Introduction to Communication Science

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Introduction to Communication


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Lecturing Schedule (Tentative)

Week Topic

1 Introduction to Communication Science

2 Development of Communication Field & Skills

3 Communication Process

4 Communication Models

5 Perception and Filters of Communication

6 Verbal Communication, Language, and Meanings

7 Nonverbal Communication and its Aspects


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Lecturing Schedule (Tentative)

Week Topic8 Mid term exam

9 Individuals and Relationships

10 Group, and Organizational Communication

11 The Media & Mediated Communication

12 Public and Mass Communication

13 Intercultural Communication

14 Class Presentation

15 Class Presentation & Review


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Class Activities….

Lecturing Presentation


Questions & Answers

Individual Assignment

Group Assignment

Class Presentation


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Understanding Theory in Communication

Standar Penilaian

• Mid test : 20% Final test 40%

• Coursework: tugas (paperwork,presentation), diskusi, kuis, keaktifan di kelas

• Absensi: 20%

• Rules & Regulations:

- no use of phone cell in class

- late entry pass needed after 15 minutes

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Book References

• Brent D Ruben & Lea P Stewart, Communication and Human Behavior, (5th ed) Pearson Publication, 2006.

• Study Guide Introduction to Communication Science

• Prof Deddy Mulyana. Ilmu Komunikasi, Suatu Pengantar , Remaja Rosdakarya, 2008


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Rules in Classroom

No lateness will be allowed

No chit chat, cell phones, ipod, MP3, magazine, etc

No food, drink, snack, snap

Permitted to the toilet will be allowed but only one by one

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What will you learn in this session?

What is Communication?

Understanding the context & elements of communication

Why Learning Communication Science?

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Why should we study


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Why Learning (Comm) Science? Communication is fundamental

Communication is complex Communication is vital Communication is popular

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Communication is fundamental to our lives

for example: • A recent graduate interviews

for a job • Friends hundred of miles

apart exchange e-mail messages (or facebook, or

twitter, etc) • A doctor talks with a patient

• Developing interpersonal relationship romance

• Candidates present political speec & debate infront of live


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Communication is complex and multifaceted

• We face many complex situations in life• Communication challenges in many relationships (e.g: personal, family,

workplace, etc)

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Communication is vital to occupational effectiveness

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Communication competencies which are important in workplace: • Writing and listening

• Public speaking• Interpersonal and group

communication• Leadership• Networking

• Teamwork & collaboration• Meeting skills

• Information tech skills• Intercultural sensitivity

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Communication emerged as a behavioral discipline, which focus on study of

information-related behavior. Communication also ties with other social &

humaniora sciences, such as sociology, politics, psychology, literature, cultural studies

and anthropology, philosopohy and art.

Communication is POPULARAnd vibrant field of study

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So, what is


by the way?

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What is Communication? Understanding Definition, Process & Context of


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Communication can be….(and emerged in many forms, such as)

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… Exchange glances and

gesturals between lovers

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… People using sign language

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… A talk show on television infront of million audiences

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… a knowing smile,


… a thoughtful

walk on the


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Chit chat with friends

readinga good book

for more meanings of communication , we should look after this page…

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Secara etimologis, communication (Inggris)

berasal dari kata Latin yaitu communis yang berarti ‘sama’ dan communico, communicatio,communicare yang berarti ‘membuat sama’ (to make common)

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Secara sempit, komunikasi dapatdidefinisikan sebagai penyampaian pesan melalui media, cetak maupunelektronik

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Secara luas, komunikasiadalah interaksi antara dua mahlukhidup atau lebih

there are still more and more about definitions of


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Communication Point of View

• Communication can be defined in a way that emphasizes the perspective of a message source (e.g, public speaker, writer)

• Definitions can also emphasize the perspective of the receiver (e.g, listener, speaker)

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Tahun 1976, Frank Dance dan Carl Larson

mengumpulkan 126 definisi


Menurut Dance, ada 3 dimensi konseptual

penting yang mendasari definisi-definisi

komunikasi tersebut

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1. Dimensi Tingkat Observasi (level of observation)

Adalah derajat keabstrakan suatu definisi. Misalnya, definisi yang terlalu luas atau sebaliknya,terlalu sempit. Ada tingkatankomunikasi mulai dariinterpersonal, group, organisasi, publik dan massa

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2. Dimensi Kesengajaan(Intentionality)

“lights, camera, action!”

Ada definisi yang mensyaratkan

kesengajaan baik

bagi pengirimmaupun

penerima pesan

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3. Dimensi Penilaian Normatif

misalnya, John B Hobbenmengasumsikan bahwa

komunikasi harus berhasil(berupa persetujuan, penerimaan

& pemahaman dari sebuah interaksi

Sebagian definisi, meskipun secara implisit menyertakan keberhasilan atau kecermatan

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Empat kata kunci dalammendefinisikan komunikasi: process, social process, symbolic danmeaning.

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Defining Communication

Communication is a process

Communication is a social process

Communication is symbolic

Communication is meaning.

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Ongoing Continuously Motion

Communication is a process, means that it’s an activity that has many separate but interrelated steps that occur over time

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Always in motion

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Communication is social process,


that it involves people and interaction

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Communication is symbolic

- Symbols are used to represent things, ideas, processes,

or events in ways that make communication possible

- Types of symbols are verbal (words, number) and non-

verbal (expression, gesture), object

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Communication is meanings√ We create meanings in the process of communication √ We talk with others to clarify our own thoughts, decide how to interpret non verbal behaviors, and put labels on feelings and hopes to give them reality√ In communication, messages can have more than one feelings

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Understanding Communication As A Process(Kenneth K Sereno & Edward M Bodaken)

Ada tiga kerangka pemahaman

(karakteristik) komunikasi,


1. Komunikasi merupakan

tindakan satu arah (one-way)

2. Komunikasi sebagai interaksi

3. Komunikasi sebagai transaksi

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Definition from Carl I. Hovland

Komunikasi sebagai Tindakan Satu Arahartinya komunikasi dianggap sebagai proses

linear yang dimulai dengan sumber atau

pengirim yang berakhir pada penerima,

sasaran atau tujuan.

Komunikasi adalah proses yang memungkinkan seseorang (komunikator) menyampaikan rangsangan (biasanya lambang-lambangverbal) untuk mengubah perilaku orang lain (komunikate)

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Benarkah komunikasi merupakan tindakan satu arah?

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Media Public

One Step Flow Communication Model

Model one step flow menjelaskan bahwa tidak semua media punya kekuatan yang sama. Pesan yang diterima tergantung pada sistem seleksi yang ada pada masing-masing audience. (Nurudin, 2004)

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Komunikasi Sebagai Interaksi

Interaksi berarti ada

unsur saling mempengaruhi (mutual influence)

proses sebab-akibat atau

aksi-reaksi yang arahnya bergantian

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Komunikasi sebagai interaksi dipandang sedikit lebih dinamis dari komunikasi satu arah karena adanya umpan balik (feed back)

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Komunikasi sebagai transaksi

adalah suatu proses dinamis

yang secara


mengubah pihak-pihak yang berkomunikasi.

Penafsiran kita atas perilaku

verbal dan nonverbal orang

lain yang kita kemukakan juga

cenderung akan mengubah

penafsiran orang tersebut

atas pesan-pesan kita dan

begitu seterusnya.

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Konteks-konteks Komunikasi

Komunikasi tidak berlangsung dalam ruang hampa-sosial,

melainkan dalam konteks atau situasi tertentu. 1. Aspek Fisik : iklim, cuaca, suhu udara, bentuk ruangan, warna

dinding, penataan tempat duduk, jumlah peserta komunikasi, dan alat yang tersedia untuk menyampaikan


2. Aspek Psikologis: sikap, kecenderungan, prasangka, dan

emosi para peserta komunikasi.

3. Aspek Sosial: Norma kelompok, nilai sosial, dan karakteristik budaya

4. Aspek Waktu: Kapan berkomunikasi

(hari, jam, pagi, siang, sore, malam)

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Definition from Harold Lasswell

Who Says, What In Which Channel To

Whom With What Effect? Harold D.

Lasswell (1948)

(Cara yang baik untuk menggambarkan komunikasi

adalah dengan menjawab pertanyaan diatas)

Siapa Mengatakan Apa Dengan Saluran Apa Kepada Siapa Dengan Pengaruh Bagaimana

Dalam definisi Lasswell diatas terdapat 5 (lima) unsur komunikasi) yang saling

bergantung satu sama lain.

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Elements of Communication that help define the process

1.Senderswho formulate,

encode, and

transmit a


2.Receiverswho receive,

decode, and

interpret a


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3.MessageThe content of communicative act

• non verbal• verbal• ideas• our facial expression• information• concepts• etc

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4. ChannelsA medium through which message is sent

- verbal and non verbal- TV, Radio, Magazine, Newspaper,


- Seminar, Meetings

- Face to face, Interviews

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5. NoiseEverything that interferes with or distorts the ability to send and receive message

• Internal Noise(psychological, physical, intellectual)

• External Noise(loud siren, hot/cold room temperature, disturbing

smell, prejudices, perception)

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6. ContextThe setting or part of situation that surrounds a particular things.

- Home

- Stadium

- Church

- Mosque

- Funeral

- Club

- etc

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7. FeedbackInformation returned from

receiver to a message source


Positive feedback

Negative feedback

Internal feedback

External feedback

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8. EffectThe communication outcome

Emotional (joy, anger, sadness, fun)


(to fight, argue, and evade issue)


(new insights, increase knowledge)

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Question, anyone?

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