A CONTHIBUTION TO THE FLORA OF AUSTRALIA. 155 A Contribution to the Flora of Australia. BY SPENCER LE nI. MOOHE, B.s~., F.L.S. (PLATES 11, 12.) [Rend 19th Jon?, 1919.1 1. On two 811ecitv of' 7'7&dus clevribed by riobert nrown. 11. Soiiie New or nape We\t AuqtrJizu l'lnnt> from the ieceut Collections of Dr. F. Stonnrd and Ah. J. R. C. Maryon. 111. Some New or Rarr Anstmlian Species of older Collections. DURING the pst few years 1 liare tlcvotetl considerable time to worlc npon t,he Au,+tr;tli:xilcollections at t,he British A4nsenn1, arid in the following pages h v e pnt on record soiiie of t81ie results yieltlecl by investigation of the oltler col1ec:tions and also of two otliers more recently receivecl. For tliis work tho c.1iic.f guide h:ls becn Ucnt1i:iin's inwluable though now sonie\vli:tt :mtiqn:itotl ' Flora Anstrdiensis,' fortified by Mncller's ' Secontl Systeniat,ic Census of Aristrali:in Plants ' and tlie extensive and evergrowing literat,rire publislied sabseqnently. No attempt,, it ~nnst be nnderst,ood, is made to reveal fully the Mnseiini twasurcs ; though had this not been the case, consider:ible tliversitics in tlie ixnge of species as coiiiparetl with tliose giyen hy Beiitliani, :IS also in the names of collectors, could Ii;ive been set on record. Eycinlly \~oultl this 1i:ive applied to some of the recent Gerni:tn nionogr:iphs de:iling with the plants of Australia : namely, tliose written withont, :i visit. to tliis corii:trj---a deviation froin the old custoiii very much to be tleprecated-and in consequence often quite ludicroiisly inadequate in the niatter of cit a t' ion. The work has been renderetl inore difficult owing to the coinparative rarity of Bcnt,hain's visits t'o the Museu~ir, so that, liis liaiiclwriting is not otten in evidenct! upon the sheets. Tliis is the more reimtrliable inasinucli :is Brown's plants, besides those of Banks and Solander, were easily avail- able for esamiuation. This hilure to devote the requisite tiine to Brown's collections was unfortiinate, as somr of the material even now remains unnamed, of whicli neglect the r d e r will find :in instance ill tlie pap of tliis memoir devotetl to the genus PliLyllaiithus. Another inatt,er for regret is that Browu left unpublished so inany of his MS. descri~)tions, as tlieieby several hundred types were lost to the est:iblish~nent of which he was the ornament and ever will be the glory. I. ON TWO SPECIES OF ~~RIBUZUS DESCRIBED BY ROBERT BROWN. (Plate 11. A.) 7'i*i/,rtlzcs Jfystri,c, H. Br. (Pl. 11. A. fig. 1) is a plniit wliich 1i:is been Brown's LINN. JOURN.-BOTANY, VOL. SLV. 0 inistalien hy ISeutli:lrll :w(I other writers on the Australian flora.

A Contribution to the Flora of Australia

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Page 1: A Contribution to the Flora of Australia


A Contribution to the Flora of Australia. BY SPENCER LE nI. MOOHE, B.s~., F.L.S.

(PLATES 11, 12.)

[Rend 19th Jon?, 1919.1

1. On two 811ecitv of' 7'7&dus clevribed by riobert nrown. 11. Soiiie N e w or nape We\ t AuqtrJizu l'lnnt> from the ieceut Collections

of Dr. F. S t o n n r d and A h . J . R. C. Maryon. 111. Some N e w or Rarr Anstmlian Species of older Collections.

DURING the p s t few years 1 liare tlcvotetl considerable time to worlc npon t,he Au,+tr;tli:xil collections a t t,he British A4nsenn1, arid in the following pages h v e pnt on record soiiie of t81ie results yieltlecl by investigation of the oltler col1ec:tions and also of two otliers more recently receivecl. F o r tliis work tho c.1iic.f guide h:ls becn Ucnt1i:iin's inwluable though now sonie\vli:tt :mtiqn:itotl ' Flora Anstrdiensis,' fortified by Mncller's ' Secontl Systeniat,ic Census of Aristrali:in Plants ' and tlie extensive a n d evergrowing literat,rire publislied sabseqnently. No attempt,, i t ~nns t be nnderst,ood, is made to reveal fully the Mnseiini twasurcs ; though had this not been the case, consider:ible tliversitics in tlie ixnge of species as coiiiparetl with tliose giyen hy Beiitliani, :IS also i n the names of collectors, could Ii;ive been set on record. E y c i n l l y \~ou l t l this 1i:ive applied to some of the recent Gerni:tn nionogr:iphs de:iling with the plants of Australia : namely, tliose written withont, :i visit. to tliis corii:trj---a deviation froin the old custoiii very much to be tleprecated-and in consequence often quite ludicroiisly inadequate in the niatter of cit a t ' ion.

The work has been renderetl inore difficult owing to the coinparative rarity of Bcnt,hain's visits t'o the Museu~ir, so that, liis liaiiclwriting is not otten in evidenct! upon the sheets. Tliis is the more reimtrliable inasinucli :is Brown's plants, besides those of Banks a n d Solander, were easily avail- able for esamiuation. This h i lu re to devote the requisite tiine t o Brown's collections was unfortiinate, as somr of the material even now remains unnamed, of whicli neglect the r d e r will find :in instance ill tlie p a p of tliis memoir devotetl to the genus PliLyllaiithus. Another inatt,er for regret is that Browu left unpublished so inany of his MS. descri~)tions, as tlieieby several hundred types were lost to the est:iblish~nent of which he was the ornament and ever will be the glory.


7'i*i/,rtlzcs Jfystri,c, H. Br. (Pl. 11. A . fig. 1) is a plniit wliich 1i:is been Brown's


inistalien hy ISeutli:lrll :w(I other writers on the Australian flora.

Page 2: A Contribution to the Flora of Australia


description * is as follows :-“ lanatus, foliir S-10-jugis, fructibus nndique tectis spinis snbnlatis loiigitutline iliaqualibus : niajoribris sliarsis lorrgi- tudinem cocci supcrantibns.

LOC. ‘ I n collinis :ireiio.is. Lat. 26”.’ D. S tur t . Descr. Herbn diff ass, sericea, incana. Folinin majiis cnjusqur paris

8-10-jugum, foliolis oTatis. Calj x wst ivatione leviter ini- bricnta. P e t a h calyce duplo Iongiora. Stamina decem, nntheris lincaribus.”

Uiicler T, Hystrix, Benthain t reniarlcs : ‘‘ The specinieii~”--he cites ns collectors A. Cunning1i;iin (N.W. Coast), Gregory (Nicliol Baj ), TiVarliut ton (towards S p n c e i ’ s Gulf), cnrionsly eiiough failing io mention Sturt-“ I have been are most of them very iiiconipletr, and those described by R. Brown unfortunately mislaid ” [a t t he XIuseum]. One suspects here n merely cursory search, for the specimen has long been in its place among the species of l’rihilzis. I t is to this that Bentham’s error is due, as the plant lie understands :IS T. Jj?lstrix is obviously not tha t of’ Brown.

Flores m a p i .

A few further details about T. Hystri.r may now be given :- P1:iiitn salteni t)ispitliaiiicn indninento dilute fu lvo obtecta. Ctciilis errctus,

s ~ ~ a r s i t n raniosus, sat validu.. Foliola I m i olliqua neciion aliquantuluui cordulata, pleraque 8-10 tnni. long., 4-5 tiini. lat. Stiidtc lauccolLito-tri- angulares, circa 5 nitn. long. Petlicell i 2-5-3.5 cm. i%weY paiisi z g r e 5 cni. diani. Sepcila liiieai.i-l:inceolata, 13 i n i n . long Pctala obovata, circiter 2.5 cin. long. E S w t i i s fere 3.5 cm. diani. : hujus spinac loiigiores adusque 15 min., breviores + 5 inin. long.

After describing T. Hystri,c, Brown (1. c.) continues :- “ 011s. 1. A species nearly related to 7’. Hysfrir, found on the west coast

of Australia, or 011 soirie of it5 islands, i n the voyage of the ‘ Bcagle,’ n i a j I)e ~listiriguiulieil by tho following cliaracter. ’ I ’r ib t t l r rs (occ irh ta l i s ) sericeo- Iaixitiis, f o l k snl)octojiigis, coccis nntliqiie dens6 armatis : qpiiiis oinnibns conico-subulatis lotrgita~line inricem mqunlibns. These two specie- tlitfer frutu :ill others in the uniform s1i:rpc of‘ the sliines, which eqwilly cover the whole external surface of the fruit.” (PI. 11. A. fig. 2. )

Bent1i:rm (1. c.) merges 1’. occ.itleirtalis in T. Hystrix “ from the slrort diagno& given,” althoiigli doubt migltt well have entered his mind at this point, since, n liile the specimens he coiisitlers to represent 7’. /fLqstri.z. have flowers “ sninller than in T. cistoides,” Brown expressly says that that sliecies lrns “ flores m a p i , ” and the floral difference sliould have led him, irrespective of Brown’s reputation, to suspect clifl’erence in the fruit. Unfortunately the tylm of ‘I: occitlpirtalis has Leen inislaid a t the Musrnni, but material there (Not’th G o i ~ l b ~ r ~ i IsI:III(I j 24. C ~ I L , L ) L Z I ~ Y I I ~ Z ~ I ~ : N.Vr. C’OiIPt ; ? , I . 133 of 1818

* hppeiid. Sturt Exped. Cent. Austral. p. 69 ; reprinted in R . Brown’s N i x Rut. Worka,

t FI. Austral. i , p. 389. i. p. 318.

Page 3: A Contribution to the Flora of Australia


coll. : N.W. Coast ; J l e Bozrley), with one sinall exception to be noticed soon, agrees with Brown’s clescril)tioii, as also with niatc.ri:il at K r w authen- ticated i i i Benthwi’s h i i lw i i t i i i g as the \I riter’s colicelition of 7’. Hyst?*i.,~. Flower and fruit aliart, t l i v tn o h1rerie.J ( / fys tr ix :in(l occitlPntalis) are v c q like oiit’ ani~tlier, the flou ~ r - of‘ o c d m f i d j s bcing iiiiich smaller ant1 the fruits cle:irly diffeient. As oontrastccl with 4inilar ot gms of 7: I l y s t kT , t h e following pointz nixy be nieiitioned :--Petiicrllz 1.5-8.5 cm. long. Flows pausi 2 . 5 cin. (liwii. S e p L t a lii~e~iri-l:rnceolat:i, 8 iuin. long. Pet& ol)ov;ita, 13 i n i n . long. Fm~tus w i i i i n u t i i inndo 2 cin. iliani. ; horuni spince inter sew paruin in,uqiialr~, sc. l o n g i o r r ~ S nim. Lrcviores 5 111111. long.

Heiitliaiii’s 7’. I$.~tritr in‘iy tlius d e l y be considered to be conspecific with Browii’s 7’. occiilet/tuZis, the slight and not at all o\)trusivc inequality in the spines on the friiit hi vinp e\ itlently been overloolretl hy I3rown when d i‘:~ cvi 11 g ti 11 h I- t 1 ~ s c r ip t io 11.

The 7.. H y s h x referred to by Mueller * as collected by Giles a t Lake Smadens may perhaps hi1 the true plant ot 13ro\vn, a4 lie notes its hav;rig petals sotnetitnes ail inch long ; but the materi;il cannot liave been in ripe fruit, or Mueller woulcl not liave considei ed i t (1. c.) :is conspecific \$ itli a L);itiipier Archipelago ( i . e. N.W. Coast) hit of Huglian and Walcott, 13 hich is almost cei t<iinly 7’. occideritalis. That Mueller (lid not know the difference between f l y s t k c : i i d occ ich ta l i s is clear from his giving West, Soiitli, and North Australia for the cliitribution ot 7’. Ifystris, which, so f a r as known, is a Central Australian desert ipecieb.

Tn o very siiiali speciinens :it Kcw froiii CcBntr;il Australia (Gosse 230 and Bahhuge 7 ) may perlinp> belong to 7.. ~ys2r iCr , hit tliep :ire in floner only.

The Australian sl’ecies of Y ~ J ~ U S anti Eut~ ih l i i s may be tabulnted as follows :-

I. Cocci of fruit winged and without prickles. Glabrous or nearly so. Cocci smooth betweeu the

wlllgs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hirsute. Cocci reticulate between the wings.. . . . . . .

Fruit prominently angled ........................ Cocci of fruit wiugecl a id proyided with coiiicnl prickles.

Fruit rounded . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Prickles few, short, more or less conical. 11. Wingless cocci provided with prickles.

Annual. Flowers small . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l’erenuial. Flowers 3.5-4 cm. in diameter . . . . . . Annual. Flowers up\vards of 2 cui. in diameter .

Prickles numerous, Ruhulate or conico-subnlate. Flowers large. Fruit nearly 3.6 cm. across. . . . . . Flowers of iuediuni size. Fruit up to 3 cm. across

2’. plaiypterrcs, Benth. T. hirsutus. Bentli.

T. macrocarpus, F. iUuell. 1: Fowestii, F. Muell.

T. terwstris, Linn. T. cistoides, Linn. T. ~anzcncul@o~tcs,

T. H y s t n k , R. Rr. T. occidenialis, R. Rr.

[F. Mnell.

* I’mg. Phyt. hustrnl. xi . p. 30. J. Sec. Cens. Austml. 1’1. 1’. 22. 0 2

Page 4: A Contribution to the Flora of Australia


T h e plants of Captain Sturt , a nanie 1)erhal)s better known now in connection witah the S tu r t Pea (Cli tr~t luts . D , m p i e r i , A . Ciinn.) tliaii :is that of an esplorcr, were co1lec:tetl daring his secon(I espctlition into tlie interior of South Australia, 1344-6. As esaniinutl by Bobert l<rown, tlie collect8ion comprised only about :L liundretl species, of wliich Brown describeil six ;ind twenty. A large proportion of tliose left iinnotiretl were too nnsntisfactory for description ; but liere and there will be found n speciiiien sufficiently good for n:tining, :ind very occnsioiially so, as :L ncw species, 01' \\liich statement a n instance will be given lie1 e i f te r (vide 1). 210).

11. SOME NEW OR RAI~II: WEST AGSTRALIAN PLANTS f r o m tlw i-ecent Collections q j J h . 11'. Stowaid c c r d Jlr. . I . 15. c'. 2l(ut-gon.

(Plate 12. A). Ih. F. Stoward, of Leetlerville, near Per th , lias sent from time tlo time a

large iiuinhcr of specimens to the Musenin. H i s range of opl~ortiinity has Imeu extensive, :uid the rctsiilt of his eff'orta is cor i~es~~ondingly itnportaiit. The chief localitios are K~inunoppin , 130 miles E. by N. froin Yorth, Nungarin, Bruce Hock, Mount Rliirsliall, \Vong:in Mills, and Cowcowing, thtt three last, from 100 to 150 miles N.E. froin the c:i~)it;iI, hesidrs places on or itear the railway to Sout,hern C I ~ S m t l a f ( w farther south. I n addition lie sends from his 1ierL:iriuiti inany lblants foiind by Mr. G. W. Brown at Kauring, near G~eenh i l l s *. Altlioiigh inuch snialler t,han the above, Mr. Maryon's collection, from Mulline with a few from Mount Magnet, i n the Murcliison Goldfield, has severirl examples of new or rare species, one 01' whicli, the rem:irli:ible Brll ida w a j o ~ , will be found descrihed and figured in the ' J o i i r n d of Botany,' lv. (1917) p. 100, tab. 547. T h o sequence of natural orders, i t may he added, fbllowecl in tliis meniior, is t,liat of t he ' Flora Rnstr:iliensis,' a linear sequence in tlie present state ot' our knowledge being thought preferabli? to more ambitious nrrangernents Lasetl upon a highly specnlntive phylogeny.

DILLENIACEB. BIBBERTIA (S H e m i s t e m n m ) PULLULA, sp. nov. Verisiinilit.c!r suffrutt~s

crebro ramosus, ~anzis sultcrt?til,iis cortica cincreo in longitiidineni exiit,o glabro cinctis ; jbliis pnrvis sessililius 1iae:ii.i-ol~longis obtusis :ipice paruin recurvis rnargine arctc revolutis swus itiiirginciii faluuin tuberculatis cct,cruni gliihris ; jIorihus at1 apicein raniulorurn solitariis pedunculutis petlunciilis glnbris folia subsequ:tntibus ; sepalis ovatis vel oblongo-ovntis ol)tnsis nisi obtuse acutis concavis dorso carinrilatis glabris ; pe ta l i s sepala escedentibus ohcordatis ; stanzinibus 10 antlieris obtusis cuni staniioodiis 1ineari-s~)atliulatis vix totideni conversatis ; curyelZis 2 Innatis, 2-ovulatis.

Ongernp district ; Stto7on~r7, 842, 843.

* Thc Stownrd nonibers, it should be noted, rere? only to MI~SCIIIII Illalerid. Identicnl species will olten be found at Kew under another niiiirber a i d diirereiit species under the same nnmber.

Page 5: A Contribution to the Flora of Australia


Polia 2.5-7 iii~ii. long., circa 1 113ni. lat., griseo-virit1i:i ; costa centralis Sepala 3.5-

Stamina 2 inin., sta~iiiiioclia 1.5 ::itii. long. Styli suhrecti, 1.5 itini. long.

DiiTerb f'roln Id. r e ~ * ~ ~ i c o s a , Ueiitli. chiefly in the sriialler much ie3s warted

pig. inf. iinasiiiir proininens. 4.5 itirn. long. Clarpella siihglobost circa 1 ti it i i . diani.

lenvcs : i i i ( l the siiiall flowors with glabrous calgx.

I'eduiicuii cilxa 4 rnni. long. P o t a h G x 5 nini.

11. msfelldu, Tuim. Nungaria ; Slto~;~id, 410. Bruce Rock ; Id., 471.

C'ANDOLLEA IllJPlCOLB, sp. nov. Vcrisiiiiiliter suffrutcx crebro r:iiiiosiis ; ~ i i ? & asceiid~ntibus 1)uberulis cleinde glaljris ramnlos perbreves copiore eiiiit- teiitibus ; -f'OZiis in r:iiiitili,z voiit'rrtis wssilibus liiienribiis apice mucronulatis inargine arcte revolutis gluhris ; $jlorib?:s sosbilibns rainnlos teriiiinantibas ; sepalis ovatis c o i i c ; ~ ~ ih 3 longe 2 Iireviter :iciiniinatis glabris ; prtalis sepila sut~ceq~i:iiitibus late obovatis hifitlis ; staiiiii~ihus 11 quorum 3 in fasciculos ti i:in(Iros digestis ; cczrprllis 3 glaliris i n .tylum longiorern e\;currotitilmq.

Brrico Rock ; S t o w a d , 430. Folia 5-9 Inin. 10iig.~ *5-.75 nim. ]at. S e l d i 7 inin. long. ; horuin nciiinen

loiigntn 3-3-5 x *5 iii i i i . , hi,eve su~ i i i i~um I trim. long. Prtala 6.5 n i i i i . loiig., 111 ar g i ne inin U t e 11 I i cl uln to-cbr enul a t n. S t niniii :i 3 ni in. 10 I I g. ; mi th erw oblo i ig~ , retnsz, 2 inin. long. Carpella coinprcssa, aunhitn ovoideo-oblongn, 1-25 nini. long.

Differs froin C. ter.tJf[fulitc, Tarcz. cliiefly iii tlie inarlredly revolute leaves, the absmce of orlicular bracts at tlio base of the flowers, and the acnmiiiate

Styli tli\aric;iti, 2 i i i i i i . long.


Page 6: A Contribution to the Flora of Australia


PO KTULACACEB. CALANDRINIA MARYONII, sp. nov. Planta glahra ; rhi,-omate brevi ligliosn

cnu1t:a iiiultoJ gixciles repent,es e~tiittente ; j b l i i s pauci. liaucl fiisciculatis lilleuribns vel ~ i i i ~ ~ ~ t ~ i - o ~ ~ ~ o i t ~ i s iiisi oblongis obtasis cixssii imdis; vnceniis

Inxe plurifloris ; lwacteis sat 1)ersl)iciiis ovatis nirnibranaceis j / / w i b u s pedicellis brevibus asceiimlentibus post floritioncxn vero e1ong:itis penden- tihusqu 3 i n~ idee t ibus ; sepulia late ov;rtjij obtusis o h c u r e nervosis ; petalis ti oblaiiceolato-o~)loiigiJ obtu.;is s epah panllulnin escc.dciit,il)us ; stm1~i1~ih7~5 5-6 filamentis ColnprcjsiS inia basi tlilatatis : ocurio oblongo-ovoicleo stylis 4 sat elongatis coroiinto ; ( : q ) s / i l ~ c -epnla he \ - i t e r supei*ante sul~cylinclrica (superne leviter attenuntct) valvis 4 brc?vil)ns deliiscrnte.

Mulliiie ; Muyon. Caulcs longit. Y O cin. attingentes sed szpissinie breviores, simplices vel

raiiiosi ramis p:iteulilins. Folia 1 cni. long., itiferiora viritlin (in sicco f uscescentia), superior:i htiora, in sicco brunneo-rubra. Bractez circa 2 inin. long., tleorsuni c,znlern basi :~niplect~rntes. Peclicelli plerique 2 -3 inin. long., snli fructu 5-7 i n i n . Sepala sub dore .1 niin., sub f ruc t~u 5 i n i n . long. Petala 5.5 nini. lung., p u I I o iiost floritioi:etii caly~itrain c:ipsuIam ohtegentein effori1iatiti;i. C!:tpsuIa 5-6 niin. long. ; hujus v d v E 1:it.e o l h n g ~ , obtusissiins, .75 iiini. long.

Apparently nearest C. culyptrutu, Hooli. E., wliich is a plant. of slenderer habit with rnucli siiialler Iir;icts, and small flowers with thrett short stigriras and a three-valved capsule, tlie valves longer and differently shaped.

8einin:t circa 25, * 5 I I I I I I . tlinni.


COMMERSONIA STOWARDII, sp. nov. Verisiniiliter frutex nisi suffrntex scabro-tornentosiis : 1wm11's ultiinis brevibus crebro foliosis ; jol i is parvis petiolatis late ovatis apice rotundatis hasi leviter cordatis interduin obliqnis mnrgine integris vel nnclulatiu pag. sup. cito scirhridis : cyu/is suhsessilibus paucifloris quam folia brevioribns flores pnrvos foveiitiLus ; srpalis ob101ig.c~- ovatis obtusis qultrri petnla lmiiduriforiiiia apice late rotunclata longioribus ; ~ t a m i n o d i i ~ lateritlibus aiiguste filiformibus ultra niediuni staiiiinodii inter- ineclii oblongo-spathal;iti attingentibus filamentis statninuin basi x t l h ~ r e n - tjbns; ova& loculis ovulis :$ p r d i t i s ; styZis inter se liberis.

Nung,zrin ; Stowad, 257. Folia 510x8 inin.; petioli 3-6 1nn1. long. Cyitiz circa 7 nim. diam.

P e t a h 2 min. Filamenta crassiuscula, -75 nini. long. ; antliere o b l o n p , .8 mm. Staininodiuni intermedium 1.3 nim. long. ; lateralia circa 1 mm.


Flares verisimiliter albi, 5 inin. diatn. long. long. Orariuni globosuin, 5-sulciitiiii1, inolliter tomentosuni, 1 inin. diam. fare .5 mni. long.

Sepala 2.5 nim. long.

Page 7: A Contribution to the Flora of Australia


Nearesl C. pulchella, Turcz., mliiuli lias narrower tootlied or lobed leaves, larger flowers with rotundate sepals, petals in several respects different, and with larger central staininodes, tlie lateral ones shorter a id broader.

l'lioinasia macrocalyx, Steucl. Knuring ; G. W. Brown (Hb. Stoward, 513).

T. sarotes, Turcx. Belka ; Xtowartd, 350.

Lysiosepaliiin Barryarium, I?. Maell. Wagin-Katanning district ; &toward, 7.

L. n y o s z ~ m , Bentli. Knnunoppi:i ; Xtoward, 400.


BORONIA ( T'uriabiles) FOLIOSA, sp. nov. Suff rntex vel frutex raiiiosus ; rantis crebro foliosis siil~tretrngonis iiiinute furfuraceis dein glabris ; ,foliis subsessilibus obloiigis obtusis basin versus nliquanto angust>atis glnbris ; jlo~ibzcs as i I1:~ri Iius solitariis bre viter petlicellati s pcdicellis basi brat tri s esiguis perpnucis stipatis uti sqiala iniiiute pubesceat ib~s ; sepalis oblongo- triangiilnrihns obtusis ; petaiis scpala excedentibus anguste ovatis obtiisis extixs iniiiute toinentellis ; j lanawtis n1iqu:tnto coinpressis alternis longiorihus inferne ci1i:itis sursuin papillosis antheris inter se sitnilibus apicnlo p:irvo recurvo onustis j cayjel l is liberis piihscentil)ns ; .w)ziwkhUs albis glabris.

Brnce Rock ; Xtowurd, 334. Folia & 10 nini. long., 3-4 inin. lat., in sicco flaveolo-viridia.

Totadjell ; Id., 356. Nungarin; hi., 412. Pedicelli

1.5-2 min. long. ; i10ru111 bracte;-e suniinuiri 1 1nrr1. long. Sepala 2 min. long. Petala 5 inin. long., verisimiliter dilnt'e rosea. Filxtiient,a 1.5-2 mm. long. ; aiithprz ovoidez, a75 inn]. long.

This seeins nearest B. crassipes, Beuth., :L species with, inter aha, longer aiid narrower leaves, much larger flowers with different sepals, and petals glabrous on the back.

Seniiiia subreniEorinia, 2.5 mm. long.

Phehaliuin ~nicropli,ylhim, Turcx. Bruce Rock ; Xtoward, 473.

P.jl$oliiim, Turcz. Mt. Marshall ; Xtoiuard, 325.

PHEBALIUM CAPITATUM, sp. nov. R a n d i s tenuibus subsparsim foliosis glantlulis promiiieiitibiis s~ i l i~ ro ide i s subpellucidis copiose instructis priino ininutissiiire fusco-fnrfnr aceis d ~ i n glabris ; fol i is pnrvis sessilibus crassis linearibus obtusis ob inargiues rerolutos subtus canaliculntir glaiidulis paucis prominenter tuberculatis glabris ; fZoribus sessilibus ad apicetii ramuloruiii capitatis capitibus pleriiniqne 3-4-floris bracteis circa 4 ovatis obtusir fusco- furfuraceis ciiictis ; sepalis parvulis ovntis obtusissimis puberulis ; petul is oblongo-ovatis acutis zstivatione valvatis glabris ; staminibus esserti.;

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fila in en t is fi 1 i Eo r mi bus gla b t i s ant he r is i na 1 q ~ i d i c ti la t i.i ; cu rpel lis o v oideis obtusis furfuraceis ; stylo elongato gl:1bro.

Bruce Rock ; Stozcud, 437. Folin plerayiie 5 x .6 111111., in sicco viritlia. J J r a c t ~ e circa 1 niin. long.


The proinii ie~~tly glandnlar Lraiiclies together with the tubercular leaves

Pl/ebaZiitnz. tleserti, conih. iiov. (j3&stemoiL &soyt i , E. Pritz. in Engl. Bot.

Sepala -5 111111. long. 4 inin., :mther;e -5 111111. loiig.

and stinall capitate inflorescences are the chief inarlrs of this species.

Jalirb. xxxv. (190.2) 1). 320).

l'etnla 1)roIiaI)ilitor albn, fere ;) intn. loiig. C:irl)ella 1 nini., stylus 5 iiini. long.

Bruce 1Locl; ; Xtowud, :314.

EmmIi;nim STGWARDII, sl). nov. E x conjectutx I'rutex, niiiltirnniosus, subtilissiine ~r i seo- l~ i i l~e .~cc i i s ; m w i i ( L i s teret,illus sat gracililms lmic: foliosis ; f i j l i i s 1)arvulis teret,ibus c1av:itis tuburculis p:liici,5 glatidiilouis leriter eniiiiciit~il)us 1,r;eclitia ; , / / o ~ i h i t s S-tiicris s :~ t~ses~i l i l~na solitariis teriiiinnlibus raro asi1l:irilJus ; s c p l i s p r v i $ tleltoiclcis aliice glandiil~i fusca oliustis ; / i e t t rZ ts

sepala longe superantibus ol~longo-ovn t,i.i oldusis d o r ~ o obtuse carinatis l~iihescentihiisqucie ; jilaiiae,itis coiupres,sis h i apiceque cilintis alibi glabris antheris in apiculuni liitaii~ clesiiielit~ihs : caiywllis routratis Iiilosis ; stylo juxtii hnsin carpelloruin inserto filit'ornii leviter pulierulo.

T r i i y ~ ~ i ~ ~ g ; rSto7utrvd, 791. Folk1 1-5-2.5 111111. long., 1 tiini. cliiini., i i i sicco griseo-viritli:r. Pcdicelli

2 iiiin. long. 1'et:iln rerisinii1itc.r :iIlia, 4.5 x z g r e 3 min. Filameuta 3 ii)ni. long., ai i therz ov:itjx, l w i i l i .t; 111111. npiciilus -5 mtn. long.

Nearest to E. toriie72tellu.7, Diels, whicli accortling l o f i g ~ r e an11 description has toineiitose indnriientuni, h g e r leavcs, flowers on longer l)eduncles, with a larger calyx, broader rose-colouretl Iietals, filaineiits ciliated (apIm-ently throughout), and tornentose carpels.

Nungnriii, Id. , 794.

S e p l a 1-95 111111. long.

Carpellii 1.5 nitn., stylus 7.25 inin. long.

ERIOSTEMON TmiYPTommoIuEs , sp. nov. ProLabiliter frntes, crebro ratnosus, glaber ; ramdi s tenuibns benc Eolioiis ; ,jXiis p r v u l i s clsvatis teretibus brevitrr tnberculos~~-~lii i idii losis; $ovibzrs tcrn~inalibus (anne seinper 3) subsessilihus ; sepctlis ovatis in glandulaiii magnani virideni se contraheiitibus ; I)etaZis orato-oblongis obtusis niargine ciliatis dorso puberulis carin:itiscjue ; jltoneiitis late coniplanatis o ~ n n i ~ n o d o ciliatis antlieris breviter apiculatis ; culpc~llis liberis obtusis apice harba tis ; stJjlo crass0 suiicrne attenuato dense pubescente sub apice glabro.

Nungarin ; Stozc;urd, 784. Folia +1*5 inm. long., a 7 5 m n . diiiiii., i n sicco viridia. Pedicelli crassi,

1.5 niin. long. Sepala 2 nitii. long. Petala verisiiniliter dilute rosea, 5 x 1.5-2 inin. (k~rpc~lla .75 inin. Filainent:~ 13 nini., aiitlierz .45 nini. long. long. StJ.ll1.Q 3 111tIl. long.

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Distinguished froin E. ,Stotuudii by the: :tl)sence of Ir:Liriness, the smaller narrower less niar1;ctlly tuborcletl leaves, the larger sel)nls, hrond fil:~inents copiously hairy tlirougliont t i p i i d hy s~ii:illel- :tntliers with but a tiny apiculus, the sin:iller obtjusc c;~rpcls and stout, 1)Libescent st,yle.

The two phiits lrere clescriI)atl, ;is well :is fi. t o ) ~ e / c t e Z / ~ r s , I)iels, are doubtless allied to E. t l i j ' o ~ ~ ~ i s , A. Curin.

L E G u X I N 0 s a. OxuLooiuar I C ~ ~ A M ; I N B T I I ~ I , sp. i i , t ~ . Vcrisiiiiili ter frutic.ulosiiiii ; i w n i s

teretibus subtiliter c i i i e~eo-~~ t i l~cscsn t i l~us tleiii g1:ibria ; j J i i s vcrticillntis (pro verticillo 3) iionniiiicji~:~iii ol)l)ositis p r y is brevi1)et~iol:i tis ol~corcl:ito-n~~loiigis hasi obtitsis nxirgine iiidiiriitis ~ I J S C L I I ~ W ~ I ~ ~ crenulatii; coriaceiv s u p cito glabris aulitus xppresse griseo-pulJosceiitibus ; stil)ulis setaceis pet.iolos esce- dentibus : , /h~~i614,< i i i gloiiiurulos plirrifloros dciisos teriiiiiiales sossiles dispo- sitis ; c a l y i s I'ulvo-villosi segiiientis olJlongo-ovatis obtiisiu 2 posticis padluluni altius counatis ; ce'cillo suborbiculari amnrginnto alis apice rotunilatis cariaani Ievifer escedeiitibus ; o c a i i o Lrevit,er stiliitato villoso in stgluin loiigiorem incurvuin basi I)nrbatuui desinente ; ouul i s 4.

Kojoriup ; Stuwu)d, 10.5. Eolia 4 1 ciii. luiig., p r o p apiceiu 6-8 niiii. lat., in sicco griseolo-viridia ;

costa iiiedia supra i)Iari:i siibtus eiitjiiens ; coatn: 1;tter:iles p e r p ~ i c ~ , OIJ%urLC ; reticulum i r i i i i i i t ,u i i i , niecliocriter YisiLile ; 1)etiali 1-2 niiir. long. S t i p l z 3 n m . long. Chljx 7 niin. Ioirg, liujiis s(1gnierit:i posticn 2.5 nirii. cet,er:t 3 iiiiii . lo~ig. Vesilluiii (uiigue 3 inni . long. eseinpto) 7 x S 1 1 i i i i . : a h 9 I I I I I I . , uarin;L S 111111. long. Ovariuiii L' i i i i i i . lung. ; h u j u s stil)es *j i i i i n .

It is evirleiitly. near 0. tetl.u!lo'iofj/ 'yll~~t/~, E. Pritz., a specics the describer assigns cloubtf u11y to series Yorlolobiew, t i step i t is difficult, to i'ollow.

Glouie;.nli 1-5-2 cui. dinin.

Ktj-liis circa 5 inni. long. This is iiot placeable iii any ot' the series of Bentliarn.

Val.. M A J O I ~ . Folia. plerunique opposita raw 1-erticillata, & 2 em. long., petiolis usquu 3 inm. long. Glomeruli ob raiiiulori~m suppressionem non- nunquain axillnres.

Ur. Stoward suggests that this inay he nierclly a more luxuriant specimen of the species, bu t it. loolis sufficiently different to miirrxnt a. varietal naine.

illirbclin tlauiesioitles, fientli. Bruce Rock ; Stotcard, 308. Cowcowing :

Kojonul) ; S t u w c i d , 806.

Id., 402.

BUKTONIA AsPEiiuLA, sp. nov. Probnbiliter suffrntex ; 73nn~is pluri'aus tenuibus arrectis frequenter foliosis liispidulo-l~ubesceiitib~is ; jol i is brevipetio- latis piniiatis foliolis pleruinqne 5 vel 7 angnste linearibus obtusis oh niargines revolutos sukiterotibns uti rliaelli~ 1iisl)itlnlis ; f j o r i h s piirpureis pro ratn

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pnrvis in r;iceinos teriniii:iIes pe,dunculatos breves paucifloros digestis ; pedi- cellis sepnlis sul)aequilongis glnbris brnctens suhulat,ns facile escedentihus ; hac teo l i s hracteis siinilibus suh cnlyce insertis ; sepalis lanceolato-olJloiigis obtnsis nini,gine indnr:it,is iiecnori lanoso-cilia tis ceteroqnin glabris vel fere glabris ; p e t d i s cnlycein p;tullo excec1entil)us j o v a h s n d i ; “ J ? t m i ~ r c:tlyci persistenti rcquilongo late ovoidco suh1)erspicue I-eticulato-nervoso micro- scopice puberulo stylo !iersisteo te oblique insert0 h i incrnssato glabro corollato.

Wong,zn Hills ; Stoward, 194. Foliorum rhnchis circa 1.5 mrn. long. ; petiolus 1 tnrn. vcl paiillulum

Peclnnculi superne glal~ri, Iilerique 2.5-3.5 Cxlys in sicco :iliqunnt,o

Antliers obloiiga+ 1 inm. long.

Though not in tlic best, conditioii, the niaterial suffices to iiidicalo tliis ns a Tlic chief points are the clothing : i t id the few sinnll leaflets,

ultra ; foliolx 3-1 mui. long. cin. long. ~‘USCUS, 5 inui. long. Legumen 4.5 m n i . long. et totidein lnt.

distinct species. together witli the sindl flowers ant1 siiioot,li calyx.

Br:wtm br:icteolqae 1-1.5 i i i i n . long. Pctnla 7 inin. lorig.

Daviesia nemntophglla, G. Muell.

DAVIEYIA P H Y L L O D I N E A , sp. iiov.

Totadjen ; Steward, 362.

Bumis erectis rigiclis spnrsirn fdiosis mgulntis leriter scabrinsculis : jbl i is sessilibus l i ~ i ~ ~ : i i ~ i - o ~ ~ I o i ~ ~ i s lihiearibusvc apice niucronat,is cori:tceis utwl)iqne lcviter scitbriuscnlis ; $od)cts brctvitei. pedicellntis in fitsciculos :txill:tres pnncifloros ordinatis glahris ; pdice l l i s bracteas p:~rv:~s ob1ong;is sc:iriosas foi-elltibus ; calycis dr:ntibus t,riangularihus acutis post,i(*is ~x~uI1ult11~1 1:itioi~ibus ; vp,riZlo reriithriiii eiiiarginnto alis late Oblongis npice rotuiid:iti.; c;irinnlii ol)tusnm 1i:iulluliini escedentibus ; jlameictis coinpressis ; o t r w i u I)revi ter stipitato Ensiformi glabro ; stylo recurvo glnbro.

Bellta ; Xtozuzcrd, 352. Folia sqissinic: 2-4 cni. long., 2-1 r i ~ ~ n . Lit. ; costa incdia subtus ciniiiciis ;

Peclicelli 2-3 111111. long., brac:tc.a? 1-fere 2 inm. long. Vexillum 6 x 7 inin. ; al;e 6 mrn.,

reticuluni ragulatuni. Calyx 3 nim. long., hujus dentes 1 iiiin. carina 4-5 mm. long.


Ovarium 3 inm., s t i p s 1 inni., stylus 2 niin. long.

A typo discrepans przsert in i de habitu tenuiori necnon conEertiori foliisque parvis (1.5-2 cni. long., 1:5-2 inin. kit.). Bruce Rock ; Stoward, 469.

Near D. nud$ora,, Meissn., which has larger and broader leaves eiidiiig in long pungent points, flowers on longer pedicels thickened in their upper portion, calyx with the two hirider teeth united &c.

DAVIESIA PARVIFOLIA, sp. nov. Plant,a inertnis, glabra ; s m z i s ramtilisque subteretibus elevato-striatis bene foliosis ; ,foZiis parvulis sessilibus oblongo- lanceolatis apice longe puogentibns iiiargine revolut.is coriaceis ; p h i b u s

Page 11: A Contribution to the Flora of Australia


axillaribus sessilibus pedicellatis ; bracteis minutis ovatis scnriosjs ; rn2.?/c.is turbinati dentibus inter se suhqu:il ibus cleltoitleis obtusis ; arzillo renifornii ake euiarginato alis oblongo-obowtis obtnsissiniis vt.xilluni carinanique :Id- ceyuantibus ; jilanietrtis aliyuantuluui cotitpressis ; ocariu oblongo-falc~~to stipitato glabro quan1 stylus lonpiore ; lqzimi,Le a h i 1at:i falcato acuminato.

Folia ramorurii usque 1 cni. long., ramulorum modo 3.5-4.5 inin., in sicco viridin. Pedicelli SUlJ floro 1.5 niln.,

sub fructu 3-5 m ~ n . long. Chlyx 3 n ~ m . long.; Inijus tlentes * 5 111111. Ovarii stilles 1 tnni., ovarium 3 m m , stylus 1 mni. long. Legunien 12 x S inin. ; liujus stipes 2 inin. lolig-.

As regard3 foliage inucli like t,lre eastern 1). r i l i c i m , Sin., var. rztscijobia, Uenth., but the branches are not siiinous, the leaves are smaller, and tho pod is broader.

Kauririg ; G. PI’. B~OZCJIL (Hb. Stowird, 560). Rainuli patentee, s q i u s 3-5 em. long.

Braetea_. 1 inm. long. Vexilluin 4.5 x 5 mm.

D. JUKCEA, Sin., v w . ~PILUESCENS, w r . nov. Kami hac iitque illac spinis firmis pleromquc patenti-lwui vi. 3-5 nini. loiig. onusti : c1i:iracteres ceteri typi. Wickepin ; Stowrirtl, 10s. Wundowie; Id., 2131. Kanring ; G. W. Brown (Hb. Stoward, 572) .

GASTI~OLORIUM STOWA~XDII, q). nov. li’ruticosiini, r:imosii~ii ; ramis rigitlis subteretibus griseo-tonic3ntosis posttea g la l~r i s H:ivcscentil,ur;cjiit. ; ,foliis o1)l)ositis subsessilibus ol~loiigo-o~)ovatis apice obtusissiniis vrl retiisis ips0 inuci~onatis basi olt,nsis margine indurnt,is :tliquantuluni revolut,is obscurissime crcnulatis coriaceis supra cito giahris nititlisque subtus griseo-~ubescentibus ; stipLis subulatis acuininatis tomerrtosia ; j foribus in asillis paucis fasciculntis bruviter pedicell:tt,is ; calycis tonientosi segmentis triaiiguiaribus :icu tis postticis quaill cetera paullulum latioribus altiusque coimitis ; u~lt’illo suboi.bicul;iri alis obtnsissimis carinae zquilongis ; ovurio ovoideo villoso stipite aqui loirgo fere glabro suff’ulto ; stylo incurvo inferne puhescente superne glabro.

Dumbleyung ; Xtoward, 106. Folia solemniter 1-1.5 cm. long., prope apiceni 5-8 mni. ]at,., in sicco

griseolo-viridia ; costa centralis pag. stir). impressa, pag. inf. eminens ; cost:e laterales perpaucz, difficile aspectabiles ; reticuluni arctissiinuin utrinque prominens. StipiilE 3 mm. long. Pedicelli 2-3 111111. long. Calyx totus 5.5 mm. long. ; segmenta posticn 1.5 iriin., cetera 2.5 mm. long. Vexillurn 7x6 inin. ; a h iiecnoii carina 7 min. long. Ovariuni (stipite excliiso)

Apparently nearest G. plicatum, Turcz., but, inter alia, much snialler ill

the leaf pubescent below (not glabrous) and snialler toineiitose (not villous) calyx.

2 111111. long. ; st,ylus 4 111111. long.

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qlonzericlis sat longe peduiicu1:~tis oblongo-globosis pauciHoris in axillis solituriis vel 2-3-nis ; $or211rs 5-iiieris ; seprilis i n t e r se 1it)ei.is anguste lineari- sputtinlatis quani I)etala libera ol)longo-obo\,ata olitusa Iireviorihas ; Iq / l i in~ine

valde crudo anguste liiieari incurvo vel t o i t o :L[Jpresse puheriilo. N u n p r i n ; Stowwd, 753. Ranii 2-3 niirt. crass., cortice tenero cinereo laiiiinatiin tlecidente obducti.

Phyllodia 1.5-2.5 ctii. long., 1 rnni. se l ~~:~i i~I i i lui i i i~ i i~g i s Lit,., in sicco flaro- viridia. Pednnculi 1-1.5 cni. long., filifornies. Glonirruli axis 2-3 x 1-1.25 inin. Sepa1:t 1 inin., petaln 1.5 i n i n . long. Legiin~eii inasitno crudum 1 5 x -75 nini . , fnscuni.

A t first sight iniglit be mistaken for , I . colletioicles, A . Chitin., but, the stouter pllylloden of A . p e t i c ~ / h w :ire iiiore finely nert-ed : i t i d the flowers are in more lengthily peduticulate not strictly globose heads. There are differences also in the flowers and probably iilso in the h i t .

ACACIA (Ca /am{ fomes ) ASSIMILIS, sp. nov. C'itissinie glabra novellis :ippresse pri\)es,.entil)us j rauiulis tenuibus cinrreia politis ; pliyllodiis :ingnst,e linearihus subterefibns apice deliliter uiiciiiato-puiigelrtibuu Lasi stiFiti inanifesto traiisverse rngnto flitvo insideii tibus plurinervo~is ; stt j~tl l is siibulntis fugaceis ; jforihcis 5-nieris ; sepalis liberis lineari-sl)attiulatis quaiil 1)etaIa libera s~~;itlirilato-oblonga olit.risa p:iullo brevioribus ; b e p i t , i t i e -.

Bruce Rocli ; Stotuard, 116. Phglloilia 5-8 cni. long., siiinma equidem hreviora, 1 inni. lat,. ; horuni

s t i p s attenuat,ns, 2.5 n i i i i . long. Yedunculi 4-(i niin., sepala 1 inin., pet:ila 1.5 iiim. long.

Tlie nnrnerous fiae nerves to the ptlJllucles and their longer, slenderer, yellow petiole-Iike stalks afford an easy means of distiiiction. A . Beauverdiana, Ewart, is also very siiiiil;lr, but its phyllodes, which 1i:tve the s a n e yellow stalks, are flat, not terete.

A. Beairverdinna, Ewart. Cowcowing; Stowtrrd, 311,453. Bruce Rock ;

Cowcowing ; Id.: 405.

Stipiilz 1.5 i i ~ i i i . long.

Very lilie ant1 might easily be c o ~ ~ f u s e d with A . wxivielln, Benth.

I d . , 312, 419.

A. erincwea, Bentti.

h C A C t A ( Lhinerues) INTRICATA, 311. nov.

Kauring ; G. W. Bvown ( I lb . Stoward, 573).

Verisiitditer fluticultis intricate ratnosus glaber ; ramis rigitlis alike indurntis szcpeqne breviter spiriosis angiilatis proiniiien ter paucistxiatis ; ylujllotliis parvnlis lateraliter coriip~anaiis a I)asi sessili 1at:t ovntis vel ovato-oblongis npice acute pungentibus iii:irgine superiori incrnssat,is niarginibns n ~ l i l o l ) ~ ~ angiiste carti1:~gint~is uiiiilervii)us nerve utrobiclne protninerite coriaceis ; g l o m r u l i s parvis solitariis globosis raiicifloris I)P(Iunculis phyllotlia circiter a d q n a n t i h u s fiiltis ; ctr/$ce obsolete ; petalis 4 liberis ovato-ollongis obtusis protniiiet~ ter l-nerviIjus.

Mt. Marshall ; Sto,ward, 756.

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Phjlloclia. Y-:j 111111. long. incluso puncto pungcnti f e w 1 nini. long., Glonieruli

The curious little 1)lryllodt~s e:isilg w r ~ e to distinguisli this species, I\ hich

1-1.5 iiini. h t . , in sicco viridia. pansi 1.5 tnin. diain.

seems to be near A. e?*inacea, Bcnth. and ,1. Htre.gelii, Renth.

Peclriiiculi circa 2 nin). long. P e t a h 1.25 iiini. long. Lsgumen hand visiini.

ACACIA (Urtiiierues) SASATILIS, sp. nov. Ruvtiilis angulatis Ieviter pruinosis cito glahris ; jd/yllodiis ohlungis ripicc rectis obtiisissimisque ipso tnucronatis basi ohtusis stipitique brevi crasso iuscrtis obscure I-ncrvihns r:iro 2-nervil)us crassiuscnlo-cot,inceis leviter 1irninosis ; ylonierulis glolrosis petlieellis solitnriis qiiaiii fo1i:i brevioribus stiff riltis ; sepalis liberis ang~tst,e spathulatis ciliolatis ; petalis liberis sepala plane superantibus oblongo- spathulatis acntis.

Bruce Rock ; Stoward, 708. Phyllodiii margine superiori ol)scnre glnntlnlosa, pleraque 1.5-2 cm. long.,

3-4 111111. ]at,. ; llolnni stilws tr:msvcraini rugatus, 1 111111. long. Z'edunciili 3-8 n m . long. S e p l a . 7 5 i ~ i m . , I d n I a 2 nini. long. Leguineu ignotu in.

To be inserted next A . l i p s t r i m , Meissii., from whicli i t can be told by the sinaller iiiid narrower fleGhy anti pruinose pliyllodes not ol)liqne a t the apex. There arc also difhrences in the sliape aiitl size of the petals :IS well as tlie ovary, thus indicating a difference i n the fruit.

Gloniernli 4 111ii1. diaiii.

A. sevicocuypu, W. V. Fitzg.

A. illermllii, F. nluell.

Nungarin ; Stowartl, 281, 376.

Niingarjn ; Stowcird, 480.

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I 1 A LOR RH AG A C1 li; 2E . Ifcclo7d1n~yis (:o.\sei, I?. l\lurll. IYtnlliiie ; Maryon. A fine sl)ecinien,

IiiOl'e t1i;iii I foot liigli, of this rare p h i i t , wliich Mcliindler would IiiergH in 11. teni ivol i ( t , Btinth., but apparently wi thout snfficicnt warr;int.

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apice subpungentibns tereiibus leviter t~rassiusculis ; f l o ~ i b u s in axillis superioiibus boli~ariis s u b c e d i b u s j hmcteolis quani c:ilycis t u h inulto brevioribus inter se liberis lanceolatiz acuininatib ; culycis tiiho iiiferne anguste fusif'orini aiiperne " 3 linili-ico tenero *olido fa1tcibus 1evitP.r dilatatis lobis e bnsi par' a suhorbiculari in c:intlam filiformein tiibiitn cxcecleiiteiii extenuatis ; pet& ovatis obtmi. cnlyciq loborum basin dilntatiiiii facile excedentibus ; disco hreviter cupulato ; sta?nii~ibus circa 40 ; stylo iliutule persis te ti te.

Wongin Hills ; Stoward, 190. Rnmuli 1-1*.5 mm. dkm. ; cortice cinereo rimoso filanientoso-exuviato

circumdati. Folia + - 1 cm. lonir., * 3 inm. crash , in sicco viritlia. Pedicrlli 1.5 mm. long. Brnctro1,le 3.5 nini. long. Plores purpurei. (la13 cis tubus (ovario haud exetnptn) 7 i n i n . long. ; ovarium S U I I I I ~ I I ~ I ~ I * 7 5 inni. lat. ; loborum basis c1il:itatn vix 1.5 niin. long. et lat. ; cauclz 1 a n . long. Discus -5 mm. diam. Filainentn niinc 5 mni. long. vel etiam loiigior:t, nunc tnodo 2 mm. ; a n t l m x -3 ium. long.

Flowers much like tliose of C. temsiramea, Turcz., but foliage altogether different.

C. 6reuijolia, Meissn.

1'liryptotne)ie tenella, Benth. T. urceolaris, P. Dlaell.

T. tic6ercuZata, E. Pritz. (ex descript.).

Microinyrtus BrzLmmoiidii, BentE.

Jl. racemosa, Benth.

BAECKEA (0 ~ i i z ~ i n ) CARNOSA, rp. nov. Verisimiliter siiff'rutex g1abi.r copioqe rmnosus ; ramis tenuibus nucliz ; ranzulis gracilliniis oiminioclo foliosis ; ,foZiis niinutis ~~xn iu lo .ircte applicati- 01 atis olkuqih dorw rotuiitl:Lti\ carnowlis iiitidis ; poritzts Iiaucis asillaribas hrrviter pcdicellatis pedicellis solitariis ; calycis tnho cainpnnulnto quanl lobi deltoitlei obtusi longiore ; petalis ccilycis lohos ewedentibur snbor1,icularih~is ninrgine lrviter 1induI:itis : staniinibus 10 filnmentis pmcipne rorum petalis q~pos i toruni coinolanatis apice integris antheris anihitu suliorhicularibus conncctivo in glantlulam globosam sessilem exeunte ; or.aYio snhglobulnri basi soluinrnodo adnato 3-loculari loculis pluriovuhtis.

Bruce Rock; Xtoward, 315. Fo l i :~ -6-1 mni. long.

Stylus 4 inm. long.

Wongan Hills ; Stoiuard, 191.

Bruce Rock ; Stozoaid, 322, 359, 426.

Nungarin ; Stowartl, 789.

Nungarin ; Stownrd, 301.

Bruce Rock ; Stozuarii, 321, 423, 444.

Bruce Rock; Stoward, 445.

Petlicolli 1-5 nim. long. lobi -75 ~ n t n . long. Petnla 2 x 2.5 inm. antisepala 1 mm. long., an them .35 mm. diatn. Stylns breviter itnniersns, fere 2 nini. long.


('alycis tubus 1.5 mm., Filanienta antipetala 1.5 i n i n . ,

Ovarium 2 rnm. diam.

Known on sight from all species of Kinzia by the minute fleshy leaves.

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B. Zlde&wa, 1C. Pritz. Bellia ; Sto7c;nrd, 304. Bruce Rock ; Id.: 320.

H. crispi@om, F. Afuell. JVottgan Hills ; S"toicurd, 193. Kauriiig ; G. W. BTozvn (Hb. Stoward, 571).

BAECRRA (4 Eur~pny~tus) CLAVIFOLIA, sp. tiov. Glxlnra ; rmnulis tenuibus crebrti foliosis ; ,foliis in ramnlis brevissitiiis m p e su1)verticillatis pnrvis sessilibus c~lindrico-cln\-iforti i i~~us ohtnsis glnndnlis pro1iiinentil)us tuljer- ciilntis ; , f l w i l , ~ r s solitariis sii1)ressilil)us ; Imccttris persistentibus ovatis apice rotnndatis quain calycis t u i ~ u s turbiiint,us proininenter glanclnlosns brevi- oribns ; calycis lohis I:i.t,c: antis 01)t~nsiisiniis t,ul)uiii circ:L setiiizequaiitibus sortlitlo :ilitis; petu1i.s calycis lobos bile exccdentibiis sul~orl~iculnril~ns brevitrr unguicul:tt,is ; s t ( i n ~ i i t i t , 7 ~ ~ 10 quor im 5 prtaloruiii tncdio opttositis fi 1: 1 t i 1 e n t i s le Y i t e r coin p I an a t is o I 11 nil )u s g I ab r i s :in t lie 1.i s 1 011 g i t rorsu I I I deli i s- c e n t i h s ~lrlnndaloso-:tl,peii~ical:itis ; o c v h oiirnino iii l'ero 3-locdo ; oa i r / k quore in loculo 2 collateralihs.

Bellra ; StOW(L')YE, 305. Folin pleruqne 1.5-2 t i i i i t . lottg., circa *t; nim. di:itii., in sicco lrute vii.idia.

13lactt:rc cstcriores 1-2.5 i i ini . , iilteriores 1.5 i i i i i i . long., firitie scariosz. Calycis t,ul,us 2 inin. , lobi 1 inin. long. Pe t& 2 t i i i i i . (1i:iiii. Filarnetita ;tiitipet8ala 1 i n i i i . , ant,isc:p;il;t -5 nitti. long. Seylus lureviter imtiiersus, 1 iiitn.

Xear U. c m s s $ o L ~ , Jliiicll. :inti B. Mridmi, E w a r t C' White, differing from long.

lioth iii tlie leaves :iiicI br:tc.ts niiiong otlier fentnres.

I ~ . - ~ E c I ~ E A (,$ I ? 7 0 ~ , 7 p ~ ~ ~ y ~ t u s ) sTi)WARDII , sp. nov. Glabra ; ramirlis erectis c re l~ro foliosis ; jol i is in ratnulis brevisuiiiiiu m p e pseudol.erticill;itis alibi ni:igis (Iistaiitibiis p r v i s seasilibns oblongis h i e planis tlorso rotunclis iieciioti 01) g!.l:inddas protnineutes tu1)ercuhtis ; f jor i lms solitariis s ~ ~ ~ ~ s c s ~ ~ i ~ i ~ ~ u s bmcteis 4 persistetitilins l n t r ovatis cialycr: hreviorilnis stillatis ; cnlyris tiiho torliiixito levi q imn lobi anibitu f e w seniici;.ciilares plane lonyiore ; p t a l i s hreviier nnguiculntis suborbiciilaribus margine crispulis ; st(i i) i iri i lm~ 16-18 quol-uiii 5 petaloruin mediuni opponentihus filanicnt~is leviter c.oniplanatis nntheris longitrorsitin tlehiscentilius glantlii1:i glo1)iilari onustis; o m r i o 3-loculo ; ovitlis in loculis 2 collateralibus.

Cow cowing ; ii)7ttowadl 3 16. Folin iiaqne ncl 4 m i i i . srepe vero inotlo circa 2 mni. long., 1 inin. lat., in

sicco griseolo-yiridia, Bractere fiimie scariosz, q r e 4 nini. long. C'nlycis t,ul)ris 2.5 inin. long. ; lohi roxx)-all)i longit. 1 111111. p:~ullnluni escedentes Fet:ila. vix 3 inin. diniii. Pilatnentn :intipetnl;i I inin., nntisepalii -75 inin. long.

l'liis cliti'ers froiii the Inst tlescrilietl cliicdly i n the flattenccl leaves and the largcr flowers with niorc numerous stainens.

Styliis brevissiine itnniers~is, v i s I niin. diain.

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BAECKEB (4 O x ~ i n y r d i i i ~ e ) ESSERTA, sp. nov. Fruticulus piirvUlUS crebro raniosus glitber ; raniirdis pe imdt i s attenuatis bene foliosis ; ,foliis pai.vis sessilihus decussatis seiuiteretilius (facie aliqunnto rxcavatis dorso rotundatis) apice ohtusis ; pedicellis solitariis foliii p1:ine e sceden t ihs ; b.r.actroZis juxta medium pediinculuni ovatis scariosis fugnceis ; cnlycis tiiho I ~ e m i s p h ~ ~ ~ i c o in sicco ruguloso quani lobi sulirc~iiif'oi.i~i~s rosei niargine albi pnullulnm longiore ; petalis orbicularibus c::iljci. lolios f:icile cxcedeniilius ; stanziui6us circa 20 filainentis certe etsi hreriter essertis crassiusculis aliquanto com- planatis s z p e hasi raro hac atque illac altius connatis antlieris 4-loliis 1ongitudin:diter dehiscentibus ; ocai.io seniisupero 3-locnlo loculis in placenta peltata pluriovnlatis ; stylo siitis alte iniinerso filanientis fere zquialto.

Bruce Rock ; S t o w a d , 427. Folia 1.5-2 inm. long., circa .5 niin. Iat. Peclicelli 5 inin. long., horuin

(h lyc is tubus fcre 2 111111. long. j lolii Fi~anieii t~a 3 nim. long. ; aiitl~erx? circa

The exserted stamens serve at once to distinguish this species, a character

hractea ruhicuntlz, v i s 1 inin. long. 1.5 iiiin.

*5 mm. diani. Stylus 2.5 mm. long.

showing a tendeiicy towards I<u7wa.

Petala 3.5 min. &am.

BAECREA (4 Onyrny9diii~e) TENUIRAMEA, sp. iiov. GlaLra ; ra77zis snb- teret,ibus cortice cincreo obtliict,is ramnlos breves pluws crebro foliosos emittontibus ; foli i .~ raiiiuli paliein superiorem oinnino obtegentibiis esiguis obovatis ailice rotundatis tlorso carinatis iiiargine ciliolatis ; jiori/ms in :isillis superioribus solitariis pedicellis quani folin plcriin~que longioribus fnItis just:t basin bil~racteolatis 1)lacteolis oliloiigi:: olitusis cnn:.nvis pedicel10 plane brevioribus ; calycis tubo tnrliinato quam lobi rotundati margine scariosi longiore,; petalis snborbisulnribus ; staniinihts 10 niillis nietlio petnlo oppositis filitmentis fi1iformil)us antlieris glot)osis sulcatis; o ~ t i ~ i o 3-locxilari loculis 00 - ovulatis.

Ntingarin ; S ~ O I D C C ~ ~ , 407. Raniuli rigidi. F o h plcrnque 1-2 x 1 inin. Pedicelli 2-3 mm., oiarium

Pilamenta -75 inin.

To be inserted between B.pach;jpliylla, Beath. and B. c~~isp$o.r.a~, P. Muell.,

2 mm., calycis lohi 1 mni. long. long. ; anthera: .5 iiini. tliain.

differing l'roni hotli, inter alia, in t,he foliage and tlecandrous flomrrs.

Petaln 3~ 3 mm.

B. col:l/mbiclosa, Benth. Kaur ing ; G. W. Brown (Hb. Stoward, 652).

BAECKEA ($ Babiizytonia) THYMOIDES, sp. nov. Glabra; ran& rnmulisque suhteretibus his sal teiii superne bene folioeis ; joliis seesilibus clecussatis ovatis vel oblongo-ovatis obtusis re1 obtusissimis basi oLtuFis nisi rotundatis levissiinrve cordatis pl:inatis niembranac.cis glaiidulis fn.vi,q entis perspicuis inspereis ; jlo.r.iC.iis solitariis p i icellis su1ir:i mrdiuiii bibracteo1:itis I'oliis circiter ~ q ~ i i l o n g i s iiisiclcntjhus; calycis tubo c ~ i ~ n ~ i ~ ~ n i i l a t o 5-3ti.i:i t o qiiani lobi

1' 2

Page 20: A Contribution to the Flora of Australia


late ovati obtusi longiorihus ; petalis calycis lobos plane snperantibns orbi- cnlnribus iii:irgine nndulwtis ; stat)iin.ibm 15 quorum nrillis pet:iloruni rnedio oppositis fiIanient,is oninino l i lxris nIiquant,o complnna tis antheris snhglobosis 2-porosis connectivo g1:inclnloso ; or*avio regre oninino infero 3-locnlnri : ou/Zis quove in loci110 plnribns plncentx? I d t a t = affixis ; s f j l o alte immerso.

N n n p r i n ; XtotuuTd, M F . Folia 2 - 5 4 x 1.2 inin. Pedicelli filifornies 2-3 rarius iisque ad 4 mm.

lo ig . ; horuni bracteolm lineares, viriJcs, circ,:t 2 nini. long. (lalycis tubus 1.5 i i i n i , , lolii .75 nini. long. Pet:il:i 3 n i i i i . cliain. Bilanienta 1-1.5 inin.

long. ; a n t h e m -3 nini. C ~ : L S Y . Stylus fere 1.5 inrn. long. App:~rently n o a r t d I?. / i e r t t r i ~ ~ o i t t r i ~ t / ~ t c , P. Muell., cliff ering chiefly in t8he

flat n i em~~ranous leaves, sniullur flowws, eglandnlar connectivc and I3-cellecl ovary.

BARCICEA ( 5 Bnh i~y ton ia ) IIIBRICATA, sp. iiov. G1:~bra ; rain7cZis subtere- tibus yetustiorilnis I):iucifolint,is vel niiilis juniorihus foliis iint)ricatis oi!!nino occlnsii ; ,foliis esiguis scssilibus tlocu.wctis or:& :)pice nincronulat~is facie conc:ivis dorso persliiciie carinatis glanclulis paucis iiumersie prmlitia crassi- usculis ; b$o~ih(s aolitariis petlicclli:: folia requ:tiitil)us h s i bracteolatis suEultis ; br.ucteolis t)etlicellis circitw qui longi t i foliis subsiniilil~ns ; calycis tubo cam- panulnto snblevi loliis selniorbicularibus longiori : petalis suborbicnlaribus Ieviter crispulis : stami)t,ibus circa 15 quoruin niillis niedio petalorurn oppositis filnnient,is aliquanto coinpl:in:it,is antheris subglobosis 2-porosis connectivo eglandnloso ; oiqa?io fere oniniiio iiifero 3-loculo loculis pluriovulatis ; stylo alte immerso.

I iununoppin ; Stowctrd, 395. Folia 1-1.5 Inin. long., circiter totideni I i k Pedicelli vix nsque 2 mm.

Calys totus v i s 2.5 inin. long. ; lobi q y e 1 inin.

Fi1:irnenta iongiora *75 inin. Lreviora *25 nirn.

Easily clistinguisliod among its ccngeners of 8 Bnbingtoiiia by tlie foliage

long., s a p e ~ r o Iireviorcs. Petala €ere :3 mni. cliam. long. ; a n t h e m * 3 nini. d i x i i ) .

and the bracts.

Stylus * 7 5 tnni. long.

M~~LALEIJCA (I)n7tc[floro9) CONCAVA, sp. nov. Fruticosa, crehro rainosa, glabra j rum~dz's nttennntir foliis iinbricatis obtecti5 ; j d i i s subsessilibus oblon~o-subul3tis s u p ne recar~o-pxteii t i~)us apicc pungentibus rigidis facie concavis dorso rotundir ; /Yo~ ibus in c;ipitula parva cs raniis j a m clefoliatis orinnda (anno seinper ?) digestis ; calgcis tubo canipaniilato qmim lobi trian- gularei certe longiore ; petalis ovatis obtusissimis calyci fere q u i l o n g i s ; ~ t ~ ~ ~ i r i i ~ i n phalnngibus circiter 15-antlris ungue p e t a h breviter c~scedente fil;tinentis quain unguis brevioribiis ; disco sericeo ; ovulis qiiove in loculo pluribus placeiitre peltat= afixis ; capsula subglobulari ore nucla.

C'owcowiug j Stowmd, 496. Nuugarin ; Id., 804.

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Folia solernniter 6-10 min. long., 1 inni. lat. vel pnnllulum ultra ; petioli 1 i n i n . long., tlecolores. Cnlycis tubus 3 mni., lohi p g r e 1 nim. long. Yetala vix 2 mni. long. St:nniniuii iinguis 3.25 nim. long. ; f i l i ~ ~ ~ l e ~ i t : ~ 1 111111. long. Capsula 3 min. long., ore 2-25 mm. di:m.

To be inserted nes t the Eastern Af. pcshla tu , Hook., from which the foliage aifords an casy ineans of separation.

Stylus crassiusculus, €ere 4 inin. long.

UM HELLIFERfi. SIEBEI~A OULONGA, sp. nov. Fruticosa, raniosa ; svmtcis foliosis micro-

scopice griseo-puberulis ; ,~%liis s:itis a.ppi.osintat,is sessilibus lincarilius :iliico mucronulat,is basi obtusis ; u t r d d i s coiiiposi t.is hrevibiis c's un~bcllulis 3-7 conetantihus ; pPtEzcnculis suh f o r e (iu:iiii folia I)ievioril,us ; i w v o l w ~ i phjll is circa 3 foliis siuiiilil~us ired niulto niinorilhs ; calycis tlentibus triangii1:iril)us acutis ; $ W ~ ~ L S late oblongis utrinque obt~usissiniis cn ip l l i s coitiprt~s.' dorso acutis jug0 doraali parum proitiinulo jugs lateralia subcvnnidat c'Olll-

iiiissur:t 1)lana. l ~ a t n n n i n g ; StozwrtE, 167. Folia p!crumque 1.5-2 cnt. long., I iiim. Lit,., facie concava, dorso rotun-

dulat;~, o1)scai.e costiittr, in sicco fuscescentia. Uiiib&c floriferz 2-5 x 2.5 cin.; haruni Id i incul i i s snb flore 5 in in . sub fractn iisqiic 2 cni. long. ; l~ediincnli proprii sub flore 5-6 inin. 1011,~. Iiivolucri -phylln 1-1.5 nim. long., involu- celli cjtiam ntiniis. Fructiis 2 x 1.5 111111.

Differs froni S. u m z ) t m t u t ( T , Benth. in tlre larger leaves and t,he o l ~ l o n ~ (not orbicolar) fruits.

Peclicelli .d inin. long.

COMPOSITE. OLEARIA (6 K,iotr iche) PROPINQCA, sp. nov. Verisiniiliter f lutes copiose

r;iniosus ; ~auzitlis sat tennibus bene folio4s ciiicreo-toiiieiitosis ; , /Ji is alteriiis sessilibus nisi siibsessilibus ollongis vel nngiiste o)J lo~i~o-obov:~t i s ol)tusis mnrg i n e p 1 a ni s iiecn on mi n uti ssim e cl ell tic 11 1 ;I t8i s supra v i rid i bii s c'i to g 1 :I i , I' i s subtiis cinereo-tonicntosis ; copitulis mecliucrilJus plurifosculosis ramulos solitatim terniinantibus breviter 1)edunculatis; i ) i d t . ~ c ~ i s i i ~ ~ l i e i ~ ~ i s ~ ~ l i ~ ~ ~ r i c i 4-serialis pliyllis lnnceolatis acutis intns grnclntini lungiorihus esierioribiis interniediisque tomeittosis intiinis niargine cseiiipto glahris ; liyulis circa 14 oblongis optiine essertis ; c o r o l h tiisci dwrsuin co:trctxt.is ; c m t h e r i s bxsi obtusiusculis ; atyyli ramis a~)pendicibiis I:i!iceol:itis p ra l i t i s ; ac/mtiiis :ili- quanto compressis sericeo-villosulis ; puppi cetis sxbriusculis sorclidc nlhis.

Cowcowing ; Stozuavtl, 460 (also at K e w froin the mnie place; M m Koch ,

Z1;intorum folin usqiie :id 15 vel ctiani fore 20 i n i n . long., 3.5-5 nini. l n t . ; 1088).

Page 22: A Contribution to the Flora of Australia

180 DIR. S P E N C E R MOORE : A C O N T R I B U T I O N

ramulorum k 6 x 1.5 mm. ; petioli duin adsint I niin. long. vel paullulum ultra. Capitnla 8-10 x 10-12 mm.; horum pcndunculns citiereo-toInentosus, 13 inm. long. nisi niiiiris. Involucri pliylln extiitin circa 3 n i n i . , intermedia 4-5 mm., int.ini:i (i inn). long. Ligulre npice microscoiiice 3-denticulat,te7 10 Intii. long. (lorolla clisci 6 111in. long. ; tubus inferne *25 ~ n n i . lat., gradntiui atlujcliie 1 nitn. clilatatos. Styli r ; m i esserti, nppeiidicibus z g r e 1 niiii. long. inclusis 2 mm. long. Acliaenia adhuc crudn - 7 5 111111. long. Pal'pi set% 4-5 ttixn. loiig.

AfFiiiit,y close with 0. pit),eleoitdps, Beiith., of which i t is probably the Western ropresentat,ive. Prom this i t is known by its somewhat larger leavos, narrowc:' and acute involiicral leayes, corolla ninrkeclly narrowed below, atid style-arms with quite diEerent appendages.

HELIPTERUM (4 Euheliptetwna) VENUS'I'UAI, sp. 1101'. H r r h annua, spi- thaniea, ;I basi pauciramosa spnrsini pilosa ; raniis erect,is aliqiiantulutn anEractuosis tenuibu.; subdistant,er foliosis ; , f j l i i s sessilibns angustissiine 1ine:iribus obtusis ; cupitulis ninju>culis multiflosculosis horiioganiis solirariis teruiinalilus petluiic*ulis sat longis syu;iuiis par \ is tiac atque iilac praeditis insidentibus ; z ' ~ ~ m L w 7 i suI,lieinis~~li,rrici pliyllis exterioribiis ovatis apice rotuntlatis scttriosis nitcntihus dilute brunneis interioribiis laniina longa ratliante ;inguste obloiigo-ovnta obt,usa \-i\ icle flu\-a oinistis ; corollc tub0 a basi gradatim leviterque amplificato ; airthe)is subinclusis loculis Lreviter cauJatis ; ac/~tr./iiis tmsiiiie conil)laiiatis olo\;ato-sabynadl.ati~ glabris ; pappi setis circiter 10 ;I bnsi praxipue \'era apiceni verriis pluniosis dilute flavis.

Mt. Magnet didrict , Youanne j M u y o / i . Folia plerayus 1*5-2*?1 cin. long., rnodo *35-*5 mm. lat. Pedunculi longit.

8 cni. attingentes sed s q e breviorcs ; hornln sciuanm o v a t q tenuiter scariosze, 1-2 tii t i i . long. Involucri phylla esteriorn intas gr:idnt,im longiora, 2-5 n m . long. ; intinia late ovnta, hjalina, costa lnta percursa, 2.5 mm. long., horuln appendix Iulians 1*.5 cm. long. Receptaculum convexum. Corolla 4 n111i. long. ; nntliera: 1.25 Inni. Styli raini aliqminto coinplanati, apice trrincaro-c:ipit:iti, 1 i nm. long. Achania perlucida, vix 1natoi.a fero 1.5 nini. long., I mxn. lat. Yappus

To be inserted in the genus next H. l~yccbospe~n~.uni, F. Muell. : the long radiating lamina. to the inner leavrs of tlie involucre and the very flat glabrous achenes are its chief peculiarities.

( h p i t u h paiis.:~ circa 3 em. diiiin.

2.5 111111. long.

Helipteritni Btrttii, F. Muell. Mt. Magnet district, Youanne ; illaryon. Excellent material of this exceedingly rare plant.

H . Charsleya, F. Mriell. hlenxies ; St07~5t~rd, 142.

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the former's turbinato (not ovoid) involncrc. smaller heads with fewer florets.

Prom both i t differs i n the

11. o2)posit~~olizi,i,, S. Moore.

H. cruspedioities, W. V. Fitzg.

Mullinc ; J f w y o n .

Mulline ; ilIaryon. The specimens agree well with the description of this appropriately named species

HEL~PTERIJM (0 I l i o iw i zcp i thes ) MARYONII, sp. nov. Planta vix spitliamea; r*a& subsimplici tenui snbdist:intcr f'olioso sparsissime aianeoso mox glabro ; , jbliis sessilibus m g u s t e lineari-1:inceolatis obtusiusculis basi breviter tlecur- ruiitibui scabriusculis leviter araneosis ; cnpitulis parvis circa 12-flosculosis 1ioniog:iinis i n c~ 'm: i s oligoccplialns sublasns r:~1liul(js terniinantes dispositis ; in col t icr i cntiipnnr~!:ito-tnrbiii:~ti &serialis ~11iyllis estcrioribus owitis glabris \el fere glabriu interioribns lanceolatis obtusis dorso lana ulba e l o n p t a oniist'is oninibus 1aniiii:i tenuitcr scariosa dilutissitiie brunnea przxIit,is ; jlosczilis exertis ; c o ~ o l h t u b 0 cylindric0 (siiperne levissime ampliato) liinbutii 5-loburn duplo superante ; antherurum loculis basi breviter caudatis ; acl~reniis oblongis su1)eixe sparsiin piliferis ; pappi setis circa 8 achzenio paullo longioribus albis.

Mulline ; Maryon. Polix l'lerayue 1-2 cin. long., 2-3 inin. Int. C y m z 3-7-cephalz, sumInuit1

1 cnt. long. et Iat. Peduuculi proprii filiforuies, araneosi, 2-3 mtn. long. Capituia panw 6 x 3 mni. Corollae f l a w tubus 1.75 nini. long. ; lobi anguste ovato-oblongi, obtusi, v i s 1 mm. long. Achaenia adhuc crudx 2 i n n i . long., puppiis 2.25 imn.

Near H. l' ietkemii, F. Muell., diflering chiefly in the slenderer habit, open few-headed cynies, soniewhat larger ;:nd broader capitula, longer achenrs, and smaller number of liairs to the pappus.

Involucri phj-lla 3-4 inn^. long.

CALOCEPHALUS STOWARDII, sp. nov. Huinilis, annuus, c:iules plures a basi emitlens ; ruiclibzis gracilibus u t folia alterna sesiilia linearia apice mucronul:itu Iahe aranco~.o-ton~eiitosis ; rapitulormn glornerrilis terminalibus sessilibus subplotmis poll cephalis; pe~luncul is propriis :ibbreviatis ; capitulis 3-flosculosis ; irmolucri ovoideo-oblongi Phyllis 8 inter se subsimilibus orato- oblongis obtuiis tcnuiter hyalinis dilute citriiiis exterioribus tlorso longe lanuginosis interioribus glabris ; corollis flavis ; achreniis obokoicleis com- presyis papillosis ; pctppo e setis paucis plumosis basi intricatis sistente.

Cowcowing ; Stowawl, 485. Plaiita 5-8 cm. alt. Folin pleraqur 6-8 nim. long., *75 mm. lat.

Glomeiuli 1;-8 x 7-9 nini. Pediinculi proprii teneri, circa 1 mm. long. Inkolucri Iihylla 2.5-2.75 i n t t ~ . long. Corolla 2 mn. long. Antherarum loculi hrevitvr cautlati. Ac1i:cnia ci u d a -75 i i ini . long., liappns circa 2 inin.

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The affinity of this would seem to be with C. .Druiiainondii, Benth. and C. phlegmatocurpus, Diels. The chief points are tlie sinall alternate leaves, the very pale yellow iiivolucral leaves all subsiiiiilar of wliicli the outer ones alone are woolly oii the bwk, h e h a d always with 3 florets, and the yellow corolla like the pappus short.

6. Skeatsianus, Ewart & White. Dowerin-Merriden district ; &'toward, 82.

STY LIDIACEB. STYLIDIIJM ( '/'olypan~giziin 6 Squa,rios/c) NUNGARINENSE, sp. nov. Herba

pew t i n is spit kin i ilea vel pa u 1 I ul uin ul t rii ; jbliis r:d icali I, us el oil ga t i s an gust e linexri-ol~lotigis iiiferne in petioluiii longuiii estenuatis coriaceis glabris squiiiilis parvis ovatis apiculatis scariosis iiiterniixtis ; scupo foliis airciter zquiloiigo tewti ~Ianclnloso-l)ubeaceti tc! ; jloribzis i i i ~;:iiiiculain racwniforiiieiii abbreviataiii pauciflorain Jigestis ; hmcte i s oblongis 1;inceol:itisve acutis vel obtusis ; pedice l l i s floribus brevioribus uti b r a c t m et cal jx et corolla glaiiLiuloso-l)uLescentib~is; calycis lobis late ololongi-; obtusissimis tubo brevioribus ; ccwolle tubo calycis lobis breviore lobis obovato-~~anJurifort~iibus apice rotundatis posticis qu:tui laterales plane bre\-iuribus labello ovato obtuso lobis accessoriis posticis atiibitu ovatis 111ediu111 u q u e bifidis s ep ien t i s lanceolatis lobis accessoriis lat,eralibus rotundatis udclitis lobis 2 Lrevibus lineari-obloiigis labello affixis ; coluinna corolla longiore ; ouuiio anguste o blongo-o voideo.

Nungerin ; &toward, 785. Folia (petiolu incluso) usque circa 26 cm. long., siirsiiiii 4-4.5 niin. lat. ;

costa media valicla, utrobique perspicna. Squxnm circiter 1 cni. long., dilute albo-rose=. Scapus F 2 5 cwi. long. Uractez 4 mni. long. Pedicelli & 7 mni. long. Flores vix 15 nim. long. Calyx totus 7.5 nim. long.; lobi soli 3 min. CorollE tubus 1.5 inin. long.; lobi postici 4 inin., laterales 6 min., labellutn 1.5 inin. long., hu jus lobi accessorii 1 ~ n m . long.; lobi accessorii postici 1.25 min. long., laternles 2.5 x 2 mn. Columna vix 10 inm. long.

To be inserted next S. af lne, Soncl., which has larger flowers with lanceolate sepals, a longer tube to the corolla, differently shaped corolla- lobes hoth primary and accessory, and the coluiiin shorter than the corolla.

STYLIDICJM (Nitrangiuna 4 Tliyrsijorme) GLANDULIFERUM, sp. nov. Herba seniispitharnea ; jbliis radicalibus liiiearibus inferne petiolifornii-angustatis niargine cartilagineo minur,e ciliolato-serrulatis glabris squainis parvis ovatis apiculatis scariosis intertnixtis ; scapo folia excedente glanduloso-hirsutulo; racemis subdistanter plnrifloris ; bmcteis linearibus pedicellis brevioribus ut pwlicelli calycesque ~I~LntluIoso-hiisululi.: ; culycis t riLo oblongo-ovoitleo

Page 26: A Contribution to the Flora of Australia


lobos oblongos ohtasos escedente ; corollct. tubo calyeis lobos aequante lobis a:quiin:ignis oxitis ohtusis 1obi.s accessoriis 2 oblongo-ovat,is obtnsissiiiiis glandulis stipit:ttis inasinie proniit~eiitil)us " r d i t i s labello lineari-laiiceolato aplicndicibas brevibus filif'orniihiis instructo ; col~oi i i~a longe exsertn ; ova*~io -"-loculo ovulis pliiribus 1 - s t t d i b u s ; ccrpstdu verisiiiiiliter ovoidea.

Iiununoppin ; S'tozcad, 481. Foliii 6-S cm. long., 1.5-2 mtn. lat. Scapus evolutus salteni 13 c1ii.

attingens. Yedicelli tiliforines, vetustiores talideni S-15 inin. lotig. Eructerc 3-4 inin. long. (lalyx to tm 5 xiini., lobi 1.5 111111.

long. CoroIIs t u h s 1.5 nini. long. ; lobi z g r e 3 mln. long., lohi accessorii longit. 1 111111. 1lnuIIuluni escetlentes ; Iabelluni 1 L L I L I I . long., ai)peIidicibus -5 inni. long. onustuxn.

I<aown froni all the species of Si t rangiz tn~ by the prominently glandular accessory lobes of tlie corolla,

Flortxs 13 iniii. long.

(h lu tnna 6 m11. long.


SPMPHWBASIS ALSINOIDES, sl). iiov. (PI. 12. A.) Herb:t aniiuii, esigiin, vix st1i~iisl)itliariic:1 n h s i grnciliter ~~ariiosa, ~ l a i idu loo -p i ibe i~ i~ ln ; JOliis lineari-oblongis vel angu$t,e lanceolato- vel oblaiiceolnto-litiearil~~7s obtusis costa media ut,rol)ique sat pcrspicun percursis ; j /ov ih i i s parvulis in axillis solitariis petlicellis filiforitii1)us fuliis szpius LrcviorilJiis fultis ; culycis seg- nientis basin usque liheris line:tri-laiic'eol;i t,is acutis ; covolla cdycein pnullo superante tubo urreolari o ~ i r i o adn;tto :Liltice i n calcnr -breve tiiiniduluni tub0 coiicretuin prudncto linihi lobis inler se >iniilihus v i s usque ad o\.nritim liberis ol)Iongo-l;iiiceol:itis obtusis anguste ;iIatis rxtus crebro glandulosis ; fiZuine?~tis iililoi~milus qii:ini ni!tlieyzc oblonga? spice n i i ~ c r o n u l a t ~ lire\ ioribns ; stylo erecto c rasduscdo staininibus aequilongo.

Mulline ; ;Ila?yon. Folia lot2git. suiiitiium 2 cm. vel pntillulu~ii ultra, jnniorx 1-1.5 cni., h a x

1-1.5 niin. lat., cetera praesertiin Iuuca radicalia 2-4 nin1. Pedicelii 1 cni. long., patentes. Corolla tota 4 irini. long., hu jus pars ovario :idn;ita l e i 5 x 1.25 inin.; calcar fere 1 inm. long. ; lohi 2.5 mm. long.; horum a h circa -75 mm. long., 1 mni. lat., niargine a l k a l i truncata: alibi undiilatae. Filaineiitx -5 nini., anther= *75 inm. long. Stylus 1 niiii. long. ; indusiuni *5 inin. diani.

K. Krause proposed, and n o doubt t'roperly, tliis genus for the reception of Mueller's curious Velleia macroplectra, the adliesioii to the ovary all its way up of tlie corolla being tlie chief distinction of the new genus. I n addition the flowers of Ti. nzacroplect?na are provided with a long spur, an organ also fonnd in the c;ise of S. cdsinoides, but greatly retlnced in size and ullited wit11 tlie tube of the corolla throughout its coursc. This feature :ind

Calycis Eegiiient~a 3 mni. long.

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the very small flowers O E S. alsinoides serve nt ouce to separat the two species. I n general appcarmce the plant is remarkably like .EvolauZus alsinoides, L.

This genuj yields an escellent illustr,it,ion of a yery rare occurrence, viz. where the calyx is entirely free from tlie ovary while the corolla is adnate to it all the way up.

Velleia discopliora, F. Muell.

V. roscu, S. Moore.

IZanai~oppin : Stowurd, 726.

Mulline ; M m y o ~ a . Escellent material of this rare and beautiful lilant. TIie s!iecimeiis range by grac1:ition froin one v w y similar to t,he t,ype np to otIiers re;iching 20 cni. i n lieight, :rntl wit,h the characters of I<. Krause’s var. eivcta, which is therefore not worthy of separation as a variety.

CALOGYNE LINEARIS, sp. nov. Herba pnrvula, erecta ; cattle siinplici parum ramoso grncili ~landuloso-piloso-t,ubescente; .foliis radicalibus obloiigis vel oblongo-obovatis ohtiisis basiii versus in pet.ioluni attenuatis caulinis li 11 enri bu s vcl 1 i n ea ri-spa tliiila ti s oiiinibu s gland uloso-pilosis ; jloribus parvis flavis p ~ l u n c u l i s grncilibus folia szpe cxcedentibus insidentibus ; calycis lobis anguste lineiiri-lnceolati.< tub0 aequi:ongis pilosulis ; corollu? tub0 brevi 1at.o lobis anticls alis oblongis acutis 1)mditis lobis post icis uno 1atei.e qunm antici inulto longius :ilatis ; ,jiLariteiitis coinplanatis glahris antheris ovoideis spire minute miicronulatis ; stylo Iiiranioso ; capsula coinpressa angriste ovoidea pilosula ; se?ninibus ala angusta orbiculari cinctis.

Kauring ; 6. W. B P O Z U ~ (Hb. Stowartl, 136, 795). Knnunoppin ; Stoward, 307.

Planta saepe Folia radicalia 5-15 niin. long., caulina 7-20 tnm., h z x -5-3 i i i i n . lat. Yeduiiculi usque ad 4 cm. loiig., plerique vero multo breviores. Ualycis tubus 2 inin., lobi 2 mm. long. Filamenta 2 mm. long. ; an the r s *(jg inin. St,ylus pilosulns, 1 mm. long. ; rami (indusio incluso) 3 inm.

Separable on siglit from C. Berardiana, F. Muell., by the lowly habit and very sinall flowers.

5 em. alt., rarins 8-9 cin. attingeus.

Corolla 7.5 mm. long.; hujus tubus 1 x 1.5 inm.

Capsula 7 inin. long. Seininn 3 111111. diam.

Sccevola restiacea, Bentli. Mt. Marshall ; Stoward, 374. Bruce Rock; Id., 422.

Vewauaia uillosa, E. Pritz.

Dampiera sacculata, F. Muell. Rruce Rock; Sfoward, 424. Kauring ;

Kunuiioppin ; Stoward, 728.

G. W. Brown (Hb. Stowarcl, 736) .

I?. ,jioIceu, Beiith. Kauriiig ; G. T. II?*OWIL (Ell). St.orvartl, 700, 734).

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DAMPIERA ( 9: &dampiera) RUPICOLA, sp. nov. Ranidis tenriibus sub- taretillus striatis glabris ; $ o ~ i b u s p r v i s sessilibus linenri-oblongis tiiucronu- Intis meinbranaceis nequaquuni rigidis utrinque ghbr i s ; j?oribus parvis sessilibus vel snbsessilibus ex axillis plerumque raniulorum ultimoruin abbreviatorutii solitatini oriundis; calgcis tulio pilis siniplicibus appres,sis sericeo lobis ub1)revi:itis deltoideis obtusis ; coi*oZZce extus nppresse sericeE lobis anticis alis late oblongis margine uiitlulatis przdit is ; jilanientis lineari- oblongis apice truiicatis antlierns oblongas obtusas ; t dquan t ibus ; stylo s t a in in ihs diniiilio longiore ; ovuZo a basi erecto lineari.

Bruce Hock ; S t o w a d , 720. Innovationes appresse sericez. Folia (inferior;t non suppetuntj c i im

Peclicelli suinniuni Coroll:~ S inin. lotig.;

Filatnenta 1 nini., an t lwrz 1 i n t ~ i .

Apparently nearest B. depocludu, Benth., but with its slender habit, sinall

7-10 niiii. long., f'ere usilue 2 mni. lat. 1 inin. long. loborum alae anticoruin 4.5 x 1.5 inni. long.

thin leaves, and sinall flowars easily distinguished from it.

Bract.ea: folinceze. (lalycis tubus 2 n i n i . , lohi -75 min. long.

S t j l u s crassiusculus 3 mii. long. ; inclosiuin -3 nitn. diani.

DAMPIERA ( 6 Ettdutjrpiera) STOWARDII, sp. nov. Ruff ru tes erectus cireiter spithatneus ; ,ramis superne rainulosis u t rnmuli tenuibus ;ingnlatis niinutissime sericeis ; J:Jliis sessilibus olJongo-obovatis vel obl:tnceoI:tto-oblongis sunimis equitleui liii~nri-lnnceolstis utriiique obtusis niargine levissime revolutjs coriaceis rigidis utrinque sed praesertim pag. itif. ininutirsiine sericeis ; pedunculis asillaribus 1-2-floris quani folia pleruiiique brevioribus uti peclicelli alabastraque toiuento arcto s te lh to fusco-griseo indutis ; bmcteis niiiiutis ovatis tonientosis ; culycis tub0 cylinclrico lobis evanidir ; corolla lobis anticis alis oblongo-obovatis niargint: nndulatis se ipsos bene superantibus onustis ; filamentis 1ineariGus antlieris oblongis o1)tusis zquilongis ; stylo quani st,amina v i s diniidio lougiore.

Locality uncertain, niost proliably Bellta ; A'toward, 306. Folia in sicco lsete viritlia, p l e r q u e 2-5-4.5 ctii. x 7-17 inin., juiiiora

(ratnulorum florentiuni) 15 x 4 inin. Pedicelli + 7 n i i i i . long. Bractese niodo 1 nitn. long. Corolla 12 inni. long. ; loboruiii anticoruni alae 7 inin. long. Pilaiiienta 1.25 nim., stylus 3.5 n1n1.

D. gbabrescens, Wenth. conies nearest to this, but t h o new species IMS, inter alia, broader leaves and niucli snialler a i d quite differt.ntly shaped br;tcts.

Calycis tubus 3.5 nun. long.


The foliage is inore like that of'the Eastern B. adpressa, A. Cunn.


Corolla niodo 10 nitn. loug. Folia liueari- D:trlington ; lanceolatn, 10-15 x 2-3 mm.

Stowcid, 241.

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LEUCOPOCON (6 Pleuranthus) PUBESCENS, sp. nov. F r u t e s ramosus ; rutnulis ult,imis uti folioruin p g . itif., hracteE necnon bracteolze griseo- pubescentibus ; .foliis parvis sessililuus ovatis vel olulongo-ovatis apice deliliter pungentil,us planis patentibus corinceis supra trios glabrescentibus riitidisque inasinie inconspicue costa& suhtus costis plaribus parallelis percursis ; JoriCrrs in asillis superioribus solitariis vel binis Iwdunculo foliis tnulto breviore insidentibus ; bracteis ovatis acutis quam bracteolE sub: orbiculares subito niucronata phne breyioribns ; sepalis bracteolas tluplo escedentilrus oblongo-lanceola tis hreviter acuminatis extus pilosis ; corolla extus g1nbr:c tubo calyce breviori faucil~us villoso lobis rerolutis lanceolntis acuniinatis tabtini zcquantibus ; antluris supra niediuni filamrnt1o conjunct is ohloiigis oninrginatis loculis otnniniodo f'ertilibus ; disci glandulis ovato- oblongi5 obtusia ovarium sericeum 5-loculare zequantibus ye1 paullulum superant,il)us ; stylo exserto.

Ongerup ; S t o w a d , S50. Folia 4-5 x 1.5-2 ium., in sicco griseo-viridia. Peduncnli crnssi, circa

1 niiii. long. Calyx 3.5 nini. loiig. Atitherze 1.5 n1111. long. Disci glandulz s G . 7 5 tnm., ovariuni -6 mm., stylus 3.75 inin. long.

The foliage and indunientuin are among the crucial features of this species, which appears to conie nearest L. cord~ fo l iu s , Liiidl. In appearance i t is iitucli like L. ovulifbiizts, Sond.. which has, ho\vever, flowers entirely dissimilar.

Bractez -75 ~ I I I I . , hracteolz fere 2 mni. long. Corollz tubus 2 nim. long. ; lobi recurvi totidem.

L. plunifolius, Sond.

One cannot but regret to see tiiodern :iutliors following Mueller's lead ant1 sinlring L~ucopogon and several other genera in Styphelia. The separation into geiiera, oi iginally proposed Ly Robert Brou n, was approved ainong otliers by such conipetent authorities as De ('andollc, Entllicher, Meisner, Lindley, and e l en Bailloii. Moreover, after Mueller's rebellious action Betithain re-examined the qaestion, w110, while admitting Mueller's contentioi~, denied by no one, as to the existence of intermediate sr,ecies, ol~jects to Miieller's conrpa1.i-on of Styphelia so enlarged with Acacia and other genera of many 5l)ecc'es wliicli reniaiii entire by geueral agreement, rery properly observing that whereas Acuc1"z and Etrgmia for instance show tlie greatest uniformity in florill structure, that cannot be maintained of Sty$elia in tlie Maeller sense. Authors who attach such importance to connecting links forget that generic dvniarc:ttion is 110 more Nature's object than is specific ; they also fail to realise how inany amalgamations would have to be made upon the Muellerian principle if consistently carried out, together with the confusion in notiienclature rcsulting therefrom.

Katanning ; Stoward, 169.

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L O G A N I A C E B . Logania ,fiaviflora, I?. Muell. Knuring ; G. W. Brown (Hb. Stoward,



Halgania viscosa, S . Moore. Bruce Rock ; Stoward, 717.

S O L A N A C E B .

Solan7lm nicnaniularium, S. Moore.

X. Oldjrldi i , P. Muell. Kerrenlietten ; Stoward, 2 2 . Dowerin-Merriden

Mulline : Jlaryon.

district, ; Id . , 74. Mt. M:lrshall; Id., 385.


Pholidia ~~'o01siana, F. Muell., var. denfata, Ewnrt & White." Dowerin- Merriden district : Stoward, 68.

EREMOPHILA MACULATA, 3'. Muell., var. LINEARIFOLJA, var. nov. PoZiu Pedicelli curvati, foliis circiter

Nungarin ; Stoward, 347.

A soniewliat remarlmble rariety of this vari:lble species : it is perhaps

abbreviatn, :inguste linearia, f 1 cm. long. a?quilongi. Cowcowing ; Id . , 194.

entitled to specific rank.

Calyx 4 mni., corolla 17 min. long.

E. Ol@eldii, F. Muell., var. ampst$olia, S. Moore.

E. sutjloccosa, P. JZuell. Nungiriu ; Stotutrrtl, 348.

E. DRUMMONDII, F. Muell., vcw. BREVIS, var. nov.

Mulline ; JIuryo~z.

Folia qnam ea typi breviora, sc. 5-15 mm. rnro adusque 20 min. long. Pedicelli multo lureviores (vix u s q u ~ ~ 5 111111. long.). Corolla mod0 14 mm. long. Kununoppin; Stoward, 393.

Possibly a distinct species, but the points of agreement seem to override the differences.

Cowcowing ; Id. , 461.

V E R B E N A C E Z .

Dicrastyles f t i lua, Drnmm.

D. pamkfolia, F. Muell.

Pityrodia ccerulea, Ewart. Mt. Marshall ; Stoward, 373. Cowcowing ;

Yandanooka ; Stoward, 128.

Mt. Marshall ; Stoward, 375.

Id., 401, 458.

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P. racemosa, Benth.

P. lepidota, E. Pritz.

Kniiuiioppin ; Stowart17 392.

Nungarin ; Xtoicard, 283. Co~vcowing ; Id., 317. Trayning ; Id . , 442.

Bruce Rock ; Id., 323, 435, 718. Cyanostegia angzistifolicr, Turcz. Dowerin-Merriden district, ; S t o w a d .

Trayning ; Id . , 328, 443.

L A B I A T B .

HEMIGENIA ($ Diylanthem) VISCIDA, sp. nov. Stiff rutes circa spithamens secreinetitnni copiosutri viscidutn I'roferenq ; c a d e nudo superne 2-rainoso (anne seinper 3 ) minis iudivisis foliosis ; , jd i i s olipositi. sesqilibus ovatis obtuqis hasi cuneatitn nngn5t:itis coriacco-inPriil)rnnacei. pagina iitr:tvi< g1:intlrilis iinnicrsis co1)iosissiIne ohsitis ; JEoi*ibus in axillis solitariis snkessili- bus ; bracteolis cnlycetn t'ere ntlaequnntibus lanceolntrs breviter acnminatis ; c d y c i s usque riiediurn tlivisi tuLo nnguste cxnipanulato 10-costato lobis inter se wbaequnlihus lanceolntis acumiii;itis mnrgitie ciliolntis ; corolln! tub0 calyce paullulnui hreviore infunclibu1:iri Iahio postico 2-loho Inllii niitici lobis qnarn postici brevioribus inter se siihzqualibus late ovati5 obtiisissimis ; antAemr.unz connectivo lato sntis elongate staniiiium posticoruui apice trunc:ito breviterque bnrbcllato i tmiinum :Liiticornrn locnlo pnrvulo eEeto glnhro przdito.

Ilretiar ; Sttowam', 815. Folin 15-19 x 9-10 tuni. long. Pedicelli 1 111111. long. B r a c t e o h sIIarsirn

pilo.;o-cilintrc, 10 inm. long. Calyx 13 nim. lorig., lobi soli 6.5 mm. Corollz tubn, 11.5 nitit. long. ; lrujus lobi postici obomti, 6.5 nini. loug. ; lobi antici 5 I I I I H . long. A n t h e m 1-25 inin. long. ; connectivus (loculo effeto inalnso) 2 iri i i i .

l h e flon er eaaniined was sonitwlint injured, a n d there beitig but one other which niubt be preserved upon the specitrieii, the description of the limb of the corolla rnny err in some respects xiid sliould be regarded ac; provisional ni e rely.

Stylus zgre 12 inm. long. , I

CHENOl'ODIACE2E. Chen~potZitrm crisfatim, F. M d l .


R1 ulline ; &r!yon.

Ranais rnmzdisqiie tomento subtili alho circuintlntis his crebro foliosis ; .f'oZiis sessililm~ linearibus ohtusis crassinsculis puI)cndiq ; j?ori6ics in nsillis superiorihus solitariis ; periantiio i'rnctescente fere glnhro npice snbplano tubo turhinato guperne prominetiter plurisulcato lohis late triangnlarihus ninrgine sericeis aln horizontnli vix omnino continuo ninrgine undulato subiiliter myltineri oso alis accessoriis nullia.

Nnng.:irin ; Stoward, 793. Folia 6-8 nnn. long.. Iiiiinectatn I n t . 1 m i l . paullnlnm exccdentin, in sicco

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fnsco-grisea. Per imthi i fructescentis tubus 4 inin. long., p:iullo supra basin 2.5 nini. apice 5 i n i n . lat. ; hujus 0s 10 mm. diani. ; aln sola 3 mm. lat.

In linlit and foliage very iike X. spoizgiosa, F. Muell., but the description of the fruit (there is no fruiting specimen in our 1ierl):iri:i) does not agree. The turliinate perianth-tiihct coup1t.d with the absence of accessory wings form the chief charactel istic of the species.

ANISACANVHA AISPIDA, sp. nov. Suffrutex huinilis inrricate raniosus ; ramis foliosis cito glahris tnnclem c i c a t r i c i h foliorum delalisoruiii promi- nentibiis onustis ; ,foliis pawis 1inearil)us obtosis dorso rotuidatis crassiusculis pilis griseis liis~~ido-villosie diu persistentibus przcditis ; perz'crnthio urceolato spinis 4 i n a q n a l i h s munito lobis 4 :tbLrevintis deltoideis villosulis; stum%bus (anne semper ?) 4 ; sty& 2 basi hrevit,er connatis ; ,fricctu brevi quadrat0 apice txuncato villosuloque spinis divnricatis 4 (quorum extant d elonptae, 1 interiiieclia, quarto vero minima).

Mnlline ; M a r y m . Folia 4 inin. long., primo ascmdentia, denium patentia. Plores

perpluriini. Styli raini inferne breviter bubellnti, fere 1 mm. long. Fructus 1 nim. long. et lat. ; spiiii longiores 5-7 nim. long ; spina inter- media recta vel uncinata, circa 2 inin. long. ; minima debilis, inciirvus, circiter -5 inni. long.

A very distinct species, known from its congeners by means of the Iiispid- villous foliage.

PHYTOLACCACEB. GYROSTEMON BROWNII, sp. I I O V . Erutex glaber habitu fastigiate ; ramulis

gracilibns angnlosis foliosis ; jo l i i s sessilibus subteret ihs aiigustiwinie l i nen r ihs apice niucronu1:Ltis ; st ;pi l is esigriis cleltoideis xcutis ; jloribus in r:tceiiios ~)aiicifloros foliis cwte hreviorihur digestis ; yetl icell is quain calyx longioribos ininute hractcatis : prrianthio breviter 5-1ok)o microscopice fari- noso loliis rotundatis ; $1. ~ I Z U S C . stanrinibus 7-8 uniseriatis discum sat emincns spice truncatuni breviterque 5-lohutn vingentibus ; $1. fem. carpellis 4-5 ovoicleis o h s i b scabriasculis ; stylis brevibu5 late subulatis crassiusculis colninnie centrali brevi :iffixis ; frnctu -.

Bruce ELoclc; Stotonourtl, 70.1 ( d), 7.15 ( 9 ) . Polio 15 nim. h q . , circa -5 min. lat., in sicco viridia; st ipulz (uti

Racenii adusque Pedicelli fll. mwc. k2.5 min. long. ;

F11. niasc. perianthiuni 2.5 nim. diani. ; fll. fem. 2 mm. Discus -5 mm. diam,

bractc,fu) tlecolores longit. 1 nim. nunqnam excedentes. 5-6 nini. long., etsi swpe breviores. fll. fem. 1.5-2 inin. An thcm a latere aliquanto conipressse, 1-2 nim. long. Carl)ella vix 2 mni. long., styli fere 1 mm.

Page 33: A Contribution to the Flora of Australia


A very distinct species with, as chief marks, the short racemose inflores-

The plant has been uarnecl in recognition of Mr. G. W. Brown's excellent cences, the few stamens and carpels, and the short stigmas.

collecting work at Kauring.


lsopogon scabriuseztlzis, Meisn.

Greuillea insiguis, Kipp.

Nungarin ; Stoward, 415.

Knuring ; G. TI'. Brown (Hi). Stoward, 755).

GRETILLEA (5 Eriost!/lis) LYCOPODINA, sp. nou. Friiticosa, crebro rainosn, floribris e~c~nipt is glnhra ; runzulis rigidis ~rrecto-ascendentibus junioribus foliis omnino obteclis ; , f o /m parvulis inibricntis inferneque c a d i applicatis line- aiibus ap1)ondice filifornii rigidinscnlo fuoco cum folio angulum fere rectum efficientti oiiustis facie planis leviterw concavis dOr50 aliquarituluin rotnndis necnon sulso centrali percursis ; florihus in unibellii~ sessile3 pnncifior:is axillares vel terininales dis~)ooitis ; pedicellis folia bene siipei antibnfi superne leviter dilatntis albo-villosis ; p e ? iaiztlLii albo-villosi segnientis linearibiis :ipice suborbicularibus ; toro recto ; glandtila obsolet:~ ; ovario brevissinio stipitato albo-villoso ; stylo quani stipes plane longiore incurvo altio-villoso sursiini claviformi apice laterali ambitu orbiculari stigma centricuni breve anguste conico-cylindricum grrente ; jb l l icdo oblong0 :ipice breviter rostrato pubes- cente.

Kauring j 6. TY. Brozun (Hb. Stoward, 614). Folia 4 inin. louq., horum appendix 1-2 nim. long., in sicco 1Ete viridia.

Pedicelli usqiie ad Y i n i n . long. Perianthii segmentai niodo 3 mni. long. ; anthera -6 inni. Stipes -5 n i i n . long. Ovariuni 1 mm. diani. Stylus :(pice excluso 3 inni. long., apex 1 x I inni. Polliculus 10 x 4 inin., unicus scrutatus inonospernius. Semen lineari-oblonguni, ala brevi apicali necnon in margineni angustissime estanuata pr"editun1, 7.5 nini. long.

Easily recognisetl by the leaves. The affinity is with G. oqstlstigma, Afeisn. and G. ~ o t c i ~ ~ u l a t a , Die13 : there :ire besides several floral 1ieculi:trities whicll need not be dwelt upon.

G. teretqolia, Mrisn.

G. acerosa, F. Maell.

Bruce Rock; Sfozcard, 446.

Bruce RocL : Stoward , 476. Specimen somewhat off type, the umbels scancling on petlicels U I ) to 3 ~ n m . in length and the flowers being larger.

G. intep$olia, Meisn.

G. INTEGRIFOLIA, Meisn., uar. GRANDIFLORA, var. nov. A typo abhorrens de Petlicelli 3 tnni. long.


Kanring ; G. TIr. Brown (Hb. Stoward, 638).

florihiis 111:inife3te niajoribus longinsquo pedicellntis.

Page 34: A Contribution to the Flora of Australia


Perianthiion 6 nim. long. ; hujns pars dilatata 2 mm. long. 1.5 nim. long.

Conus s t ip t r t i eus

Nungarin ; 8totun?d, 259.

GREVILLEA (4 Conoyyne) I'LABELLIFOLIA, sp. nov. T e t isiniiliter frutex ; m ) n u / i s erectis rigidis creLro foliosis costis glabric folio1 uni basin continua- tionein eff orm:intibns rxeinptis piibescentibus deinceps glabrexrntibus ; foliis sessilibiis obovatis apice flakiellatiin i n q u i a l te 5-7-lobis (lobis arrectis ol)longis brcvitrr piiii~"iti-acuminntiq) h a 4 cuiieatis iiervis pig. inf. iiisigniter promineiitibus in sicco dilute viridibus corinceis siil)tus nervis exclnsis pitbrsceiitibus ; f(oi*ibiis in 1 aceiiios terniiiin1e.s Greviter pedunculatos denhi- floros fuhis loiigiorihus ut i p l i c e l l i breves ~~ubescentibus tligestis ; p k r d i i i

subtiliter sericci sub IiiriLo recur\ i segtnrntis ohlongis sursiini at tenuutis :ipice owtis ; t w o recto ; y l m d d u proniineiite uni1ater:ili ; ovavio sessili aliqmnto inqui la teral i sericeo-villoso ; Jtylo elongato coiiiplanato glabro 5111) cono qtigniatico ni:ixiine nhbreviato C O I ~ V ~ Y O horizontJiter dilatato.

Nungarin ; Xtoi~~art l , 414. Folia 1.5-2 ('in. long., siib apice 8-17 min. Int. ; lobi plerique 4-8 min.

Raceini 4.5 cni. long., cii c : ~ 1 cin. diaiii. ; horuiii ~)eclunculus circa Perinnthii seg-

Glaiidula segre 1 inin. long. Stylus fuscus 14 inni. long.

A very distinct species : G. upicilobn, F. Muell., is probably near it,

long. 5 inin. long. inenta 9 111111. long., p r s dilatata 1-25 itim. Ovarium 1.5 111111. long.

tLongh in leaf and in flower t h e are several important cliff erences.

Pedicelli 1 nini. long. vel ~~ :~u l lu lu in ultra.

Persooiiia qiiinqiteneruis, Hook. Iinuring ; cr'. W. Brown (Hb. Stow:ird, 517).

P. Sauizde~sinna, Iiipp. Bruce Rock ; Stowartl, 441.


MONOTAXIS ($ ~~~i ' l )o( ' re~)n i~ tb? .a) STOWARUII, sp. iiov. Suff rutex graciliter r;iinosus glaber ; ? ' ( l i I l ? d i S tenuibus t'oliosis ; ,fi)liis sessilibus brevissiineve petiol:it,is :inguste linenri-lanceol:iti~ npice i~iucronulntis b;isi acutis vel ob- tusiusculis niargina revolutis eabcoriaceis ; sti/ntdis parvulis subulatis d.uti i~e persistentibiis ; I ( o ~ i h s (unne sempcr p u c k 8 et 9 ?) faaciculatis pcdunculis gr;tcilihus brltcteis exignis bnsi stipatis insidentihus; sepalis iuasc. 5 oblongo- ovatis obtuaiusculis ; petalis sepalis paullo longioribus iisque subsiinilibus bnsi iinguiculatis ; stccmi~ribzis 10 filnnieiitis filiforiiiibus petalis vix zeqni- loiigis ; s e p i l i s 7 ovato-oblongis obtusia quain petalx ovata paruni 'urcvioribus ; ovccrio globoso stylis abbreviatis spnrsim breviterque cristatis vorouato.

Trayling ; Xtaruaid, 292.

Page 35: A Contribution to the Flora of Australia


Folia +1 cin. long., 1.5-3 inm. Lit., in sicco viritlia ; costa media pag. inf. pers1,icua. Stipull? circa 1 tnnt. long. Petluncnli 2-3 inin. long. Sepala niasc. 1.5 iiini., petala 2 mni. long. Filainenta 1.5 miii. 10116. ; antherarum loculi *3 min. Ioiig. Ovnrium paiilluluni ultra 1 min. diani., glabrrim. Rbyli p r p n r e i , motlo -5 mni. long.

Near 11, gim-ilis, Eaill. ; distiiiguishetl lby the mr:d1 flowers, cspecially female ones; the latter witli xery sliort s t j le.. Tlie leaves a re of tlir hitiicial kind with storn:rta chiefly on the nnder4cl(>.


CASUARINA (6 ~lcnnthopi /ys ) STOWARDII, sp. nov. ~ a ? n ? d i s tJrecti4 gr:ic.il- ibus niicroscopice puberulis internotliis 1 f'ere 2 cni. long. striis p n e evnnidis in dentes 14-15 abl)rrviatjos aubnlatos ciliolatos productis percursis; styobibis anguste ovoitleis ; b?*actris late ovntis dorso incrassatis necnon t'ulvo-rillosis apice 1 i giiesccn tibuu subi toque pun Ken t'i -:I CII mina ti. ; 6 m c t eobis hrxcteas breviter superantibus oblongis apice acumine pungenti integro vel bitido acuminatis dorso carinatis i i i a y ~ ~ e i i d i c n l a t i ~ t ~ u ~ appresse fnlvo-villosis ; seminibus oblongo-obov;itis acutis testa sordide alba.

Nclngarin ; Stotuayd, 743. Ramuli 1 mm. dinm. Notlorum dentos tenacea, infcrne tlilutissiine flavi,

superne fusci, 1 mni. long. Strohilus 2.8 x 2 cni. Bractez 7.5 mm., b rac t eoh 9 mm. long. Seminn 8 nini. long.; ala sola 5 x 2 nim.

Judging froni the description evid;sntly close to C. acuticalvis, E'. Muell. ; differing from it chietly in the 14-15-toothed nodes with considerably shorter and rigid teeth, the snialler cones, and tlie oblongo-ol)ovnte acute wing to the seeds, this siiggext~inp tliversit,y i n tlie s l i a p of tlie bracteoles, though the point does not emerge i n Mneller's description.

Plores non suppetunt8.

CAYUARINA (0 l 'raclypitys) LEPTOTREDIA, sl'. nov. H:iinulis erectis medio- criter striati:: g l a h i s internodiis 4 mni. long. dent,ibns pro nodo 6 abbreviatis deltoitleis acritis ; stvol,i l is late cylindricis raro subglobosis glxbris ; brtrrteis. 1)nrvulis (sc. :rpico solo th.iangul:iri acnmin:ito ciriergente) ; bracteolis apice brerissiine productis tlorso lignescentil,us t,nI)ercnlisque 3-4 parvis p:mlluliini etninentibus obtiisissimis onnstis post deliiscentiaiii spatium aiiguste ellipticuin relinquentibiis ; s ~ n ~ i ~ ~ i l w s oblongo-obo\,atis a1)ice trnncatis niedioque snli to mncronixlat,is brunneis.

Nungarin ; S t o w a d , 742. Ramuli 1 inm. cliani. Nodoruni dentes vix *5 mn1. long., pallicle Irunnea.

Strobili plerique 20 x 1 2 nim., nonirunquam ~ ~ a u l l o Ionpiores brevioresvtx. Bractcaruin p r s emergens 1 mm. v i s attingetis. 13ractt~ol:irriin culnien

u 2

Page 36: A Contribution to the Flora of Australia


circa -2 min. alt. Seiniiii 4 mm. long. ; ala sola 2 x 2.5 mm.

This can be distinguished from C. Tiitmilis, Otto & Dietr. by the less markedly striate branches with six (not four) teeth at the nodes, the narrower cones with less prominent dorsal tubercles to the bracteoles, and the narrow opening left between the br;icteoles on escatie of the smaller light brown (instead of black) seeds which are provided wit,h a iiarrower wing.

Spatia intervalvaria 2 x 1 m u .



This part of the memoir is devoted almost exclusively to notice of plant,s comntnnicated by travellers at various times duriiig h s t century, and will, i t is trusted, prove the forerunner to anotlier, Iiossibly others, of similar nature. It will be convenient, anti perhal’s may not be without interest, to notice shortly tlie chirf collectors wliose ii:inies appear in tlie following pages, with the niore reason inasrnucli as some of these natites are oii i i t td froin the official ‘ History of the Collectionv contained in the Natural History Departments of tlie Britisli Jluseutii.’

ARMSTRONG, J. Was :it Port Essington i n 1840. T l i ~ r e is a fair set of Iris plants a t the Museum, thongh not so good as that a t Kew ; but the Niiseutn set contains here and there a species not in tlie Iicw herlxiriuiii.

The full set of this, perhaps the most imporhiit of :dl Australian collections, is of course a t the British Museum. A large nuinber of Brown’s plants are also :it I<ew presented under the terms of the J. J. Bennett IJequcst in 1872.

Sut~geon on the ‘ Beagle ’ 1837-43 ; hetter Icno\ i n as havinw h acted in a siniilar capacity on the same ship during the subsequent voy:ige iinniortalized bp Charles Dxrwiii. I n tlie preface to ‘ Flora Aust,r:t- lieiisis,’ Bentliani regrets the w a n t of funds Chicli prevented tlie plauts collected by the “ officers of tlie ‘ Beagle ’ nnder Captain Wicliliani anti Captain Stokes ” being m:de :~vailable for esaniinatioii a t the I\Iust:niri. There was, however, no reason for this regret, bince examination of the consignment and comparison of its contents with the Bynoe plants a t Iiew show the two collections to be essentially the same, though with specimens missing here :lad there from one or the other. There seems lit,tle reason to doubt, therefore, that the “ officers ” alluded to above were really con- ceutratecl in the person of the surgeon, and tliis view lias been adopted on the Museum labels.

CUNNINGHAM, ALLAN. Boaring i l l mind t,hat Cunning1i:ini owed his position largely to the offices of Baalts, it is only ii:itur;il to find his devoted services as collrctor well in evidence :rt the Mnseum. The reader may be



Page 37: A Contribution to the Flora of Australia


reminded how, after acconipnnying the first Osley expedition into tlie interior of Now South Wales (181i), Cunninglinm joined Captain Kitig of the ‘ Merrnaid ’ in the sriccwdiiig year, a second espedilion under the same couini:inilw following iu 18I!), in 1820 a tliird, and a fourth, also uuder Captain King but tliis time i n the ‘ Uatliiirst,’ a somewhat 1:irger aiiil more conveniotit \,chs,el, in 1821-2. Thouglr the most valuable of Conuitrg1i:ctn’s collections were made during these four enpcditiuns whicli touched at various points iri tlie exatern, northern, iilld western p r t s of‘ tlie ishiid- coatinent, lie niade seveixl overland jouriicys i n subsequent pears, not,aLly those to lforet,on Bay in 1897-9. Together wit’li tire original ni:~nuscripts :tnd correspondrnce rclat,ing to tltcrii, :I 1:trge proportion of the speciinens ainasseil as :tl~ovo-inentioned arc :it tlio Museum ; but tliougli a certain l)t?r- centage 1i:itl inany years ago bueu [iixcle :ivailablo for study, there remained a large nuInlJf3r to be dealt with, and eveii now tlie work is not quite finished. Fortun:tteIy tliis W:IS not :t iri:Lt,ter of ~ u c l i iniportance as tiiigllt Iiave bee0 tbe case, owiiig to Kew’s acquirement. of Cuuniiiglinni’s own lierbnriuin through the goiicimity of liis frieiid Heward. Nevertheless the two herlxiria tliougli closely parallel are not identical, tliere h i n g reciprocal absentees froin both. I t W:IS unfortunnto d i n t Cu~iniiigliittii, instead of a current euunieration, atlol)teJ the unsatisfactory Iilan of nuinbering e:tch collection separ:itely ; t,liis was probably tlie reason for Bentham’s iieglecting to cite tliis t~otnnist’s iiuni hers, altliougli he quotes I)~*uniniond’s, who worked on tlie same tiiotliotl. Cunniiigliani’s p i c t i c e lins entailed inucli labour and loss of tinie in ascertainiug from his tnaiiuscripts the locality and otlier det:tils relating to his inaterial, since the tracing out of a number frequently involved scrutiny of niniiy lists, often indeed of ;tll, : L I I ~ even then sotnetinies without result.

Mr. Maiden’s pipcr, ‘‘ ltecords of \Vestern Australian Botanists ” (Journ. W. Ausitral. Nat. Hist. Sot.. vi. pp. 5-27), i t tii:iy be noted, does not, iuclutle Cunning1i:Lrn’s name, altlioagli both i n 1518 :tnd 1821-22 King George’s Sountl and other places in the Boutli-West were visited.

DAEMEL, E. Collected inany years ago in the Cape York peninsula. What seetiis to be a good set was purchased ol’ a “naturalist” named Huggins in 1868, as was probably tliat, a t Kew.

The only reference obtniiied to this collector is in a letter of George Maxwell to Rew. In 1872 Maxwell writes that tie is sending :L

few seeds “ which Mr. De Bouley 11:~s kinclly undertakeii to deliver.” Tlie collection was Inade in tlie north-west part of the colony, and, as might be expected, coatai.ns niuch of interest besides liere and tliere a new species.

Acconipanied Oxley’s N.S. Wales Survey Espeditioii 1817-18. Was at Moretoti Bay in 1 8 8 , and in the p c e d i n g year a t King



Page 38: A Contribution to the Flora of Australia


George’s Suund. Forgetfulness of the last-mentioned fact has led Bentham to localize l i . ~ i c h i ) z 1 ~ 1 ~ & ’ ) u s e r i , A. Cuiin., as a N. S. Wales plant, whereas i t is really a South-Western sl’ecics. ‘I’his iiaii~e, too, is omitted from Mr. BfaiJen’s usef’ul “ ItecorJs ” above iiotecl.

Besides plants, collectcrl bird-sliins for Gould the orni- thologist ; the Museuni 1i:is a coiisitlernblt! nuriiher of his Soutli-Western plants. Bcntliain cites this iianie but rarely xntl nevor with tlie number, altliough, for instance, Meisnet. (DC. Prod. xiv. ~ ~ a s s i m ) had previously done so wlicre possihle.

LEA, Rev. T. 3. Will bc renieiiiborcd as tlic coinpanion of Messrs. Ridley :ind R:~tiiage 011 their v i4 t to Fern:~ndo Noronlin in 1557. Mr. Lea was in Sooth hnstra1i:r in the l:itt,er Iialf of 1885, :tnd during the succeediiig year he visited North Atrstrali:~ and Queenslaiid. His plants, amounting to nearly 1400, especially those froin P;ilinerston, Adelaide River, aiid Pine Creek, chosen with judgment and well pwserved, ;ire often of great interest and value.

I n the not very large collection of this traveller’s plants, those of most interest are froin Worth Australia.

Botanist to t,lie Baudin Expedition a t the beginiling of tho la*t century. A set of his p la~i t~s cominunicated from the Paris Museuin in IS16 inclutlcs a few co-t,ppes of great value. The most interesting of‘ this collector’s 1)lants :ire froiii the Sliark’s Bay District, a localiby his fellow-counti.yiiinii Gaudichaud also visited a few years after- wards.

RIACGILLIVRAT, J. Bot:tnist to various Australian expeditions. The Museum has a set of his plants dated 1812 when on the ‘ Fly,’ Sandy Cape and Port Bowen being the localities.

Collected it1 Sonth-West Australia, mainly in the Mount Barren coastal region. Thoiiyh the bulk of his plants went to Melbourne, whence Mueller coniinnnicated ni:~ny to Kew, a large number found their way t o the Museum, including a numbered set dated 1861, the rest being without niini1~er,s. A certain proportion of these arc. not at, Kew, including here and there :t species (and one genus) new to science. Specimens subsequently collected (1872-8) were presented to the Museum by Mr. J. Cosino Melvill.

The Museum h:is nearly 500 of this well-known traveller’s speciinens, which are often the more valuable from having attached to them dated labels enabling the localities to be ascertained upon referen-e to the explorer’s second work, that’ of 1848.

Collected at various places in Queensland and New South iyales, 1891-3,




Both these 11alKieS are oniit,ted )JJ’ !&,. I\l:iiden.




Page 39: A Contribution to the Flora of Australia


CELASTRACEB. This reinarkahle plant, only

recently assigned to its truc place, \\':I5 collectcd by Gilbert tlirec-quarter5 3f a cetitury ago ; unfortunately the locality is iiiilcnowtl, tlir lahcl haviiig gone astray. The species, i t may be nieiiiioiiecl, is :dso rcxpresented :it tlie Museurn by the following :--Quellirigton ; C. ,l~itlwws, 646. Bruce Rock ; Stoiuarrl, 420.

C'uriouslJ- enougli Mueller orip,in:illy t l (~scr i l )d tliib as a Jlo!/trriia !, tliougli how so accomplished a hotmist fell inlo tliis error is i~ i co~ i i~~re l i e~ i s i l~ l e .

Psarnnzoinoya clrowtl.oides, Diels 6: Loes.

Nutigarin j Id. , 466.

SAPINDACEB. DISTICHOSTEMON PILAMENTUSUS, sp. iiov. Rwik t~eiinil)iis foliosls s1);irsiiii

piibescentibns ; ,foliis obloiigis vel o ~ l o n ~ o - l : ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ l : t t i s (mro :iiigusta 01,101igo- ovatis) al'icc acutis obtusisve 1i01inunqiia1ii o1)tnsissiiriis bwi in 1)etioluni intlriifestuui :irigust,:itis margine crciinto-cleiit,atis c r e i i i khsve i n ~ e r ~ l n i i i in- tegris inernlraiiceis s1)arsirn ciliatis ceteroquin gllrbris ; ,florihirs p u c i s polygainis terininalibus \-el ex asillis suniniis ort,is 1on~ipetluiicul:ltis ; sepalis 6-8 1anceolat)is acutis e s t m puberulis ; stamirziluts vcrisitiiiliter saltein %O antheris oblongis filament,is sibi ipsiis :quilonpis i n d e n t i l m ; ola.i io velu- tino ; capsiila aiiiliitu late obtriangalari t r i q i d r a alis tribus q~ ian i valr,u nngustioril,ns iuferne iiiuniuutia I i ral i tn valvis :I tlissel)i!nento tlehisceiitibus.

N. Australia, Palinerston ; R e v . T. S". Lea. Folia plei.nqne 2.5-4 cin. long., 8-15 i i i n i . 1:rt. ( raro G x 2 cm.), in sicco

viridia ; petioli 3-10 i n i n . lorig. Pedicolli 5-25 i t r i i i . long., noniiiiil(luaii1 adusque 4 cin. h'ilaiiiaiit:i gmciIliiit:i, 2-3.5 niiii. long. ; anther= 3-3.5 i i i i i i . loi!g. Ovariuni 3 x 4 i n i n . Capsula subtiliter velutina, 10 t i i n i . lung., sursimi circa 15 mni. lat.; a h capsula q u i a l t ~ , suiniiiuui 5 inin. kit,.

A curious plant more like Dodonrea than Dislicliostemoii, but tlie calyx and the numerous st:mcns must keep i t out of the former genus. The autlirrs on comparatively long filirinerits is a character neither of Dotiorma nor of nistichosfeinon, and mag periiaps irldicate :t distiuct genus, if indeed all tlir species niay not with more propriety be included in Dotloncea.

Tliu inaterial is not quite satisfactory, so that tlie precise iinriiber of staincns was not ascertained ; but judging from the scars left u p u i i tlie sliglitly elevated receptacle, there are sorue 20 of tlielii-at least iu niost cases.

Xepala tniicleiii rcflexa, 4-5 n i n i . long.

Seniin:i nigra iiitentia, fz nim. long.

ANAC:ARDIACEB. EUROSCHINUS PARVIP'OLIUS, sp. iiov. R a m u l i s subterctibus ml~t i l i t e r

ferrugineis ; &oliis 2-3-jugis rhachi graoili ut petioluli ferruginea foliolis olloiigo-oratis apice szpiu~inie Lrevi ter cii,il~idnl:~to-:iculllinatis basi obliqnis

Page 40: A Contribution to the Flora of Australia


pergamaceis supra ~ l a b r i s subtus in axillis nervorum proxiinis pilosis ; paraiczdis nxillarihus teririinnlibnsve folii5 s q i u s brevioribus ferrugineis ; Jloi*ii',iis pediccllis perbrevibns c,irno\is insidentibu, ; ctrZycis 10l)is ovatis obtusis glIibris ; petulis ov:ito-oblongis obtusii cnIycein longe eicedentibus ; jZame7zh d n l a t i ~ ant!ieris circiter reyuilongis ; ouario subgloboso glnbro in stylum crassiiiii abeunte ; styZis npice inodo lilueris.

Jlab. Queeu>lnntl, CuniherI;ind Islands ; R. B)*ow~z, dist. no. 5424. Foliorum rhachis usque act 4.5 an . long. Foliola 3-4 ctn. long., rarius

adusque 5 cm., 1.2-2 cin. lat., i n sicco I)runiie'i, itlaxime inaecjui1ater:i. obscure venosn. Calyx tutus 1.2 inin. long., hujiis lolli .4 inm. Filainenta fere 1 111111. long. ; anther8 oblong=. Discus persyicuus, lobulatus. Ovarium 1.2 mn. d i m . Styllls fere I inin, long.

The genus consists of some half-dozen species, most of which are New ~h1etloni:in. The above-described is the second Austrnlian bpecies, differing from E.faZcatus, Hooli f . chiefly in the small leaflets pilose on the underside in the axils of the lower nerves, the short panicles, nm-row petals, and large globular ovary.

B. Brown's dist. no 5422 (E.,faIcatus, Hook. 1. var. a.rzgust$ilius, Benth.) h x s leaflets more like those of E. pnraifolii[s tEinn of the type, but its inflorescences are those of typical 13. fukatus.

P a i i i c u 1 ~ circa 3.5 ~111. long. P e t a h coiicava, 2.5 mm. Iong.

MY R T A C E B . This variety was

founded on Pritzel 820, from the Avoii district of W e 4 Australia: Drurnmond's 29 of the 3rd coll. is the sanie thing. Owing to its reduced leaves, short peduncles, and greitly divided calyx-lobes this looks different from the typical examples, but a serics shows intermediates i n all these respects.

ve4cord iu Fontu7iusii, DC., var. 6mclryp/,jZla, Die]*.

This is no doubt a very variable species.

V. Forrestiuna, I?. Maell. Fine s p e c i ~ n e ~ of this rare p1:int were pre- sented i i few years ago to the Museum by Miss De Pledge. S o far as Miss De Pledge was able to ascertain, the plant grows exclusively on the sides of sandliills about 80 miles inland from the town of Onslow, never apparently descending to the surrounding flats. The colour of flowers varies from white through ail sliades of pink to a deep blackberry red, this being one of the few pink-flowered plants found in those parts, the prevailing colour being pale manve. A photograph accompanied the material.

CALI'THRIX WICKHAMIANA, sp. nov. Copiose ramosa, glabra ; ruinulis tsnuibus frequeiiter f'oliosis int'ernc: crehro cicatricit'eris ; jbl i is posillis priirto

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imbricatis lanceolatis acutis dorso acute carinatis glandulis perpaucis inspersis ; j l o r i b t i s in axillis siiperioribas solitai3s subsessilibus ; braetealis iiiediutn usque connatis obtusisriinis ; c d y ~ i s tub0 bracteolas facile superante superne anguste cylintlrico cavoque diriiidio inf. f usiforini lobis parvis orbicularibus sat longe aristatis ; petalis l;iiiceolat,is wxitiusculiu stamina excedentibixs ; staminitus ultra 25 ; stylo inl’erne calyce incluso.

North Australia, Victoria River ; Bynoe. PoIia 1-1.5 inni. long. Bracteolz 4 inin., pedicelli 1 i r i m . long. Oalvx

in toto 8 inin. long. ; 1mrs libera 4 x G in in . ; pars hi‘. justa iiiediuni fere 1 inin. lat.; lobi 1.5 x 1.5 i n i n . ; :irisha 7 inin. long. Petnla G i ~ i i i i . , filamenta 4 mm., stylus 8.5 i i i n i . long.

This htis the leaves of C. conftrta, A. Cuiin., hut the narrow calyx--tube removes it from that and neighbouring species. The affinity is with C. Oldfieldii, Benth.

CALYTHHIS MITCHELLII, sp. iiov. Fruticulus, copiose r : i~nos~~s, glaber ; rarnzilis ultiiiiis s:itis intricatis bene foliosis ; jbl i is 1)arvulis subteret ihs (dorso carinnlatisj oblongis obtusis g1;indulis perpaucis obsitis ; floribus subsessilibus ex axillis sunimis oriiindis ; bwcteolis calyce niulto brevioribus circa usclue tnediaiin conn:Ltis obtiisissiriiis j calycis tubo cjlindrico superne CAYO longitrosuni striato lobis subrhom Leis in arist~iiii sesc duplo excedenteni extennatis ; petalis obioiigo-laticeolatis stamina subaequantibus ; staminibus circa 12 ? ; stylo inferne calyce incluso usque ad placentam continuo.

Queensland, near A1 t. Faraday ; il.litchel1, 394. Folia 1.5 mm. long., in sicco griseo-viridia. Pedicelli z g r e 1 inm. long.

Calyx 6.5 mm. long., -6 mni. lat.; p:irs inf. 3 inm., pars sup. 3.5 inin. long.; lobi 2 mm., arista 4 inin. long. Stamina sumniuni circa 3 min. long.

Near the Nortliern C. microp/~yl la , A. cjunn., hut larger in the foliage with obtuse not acute bracteoles, shorter calyx, and quite different petals and stamens. Under the date Oct. 9th, Mit,c?iell (‘ Trop. Australia,’ p. 345) alludes to this plant in the following words : “ A sniall shrub grew ou the rocks, a pretty little CaZy%riz near C. niicro,d~ylla, A. Cunn. (from Port Essington and Jlelville Island) ; but the branches with their leaves are inore stout and the bracts more obtuse. Sir W. Hooker supposes it to be a new species.”

In the Kew lierbariuni this is written up as “ C. micropliylla, A. Cunn.,” though left unnoticed in FI. Austral. iii. 49. The foliage of the two is a t once seen t o be quite different.

C. megnp7iyZEa, F. Muell.

Petala 3.5 niin. long.

N. Australia, Victoria River ; Bynoe. Except for the slightly narrower leaves agrees well with the speciinen of this a t Kew.

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CALYTHRIX INTERSTANS, sp. nov. Verisimiliter snff rutex, glaber, copiose ramosus ; ramulis tenuibns iiiferne inox cicatricibus pro~iiinentibus foliorum mortuorum ornntis ; jol i is parvnlis imbricatis lineari-1:Lnceolatis apice albo- mncronulatis dorso auatiuscule cariiiatis neonon linca glandularuin per- paucarum coni p r a f e inagnaruni iudatis mnrgine microscopice cartilagineo- ciliolatis coriaceis ; ,floriOzts s;ilt,em in sicco dilute purpureis ex ssillis liac atquz illnc ortis subsessilibiis ; Oracteolis mediuni usque connntis breviter atcnmin:itis tiorso scalriusculis calycein circiter senii:equ:intibus ; calycis tub0 satis elongato infuntlibulari superne cavo lobis l a k ovatis ciliolatis iu aristant quam sese longioreui extenuatis ; pet& obloiigo-spatlinlatis acutis calycis lobos paullum escedentilns ; s t a m i d u s circa 20 ; stylo inferne calyce incluso.

N.W. coast ; De Bowley. Folia 1.5-3 111111. long., in sicco griseo-viridia. Bracteolze 5.5 m i i i . ,

Ovariuin -1.5 mni. loug., iiifernc. 1 I I I I I ~ . , apice 1.5 nim. Calycis pars lihera 2.5 nim. long., f e w 2 m n , lat. ; lobi d rnni., liorum

Petala p r o p basin 1.5 mm., supernc zegre 3 niin. lat.

To be inserted hetween C. conferta; A. (!unti. and C. a,d)orescercs, F. Nnell., with the foliage of co/!ferta but,, aiiiong other features, an eii tircly diverse

peclicelli 1 mm. long. Lit. arista 6 min. long. Stylus 12 11111I. long.


MICROMYRTUS PELTIGERS, sp. iiov. Copiose ramosn, glabra ; ramulis tenuibus oriiiiiniodo foliosis :illis ; hdiis pusillis c a d i nrcte appressis orbicu- laribus vel suborbicu1;iribus carnosis g1:~11cIuIis perpawis proniiiiulis urnzitis primo iiiibricatis subiiide I’arilms i n k sese sat dist:iiitil)us ; j l o r i h s in axillis superioribus ilil)ns ; mlycis tuho Ilreviter c:iinpnulat~o ohcure 5-costnto sube\-aitide foveo1:ito lobis subreniforniibus tuLo Li.evioriluus; petalis obovatis margine Ieviter unclulntis qii;iin calycie lobi dul)lo longivribus ; staminibus 10 subglobulnribus poris dehiscent,ibus ; ovulis 5-7 placetit= crassi- usculse apicali affixis.

Coolgardie district ; Webster. Folia 1 inin. long., rarius 1.5 nini. atting::ent,ia, in eicco griseo-viridia.

B r x t e o l z catlucE. Calycis tuLns 1.5 iiim. long., superne totidem diam. ; lobi -8 x 1.5 mm.

This is very clost? to Alicrowzgrtus vosea, comb. nov. ( Thryptoinene rosea, E. Pritz.), but a close scrutiny of its curious little shield-like leaves will a t once show i t to be different.

Petala 1.5 iniii. long. Stigma 1 mm. long.

There are also floral discrel)ancies.

Baeckea ramosissima, A. Cunn., i n Field’s N. R. Wales, p. 349 (1825), is not noticed in the ‘ Flora Austr;~liensis ’ ; it is founded on Cunningham’s No. 5 ot‘ the 1822 coll., and coiiies from the Blue Mountains. I n every way conspecific with B. difusa: Sieb. in DC. Prod. iii. 230 (1828), Cunningham’s natne must take priority over Sieber’s.

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LEPTOSPERMUM ($ Euleptospermum) MAXWELLII, sp. nov. Verisiniiliter frutex; ram& foliosis ultiniis brevissiinis priino niicroscopice sericeis cito glabrescentiblis ; ,fo&s parvis oblancoo1at;is apice ohtusissimis ips0 obscure mucronatis h s i in petiolurii brevissimuin augustatis coriaceis glabris utrobique glandulii leviter eiiiiiic~n tibus crcbro inslxrsis ; *fi'o).ibiis 1-2 sub apice riiniuloruni ultiiiioruiii 1)I;tne prtIicelIatis ; bracteolis fugaceis ; calycis tub0 cuinptnulnto crassiusculo rugiiloso gInbro vef potius obscure pruinoso lobis triaiigulari-deltoiclois obtusiusculis cilioi:Lt,is qu:in~ tubus paulluluni brevioribus ; petalis brevi t,er ~inguiculatis sul~orbicularil~us calycis lobis longioribus; stmtinihs circa 15 ; ovario 5-Ioc.ul:iri ; ouulis quove in Ioculo a .

W. Australia, Fitzgerald l t i v r r ; iUaxwel1, 202. Polia p l e r a q ~ e 4-7 I I I I I I . lung., apicein versus 2-3 mni. I d . , obscure

triuervia, in sicco griseo-viridia. Pedicelli c:ir::a 3.5 iiitil. long. Chlycis tubus 2 inin. long., apice tot,iclein lat. ; loLi I nim. long. Petala vix 3 min. diam. Capsiila ignota.

I n several respects renxirliably like the Tasn~aniaii, L. r.upest~*e, Hook. f . , but inore slender in habit and with smaller I)edicell;tte flowers having solnewhat different calyx-lobes.

LEPTOSPERMCBI (6 Eulepfospewnum) FASTIGTATUM, sp. iiov. KamuZis strictis etsi gracilibus foliosis tuberculis ljarvis ohsitis glabris ; j o l i i s parvis ovato-oblorigis apice olltusissiinis i p o niucronatis b:isi in petiolum brevissiiiiuin cuneatiin angiistatis trinervibus coriaceis p i n l o subtiliter albo-sericeis cito glabris ; jc,*ibu,s asillaribus subsessilibus pedicellis basi bracteas paucas niinutas ovatas fulcieiitibus ; culyce caiiipanulato in lciigitudinem coslato appresse albu-sericeo lolris deltoicleis acutis tubo brevioribus ; petalis sub- orbicularibns calycis lobos manifeste escerioiitit)us ; sfami~iibus circa 28 ; ovario 3-loculari ovulis quove in loculo ; stylo brevi stigmate p r v o peltato terminate.-L. R o r i , Diels & Pritz. in Engl. Bot. Jahrb. xxxv. (1904) 640, non Benth.

Coolgardie Goldfield in open s:intly places ; Pritzel, 844. Folia 5-9 mni. long., siiiiiinuiii 3 inni. lat., in sicco pdl ide viridia.

Bractez mox evaiiide, circa * 5 t n ~ t i . long. Pedicellus 1 mni. long. C'alycis pars adnata 1.5 nini., pars libera 1 inin. long.; lobi 1 inm. long. Petala alba, 2.5 mm. diam.

To this belong specimens collected by Wehster in the Coolgardie district, as also Thiselton-Dg-er, 35, f r o m near Dedari (this last iu the Kew Herb.). The Kew material has been assigned to L. myrtifuliurn, Sieb., an Eas t Australian species with 5-ct.lled ovary.

Stylus -75 inin. long.

L. Roei, Benth., has larger flowers with a villous calyx; also conspicuous scarious bracts.

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LEPTOSPE11nIOYSIS, il&rtaceam)ii e tribn Luptosperniearum, ;;en. iiov.

Calycis t u b u s cniup:ini:lati~s, tricwtr snp. ab ovario liber : lolii 5 , mem- branncei, iinliricati ~ P I I citissinio aperti. Pet& 5, cnlgcis lolios exceclentin, pntentia. Stani i i i~ . 5 , pctalii stricte opposita ; filtiiiienta brevi:], iuflesa ; iintlicrz verqntiles locoli3 iii lon~i tu t l incm tlelii~centibus. Oivm’uni inferunt, 5 - locuI :~r~ ; ovulis quoqrie in loculo plnribus (circa 16) bi5eri:iliI)iis. Stglus \)revis, crnsyiusculu;, foraiiriiii a t 1 apicein 01 :rrii insertus. Stigma capit*ttuin. --Verisiniilitc1r frutes, glxber. Pdia altern;~, parv:i. f f ’ l ows aiill:ires, peclicellati, ~~eclicellis basi hracteis minu t i3 stillatis.

LEPTOSIJERMOPSIS niYrvrIFoLIA, sp. unic:~. (1’1. 11. B.) Xuimlis sat tenuibiis :tliynaiito anfractuoais rxmulos breves foiiosos Aoriferosqnt~ s:ttis :ipproxiin:itos omit t,ontib us ; =foZiis s ul)sessil i 1)ns oGov:ttis ob tusissimis basi sngustatis cori:\wis trinervibus (nervis htelalilnis s : q e niasiinu inconspicnis) corinceis ; jloribrts petlicellis crassiusculis ciilyceiu fiicile excedcntibus srxffultis ; culyris tubo striato iniuutissiiiic sp:irsissiriiec~ne pul)errilo quain lohi deltoidei ncutiusculi paiillo longiorc ; petulis orbicularibus ; ,filui/rmtis baPi clilatxtis ; stylo iiicluso.

S.W. Australia : LWax~id l . Folia 4-5 t i i i i i . long., p r o l ~ e npicc:in 2 i i i i i i . lxt., 1):~s. i i i f . nliquaiido

perspicue trincrvia, pag. sup. I)leixiuciue enervos:~, utriiique g1:indulis pnrvis fuscis crehro insperja. Pedicelli ips0 siib flore leviter iiicrassnti, circx 4 in in .

long. ; bractere -6 111111. long. Chlycis tuhus 2 iii111. long. (pars 1iber:t .G inin.);

lobi 1 min. long. Filnineiita 1 iiiiii., aiitherw - 2 iitm., st,plus I mm. long.

The number and arxng::eincnt of the stairiens is so important :L feature among the ~nyi~tacc~oris geiier:~ pcu1i:tr to Aust’ralin, 01- :ilruost so, that no apology is neetleJ fo r a(1oiitiiig the stel) here tiiken of describing this as the type of a new g’eniis, iiltliougli it differs froin Lepto.spwinum, the species of whit-11 in geiiaral appearance it closely resetnl.)les, oiiljr in the :tiidrcecium.

The ch:tractt?rs of the genera of alteru:ite-lrnved LeptospermeaD may be shown as follows :-

Pet:tla. f ~ r c 3.5 iniii. diuni.

Flores capitulnti. Ovuli in loculis pauca . . . . . , . . . . . . Agonis. Flores haud capitulnti.

Stamina 10-30. Ovula in loculis indefinita (rxro 4-8) . . . . . . Lepto~prmum. Stamina 5, petalis opposita. Oviiln in loculis indefinita , . . . . . Leptospe~~n~op~is.

KzLn,-ea eviocaZ3,z, €7. Muell. ex descript. On the Ranges near Middle There is no specimen of ihis a t Kew. Mount Barren ; Jlaxzoell, 137.

Bentham saw only a small fragment from Baron Mueller’s herbarium.

KUNZEA (6 Bukunrea) AFFINIS, sp. nov. lnnovationibus albo-sericeis citissiiiie glabrosceutibus ; iuniulis ultiniis brevibus o~iiiii~iioclo vel auperrio

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solum foliosis ; foliis snbsessilibus linearitus ohtusis subteretihiis (pag. sup. applanatis) cr:issiusculis sat perspicne glnndulosis ; &o~itzcs sul)sessilibus 2- vel 3-nis (anne seniper 2 ) :rd apiceni rnmuloruiti sitis ; Zwacteis parvulis calyci inulto Iirevioribns ova& cibtusissiniis vel obtusis sc:triosis J calycis tubo campnnulato 5-costato quam lobi suhorbiculares longiore j pefcilis sub- orbicularibus 1;tfe breviterqne unguicnlatis ; stui)~iiiiEus biserialibus ; oaavio 5.locul;iri ovulis quove in loculo 8 j sty10 esserto.

Arid plains, Gardner and Fitzgtralcl Rivers; JlaxweZi, 211, Polia 4-6 mtn. long., .5-.8 mm. lat. ; petioli stiminuiii vix 1 nim. long.

Bracteze 1-2 inin. long., pedicelli -5 mni. Chlycis pars atlnata 1.5 mni., pars libera 1 mtn,, lobi 1 inin. long. Pilamenta circa 3 mm. long.

At first, sight rind witltout dissection this might he taken for K. paiiciJora, Schauer, of wliich i t has the t'oliagt. :ind general appa rance . Dissection shows, however, the folloming peculiarities : bracts much shorter than those of paztcij%wa and ii shorter cairipunlatc (not, ovoid) c:rly?c with quite different 1ol)es. The leirvcs are somewliat stouter than those of paue{flora, and the flowers a little smaller. It may be :itlcletl that although Bentham says the flowers of the older species are sessile, tliost. examined had pedicels of nwre than 1 inm. in length, and a pedicel is obviously necessary to support the bracts.

Pet& rosen, 2 - 5 4 mm. diam. StTlas crassiusculus 4.5 nitn. long.

RUNZEA ($ I G ( k ~ c ~ i z e a ) SPICATA, sp. nov. Imovat io~zihus inicroscopice sericeis cito glabris j ,rutwulis ultiniis folia ilriitio conferta tleinde sparsa fulcientibus ; ,fo& 1):irviu In te obovntis obtiisissiniis crassiaFculo-coriaceis cito glaljris pet,iolo brevi liit,oqne insic!enfil~us ; j o r i h s sessililius in spicas hreves ntl vc.1 jnst,ii r:tmu1oriiiti parteni iiitertnediuin sitas ordimitis ; c a l ~ c i s tubo sitblirmisplircrico crassiuscwlo levi vel fere levi quati1 loti oblongo-ovati ohtiisi re1 obtuc;issinii p:~ullulnm longiore; petrrlis sut~orbicularibus I:ite brevitrrqur unguiculn tis ; ( iz:a~io 5-loculnri locnlis circa 5-ovulatis.

West, Mt. Barren : ~ n d E'itzg?;crnltl River ; A/tr:ezueZ/. Folia usclue at1 S x 2.5 nim., ~)lerritiic~rie vt'ro ~ ~ a u l l o iniuoi~n, pag. utrnvis

perspicne glai1dulifern, in sicco s q e Iongitrorsuni riigulom; ~)et~ioliis .5 1111x1.

long. Chlycis tubus 2.5 trim. long. (pars inf. 1 11111:. pars libora 1.5 1mn.j ; lobi 1.5 iirin. long. Petala rosea, 2 trim. &am. Fi1anieut:r verisiiniliter bisc:ri:ili:i, 2.5-3 n i n i . long. Stylus fere 5 nnn. loug.

ICvitlently very near K. juczoda, Dicls, of wltich there is no specimen in this conntry. K. jttcw~rtltc is ilescrihecl :is linvitig inflorescences of 3, 3, or 4 flowers ;kt tlie top of tlie hraiichlets instead of the Alelaleirca like interpolatetl inflorescences O F the 1)lant iinclrr notice j moreover, i ts leaves :ire obovate- elliptic or suborbicular, the cainp:inulait! calyx is 10-nerved, and the cells of the ov:rry (number not stated) have 6-8 ovulcs.

Spica, florerites suninium 1 2 x 9 nini.

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MELALEUCA (Series Becussat@) WEBSTERI, sp. nov. Fruticosa, glabra ; rainulis ultinis crebro foliosis sat teniiibus, ,foliis oppositis (nonnunqunm suboppositiu) subsessi1il)us oblongo-lanceolot~is deorsutn ascenc!entibus sursum recurvis apice pungen t,i-ncuminatis dorso conresis coriaceis ; ~ f i o r z m fusciculis subglobosis plerumqne ex ratnis jntn det'oliatis oriundis paucifloris ; ccilycis c:inipanulati curiacei lohis late Jelt,oideis ol)i.nsis qua111 tubus plane breviori- bus ; petulis late ovntis ohtusissinlis concavis veikiniiliter albis : stairtinurn phxlangibus ex ungue petala excedeiite constantibus additis antheris 12-20 filamentis quam unguis brerioribus insidentihus ; oz9ario setninit'ero ; stylo crassillsculo staniinuni phalanges leviter superante ; 07:tcZis pro loculo plnribus.

Coolgardie district ; W7ebstcr. [Also :it Kew, I)ed:iri ; Il'ltiselton-lhyr, 40 ; Cowcowing ; M m i i o c h , 1003.1

F o l k plerumque 6-10 nini. long., 2 mm. ]at#., in sicco vit3di-lirunnca, clorso glandulis proininentiGus crebro indutn. Ovarium vis 2 nim. long. Calycis liberi pars indivisa fere 1 nini., lobi 1 niin. long. Petala 2-5 mm. long., vix totidein Iat. St:iminunt plialanguni unguis circa '1 mni. long. ; fi1:~inent~n 2 mni. lorl ,~. vcl minus ; an t l i em -5 i t i t i i . long. Stylns 7 niin. long.

The ICew specimens alluded to above Iiavc! been placed respectively with 111. eleictlierostucl~,ya, F. lNuell., and M. later$ora var. acutifolia, Benth. ; but hoth these linve alte,rnate leaves, an import~:tnt feature in the genus. Alt,hougli niuch like the Inst nnnietl in habit and flower, the foliage, irrespective O E its arraiigement, is seen without difficulty to be cliesiniilar.

MELALEUCA (Series Laterales) ORAMINEA, sp. nov. I m o w a t i o n i b ~ s indumento subtili albo-eericeo vestitis ; i . a ~ ~ u b i s cito glabris foliosis tennibus cortice dilute brnnneo 01)doctis ; f'oliis alternis sessilibns linearihiis npiea pungenti- mucronatis l-3-nervil~us nervis sa?pe obscuris necnon lateralibiis evaiiidis prirno :tllio-srriceis niox glabrescentibus ; f los~'brrs i n glonierulos axiII:tres sul)sessilcs plurifloros splizroidcos vel suhspli~roideos ordin:itis rhachi sericea fultis ; calycis tnho c:tnipannl:lto sericeo quam lobi ahbreviaii rot,undati longiorc ; ptabis pnrvis suborbicnlaribus ; stanaisralnz pl~alanguni ungue petalis sequilongo filamentis 7-9 ; ova7io fere otnnino snpero ; stylo crass0 andrscium breviter superante; oiwlis qiiove i n loculo paucis placen tz krevi basali affisis.

Folia pleraqiie 4-6 ctn. long., 2-3 inin. lnt,., in sicco griseolo-viridin. Glomernli floremmtcs 8 mm. diam. Peduncnllls sericelis, 1 mm. long. V P ~ paulluliim idt8ra. Calycis t8nbiis 1.25 x 1.5 min.; lobi niodo *5 inin. long. Filameiita 1iGera 1.5-2.5 iiini long. Ovariuin apice sericeum. Stylus 3.5 mm. long.

Evidently allied to Jl. acacioides, F. Muell., which has broader, obtuse leaves, a iigarly g1obul:tr calyx, longer stainiiinl phalanges of which the claw is much longer than the petals, while the filaments attached to each are only 5-7 in number,

N.W. Anstralia ; I le Bo~lry. Rnniiili sat intric:tti.

Petala longit. 1 inin. p:~uIluIuiii excedent,ia.

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MELALEUCA (Series SpicijEom) ARENICOLA, sp. nov. Cerisimiliter frutex, crebro ramosus, glaber ; rairiitlis riltiriiis tenuibus foliosis; jbl i is parvis alternis subsessilibus oblongis apice nincronatis basi obtusis facie saepissime concavis crnssiuscnlis ; floribiis in spicas asillares subgloboxis o1iganth:is digestis ; calycis sulglobosi coriacei lol,is :ibbrevi:itis deltoideis obtusis ; pet& ovntis obtusissiinis conrnvis ; s t a ? n i m r m pli:~l:xiignni iingue petala sub- sequante filamentis circa 10-1," ; ocn~ io oinniiio infero ; stylo crassiusculo ex staininuin phxlangibns linud eniiiicnte ; oz~ulis plririmis ; $ h c t r c pnrvo sub- globoso ore nudo.

West Australia, Avoii district,, in ~ a i i d y places ; P r i t d , 825. Folia plerunique 4-5 ctn. Ioiig., 1 nir i i . vel ~iaul luluin ultra lat., i n sicco

viritlia. Spicn? pleruiriquc circa 7 niin. long. Chlys basi latn rh:ichi insertus, in toto (lobis - 3 irini. long. iiiclusis) 2 nixri. long. Pet,ala 2 nini. long. Staminurn unguis 2 - 2 5 i i i i i i . long. ; filatnenta snuiinnni 3 niiii. long. ; ant l ie rs *35 tnni. long.

This has been listed (Eiigl. Jalirl). SXYV. 427) as M. Ztr.ri$ora, 'l'urcz. (M. crassifolia, Benth. of F1. Austral.), undoubtedly its affinity. The small narrow lea\ es, short spikes, sm:ill crowded flowers, and t,lie reduced and relatively mi-row fruits are t,lie chief features of this species.

St,ylus 5.5 inm. long. Fructus 2.5 111ni. diaiii.

Ilfelnleicca cordata, Benth., F1. Austral. iii. 149 (18E6). Turczaninow had previously described this, curiously enough under the same trivial, i n Bull. Acad. Imp. Sc. Pbtersbourg, s. 339 (1852). This overlooked nieiiioir contains no fewer than 77 descriptioiia belonging f'or the most part to Drumiiioiid's 5t,h set.

CALOTHAMNUS T-ALIDV'S, sp. iiov. (PI. 11. C.) Ramcl i s validis inferne cica- tricibus or1)iculai~ibiis spnrsis onu& supernr: foliosis pul,escent,ibus subiade glabrescentibus; , j j l i is approsiniatis linenribus teretibus apicr: pungentibus rigidis crassiusculis juvenilibns microscopice fnlvo-sericeis sed cito glabres- ceritibus ; jloribtcs 4-meris in spicas abbreviatas paucifloras pnbescentes digestis ; culyce rhsclii nequaquniii iinnierso hrwi te r cainpnnulnto sparsir11 rtiiriutissime sericeo lobis o),l(,u~n-ol)ov:ttiH obtusissimis tuho 1)aruiii hreviori- bus innrgiiiibus :irigiib5tic dccoloribus ; p t u l i s -- ; s t u m ~ i ~ i ~ o n f'ascicnlis 4 omnibus inter sese fere q r t a l i b u s quoque lignlani late lineareiti Ioiige esscrtnni fiI:itneiita circa 1.5 fnlcientetii ost'eiiclriiti ; orurio 3-loculari ; ,~?1/Zo

cr:issiiisculo :inclrcecio iiiulto lweviore ; , f h . t i L ovoicleo h i conc:ivo calycis lobis 2 persistentihiis coron;~-to lobis 2 oninino evanidis.

vli. Austrdia, in a rocky crcel: near West Mt,. Barren ; Jhawel l . Polia pleraque 2-2.5 C I I I . long., 1 111111. diam. vel paullnlnn~ ininus, i n sicc,o

griseo-viridin iiecnou longitrorsurii riiilulosa. CaIyGs valtle corincei tubus 5 x 5.5 inin. ; lobi 4 inin. long. Staniinuin fasciculi circa 2.5 cni. long. ; horuin iingiiis fere 2 cm. long. ; a n t h e m lineari-oblongae, 2 - 2 5 1iim. long,

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Stylus \,ix 1.5 cm. long. Fructns cinerei, 13 mm. long., 10 mrn. diam., loboruin 2 persistentniu apicibus contiguis.

Affiiiit,y clearly n-it11 C. quadr$tlzis, Br., and netirest with the terete forins of that species. It is hest clistinguislied 1)y the larger flowers witjli the calyx- lobes almost as long as the tube, as also by tlie n~ucl i larger fruits having the persistent calys-lobes bent over so as t,o meet in the nlidclle line, instead of leaving a p p a t the top of the fruit.

EUGENIA (0 Sgqgiutn) ESSINGTONIANA, sp. nov. Plan ta glabra ; ra?7zdis subtleretibus cortice brnnneo ol)tluct,is crebro foliosis ; fobiis obovatis vel obovato-oblongis apice late rotundat,is bari in pet,ioluni breveni cuneatim angust:itis perganiaceis p g . sup. in sicco griseis pig. inf. brunneis ; floribus parvis in p:~iiicnlain peduiicii1at:iin lase tricliotomam foliis circiter zeqiii- loiigani dispoeitis ; pmliidlis calFcein circa aquantilius (floruni centraliuiii vero brcvioribusj ; calgce turhiunto ore undu1:Lto ; ptt"1is parvis ; staminibus nuinerosis fi1:inien tis brevibus craesiusculis antheris sribglobosis loculis p:ir;ilIelis deliiscentibas ; stylo incIiiso.-~~. S?)iitliii, Uenth., ex p r t e , lion Poir.

. . . .

P o r t Essington ; A?*nzstrong. Folia pleruinque t L ! J cm. long., 9.5-5 em. ht,., opaca, punctis trans-

lucentibus liaiid visis ; costa lateralis iiiarginem appropinquans ; cost% laterales iitrinque circa 40, parum proininulz ; petioli crassiusculi ; fiisci, 5 111111. long. Puniciila 6-7 x 5-6 cni. ; hnjus peduncnlus 2.5-3 cm. long. I'edicelli 2-3 'iiini., floiuni centrahuni 1 min. lorig. Ovarinm 1 i i i in . long. cnlycis pars libera tot3itlein. I'etaloruni ca1yptr:i 2 inn]. diain. Filanient,a circa 1 min. loiig., a n t h e m .," nini.

&mtllarri (Fl. Austmral. iii. 2%) referred t,liis to 3. S,niitltii, Poir., an East Australian slwcics, although it is entirely diferent. in foliage and 11:is not the divaricate anthers he notes :IS p c u l i a r to thRt, species. It, is nexrer E. minuti- ,fl ova, F . Mu ell., tle sc r ibcd unfortunately wit,liont in ea s 11 reni en t s ; the obova t e or elliptic-cuneate leaves of this are said to he paler below than above, the reverse of wlrat is seen in t,he cast: of I{. ~ss i~ ig toniana, where the underside ~ ) ~ O \ V I I contrasts marlcedly with tlie pale grey of the uliper face. Moreover, the flowers have very short 1)edicels ; while tho statement '' fruit rather large, depressed globiil:ir," altliough the epecinien of A. Pssiiigtoniana is in flower only, seeins to indicate a. (IiEerence in the ovary and the fruit.

Stalus filit'ormis, 1 mm. long.

13. ~uborbicubaris, Benth. This is said by Bentham (1. c. 255) to occur orlly in Queensland, and Mneller (2nd Census) follows him, although Muellgr had previously given North Australian localities (Frag. ix. 143). Bentham cites A. Curiningliain. as having collected this plant on the " N.E. Coast," but Chnningham's in:iteri;tl (3rd voy., No. 68) \\as ohtained on the shores of Solit11 Goulburn Island. Tlre Banks and Solander specimens Bentham

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referred to E. gruticlis, Wight, may be noted as really helonging to his E. suborbiciclaris.

E. A?*rnstTonga’i, Bell th. A. Cunninghnm found this very rare plant (3rd voy., No. 8743 a t Htint~r’s River, Yorli Sound (Bentham merely says “ N. Coast ”). A peculiar feature of the species is that the leaves are often subopposite.

E. Banksii, Rritt. & S. Moore, founded on Endeavonr River specimens of Banks and Solantler, has turned up among Allan Cunninghain’s plants (3rd voy., No. tii). The locality is given as “very shaded situations in dark woods about the surrirnit of Mount Cooli.”

M O L L U G I N A C E B . Rnmis procumbentibus raniulos crebro

foliosis intervallis brevibns g ignent ihs uti ramuli foliaque scnbriuscule pubescentlibus tandem glnbrescentibus ; ,foZiis sesailibus lineari-oblongis vel angnste lineari-ob1:inceolatis obtnsis t m i petiolit‘ormi-angustatis crassiusculis punctis translnccntibus perspicuis pag. ntravis gaadientibus ; $O&LS

solitariis nxillaribus peclicellis scabriuscnle puberulis quam folia brevioribus insidentibus ; bracteis parvulis linearibus ; culycis scabriuscnle pubescentis tub0 breviter campanulato lobis ovato-oblongis obtusis quam tubus longi- oribus ; stai~inibzcs 10-18 margine disci lati irregulariter insertis j oenrio 2-loculnri ovulis qaova in loculo 1 plncentze septo adnatx? affixis ; stylis 2 crassiusculis.

South Australia, Port Liiicoln ; J. f1. Muiden. Ibid., in a hedge by the wayside ; Rev. T. 8. Lea.

Polia pleraque 1.5-2 cm. long., 3-4 mm. lat., exstant vero niinora tnajora- que, saltem in sicco grisea. Peduncnli 5-12 nim. long., bractez circa 1.5 mm. Plores flavi. Calycis tubus 1.5 n m . , lobi 2.5 nim. long. Filanienta 1 inin. I O J I ~ . ; antherz versntiles, fila~nen tis Equilongz. Ovariuni ovoideum, apice truncatuni, 1-95 nini. long., scabriuscule puherulum. Styli 1 mm. long. Capsula i n calyce persistenti inclusa, inenibranacea, 2-locnlare, 4 mm. long. Semina diam. 1 nim. paullulum excedent,ia.

Known 011 sight from 7: decandrn, DC1. by the narrow leaves and the solitary pedicellate flowers.



Mit~asacnle is a genus of Loganiacex! with 23 species according to the ‘ Index Kewensis,’ of which nearly all are confined to Australia, only four being found outside the island continent, from India and South China through 1l.alaya to Bew Cnledonin, and one only of these (41. s~ tosa , Hance),


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a Cambodian plant, not reaching Austrnlia *. It is intcresting to note that our genus is closely related to tlie also almost csclusivel y Australian Logania, tho tn o genera contributii2g niorc tlinn 90 per cent. of the N:itur:tl Order as represented in Australia. Since vol. iv. of the ‘ Flora Australiensis’ appeared in 18G9, only three Australian s1,ecics sceiii to have been described, viz. M. pulustris, Fitzg. xntl two others hy tho s:iinc ;iuthor ; to these inay now be added the two which follow.

MITRASACMF, ($ N i t r a g p e ) LriTwr,oRA, sp. nov. Canlc pro genere elato gracili sparsini raiiioso (r:iiriis ammdentibns) snbtercti g1aI)ro ; foliia (racli- ca1it)us c:irentibns) nsque acl squa~~i:is caulitins minimas ovntas vel inbulatns o1)tusas vel aciitas reductis ; floribtrs inediocri1)ns in cyinam unibelliforinem lase paucifloram digestis; p l i c o l l i s quain Aores longioribus filifo~n~ibus uti calyx corollaque glabris ; ctslycis cmnlmiulnti ~ L I I I I O ultra medium indivisi segmentis tri:iiigul:iri-tleltoitlri~ ohtiiqe acritii; coroI1~ tricnte sup. s o l u b tuho calycem p l u ~ yuani clulilo excrdentu late cylindriro faucibus nndo lobis late ovatis obtnsis vel oLtiisissimis ; ~taini)iib7is tuho prope basin insertis nntheris inclusis ; ounrio OT oicleo ; stylo incluw brevissinie bitido.

N. Australin, Palmerston ; ~ Z P V . 2’. S. Len. Planta circa bispitliainen. Fo1i:i 1-2 min. long., lmsi connaki. Umbells

Calyx Corolla alba ; tubus

Filainentn circa 4 min. long; antlmx! Ovuriuin 1.75 nim. long. ; stylus dimidio inf.

Capsula snl)globos:i, pdlicla, nititlula, 2.5 mm. diam. Nearest Jf. emertn, F. n l d l . , but I\ ithout, unlcw they liave fallen, the

szpius triflorz, basi foliornni pari stipatze. circa 3 inin. long. ; tiibus 1.75 inin., lohi 1.5 inin. long. 7 x 3 n i m . ; lobi 3 i n t i i . long. sagittatz, obtusz, 1 nini. long. fissns, fere 4 niin. loiig.

radical leaves, and diverse in calyx and corolla arid insertion of stanlens.

Pedicrlli 1-2 cm. long:.

MITI~ASACNE ($ dditragyize) NUMMULARIA, sp. nov. (PI. 12. €3.) Heyba annua, pusilla, n basi raniulosa microscopice pubcrula ; rmiulis tiliformibus oiniiiniodo foliosis ; ,foliis sessilibus o r b i d a t i s veI salteni late ovatis apice rotundatis vel subito obtuse acutis Lasi breviter r)etioliformi-angostatis necnon pcr paria inter se cunnatis ; $or ih~s in axillis solitariis peduncii- latis ; calycis turbinati inediiim usque divisi seginentis 4 rotundatis acutis npiceque divaricatis ; corollrc tuho lnto calyci circiter ,~cquilongo intus glabro lobis suborbicularibus tiibo panllo brevioribus ; starizinibus inclusis corolla j u x t s medium ttibum insertis filanientis qnain an them paulluluui brevioribus ; ovario ovoideo in stylum brevem pinguem inferne fissum desinente ; stigmate capitato.

Regent’s River, N.W. Coast ; A. Cunning7zam, 166 (of 4th voyage).

* From this list M. lutca, LBv. (Fedde Eep. iv. p. 331) is excluded, tlie diagnosis, as is often the case with this writer, being too fmgmentnry to be of any service.

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Herba circa 2 cm. :ilt. r:idice snbsiniplici tenerrinla przdita. Folia pleraque Peduncnli 1.5-5 nim.

Calvx longit. 2 mm. leviter escedens; Fila-


Affinity with ill. 1 n d i f e r a , Br., but a t once distinguished by the fo1i:ige. This yields a rarc instance of a plant of Allau Clunningham’s being 1111-

represented at Kew i n the Heward tlonation ; a t least success has not attendecl a search for i t there, and i t could not have escaped Benthain’s eye had the author of ‘ Flora Aastr:iliensis ’ met with it.

3-5 x 2-1 mm., obscure trinervia, in sicco viritlia. vel etiam frre usqne 10 nim. long. hujus lohi 1.5 inin. lat. menta -35 mm. long. ; aniherre ovoideac, obtusicsinlz, .5 mm. long. 1 mm., stylus *3 mm. long.

(:oroll:c tubus 2.5 inin. long. ; lohi 1.5 nim.


Among specially intcrcsting groups of plants native to Australia is the tribe Clonnthen? of thc Oldcr Verhraacez. Although there i.i no doubt as to the affinities of this group, the external appearance, usually more or less densely toinentow or woolly, is so peculiar that a botanist, even of soitie experience, niight 1)c forgiven for failiire correctly to place its species in the Natural System. Thanks to the good ofices of Professor Ewart of Melbourne, the group in question is now fully represented at the Museum except for two or three items. The only unnamed specimen fit to descrihe is

DICRAATYLES THOMASIX, SIP. nov. Suffrutes ? ; ~a7nis saltem sursum bene foliosis dense flavo villo,~o-toirieniosis : f o l i i s scssilibus oblongis oltusis basi rotun(1;itis iilnnis inargine crcnnlntis rugosis utrobique pariter albo-villosulis ; eytnis glomerulum dcnunm gIo1,osum referentibus ; pedicellis floribus certe brevioribus nti bractez inaximn pro p r t e p a r v u h necnon calyces dense albo- lnnntis ; cdycis segmentis 1iiie:iribus obtusis fere basiii usque inler sese liberis ; covolln~ p a d l o ultra medium divisx lobis ovato-oblongis obtusis ; staniinibzcs breviter essertis ; ouario ovoideo villoso ; sty lo biramoso.

West Australia ; M i s s Tlioinas. Folia 1.2-1.5 cm. loug., 4-5 mm. I d . Florum glomerulus circa 2 cm.

Bractex perpaucz extoriores circa 5 nim. long., ceterz c 2 mni. Calycis segmenta

C o r o l l ~ tubus 1 mm., lohi 1.25 mm. Filamentorum pars libern circa 1 mm. long. ; an them ovoidex?, -75

The indurnentum, flat, oblong leaves and densely headed flowers are the

diain. Peclicelli eumrrium 1 mm. long., plerique etiam breviores. (indumento neglecto) B mm. long. long. mm. long.

chief features of this species.

Ovarinm fere 1 mm. Styli rami *5 mm. long.

R 2

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P R O T E A C E B .

GREVILLEA ( 5 Eu- Grerrillea) EYREANA, sp. nov. Arbor, rain& sat gracili- bus subteret ihs minute pubescentibus dein glabrescentibus ; fol i is teretibus pinnntisectis segmentis paucis plus mi nu^ divaricatis rigidis plerumque seine1 vel bis 2-3-chotomis ultimis I)"tigenti-ncuminatis microscopice pibe- rulis glaucis ; j o r i b u s peclicelliitis in r;icemos 1)lurifloros fulvo-pubcscentes foliis circiter aequilongis digestis ; yeriu?ztliio extiis fulvo-tomrntoso b isi dilntato segmentis inox solutir superne lineari-oblongis npice anguste 01 atis obtusissiniis; toro obliqno qu:ini ovarium longiore crnsso; ylantlula prominente scmiannulari tori latere 1ongioi.i affixa ; oeurio glabro ; stylo cr;~sqo valde cur\ ato minute puherulo ; s t iy imte lnternli leviter conico.

Soutli Anstrali:i, on snntlhills in Lake Eyre district (lat. 27' 30') ; Capt. Sticrt.

Polia in toto 5-6 cm. long.; horum h i s indivis:i 2-2.5 C I ~ . long.; segmenta in toto circa 3 cni. long., ultimn 1.5 cni., omnia 1 111111. diani. Raceinus circiter 5 cm. long. Peclicclli 5 mm. long. Perianthii basis inclivisa 3 x 2.75 mm. ; segmcnta (inclusa pnrte apicali 2.5 nini.) 8 mm. long. Tori latus nlterum 3 nini., alternm 1.5 mm. long. Ovarium ovoideuni 2 mm. long. Stylus 9 111111. long. Stigma 1.5 x 1-25 mm.

The affinity of this appears to be with G. Thele~nariniana, Encll., but with too ninny differential points to require notice. Though 1% itliout fiuit, there can, i t would seem, he no doubt as to the genus, since ti11 attempts to find :in

affinity for i t iu Hakea have met with failure.

G . (4 ,%c-Grevillca) RUBICUNDA, sp. nov.

Glnndula fere 2 inin. lat.

Fruticosa ? ; rainis sat tenuibus quadrangularibus distanter foliosis subtiliter sericeis deincle glabris ; f d i i s subsessilibns decurrentibns alte piniiatisectis segmentis 7-14 linearillus apice nigro-mucronatis niargine nrcte revolutis coriaceis,p:ig. inf. uti rhncliis teres sat gracilis subtiliter sericeis pag. sup. glnlsri.: ; racemis sin~plicibus panicu- latisve pluri- ac densifloris toniento denso rubiginoso ohducti.: ; j /ovibus sessilibns ; 22erianthii rubigiuose villoso-tontentosi tuho breyi oyoideo beg- mentis cito solutis superne oblongis npice ovoideis ; t w o recto incorispicuo ; gZandziIa parva nlte lobata ; orario sessili villoso ; stylo valcle curvato ips0 sub stigmate dihtato villoso ; stkpzate snbcirculari levissime conveso.

N. Australia, " Westward of the Gulf [Carpentaria], table-land of the Solzth Alligator " ; Leichardt.

Foliorum rhachis plerumque 2-3.5 cm. long., 1-1.5 mm. diam., supra late canaliculata ; segmenta 5-7 cm. long., 1.5 nim. lat., supra in sicco grisea. Racemi evoluti longit. circa 10 cm. attingentes. Perinnthiurn 7 mm. 1011g. G l a n d u h lobi linguiformes, * 5 mm. long. Ovarium 1 nim., stylus 7.5 mn;, long. Stigma 1.75 x 1 mm.

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The plnce of this very distiiict species s w i i s to be next G. clwysotlentlron, R. Br., which, ninong otlier distinctive fentiires, lins iiiucli larger- and loiiger- lobed leaves and pedicelled flowers, busides being nitliont the rubigiiious tornenturn.

G. (5 Ctclothyrst~s) LEICHARDTII, sp. nov. Verisirniliter fruticosa ; raveis subteretibus crebro foliosis soljtilissiine sericeis ; ,foliis subsessilibus aiiibitu late ovatis basi latissimc truiicntis mi rg ine utrinque 8-9-lobulat~is lohis triangularibns 11 t i folii apex aciitc! inricrountis utrinque pcrspicue nervosis coriaccis png. sup. minute l)ubesoentil,us pag. iiif. appresse fiilvo-soriceis ; iloribus sccuiidis in ixcf.?iiios turmiiialw folia facile oscedcntcs I'lurifloros glnbros digestis j p d i c c f f i s floribus breviorihus ; pet-iantliii glabri a bnsi gradatim leviterque ani1)Iific:tti segmentis linenribus npicc obovatis ; toyo valtle obliqno ; glaiidzdu conspicua serniaiinu1:iri ljilobo ; o z m i o stipiti satis eloiigito iinposito glabro ; stylo coiiipresso sub stigmxte Iaterali ovoitleo liaud incrassato.-G. p i y i i s , Benth. PI. Aiistrnl. v. 11. 456 pro parte, no11 H. Br.

N. Australia, " dandy scrtib1:iiicl west side of gulf " [Carpentaria] ; Leichaidt .

Folin plcraqae 1.5 em. long., prope basin totidein lat. ; lioruni lobuli iiiter se in~qu:des, maxima 1)ro p:irte 2-4 niiii. long., rigicli ; petioli 1-1.5 mm. 10:ig. Rncemus bnsi nudtis, nsque ntl 7 cm. long. Peclicelli graciles, 3 rrim. long. Yeri:intliium in tvto 1 2 rnm. long., liiijiis s e p i e n t a I; 1nm. long. Qlanclula I mni. nlt. Stipes 4.5 mm. long. Ovnriiiiii 1 nim., stylus 7 mm. long.

I t is difficult to uidcrstand liow Itentliarii could have regarded the 1 h i t here described as conspecific with G. p w y e ~ ~ s , It. Br., so different, in foliage are tlie two. B r o ~ n ' s 1 h i t has leaves several times longer, deeply pinnatisect, and with long Iine:ir segments. The flowers of tlie two arc very like, aItlioug11 G. L e i c h - d t i i has them solnewhat larger and broader in the perianth, wliile its t,orus is more oblique. Giilliver's Maria Island plant in tlie Kew lierbarium, also referred by Bentliam to G. p i i y p m , is coiispecific with Leichardt's.

DRYANDRA (Series Obrallatce) GILBERTII, SIP. nov. Fruticosa ; ratnis sat vnlidis rnmnlos perbreves foliosos apice floriferos puhescent,es deintle g1:ibreseentes eniittentibiis ; f d i i s breviter petiolatis rigide. coriaceis ambitu oblanceolatis pinuatifidis 1obi.q 7-12 patentibus t,riangularilJus apice puiigenti- bus pa tic is i n f e r i o ri b ii s g rada ti in i in rrI i t i 11 ti s su 13 r a glnb r i s II i t,idisq u e sub t LI s subtiliter tolneiitosis ; capitvdis ovoideis foliis arcte stipatis ; inzdrccri bracteis pluriseriai,is lanceolatis (intimis liiienri-lnnceolatis linearibusve) ])nucis in- fimis interduiri spinoso-acnniiiiatis ceteris ncutis ornnihus ciorso cinerao- vel fusco-toinentosis ; p e r i a d i o glahro segmentis angust,e liiiearibus fnlvo- villosis npice glabris ; stylo periaiithium escedeiite iiiferne villoso alibi glal1ro ; stifp7ate ohtuso. W. Aii>tralia ; G'illwi.t, sine 110.

Page 54: A Contribution to the Flora of Australia


Folia 2 - 5 5 cm. long., superne buniiiiutn 1.5 cnl. lat., m p e vero angustiora; lobi majores 6-8 mm. long. BracteE ext.

4 miii. long. ; iiitertnedizc 6-3 nim., inti in;^ apice f u b c ~ , 10-12 t i m i . long. Periaiitltii pars primurii indivisa G nim. long. : s ~ g m e n t a in toto 15 mill.

long., pars apicalis angiiste fnsiformis, 3.5 ~ K I . iong. Ovnricuii 1.5 rum., st?lus 22 mm., stigma 2 mm. long.

UiiJoubtedly con5pecific I\ ith the al,ovc ;II e specimens a t Iiew collec.ted by C'aptain Uorrirn Smith, one :it the Pass in the Stirling Range east of Mt. Toolbrunup, the other on :L journey betwcen Bridgetown and IZojonup. Tliese have been i inme~l b c / ~ ~ y a ~ i d v u I J ~ o d i r a n a , Diels, ex descript." B u t careful scrutiny of the clesciiption s1roki.s that it re1:itc.s to :i plant witli leabez double or almost doublr as long anil I)ro:id and witli coilsiderally longer lateral lobes, a130 with liead, having broadly 01 ate outer ?xtcts, though no doubt this: is the affinity of the new bp0ciea.

Iuvolucra circa 16 x 10 1 1 i i i i .

EUPHORBIACEB. EUPHORBIA (4 9~i i so~~7i~/ /11icna) BOULEPI, sp. nov. P1:m ta perennis, crebro

rainosa ; ~unais lignosis cicatricibus folioruni tlcl:~~~soi-~iiit signat,is glxhris : vunizclis tennibus foliovis niiriiitissitt~e sericeis ; jol i is pnrvulis oppositis subsesailibus late ovatis ye1 suborbicularibns basi alicluanto obliquis iionnuii- quain obscure cordulatis antrorsuni minute tlunticulatis subcoriaceis utrobique uti involucra subtilissiine sericeis ; s t i ~ x i l i s inasinie eaigiiis nisi obsoletis j

inaolucris garvis in asillis solitariis breviter petlancn1:itis primo cylindrico- turbiriatis postmoilo campanulat,is ; y ~ u r r ~ t t l i s iiiiiiutis 'orbieu1:iribns iiit,egris vel 1-8-cuspidulatis crassiusculis verisimiliter albis vel saltem pallidissimis j

o t ~ ~ i o triquet,ro minute sericeo ; s ty l i s biiiartit,iu ; ca,pstda iniuut,e sericea. N.W. Coast ; Ue Bouley. E'olia 2.5-6 mm. long., 2-5 inn;. lat.; petioli sumnium 1 mm. long.

Involucra 1 mm. long. ; horum glandulz a . 2 mm. diam. Ovarium fnre vel usque ad 1 mm. ox involucro eminens, 1.5 min. long. Styli rami -4 nim. long.

Differs from A'. austmlis , Boiss. among other features in the entire absence of villous hairs, the small leaves: and involucres, and the greatly reduced fleshy glands. I t is nea.rer 23. Coveyi, I?, Muell., of which i t has the inclunientu~n, but the leaves are not, lnnceolate-ovate nor acute, itnd the involucres and glands are smaller, nor was the narrow membrane snrrouncling the glands on the outside described for this species to be seen in tho present case.

Semiiia subevanide rugosa, dilute brunnea, 1 mm. long.

Beyei*ia cyanescem, Bd1. An excellent sl~ecimcn of this communicated f rom tile Paris Museum, 1816. Griining (Monogr. p. 74), who gives a poor figure of it, has seen ti1;iterial collcutrd by & : i u m a i i i ~ oil Dirli Ilartog

Page 55: A Contribution to the Flora of Australia


Island, and az ni:iiiy oE the Baucliii Espedition plants w‘re obtained there, that is most probably the source o l the Paris material and not the Recherche Archipelago ab I3cnthani qiieries (Fl. Austral. vi . 11. 67), who, it may be added, never saw the plant.

B e r t p oppcitijioliu, F. n l d l . & 0’Sliancs+y. A yeciiiien from Moreton Riiy flhiser, lli) would seein to be referable here, though the leaves are loiiger ant1 narrower thim those of tlie only other Museum specimen, which is from Roclihaiiipton 1)ut IF itliout the collector’s name.


In Robert Brown’s Austr:ili:in herbarium :ire n consi(lernb1e nuinher of Pliyllnntl/tts rlieets, for t,lie most part undct,erniinecl Iiitlierto ;it tlic Museuiii, and in much the saiiie st:rte a t I<ow, whither in 1876 a fine set was sent in accortlaiice witl i t,lie ternis of t h e Ueiinett. bequest. In spite of’ tlieir having Iiren g;itlierecl iiiore tliaii :L century ago, ,sevei.al of I3rowi’s lilants prove on esaniination to be still iiridescril~etl, an eloquent indication this to the riches one may csIlchct from a tlioroiiglt rxaiiiiiintion oE tropical Australia. In the iininediately i‘ollowiiig pages this ni:iteri:d is dealt with, adwntage being talien to notice soiiie rarc t,lioiigli alreacly lrnowu s p i t i s of the genus forming part of it. A new species collected by Mr. G. Podenzaiia (North Queenslnncl, ISnl-3) , ant1 n BI:ilaynn one of tlie saiiie collector, iiow first amiouncrd as Austr;ili:iii, collie albo tinder notice.

For.ty-four species rrforrcd to six of t,lie fort,y-rour sections proposed by J. Miiller for tlie genus are rccognised I)y lhmthain. Baron Mueller some y e m later (Sec. Chis. Austr:il. PI.) adclecl two iiiore, of which one is endeiiiic, and he su1)aeyueiitly described another. Besides these there is oiie for wliich Diels is s1)oiisor (Engl. Eot. Jalirb. S P X V . (1904) p. US), the P. cuscictn$!orus of thc writer, and EIitzgcrald’s recently 1)uLlislietl 1’. poly- clndus. To these the eight following are to be adclecl, niaking fifty-eight species in all, referable tlo seven, and if Baroii Mueller‘s identification of a Queensland plant as P. 2~c,z.~fo/icis, Hcinw. Le correct, to eight sections.

With this comparatiT-e abundance of Anstralian .PJiyllmtliiis species iiiay be compared the ricli representation in New Caledonia, the home of niaiiy really han~lsoiiie species of n genus coiisistiiig, for the most part, of 1)lants the reverse of btriliing in tlieir appe:iraiice. B1:iny of these, one iningines, would repay cultivation on account of tlieir beautiful foliage.

PHYLLANTHUS (4 Synostemon) BRUNONIS, sp. iiov. Suffrutex dioicus ; cnule erecto spitlianieo (intercluiu altiore ?) ranioso ir t i raini hispidnlo-piloso tandem glabro ; ,f&s brcvipetiolat,is ovntis val outo-ol)longis obtusis ob- tiisissiiiiisvc lusi olhisis inIegtis ~ c l ol)scure tlcnticuhtis coriaceis mai.gine

Page 56: A Contribution to the Flora of Australia


hispidulo-cilintis iiecnon leviter revolutis ceteroqnin glabris ; st$uZis vix longitudine petioloruui persistentibus linearibus ci1i:itis ; j Z o d m utriusque sexus i n axillis solitariis ~)ednnculis f i l i for t~~i l~us sat longis insidentibus eglandnlosis ; jlorilms 8 ininntis sepalis inter se rcqualihns liberis suborbicu- laribus hispidule ciliatis stnininibus 3 filanientis in columnain brevein connntis antheris longitrorsum dehiscentibus ; j l o ~ i b c t s ? inasculis innjoribus sepalis oratis obtusis nisi obtuvissiinis 1,iupidule ciliatis ovario depress0 stylis I d dist,inctis alte bipartitis ; capsicla srtbglo1ios:t late 3-sulcxta glabra.

North Coast, Arnhein Bay ; A. .Brozrn, dist. 110. 3611. F'olin magnitudine valcle diversa, nunc 1 cm., I ~ L I I I C 3 cm. nttingentia,

in sicco lut~cecentin, pig. i n f . l~allicln, 1x1~; . nt.r:rvis 01)tiiiic reticii1:it:i ; petioli 1-3 nmi. long. Petlunculi 3-4 mm. long., 8 9l;ibri vel fere glabri liispidule Idmi . Sepala m:isc. .4 min. long., colunina staminea - 2 inni. nlt. ; antlicrx: coluiiiiiani statiiitienm paullulum escedentes, Sepaln fem. paullo nltrai 1 inin. long., sub cnpsuln usque ad 2.5 mm. mcta. Ovariain v i s 1 nim. di:tin. ; styli r a n i divergentes, .5 mm.

To he placed close to 1'. ditassoides, Muell. Arg. : a very distinct species on account of' its foliage togetlier with the flowers with broad hispidulous sepals.

St ipulz pnlliil,z., 1-2 i i i i i i . long.


PHYLLANTHUS PODENZANB, sp. nov. Suffrutex e rliizomate Fat d i d o caules eiinplices rmiososn) ctmittente ; ami is h i e foliosis :iliquaiito cle1)ilihus augulosis superne compressis microscopice puliernlis ; j i d i i s breriter pet,iolatis late oi-atis vel suhorbicularibas (ultimis ovato-oblongis) apice rotundatis ips0 interduin mucronnlatis hasi rotundatis vel rotundato-truncatis nequaquam cordatis margine cartilagineis in sicco bruanescentihns firme menibranaceis pag. inf. microscopice puberulis ; s t i p l i s 1ioe:~ri-lanceolntis aouminatis iiiox

plus minus Ixrtentibus ; jlfloribzcs 8 ignotis ; floribus ? ssi1l:tribns solitnriis pedunculatis ; sepalis liberis erectis oblongis (nno a n n e semper ? oLloiigo- ovato) obtusis dorso carinulatis meinbranaceis' glabria ; g lmdr t l i s riullis ; ocario ovoideo glabro ; stylis basi leviter divergentihus integris.

Queensland, Cooktown ; Potlenzana. Folia majora 2-3.5 x 1.5-2.5 ciii., medioc,ria 15 x 13 mm., niiniina in

ramis nlterioribus usque ad 6-10 x 4-5 mm. r educh ; cost% laterales u t reticulum inconspicute ; petioli 1-25 mni. long. Stipulz dilute b r u a n e ~ , 1.5 mm. long. Pedunculi 3-4 mm. long., glahri. Sepala alha, zeegre 5 mm. long. Ovarium 1 mni. long., basi toticlem di;tm. ; styli revoluti apice truncati, vix 1 r n m . long.

This most probably belongs t o 5 S'nostenzo~~, but in t'he abseiice of male flowers the point, inust remain andecideil. A t first sight i t suggests P. (lira ssoides, 31 LI cl1. Arg . , 1 Jut t,i i ch i I I d u iiie i i t 11 I I I is t l i fl'e re n t , tli e L 1'0 IT 11- d rj. i 11 [;

Page 57: A Contribution to the Flora of Australia


leaves are not cordate, the glahrous sepals are soniewlint longer arid not coriaceous, the ovoid (iiot deI~ressetl-globular) ovary is glabrous, and the styles are simple and very slightly divergent.

P. Adanzi, Muell. Arg. N. Australia, Groote Eylandt ; R. Brown, dist. no. 3608.

PIIYLLANTHUS (0 Xynostenzoii) AILNHERIICUS, sp. nov. S uffrutex dioicas fere trispithainens crebro rainoaus g h b e r ; ~nrriis e collo sat rohust,o filiformibus distnnter foliosis rnniulos ascendentrs graciles forentihos :~ngnlatis st,riatis ; foliis parvis sessilibus Iirie:rribns ohtiisis acnt,isve ; stipz~Z6,s usil ill is angusie linearihus niox delapsis ; ,iio?*i6us 11e(I11~icuIatis gIandulosis ; ~floritrzis 3 in filsciculos 2-3-floros s q i s s i n i e ordinatis sepalis lilleris pntentibus obovnto- oblongis obtusissiniis stnniinibus 3 fihnientia i n colurnnniii brevem sepalis brevioreni connatis antlieris cohaxeiitibns in longitutlinein dehiscentihns; Jloribzcs 9 quain innsculi inajori tms solit,ariis sepalis ohloiigis obtusis ; ocurio late obovoideo apice truncato glaljro ; sty& a basi divergentibus hipartitis ramis divnricatis ; capszcb hucusque vix maturn ovoitlea glahra.

N. Australia, Arnliein Bay; id. B)*oIu)(, dist. no. 3597. Folia longit. raro 10 mm. atticgentia, s q i n s 5-8 min., suniniuni I mm.

lat. vel paulluliiin ultra. FIores 8 -sepaIa .4 inm. long., coluri~na stmiinea -25 mn. alt., an the rz -2 inm. long. 3 mrn. diain., sepala z g r e 1.5 nini. long., sub fructu 2 inin., ovarimn -6 mni. long. superiie 1 nini. lat., styli -6 in in . long.

Apparently nearest P. ~ l d u m ’ , Muell. Arg., but with several discrepancies in the leaves aud flowew.


Capsdla. 3 x 3 mm.

PHYLLANTHTJS ( $ Xynostemou) LJSSOCARP US, 51). nov. Suff rntex nionoicus copiose rmiosus glaber ; m i n i s ascendentibus graci1il)us satis crebro foliosis ; foliis breviter petiolntis linenribus apice acute mucronulatis rigidiusculis ; stipiilis exiguis filiformibus erectis diutule persistentibus ; j t o d m s eglanclu- losis utriusque sexus breviter pedunculatiq, 8 sepalis patentibus obovato- oblongis obtusis, stamiiiihus 3 filamentis i n coluinnam connatis antheris oninino liberis locnlis i n longitudinem dehiscentibus ; floricm 9 sepalis masculis siinilibns ov;ii*io turbiiiato :$pice truncato glabro ; styh‘s a bbreviatis distantibus pinguibus bifidis. N. Australia, Groote Eylandt; 2. Browz, (list. no. 3606’. Folia pleraque 6-12 111111. loiig. riiro 2 inni. lat., szepissinie -5-1 inin.

Pednnculi 8 1.5 niin., ? vix totidem. Flores Columna staininen antheris parum

Ovariurn *65 nini., styli -4 nm. long., illnd apice

Differs from P. ? . 7 ~ y t i ( Z ) ~ ~ ) e i ’ t i ~ ~ ~ ~ , F. Diuoll. in the narrow leaves, the sinall

Stipulz Zgre 1 inin. long. 6 diam. 2 inin. paullnluni excetlentes. longior, -5 nim. long. 1 mm. diam.

Page 58: A Contribution to the Flora of Australia


crect stipulcj a m,irl;etl difference froin that species, the longer stamina1 column with quite free anthers, ;ind tlie broader f e i i d e l'eriantli-segiini,nts.

~ ' H T L L A N T H I I S ( 3 I )n? .n f ,hy l l to~f~~l t s ) E U ' ~ A X I O I D E ~ , sp. nov. SnH'rntes inonoicus ?, 1~:trviis, gl:rl)ei. ; mmis (3 collo sat robusto ascendentibus simpli- cibus vel s u h i tnp1inil)ns crebix) foliosis : f d i i s siibsessilibus lase iinhricatis linenri-ohlongis obt,nsis sulvoriaceis ; s t i p l i s fugnceis ; c j l n~* ihz ts in asillis solihriis Iieduiiculis gracilihiis qtiani sesc 1)aullo long:ioribus suff'iiltiu ; sqiiclis liheris iiscendentilius o1)longis QlJtllsiS 1riarginil)us nltis ; gl(intZrtZis 6 globulosis porspicnis ; sta)niuiOus :I filntnentis iii coliininaiii pingriein c,onfevruniinatis :ititheris coluiniiz vix wquilongis connatis in longitutlinein dcliiscentibus ; fl'oribics ? quain 8 lo i ig iu~ pedonci~liit~is ; sepnlis quatn illa fll. 8 majorihus oblongis obtn.;i.; sul) I'l-rictn soluiiiniotlo oliviis ; cupstila liaiid vim.

East, Coast (Quee id tnd ?) ; fi. B ~ o z o i z , cliht,. no. 3617. Polix I cni. long., in sicco p i s e a , costa metlia colispicua IWLL'CU~S:~ .

Pcduncnli 8 circa 6.5 mni. Iotig., sub florc paulluluni incrassati. Sepala vix 2 mni. loiig. Colnmiia st:imiiie:i .5 nim. alt. e t lat. ; antlicrze *4 mni. long. Peduticuli ? salt,em sid) frnctu fere 1 cni. long. Sel'ala 3.5 mm. long.

Near .P. ,)iatlern.si,ata,cirs, L., l ~ n t tlie 1e:ivt~s :mcl flowers arc dist>inct in several particulars. Tlin gc1ner:il :l~llJe:lr:lllCe is much tliat of h'zita,ukc myrt$oZia, R. Br.

(lapsnia floris uiiici visi j:titi delapsn.

PHTLLANTHUY PUSILLIFOLIUS, sp. nov. Stiffrutex copiose ratnosus, g1at)er ; m m i s diviiricatis rigidis sparsim foliosis ; , fdiis subscssilibns ramulis Lre- vissiiiiis insitlwtil,us esignis o h v a t i s vel suborliiculariLus obtusis vcl obtusis- simis ; stipiilis iiiinirnis Iiautl pevsist8mtilms ; jtoribiis 8 ignotis ; Jloviluts 0 parvulis ex asillis solitatim orti.; ~wluncu l i s filiEoriiiibus elongatis fultis; sepalis liberis zequxlibus ovatis obtussissiuiis ncrvo medio coiisl)icuo per- cursis ; ylmidulis in discum 6-lot)ul:~tun1 concretis ; u c w i o subgloboso glabro ; stylis divaricatis alte bipartitis.

Queenslnnd, Broad Sound ; R. B Y O Z O ~ , disk. no. 3601. Folia 1 - 5 3 mni. long., 1.5-2 nim. Int., in sicco fusca. Pednnculi usque

10 mni. long., swpius vero circa 7-8 mm. Flores 2 mm. diam. Srpala 1 x -6 mm. Ovnriuin *35 x *i m m .

With its copious rigid brancliiiig :ind extremely small leaves, together with the gland-bewing flowers, tliis is very distinct from any linown Australian species. In the absence of male flowers, however, tlie affinity cannot be stated, but the neighbourhood of P. &litchelli, Renth. may be suggested for it.s t rue position.

St,yli z g r e * 5 min. long.

PHTLLANTHUS ( 5 Eu-Phylluiitl~iisj EBORACENSIS, sp. 1 1 0 ~ . P1:inta glabra, cude tt:iiui ligiicsueiite iiil'criie i iudu superiit! raniulos tilihrliies fuliosos

Page 59: A Contribution to the Flora of Australia


PHYLLAN’I’IIUS ( S ~/~-PI~~IIL~/~~~,U,~\.) I,EAI, $1’. nov. P l a n t a ,yitli:imea vel SC! mis pi tlia i i i ea o ni iii nioi I o ghb I X ; ca 11 I c s i ii uuso-;~sc e 11 cle 11 t e ra 111 11 I os ti I i f or ines foliosos hac atque illac ciriittente ; j j l l i s subsessilibus oldoiigis vcl angnste obloi~go-obo~at.is ubtusis vrI uLtussissimia ixsi u1,tuais i i~eni l imaceis ; stiprtlis li neari-la 11 ccola t i s ;LC 11 iniii at is de colo rib us di 11 t u lo p r s i tent ibus ; ct (o i i bus in axillis pleriiirrque solitariis vcl IJiiiis hrevitez peclicellatis bracteis sc:11iosis stipatis ; j t o d i i r s 8 ae1)alis obovatis :tpice rotuudatis uti 5epaln 9 1ine:t perspicua Iiercursis glaiidulis l)iiSiIlis suhglobosis staiiiinibus 3 fil:cnieiitis in ~01u1nn:xn~ i~reveni connaiis :mtlieris subg1ol)osis connatis tmnsversiin dehis- centibus ; $or ibus 9 y u a i n 8 niajoriljus gl:tnduliu belie evolutitl ov:tlis meinbranaceis ovario subgloboso trisulco stigniatis raiilis brevibiis a hasi divergentibns hifidia,

N. Australia, Palinerston ; Rev. T. S. Leu. Folin pleraque 12-1 7 inin. 101ig.~ 4-6 inin. lnt., in sicco griseo-viridin.

Stipulz circa 1 nini. long. Peclicelli 8 *5 inin. fi 1 111111. long., hi superne incrassati. Flores (r 1.2 mm. dixni.; sepala *4 inin. long. ; a n t h e m 0.15 nim. Lit. Flores ? 2 i n n i . diain. ; sel)aln a g r e I mni. long. ; ovarium 5 nim. diani.

Aiiioiig its peculiarities may he mentioned the broader leaves, the short pedicels, a n d the united filaments and anthers.

Clapsula hucusyue vix niatara glabra, 2 min. cliwni. This is also near Y. si)npk.c, Retz.

Page 60: A Contribution to the Flora of Australia


speciinon is incomplete, being without flowers, and this rendered certain naming impossible. As tlirre are both 8 and 9 flowers 011 the lluseuni Fpecimens, there is no\v 110 doubt that this Malayan species extends to Australia. It should be expected from North Australia too. I t may be added that a new section (Znzblic.astrui)z) of the genus now makes its appearance in the Australian flora.

PETBLOS'I'IBRIA HrimLn;, W. V. Fitzg. (ex descript ). N. Australia, Pal- nierstou ; Rev. 1'. X. Lon.

Feniale flo\vers not s x n , but malc: specinicns agree well with the rcccntly pnblislictl descril~tion in Journ. and Proc. R. Soc. W. Australia, iii. 1). 62. Mr. Lea's note rui13--" Shrub springing in burnt ground, flowers J ellow."

New to the Northern territory, though tlie original loculity, King Rivrr, is not far from it3 wcstern horder.

TRITAXIS AUSTRALIENSIS, sp. nov. Planta fere omnino glabra ; YnmuZis foliosis oort,ice bruiinco-griseolo lenticellifero obductis ; j idi is petiolatis late ellipticis a.piae h s i q u e obtusis margine repandis vel iiitegris o p c i s subs pallidioribus costis Interalibiis ntrinyue 8-10 pag. utraquc facile aspectabili- bus ; i / o ~ i / m s niasculis s o l u n i ~ ~ ~ o r l o ohviis i n cginas breves peduncuI:itas ]axe trichotzoiii:ts digestid ; yzt l idis filiforinibus caly~ein certe escedentibus ; cabycis niiii~~tisainie frilvo-scricei lobis ol)loiigo-ovatis obtusissiinis quain petala ovatn olJtusissiiiix quiisiunguiculatn brevioril)us ; tlisci glandulis 5 subglobosis; . s t m ~ i , ( i C ~ ~ s 5 ad inediuni coluinim insertis additis 2-4 colutniiatn co roiian ti b I I s .

Queenslatid, Cape York ; Uarnzel . Polia (lamiua soh) s q i u s 10-15 ctn. long., 5-6.5 cm. lat., exstant vero

minora, glandulis niinutis translucentihus creberrirue insfructa ; reticulum sat apertuin, pag. utra\-is vi5t)ile ; petioli 6-15 inin. long., basi saepe a1iqu:mtnluni dilatati necnoii trnnsversirri rugulusi. St,ipula: fugacez, lan- ceolatae, 1.5 nini. long. Pedunculus 6-12 mni. long. Bractez pusill=, l;inceolatz, circa 1 mni. long. Pedicelli plerumque 5-7 nim. long. Calgcis tubus 1 mm., lobi 2 inin. iong. P e t a h 5 111111. long. Colninna staininea sub verticillo crassiuscula, fere-3 mni. long., superne t,enuis et 2 inin. long. ; filainenta libera 1.5 m n i . long. ; anther= ovide=, obtuse, f'ere 1 ~ n m . long.

An addition to a small genus of three species, native respectively to India, Cochin China, and the Philippines, and hitherto not reported from Australia. I t s occurrence in New Guinea may therefore be expected. One may inention that the 3 4 d calyx given for this genus in ' Genern Plantarum ' (iii. pt. 1. p. 292) is a mistake, most likely of the printer : this error Pax copies in ":it. Pflnneenfnm.' iii. 5 . p. 74, but he is more carcful and gives the

Cjyniz 3-4 x 3-6 cm.

Flores pansi circa 8 inm. diam.

Page 61: A Contribution to the Flora of Australia


proper number (5) of calyx-segments in his monograph in ' Das Pflanzenreich' (iv. 147. p. 113;).

CROTON (0 Eu- C ~ o t o x ) ARMSTRONGII, sp. nov. Ramis verisimiliter erect,& sntis gracilibns pubescentibus r:imulos pseudoverticillatos foliosos tenues pubescentes sursuni emittentibus ; Jbliis ramoruni sub rnniulis pseudo- verticillatis quaiii ea ramulormn niulto inajoribus o m n i h s ovato-oblongis acutis bnsi obtusis nisi truncato-rotundatis margine dentatis (minoribus fere vel oinniiio integris) 5-nervibus pag. sup. pilis stellat'is sparsiin inspersis pag. inf. stellato-pubescentibus majoribus innnifeste minoribus breviter petiolatis suminis vero subsessilibus ; racenzis folia superantibus tandem sabdistnnter plurifloris pubescentibus ; f l o d n i s i i if . ? sup. 8 omnibus bre- viter ~)edicellatis ; sepalis 8 oblongo-ovatis obtusis estus pubescentibus petalis glabris conformibus ; stanzi1iib7i.q 10 (anue seinper 3) ; sopalis ? qunm 8 rnajoribus ovato-oblongis ohtiisis extus toinent~ellis ; o ~ a r i o tleiise toinen- toso ; stglis dichotome 5-7-p:irtitis.

Port Essingtoii ; Armstrong. Folia niembranacea, in sicco viridia, majora usque 5 cm. long., p r o p

basin 2 cin. apicein versus 1 cm. Iat. ; petioli 5-10 inin. long. ; folia ininora Raceiiii rite evoluti

5.5-7 inm. long. Bractez cyinbifonne~, circa 1 mm. long, Pcdicelli utriusque sexus 1-1.5 inin. long. Sepala et petala 8 circ:t 2 nim. long. Sepals 9 3 min. long.

A very distinct species easily sep:irable from C. Veweami i , Baill. by the slender habit, sinall leaves, male flowers with glabrous petals, and the many- branched styles.

1.5 cm. long., hornni petioli s~rninuni 3 inin. long.

Styli raniuli apice incurvi, circa 1.5 mm. long.

CODIBUM MEMBRANACEUM, sp. nov. Folk obovato-oblongis obtusis nonnunqunm apice breviter cuspidato-attennatis basin versus gradatini in petioluin sat longuin attenuatis basi brevissiine cordatis inembranaceis glabris ; racetno 8 soluinmodo obrio subterniinali folin breviter excedente distanter florifero minute puberulo j j 7o )dz t s parvis plerumque binis pedicellis filiforinibus ininute puberulis sese longe escedentibus fultis ; sepalis sub- orbicularibus zegre omnino glabris; yetalk ? ; disci glnndulis suborbicularibns crassiusculis, staminibus fere 40.

Queensland, Cape York ; Dueniel. Polia 13-16 cm. long., apicein versus 5.5 cm. lat., infra medium 3.5-

4 cm. lat. iiiia basi taiituni 3-4 mm., in sicco lccte viridia ; petioli 3-4 cm. long. Racemus fere 30 cm. long. Peclicelli sob florendi tempore 8 mm. long. Sepala 1.65 mni. dinin. E'ilamenta circa 2 mm. long.; anther= -5 mm. lat.

Bentham (Pl. Austral. vi. p. 147) gives " about 20 " stamens to the flowers of C. tm~iegatum, 13lume, var. molticcanzinz, Muell. Arg., hi tlierto the only

Page 62: A Contribution to the Flora of Australia


known Austrnlim representative of the g e n w : in the ' Genera Planfarum ' (iii. pt. 1. p. 299) the nniii1)er of stainens for the gems is anid to he 1.5-30. Tlie pl:mt under notice lias cert:~iiily iiiore stairleiis, h u t iii view of this charact,er's dont)t,fnl wlue arid t,lie f'ctii:ile flowers being ~iiiliiiowi, tlie clniin of the present p1:iiit to xlwcific rank inust rest npon the metiibrniiaceous (not corinceous) leaves mnrliedly broader in their upper l ia l f niid the siu:ill inalc flowcrs. I f tlie 1,et:tls be redly absent tliat woiild be :inother peculiarity.



A. Fruits of Tribtilics.

1. Tribuliis Hystrir, R. nr., with long snbulate spines. 2. TribiicRis occidextalis, R. Er., showing smaller fruit with sliort spines ; both nat. size.

B. Leptospernmpsis ?iiyrtifolia, gen. et sp. nov.

1. The plant, nat. size. removed.

3. A flower, x 6. 3. Section of s m e , tlie petals and staniens

C. Cnlothnmiatcs validus, sp. nov.

1. The plant, ];at. size. 3. Fruit in side TiEw, x 2.


A. Spp i t i oh r i s i s alsinoirles, sp. nov.

1 . The plant, l int . size. 3. A flower, x 10, after three of tlie cal js segments have been removed, slivwing the corolla ( c ) adnate beloiv to the ovaiy and also its spur (sp.). 3. Andrecium with the stjle and stigma, x 16.

B. Mitrusacme nummrilurin, sp. nov.

4. Corolla opened, dioving the stainens, x 10. 1. The plant, nat. size. 2. F l o n ~ r s in various stages, x 10. 3. Yourg flower viewed from

5 . Calyx #lit open to above, x 10. shorn the ovary, X 10. 6. Oisrg in transverse section, magnified.

Page 63: A Contribution to the Flora of Australia



P.Higkdy del. e t lith CHodyes %Son imp


Page 64: A Contribution to the Flora of Australia


P.HiyNq. d e l d lith. C.Hodges & Son imp