02 Liquid fuels (sources, properties, recovery) 95/00144 The effects of microbial contamination on middle 95lOOl54 distillate fuels lndlan hlgh wax crude 011s and the deposltlonal environments of their sourca rocks Stockdale, H. et al., Petroleum Review, Sep. 1994, 48, (572), 420-421. Discusses the contamination of middle distillate fuels by micro-organisms which is an issue that has provoked considerable debate over many years. 95/00145 Environmental modrlllng rrflnrd for longer plat- form life Offshore Engineer, Sep. 1994, p. 35. Discusses the continual drive towards lighter and more economic offshore structures which in turn requires a better understanding of the extreme environmental conditions they must be designed to survive. ~&yn~ U. et al., Marine & Petroleum Geology, Dec. 1994, 11, (6), High wax crude oils are generated from organic matter derived from either land plants or freshwater algae. The Cambav crude oils are oroduced from a rift basin and the oils in-the northern fields of the Cambay Basin are sourced from the Cambay black shale. In this paper the effect of the envi- ronment of deposition of the source rock on the nature of crude oils derived from type III organic matter is reported. Source rock extracts which have not been affected by migrational and post-accumulation changes are used to illustrate this effect. 95lOO146 Extensive alblte dlrsolutlon In Trlasslc reservoir sandstones from the Gannet flsld, UK North Sea Purvis, K. Marine & Pefroleum Geology, Oct. 1994, 11, (S), 624-630. Diagenetic albitization of detrital plagioclase and K-feldspar has been reported in several reservoir sandstones of various ages and from different depositional environments from the North Sea. Saigal et al. (1992) sug- gested that the degree of albitization of detrital feldspars in the Upper Jurassic Fulmar Formation can be used as an indication of the timin of hydrocarbon charge in the reservoir, with albitization being arreste d by hydrocarbon migration. This paper presents the results of a petrographic study on the reservoir sandstones from the Triassic Skagerrak Formation. 95lOO147 The Falkland Islands and the earl fra mentatlon of Gondwana: lmpllcatlons for hydrocarbon Y P kland Plateau exp orat on In the Fal- Marshall, J. E. Marine & Petroleum Geology, Oct. 1994, 11, (5), 631-636. It is now generally accepted that during the early fragmentation of West Gondwana several microplates separated from Africa and Antarctica. Among these microplates was the Falkland Platform, which was displaced from its original position against the east coast of southern Africa, rotated by 120” and ultimately became an extension of the continental shelf of southern South America. The paper considers both the implications of the extensional origin of the Falkland Plateau Basin for the timing of hvdrocar- bon generation-and shows how the microcontinental movem&rt of-the Fal- kland Platform introduces a ‘South African’ exploration play based on Permian hydrocarbon source rocks. 95/00155 Is 23 years really so fast?’ Cresswell, J. W. Petroleum Review, Nov. 1994, 48, (574) 506-508. A report on a conference held at Aberdeen’s Holiday Inn. The conference concerned the oil and gas industry. 95/00156 Modelln ZOnQuldak basln (nort ?l of gas generatlon In coals of ths western Turk& Yalck, M. N. et al.; Int. J. Coal Geol., 164, 25, (2), 195-212. The generation of gas in selected coal seams of the Zonguldak Basin (northwestern Turkey) has been modelled by incorporatin derived non-isothermal reaction kinetics into the geotherma& laboratory- histories of the coal-bear& strata. Deoendinn on the location within the basin of the wells studied aid on the geologic:1 histo the simulation procedure resulted in a pre3 of the coal-bearing sediments, mg per g of coal. acted gas generation of up to 40 95/00157 North-east baslns worth some thought Queensland Government Mining J., Oct. 1994, 95, p. 7. The Devonian basins of north-east Queensland come under the .% eological microscope of geologists as the search for oil petroleum wr ened, the North Queensland Project Leader from the Geological Surve Division of the Department of Minerals and Energy, John Draper, to d the PESA iv Conference. 95/00146 Features of porphyrln compounds In Cambrian oil shales from Yakutiya, Siberia Serebrennikova, 0. V. and Mozzhelina, T. K. Org. Geochem., 1994, 21, (a), 891-895. 95/00149 Floater to get wet next month Oflshore Engineer, Sep. 1994, p. 14. As Norsk Hvdro’s oioneerinn develooment oroiect for oil from Troil West passes the point of’70% completion,. there He-indications tht startup may well come a month or two earlier than the 1 January 1996 target which has stood throughout the project. 95100156 payback Oil exploratlon companies: Edging towards NatWest Securities Ltd., London, 1994, 36 pp. An assessment of 13 oil exploration and production companies. 95/00159 nitrogen The orlgln and dlagenssls of sedimentary organic Baxby, M. et al., J. Pet. Geol., 1994, 17, (2). 211-229. Discusses the current state of knowledge concerning the inclusion and transformation of nitrogen in sedimentary organic matter. The main focus of the paper is on petroleum-forming systems, although some mention is also given to coal. 95/00150 Foams: Fundamentsls and appllcatlons In the petroleum Industry Schramm, L. L. (ed.) ACS Publications, American Chemical Society, Dept.338, PO Box 57136, Washington, DC.20037-0136, USA, $129.95, 1994, 568 pp. Explores the foam fundamentals, including bulk foam stability and antifoaming, foams in porous medra, and foam sensitivity to oil in porous media. Discusses the aaolication of foams to imorovinrr oil recoverv in porous media. Presents’the application of foams io oilwell and near-well petroleum production. Describes foams in surface processes. Includes a comprehensive glossary of foam terminology. 95/00151 GBS gets set for matlng Offshore Engineer, Sep. 1994, 12-13. Reports that the concrete work is now finished on the base of the Troll East gas platform, and events are accelerating towards the mating of this sup- port structure and the 22,500t deck it will carry. The operation is scheduled for January. The Troll East is the tallest concrete gravity platform - 370m from the tips of its seabed skirts to the top of its four towers. 95tOOl60 Petroleum gsneratlon and mlgratlon In the Styrlan Basln (Psnnonlsn Basln system, Austria): An Integrated goo- chemical and numerlcal modrlllng study Sachsenhofer, R. E. Marine & Petroleum Geology, Dec. 1994, 11, (6), 684-701. Source rock analysis and numerical modelling techniques have been applied to evaluate the hydrocarbon potential of the Styrian Basin. Oil- and gas-prone sediments occur in the lower Miocene section. The numerical modelling of petroleum migration provides important information on its timing and pathways and predicts correctly the only drilled hydrocarbon occurrence in the Styrian Basin. The calculated gas to oil ratio is 0.5. The integration of all these data helps to define areas with high petroleum potential. 95/00161 The Petroleum Geol Basins, Dublin, Ireland, 22-22 April 1 % of Irsland’s Offshore Shannon, P. M. and Croker, P. F. Marine & Petroleum Geology, Oct. 1994, 11, (5), 637-638. A report on the conference organized by the Petroleum Affairs Division of the Department of Transport, Energy, and Communications, the Institute of Petroleum and the Irish Offshore Operators’ Group, held m Dublin Castle on 21 and 22 April 1994. 95lOOl52 Geochemical characterlstlcs and origin of non- mature oil from Wulungu depresslon Wang, Y. Diqiu Huaxue, 1994, 23, (2 179-188. (In Chinese) t Oil sands of the Badaowan formation rom Well Lun-5 of the Wulungu Depression were characterized by the geochemistry of the immature oil. The biomarker constituents imply that the source rock contains typical terrigenous humic organic matter, with certain characteristics of oil formed from coal. Heldrum modules glide Into place 95lOQ153 Offsshore Engineer, Oct. 1994, 8-9. 95lOO162 Role of overpressurss and In situ stresses In fault- controlled hydrocarbon mlgratlon: A case study Grauls, D. J. and Baleix, J. M. Marine & Petroleum Geology, Dec. 1994, 11, (6), 734-742. Faults and major fracture networks play a significant part in the transitory dynamics of fluid transfers. A certain number of anomalies induced by these transfers and encountered at shallow depths can be explained only by the active movement of large amounts of fluids from deeper zones, which, moreover, occur over very short geological times. These ideas are con- firmed in the case study presented in this paper, which is based on the analysis of well data from sonic compaction profiles, pressures, in situ stresses and temperatures. This multidisciplinary analysis will help to demonstrate the resence of anomalies related to the nature of the fluids, the pressures anB the temperatures associated with these transfers. Reports that with the five major topside modules of Conoco’s Heidrun platform now successfully mated to the TIP’s concrete hull, final hookup and commissioning work can continue in the fjord off Stavanger. 10 Fuel and Energy Abstracts January 1995

95/00148 Features of porphyrin compounds in Cambrian oil shales from Yakutiya, Siberia

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Page 1: 95/00148 Features of porphyrin compounds in Cambrian oil shales from Yakutiya, Siberia

02 Liquid fuels (sources, properties, recovery)

95/00144 The effects of microbial contamination on middle 95lOOl54 distillate fuels

lndlan hlgh wax crude 011s and the deposltlonal environments of their sourca rocks

Stockdale, H. et al., Petroleum Review, Sep. 1994, 48, (572), 420-421. Discusses the contamination of middle distillate fuels by micro-organisms which is an issue that has provoked considerable debate over many years.

95/00145 Environmental modrlllng rrflnrd for longer plat- form life Offshore Engineer, Sep. 1994, p. 35.

Discusses the continual drive towards lighter and more economic offshore structures which in turn requires a better understanding of the extreme environmental conditions they must be designed to survive.

~&yn~ U. et al., Marine & Petroleum Geology, Dec. 1994, 11, (6),

High wax crude oils are generated from organic matter derived from either land plants or freshwater algae. The Cambav crude oils are oroduced from a rift basin and the oils in-the northern fields of the Cambay Basin are sourced from the Cambay black shale. In this paper the effect of the envi- ronment of deposition of the source rock on the nature of crude oils derived from type III organic matter is reported. Source rock extracts which have not been affected by migrational and post-accumulation changes are used to illustrate this effect.

95lOO146 Extensive alblte dlrsolutlon In Trlasslc reservoir sandstones from the Gannet flsld, UK North Sea Purvis, K. Marine & Pefroleum Geology, Oct. 1994, 11, (S), 624-630. Diagenetic albitization of detrital plagioclase and K-feldspar has been reported in several reservoir sandstones of various ages and from different depositional environments from the North Sea. Saigal et al. (1992) sug- gested that the degree of albitization of detrital feldspars in the Upper Jurassic Fulmar Formation can be used as an indication of the timin of hydrocarbon charge in the reservoir, with albitization being arreste d by hydrocarbon migration. This paper presents the results of a petrographic study on the reservoir sandstones from the Triassic Skagerrak Formation.

95lOO147 The Falkland Islands and the earl fra mentatlon of Gondwana: lmpllcatlons for hydrocarbon Y P kland Plateau

exp orat on In the Fal-

Marshall, J. E. Marine & Petroleum Geology, Oct. 1994, 11, (5), 631-636. It is now generally accepted that during the early fragmentation of West Gondwana several microplates separated from Africa and Antarctica. Among these microplates was the Falkland Platform, which was displaced from its original position against the east coast of southern Africa, rotated by 120” and ultimately became an extension of the continental shelf of southern South America. The paper considers both the implications of the extensional origin of the Falkland Plateau Basin for the timing of hvdrocar- bon generation-and shows how the microcontinental movem&rt of-the Fal- kland Platform introduces a ‘South African’ exploration play based on Permian hydrocarbon source rocks.

95/00155 ‘Is 23 years really so fast?’ Cresswell, J. W. Petroleum Review, Nov. 1994, 48, (574) 506-508. A report on a conference held at Aberdeen’s Holiday Inn. The conference concerned the oil and gas industry.

95/00156 Modelln ZOnQuldak basln (nort ?l

of gas generatlon In coals of ths western Turk&

Yalck, M. N. et al.; Int. J. Coal Geol., 164, 25, (2), 195-212. The generation of gas in selected coal seams of the Zonguldak Basin (northwestern Turkey) has been modelled by incorporatin derived non-isothermal reaction kinetics into the geotherma &

laboratory- histories of

the coal-bear& strata. Deoendinn on the location within the basin of the wells studied aid on the geologic:1 histo the simulation procedure resulted in a pre 3

of the coal-bearing sediments,

mg per g of coal. acted gas generation of up to 40

95/00157 North-east baslns worth some thought Queensland Government Mining J., Oct. 1994, 95, p. 7.

The Devonian basins of north-east Queensland come under the .%

eological microscope of geologists as the search for oil petroleum wr ened, the North Queensland Project Leader from the Geological Surve Division of the Department of Minerals and Energy, John Draper, to d the PESA iv Conference.

95/00146 Features of porphyrln compounds In Cambrian oil shales from Yakutiya, Siberia Serebrennikova, 0. V. and Mozzhelina, T. K. Org. Geochem., 1994, 21, (a), 891-895.

95/00149 Floater to get wet next month Oflshore Engineer, Sep. 1994, p. 14.

As Norsk Hvdro’s oioneerinn develooment oroiect for oil from Troil West passes the point of’70% completion,. there He-indications tht startup may well come a month or two earlier than the 1 January 1996 target which has stood throughout the project.

95100156 payback

Oil exploratlon companies: Edging towards

NatWest Securities Ltd., London, 1994, 36 pp. An assessment of 13 oil exploration and production companies.

95/00159 nitrogen

The orlgln and dlagenssls of sedimentary organic

Baxby, M. et al., J. Pet. Geol., 1994, 17, (2). 211-229. Discusses the current state of knowledge concerning the inclusion and transformation of nitrogen in sedimentary organic matter. The main focus of the paper is on petroleum-forming systems, although some mention is also given to coal.

95/00150 Foams: Fundamentsls and appllcatlons In the petroleum Industry Schramm, L. L. (ed.) ACS Publications, American Chemical Society, Dept.338, PO Box 57136, Washington, DC.20037-0136, USA, $129.95, 1994, 568 pp. Explores the foam fundamentals, including bulk foam stability and antifoaming, foams in porous medra, and foam sensitivity to oil in porous media. Discusses the aaolication of foams to imorovinrr oil recoverv in porous media. Presents’the application of foams io oilwell and near-well petroleum production. Describes foams in surface processes. Includes a comprehensive glossary of foam terminology.

95/00151 GBS gets set for matlng Offshore Engineer, Sep. 1994, 12-13.

Reports that the concrete work is now finished on the base of the Troll East gas platform, and events are accelerating towards the mating of this sup- port structure and the 22,500t deck it will carry. The operation is scheduled for January. The Troll East is the tallest concrete gravity platform - 370m from the tips of its seabed skirts to the top of its four towers.

95tOOl60 Petroleum gsneratlon and mlgratlon In the Styrlan Basln (Psnnonlsn Basln system, Austria): An Integrated goo- chemical and numerlcal modrlllng study Sachsenhofer, R. E. Marine & Petroleum Geology, Dec. 1994, 11, (6), 684-701. Source rock analysis and numerical modelling techniques have been applied to evaluate the hydrocarbon potential of the Styrian Basin. Oil- and gas-prone sediments occur in the lower Miocene section. The numerical modelling of petroleum migration provides important information on its timing and pathways and predicts correctly the only drilled hydrocarbon occurrence in the Styrian Basin. The calculated gas to oil ratio is 0.5. The integration of all these data helps to define areas with high petroleum potential.

95/00161 The Petroleum Geol Basins, Dublin, Ireland, 22-22 April 1 %

of Irsland’s Offshore

Shannon, P. M. and Croker, P. F. Marine & Petroleum Geology, Oct. 1994, 11, (5), 637-638. A report on the conference organized by the Petroleum Affairs Division of the Department of Transport, Energy, and Communications, the Institute of Petroleum and the Irish Offshore Operators’ Group, held m Dublin Castle on 21 and 22 April 1994.

95lOOl52 Geochemical characterlstlcs and origin of non- mature oil from Wulungu depresslon Wang, Y. Diqiu Huaxue, 1994, 23, (2 179-188. (In Chinese)

t Oil sands of the Badaowan formation rom Well Lun-5 of the Wulungu Depression were characterized by the geochemistry of the immature oil. The biomarker constituents imply that the source rock contains typical terrigenous humic organic matter, with certain characteristics of oil formed from coal.

Heldrum modules glide Into place 95lOQ153 Offsshore Engineer, Oct. 1994, 8-9.

95lOO162 Role of overpressurss and In situ stresses In fault- controlled hydrocarbon mlgratlon: A case study Grauls, D. J. and Baleix, J. M. Marine & Petroleum Geology, Dec. 1994, 11, (6), 734-742. Faults and major fracture networks play a significant part in the transitory dynamics of fluid transfers. A certain number of anomalies induced by these transfers and encountered at shallow depths can be explained only by the active movement of large amounts of fluids from deeper zones, which, moreover, occur over very short geological times. These ideas are con- firmed in the case study presented in this paper, which is based on the analysis of well data from sonic compaction profiles, pressures, in situ stresses and temperatures. This multidisciplinary analysis will help to demonstrate the resence of anomalies related to the nature of the fluids, the pressures an B the temperatures associated with these transfers.

Reports that with the five major topside modules of Conoco’s Heidrun platform now successfully mated to the TIP’s concrete hull, final hookup and commissioning work can continue in the fjord off Stavanger.

10 Fuel and Energy Abstracts January 1995