A METHOD FOR DETERMINING THE TOTAL STRESSES IN SOLID ROCK FROM THE DISTURBANCE TO THE STRESS FIELD NEAR A BOREHOLE WITH A DEFORMETER V, S. Akimov, V, S. Kuksin, M, V. Kurlenya, and A, V, Leont'ev UDC 622,831 Present load relaxation methods for determining the total stresses in solid rock involve drilling a rock core. and require special equipment to ensure its preservation. Let us consider a method of determining the total stresses in an isotropie elastic rock mass without drilling out a core. It is essentially as follows [1], From a mine working at a given depth we driU a measurement hole of radius r = 1 (see Fig, 1), In this we set up a deformeter to measure the radial displacements of the periphery (contour) of the hole, After taking the initial readings of the deformeter parallel to the measurement hole at a distance ! we drill a hole of radius R ~ 1, As a result, the stress field around the measurement hole will alter, which will cause deformation of its periphery and changes in the deformeter readings, The required values and direction of the stresses (ol, oz, and e) are then found by calculation, The problem of the state of stress of such a rock mass reduces to the plane problem of the theory of elasticity for an infinite region with two arbitrarily located circular holes of different diameters when compressive forces at and oz act at infinity, We can find two analytic functions ~(z) and X(z) of the complex variable z which charac- terize the state of stress of the plane with its two holes, The region of the complex variable z comprises the whole infinite plane outside the holes. The functions 9(z) and ~(z) are related to the stresses and displacements (strains) as follows: o~+~= 4Req~' (z) ; o~--oyq-2i'r~y: 2 [ (~--z) rp" (z) -t-;((z) ] ; (1) 2a ( U +iV) = • + (~--z) cp' (z)--x (z). Here ~(z) =~(z) +z~'(z)~ (2) R(z) is a function which is invariant with respect to displacement of the origin along the x axis; r (z) and r are the Kolosov--Muskhelishvili functions for complex representation of the displacements and stresses [2], Let us consider the stress-deformation state of the rock around the large-diameter borehole, neglecting the presence of the small-diameter one, The error of a calculation based on this assumption can be estimated by veri- fying the satisfaction of the boundary conditions on the contour of the large-diameter borehole [3], If a force o I acts at an angle O to the y axis the stress-deformation state of the undisturbed rock mass is given by the functions (3) (l t ~',~o ' ~ ~ e 2% ~ (z) = -~ z; (z) = - Institute of Mining, Siberian Branch. Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Novosibirsk, Translated from Fiziko- Tekhnicheskie Problemy Razrabotki Poleznykh Iskopaemykh. No. 1, pp, 13-18, January-February. 1974, Original article submitted May3"0. 1973. 1974 Consultants Bureau, a division of Plenum Publishing Corporation, 227 West 17th Street, New York, N. Y. 10011. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or trc~smitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, me- chc~ical, photocopying, microfilming, recording or otherwise, without written permission of the publisher. A copy of this article is available from the publisher for $15.00. l0

A method for determining the total stresses in solid rock from the disturbance to the stress field near a borehole with a deformeter

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Page 1: A method for determining the total stresses in solid rock from the disturbance to the stress field near a borehole with a deformeter




V, S . A k i m o v , V , S. K u k s i n , M, V. K u r l e n y a , a n d A , V, L e o n t ' e v

UDC 622,831

Present load re laxat ion methods for de termining the total stresses in solid rock involve dr i l l ing a rock core. and require specia l equipment to ensure its preservation.

Let us consider a method of de termining the total stresses in an isotropie e las t ic rock mass without dr i l l ing out a core. I t is essential ly as follows [1], From a mine working at a given depth we driU a measurement hole o f radius r = 1 (see Fig, 1), In this we set up a deformeter to measure the radia l d isplacements of the periphery (contour) of the hole, After taking the in i t i a l readings of the deformeter para l le l to the measurement hole a t a d is tance ! we dr i l l a hole of radius R ~ 1, As a result, the stress field around the measurement hole will a l ter , which will cause deformat ion of its periphery and changes in the deformeter readings, The required values and di rec t ion of the stresses (ol , oz, and e) are then found by ca lcula t ion ,

The problem of the state of stress of such a rock mass reduces to the plane problem of the theory of e las t ic i ty for an infini te region with two arbi t rar i ly located circular holes of different d iameters when compressive forces a t and oz ac t a t infinity, We can find two ana ly t ic functions ~(z) and X(z) of the complex var iable z which cha rac - ter ize the state of stress of the plane with its two holes, The region of the complex var iable z comprises the whole infini te plane outside the holes. The functions 9(z) and ~(z) are related to the stresses and displacements (strains) as follows:

o ~ + ~ = 4Req~' (z) ;

o ~ - - o y q - 2 i ' r ~ y : 2 [ ( ~ - - z ) rp" (z) - t - ; ( ( z ) ] ; (1)

2a ( U + i V ) = • + (~--z) cp' ( z ) - - x (z).

H e r e

~(z) = ~ ( z ) + z ~ ' ( z ) ~ (2)

R(z) is a function which is invar iant with respect to d i sp lacement of the origin along the x axis; r (z) and r are the Kolosov--Muskhelishvil i functions for complex representat ion of the displacements and stresses [2],

Let us consider the s tress-deformation state of the rock around the l a r g e - d i a m e t e r borehole, neglec t ing the

presence of the s m a l l - d i a m e t e r one, The error of a ca lcu la t ion based on this assumption can be es t imated by ver i - fying the sat isfaction of the boundary conditions on the contour of the l a r g e - d i a m e t e r borehole [3],

If a force o I acts a t an angle O to the y ax i s the s t ress-deformation s tate of the undisturbed rock mass is given by the functions

(3) (l t ~',~o ' ~ ~ e 2% ~ (z) = -~ z; (z) = -

Institute of Mining, Siberian Branch. Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Novosibirsk, Translated from Fiz iko- Tekhnicheskie Problemy Razrabotki Poleznykh Iskopaemykh. No. 1, pp, 13-18, January-February. 1974, Original a r t i c le submitted May3"0. 1973.

�9 1974 Consultants Bureau, a division of Plenum Publishing Corporation, 227 West 17th Street, New York, N. Y. 10011. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or trc~smitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, me- chc~ical, photocopying, microfilming, recording or otherwise, without written permission of the publisher. A copy of this article is available from the publisher for $15.00.


Page 2: A method for determining the total stresses in solid rock from the disturbance to the stress field near a borehole with a deformeter

~ '+' \ I ] x . ~ N I z"-4 ~ " , �9 /////////~,


Fig. 1. Determination of the displacement of the contour o f a small borehole by means of the disturbance of the stress field near it due to a large borehole.

or at +(o :) (z) = -~ z; X(o ~) (z) = ~ a~z (2e 2i~ + 1).


The functions r (z) and X[t)t (z) representing the additional stresses in the rock due to the large-diameter borehole can be found from the boundary


�9 a, (t + r e - 2 ' ~ ~f~ (t) + (t - ? ) ~I ') '(t) + z~ ') (t) = - -~ (~)

where t is the affix of the point z on the contour of the large hole. Using the method of N. I, Muskhelishvili. we find

zl ') (z) =

aiR2 e -2i0 + l ' ( z ) - 2 ~ - z '

o1R4 e-2i~ atRa (e - 2 i ~ I). 2 ( z - - t ) 3 - [ - 2 ( z - l )



The boundary condition for the functions r and X~ l) (z), which characterize the additional stress-defor-

marion state of the rock appearing after the smal l -diameter ti6rehole is drilled, will be

_ a , ( t 42 ) (0 + (t ~) +(~')'(t) + x(2 ) (t) = - -~ +

at[R" e_2, o (t_7~)R ~e2~~ R 4e2i~ RZ ] q- "2- (-/-~T~/) - - (7 - - l)2 ~- (7 - - / ) a ~r- ~ (1 - - e 2 i ~ .

From Eq, (8) we find that


1 e_2~ 0 R*e2i~ (1 - - z 2) R':' �9 R4zSe 2lo R2 ( l _ e -2 i0) ] at ~ ~ (1 - - lz) 2 (1 - - lz) a (l--/Z) (~(2 l) (z) = .~ + + V ze2'~ + 4 z ' (9)

R2 e2iOJ ~[91)(Z) : (Z__ l ) qg(21)t(Z)__O'l Z~2' (:to)

The function ~(l)(z) and X (I) (z) defining the state of stress of the rock mass with two holes, acted on by at, can be written in the form

~o ~ (z) = ~(o" (z) + ~o~ ~) (z) + ~o(~ ') (z), (11) z(') (z) = X(o')(z) + z~')(z) + ~())(z).

Let us consider the action of forces o z directed at an angle O to the x axis. The solution can be found from the previous substitution of the angle (9+ ~ / 2 for (9, Then e zi19 is replaced by

e 2 ~ e + ~ - - e 2 i~ (12)

From (9), (10), and (12), we find

a 2[ 1 e_2 i 0 R 2 ( 1 - z z) ze 2i0 ~ 2 ) ( z ) = T L ~ - - - ~ f : ~ Y - -

R 2 R%ae 2i~ R 2 (I + e 2i~ ] i~ ze2i~ ( l _ l z ) a @ (1 - - l z ) z , (13)

�9 R 2) zR z ] - - e - 2 * ~ ~ + (1 - - tz) e2ie " (14)

The functions representing the stress-deformarion state of the rock compressed by a force o z are equal to

+~ (z) = ~ ) (z) + +i~) (z) + +(2)(z), z~ (z) = 7,~ -~ (z) + zi~) (z) + x(2) (z).

(i 5)


Page 3: A method for determining the total stresses in solid rock from the disturbance to the stress field near a borehole with a deformeter

Using Eqs. (11) and (15) and the method of superposition, we arr ive at expression (1) for the d isplacements of the rock mass weakened by two holes and compressed by forces o ~ and o z, in which

~(z) = ~0 ') (z) + ~') (z) + ~(~'~ (z) + ~0 ~ (2') + ~[~ (z) + ~7 ) (z), / 7,(2') = xg)(z) + x~,)(z) + ~(~,)(z) + z(g) (z) + x} ~) (2') + x(~ ~) (z). l (16)

The deformeter will record the d isplacements of the contour of the s m a l l - d i a m e t e r hole due to the dr i l l ing of the l a rge -d i ame te r one, These displacements will be

2G (U -}- iV) = • (t) -i-- (-t - - t) r (t) - - Z (t) - - • (l) - - (-t - - t) (p; (t) -}- Xa (t), (17)


q)3 (2') = 0"1 - L fro r O?, - - O1 e - 2 iO ' 4 " 2' - ~ " 2 z '

Z i 0 1 - - ~ z e 2 i ~ -~ q~ - - cJ 1 e - - 2 i O 1 e - 2 i 0 ~.~ (z) = 7- (Ox + ~ ) 2 2 ~ 2= (o~ + o2) ~

From (17) and (18), for the rad ia l d isplacements of the borehole periphery we get

( i s )

R2((r~--ch) { [cos2(Oq- :oQ-- lcos (20-b~ Ur : 4G • 1 - - 2l cos ~z ~- l s - -

( 1 - - l'~) cos 20 - - cos 2 (O + ~) - - 2l [cos (20 - - ~) - - cos (20 + a)] + l s cos 2 (O - - o~).

cos 20 I s (1 - - 21 cos r162 @- lS) ~

( 1 - - 21 cos o~ -}- 12) "

R~ cos 2 (0 d- oQ - 3l cos (20 -~- ~x) n L 3l s cos 20 - lZ cos (20 - o~) -t-

(~2 + a~) I - - l cos 0~ -,l- cos 20 - - l cos (20 + ~)] __ [cos 20 @ ( o 2 - - ( r l ) 1 - - ~ c o s ~ , 1' 1---2l-c~e;-~l 2 [ T ff

c o s 2 ( O - - a ) - - l c o s ( 2 0 - - a ) ] } : ] ' - - - - - " ~ ' c ~ ' ~ _ . (19)

This expression relates the radia l d isplacements of the periphery of the s m a l l - d i a m e t e r borehole to the stresses in the rock mass and takes account of the di rect ion of ac t ion of the stresses.

From the equation for the displacements (19), i t follows that to find the required value of o x, ~ and t9 (the angle de te rmin ing the di rect ion of their ac t ion re la t ive to the plane o f measurement) , i t is necessary and sufficient

to find the displacements in three arbitrary directions a I, a z, a 3. Let a l = O, az=19+ ~r/2, % = O+ ~r/4, where a i is the angle between the d i rec t ion of ac t ion of one of the principal stresses and the d i rec t ion in which d i sp lacement U x is measured. Using these values of the a i, we get the following system of equations:

U,=A (o2+o~) +B cos 20(02--a~),

U2=F (02+ol) + (C cos 20+D sin 20) (o2--~1),



Ua~--- ( o 2 - - o l ) ( K s in 2 0 + L cos 2 0 ) -{- (o2q-o l ) M, (22)


R 2 ~r R2121+ ] • 2 ~r q- l] A ~--- 4G 1 - - l; B = 4-d (l - - / ) i t 2 ;

R'[ 2• •247 (3t'--I) , ] C = u -~ 1+/2)2 l 2 R~'x(I + / s )3 l + l S ;

R~-[ [ 4, R s t ( 3 - - / s ) I , } D = 4 - G • ( 1 + l ~ ) 2 (1+/2)8 1 + 1 ~ ;

R 2 - - • - - l • (1 + l 2 - - 2 t l f Q )

K = u _ l i r~ . . !_ l 2 ( l _ l V ~ + 1 2 ) 2 - -

RS • 2 1 5 x ( l - - I 2)

L = ~ [ , i - - T F ~ - ~ t ' - - ( l _ t V ~ + t ~ y

• 1 3 l - - 2 l - - l - - - ~ .

~2. .,p2 - ( ; - - ,F?T-z~ J'


Page 4: A method for determining the total stresses in solid rock from the disturbance to the stress field near a borehole with a deformeter

1/2) / ~ • Rz z I - - l "--T ' F = l +

M = 4-G (l - - l t / 2 @/2) ' 4 - G ' ~ g "

Solving (20) and (21) s imul taneous ly , we get

cos 20 (U1C - - U ~ B ) _L sin 20 .UI .D ~I,z -t- (I1 ~- cos 2 0 (AC - - BF) -!- sin 2 0 . A . D '


whence we get

AU2 - - FU1 ~ 2 - - ( I 1 = c o s 2 0 ( A C - B F ) @ s i n 2 0 . A . D ' (24)

1 (U1C - - U2B) cos 20 + U1D sin 20 - - AU.,4- FU1 01 = -if" (AC - - BF) cos 20 ~- AD sin 20 '

1 (U1C - - U.zB) cos 20 1- U1D sin 20 + AU.a-- FU1 (Ia = -~" (AC - - BF) cos 20 -[- AD sin 20

To s impl i fy the computa t ions , i t wil l be c o n v e n i e n t to write the expressions for o t and o z in the form

I U 1 - - U2 (A + B cos 20) al = y " ( A C - - BF) cos 20 + AD sin 20 '




Ux - cq (A - - B cos 20) (28) O'2 = A + B cos 20

We find the ang le O d e t e r m i n i n g t h e d i r e c t i o n of ac t ion of o l and o9. in the plane of the measurements from

(22), (23), and (24): 1 a

0 = ~ a r c t g -if, (29)


a = [ ( A C - - - B F ) U 3 + ( U , F - - U 2 A ) L - [ . ( U 2 B - - U I C ) M ] ,

b =- [ U I D M + ( U 2 A - - U 1 F ) K - - U a A D ] .

Thus the required values are ca lcu la ted as follows from measurements , made with a m u l t i c o m p o n e n t defor - meter , of the radia l d i sp lacements of the contour of a smal l borehole, due to load re laxa t ion of the rock near i t by a l a r g e - d i a m e t e r borehole , 1) De te rmine (9 from Eq, (29); 2) find the stress componen t o t from Eq. (27); and

f inal ly , 3) c a l cu l a t e a 2 by means of Eq, (28),

In a par t icular case, a system of two equat ions of the form of (19) enables us to d e t e r m i n e the values of the pr incipal stresses in e lements of the rock mass, provided that we know their d i rect ions of ac t ion , For this purpose we must measure the rad ia l d i sp lacements of the contour of the s m a l l - d i a m e t e r borehole in the d i r ec t ion of ac t ion

of the pr inc ipa l stresses, i .e , , with O r = 0 and Oz = ~/2. In this case,

U1 (A2 + B2) - - U~ (At + Bt).; (30) - - A2B1 - - AzB,,.

AzU 1 - - AxU 2 ~ 2 - - A 2 B 1 - - A x B 2 ' 0 1 )


2 (1 - - 12) ] 6 $-z-~ j;

RZ~ [1 + ~ f 1 1 ) R~ 1 A1 = Td- [ - - i f - ~,1 - z ~ (1 - - 0 3 ;

B1 = R2• 1 2---G" " 1 - - l ;

R2• [1 -[- ~ { - -X 1 ) R~ (312 - - 1) A2 = ? - 0 - [ - ' g - ( f ~ - - - l ~ V ( l + l * ) ~

B2 R2n I - - 2----~ �9 1 _~_/2.

i a

Page 5: A method for determining the total stresses in solid rock from the disturbance to the stress field near a borehole with a deformeter

In a l l the formulas the quantities R, l , U t, U 2, and U 3 are dimensionless (normalized to the radius r of the smal l borehole) ,

The range of appl ica t ion of the above method of de te rmining the stresses in the rock mass depends on the parameters R. l , E, and v , If the modulus of e las t ic i ty and Poisson's rat io of the rock mass are fixed parameters , not depending on the experimenter, then the values of R and l can be varied with cer ta in ltnits,

From an analysis of the theory [3] on which the method and Eqs, (25) and (26) are based, i t follows that the most favorable conditions for de termining the stresses will occur when the dis tance between the boreholes (s = 1 ~ R - r ) is greater than four times the radius of the smal l hole and less than the radius of the large hole, Outside these l imi t s we find cases in which the accuracy of the stress de te rmina t ion method is lower,

We must also st ipulate the dimensions of the boreholes, becausse for cer ta in va luesof R/r tensi le stresses will arise near the smal l hole, and the resistance of rock to these is poor, The op t imum value of R/r when s = (4-5)r is given by R/r ---10, For the commonest ease, in which the d i ame te r of the measurement hole is 46 mm, the r e l axa - tion hole should be between 184and 460 mm in d iamete r ,

Determinat ion of the stresses arising in the rock mass has an error due to random errors in the measurements

of U i, P,, I, E, and v, The greatest re la t ive errors are due to the modulus of e las t ic i ty (10-15%), Poisson's rat io (1-3~ and the displacements (up to 2~ The total error of the method is 15-20~


1. M, V, Kurlenya and A, V, Leont 'ev. "A method of de termining the stresses in sedimentary rock in si tu." Author 's Cert i f icate No, 368.402; Byull, Otl~rytiya. Izobreteniya. Promyshlennye Obraztsy. Tovarnye Znaki , No, 9 (1973),

2, N, I, Mnskhelishvili. Some Fundamental Problems in the Mathemat i ca l Theory of Elasticity [in Russian], Nauka. Moscow (1966),

3. A, S, Kosmodamianskii . in: Tr, VNIMI. 422, Leningrad (1961),

14 �84