A Physical and Chemical Description of the Mediterranean Outflow in the Gulf of Cadiz UDC 551.465.45:551.465.42; Northeast Atlantic, 5Iarsden Square 109 I. Ambar, M. R. Howe and M. I. Abdullah Summary The Mediterranean outflow is considered as two separate cores (upper and lower) which follow a well defined route between Gibraltar and Cabo SBo Vincente. Their physical and chemical properties are discussed in some detail and used as evidence for treating the upper core as a separate water mass. This core is also shown to suffer a 20 % depletion in ,its concentration as it traverses the Gulf of Cadiz, whereas that of the lower core remains almost constant. In addition there was some indication of winter cooling and sinking of the shelf water which seems to be enhanced by the presence of the more prominent canyons in the area. Eine physikalische und ehemische Beschreibung des Mittelmeer-Ausstroms in den Golf yon Cadiz (Zusammenfassung) Das Ausstr6men des Mittelmeerwassers geschieht in zwei getrennten (oberen und unteren) Kernmassen, die sich entlang einer deutlich abgegrenzten Route zwischen Gibraltar und Cabo Sgo Vicente ausbreiten. Ihre physikalischen und chemischen Eigenschaften werden ausfiihrlich beschrieben und als Beweis dafiir benutzt, dab man den oberen Kern als getrennte Wassermasse behandeln kann. Es wird auch gezeigt, dab dieser Kern beim Durchzug durch den Golf yon Cadiz in seiner Kon- zentration um 20 % abgeschw~icht wird, wohingegen die untere Kernkonzentration fast konstaut bleibt. AuBerdem gibt es Anzeichen fiir ein Abkiihlen und Absinken des Schelfwassers im Winter, welches durch das Vorhandensein yon Cations in diesem Gebiet verst~rkt zu werden scheint. Une description physique et chimique du courant d'gcoulement m6diterran6en dans le Golfe de Cadix (R~sum~) Le courant d'6coulement m@diterran~en est consid@r5 comme comportant deux couches distinctes (la sup6rieure et l'inf@Heure), qui suivent une route bien d@finie entre Gibraltar et le Cap Saint-Vincent. Leurs propri6t@s physiques et chimiques font l'objet d'une discussion d4taill@e et sont utilisSes comme t@moins permettant de traiter la couche sup4rieure comme une masse d'eau s@ar@e. On montre 5galement que cette couche subit une d@perdition de concentration de 20 % lors de la travers6e du Golfe de Cadix, alors que celle de la couche inf@rieure reste presque constante. :De plus, il a 6t6 constat@ un certain refroidissement hivernal et un enfoncement de l'eau du plateau continental, qui semble renforc@ par la presence des canyons les plus importants de la rSgion. 1. Introduction It is now accepted that the outflow of the Mediterranean water from the Straits of Gibraltar can be influenced by several different processes. The seasonal changes that occur have been acknowledged for some time (S chott [1928]), and recently shorter period fluctua-

A physical and chemical description of the Mediterranean outflow in the Gulf of Cadiz

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Page 1: A physical and chemical description of the Mediterranean outflow in the Gulf of Cadiz

A P h y s i c a l a n d C h e m i c a l D e s c r i p t i o n o f t h e M e d i t e r r a n e a n

O u t f l o w i n t h e G u l f o f C a d i z

UDC 551.465.45:551.465.42; Nor theas t At lant ic , 5Iarsden Square 109

I. A m b a r , M. R. H o w e and M. I. A b d u l l a h

Summary The Mediterranean outflow is considered as two separate cores (upper and

lower) which follow a well defined route between Gibraltar and Cabo SBo Vincente. Their physical and chemical properties are discussed in some detail and used as evidence for treating the upper core as a separate water mass. This core is also shown to suffer a 20 % depletion in ,its concentration as it traverses the Gulf of Cadiz, whereas that of the lower core remains almost constant. In addition there was some indication of winter cooling and sinking of the shelf water which seems to be enhanced by the presence of the more prominent canyons in the area.

Eine physikalische und ehemische Beschreibung des Mittelmeer-Ausstroms in den Golf yon Cadiz (Zusammenfassung)

Das Ausstr6men des Mittelmeerwassers geschieht in zwei getrennten (oberen und unteren) Kernmassen, die sich entlang einer deutlich abgegrenzten Route zwischen Gibraltar und Cabo Sgo Vicente ausbreiten. Ihre physikalischen und chemischen Eigenschaften werden ausfiihrlich beschrieben und als Beweis dafiir benutzt, dab man den oberen Kern als getrennte Wassermasse behandeln kann. Es wird auch gezeigt, dab dieser Kern beim Durchzug durch den Golf yon Cadiz in seiner Kon- zentration um 20 % abgeschw~icht wird, wohingegen die untere Kernkonzentration fast konstaut bleibt. AuBerdem gibt es Anzeichen fiir ein Abkiihlen und Absinken des Schelfwassers im Winter, welches durch das Vorhandensein yon Cations in diesem Gebiet verst~rkt zu werden scheint.

Une description physique et chimique du courant d'gcoulement m6diterran6en dans le Golfe de Cadix (R~sum~)

Le courant d'6coulement m@diterran~en est consid@r5 comme comportant deux couches distinctes (la sup6rieure et l'inf@Heure), qui suivent une route bien d@finie entre Gibraltar et le Cap Saint-Vincent. Leurs propri6t@s physiques et chimiques font l'objet d'une discussion d4taill@e et sont utilisSes comme t@moins permettant de traiter la couche sup4rieure comme une masse d'eau s@ar@e. On montre 5galement que cette couche subit une d@perdition de concentration de 20 % lors de la travers6e du Golfe de Cadix, alors que celle de la couche inf@rieure reste presque constante. :De plus, il a 6t6 constat@ un certain refroidissement hivernal et un enfoncement de l'eau du plateau continental, qui semble renforc@ par la presence des canyons les plus importants de la rSgion.

1. Introduction

I t is now accepted that the outflow of the Mediterranean water from the Straits of Gibraltar can be influenced by several different processes. The seasonal changes that occur have been acknowledged for some time (S c h o t t [1928]), and recently shorter period fluctua-

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Ambar et al., Mediterranean Outflow in the Gulf of Cadiz 59

tions in the flow have been attributed to the variations in atmospheric pressure between the regions to the East and West of the Straits ( L a c o m b e [1961]; C r e p o n [1965]). There are strong tidal currents superimposed on the flow and D e f a n t [1961] has discussed the likely internal tidal oscillations in the Straits and their effect on the boundary between the inflowing Atlantic water at the surface and the deeper Mediterranean outflow, whereas B o y c e [1975] has made a similar study of internal waves. Furthermore, the outflow to the West of Gibraltar may also be influenced by the bottom topography and this has been considered in some detail by M a d e l a i n [1970]. Finally an explanation is required for the fact that a core of Mediter- ranean water can be observed in the Atlantic at depths other than the traditional 1200 m !~rel. Several publications have noted the existence of a prominent T-S maximum between 5~0 to 800 m which H o w e , A b d u l l a h and D e e t a e [1974] have described in terms of its chemical and physical properties. They suggested that this water originates from a relatively shallow depth within the Straits.

There are therefore several processes which can influence the intensity and characteristics of the outflow as well as its most likely route, and their relative importance has yet tO be determined. The use of TSD systems in this area have provided observations which indicate a complex situation in which water masses are being generated under different circumstances and then mix at different depths to produce considerable variability in the properties in both the horizontal and vertical directions. The t~.t~.S. "Shaeldeton" cruise (2/73) included a study of the region between Cabo Sgo Vieente.and Gibraltar in March 1973, and this provided physical and chemical data which adequately demonstrated the degree of inhomogeneity in the water column. The four sections (Fig. 1) were completed within 5 days although most of the

375 N

3 6 ~

/ ~ e - - depth contours in fathoms

~O0~/~C ente

Q o 7 7 . % / \ \ \ st2,t \ , , 10C~ < ~ ' ~ , ~, ~ ~ , Gibraltar 9~ S ~ 7 ~

Fig'. 1. Station positions ill sections IV to VII. �9 TSD station. �9 TSD and chemical sampling

6 ~

stations (59 to 91) were made within a period of 66 h. The remainder (92 to 100) were delayed due to a storm. The stations were purposely located along the prominent canyons in the area with the intention of observing any unusual effects which might be caused by these topo- graphical features. We shall describe the hydrography of the region at this time of the year ::a terms of the evidence presented in these sections and thereby at tempt to explain the events which might occur as the outflow leaves the Straits and moves around the Gulf of Cadiz towards Cabo Sgo Vieente. A TSD system was used and this was supplemented by water samples from standard depths at certain stations (Fig. 1), from which the nutrient salts (nitrate, silicate and phosphate) were determined. The chemical methods of analysis have already been fully described (Howe, A b d u l l a h and D e e t a e [1974]).

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60 Deutsche Hydrographische Zeitschrift, Jahrgang 29, 1976, H e f t 2

2. Temperature, salinity and nutrient profiles

An inspection of the T, S and nutrient distributions (Figs. 2, 3, 4, 5) will show that the normal Atlantic water column, which is best represented in this area by the offshore stations in each section, can be severely disturbed by the intrusion of the Mediterranean outflow. This mainly occurs near the continental slope between depths of 450 m and 1300 m.

s t o t i o n n u m b e r 6 9 6 8 6 7 6 6 6 5 62~ 6 3 6 2 61 6 0 5 9

6~176 ~ : ~ < b - . ~ ~ ( ~ s ~ . s _

lOOO- " ~ ~ . - - - - - -~~ <d

1 2 0 0 S e c t i o n I ~ . { . ~ ~ - , > / _ _ _ _ _ _ 3 6 : 2 ~

~ , i , i i i , i ,

14.5 2oo4/ % \ \ ~ ~

<120 1 2 - Q - -

800' ' : : " " 1 .

; ' " 11 o

1200 Section ~Z " ! " ~ (/,,o( , ~

i~oo ".:-Y~2 ~ ~

Fig. 2a. Section IV. Distribution of salinity and temperature

s ta t ion n u m b e r 68 67 66 65 64 63 62

i 2 ~ i / 1

. . . .

"~ 8oo ,


s ta t ion n u m b e r 68 67 66 65 64 63 62

i i i i i i

6OO X:


,2oo S e c t i o n 2~" " 4 ~ "

s ta t ion n u m b e r 66 67 66 65 64 63 62


m 4oo



1200- Section ~ ~ ~"

Fig. 2b. Section IV. Distribution of silicate, nitrate and phosphate

Page 4: A physical and chemical description of the Mediterranean outflow in the Gulf of Cadiz

Ambar et al., Mediterranean Outflow in the Gulf of Cadiz 61

The unaffected surface layers between 50 to 400 m show, in general, a regular decrease of T and S with depth, from 15 ~ to 12 ~ and 36.2 ~ o to 35.7 ~ o respectively. This is accompanied by an increase in the values of the nutrient salts (Figs. 2b, 3b, 5b). However,



4 0 0

6 0 0

~ 800

~ 1000



s ta t ion n u m b e r ) 71 72 7,3 74 75 76 70 71 72 7? 74 7 5 76

2oo -




800 -




!I\\ T .. k~--" ~ 1 1 . o - ~

Fig. 3a. Section V. Distribution of salinity and temperature

at several inshore stations these layers have also been disturbed, but in this case by an apparent surface sinking process. This is particularly evident in sections V and VII where it seems probable that the effect of winter cooling on the shelf has been encouraged by the presence of a prominent submarine canyon to produce a tongue of downwelled surface water to depths of 400 m or 500 m. Below 400 m the intrusion of the Mediterranean water (MW) can be observed by the relatively high salinities and temperatures and also the correspondingly low

station number 70 71 72 73 74 75

, , f f ,


l o o o


Fig. 3b. Section V. Distribution of silicate, nitrate an,

s ta t ion number 70 71 72 73 74 75

, , , i i 3

, l o

~:6 10

s ta t ion number 70 71 72 73 74 75

I I t r ,

2OO 0.5

~176 1 ~ ~


nutrient values. This correlation between the distortion of the nutrient profiles in the Atlantic and the high salinities has already been analysed in some detail (Howe , A b d u l l a h and D e e t a e [1974]). The fact that MW of ]ow nutrient content intrudes into the Atlantic water column at depths where the nutrient values are normally much greater, has provided an additional means of identifying its presence. In sections VI and VII (Figs. 4, 5) nearest the

Page 5: A physical and chemical description of the Mediterranean outflow in the Gulf of Cadiz

62 Deutsche :[-Iydrographische Zeitschrift, Jahrgang 29, 1976, H e f t 2

station number 88 87 86 8> 8,4 e? 87 8! 80 79 7,8 7,7

171 ~ ~ 3 5 . 8 ~

4 0 0 " ~ B S Y ~ -

5.6 ~ . . . .

a : : . - ' : : 5 ' - -



12oo- Section ~ " ' " ~ k / 1 ~ % ~


8- 2 0 0 q ~ 1 4 o ~ __

I m ~ ~ X _ - - - l ~ . O ~ ~ 1 2 . 5 ~ 400 1 2 0 ~

.......... ~ ~ z a 2 ' e . s ~ 8oo- " ~ ~'%-Y._-~.~-~--:~.5 ~ ~ - ~ 1 ~ 0 ~

,ooo8~176 ' . . . . . - "

Temperature ~ " : ~ . 1400. %"::: v4 :'~:~ ::: *"

Fig. 4. Section VI. Distr ibution of sal ini ty and temperature

St ra i t s , the re is a cont inuous layer of MW on the slope ex tend ing from abou t 450 m to 1300 m whereas, in sect ions IV and V (Figs. 2, 3), the M W has s epa ra t ed into discrete upper and lower cores. Al though the sal ini t ies are comparable , in all the sect ions the t e m p e r a t u r e in the M W above 900 m is consis tent ly abou t 1 ~ grea te r t h a n in t h a t below 900 m. There is some indica- t ion of an offshore spreading of bo th cores in sect ion V bu t a t a n y dep th the g rea tes t values of T and S, toge ther wi th the lowest nu t r i en t concentra t ions , are observed inshore aga ins t the con t inen ta l slope. This suggests a prefer red flow p a t h f rom the S t ra i t s to the no r th west, following the contours of the continental slope towards Cabo S~o Vieente.

Although there is ve ry l i t t l e homogene i ty in the d i s t r ibu t ion of the p roper t i e s in these sections, there are several fea tures which deserve pa r t i cu l a r a t t en t ion . In making this more de ta i l ed comparison be tween var ious wa te r masses a t different dep ths we shall therefore more correc t ly use the app rop r i a t e values of po t en t i a l t e m p e r a t u r e O, and dens i ty G o. I n sect ion V I I an ' anomalous ' mass of MW was observed at the b o t t o m of stns. 92 (S = 36.88 ~ O = 12.95~ ao = 27.88) and 93 (S = 36.80~ O = 12.71~ (r o = 27.86). The high sal ini t ies have produced densi t ies a t a dep th of abou t 870 m which are more t y p i c a l l y observed offshore a t 1200 m, as in s tn. 98 (S = 36.52 ~ O = 11.63 ~ ao = 27.86). I t is in te res t ing to specula te on the u l t i m a t e fa te of th is water . F i r s t l y the con t inu i ty of the M W down the slope, wi th i ts correspondingly high densi ty , would make i t difficult for th is upper core to sink and displace the wa te r benea th it. Secondly, a l though no chemical sample was t a k e n in the ac tua l core a t a dep th of 870 m, the sa l in i ty -nu t r i en t re la t ionsh ip a t 800 m in stn. 92, t oge the r wi th t h a t a t the n e a r b y stns. 91 (600 m) and 95 (800 m) has been shown ( H o w e , A b d u l l a h and D e e t a e [1974]) to be closely corre la ted wi th the sa l in i ty -nu t r i en t charac- te r i s t ics of the upper core of lV[W which was observed in the o ther sect ions fu r the r to the west. Is i t more l ike ly then t h a t th is uppe r MW, being so anomous ly high in sa l in i ty , b u t unable

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A m b a r et al., Mediterranean Outflow in ~he Gulf of Cadiz 63

to sink immediate ly to a more appropriate densi ty level, will lose salt more rapidly than heat due to the ambient conditions at this depth ? Accordingly, does it therefore adjust to values such as those a t 780 m in stn. 83 (S = 36.66 ~ 0 = 12.91 ~ av = 27.71) and, consequently, stabilise at the densi ty level at which the discrete upper core of MW is normal ly observed (section V) ?

This upper core is easily identifiable in sections IV and V where it is notable for its relat ively high temperature , with such values as O : 13.54 ~ (S = 36.54 ~ ~ o = 27.49, D = 636 m) at stn. 66 and similarly a t stn. 71 (O = 13.48 ~ S = 36.52 ~ ao = 27.49, D - 793 m). The identification is also faci l i tated by the presence, as explained above, of low nutr ient concentrat ions between 600 and 800 m. In contrast the lower core in these sections was more saline with the greatest values at stn. 63 (S = 36.64 ~ O = 12.78 ~ av = 27.73, D = 1000 m) and stn. 73 (S = 36.59 ~ O = 12.09 ~ ao = 27.82, D = 1270 m).

stotion number 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100

. ~ 3 6 . 2 ~ 2OOrn ~ ~ ' ~ s 6 ~

3 5 8 ~ 600 "::.'.::....... 66 3 9 . 6 ~

":;.. 6-8 36.3


1200 SectionZZ ~ " . ~ \ Salin,ty %~ "'::~\

"::.. 360 ~ 1400 "::~:5.8--

/ 200{~>._ ~ 14.o

4oot : : % ~ ~ ~ ~-~ . o ~

800 ::"~k-f-'-12~

"".'... \ ~ \ r ~ -

Tempe roture ~ ~":'~} / ~ 1 0 . 5 "-:. 10.0

~4oo : : ~ / ~ - ~ ~

Fig. 5a. Section VII . Distribution of salinity and temperature

3. O-S diagram

There is some indication f rom the general distr ibution of the water mass characteristics ~hat there could be a significant difference in the mixing rate of the upper and lower cores of the MW, with the depletion of salt and heat being dependent on the ambient conditions a t each level. An a t t emp t to quant i fy this was made by applying to the O-S diagrams the graphic method of t h e "tr iangle of mixing" and thereby est imating the percentage of different water masses t ha t were present ( M a m a y e v [1975]). The construct ion of such a tr iangle is de termined by the choice of the thermohal ine indices (O, S) to represent the original water masses. Since

Page 7: A physical and chemical description of the Mediterranean outflow in the Gulf of Cadiz

64 Deutsche Hydrographisehe Zeitsehrift, Jahrgang 29, 1976, Heft 2

previous evidence (1974), based on the temperature values and the salinity-nutrient relation- ship, suggests a separate source of MW for the upper core, two triangles of mixing were constructed and applied to the MW either above 900 m (Mu) or below 900 m (ML).

M u t r i a n g l e It has been concluded that the M u water originates from a depth of about 135 m in the

Mediterranean, passes through the Straits with little mixing, and then sinks to 600 to 800 m in the Atlantic. This result, together with that obtained by constructing the triangles of


s t o t i o n n u m b e #

8 9 9 0 91 92 93 94 95 9 6 97 98

. . . . 2.5 2 0 0 " - - . . - - l ~ 5

m ?!~ - - - z 5

6 0 0 ' ---8,5 5.5 - - 4 0 . 5

8 0 0

1 O 0 0


1 4 0 0

s t a t i o n n u m b e r

2(70m ~ ) ! 4 0 o

_~ 6 0 0

800 ~0 1 0 0 0

120o 1 4 0 0

station n u m b e r

8 9 9 0 91 92 93 94 9 5 9 6 ~7 9B I I , i I I I i I -

' _ _ _ _ 0 3 - 4 3 5

200- - 43.7

1 4 0 0 S e c t i o n ALLL ~2~

5b. Section VII. Distribution of silicate, nitrate and phosphate

mixing around the upper core by projecting the tangents on the O-S diagrams to intersect at a likely source ( S t o c k m a n [1946]), indicate a reasonable value for the M u index of O = 14.00 ~ S = 37.42 ~ o. The mixing with the Atlantic central water will then occur between depths of 200 and 900 m for which there is well documented O-S data (e.g. Fug- l i s t er [1960]) to support these present observations. The M, index was therefore combined with values of 14.90~ 36.13 ~ 0 and 8.40 ~ 35.00 ~ D respectively, to construct a mixing triangle which was applied to the M u core (Fig. 6) for depths less than 900 m at each station.

M L t r i a n g l e This mixing triangle was similarly constructed by firstly estimating a reasonable index

value for M L as it leaves the Straits and sinks into the Atlantic. It is accepted that the virtually continuous main outflow will be subjected to varying amounts of tidal or other mixing in the Straits. Our T, S measurements of 13.20 ~ and 38.20 ~ for the source of this outflow, as it leaves the Mediterranean itself and enters the Straits between depths of 200 to 300 m, are similar to those used by Z e n k [1970]. These values will alter during its passage through the Straits and the subsequent descent of the continental slope. When the outflow attains

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Ambar et al., Mediterranean Outflow in the Gulf of Cadiz 65





T 12-


1 8 "

9 -

8 -

salinity 3 5 8 35.4 35.6 3 6 2 38.8 37 0 ~ o 394


61 "/o MU MU


Fig. 6. O-S diagram for stn. 82 with the mixing triangle applied to the upper core. At 780 m this contained a mixture of Atlantic water and 61% of the original Mediterranean outflow Mu

a depth of aboat 600 m, this level might then be reasonably regarded as the commencement of the downward intrusion of the MW into the actual Atlantic water column. An analysis of our data by means of the tangential projections on the O-S diagrams provides a reasonable value for the M L index of 13.00 ~ 37.00 ~ and this is in close agreement with that used by P i n g r e e [1972]. A mixing triangle which therefore included the appropriate indices for 600 m (10.80 ~ 35.47 ~ and 1500 m (5A0 ~ 35.18 ~ was constructed and applied to the MW core below 900 m at each station (Fig. 7).



salinity )

~.4 3~,8 ~2 316 ~ 3~,o

r ~ /

5oom / / eoor~ ~ ML


Fig. 7. O-S d iagram for stn. 73 w i t h the m i x i n g tr iangle appl ied to the lower core. AV 1310 m this conta ined a mix ture o f A t l a n t i c water and 75 % of the original Medi terranean out f low ML

P e r c e n t a g e of lV[W The percentages of M, and M L in the Atlantic water column were determined at each

stn. from the respective mixing triangles and the isolines for the % values are represented in Figs. 8 to 11. It should be realised that in these sections the % isolines above 900 m cannot be related to those below 900 m since different water masses are involved.

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66 Deutsche Hydrographisehe Zeitsehrift, Jahrgang 29, 1976, Hef t 2

In section VII, which is nearest the source of the outflow, the maximum values for the M,' concentration of about 70 ~o at the bottom of stns. 92 and 93 are similar to those for M L between i000 and 1200 m further offshore (stns. 97, 98). In section VI, however, M u just attains a value of 60 ~/o, whereas 1V~ L achieves an 80 % concentration. Similarly in secs V

stat ion number 89 68 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 60 59

�9 200~


"'::'" 30 Mu "= 8+ - o

. . . . . - : -


1200 -

1400 -

Fig. 8. Sect ion IV. Percentage of the original MW outflow in the upper core Mu and the lower core M~

and IV the maximum for M u and M L w a s 54 % and 75 % respectively. So apparently in the region between these sections there can be a depletion in the concentration of the upper core from about 70 to 50 % whereas M L would appear to remain fairly constant at about 75 % of its original outflow value.

station number

70 711 721 73, 74 75 76

200 [

400 " i i :

= \: ~----'------40 M \ ~ MU

8~176 if:) ~ 5 o

-i ~e ML

::!1 j,o

Fig. 9. Section V. Percentage of the original MW outflow in the upper core Mu and the lower core IFIL

Page 10: A physical and chemical description of the Mediterranean outflow in the Gulf of Cadiz

Ambar et al., Mediterranean Outflow in the Gulf of Cadiz 67

4. Conclusions

(a) There is no convincing evidence to ind ica te t h a t the canyons are affecting u n d u l y the flow of the MW. The T, S and nu t r i en t d i s t r ibu t ion suggests a r e l a t i ve ly s t rong Coriolis effect which res t r ic t s the cores to the slope in sect ions V I I and VI, wi th some a p p a r e n t offshore spreading in sect ions V and IV. There was a general decrease of the T and S in the offshore direct ion a t wha teve r d e p t h the M W is considered, which indica tes a prefer red flow p a t h a long the contours of the con t inen ta l slope towards the nor thwest . This is in general agreement wi th M a d e l a i n ' s [1970] r ep resen ta t ion .

stat ion number

88 87 86 85 84 83 82 81 8 0 79 78 77 O r


e BOO-

1 0 0 0

140( -.'.:::::.." "

Fig. 10. Section VI. Percentage of the original MW outflow in the upper core Mu and the lower core ML

(b) The upper core M u was characterised by a consistently greater temperature than that of M L by about 1 ~ and also particularly low nutrient concentrations. There was little change in the temperature values of either core between sections, or indeed of the salinity of M L.

station number

89 910 9~ 921 931 941 95 961 97 98, 991 100r


4 0 0



J" 1000-



"::... 5o

�9 ::2. 5 0 Mu

S e c t i o n ~ / MW %"

"'.'.'0, 70 60 50 /

Fig. 11. Section VII . Percentage of the original MW outflow in the upper core Mu and the lower core ML

(c) The most significant va r i a t i on seems to occur in the sa l in i ty of Mu, which can resul t in a 20 % difference in the concen t ra t ion of th is core as i t proceeds a round the Gulf of Cadiz. Consequently there will be a corresponding decrease in the a o value of M, from 27.88 (at 860 m in section VII) to 27.71 (780 m in section VI) to 27.66 (830 m in section V). This appears to ensure the relative stability of M u and its permanent presence at this depth, not only in


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68 Deutsche Hydrographisehe Zeitsehrift, Jahrgang 29, 1976, Heft 2

the Gulf of Cadiz, bu t also in the region to the west of Cabo Sgo Vicente ( Z e n k [1970] ; H o w e and T a i t [1972]).

(d) The canyons however do seem to contr ibute to the offshore spreading and sinking of the shelf water after the winter cooling (Figs. 3a, 5a). A tongue of downwelled water, which is identifiable in Fig. 7 by a O-S m a x i m u m (12.92 ~ 35.95 ~ a t 500 m, also includes values of 13.43 ~ 36.07 ~ at 440 m in stn. 72 and 13.71 ~ 36.11 ~ at 300 m in stn. 71. Similar ly in s ta t ions 90, 91 (section VII) there are values of 13.58 ~ 36.07 ~ o a t 400 m whereas a short distance offshore the values at this depth are more typica l ly 12.19 ~ 35.68 ~ o.

A c k n o w l e d g e m e n t s

Dur ing the cruise the generous co-operation of the Officers and Crew of the R.t~.S. "Shack le ton" was appreciated. We are also grateful for the skills of A. W o o d h o u s e and S. D e e t a e who processed the physical and chemical data . This work is being supported by N.E.R.C. Grant GR3/2643 and I.A. is the holder of a N.A.T.O. research scholarship.


B o y c e , F.M., 1975: Internal waves in the Straits of Gibraltar. Deep-Sea l~es. 22, 597-610.

C r e p o n , M., 1965: Influence de la pression atmosph~rique sur le niveau moyen de la M6diterran6e occidentale et sur le flux travers le D6troit de Gibraltar. Cab. Oc6anogr. 17, 15 32.

D e f a n t , A., 1961: Physical oceanography. Vol. 1. Oxford.

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Eingegangen im Mai 1976

Ansehrift der Verfasser: I. Ambar, M. 1~. Howe, Department of Oceanography, University of Liverpool, P.O. Box 147, Liverpool L 69 3 BX, England M. I. Abdullah, Inst i tute of Marine Biology and Limnology, University of 0slo, P.O. Box 1064, Blindern, Oslo, Norway