75 Environment (pollution, health protection, safety) 96101027 Radlatlon protectlon and environmental protection. A brief lntroductlon Zi, X. et al., Progress in Nuclear Energy, 1994, 28, (l), 75-77. Describes the China Institute of Atomic Energy (CIAE) which is located in Beijing City. It is a comprehensive research centre in the nuclear field of China. Of the total 4338 CIAE staff members in the financial year 1990, 1736 are scientists and engineers including 718 senior scientists and senior engineers. It covers an area of 80 hectares. 96101026 A reconslderatlon of the Goertzel-Greullng approxl- matlon for anlsotroplc scattering Ozgener, H. A. Ann. Nucl. Energy, Feb. 1995, 22, (2), 67-70. To take anisotropic scattering effects into consideration, an approximate differential equation which relates the current to the current slowing down density is rederived using the Goertzel-Greuling approximation. As expected on physical grounds, the coefficient of the lethargy derivative of the current slowing down density is shown to vanish as the mass number of the scatterer tends to infinity in contrast to the original derivation where this coefficient grows unboundedly in absolute value as the mass number is increased. 96101029 Reducing NO while malntalnlng boller perform- ance at TVA’s Johnsonvflle steam plant using constralned sequentlal optlmlzatlon Boyle, R. J. er al., Proc. Am. Power Conf, 1995, 57, (2), 1159-1163. A desirable tuning solution should not only be effective for minimizing NO, emissions but also should offer opportunities for improved thermal performance leading to cost savings and a rapid return on investment. Guided by these objectives TVA decided to apply the ULTRAMAX Method, which utilizes a new technology, co-developed by EPRI and Ultramax Corp., called sequential process optimization. The paper describes the ULTRAMAX Method which consists of a methodology and the supporting computer software that builds on existing boiler system knowledge and guides the operator through a sequence of control parame- ter adjustments to achieve ever-improving levels of performance. 96101036 Speclfylng epoxy PFP - The do’s and don’t8 Allen, B. and Boeler, G. Offshore Engineer, Oct. 1995, 38, 40. A discussion by two paint specialists on the issues that need to be consid- ered when using epoxy intumescent materials for passive fire protection on offshore constructions. 96101037 Stablllty of llquld CO, In seawater at hlgh pressures Fujioka, Y. er al., In?. J. Energy Rex, Nov. 1995, 19, (8), 659-664. The stability of liquid CO, in seawater at 3’C under high pressures were investigated by observin 8, the pH and temperature changes around liquid CO, as well as its state. ere was no distinct change of the state of liquid CO, at 37 MPa, while the liquid CO, at 32 MPa was unstable. The authors experimental investigations suggest that a huge amount of liquid CO, can be sequestered for a very long time with reducing CO, dissolution and its impacts on ecosystems, if they dispose liquid CO, at the depth greater than 3700 m in an ocean. 96101036 Standards for thermal comfort. Indoor alr tempera- ture standards for the 21st century Nicol, F. et al., (Eds.) Span, ISBN 0 419 20420 2, 1995, 247~~. The book contains 25 papers dealing with thermal comfort and indoor air temperature in buildings for a variety of climates, presented at a conference in August 1994. 96101039 A strategy for monltorlng and control systems at major treatment works Newman, R. H. Computing & Control Engineering J., Aug. 1995, 6, (4). 185-192. Severn Trent Water operates a large number of major water and waste- water treatment works. The monitoring and control of the process plant is typically provided by systems offering supervisory control and data acqui- sition and distributed control system functionality. The article describes the strategy developed by Sevem Trent Water for the monitoring and control of these works. 96101030 The role of renewable energy In carbon dloxlde emlsslon reduction In Poland Wisniewski, G. et al., Applied Energy, 1995, 52, (2), 291-298. A method based on the efficiency energy coefficient (output/input) is pro- posed for the assessment of renewable energy sources implementation and for evaluation of their potential for CO, emission reduction. Energy coeffi- cients were evaluated for renewable energy sources (such as solar, wind and biomass) as well as for their conventional substitutes based on coal, oil and gas. 96101040 Study of adsorptlon of heavy metals on llgnlte and Its derlved carbons Allen, S. J. and Chowdhury, M. A. IChemE Rex Event 1st Eur. Con& Young Res. Chem. Eng., Inst. Chem. Eng., Rugby, UK, 1995, 1, 375-377. Describes a two stage treatment method involving the carbonization of lignite followed by high temperature steam activation at 850°C of the resulting char which has been utilized to produce a number of granular activated carbons. 96lOlO31 Safe bulldlngs for the year 2000 Parlor, B. Fire Safety Engng., Aug. 1995, 2, (4), 17-18. Discusses the questions of reasoning behind building envelopes which rely on foamed plastic sandwich panels. Asks why, in the light of several fire diasters, we still allow ourselves to build ‘enclosures’ from life-threatening materials. Discusses some of the alternatives for fire safety engineers to promote. 96101041 Submarlne purgatory Perera, J. Nuclear Engng. Int., Dec. 1995, 40, (497), 43-44. There are over 100 nuclear submarines moored around Severodvinsk wait- ing to be decommissioned. Recent unrest amoung works at Severodvinsk has hi hlighted the human problems involved as well as the technical difficu ties of dealing with ageing submarines, many with their spent fuel P, still on-board, and a massive volume of radioactive waste with nowhere to go. 96101032 Safety-related systems: Guidance for englneers Hazards Forum, 1 Great George St., London SWlP 3AA, flO.OO, 1995. 96101042 Sulfate decomposltlon by bacterlal leaching Deveci. N. and Delaloelu. C. G. ADDI.Biochem. Biotechnol.. 1995, 53, 96101033 Scoring system for ratlng ‘sick’ bulldlnga (l), 75:81. - .. *- Burt, T. S. Indoor Air - An Integrated Approach, Elsevier Publishers, Oxford, UK, 1995, 231-234. Discusses how investigators in Sweden use a ‘standard’ questionnaire for building investigations. Describes how this has now been modified by replacing the three-point frequency scale for symptoms with a five-point scale for both frequency and intensity. Discusses how the disposal of SO, is a problem for industrial effluents, including excess H$O,, gypsum, coal desulphurization byproducts, acid- mine waters, and general metallurgical effluents. SO,” present in wastes can be converted to elemental sulphur by bacterial mutualism. Results of a study of the industrial feasibility of using a biological system to convert hydrous calcium sulphate (gypsum) to elemental sulphur are given. 96101034 Simulation model of wet flue gas desulfurlzatlon Gerbec, M. et al., Comput. Chem. Eng., Supplement, 1995, S283-S286. Describes the development of a nonstationary model of a wet limestone plant desulphurization plant to study chemical and physical phenomena during operation. The absorption of SO from flue gas to countercurrent falling dispersed drops of liquid phase, cfiemical equilibrium of sulphate, sulphate, carbonate, and calcium ions in solution, oxidation of sulphate to sulphate, E! recipitation and dissolution of CaSO, and CaSO,, and dissolution of lmestone as neutralizing agent were built into the model. 96101035 SO, emlsslons control by on-grate sorbent addltlon on lndustrlal stoker-flred plant Ford, N. W. et al., Process Saf: Environ. Prot., 1995, 73, 59-69. The paper examines the addition of sorbent with coal feed to a stoker grate in the early phases of a programme since, in engineering terms, this was seen as the option which required least plant modification.. A novel design of fixed grate simulator, installed at the Coal Research Establishment, (Stoke Orchard, Cheltenham, UK), was used for investigating two methods of on-grate sorbent addition; viz, the mixing of coarse limestone with the normal coal fed to stokers, and incorporation of fine limestone with fine coal into a pelletized fuel. 96101043 Van Dam-Mieras, M. C. et al., J. Cleaner Prod., 1995, 3, (l), 3-8. Sustalnablllty, cleaner productlon and an Interna- Sustainable development is a central theme in environmental science edu- tlonal learnlng resource cation and this implies that the only appropriate dimension for such educa- tion programmes is global. The authors therefore feel that a world-wide sharing of knowledge is a most needed instrument in educating the peoples of the world in how to behave responsibly towards the environment and each other. Of course there will always be some tension between this global dimension and the good educatIona practice of taking examples from the daily life experience of students, but it would be an attractive idea to create a flexible international learning resource from which people could draw materials for implementation in different learning environments. The course on cleaner production strategies developed at the Open University of The Netherlands is used to illustrate the ideas. 96101044 Sweden’s natlonal report under the Unlted Natlons Framework Conventlon on Cllmate Change Ministry of the Environment & Natural Resources, Tegelbacken 2, 10333 Stockholm, Sweden, 162 pp. Presents the data on Sweden’s national report under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. 62 Fuel and Energy Abstracts January 1996

96/01043 Sustainability, cleaner production and an international learning resource

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75 Environment (pollution, health protection, safety)

96101027 Radlatlon protectlon and environmental protection. A brief lntroductlon Zi, X. et al., Progress in Nuclear Energy, 1994, 28, (l), 75-77. Describes the China Institute of Atomic Energy (CIAE) which is located in Beijing City. It is a comprehensive research centre in the nuclear field of China. Of the total 4338 CIAE staff members in the financial year 1990, 1736 are scientists and engineers including 718 senior scientists and senior engineers. It covers an area of 80 hectares.

96101026 A reconslderatlon of the Goertzel-Greullng approxl- matlon for anlsotroplc scattering Ozgener, H. A. Ann. Nucl. Energy, Feb. 1995, 22, (2), 67-70. To take anisotropic scattering effects into consideration, an approximate differential equation which relates the current to the current slowing down density is rederived using the Goertzel-Greuling approximation. As expected on physical grounds, the coefficient of the lethargy derivative of the current slowing down density is shown to vanish as the mass number of the scatterer tends to infinity in contrast to the original derivation where this coefficient grows unboundedly in absolute value as the mass number is increased.

96101029 Reducing NO while malntalnlng boller perform- ance at TVA’s Johnsonvflle steam plant using constralned sequentlal optlmlzatlon Boyle, R. J. er al., Proc. Am. Power Conf, 1995, 57, (2), 1159-1163. A desirable tuning solution should not only be effective for minimizing NO, emissions but also should offer opportunities for improved thermal performance leading to cost savings and a rapid return on investment. Guided by these objectives TVA decided to apply the ULTRAMAX Method, which utilizes a new technology, co-developed by EPRI and Ultramax Corp., called sequential process optimization. The paper describes the ULTRAMAX Method which consists of a methodology and the supporting computer software that builds on existing boiler system knowledge and guides the operator through a sequence of control parame- ter adjustments to achieve ever-improving levels of performance.

96101036 Speclfylng epoxy PFP - The do’s and don’t8 Allen, B. and Boeler, G. Offshore Engineer, Oct. 1995, 38, 40. A discussion by two paint specialists on the issues that need to be consid- ered when using epoxy intumescent materials for passive fire protection on offshore constructions.

96101037 Stablllty of llquld CO, In seawater at hlgh pressures Fujioka, Y. er al., In?. J. Energy Rex, Nov. 1995, 19, (8), 659-664. The stability of liquid CO, in seawater at 3’C under high pressures were investigated by observin

8, the pH and temperature changes around liquid

CO, as well as its state. ere was no distinct change of the state of liquid CO, at 37 MPa, while the liquid CO, at 32 MPa was unstable. The authors experimental investigations suggest that a huge amount of liquid CO, can be sequestered for a very long time with reducing CO, dissolution and its impacts on ecosystems, if they dispose liquid CO, at the depth greater than 3700 m in an ocean.

96101036 Standards for thermal comfort. Indoor alr tempera- ture standards for the 21st century Nicol, F. et al., (Eds.) Span, ISBN 0 419 20420 2, 1995, 247~~. The book contains 25 papers dealing with thermal comfort and indoor air temperature in buildings for a variety of climates, presented at a conference in August 1994.

96101039 A strategy for monltorlng and control systems at major treatment works Newman, R. H. Computing & Control Engineering J., Aug. 1995, 6, (4). 185-192. Severn Trent Water operates a large number of major water and waste- water treatment works. The monitoring and control of the process plant is typically provided by systems offering supervisory control and data acqui- sition and distributed control system functionality. The article describes the strategy developed by Sevem Trent Water for the monitoring and control of these works.

96101030 The role of renewable energy In carbon dloxlde emlsslon reduction In Poland Wisniewski, G. et al., Applied Energy, 1995, 52, (2), 291-298. A method based on the efficiency energy coefficient (output/input) is pro- posed for the assessment of renewable energy sources implementation and for evaluation of their potential for CO, emission reduction. Energy coeffi- cients were evaluated for renewable energy sources (such as solar, wind and biomass) as well as for their conventional substitutes based on coal, oil and gas.

96101040 Study of adsorptlon of heavy metals on llgnlte and Its derlved carbons Allen, S. J. and Chowdhury, M. A. IChemE Rex Event 1st Eur. Con& Young Res. Chem. Eng., Inst. Chem. Eng., Rugby, UK, 1995, 1, 375-377. Describes a two stage treatment method involving the carbonization of lignite followed by high temperature steam activation at 850°C of the resulting char which has been utilized to produce a number of granular activated carbons.

96lOlO31 Safe bulldlngs for the year 2000 Parlor, B. Fire Safety Engng., Aug. 1995, 2, (4), 17-18. Discusses the questions of reasoning behind building envelopes which rely on foamed plastic sandwich panels. Asks why, in the light of several fire diasters, we still allow ourselves to build ‘enclosures’ from life-threatening materials. Discusses some of the alternatives for fire safety engineers to promote.

96101041 Submarlne purgatory Perera, J. Nuclear Engng. Int., Dec. 1995, 40, (497), 43-44. There are over 100 nuclear submarines moored around Severodvinsk wait- ing to be decommissioned. Recent unrest amoung works at Severodvinsk has hi hlighted the human problems involved as well as the technical difficu ties of dealing with ageing submarines, many with their spent fuel P, still on-board, and a massive volume of radioactive waste with nowhere to go.

96101032 Safety-related systems: Guidance for englneers Hazards Forum, 1 Great George St., London SWlP 3AA, flO.OO, 1995. 96101042 Sulfate decomposltlon by bacterlal leaching

Deveci. N. and Delaloelu. C. G. ADDI. Biochem. Biotechnol.. 1995, 53,

96101033 Scoring system for ratlng ‘sick’ bulldlnga (l), 75:81. - .. *- Burt, T. S. Indoor Air - An Integrated Approach, Elsevier Publishers,

Oxford, UK, 1995, 231-234. Discusses how investigators in Sweden use a ‘standard’ questionnaire for building investigations. Describes how this has now been modified by replacing the three-point frequency scale for symptoms with a five-point scale for both frequency and intensity.

Discusses how the disposal of SO, is a problem for industrial effluents, including excess H$O,, gypsum, coal desulphurization byproducts, acid- mine waters, and general metallurgical effluents. SO,” present in wastes can be converted to elemental sulphur by bacterial mutualism. Results of a study of the industrial feasibility of using a biological system to convert hydrous calcium sulphate (gypsum) to elemental sulphur are given.

96101034 Simulation model of wet flue gas desulfurlzatlon

Gerbec, M. et al., Comput. Chem. Eng., Supplement, 1995, S283-S286. Describes the development of a nonstationary model of a wet limestone


desulphurization plant to study chemical and physical phenomena during operation. The absorption of SO from flue gas to countercurrent falling dispersed drops of liquid phase, cfiemical equilibrium of sulphate, sulphate, carbonate, and calcium ions in solution, oxidation of sulphate to sulphate,

E! recipitation and dissolution of CaSO, and CaSO,, and dissolution of lmestone as neutralizing agent were built into the model.

96101035 SO, emlsslons control by on-grate sorbent addltlon on lndustrlal stoker-flred plant Ford, N. W. et al., Process Saf: Environ. Prot., 1995, 73, 59-69. The paper examines the addition of sorbent with coal feed to a stoker grate in the early phases of a programme since, in engineering terms, this was seen as the option which required least plant modification.. A novel design of fixed grate simulator, installed at the Coal Research Establishment, (Stoke Orchard, Cheltenham, UK), was used for investigating two methods of on-grate sorbent addition; viz, the mixing of coarse limestone with the normal coal fed to stokers, and incorporation of fine limestone with fine coal into a pelletized fuel.


Van Dam-Mieras, M. C. et al., J. Cleaner Prod., 1995, 3, (l), 3-8.

Sustalnablllty, cleaner productlon and an Interna-

Sustainable development is a central theme in environmental science edu-

tlonal learnlng resource

cation and this implies that the only appropriate dimension for such educa- tion programmes is global. The authors therefore feel that a world-wide sharing of knowledge is a most needed instrument in educating the peoples of the world in how to behave responsibly towards the environment and each other. Of course there will always be some tension between this global dimension and the good educatIona practice of taking examples from the daily life experience of students, but it would be an attractive idea to create a flexible international learning resource from which people could draw materials for implementation in different learning environments. The course on cleaner production strategies developed at the Open University of The Netherlands is used to illustrate the ideas.

96101044 Sweden’s natlonal report under the Unlted Natlons Framework Conventlon on Cllmate Change Ministry of the Environment & Natural Resources, Tegelbacken 2, 10333

Stockholm, Sweden, 162 pp. Presents the data on Sweden’s national report under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change.

62 Fuel and Energy Abstracts January 1996