60 Questions on Indian Polity

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  • 7/25/2019 60 Questions on Indian Polity


    60 questions and answers on Constitution

    of India

    On August 29, 2013 By Vijay Jaiswal Category: Indian Constitution

    60 Questions and Answers on

    Constitution of India

    Q.1 When was Indian Independence Act passed, by

    whom and on the basis of what pan!

    Ans. !"ee Indian Inde#enden$e A$t was #assed %y t"e Britis" &arlia'ent on (t" July in19)*. !"is a$t was #assed to gi+e ee$t to t"e -ount%atten #lan $reating t"e two

    inde#endent states o India and &aistan.

    Q."# What were the options before the Indian nati$e

    states in the Indian Independence Act!

    Ans. !"e Indian Inde#enden$e A$t ga+e t"ree o#tions to t"e Indian nati+e states/1 tojoin India/2 to join &aistan/3 to re'ain Inde#endent.

    Q.% #Who drafted the Indian Constitution!

    Ans. !"e Indian $onstitution was drated %y t"e rating Co''ittee o t"e Constituent


    Q.& #Who was the chairman of the Constituent Assemby! Who was the

    Chairman of the 'raftin( Committee!

    Ans. r. 4ajendra &rasad was t"e C"air'an o Constituent Asse'%ly. r. B.4.

    A'%edar was t"e C"air'an o rating Co''ittee.

    Q.) #When was the Constitution adopted!

    Ans. !"e $onstitution was ado#ted on 25t" 6o+e'%er 19)9.

    Q.6 #When did the Constitution come into force!

    Ans. !"e $onstitution $a'e into or$e on 25t" January 19(0.

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    Q.* #Accordin( to the +reambe India is what ind of


    Ans. A$$ording to t"e original #rea'%le India is a 7o+ereign, e'o$rati$ 4e#u%li$. By

    )2nd a'end'ent o t"e $onstitution India is 'ade also a 7o$ialist and 7e$ular state.

    Q.- #What are the poitica ideas, accordin( to the

    +reambe India sees to secure!

    Ans. India sees to se$ure to "er #eo#le:

    ustice: 7o$ial 8$ono'i$ and &oliti$al.

    /ibertyo t"oug"t, e#ression, %elie, ait" and wors"i#

    quaityo status and o##ortunity, and raternity, assuring t"e dignity o t"e indi+idual

    and unity o t"e nation.

    Q.2 #3ow many Arts, are there in the Indian


    Ans. !"e original $onstitution "ad 39( Arts and * s$"edules. 6ow ater t"e ;0t"a'end'ent o t"e $onstitution t"ere are )0( Arts and 10 s$"edules in t"e $onstitution.

    Q.10 #What is meant by 45ecuar and 5ociaist asdescribed in the +reambe!

    Ans. !"e #rea'%le des$ri%es India to %e a se$ular state. It 'eans t"at t"ere is no

    esta%lis"ed religion in India and t"at state does not gi+e any #reeren$e to any religion in


    !"e )2nd a'end'ent o t"e Indian $onstitution 'aes India a so$ialist state. It 'eanst"at t"e state s"all a%olis" #ri+ate owners"i# o t"e 'eans o #rodu$tion and distri%ution.

    !"is "owe+er "as not yet %een a$"ie+ed. On t"e ot"er "and t"e state now en$ourages

    #ri+ate owners"i#.

    as 'entioned in t"e &rea'%le.

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    Ans. India is a so+ereign state. It 'eans t"e state in India is t"e su#re'e aut"ority o+er

    all 'en and all asso$iations wit"in t"e $ountry and is a%solutely ree ro' any outside


    India is de'o$rati$. It 'eans t"at in India all go+ern'ents are or'ed on t"e %asis o

    #o#ular su##ort.

    India is re#u%li$. It 'eans all oi$es o t"e state ro' t"e "ig"est to t"e lowest are "eld

    on t"e %asis o 'erit and no oi$e o t"e state is "eld on t"e %asis o "ereditary rig"t.

    Q.1 "# 3ow many states and union territories are there

    in the Indian 7nion!

    Ans. !"ere are 2( states and * union territories in t"e Indian ?nion.

    Q.1% Which 5tate of the Indian 7nion has a separateConstitution!

    Ans. !"e state o Ja''u and @as"'ir "as a se#arate $onstitution.

    Q.1& What is the importance of Arts %*0 of the


    Ans. !"is Art gi+es t"e state o Ja''u @as"'ir a se#arate $onstitutional status.

    aws #assed %y t"e Indian &arlia'ent a##ly to Ja''u @as"'ir i t"ey are a$$e#ted %yt"e J. @. legislature.

    Q.1) Is the preambe to the Constitution 8usticiabe in


    Ans. 6o. !"e #rea'%le is not justi$ia%le.

    Q.16 What is the necessity of the +reambe!

    Ans. !"e #rea'%le is lie an introdu$tion to t"e $onstitution. !"e $ourts use t"e#rea'%le to $lariy: t"e 'eaning o t"e aw w"ene+er t"ere is an a'%iguity.

    Q.1* 'oes the Indian Constitution reco(ni9e the

    principe of dua citi9enship!

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    Ans. !"oug" India is a ederation, t"e #rin$i#le o dual $itiens"i# "as not %een

    a$$e#ted in t"e $onstitution. All IndianDs are a$$e#ted as t"e $itiens o India. !"ere is no

    $itiens"i# o t"e states.

    Q.1- When was the Indian Citi9enship Act passed!

    Ans. Indian Citiens"i# A$t was #assed in 19((.

    Q.12 Into how many cate(ories are the Indian citi9ens


    Ans. Indian $itiens are di+ided into two $ategories/$itiens %y %irt" and $itiens %y


    Q."0 What are the pro$isions of the IndianConstitution re(ardin( inte(ration or creation of

    new states!

    Ans. !"e Indian &arlia'ent %y A$ts #assed t"at it $an integrate new states into India or$an $reate new states out o t"e territory o an eisting state or states.

    Q."1 3ow many cate(ories of fundamenta ri(hts of

    citi9ens has been reco(ni9ed by the Indian


    Ans. Originally t"e $onstitution $onerred on t"e Indian $itiens se+en unda'ental

    rig"ts. !"ey are a rig"t to eEuality % rig"t to reedo' $ rig"t against e#loitation drig"t to religious reedo'. e rig"t to edu$ation and $ulture rig"t to #ro#erty and g

    rig"t to $onstitutional re'edies:. At #resent t"ere are si unda'ental rig"ts. 4ig"t to

    #ri+ate #ro#erty "as %een re'o+ed ro' t"e list o unda'ental rig"ts %y t"e ))t"a'end'ent o t"e $onstitution.

    Q."" What is meant by equaity in the eye of aw!

    Ans. 8Euality in t"e eye o law as #ro+ided %y Art. 1) o t"e $onstitution 'ean t"at

    no%ody is a%o+e t"e law. aw a##lies to all #ersons eEually.

    Q."% What are the freedoms (ranted to citi9ens by Art

    12 of the Constitution!

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    Ans. Art 19 o t"e $onstitution grants si reedo's to t"e $itiens !"ey are rig"t to

    reedo' o

    I e#ression, 2 to asse'%le #ea$ea%ly and wit"out ar's 3 to or' asso$iation, ) to'o+e reely in India, ( to i+e anyw"ere in India and 5 to ado#t any #roession or


    Q."& What Art of the Constitution forbids use of tites

    or honor conferred by forei(n states!

    Ans. Art 1;.

    Q.") Is the ri(ht to wor and empoyment reco(ni9ed

    by Constitution!

    Ans. 6o. !"e dire$ti+e #rin$i#le o t"e $onstitution de$lares rig"t to wor and

    e'#loy'ent as desira%le. But t"e dire$ti+es are nonF justi$ia%le in $"ara$ter.

    Q."6 Are the conferment of honour ie :harat ;atna

    or +adma :ibhusun $ioati$e of ri(ht to equaity

    under Art. 11&!

    Ans. 6o, %e$ause B"arat 4atna, &ad'a Bi%"usun et$. are not $onsidered as titles. !"ey$annot %e used %eore or ater t"e na'es o t"e #ersons on w"o' t"ey are $onerred.

    Q."* 3ow the Indian Constitution sees to protect

    chidren a(ainst e

  • 7/25/2019 60 Questions on Indian Polity


    Ans. Indian se$ularis' 'eans t"at t"e state does not "a+e any esta%lis"ed religion, t"at

    #eo#le are ree to #ra$ti$e and #roess any religion and t"at t"e state does not s"ow any

    #reeren$e to any religion.

    Q.%0 #What Arts of the Constitutions confer ri(ht to

    freedom of rei(ion!

    Ans. Arts 2( to 2; $oner rig"t to reedo' o religion on t"e $itiens.

    Q.%1 Is possession of pri$ate property a =undamenta


    Ans. &ri+ate #ro#erty was a unda'ental rig"t %eore t"e #assing o ))t" a'end'ent o

    t"e $onstitution. 6ow t"e #ossession o #ri+ate #ro#erty is an ordinary legal rig"t and not

    a unda'ental rig"t.

    Q.%" #What Art of the Constitution confers ri(ht to

    constitutiona remedies!

    Ans. Art 32 o t"e $onstitution $oner t"e rig"t to $onstitutional re'edies on t"e


    Q.%% 3ow many inds of writs the 5upreme Court or

    the 3i(h Court may issue in case of trans(ression of=undamenta ;i(hts!

    Ans. !"e 7u#re'e Court or t"e Gig" Courts 'ay issue i+e inds o writs.

    !"ese are writs o 1 Ga%eas Cor#us 2 -anda'us 3 &ro"i%ition ) Certiorari and (

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    Q.%) #'o the members of the armed forces en8oy the

    =undamenta ;i(hts (i$en by the Constitution!

    Ans. !"e #arlia'ent 'ay restri$t t"e unda'ental rig"ts %y #assing laws. Beyond su$"

    restri$tions t"e 'e'%ers o t"e Ar'ed or$es enjoy t"eir unda'ental rig"ts.

    Q.%6 #What are principa duties of the Indian Citi9ens!

    Ans. O%eying t"e $onstitution, s"owing res#e$t to t"e national lag and t"e nationalant"e', deending IndiaDs so+ereignty, integrity, and unity #rote$ting national #ro#erties

    and u#"olding Indias glorious 'ied $ulture and also s"owing res#e$t to wo'an are t"e

    #rin$i#al duties o t"e Indian $itiens.

    Q.%* #When were the duties of the citi9ens added to the


    Ans. !en duties o t"e Indian $itiens "a+e %een added to t"e $onstitution %y t"e )2nd

    a'end'ent to t"e $onstitution.

    Q.%- In what chapter of the Constitution and in what

    Arts are the 'irecti$e principes of the Constitution


    Ans. In $"a#ter IV Arts 3(F(1 t"e dire$ti+e #rin$i#le o t"e $onstitution are gi+en.

    Q.%2 #What is the principa difference between the

    directi$e principes and the fundamenta ri(hts!

    Ans. !"e unda'ental rig"ts are justi$ia%le w"ile t"e dire$ti+e #rin$i#als are nonF

    justi$ia%le i.e. t"e unda'ental rig"ts are enor$ed %y t"e $ourts w"ile t"e dire$ti+es are

    not enor$ed %y t"e $ourts.

    Q.&0 #>ame four important directi$es (i$en in the

    Indian Constitution!

    Ans. 1 !"e states s"ould #ro+ide "el# in $ases o old age, une'#loy'ent and

    disa%ility. 2 7tate s"ould stri+e to redu$e ineEuality %etween indi+iduals, grou#s and#roessions 3 7tate s"ould #ro'ote and oster rural $ottage industries. ) !"e state

    s"ould #ro+ide $o'#ulsory ree #ri'ary edu$ation to $"ildren %elow 1) years i age.

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  • 7/25/2019 60 Questions on Indian Polity


    Q.&* What is the other name of India (i$en in the

    Constitution and in what Art.!

    Ans. India is also $alled B"arat in Art.1 o t"e $onstitution.

    Q.&- 'oes any Art of the Indian Constitution use the

    term 4federation! If not what is the term used in

    the constitution by which India can be caed a


    Ans. 6o Art o t"e $onstitution $alls India a ederation. Instead Art.1 o t"e $onstitution$alls India a ?nion o 7tates. ro' t"is, $onstitutional e#erts iner t"at India is a


    Q.&2 4An indestructibe federation of indestructibe

    states 'oes this description appy to India!

    Ans. &resident A%ra"a' in$oln $alled t"e ?nited 7tates an indestru$ti%le ederation o

    indestru$ti%le states. !"is des$ri#tion does not a##ly to India %e$ause an Indian state 'ay

    %e easily destroyed t"roug" t"e #ro$ess o 4eForganiation o states. Gen$e India 'ay %e$alled an indestru$ti%le ederation o +ery 'u$" destru$ti%le state.

    Q.)0 hrou(h how many ists powers ha$e been

    distributed between the 7nion and the 5tates inIndia! >ame them.

    Ans. !"e Indian $onstitution distri%utes #owers %etween t"e union and t"e states

    t"roug" t"ree lists, t"e ?nion list, t"e 7tate list and t"e Con$urrent list.

    Q.)1 What is the procedure throu(h which powers

    ha$e been distributed between the 7nion and the

    5tates in India!Ans. !"e Indian Constitution "as not ollowed eit"er t"e ?. 7. or t"e Canadian syste'

    o distri%ution o #owers %etween t"e ederal go+ern'ent and t"e go+ern'ents o t"e

    ederating units. In t"e ?. 7. A. t"ere is only one list o #owers o t"e nationalgo+ern'ent. !"e residues %elong to t"e states. In Canada t"ere is only one list o #owers

    o t"e go+ern'ents o t"e #ro+in$es and t"e residues %elong to t"e $entral go+ern'ent. In

  • 7/25/2019 60 Questions on Indian Polity


    India t"ere are t"ree lists/t"e ?nion list, t"e 7tate list and t"e Con$urrent list. !"e

    residues %elong to t"e $entre.

    Q. )" 7nder what circumstances the union

    (o$ernment can e(isate on sub8ects in the stateist!

    Ans. On t"ree o$$asions t"e ?nion go+ern'ent 'ay legislate on state su%je$ts.i togi+e ee$t to an international treaty, ii w"en t"e 4ajyasa%"a %y 23 'ajority aut"oried

    t"e &arlia'ent under Art 2)9 to legislate on any state su%je$t, iii w"en one or 'ore

    states reEuest t"e union go+ern'ent to legislate on any state su%je$t.

    Q. )% 7nder what Art the +resident may constitute

    Inter 5tate Councis and for what purpose!

    Ans. ?nder Arts 253 o t"e Indian $onstitution t"e &resident 'ay $onstitute Inter 7tateCoun$ils to regulate t"e relations %etween t"e $entre and t"e states or %etween t"e states.

    Q. )& >ame four important sub8ects in the 7nion ist!

    Ans. een$e, oreign relations, Citiens"i# and Baning are our i'#ortant su%je$ts in

    t"e ?nion list.

    Q. )) >ame four important sub8ects in 5tate ist!

    Ans. i and 4e+enue, ii aw and order, iii o$al go+ern'ent, i+ 8du$ation u# to

    t"e se$ondary le+el.

    Q. )6 What do you mean by Concurrent ist! >ame

    four important sub8ects in Concurrent ist.

    Ans. !"e $on$urrent list 'entions t"e su%je$ts on w"i$" t"e union and t"e state

    go+ern'ents, %ot" $an legislate %ut in $ase o $onli$t %etween a union and state law t"e

    union law #re+ails. Ad'inistrati+e and $ri'inal law, +agran$y, orests, #rote$tion o wild

    ani'als and %irds are our i'#ortant su%je$ts in t"e $on$urrent list.

    Q. )* Bention two circumstances when the 7nion

    ?o$ernment can issue directi$es to the 5tate


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    Ans. !"e union go+ern'ent 'ay issue dire$ti+e to t"e state go+ern'ent or t"e

    #rote$tion o t"e 4ailways and &orts and also on su%je$ts $onsidered i'#ortant in t"e

    national interest.

    Q. )- What is meant by residua powers!

    Ans. In a ederal $onstitution #owers not 'entioned in any list o #owers gi+en to t"e

    $entre or t"e states is nown as t"e residual #ower. In India t"e residuary %elongs to t"e

    union go+ern'ent.

    Q. )2 Bention two ta