07 Alternative energy sources (solar energy) 95/09195 Computer almulatlon of a CaCI, aolld-adaorptlon solar rafrlgarator Iloeje, 0. C. et al., Energy, Nov. 1995, 20, (ll), 1141-1151. A mathematical model is described of an intermittent, solar-powered, solid-absorption refrigerator using CaCI, as absorbent and NH, as refriger- ant. Finite difference forms of the governing equations were written in BASIC. Real performance data are used to test thefnodel. The peak tube temperature is predicted within 4%. The onset and termination of genera- tion and the mass of ammonia generated are accurately predicted. 95/06190 Concrntratln versus non-concantratlng raaclora for solar water P drtoxlflcat on Bockelmann, D. et al., Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells, Aug. 1995, 38, (l), 441-451. The pollution of environmental resources, namely surface. and groundwa- ters 1s a serious problem of the industrial society. Therefore, it is very important to develop processes for the clean-up of polluted aquifers and to integrate them into an orkanisational concept for industrial facilities. The photocatalytic detoxification using titanium dioxide, TiO,, is a rather new and promising method for the clean-up of polluted waters. Especially when the sun is used as the light source, this process can be a relatively inexpen- sive step in the overall detoxification concept. 95lO6197 Conference Rar10t-t - IPS-10 Confaranca 95/06203 Effects of fln dralgn on collactor afflclsncy This, C. et al., Energy, Oct. 1995, 20, (lo), 1021-1026. The effects of various fin shapes on solar collector efficiency and material cost have been investigated. A heat-t ansfer analysis for fins used in an aluminium flat-plate solar collector h a! been performed. Heat fluxes were considered for only one side of the fins. Fin and/or collector efficiencies vs fin-tip heat-loss parameter and fin length were calculated. An economic evaluation is given. 95/06204 El8ctrolyta modlflad photo8lactroch8mlcal solar C8llS Licht, S. 305.319. Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells, Aug. 1995, 38, (l), Rationale electrolyte modifications of hotoelectrochemical systems can be used to (i) enhance facile charge trans p i. er, (u) suppress competing reactions and suppress both (iii) electrode and (iv) electrolyte decomposition prod- ucts, as well as (v) substantially effect the open-circuit photovoltage. Stud- ies on polysulphide, ferrocyanide, polyselenide, and polyiodide electrolyte modification of photoelectrochemical solar cells are discussed. Electrolyte modification of semiconductor/electrolyte systems entails investigation of the primary photo-redox species, the nature of the counter ion, the distribu- tion of species in solution, and related competing reactions. The examples presented emphasize the fundamental and practical important of probing the active electrolytic constituents pertinent to overall photoelectrochemi- cal energy conversion. Hug, S. J. and Dietliker, K. Soiar Energy Materials & Solar Cells, Aug. 1995, 38, (1), 3-8. A report on the 10th International Conference on Photochemical Transfor- mation and Storage of Solar Energy (IPS-10) 1994, held in Interlaken, Switzerland. 95/06205 Enhancamant of the photovoltalc conversion rffl- clrncy of co par phthalocyanln8 thin film drvlcra by Incorpora- tlon of mete P clusters Stenzel, 0. et al,, Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells, Jul. 1995, 37, 17). 711-148. 95106196 Corrrlatlona for the aatlmatlon of hourly global solar radlatlon Srivastava, S. K. et al., Applied Energy, 1995, 52, (1), 55-64. Empirical correlations for estimating the ratios of monthly mein hourly to daily global solar radiation received on horizontal surfaces have been com- pared and their validities tested. The correction of Collares-Pereira and Rabl [Solar Energy, 22 (1979) 1551 yields the best results, while the corre- lations of Liu and Jordan [Solar Energy, 4 (1960) 19 [Solar & Wind Technology, 4 (1987) 1131 give satis d* and Garg and Garg actory values. Calcu- lated ratios show small deviations from observed ratios around the solar noon. Measured ratios are generally lower than the calculated ratios in the morning and evening hours, while the reverse is observed for the hours around the solar noon. 95/06199 DaV8lOpm8nt of an ultrallght, flexible a-S1 solar cell submodule Nishiwaki, H. et al., Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells, Jul: 1995, 37, \_I’ --’ - -’ ITO-copperphthalocyanine-indium sandwich structures have been prepared by thermal evaporation in high vacuum. Different types of metal nanoclus- ters have been incorporated at the ITO-copperphthalocyanine interface. Significant differences in the photovoltaic conversion efficiency of the sandwich samples have been established as a function of the excitation wavelength. Copper clusters have been found to increase the conversion efficiency by a factor of nearly three for solar illumination. The observed effects are discussed assuming resonant light absorption in the metal clus- ters as the responsible physical mechanism for enhancement. 95/06206 Envlronmant a factor In rallroad’a move to solar power Solar Progress, Aug.-Sep. 1995, 16, (3), 17-18. BHP Iron Ore in Australia is set to become one of the largest non govern- ment users of solar power. The contract involves supplying and installing solar panels, battery banks and intelligent char along the 426 km railway between Port Hedlan % e controllers to 54 sites and Newman. They will replace the existing diesel generators. (3), 295-306. An ultralight, flexible a-Si solar cell fabricated on a polyimide film sub- strate has been developed. It was found that prebaking the polyimide film substrate improved the output performance of the cell by reducing the amount of H,O and polymers released from the substrate. Also, using an i- 95106207 A factory-bulk Integrated solar hOm8 Thayer, B. M. Solar Today, Sep.-Oct. 1995, 9, , (5), 24-26. Reports on pioneering designers and builders whd integrate passive solar with photovoltaics in factory-built homes in the USA. layer fabricaied at high iemperature (25O“C) and a p-layer fabricatedat low temperature (80°C) improved the cell’s output performance to a level of over 10%. A maximum output of 782.4 mW and a power-to-weight ratio of 340 mW/g were obtained for an integrated-type flexible a-Si solar cell submodule with a size of 113 mm X 120 mm. 95/06206 Harvaatlng aunllght by artlflclal aupramolacular antennae Balzani, V. et al., Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells, Aug. 1995, 38, (l), 159-173. 95/06200 Economic enelyala of a photovoltalc, forced-con- vectlon, solar graln drier Mumba, J. Energy, Sep. 1995, 20, (9), 923-928. An analysis of a drier with passive drying-air temperature ‘control for use on farms is presented. The experimental solar drier with a grain ca acity of 90 kg has an initial capital cost of f601. Semi-skilled artisans can E. udd the drier at half the price if one used local materials. The cost of sun drying, including a 25% grain loss, is fO.ll/kg. With delivery of useful energy at fO.O6/kWh, 3OO+kg may be dried in addition at an added cost of fO.Ol/kg. The drier has a payback period of less than 1 year and is cost-effective for a photovoltaic to solar air-heater area ratio of about 0.22. The authors have designed a divergent svnthetic strategy. based on the ‘complexes-as-metals &d complexis-as-l-igands’ proce&re, to prepare polynuclear metal compounds of nanometer size and dendritic structure. Such a synthetic strategy is modular, very flexible, efficient, and character- ized by a full, step-by-step control of the growing process. It allows us to obtain supramolecular arrays where different metal ions, bridging ligands, and termmal ligands can occupy predetermined sites. In this way, the light absorption, luminescence, and redox properties of these polynuclear com- pounds can be varied. In particular, it IS possible to obtain a synthetic control of the direction(s) of electronic energy transfer after light ahsorp- tion. This is a step towards the construction of nanometer-sized antennae for harvesting solar energy. 95/06201 The aconomlca of lntegratlng PV Into bulldlnga Frantzis, L. and Hill, S. Solar Today, Sep.-Oct. 1995, 9, (5), 28-29. Discusses a study which found that photovoltaic systems integrated into buildings should be competitive in near-term niche markets by the year 2005. 95lO6202 The effect of collector aspect ratlo on the collector efflclency of flat-plate solar alr heaters Yeh, H. M. and Lin, T. T. Energy, Oct. 1995, 20, (lo), 1041-1047. The effect of collector aspect ratio of the collector efficiency of flat-plate solar air heaters has been investigated theoretically and experim ntally. With constant collector area, the collector efficiency increases w a en the collector aspect ratio increases. The theoretical predictions agree reasona- bly well with experimental results. 95/06209 Hlgh.efflclency alllcon solar cells: State of the art and trends W&F&g, W. Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells, Aug. 1995, 38, (l), Silicon &lar cells with efficiencies well above 20% can be processed using ‘high-efficiency’ technologies, i.e. technologies that carefully minimize all optical and electrical losses. In this tutorial overview the basic principles and design rules of high efficiency silicon solar cells are discussed. Three types of cells and their processing schemes are described in some detail. Possible future developments are outlined. 95106210 The Hopl solar electric enterprise Cole, N. and Skerrett, P. J. Solar Today, Sep.-&t. 1995, 9, (5). 20-23. Discusses how respect for traditional values and a desire for cultural and energy independence make photovoltaics an attractive technology on the Hopi Reservation in the USA. Fuel and Energy Abstracts November 1995 439

95/06207 A factory-built integrated solar home

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07 Alternative energy sources (solar energy)

95/09195 Computer almulatlon of a CaCI, aolld-adaorptlon solar rafrlgarator Iloeje, 0. C. et al., Energy, Nov. 1995, 20, (ll), 1141-1151. A mathematical model is described of an intermittent, solar-powered, solid-absorption refrigerator using CaCI, as absorbent and NH, as refriger- ant. Finite difference forms of the governing equations were written in BASIC. Real performance data are used to test thefnodel. The peak tube temperature is predicted within 4%. The onset and termination of genera- tion and the mass of ammonia generated are accurately predicted.

95/06190 Concrntratln versus non-concantratlng raaclora for solar water P drtoxlflcat on Bockelmann, D. et al., Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells, Aug. 1995, 38, (l), 441-451. The pollution of environmental resources, namely surface. and groundwa- ters 1s a serious problem of the industrial society. Therefore, it is very important to develop processes for the clean-up of polluted aquifers and to integrate them into an orkanisational concept for industrial facilities. The photocatalytic detoxification using titanium dioxide, TiO,, is a rather new and promising method for the clean-up of polluted waters. Especially when the sun is used as the light source, this process can be a relatively inexpen- sive step in the overall detoxification concept.

95lO6197 Conference Rar10t-t - IPS-10 Confaranca

95/06203 Effects of fln dralgn on collactor afflclsncy This, C. et al., Energy, Oct. 1995, 20, (lo), 1021-1026. The effects of various fin shapes on solar collector efficiency and material cost have been investigated. A heat-t ansfer analysis for fins used in an aluminium flat-plate solar collector h a! been performed. Heat fluxes were considered for only one side of the fins. Fin and/or collector efficiencies vs fin-tip heat-loss parameter and fin length were calculated. An economic evaluation is given.

95/06204 El8ctrolyta modlflad photo8lactroch8mlcal solar C8llS Licht, S. 305.319.

Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells, Aug. 1995, 38, (l),

Rationale electrolyte modifications of hotoelectrochemical systems can be used to (i) enhance facile charge trans p i. er, (u) suppress competing reactions and suppress both (iii) electrode and (iv) electrolyte decomposition prod- ucts, as well as (v) substantially effect the open-circuit photovoltage. Stud- ies on polysulphide, ferrocyanide, polyselenide, and polyiodide electrolyte modification of photoelectrochemical solar cells are discussed. Electrolyte modification of semiconductor/electrolyte systems entails investigation of the primary photo-redox species, the nature of the counter ion, the distribu- tion of species in solution, and related competing reactions. The examples presented emphasize the fundamental and practical important of probing the active electrolytic constituents pertinent to overall photoelectrochemi- cal energy conversion.

Hug, S. J. and Dietliker, K. Soiar Energy Materials & Solar Cells, Aug. 1995, 38, (1), 3-8. A report on the 10th International Conference on Photochemical Transfor- mation and Storage of Solar Energy (IPS-10) 1994, held in Interlaken, Switzerland.

95/06205 Enhancamant of the photovoltalc conversion rffl- clrncy of co par phthalocyanln8 thin film drvlcra by Incorpora- tlon of mete P clusters Stenzel, 0. et al,, Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells, Jul. 1995, 37, 17). 711-148.

95106196 Corrrlatlona for the aatlmatlon of hourly global solar radlatlon Srivastava, S. K. et al., Applied Energy, 1995, 52, (1), 55-64. Empirical correlations for estimating the ratios of monthly mein hourly to daily global solar radiation received on horizontal surfaces have been com- pared and their validities tested. The correction of Collares-Pereira and Rabl [Solar Energy, 22 (1979) 1551 yields the best results, while the corre- lations of Liu and Jordan [Solar Energy, 4 (1960) 19 [Solar & Wind Technology, 4 (1987) 1131 give satis d*

and Garg and Garg actory values. Calcu-

lated ratios show small deviations from observed ratios around the solar noon. Measured ratios are generally lower than the calculated ratios in the morning and evening hours, while the reverse is observed for the hours around the solar noon.

95/06199 DaV8lOpm8nt of an ultrallght, flexible a-S1 solar cell submodule Nishiwaki, H. et al., Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells, Jul: 1995, 37,

\_I’ --’ - ‘-’

ITO-copperphthalocyanine-indium sandwich structures have been prepared by thermal evaporation in high vacuum. Different types of metal nanoclus- ters have been incorporated at the ITO-copperphthalocyanine interface. Significant differences in the photovoltaic conversion efficiency of the sandwich samples have been established as a function of the excitation wavelength. Copper clusters have been found to increase the conversion efficiency by a factor of nearly three for solar illumination. The observed effects are discussed assuming resonant light absorption in the metal clus- ters as the responsible physical mechanism for enhancement.

95/06206 Envlronmant a factor In rallroad’a move to solar power Solar Progress, Aug.-Sep. 1995, 16, (3), 17-18.

BHP Iron Ore in Australia is set to become one of the largest non govern- ment users of solar power. The contract involves supplying and installing solar panels, battery banks and intelligent char along the 426 km railway between Port Hedlan %

e controllers to 54 sites and Newman. They will

replace the existing diesel generators.

(3), 295-306. An ultralight, flexible a-Si solar cell fabricated on a polyimide film sub- strate has been developed. It was found that prebaking the polyimide film substrate improved the output performance of the cell by reducing the amount of H,O and polymers released from the substrate. Also, using an i-

95106207 A factory-bulk Integrated solar hOm8 Thayer, B. M. Solar Today, Sep.-Oct. 1995, 9, , (5), 24-26. Reports on pioneering designers and builders whd integrate passive solar with photovoltaics in factory-built homes in the USA.

layer fabricaied at high iemperature (25O“C) and a p-layer fabricatedat low temperature (80°C) improved the cell’s output performance to a level of over 10%. A maximum output of 782.4 mW and a power-to-weight ratio of 340 mW/g were obtained for an integrated-type flexible a-Si solar cell submodule with a size of 113 mm X 120 mm.

95/06206 Harvaatlng aunllght by artlflclal aupramolacular antennae Balzani, V. et al., Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells, Aug. 1995, 38, (l), 159-173.

95/06200 Economic enelyala of a photovoltalc, forced-con- vectlon, solar graln drier Mumba, J. Energy, Sep. 1995, 20, (9), 923-928. An analysis of a drier with passive drying-air temperature ‘control for use on farms is presented. The experimental solar drier with a grain ca acity of 90 kg has an initial capital cost of f601. Semi-skilled artisans can E. udd the drier at half the price if one used local materials. The cost of sun drying, including a 25% grain loss, is fO.ll/kg. With delivery of useful energy at fO.O6/kWh, 3OO+kg may be dried in addition at an added cost of fO.Ol/kg. The drier has a payback period of less than 1 year and is cost-effective for a photovoltaic to solar air-heater area ratio of about 0.22.

The authors have designed a divergent svnthetic strategy. based on the ‘complexes-as-metals &d complexis-as-l-igands’ proce&re, to prepare polynuclear metal compounds of nanometer size and dendritic structure. Such a synthetic strategy is modular, very flexible, efficient, and character- ized by a full, step-by-step control of the growing process. It allows us to obtain supramolecular arrays where different metal ions, bridging ligands, and termmal ligands can occupy predetermined sites. In this way, the light absorption, luminescence, and redox properties of these polynuclear com- pounds can be varied. In particular, it IS possible to obtain a synthetic control of the direction(s) of electronic energy transfer after light ahsorp- tion. This is a step towards the construction of nanometer-sized antennae for harvesting solar energy.

95/06201 The aconomlca of lntegratlng PV Into bulldlnga Frantzis, L. and Hill, S. Solar Today, Sep.-Oct. 1995, 9, (5), 28-29. Discusses a study which found that photovoltaic systems integrated into buildings should be competitive in near-term niche markets by the year 2005.

95lO6202 The effect of collector aspect ratlo on the collector efflclency of flat-plate solar alr heaters Yeh, H. M. and Lin, T. T. Energy, Oct. 1995, 20, (lo), 1041-1047. The effect of collector aspect ratio of the collector efficiency of flat-plate solar air heaters has been investigated theoretically and experim ntally. With constant collector area, the collector efficiency increases w a en the collector aspect ratio increases. The theoretical predictions agree reasona- bly well with experimental results.

95/06209 Hlgh.efflclency alllcon solar cells: State of the art and trends W&F&g, W. Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells, Aug. 1995, 38, (l),

Silicon &lar cells with efficiencies well above 20% can be processed using ‘high-efficiency’ technologies, i.e. technologies that carefully minimize all optical and electrical losses. In this tutorial overview the basic principles and design rules of high efficiency silicon solar cells are discussed. Three types of cells and their processing schemes are described in some detail. Possible future developments are outlined.

95106210 The Hopl solar electric enterprise Cole, N. and Skerrett, P. J. Solar Today, Sep.-&t. 1995, 9, (5). 20-23. Discusses how respect for traditional values and a desire for cultural and energy independence make photovoltaics an attractive technology on the Hopi Reservation in the USA.

Fuel and Energy Abstracts November 1995 439