5.Overcoming the Legal Risks of New Media

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  • 8/14/2019 5.Overcoming the Legal Risks of New Media


    Overc om ing t he Legal

    Elec t ron ic Com m unic a t ion

    Jeffery P. Drummond

    Jackson Walker L.L.P.

    ,Dallas, Texas 75202

    (214) 953-5781

    drummond@ w.com


  • 8/14/2019 5.Overcoming the Legal Risks of New Media



  • 8/14/2019 5.Overcoming the Legal Risks of New Media


    . . . the so-called Health 2.0applications such as information portals,

    patient messaging, home healthapplications and personal health-recordsystems . . . .

    -Modern Healthcare,

    April 6, 2009

  • 8/14/2019 5.Overcoming the Legal Risks of New Media


    Inform at ion Tec hno logypeople:

    2010 definition:ogs

    Microblogs (Twitter)Social Networks (Facebook, MySpace)

    Video (Youtube)


  • 8/14/2019 5.Overcoming the Legal Risks of New Media


    Video webcasting of surgery

    e ogg ng

    Sick blogs Consultants using Web 2.0 (particularly blogs and


  • 8/14/2019 5.Overcoming the Legal Risks of New Media


    e ac s a ea care mar e ers

    cant just jump onto the Twitter

    bandwagon without having a solid

    strategy in place and also explainingclearly what theyre doing.

    -- Glenna Shaw, Healthleaders Media, June 3, 2009

  • 8/14/2019 5.Overcoming the Legal Risks of New Media


    Give me a break. Twittering

    surgeries will quickly disappear as

    notice of it.

    -- Kerry Faunce, commenting on the same article

  • 8/14/2019 5.Overcoming the Legal Risks of New Media


    patients perspective:


    Digni ty /Presentat ion

    Mot ive (pub l ic educat ion or fami ly in format ion)


    as c nswer: u or za on

  • 8/14/2019 5.Overcoming the Legal Risks of New Media


    publics perspective:

    Who: o t her pat ient s , pot ent ia l pat ient s

    At t i t ude :

    Misinformed (surgeon drops his scalpel to tweet?)

    Concerned (youre not tweeting about me, are you?)

    Basic Answer: Education

  • 8/14/2019 5.Overcoming the Legal Risks of New Media


    organizations perspective:


    In t e l lec t ua l Proper ty

    Const i tu t ional /organizat ional

    Nonprofit organizations

    Governmental entities

    eputat on management

  • 8/14/2019 5.Overcoming the Legal Risks of New Media




    Advertising laws Responsibility for user-generated content

    Ownership of content

    SEC issues

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    How to avoid disclosures repor t ing

    Marketin Restrictions

  • 8/14/2019 5.Overcoming the Legal Risks of New Media


    Heal th c are provider



    Other Heal t h Plan

    Heal thc are Clear inghouse

    Cont rac t s w i t h /serves Covered Ent i t y

  • 8/14/2019 5.Overcoming the Legal Risks of New Media


    Protec t ed Heal th In format ion : In format ion about t hepast , present , or fu ture heal thc are condi t ion,

    rea m en , or paym en s poss e o en y e

    ind iv idua l from t he informat ion.

    Basic Rule: Covered entities and businessassociates may not use or disclose PHI except for

    specified purposes (for example, treatment or

    payment) or with the individuals specificpermission.

  • 8/14/2019 5.Overcoming the Legal Risks of New Media


    Fines and penal t ies

    Pot ent ia l lega l dam ages

    Publ ic repor t ing may be requ i red

    Public Relations uses are not generally excepted So, patient authorization is required

    Author izat ions have spec i f i c requ i rem ents ; m ak e


  • 8/14/2019 5.Overcoming the Legal Risks of New Media


    conta ns spec c mar et ng restr ct ons

    Geared more toward uses than disclosures

  • 8/14/2019 5.Overcoming the Legal Risks of New Media


    Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited

    CAN-SPAM Act):

    Limits use of email addresses obtained by

  • 8/14/2019 5.Overcoming the Legal Risks of New Media


    ec i f ic Le al Issues:Adver t is ing

    Federal IssuesGeneral: FTC fair trade practices

    Specific: FDA marketing rules

    State Law issues:State DTPA and fraud statutes

    State HIPAA or medical record laws

    Rules of regulatory agenciesE.g., Board of Medical Examiners

  • 8/14/2019 5.Overcoming the Legal Risks of New Media


    pec c ega ssues: ver s ng

    General overridin issue: Advertisin ma not be false or

    misleading. Does your Web 2.0 effort count as advertising?

  • 8/14/2019 5.Overcoming the Legal Risks of New Media


    User-Generat ed Cont ent

    Communications Decency Act of 1996: ISP c ompanies are genera l ly imm une f rom l iab i l i ty

    for t h i rd-par ty c ont ent t hat appears on t he i r in t ernet

    fo rum s or w ebsi tes .

    ISPs that shape or d i rec t t he cont r ibut ions o f c on ten t may no t be subjec t t o the sa fe harbor.

    Control your content, or make appropriatedisclaimers.

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    Ow nersh ip o f Cont ent

    Copyright: website content is copyrightable. Who owns the co ri ht to the content third

    parties put on your site?

    Are the orks for hire?

    Protecting your own copyright

    copyright of which is owned by another party

  • 8/14/2019 5.Overcoming the Legal Risks of New Media


    SEC Issues

    Regulation FD (fair/full disclosure): Information on com an website is likel a ublic

    disclosure by the company for purposes of

    Regulation FD If so, information posted on the website cannot

    contain false or misleading information or omit

    information necessary to make the informationprovided not misleading

  • 8/14/2019 5.Overcoming the Legal Risks of New Media


    SEC Issues

    Antifraud provisions: Antifraud rovisions a l to statements on

    company websites

    Previousl osted materials that remain availablearent necessarily republished for antifraud

    purposes, but might need to be segregated on the

    company website to avoid confusion.

  • 8/14/2019 5.Overcoming the Legal Risks of New Media


    SEC Issues

    Hyperlinks to third party sites: Sim l linkin does not mean endorsement

    But, it could, even if you dont mean it

    What your s i te says about t he hyper link

    Whet her you have a d isc la im er

    How t he hyper link i s p resented

    Consider click-thru screens or exit notices

  • 8/14/2019 5.Overcoming the Legal Risks of New Media


    SEC Issues

    Company sponsored blogs:

    Employees posting speak

    for the company

    Electronic Shareholder Forums Generally, information posted here is not considered to be

    a company statement or disclosure, but could be if the

    Consider disclaimers either way

  • 8/14/2019 5.Overcoming the Legal Risks of New Media


    company (dont forget Web 1.0) K n ow w h at i s b ei n s ai d a bo ut o u f or c o m m e rc i al

    react ion purposes

    K now i f your c opyr ight ed mat er ial i s be ing breached

    Be aw are t ha t fa i lu re t o do so migh t c onst i tu t e

    adopt ion of the in format ion or s ta t ement s

    your ow n people

  • 8/14/2019 5.Overcoming the Legal Risks of New Media


    Cont ro l your w ebsi te

    Cont ro l your o f f ic ia l ex t erna l Web 2.0 ac t iv i t ies

    Gain author izat ion f rom pat ients t o avo id HIPAA

    a n perm ss on or r -par y po en a y-

    c opyr ight ed in fo rmat ion

  • 8/14/2019 5.Overcoming the Legal Risks of New Media


    At le ast h igh-level and per iodic legal rev iew

    Depending on operat ions, at least have approval of

    forms, form at s , and post ing ru les

    Appropr ia t e de legat ion o f aut hor i ty

    Board approval

  • 8/14/2019 5.Overcoming the Legal Risks of New Media


    , .

    -, ,

    Sued for malpractice , . ,

    plaintiffs and their lawyer, disclosed defense trial

    strate , and bad-mouthed the urors Plaintiffs lawyer exposed him during the trial as

    Dr. Flea

    Lindeman knew she would expose him to thejury, so he settled for a substantial sum

  • 8/14/2019 5.Overcoming the Legal Risks of New Media


    Overc om ing t he Legal

    Elec t ron ic Com m unic a t ion

    Jeffery P. Drummond

    Jackson Walker L.L.P.


    Dallas, Texas 75202(214) 953-5781

    drummond@ w.com
