction models (Kunda &Thagard, 1996), were unable to model this process.

Simulation 5: Assimilation with Traits,Contrast with Exemplars

The abundance of assimilation effects in social cogni-tion research may leave the idea that filling in unobservedcharacteristics is the default or most natural process.Thus, when primed with “violent,” we judge a nonde-script or ambiguous target person as more hostile, andwhen primed with “friendly,” we judge that same target asless hostile. However, under some circumstances, the op-posite effect may occur. Sometimes primed features maylead to contrast rather than assimilation.

For instance, when primed with the exemplar “Gan-dhi,” people may judge a target person as relativelymore hostile, whereas primed with “Hitler,” they mayjudge the same target as relatively less hostile. Underthese conditions, the exemplars Gandhi and Hitlerserve as an anchor against which the target is judgedand so lead to contrast effects. In sum, contextually (orchronically) primed information may not only serve asan interpretation frame that leads to assimilation in im-pression formation but also as a comparison standardthat leads to contrast.

What produces assimilation or contrast? Accordingto Stapel, Koomen, and van der Pligt (1997), trait con-cepts are more likely to serve to interpret an ambiguousperson description (assimilation) because traits carrywith them only conceptual meaning. On the other hand,exemplars—if sufficiently extreme—will be used as acomparison standard (contrast) because both the exem-plar and the target are persons that can be compared toeach other. An experiment by Stapel et al. (Experiment3) confirmed this proposition. Participants were askedto form an impression of an ambiguous friendly or hos-tile actor. Before they were exposed to the description ofthe target, they were primed with traits (e.g., violent ornice) or with names of extreme exemplars (e.g., Hitler or

Gandhi). Finally, they indicated their impression of thetargetbyscoringfive traitdimensions that impliedeithera high or low degree of hostility. A composite scale ofthese trait ratings demonstrated assimilation in thetrait-priming condition but contrast in the exem-plar-priming condition (see Figure 7).

Simulation. A recurrent network can simulatethis combination of assimilation and contrast. As listedin Table 6, the network first builds up backgroundknowledge about extreme exemplars like Gandhi andHitler by linking them with friendly and hostile traits,respectively. The essential idea of the simulation is thatduring priming, the primed stimulus and the target de-scription are temporarily activated together. This isrepresented by programming two learning trials. Thefirst trial represents the priming condition and the sec-ond trial the description of the ambiguous targetwhereby the activation from the previous priming trialis left as the starting activation in addition to the exter-nal activation of the actor (see Table 6). We tested theimpression of the target by prompting the target nodeand reading off the activation of the friendly node andthe (reversed) activation of the hostility node.

Simulation results. Figure 7 depicts the resultsfor 50 participants run in different random orders with alearning rate of .15. As can be seen, the simulation repli-cated the empirical findings reported in the study ofStapel et al. (1997). The predicted interaction was signifi-cant, F(1,196) = 797.33, p < .001. There was assimilationof the trait prime, as the rating of the ambiguous actor washigher after priming with a positive as opposed to nega-tive trait, t(98) = 22.59, p < .001. Conversely, there wascontrast away from the exemplar prime, as the rating was



Figure 7. Assimilation and contrast effects after priming witha trait or person: Observed data from Stapel et al. (1997, Ex-periment 3) and simulation results (learning rate = .15). Thehuman data are taken from Table 3 in “Categories of CategoryAccessibility: The Impact of Trait Concept Versus ExemplarPriming on Person Judgments,” by D. A. Stapel, W. Koomen,& J. van der Pligt, 1997, Journal of Experimental Social Psy-chology, 33, pp. 47–76. Copyright 1997 by Academic Press.

lower after priming with a positive as opposed to negativeprime, t(98) = 17.42, p < .001.

How was this result obtained? When a trait concept isprimed, this activation spills over when the actor is pre-sented, leading to stronger actor→trait connectionsthrough the principle of acquisition. As judging the ac-tor’s trait involves testing these actor→trait connec-tions, this leads to the usual assimilation of the trait im-pression. In contrast, when an exemplar such as Hitler isprimed, competition arises between this primed exem-plar and the target exemplar in their connection to thehostile trait. Thus, competition arises between the(stronger) Hitler→trait connection and the target→traitconnection, leading to discounting of the target→traitconnection or a contrast effect.

Extensions and further research. This net-work makes an interesting prediction with respect tothe impact of the extremity of exemplar and traitprimes. According to the competition principle, ex-treme exemplars that serve as a comparison standardshould cause more overestimation in the network andthus lead to stronger contrast. Similarly, as one mightexpect from the generalization (acquisition) property,extreme trait primes should lead to more assimilation.This prediction was supported by a recent study byMoskowitz and Skurnik (1999). In two experiments,they found that moderate exemplars (e.g., Kissinger)lead to less contrast than extreme exemplars (e.g.,Hitler) and that moderate trait primes lead to less as-similation than extreme primes. This was produced inour simulations by replacing our friendly Gandhi ex-emplar (from Stapel et al., 1997) by a moderatelyhostile Kissinger exemplar (as used by Moskowitz &

Skurnik, 1999) linked with a moderate hostility trait(i.e., with activation .10) to obtain a moderate exem-plar and priming the hostility trait by an activation ofonly .10 to simulate a moderate trait.

Interestingly, this latter simulation was also able toreproduce the additional finding of Moskowitz andSkurnik (1999) that cognitive interference (i.e., in-creasing task load or interrupting the current task) min-imized the effects of trait assimilation but left the ef-fects of exemplar contrasts relatively untouched. Thiswas done by simulating decreased resources duringpriming by a decreased (10% of the original) learningrate. This eliminated assimilation effects but preservedthe contrast effects, as found by Moskowitz andSkurnik (Experiments 3 and 4).

Discounting by Situational Constraints

Most of the simulations that we have discussed sofar rely on experimental paradigms in which trait-rele-vant information is provided about an actor in the formof traits or short behavior descriptions, and participantsare to assume that this information is applicable to thisperson. As discussed earlier, however, socialperceivers are much more sophisticated and often real-ize whether they should either utilize or disregard suchinformation. When there are situational constraintsthat may have provoked the actor’s behavior, or whenthere are many others behaving in similar ways,perceivers tend to discount the behavioral informationand are less likely to make a correspondent trait infer-ence (Gilbert & Malone, 1995; Gilbert, Pelham, &Krull, 1988; Trope, 1986, Trope & Gaunt, 2000).



Table 6. Assimilation and Contrast (Simulation 5)

Actors Traits

Target Gandhi Hitler Friendly Hostile

Prior Learning History# 10 Gandhi 0 1 0 1 0# 10 Hitler 0 0 1 0 1

Condition 1: Priming Gandhi Exemplar# 1 Gandhi 0 1 0 0 0# 1 Target description 1 =a 0 0 0

Condition 2: Priming Hitler Exemplar# 1 Hitler 0 0 1 0 0# 1 Target description 1 0 =a 0 0

Condition 3: Priming Friendly Trait# 1 Friendly 0 0 0 1 0# 1 Target description 1 0 0 =a 0

Condition 4: Priming Hostile Trait# 1 Hostile 0 0 0 0 1# 1 Target description 1 0 0 0 =a

Test 1 0 0 ? –?

Note: Schematic representation of prior knowledge acquisition and experimental design of Stapel et al. (1997, Experiment 3), Cell entries denoteexternal activation; # = number of trials. All trials during the prior learning history were presented in an order randomized for each run. The simula-tion was run separately for each condition.aActivation from previous trial is left as starting activation for current trial.

The operation of this discounting process should bemost evident when situational constraints are explicitlymanipulated in the experiment. In the following simula-tions, we discuss such experimental paradigms in whichcomplex behavioral scenarios about an actor are pro-vided, including information about the situation, so thatthe perceiver must figure out whether the actor was thecause of the behavior before a correspondent trait infer-ence can be made. Discounting by the context or situa-tion involves the competition property, as we discussedbefore. This principle has already been demonstrated onmere causal attributions using a connectionist networkwith the delta learning algorithm (Read & Montoya,1999; Van Overwalle, 1998) but not yet on trait infer-ences. The aim of the next section is to extend this ap-proach also to trait inferences, to verify whether the un-derlying principles in causal attribution aregeneralizable to traits and to motivate further the use ofcontext nodes as applied in the earlier simulations.

Simulation 6: Situational Correction orIntegration?

One of the current debates in the literature on trait at-tributions concerns the process by which behavior–cor-respondent trait inferences are discounted given situa-tional demands. In so-called correction theories, it isassumed that perceivers first automatically attribute thebehavior to the correspondent trait and then discount thetrait inferenceon thebasisof situational information inaseparate resource-dependent stage (Gilbert & Malone,1995; Gilbert et al. 1988). In contrast, integration theo-ries assume that situational information is used as an in-tegral part of drawing trait inferences from behavior,whereby the weighting of the contribution of person andenvironmental factors “involves an iterative or even si-multaneous evaluation of the various hypotheses beforereaching a conclusion” (Trope & Gaunt, 2000, p. 353,see also Trope, 1986). It is evident that the connectionistperspective is more in line with the latter perspective,because network models typically allow many pro-cesses to occur in parallel without the need of separateand sequential process stages.

To demonstrate that discounting in trait inferencescan be explained in part by parallel processing in aconnectionist network, we focus on the work by Tropeand Gaunt (2000). Trope and Gaunt replicated thewell-known finding that situational information is of-ten underutilized to discount trait inferences, espe-cially under conditions of cognitive load. This findinghas often been taken as evidence by correction theo-rists that the effortful correction stage was interruptedby the cognitive load manipulation (Gilbert & Malone,1995). However, Trope and Gaunt argued that situa-tional information might be underutilized because it isoften less salient or applicable for the actor and thatthis rather than effortful correction might explain why

cognitive load often disrupts discounting. To supporttheir view, they made situational information morecognitively salient, active, or applicable and foundthat, under these circumstances, situational informa-tion was used to discount trait inferences even undercognitive load (Trope & Gaunt, 2000).

In one of their experiments, Trope and Gaunt (2000,Experiment 3) provided a description of a teaching as-sistant who used strict criteria in grading an exam. Infor-mation about situational demands varied according tocondition. Inonecondition,nodemandwasprovided; ina general demand condition, participants were told thatthere was a university-wide requirement to use strict cri-teria in grading exams; and in a specific demand condi-tion, participants were told that the professor of theexam gave specific instructions for the assistant to usestrict criteria. Finally, the participants were asked to in-fer how strict the assistant was on a 13-point rating scaleranging from 1 (not a strict person at all) to 13 (a verystrictperson). In thecognitive loadcondition, thepartic-ipants were asked to recall an eight-digit number duringthe task. The results showed that under no load condi-tions, discounting was applied. That is, the teaching as-sistant received less strict ratings given both general andspecific demands. More crucially, in line with their inte-gration prediction, Trope and Gaunt also documentedthat discounting was applied even under cognitive loadwhen the demand was specific and directly applicablebut not when it was general and less applicable (see alsoFigure 8). This demonstrates that discounting could nothave been applied in a second effortful correction stage,as the cognitive load should have prevented any dis-counting in this stage. In thenext simulation,wedemon-strate that a recurrent approach can explain these find-ings by replicating Trope and Gaunt’s experiment.



Figure 8. Integration of situational information: Observed datafrom Trope and Gaunt (2000, Experiment 3) and simulation re-sults (learning rate given no load = .33; given load = .18). The hu-man data are taken from Table 3 in “Processing Alternative Ex-planations of Behavior: Correction or Integration?” by Y. Trope& R. Gaunt, 2000, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,79, pp. 344–354. Copyright 2000 by the American PsychologicalAssociation.

Simulation. Table 7 provides a schematic de-scription of the learning history reflecting Trope andGaunt’s (2000) Experiment 3. As can be seen, the dif-ference between specific and general demands wasimplemented in the prior learning history that partici-pants brought with them. This learning history as-sumed that teaching assistants are typically strict intheir grading, just like professors, although professorshave more experience (i.e., more learning trials). Incontrast, general academic instructions are less oftenfollowed (i.e., stricter grading was used most of thetime, but sometimes lenient grading was applied aswell). As a consequence, a specific demand by theprofessor should lead to stronger actor→trait connec-tions than a general demand by the academic author-ity. (Different trial frequencies lead to similar simula-tion results as long as they preserve a similarproportion of strict versus lenient.)

The three demand conditions were then simulatedin separate simulation runs in which we assumed twotrials per condition. Cognitive load was simulated byreducing the learning rate in the three demand condi-tions to 50% of its original value. In contrast to some ofthe previous simulations, we assumed more trials andless reduction of learning rate because informationconsisted not of a simple trait adjective or trait-imply-ing behavior, but rather of more elaborated behavioralscenarios that presumably take somewhat longer andmore attention to process. Finally, trait inferences weremeasured as before, by probing the actor node andreading off the trait nodes.

Simulation results. The simulation was run with50 participants for each condition, with different ran-dom orders for each participant. The learning rate was.33 under no load conditions and 50% of this defaultunder load conditions or .18. The results, depicted in

Figure 8, demonstrate that the recurrent networklargely replicated the findings of Trope and Gaunt(2000). The predicted interaction between demand andcognitive load reached significance, F(2,294) = 4.08, p< .05. More important, as predicted, specificity of de-mands had a differential effect under cognitive loadthan under no load. Although all demand conditionsproduced discounting, t(98) = 4.78 to 9.74, p < .001,under no load, general and specific demands did notdiffer from each other, t(98) < 1, ns. In contrast, underload, general demands produced less discounted infer-ences than specific demands did, t(98) = 3.03, p < .01.

How was discounting achieved in the simulation?This was due to the principle of competition. Recallthat a strong actor→trait connection by the professoror administration was built up in the prior learning his-tory. When these actors (i.e., their demands) are pres-ent, their strong connection competes against the assis-tant’s actor→trait connection. Consequently, theassistant→trait connection is not increased further, re-flecting discounting in comparison with a conditionwithout any demand. Thus, it is important to realizethat in this approach, when perceivers are aware of thesituational demands, they never make a trait inferencethat is later reduced, as the two-stage model of Gilbertand Malone (1995) would predict. Rather, from the be-ginning of the parallel connectionist computation, theactor’s trait inference is effectively discounted by thesituational demand.

How was the crucial difference in discounting ofgeneral demands (by the administration) under no loadand high load achieved in the simulation? The answeris rather straightforward. Because of the increased pro-cessing (that is, higher learning rate) in the no loadcondition, competition was applied more strongly, sothat even the softer general demand led to a blocking ofcorrespondent trait inferences in the no load condition.



Table 7. Integration of Situational Information (Simulation 6)

Actors Traits

Teaching Assistant University Administration Professor Strict Lenient

Prior learning history# 5 Teaching assistant 1 0 0 1 0# 10 Professor 0 0 1 1 0# 8 University administration 0 1 0 1 0# 2 University administration 0 1 0 0 1

Condition 1: No demand# 2 No demand 1 0 0 1 0

Condition 2: General demand# 2 University administration 1 1 0 1 0

Condition 3: Specific demand# 2 Professor 1 0 1 1 0

TestTrait of Teaching Assistant 1 0 0 ? –?

Note: Schematic representation of prior knowledge acquisition and experimental design of Trope and Gaunt (2000, Experiment 1), Cell entriesdenote external activation; # = number of trials. All trials during the prior learning history were presented in an order randomized for each run.The simulation was run separately for each condition. In the load condition, the learning rate was reduced to 50% in Conditions 1 to 3.

This was less so in the load condition, where there wasa lower learning rate and thus less competition. Thesesame principles used in our simulation also allowedreplicating the results of the other experiments byTrope and Gaunt (2000).

Simulation 7: Discounting and SampleSize

An important assumption in the previous simulationwas that stronger or more salient competing situationalfactors prevent the building up of trait inferences aboutthe actor. This assumption is based on the combinationof the principles of acquisition (to develop strong situa-tion→trait connections during prior learning) and ofcompetition (to induce discounting of the actor→traitconnections). But is there more direct evidence for thisassumption?

The combination of the principles of acquisitionand competition provides an interesting test case todistinguish our approach from previous algebraic mod-els of attribution (Cheng & Novick, 1992; Försterling,1992) and impression formation (Anderson, 1981;Hogarth & Einhorn, 1992). These models would notpredict that the increased frequency by an alternativeactor or situational factors alone results in a greater dis-counting of a target actor (Van Overwalle & Van Rooy,2001a). Alternative connectionist models also fail tomake this prediction: the tensor-product model byKashima and Kerekes (1994), because it does not pos-ses the competition property, and the constraint satis-faction model by Kunda and Thagard (1996), becauseof the lack of the acquisition property.

To test this prediction, Van Overwalle (2001) com-bined differences in sample size with discounting. Inparticular, trait inferences were increased by increasingthe frequency of an actor’s behaviors, and this was ex-pected to induce greater discounting of the trait infer-ences of a target actor. Participants read several stories,eachdescribingacompetingactorwhoengaged inapar-ticular behavior (e.g., “Stephan solved one or five ques-tions during a quiz”). The competing actor engaged inthis behavior only one time (i.e., small size condition) orfive times (large size condition). Next, regardless ofcondition, participants read five descriptions in whichthe competing actor engaged in the same behavior to-gether with a novel target actor (e.g., “Stephan and Wal-ter worked together to solve another five questions”).After receiving this information, they had to rate thetraits of the two actors. In our example, they had to ratehow intelligent each contestant was on an 11-point scaleranging from 1 (not at all intelligent) to 10 (very intelli-gent; Van Overwalle, 2001b). Consistent with ourconnectionist prediction, but contrary to earlier models,the results revealed that a greater frequency (i.e., samplesize) of the competing actor led not only to higher infer-ences of the implied trait to the competing actor, but also

to significantly greater discounting of these trait infer-ences for the novel target actor (see Figure 9). In otherwords, when Stephan solves more questions, he is seenasmore intelligent,whereasWalter is seenas less intelli-gent. These results for trait inferences replicated similarfindings for mere causal attributions following the samecombined manipulation of sample size and competition(Van Overwalle & Van Rooy, 2001a).

Simulation. Table 8 shows the design of the simu-lation for this experiment (Van Overwalle, 2001). Be-cause only one type of behavior was described in each ofthe stories, only a single trait node was provided (i.e.,there was no behavior implying the opposite trait). Ascan be seen, the competing actor first engaged in atrait-implying behavior alone and then together with thetarget actor. The crucial difference between conditionsis sample size, or the number of times (one or five) thecompeting actor engaged in the behavior alone.

Simulation results. The simulation was run with50 participants, and trial order was fixed. Each samplesize condition was run in a separate simulation. Figure9 depicts the results for a learning rate of .13 (and .08for the competing actor). As can be seen, the simula-tion replicated the empirical data. An ANOVA withsample size as a between-subjects factor and rating(target vs. competing actor) as repeated measures indi-cated that the predicted interaction was significant,F(1, 196) = 95.38, p < .001. Given a greater samplesize, the simulation reveals stronger trait inferences ofthe competing actor, t(98) = 6.63, p < .001, and simul-taneously weaker trait inferences of the target actor,t(98) = 6.60, p < .001. Thus, the simulation supportsthe unique prediction of the connectionist approachthat the more often other people perform the same be-havior, the less likely perceivers believe that the targetactor possesses the correspondent trait. Note that when



Figure 9. Discounting and sample size: Observed data from VanOverwalle (2001) and simulation results (general learning rate =.13, for competing actor = .08).

the order of the trials is randomized rather then blockedper condition (as it was in the simulation), the networkstill predicts discounting although to a lesser degreebecause the influence of the competing actor is built upin later trials and thus has less impact.2

Extensions and further research. As noted inthe introduction, the competition principle illustratedhere can be extended to explain the influence ofcovariation information (Kelley, 1967) on trait infer-ences. When only a few people engage in behaviorssimilar to the actor (i.e., low consensus), we tend tomake stronger person attributions and correspondenttrait inferences than if a lot of people engage in similarbehaviors (i.e., high consensus). Alternatively, if theactor engages in the behavior only under specific cir-cumstances (i.e., high distinctiveness), we tend tomake more entity attributions and hence less corre-spondent trait inferences than when the actor behavessimilarly under many different circumstances (i.e., lowdistinctiveness). Van Overwalle (1997, 2003) showedthat the joint manipulation of these two covariationmethods leads to trait ratings very similar to those ob-tained by Stewart (1965; see also Figure 3) where onlysimple trait descriptions of a single target were pro-vided. These results could be simulated by a similarlearning history as depicted for Simulation 1.

Fit to Data and Model Comparisons

The simulations that we have reported all replicateempirical data and theoretical predictions reasonablywell. However, it is possible that this fit is due to someprocedural choices of the simulations rather than a

more general conceptual validity. The aim of this sec-tion is to demonstrate that changes in these choicesgenerally do not invalidate our simulations. To thisend, we explore a number of issues, including thelocalist versus distributed encoding of concepts and thespecific recurrent network used. In addition, we alsodiscuss how the recurrent approach compares to otherconnectionist network models. We do not discuss thealgebraic models of Busemeyer (1991) and Hogarthand Einhorn (1992) as they are, in fact, simplified ver-sions of the delta algorithm applied in connectionistmodels. We address each issue in turn.

Distributed Coding

The first issue is whether the nodes in theautoassociative architecture encode localist or distrib-uted features. As mentioned earlier, localist featuresreflect “symbolic” pieces of information; that is, eachnode represents a concrete concept. In contrast, in adistributed encoding, a concept is represented by a pat-tern of activation across an array of nodes, none ofwhich reflect a symbolic concept but rather somesubsymbolic microfeature of it (Thorpe, 1994). Weused a localist encoding scheme to facilitate the under-standing of the processing mechanisms underlyingconnectionism. However, localist encoding is far frombiologically and psychologically realistic because itimplies that each concept is stored in a single process-ing unit and, except for differing levels of activation, isalways perceived in the same manner. Unlike such alocalist encoding scheme, a distributed activation pat-tern allows for noisy or incomplete inputs to receive afair amount of activation from similar inputs seen ear-lier (see Smith & DeCoster, 1998) and to sustain partialdamage. Given the advantages of distributed coding, isit possible to replicate our localist simulations with adistributed representation?

To address this question, we reran all simulationswith a distributed encoding scheme in which each con-cept (e.g., trait, behavior, situation,andsoon)was repre-



Table 8. Discounting in Function of Sample Size of the Competing Actor (Simulation 7)


(e.g., intelligent)Competing Target

Condition 1: Small sample size# 1 Competing actor 1 0 1# 5 Target and competing actor 1 1 1

Condition 2: Large sample size# 5 Competing actor 1 0 1# 5 Target and competing actor 1 1 1

TestCompeting actor 1 0 ?Target actor 0 1 ?

Note: Schematic representation of the experimental design of Van Overwalle (2001), Cell entries denote external activation, # = number of trials.The simulation was run separately for each condition.

2To simulate that both actors work independently rather than to-gether on the quiz, one would have to assume that each of them islinked to a different behavior or outcome, each leading to the sameintelligent trait. As such, no competition would arise and no dis-counting would be predicted.

sented by a pattern of activation along five instead of asingle node. All simulations were run with 50 partici-pants, and each set of 10 participants received a differentrandom pattern of activation for each concept to ensurethat the simulation results generalized across activationpatterns. For each participant and trial, random activa-tion (i.e., noise) was added to this activation to simulatethe imperfectconditionsofperceptualencoding(seeTa-ble9fordetails).Thefitwith theobserveddatawasmea-sured by calculating the correlation between the ob-served and simulated means. These correlations aremerely indicative, as the number of means (4 or more) istoo few to obtain reliable differences between correla-tions. As a way of comparison, the correlation of theoriginal localist simulations is also given.

As can be seen, all distributed simulations attained agood fit to data. In all cases, the pattern of results fromthe original localist simulations was reproduced. Thissuggests that the underlying principles and mecha-nisms that we put forth as being responsible for the ma-jor simulation results can be obtained not only in themore contrived context of a localist encoding, but alsoin a more realistic context of a distributed encoding.

Feedforward Model

In our discussion of the three properties of the deltaalgorithm, typically one direction of the connectionswas responsible for replicating the phenomena. Spe-cifically, we focused on the connections as they wereoriented from input (involving most often actors andbehaviors) to output (involving trait categories) exceptfor the diffusion property in Simulation 5, where thisorder was reversed. To illustrate that these input→traitconnections are of primary theoretical importance, wereran the simulations with a feedforward patternassociator (McClelland & Rumelhart, 1988) that con-sists only of feedforward connections from input totrait (see also the arrangement of nodes from left toright in Tables 2 to 9).

As can be seen in Table 9, for most simulations, afeedforward architecture did almost as well as the orig-inal simulations. One major exception was the simula-tion of recency and primacy effects in serial positionweights (Simulation 2). As noted earlier, thefeedforward network is unable to replicate the criticalfinding of attenuation of recency in continuous judg-ments and robust primacy in final judgments. In addi-tion, in Simulation 6, there was an unexpected differ-ence between the general and specific demandconditions given no load, although as predicted, overalldiscounting was stronger in these two conditions thangiven high load. This confirms that for the majority ofphenomena in person perception, one direction of theconnections in the network was most crucial. This doesnot deny the fact that the additional lateral or backwardconnections play a role, although only a smaller one.

Nonlinear Recurrent Model

We also claimed earlier that a recurrent model witha linear updating activation algorithm and a single in-ternal updating cycle (for collecting the internal activa-tion from related nodes) was sufficient for reproducingthe social phenomena of interest. This contrasts withother social researchers who used a nonlinear activa-tion updating algorithm and many more internal cycles(Read & Montoya, 1999; Smith & DeCoster, 1998).Are these model features necessary or even preferable?To answer this question, we ran all our simulationswith a nonlinear activation algorithm and 10 (i.e., 1 ex-ternal and 9 internal) cycles.

As can be seen from Table 9, although the nonlinearmodel yielded an adequate fit, most simulations did notimprove substantially compared to the original simula-tions. In the simulation on integration of situational in-formation (Simulation 6), the number of internal cycleshad to be reduced from nine to four to obtain meaningfulresults. The reason is that the nonlinear updating easilyattenuates thecompetitionpropertybecause it drivesac-



Table 9. Fit and Robustness of the Simulations, Including Alternative Encoding and Models

Nr & Topic Original Simulation Distributed Feedforward Nonlinear Recurrent

1 Online integration .98 .95 .97 .962a Weight–Continuous .94 .89 .85b .812b Weight–Final .71 .72 < 0b < 0a,b

3 Asymmetric Cues .96 .91 .91 .894 Inconsistent Behavior .96 .96 .92 .825 Assimilation and Contrast .99 1.00 .99 1.006 Situational Integration .97 .96 .93b .96a

7 Discounting and Size .99 .99 .99 .99

Note: Cell entries are correlations between mean simulated values (averaged across randomizations) and empirical data. For the distributed en-coding, we ran 50 “participants,” and each concept was represented by five nodes and an activation pattern drawn from a normal distribution withM = activation of the original simulation and SD = .20 (5 such random patterns for 10 “participants” were run and averaged) and additional noiseat each trial drawn from a normal distribution with M = 0 and SD = .20. For the nonlinear auto-associative model, the parameters were: E = I = De-cay = .15, and internal cycles = 9 (McClelland & Rumelhart, 1988). For all alternative models, we searched for the best fitting learning parameter.aNumber of internal cycles = 4bPredicted pattern was not reproduced.

tivations that are too high (beyond +1) back to the de-fault ceiling level of +1 and so prevents overestimationand competition to occur. By taking fewer internal cy-cles, this attenuation of competition is sometimes pre-vented. However, in the simulation on serial positionweights (Simulation 2b), reducing the number of inter-nal cycles to four or even one was not enough to obtain aprimacy effect. The reason is similar, as the nonlinearupdating drives the reciprocal reduction of activation byactor and trait given disconfirmatory items (whichslowed down learning and caused primacy) back to nor-mal +1 ceiling levels. Taken together, this suggests thatthe linear activation update algorithm with a single in-ternal cycle is sufficient for simulating many phenom-ena in impression formation.3 This should not come as asurprise. In recurrent simulationsofother issues, suchasthe formation of semantic concepts, multiple internalcycles were useful to perform “cleanup” in the networkso that after activating a perceptual input (e.g., hearingthe word “cat”), the activations of the associated seman-tic concept were forced to eventually settle into “attrac-tor” representations that had preestablished conceptualmeaning (e.g., McLeod et al., 1998, pp. 145–148). Sucha distinction between perceptual and conceptual levelswas not made here, and, as a result, multiple internal cy-cles had no real function.

The Parallel-Constraint-SatisfactionModel

We can be brief about the parallel-constraint-satis-faction network model developed by Kunda andThagard (1996). Because this model lacks a learningalgorithm, it has no acquisition property and is there-fore incapable of replicating any of the simulations wepresented. We see no way how this model can beamended, unless by major alterations that would defi-nitely change the model drastically.

The Tensor-Product Model

The tensor-product model is an important alterna-tive connectionist approach to person and group im-pression formation and change (Kashima & Kerekes,1994; Kashima et al., 2000). A major difference ascompared to our recurrent model is that the ten-sor-product model uses a Hebbian learning algorithm.This type of learning has the significant disadvantagethat it does not imply the competition property. Hence,social phenomena explained by this property such ascontrast, situational correction, and discounting (Sim-ulations 5 to 7) can presumably not be simulated withthis model, at least not without additional assumptions.In addition, to simulate attenuation of recency in im-

pression formation, this model requires the ad hoc as-sumption of different context presentations before andafter a judgment (Kashima & Kerekes, 1994). This as-sumption was not required with our simulations (seeSimulation 2). For all other phenomena that we simu-lated, it appears to us that the tensor-product modelmight simulate most of them, although we are not sureabout the diffusion property (Simulation 4). Of course,we do not have any idea as to how close the ten-sor-product model might fit the data and whether itmight do so equally well as the recurrent model.

General Discussion

In this article, we have presented an overview of anumber of major findings in impression formation andhave shown how they might be accounted for within aconnectionist framework. This connectionist perspec-tive offers a novel view on how information can be en-coded,howitmightbestructuredandactivated,andhowit can be retrieved and used for social judgment. Thisview differs from earlier theories in impression forma-tion that relied on metaphors such as algebraic arithme-tic (Anderson, 1981; Busemeyer, 1991; Hogarth &Einhorn, 1992), phase-like integration of information(Gilbert, 1989), or spreading activation and constraintsatisfaction networks with fixed weights (Kunda &Thagard, 1996; Read & Marcus-Newhall, 1993; Shultz& Lepper, 1996). The problem is that these various met-aphorsgivea rather inflexible, incompleteand fragmen-tary account of person-perception mechanisms.

In contrast, the connectionist approach proposed inthis article, although relying on the same generalautoassociative architecture and processing algorithm,has been used in such a way as to be applicable to awide-ranging number of phenomena in impression for-mation. Moreover, we have shown that this model pro-vides an alternative interpretation of earlier algebraicmodels (Anderson, 1981; Busemeyer, 1991; Hogarth& Einhorn, 1992). In addition, this model can also ac-count for the learning of social knowledge structures.This involves not only the episodic relation betweenactors and their traits and behaviors (Hamilton et al.,1980), but also the more permanent semantic knowl-edge that relates behaviors to traits (Skowronski &Carlston, 1987, 1989). Hence, this approach poten-tially could be used to investigate the developmentamong infants and children of the structures underly-ing social knowledge.

A basic assumption in our simulations of the devel-opment of semantic trait meaning is that traits are seenas prototypes in which strong associations betweencertain cues (behaviors) and categories (traits) are builtfrom more frequent exposure to behavior–trait pair-ings. This assumption might seem questionable, be-cause behaviors or attributes that are highly



3The simulation results by Smith and DeCoster (1998, Simula-tions 1 to 3) could also be obtained with linear updating of activation.

prototypical of trait categories are also very rare andmay never even have been encountered before. Afterall, how often do we have exposure to someone whobehaves extraordinarily honestly or dishonestly?Hence, one might argue that these extreme or idealizedtrait prototypes are not simply retrieved from memorywhen making a judgment but instead are constructed asneeded. However, in contrast to this idea, research hasdemonstrated that extraordinary features not seen pre-viously are judged more atypical and are categorizedless quickly than extraordinary features seen earlier(Nosofsky, 1991). Thus, some limited exposure to ex-traordinary instances is important in making extremetrait inferences; otherwise people may be tempted toclassify extraordinary exemplars to different catego-ries, such as, for instance, UFOs or heroes, to whichnormal exemplars do not belong. Moreover, note thatin our simulations (e.g., Simulation 3), an extreme traitinference was not viewed solely as stemming fromhigher behavioral frequency (in fact, the frequencieswere set equal to neutral behaviors), but also as involv-ing behaviors with a wider ranging configuration offeatures. Thus not only feature frequency, but also theconfiguration of many features (some of which are typ-ical and others of which are extreme), was sufficient toinduce extreme trait inferences.

We have focused to a large extent on the model as alearning device, that is, as a mechanism for associatingpatterns that reflect social concepts by means of veryelementary learning processes. One major advantageof a connectionist perspective is that complex socialreasoning and learning can be accomplished by puttingtogether an array of simple interconnected elementsthat greatly enhance the network’s computationalpower and by incrementally adjusting the weights ofthe connections with the delta learning algorithm. Wehave demonstrated that this learning algorithm givesrise to a number of novel properties, among them theacquisition property that accounts for sample size ef-fects, the competition property that accounts for dis-counting, and the diffusion principle that accounts forhigher recall of inconsistent information. These prop-erties are able to explain most of our simulations of so-cial judgment and behavior. In contrast, introductorytextbooks on the autoassociator (e.g., McClelland &Rumelhart, 1988; McLeod et al., 1998) emphasizeother capacities of the autoassociator, including itscontent-addressable memory, its ability to do patterncompletion (see also Smith & DeCoster, 1998), and itsfault and noise tolerance.


What are the implications of this work for theoriesof impression formation? The key contribution of thisarticle is that a wide range of phenomena was simu-lated with the same overall network model (differing

only in the learning rate parameter and the learning his-tory), suggesting that these phenomena are based, atleast during early processing, on the same fundamentalinformation-processing principles. Providing a com-mon framework for these different phenomena willhopefully generate further research and extend to newareas of social psychology usually seen as too differentto be brought under a single theoretical heading. In ad-dition, not only can this model account for prior empir-ical data, it can also generate new hypotheses that canbe tested in a classical experimental setting. We brieflydiscuss some potential questions and research issuesthat emerge from this model.

Knowledge acquisition. To what extent is thelearning history assumed in our simulations correct?What mechanisms and architectural considerations arenecessary to preserve the network’s knowledge base?How does prior (trait) knowledge interact with novel(behavioral) information? One of the suggestionsmade earlier is that semantic behavior–trait associa-tions stored in semantic memory are spontaneously ap-plied when novel behavioral information is received.This suggestion is in line with the bulk of research onspontaneous trait inferences (see Uleman, 1999). Per-haps answers to these questions can also be obtainedby laboratory replications of the assumed learning his-tories that should reveal an equivalence with the priorknowledge of participants and similar effects on traitinferences as we have reviewed here.

Automatic versus conscious reasoning. Ourapproach does not make a clear and explicit distinctionbetween automatic and conscious processing, or be-tween implicit and explicit processing. Quite often, set-ting learning rate to a lower or higher (default) levelmade it possible to simulate this distinction, suggestingthat automatic and conscious processing is perhaps, inpart, a matter of slow or shallow versus fast and deeplearning of information. This differential level of learn-ing gives rise to a differential emphasis on, for example,prior information versus novel information and may re-sult in different judgments. Some researchers (e.g.,Smith & DeCoster, 2000) have proposed a distinctionbetween two processing modes: a slow-learning(connectionist) pattern-completion mode and a moreeffortful (symbolic) mode that involves explicit sym-bolically represented rules and inferences. Other theo-rists have suggested, in line with our approach, that suchsharp distinction is not necessary and that many socialjudgments—although differing in content—may sharethe same underlying process (e.g., Chun, Spiegel, &Kruglanski, 2002). Within the framework of a singleconnectionist network, differences between shallowand deep learning are possible by assuming that “ex-plicit, conscious knowledge … involves higher qualitymemory traces than implicit knowledge” (Cleeremans



& Jiménez, 2002, p. 21). This approach has also beentaken to simulate differences between heuristic and cen-tral processes in attitude change (Van Overwalle &Siebler, 2002) and between implicit and explicit reason-ing (Kinder & Shanks, 2001).

Heuristics. Although heuristics are typicallyviewed as rules-of-thumb that shortcut logical thinkingand often result in biased judgments (Kahneman,Slovic, & Tversky, 1982), we argue that they actuallyprovide a window to see how the brain—as aconnectionist device—works. For example, the avail-ability heuristic, invoked to explain why many judg-ments are biased by information about facts and argu-ments recently or frequently available in memory, canalso be viewed from a connectionist framework as in-formation that is recently primed or activated and thatis spread automatically to other related concepts, influ-encing judgments about them (as we have seen in theassimilation simulation). Of course, this does not ex-clude the possibility that subjective experiences thatmay go together with activating memory traces, suchas the ease to recall a given number of exemplars, mayadditionally influence how people utilize that activatedinformation in further judgments (Schwarz et al.,1991). In addition, the representativeness heuristic thathas been invoked to explain why categorization is oftenguided by a resemblance between concepts rather thanby statistical base rates may in fact reflect the strengthof the connections between a category and its members(as demonstrated in the simulation on the asymmetryof ability and morality related behavior). Finally, theanchoring and adjustment heuristic, originally pro-posed to explain why judgments are often biased to-ward an initial anchor, can be simply taken as a prop-erty of the delta learning algorithm, in which weightadjustments are often stronger initially (i.e., during an-choring) because of the greater error in the network,whereas later adjustments become increasinglysmaller because the error is reduced. This approachmight also explain insufficient adjustments in laterphases of learning as due to decreased cognitive effortduring integration of situational information.

Limitations and Future Directions

Given the breadth of impression formation, we in-evitably were not able to include many other interest-ing findings and phenomena. Perhaps the most inter-esting area omitted involves group processes.Connectionist modeling may well help to explain howgroup identity is created, how perceptions of group ho-mogeneity is changed, how accentuation of correlatedfeatures is enhanced, and how illusory correlation andunrealistic negative stereotypes of minority groups aredeveloped. These questions are addressed in Van Rooyet al. (2003), using the same model as ours. These ap-

plications merely reflect our current thinking and willalmost certainly be replaced by improved models in thefuture. We believe, however, that the essence of the ap-proach proposed here will survive.

Although we have attempted to show that aconnectionist framework can potentially provide a par-simonious account of a number of disparate phenom-ena in impression formation, we are not suggesting thatthis is the only valid means of modeling social cogni-tive phenomena. On the contrary, we defend a multi-ple-view position in which connectionism would playa key role but would coexist alongside other view-points. We think that strict neurological reductionismis untenable, especially in personality and social psy-chology, where it is difficult to see how one could de-velop a connectionist model of such high-level abstractconcepts as “need for closure,” “prejudice,” “close re-lationships,” “motivation,” and the like.

These limitations suggest a number of possible di-rections for extending the connectionist approach.First, a critical improvement to our recurrent networkmight be the inclusion of hidden layers (McClelland &Rumelhart, 1988, p. 121–126) possibly with coarsecoding of nodes (e.g., O’Reilly & Rudy, 2001) or ex-emplar nodes (e.g., Kruschke & Johansen, 1999) thatmay potentially increase its power and capacity, for in-stance, to process nonlinear interactions.

Second, a more modular architecture will almost cer-tainly be necessary to produce a better fit of the model toempirical data. For example, one severe limitation ofmostconnectionistmodels isknownas“catastrophic in-terference” (McCloskey & Cohen, 1989; Ratcliff, 1990,see French, 1999, for a review), which is the tendency ofneural networks to forget, abruptly and completely, pre-viously learned information in the presence of new in-put. Although catastrophic interference has been ob-served when perceivers process novel information (seeSimulation 1), it is untenable for a realistic model oflong-term social cognitive processes, whereby priorknowledge—such as stereotypes—is often resistant tochange in the presence of new information. In responseto such observations, it has been suggested that to over-come this problem, the brain developed a dualhippocampal–neocortical memory system in whichnew (mainly episodic) information is processed in thehippocampus and the old (mainly semantic) informa-tion is stored and consolidated in the neocortex(McClelland, McNaughton, & O’Reilly, 1995; Smith &DeCoster, 2000). Various modelers (Ans & Rousset,1997; French, 1997) have proposed modularconnectionist architectures mimicking this dual-mem-ory system with one subsystem dedicated to the rapidlearning of unexpected and novel information and thebuilding of episodic memory traces and the other sub-system responsible for slow incremental learning of sta-tistical regularities of the environment and gradual con-solidation of information learned in the first subsystem.



There isconsiderableevidence for themodularnatureofthe brain, in particular for the complementary learningroles of hippocampal and neocortical structures(McClelland et al., 1995), the predominant role of theamygdala in social judgment and perception of emo-tions (Adolphs, Tranel, & Damasio, 1998), and so forth.A dual memory representation raises the intriguing pos-sibility that for a limited period of time, old trait knowl-edge as well as novel trait inferences may coexist inmemory. It strikes us that the next step in connectionistmodeling of social cognition will involve the explora-tion of connectionist architectures built from separatebut complementary systems.

Third, as a special case of modularization, it will ulti-mately be necessary to incorporate factors such as atten-tion, consciousness, and motivation that are importantin social perception into an improved model. For thetime being, attentional aspects of human informationprocessing are not part of the dynamics of our network(variations were simply hand-coded as differences inlearning), which focuses almost exclusively on learningand pattern association. However, there are recent de-velopments that provide insights in how an attentionalswitching mechanism might be implemented. O’Reillyand Munakata (2000) suggested a network model of at-tention and motivation based on the idea that a special-ized module residing in the prefrontal cortex would becapable of active maintenance of rapidly updateable ac-tivation, which would enable this module to provide asustained, top-down biasing influence over processingelsewhere in the system. These actively maintainedfrontal cortex representations could guide behavior andjudgment according to goals, motivation, and othertypes of internal constraints.


Connectionist modeling of person-impression for-mation fits seamlessly into a multilevel integrativeanalyses of human behavior (Cacioppo et al., 2000).Given that cognition is intrinsically social,connectionism will ultimately have to begin to incor-porate social constraints into its models. On the otherhand, social psychology will need to be more attentiveto the biological underpinnings of social behavior. So-cial and biological approaches to cognition can there-fore be seen as complementary endeavors with thecommon goal of achieving a clearer and deeper under-standing of human behavior. We hope thatconnectionist accounts of social cognition will providethe common ground for this exploration.


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Appendix A

The Linear Autoassociative Model

In an autoassociative network, features and catego-ries, or causes and outcomes, are represented in nodesthat are all interconnected. Processing information inthis model takes place in two phases. In the first phase,the activation of the nodes is computed, and in the sec-

ond phase, the weights of the connections are updated(see also McClelland & Rumelhart, 1988).

Node activation. During the first phase of infor-mation processing, each node in the network receivesactivation from external sources. Because the nodesare all interconnected, this activation is then spreadthroughout the network, where it influences all othernodes. The activation coming from the other nodes iscalled the internal input. Together with the external in-put, this internal input determines the final pattern ofactivation of the nodes, which reflects the short-termmemory of the network.

In mathematical terms, every node i in the networkreceives external input, termed exti. In theautoassociative model, every node i also receives inter-nal input inti, which is the sum of the activation fromthe other nodes j (denoted by aj) in proportion to theweight of their connection, or

for all j ≠ i. Typically, activations and weights range be-tween –1 to +1. The external input and internal inputare then summed to the net input, or

where E and I reflect the degree to which the net inputis determined by the external and internal input, re-spectively. Typically, in a recurrent network, the acti-vation of each node i is updated during a number of cy-cles until it eventually converges to a stable pattern thatreflects the network’s short-term memory. Accordingto the linear activation algorithm, the updating of acti-vation is governed by the following equation:

where D reflects a memory decay term. In our simula-tions, we used only one internal updating cycle and theparameter values D = I = E = 1. Given these simplify-ing assumptions, the final activation of node i reducessimply to the sum of the external and internal input, or:

Weight updating. After this first phase, theautoassociative model then enters in its second learn-ing phase, whereby the short-term activation is consol-idated in long-term weight changes to better representand anticipate future external input. Basically, weightchanges are driven by the discrepancy between the in-ternal input from the last updating cycle of the networkand the external input received from outside sources,



� ��int ( ) (1)i j ija w

� � � � (2)i i inet E ext I int

� � � � (3)i i ia net D a

� � � (3')i i i ia net ext int

formally expressed in the delta algorithm (McClelland& Rumelhart, 1988, p. 166):

wherewij is theweightof theconnection fromnode j to i,ε is a learning rate that determines how fast the networklearns, and aj is the current final activation of node j.

The presence of a feature or a category was typi-cally encoded by setting the external input to +1 and –1for opposite features or categories (lower values werealso used; see appropriate tables); otherwise the exter-nal activation remained at resting level zero. Theweights of the connections were updated after eachtrial. At the end of each simulation, the judgment of in-terest was tested by turning on the external input of theappropriate nodes and reading off the resulting activa-tion of the nodes that represent the judgment of interest(see appropriate tables).

Appendix B

Anderson’s Averaging Rule and theDelta Algorithm

This appendix demonstrates that the delta algorithmconverges at asymptote to Anderson’s (1981) averag-ing rule under two conditions. First, learning must havereached asymptote (i.e., after sufficient trials), and sec-ond, the relative weights in Anderson’s model can berepresented by the relative frequencies of person–traitpairings. Anderson’s averaging rule of impression for-mation expresses a rating about a person as:

where ωi represents the weights and si the scale valuesof the trait.

This proof uses the same logic as Chapman and Rob-bins (1990) in their demonstration that the delta algo-rithm converges to the probabilistic expression ofcovariation. In line with the conventional representationofcovariation information,person-impression informa-tion can be represented in a contingency table with twocells. Cell a represents all cases in which the actor is as-cribed a focal trait, whereas cell b represents all cases inwhich the actor is ascribed the opposite trait. For sim-plicity, we use only two trait categories, although thisproof can easily be extended to more categories.

In a recurrent connectionist architecture withlocalist encoding as used in the text, the target person jand the trait categories i are each represented by anode, which are connected by adjustable weights wij.When the target person is present, its corresponding

node receives external activation, and this activation isspread to each trait node. We assume that the overallactivation received at the trait nodes i (or internal acti-vation) after priming the person node reflects the im-pression on the person.

According to the delta algorithm in Equation 4, theweights wij are adjusted proportional to the error be-tween the actual trait category (represented by its ex-ternal activation ext) and the trait category as predictedby the network (represented by its internal activationint). If we substitute in Equation 4 ext by Anderson’sscale values (s1 for the focal trait and s2 for the oppositetrait) and if we take the default activation for aj (whichis 1), then the following equations can be constructedfor the two cells in the contingency table:

The change in overall impression is the sum ofEquations 6 and 7, weighted for the corresponding fre-quencies a and b, in the two cells, or:

These adjustments will continue until asymptote,that is, until the error between actual and expected cat-egory is zero. This implies that at asymptote, thechanges will become zero, or ∆wi = 0. Consequently,Equation 8 becomes:

so that:

Because the internal activation of the trait nodes re-flects the trait impression on the person, this can be re-written in Anderson’s terms as:

where f represents frequencies with which a person and thetraits co-occur. As can be seen, Equation 9 has the sameformat as Equation 5. This demonstrates that the delta al-gorithm predicts a weighted averaging function at asymp-tote for making overall impression judgments, where An-derson’s weights ω are determined by the frequencies bywhich person and traits are presented together.



ω ω�� �rating / (5)i i is


� � �

� � �



For the a cell: ( ) (6)For the b cell: ( ) (7)



w s intw s int

ε ε� � � � �1 2[ ( )] [ ( )] (8)iw a s int b s int

1 2

1 2

1 2

0 [ ( )] [ ( )][ ] [ ]

[ ] [ ]

a s int b s inta s int b s inta s b s a b int

ε ε� � � �

� � � �

� � � � � � �

1 2[ ]/[ ]int a s b s a b� � � � �

�� �impression / (9)i i if s f

ε� � �( ) (4)ij i i jw ext int a

Figure 1

External input


Internal input

Figure 2



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


feature A






A. Acquisition

C. Diffusion




B. Competition





Figure 3

Successive Adjectives


n Im



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 82







High-Low Low-High


Figure 4

Impact of position on

1st rating 2nd rating

3rd rating last rating


Serial Position -



1 2 3 40.20








1 2 3 4

Serial Position -



1 2 3 40.25






1 2 3 4

Figure 5






t Beh



Ability Morality2.5





Positive Trait Negative Trait Simulation

Figure 6


% F




Impression Memory0.3






Consistent Inconsistent Simulation

Figure 7




on o

f Am





Trait Person2.5





Positive Prime Negative Prime Simulation

Figure 8


t Inf



No Load Load6







Demand None General Specific Simulation

Figure 9


t Inf



Competing Actor Target Actor6.5





Small Size Large Size Simulation