5 Overlooked Reasons Why People Fail Stop! If you think you are successful in your current disposition e.g. jobless top-notcher in the board exams, then stop here. As in here. Okay, I get it. You’re either a bum roaming the internet or just a curious person with a successful career (in macho dancing?). Well, here’s what I think are five reasons, that people don’t really notice, on why they fail in everyday things and major life events. I’m pretty sure that you can relate on that experience. Sometimes, you probably end up with more loses than wins, and with good reasons. Reasons such as.. 1. You didn’t plan Say when was the last time you had a plan? Not those tomorrow or next- day plans of night outs while drowning in alcohol, but plans for the near future. Planning is usually the first step in accomplishing goals and people who fail usually don’t have one. Delicious, mouth-watering foods almost always have recipes. Did the chef just tossed everything in the pan all at the same time while hoping it’ll taste great? Unless you liked to have a life of just eggs and chopped tomatoes, then you should have a plan. Give your life some unplanned moments to enjoy the adventures but always be ready for the major turning points. It is better to bring an umbrella even if it doesn’t rain than not bringing one on a rainy afternoon. As John J. Beckley, one of the first political manager in the US said, “Most people don’t plan to fail, they fail to plan.” 2. You prayed too much but did too little None would pray the hardest as much as when they are in need which is a good thing by the way. The sad thing is that some just pray. Period. Have you tried devotedly praying for your upcoming major exams yet at the same time devotedly watching television at night even when those exams are just around the corner? How could God ever help you remember what you studied when you never studied in the first place? How could He help in your promotion if you don’t earn it through sweat and time? I don’t know how miracles happened but I’m pretty sure God doesn’t do

5 Overlooked Reasons Why People Fail

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5 Overlooked Reasons Why People Fail

Stop! If you think you are successful in your current disposition e.g. jobless top-notcher in the board exams, then stop here. As in here.

Okay, I get it. You’re either a bum roaming the internet or just a curious person with a successful career (in macho dancing?). Well, here’s what I think are five reasons, that people don’t really notice, on why they fail in everyday things and major life events. I’m pretty sure that you can relate on that experience. Sometimes, you probably end up with more loses than wins, and with good reasons. Reasons such as..

1. You didn’t plan

Say when was the last time you had a plan? Not those tomorrow or next-day plans of night outs while drowning in alcohol, but plans for the near future. Planning is usually the first step in accomplishing goals and people who fail usually don’t have one. Delicious, mouth-watering foods almost always have recipes. Did the chef just tossed everything in the pan all at the same time while hoping it’ll taste great? Unless you liked to have a life of just eggs and chopped tomatoes, then you should have a plan. Give your life some unplanned moments to enjoy the adventures but always be ready for the major turning points. It is better to bring an umbrella even if it doesn’t rain than not bringing one on a rainy afternoon. As John J. Beckley, one of the first political manager in the US said, “Most people don’t plan to fail, they fail to plan.”

2. You prayed too much but did too little

None would pray the hardest as much as when they are in need which is a good thing by the way. The sad thing is that some just pray. Period. Have you tried devotedly praying for your upcoming major exams yet at the same time devotedly watching television at night even when those exams are just around the corner? How could God ever help you remember what you studied when you never studied in the first place? How could He help in your promotion if you don’t earn it through sweat and time? I don’t know how miracles happened but I’m pretty sure God doesn’t do miracles that way. He simply helps those who help themselves toil in order to achieve what they want.

3. You lose focus and motivation

There’s a good reason why it is not advisable to use your phone while driving. That’s the same reason why as much as possible you must concentrate on one thing at a time. Multitasking is never a good thing. It is better to study for one hour then watch television/go facebooking for the next hour than do both at the same time; you’ll end up using more time while learning fewer things and not understanding what the heck you just had watched. When you lose focus, you’ll fail and eventually you’ll lose the reason why you want to succeed. You’ll lose motivation. And that is one of the saddest thing I had experienced in myself and I had seen in other people. It is always sad to see a person who concedes in defeat and walks away in an unfinished fight after so much time spent fighting.

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4. You blamed others for your own mistakes

I love playing Defense of the Ancients (DotA) and other multiplayer action real-time strategy. In these 5 vs. 5 games you should play cooperatively with your team mates in order to defeat the other five. You’ll be matched up with different kinds of players, some are novice, and some are long time gamers. I say long time because some may be long time gamers but they still suck at the game. And the worst part? They blamed their team mates for their in-game deaths.

This situation reflects what is in the real life. You sometimes blamed others for your own failures even though you have no freaking idea that you got yourself into that situation on your own. You blamed others when you got a 30/100 score because they didn’t let you cheat. Heck you didn’t even studied in the first place. You blamed your colleagues because they didn’t remind you of your schedule when you of all people should be the one to remind yourself just that. In blaming others you passed on your mistakes to other people instead. That makes you resistant to changing yourself for the better because it wasn’t your fault that you messed up right? No wonder some of those gamers who blamed others still suck at the game.

5. You don’t learn to love the things you do

Since I was young, I have always been fascinated by computers and I decided that when I grow up, I will have a work that has something to do with computers. Now, I’m a nurse. Do nurses work with computers? Making programs and such? No. But do I love being a nurse? So much.

Some would advise you to do the things you like. Do it often I might add. It is the best advice they could give you, good for you if you have been given that opportunity. You see, for the rest of the people, the world is not always what they wanted it to be. Yehey! It’s your birthday! You hoped it won’t rain so that your friends could come over to your house. But it rains anyway. Eventually, I hope, you’ll learn to love the rain.

That is life, some aspiring doctors won’t be doctors, and some aspiring singers won’t be singers. It’s not saying that you just can’t cut it to do what you want to do. It’s just that some circumstances in your life forced you to do other things. It is not failure. It is only a failure when you don’t learn to love those other things. Who knows, someday you’ll be given another chance to pursue what you do and like best. But as for now, learn to love the rain.