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21 Gala Menus - Betty Crocker Recipe Card Library

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DIVIDER CARD The Betty Crocker Recipe Card Library

Page 2: 21 Gala Menus - Betty Crocker Recipe Card Library


For your Very Important Parties, do as we do i n the Betty Crocker Kitchens-serve these, our gala-best m e n u s, collected and pu b l i shed here for the very f irst ti me.

These are the l u n cheon party dishes we have served with success to the ce l ebrit ies and disti ngu ished guests who honor us with vis i ts-to statesmen and actresses, world travelers and writers wise i n food lore.

Luncheons i n our traditional 18th Century D i n i ng Room are served to four to fourteen guests, and l i ke a l l our "Kitchen­tested" men us, the foods of which they are composed have been sel ected with care for balance and vari ety i n fl avors, textures, shapes and colors that compl ement each other for a beauti ful and satisfy i n g whol e.

We recommend these spec i a l occas ion party foods to earn pra i se fro m yo ur most sop h i st icated and knowledgea b l e guests .

Cord ially,

Pictured: The Betty Crocker Dining Room, Golden Valley, Minnesota.

@Copyright 1971 by General Mills, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A.

Page 3: 21 Gala Menus - Betty Crocker Recipe Card Library

Gala Menus from the Betty Crocker Dining Room

1. Bacon-wrapped Beef Tenderloins

2. Beef Anchovy Roulades on Brown Rice

3. Beef Proven�ale on Rice 4. Chianti Beef Roast 5. Cold Plate: Sliced Beef,

Turkey and Cheeses 6. Rib Eye Steaks 7. Teriyaki Meatballs

8. Baked Ham with Horseradish Glaze

9. Baked Ham with Maple Glaze 10. Pork Chops Supreme 11. Broiled Saratoga Lamb Chops 12. Marinated Roast Lamb

13. Chicken Crepes Versailles 14. Crusty Curried Chicken

15. Pheasant en Creme 16. Roast Cornish Hens 17. Twin Salad Plate:

Chicken Curry, Fresh Fruit 18. Twin Salad Plate:

Fruited Chicken, Marinated Vegetables

19. Boston Clam-Rice Bake 20. Cellini Pies 21. Lobster de Jonghe 22. Savory Scallops 23. Shrimp Curry with

Condiments 24. Trout Almandine

25. Deviled Ham Quiche 26. Golden Cheese-Shrimp Bake 27. Swiss Cheese Oven Omelet

Recipes for starred foods in menus given on cards.

10-V The Betty Crocker Recipe Card Library

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This gracious 18th Century room, lighted by a brass and crystal chandelier and sconces, overlooks the terrace with fountains, umbrella tables and blooming flowers in summer, swirling leaves or snowflakes as the seasons change across the Golden Valley countryside.

Fresh flowers are always on the rosewood-bordered dining table which, with its gold-upholstered chairs, stands upon a grass green carpet. A rosewood paneled storage wall behind a Louis XV lacquered Chinese chest conceals our treasured china, linens, silver and crystal.

Ivory damask covers the opposite wall, against which stands a mahogany sideboard. Nearby, a Roman-shaded window overlooks a Japanese indoor garden.

In this room our Gala Menus are served; and since our guests, like yours, are sometimes delayed in arriving, lunch is often preceded with a "starter" course from punch bowl and serving cart in our adjoining indoor patio.

Since many of our guests are men, you will find these luncheon­tested menus hearty enough to serve at dinner parties; three menus are for popular brunches (cards 25,26 and 27). Enjoy them all with the success they deserve.

@Copyright 1971 by General Mills, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A.

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Gala Menus from the Betty Crocker Dining Room 1

8 servings

Bacon-wrapped Beef Tenderloins

Cherry T ornata-Parsley Garnish

Zucchini Continental*

Green Salad with Guacamole*


Fresh Peaches and Blueberries with Custard Sauce*


Select 8 beef tenderloin fi lets, 1 to 11/2 inches thick. W rap bacon s lice a ro u n d edge of each fi let; secu re with wooden picks .

Set oven contro l at b roi l and/or 550°. P l ace fi lets o n rack in b roi le r pan. B roi l with tops 3 inches from heat 8 min u tes . Tu rn; b ro i l 7 min u tes longer . Season with sa l t, pepper and o nion sa l t . 8 servi ngs.

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8 smal l zucchin i (about 2 pounds)

1/4 cup butter or margarine 2 teaspoons water

1 dove garlic, crushed % teaspoon salt 1/s teaspoon pepper

Cut z ucc h i n i lengthwise in h alf. Melt b u tter in la rge s k illet ; add rema i n i n g i n gred ients . Cook and st i r zucc h i n i in b u tter m i xtu re u n t i l sl ight ly b row n . Cover t ightly; cook 6 to 8 m i n u tes or u n t i l z ucc h i n i i s cr i sp-ten de r. 8 servings.


8 cups bite-s ize p ieces B ibb lettuce

1 cup sliced radishes

Oi l and vinegar salad dressing

1 can (7% ounces) frozen guacamole dip, thawed

Toss lettuce, rad i sh sl ices a n d sa lad d ress i n g ; d iv ide among 8 salad bowls . Spoon guacamole d i p onto each serv i n g. 8 servings.


Div ide 4 cups fru i t ( s l iced fresh peaches a n d fresh b l u eberr ies ) among 8 dessert d i s h es . M ix 1/4 cup rum and 1 can of o u r ready­to-se rve van i lla p u dd i n g (2 c u ps) . Spoon over fru i t i n each d i sh . Garn i sh wi th m i n t. Serve i m med i ately. 8 servings.

© Co p y r i g h t 1971 by General M i l l s, I n c. A l l r i g h t s reserved. P r i n ted in U. S . A .

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Gala Menus from the Betty Crocker Dining Room 2

12 servings

Soup Creole*

Beef Anchovy Roulades on Brown Rice*

Braised Pascal Celery with Pimiento

Marinated Artichokes Ripe Olives Italian Peppers·

Chocolate Cake with Mocha Butter Frosting*


1 can (46 ounces) tomato ju ice

5 whole c loves 1 bay leaf

1 can (101/2 ounces) tomato puree

2 cups beef broth 1 onion slice

3 tab lespoons sugar 1 1/4 teaspoons salt

1/a teaspoon herb season ing

Heat a l l i ng red ients to bo i l i n g, st i rr i n g occas iona lly. Red u ce heat ; s i m m e r 5 m i n u tes . Stra i n ; se rve i n m u gs w i th l e m o n s l i ces . 12 servings (about 3/4 cup each ).

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2 cans (2 ounces each) an chovy f i l lets, drai ned

4 large cloves garl ic, m i nced 8 large sprigs parsley,

chopped (about 1/4 cup) 1 cu p m i n ced onion

12 s l ices beef top round steak (6x6 i nches each) , 1/4 inch thick

3/4 cup shortening 2 cans (101/2 ounces each)

condensed beef b roth (bou i l lon)

1/2 teaspoon pepper 1 cu p l ight cream 2 tablespoons lemon j u ice

Hot cooked b rown rice

Mash a n chovy f i l l ets to a paste. Mix in ga r l i c, p a rs l ey and o n ion u n t i l m ixtu re i s m u shy. Sp read on stea k s l i ces. R o l l up ; t i e w i th str i ng . Me l t shorte n i ng i n 2 l arge skillets. Brown rolls over me­d i u m heat . D ra i n off fat.

Add beef b roth and pepper. Cove r ; s i m m e r 1 h o u r. Un cove r ; st i r i n cream and lemon j u i ce. S i m mer about 30 m i n u tes l o n ge r o r u n t i l sauce i s consi stency of t h i n wh i te sauce . C u t str i n g a ro u n d ro l l s and remove. Se rve ro l ls and s a u ce w i t h r i ce . 1 2 servings.


Beat 11/J cups soft butter u n t i l l ight and f luffy. B l e n d in 5 c u ps con fect ione rs' s u gar, 1/2 c u p m i lk and 2 teaspoons i nsta n t cof­fee; beat u n t i l smooth . Cove r ; refr igerate u n t i l mixtu re is of spread i n g con s istency. Fi l ls and frosts two 8- or 9-inch layers.

© Co p y r i g h t 197 1 by General M i l ls, Inc. A l l r i g h t s reserved. Pr inted i n U. S . A .

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Gala Menus from the Betty Crocker Dining Room 3

8 servings

Wine Punch Rye Wafers with Smoky Spread*

Beef Provem;ale on Rice* Broiled Tomato Garnish*

Endive and Boston Lettuce Salad Hot Buttered French Bread

Lemon Sherbet with Raspberry Sauce Macaroons


2 cups ground cooked h am 1/2 cup finely chopped celery 1/2 cup d ai ry sou r cream

1/4 teaspoon p ap rika 1/a teaspoon salt 1/a teaspoon pepper 1/a teaspoon cloves 1 can (8% ounces) crushed

pineapple, d rained Rye wafers

M i x a l l i ngred i e n ts except rye wafers; c h i l l . Serve wi th rye wafers. 2% cups spread.

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1/4 cup butter or m argarine 1/4 cup s al ad oil

11/4 pounds smal l onions 4 pounds beef chuck, cut

into 2-inch cubes 1/4 cup Gold Med al flo u r

1 tablespoon tomato paste 3 cups red B u rgundy

1 teaspoon instant beef bou i l lon

1/2 teaspoon thyme leaves 1/2 teaspoon m arjoram leaves 1/4 teaspoon pepper

2 bay leaves % pound smal l mushrooms

Sn ipped chives Hot cooked rice

Heat oven to 325°. In D u tch oven, heat b u tter and o i l . Cook and st i r o n io ns in fat 5 m i n u tes. Set o n ions asi de. B rown m eat, a th ird at a t ime . Set meat as ide .

Remove D u tch oven f rom heat ; p o u r off a l l bu t 1 tab l espoon fat. B l e n d i n f l o u r and tomato paste. St i r i n B u rgu n dy grad u a l ly ; m i x i n m eat, season i n gs and m ush rooms.

Cover ; bake 1 1/2 h o u rs. Add o n ions ; bake 1 h o u r l o n ge r or u n t i l m e a t is tender. S p ri n k l e w i t h c h i ves. Serve o n r ice . 8 servings.


Set oven contro l at b ro i l and/o r 550°. Dot 8 tomato h a l ves w i th butter; season with salt and basil. Broil 5 i nches f rom heat 5 m i n u tes o r u n t i l b u bb ly . 8 servings.

� To serve dessert, partially thaw frozen raspberries; spoon over lemon sh erbet.

© C o p y r i g h t 197 1 by General M i l l s, Inc. A l l r i g h t s reserved. Pr i nted in U. S . A.

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Gala Menus from the Betty Crocker Dining Room 4

10 servings

Chianti Beef Roast*

Sauteed Mushroom Cap-Parsley Garnish

Oven Rice with Peas and Pimiento*

Tomatoes Vinaigrette*

Hot Baking Powder Biscuits

Double Berry Sundaes*


3 tablespoons shortening 5-pound rolled beef rump


1 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon pepper

2 cups Chianti

Melt shortening in Dutch oven. Brown roast in sh ortening over med i u m heat about 15 m i n u tes. Season w i th sa lt and pepper. Pou r Ch ian t i over roast. Cover ; bake i n 325° oven 3 to 3 1/2 h o u rs or u n t i l roast i s tender . Serve hot o r c h i l l a n d s l ice. 1 0 servings.

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4 cups boil in g water 2 cups u ncooked regu lar rice 2 teaspoons salt

1 package (10 ounces) fro zen green peas

1/4 cup chopped p im iento

H eat oven to 350°. M ix water, r i ce and sa l t i n u ngreased bak ing d ish , 1 31/2x9x2 i nches. Cove r ; bake 25 to 30 m i n u tes o r u n t i l liq u i d i s absorbed and r i ce i s tender . Wh i l e r i ce bakes, coo k peas as d i rected on package. St i r peas and p i m iento i n to r i ce. 10 to 12 serv ings.


10 thick tomato sl ices 1 cup ol ive o i l

1/3 cup wine vi negar 2 teaspoons o regano 1 teaspoon salt

2 cloves garl ic, m inced 1h teaspoon pepper 1/2 teaspoon dry mustard

Mi nced onion Snipped parsley

P lace tom atoes i n bak ing pan, 8x8x2 i n ches . M i x rem a i n i ng i n­g red ients except o n i o n and pars ley ; pou r ove r to matoes. Cove r ; refrigerate 2 h o u rs, bast i ng occas iona l ly with d ress i ng. To serve, d r izz le wi th d ress ing and spr i n k l e wi th o n i o n a n d pars l ey. 10 servings.


H eat 2 packages (10 o u n ces each) f rozen b l u e berr ies, thawed . Serve over raspberry i ce-cream ba l ls. 10 servings.

© Co p y r i g h t 197 1 by General M i l ls, Inc. A l l r i g h ts reserved. Pr inted i n U. S . A .

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Gala Menus from the Betty Crocker Dining Room 5

12 servings

Hot Bouillon*

Cold Plate: Sliced Beef, Turkey and Cheeses*

Marinated Green Beans and Artichoke Hearts*

Garden Cottage Cheese in Tomato Cups*

Hot Bite-size Biscuits Grasshopper Angel*


4 cans (101/2 ounces each) 1/4 teaspoon pepper condensed beef broth 1/4 teaspoon salt (bouillon) 1/4 teaspoon onion salt

4 soup cans water 1/4 teaspoon celery salt 1 cup sherry, if you wish 1/4 teaspoon sweet basil

In la rge kett le , heat a l l i n g red ients to s i m m e r i n g. Se rve hot. 12 servings (about 3/4 cup each).

=0 Our dining room guests find the cold plates already on the table; hot biscuits are passed.

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For each serving, arrange on l eaf lettu ce, 1 s l i ce co l d cooked tu rkey, 2 th i n s l i ces roast beef, ro l led u p, 1 str ip ca raway cheese and 1 t r iang le Cheddar cheese. A l low about 1/2 po u n d m eat per serv i ng.

On B i b b l ettu ce, a r range who l e green beans and canned a rt i ­choke hea rts that have been m a r i nated in Ita l i an sa l ad d ress i ng.

On a bed of pa rs l ey, p l ace a tomato stu ffed wi th G a rden Cot­tage Cheese (be low) .

Garden Cottage Cheese: Mix 41/2 c u ps (th ree 1 2-o u nce ca rtons) creamed cottage cheese, 1 c u p s l i ced cucu m be r, 1 cu p s l i ced rad ishes, dash salt and pep per.


24 large m arshmal lows 3/4 cup mi lk 2 tablespoons each green

creme de menthe and white creme de cacao

1/4 teaspoon salt Few drops green food color

1 pint whipping cream, whipped

1 angel food cake Toasted sl ivered al monds

In sa u cepan ove r low heat, melt m a rshma l lows i n m i l k, st i r r i ng constant ly . Remove f rom heat ; coo l . M ix in l i q u e u rs, sa l t and food co lor; ch i l l . Fo l d i n w h i pped c ream .

Sp l i t cake to m a k e 3 l ayers . F i l l a n d f rost cake w i t h 1 c u p f i l l i ng fo r each l ayer. Garn ish top wi th a l monds.

© C o pyri g h t 1971 by General M i l l s, In c . A l l r i g h ts reserved. Pr inted i n U . S . A.

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Gala Menus from the Betty Crocker Dining Room 6

6 servings

Rib Eye Steaks*

Olive-Carrot Garnish*

Herbed Broccoli*

Green Salad with Radishes and Cauliflowerets

Little Cheese Loaves*

Warm Pumpkin Pie with Nutmeg Whipped Cream*


Set oven contro l at b ro i l and/o r 550°. P lace 6 r ib eye stea ks, % to 1 i nch th ick, on rack i n b ro i l e r pan . B ro i l w i th tops 3 i nches from h eat about 8 m i n u tes . Tu rn ; b ro i l 7 m i n u tes l o n ger fo r med i u m doneness . Season with sa l t and pepper. 6 servings.


I nsert severa l th i n carrot st icks i n p i tted r ipe o l ive. Nest l e 3 o l ives on a spr ig 6f pars ley.

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3 pounds broccoli 2 cups water 3 chicken bouillon cubes

1/4 cup chopped onion

1 teaspoon marjoram leaves 1 teaspoon basil leaves 3 tablespoons butter,


Tr im off b rocco l i l eaves ; cu t off ends of lower stems . C u t l a rge sta l ks lengthwise in h a l f . In l a rge s k i l l et, heat water to bo i l i ng ; a d d bo u i l l on cu bes, on ion , ma rjo ra m, bas i l and b rocco l i . Cover ; heat to bo i l i ng. Coo k 1 0 m i n u tes o r j ust unt i l tender. Dra i n ; d r izz le with bu tter. 6 servings.


Heat oven to 400°. G rease bottoms of 6 m i n i atu re l oaf pans, 41hx23/4x1 1/2 i n ch es. Prepare 1 package of o u r co rn m u ff i n m ix as d i rected except-sti r i n 1/2 teaspoon seaso ned sa l t, 2 tea­spoons caraway seed and 1 c u p sh redded sharp Cheddar cheese. F i l l pans 1h fu l l . Bake abo u t 20 m i n u tes. Serve on i n d i­v id u a l b read boa rds. 6 loaves.


In c h i l led bowl, beat 1 c u p ch i l led w h i p p i ng c ream u nt i l st i ff ; g rad u a l ly bea t i n 2 tab lespoons ho ney and 1/4 teaspoon n u tmeg. About 2 cups.

� Bake Little Cheese Loaves earlier in the day, cool and wrap them in aluminum foil, ready to heat while the steaks are broiling.

© Copyr i g h t 1971 by General M i l l s, In c . A l l r i g h ts reserved. Pr inted in U . S . A .

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Gala Menus from the Betty Crocker Dining Room 7

10 servings

Raspberry Catawba*

T eriyaki Meatballs* Rice

Pea Pods with Carrots

Green Salad with Coconut Chips

Sesame Butter Sticks*

Minted Snowballs*


1 package (10 ounces) frozen raspberries, thawed

2 bottles (25.6 ounces each) sparkling catawba grape juice, chilled

H eat raspberries to boiling; cook 1 0 min u tes . Strain a n d coo l. Mix with grape juice; pou r over ice in pu nch bow l . 15 servings (about 1/2 cup each).

=0 To make Sesame Butter Sticks, prepare Butter Sticks (RECIPES CHILDREN CAN MAKE card 16) as directed except-sprinkle with sesame

seed before baking. The Betty Crocker Recipe Card Library

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3 pounds ground beef 3/4 cup chopped onion 3/4 cup chopped water

chestnuts 11/2 cups soft bread crumbs

3 eggs 3 teaspoons salt

1/4 teaspoon ginger 3/4 cup milk

3 tablespoons shortening 11/2 cups white wine 11/2 cups beef broth

1/4 cup plus 2 tablespoons cornstarch

3/4 cup sugar 3/4 cup vinegar 3 tablespoons soy sauce

41/2 to 6 cups beef broth

Mix beef, on i o n , water chest n u ts, c ru m bs, eggs, sa l t , g i nger and m i l k . Shape i n to b a l ls . Mel t shorte n i ng in 2 l a rge sk i l l ets ; b rown meatballs. Drain off fat. Add wine and 1 1/2 c u ps beef b roth . S i m m e r 30 m i n u tes.

Mix co rnsta rch and sugar. S t i r i n v i n egar, soy sauce and rema i n­i ng b roth . Pou r h a l f i n to each sk i l le t ; cook over m ed i u m h eat, st i rr i ng constan t ly, u nt i l m ixtu re t h i ckens and bo i ls. Bo i l and s t i r 1 m i n u te. 10 servings.


Ro l l 10 van i l l a i ce-cream ba l ls i n s h redded coco n u t. F reeze . At serv i ng t i me, spoon h a lf the M i n t Sau ce (be low) i n to dessert dishes. Add ice-c ream ba l ls a nd spoon o n rema i n i n g sauce . 10 servings.

Mint Sauce: Heat 1 ja r (10 o u n ces) m i n t je l ly and 3 to 4 tab le­spoons water, st i rr i ng occas iona l ly, un t i l je l ly is m e l ted . Stra i n i f foa m fo rms. Coo l .

© Copyri g h t 197 1 b y General M i l ls, In c . A l l r ig h ts reserved. Printed in U. S . A.

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Gala Menus from the Betty Crocker Dining Room 8

10 servings

Tangy Cranberry Punch* Baked Ham with Horseradish Glaze*

Scalloped Potatoes*

Green Beans Almandine*

Watermelon Pickles Carrot Curls

Cucumber Slices Pumpernickel Rolls

Strawberry Shortcakes


2 cans (12 ounces each) % cup water pineapple ju ice

3 cups cranberry cocktai l 1 cup orange j u ice 2 tablespoons lemon ju ice

3 tab lespoons sugar 3 cups ginger a le

1/2 lemon, th in ly s l iced 1/2 orange, thinly s l iced

St i r together f ru i t j u i ces, water a n d sugar u n t i l sugar is d isso l ved. Just befo re servi ng, pou r over ice in p u n ch bow l . Add g i nger ale and garn i s h with fru i t s l i ces . 10 servings (about 1/2 cup each).

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S1/2- to 6-pound fully cooked boneless ham, cut into %-inch slices and tied*

Whole cloves 1 cup brown sugar (packed)

1/J cup horseradish 1/4 cup lemon juice

Heat oven to 325°. P l ace ham on rack in s h a l low roast i n g pan . I n sert c loves i n h a m . Bake 1 to 11/2 hou rs.

In s m a l l saucepan, st i r together rem a i n i n g i n gred ients; heat to bo i l i ng. I ncrease oven temperatu re to 400°. Pou r horse rad i sh g laze ove r h a m . Bake 15 m i n u tes l o n ge r, basting occas iona l ly with g l aze. 10 servings.

*Ask your meat retailer to cut the ham, reassemble and tie with cord.


Prepare 2 packages of o u r sca l l oped potatoes as d i rected except -use 3-q u a rt cassero l e . Bake 35 to 40 m i n u tes . 10 servings (about 1/2 cup each).


Cook 3 packages (10 o u n ces each) frozen g reen beans a s d i­rected o n package. Pou r me l ted bu tter over beans; spr i n k l e with toasted s l ivered a l mo nds . 10 servings.

© Copyrig h t 197 1 by General M il ls, In c . All rig h ts reserved. Printed in U. S . A .

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Gala Menus from the Betty Crocker Dining Room 9

10 servings

Sparkling Pink Catawba

Baked Ham with Maple Glaze*

Squash Rings filled with Peas and Celery*

Avocado-Apple-Grapefruit Salad

Cloverleaf Rolls

Soft Ginger Cookies* Pineapple Sherbet

BAKED HAM WITH MAPLE GLAZE 51/2-to 6-pound fully cooked

boneless ham, cut into 1/4-inch slices and tied*

1 cup dark corn syrup 2 tablespoons prepared

mustard 3/4 cup brown sugar (packed) 1 tablespoon maple flavoring

Heat oven to 325°. Bake ham as d i rected on card 8. Combin e remainin g ingredients . Increase oven tem peratu re t o 400°. Pou r map le g laze ove r h a m . Bake 1 5 min u tes l o n ger, basting occa­s iona l ly w i th g l aze. 10 servings. *Ask your meat retailer to cut the ham, reassemble and tie with cord.

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Heat ove n to 450°. Cut 2 l a rge acorn sq u as h into ten 1-inch s l i ces; remove seeds and f ibers . P l ace s l i ces on rac k in roasting pan . Pou r water (1/4 i n c h deep) in to pan . Cover; bake 30 min­u tes. Uncover; b rush with bu tter and spri n k l e with season ed sa l t. B a ke 15 m i n u tes l o n ge r o r u n ti l sq u ash is tender.

W h i l e squash bakes, cook 3 packages (10 o u nces each) frozen green peas a nd ce le ry as d i rected. To se rve, fi l l squash rings wi th peas and ce l e ry . 10 servings.


1/z cup shortening 1 cup sugar 1 cup dark molasses

1/z cup water 4 cups Gold Medal flour*

11/z teaspoons salt

1 teaspoon soda 11/z teaspoons ginger

1/z teaspoon cloves 1/z teaspoon nutmeg 1/4 teaspoon allspice

Mix thorou gh ly shorte n i n g and s u ga r. B l end in remai n i n g i n g re­d ients . Cover dough; ch i l l 3 hou rs .

H e a t ove n t o 375°. Ro l l d o u g h 1/4 i n c h thick o n l i ght ly f lou red c loth-covered board. Cut i n to 3- i n c h c i rc les . S p rin k l e wi th s u ga r; p l ace on we l l-greased baking s h eet. B a ke 10 to 12 m i n­utes . Cool cookies o n bak ing sheet 2 min u tes; remove to wire rack. 31/z dozen cookies.

*If using self-rising flour, omit salt and soda.

© Copyri g h t 197 1 by General M i l ls, Inc. A l l r i g h ts reserved. Printed in U . S . A .

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Gala Menus from the Betty Crocker Dining Room 10

8 servings

Green Salad with Roquefort French Dressing*

Pork Chops Supreme*

Chive-sprinkled Carrots French Green Beans

Snowflake Rolls

Fresh Peach Melba*


% cup vinegar or lemon juice 1/4 teaspoon pepper 1 cup salad oil or olive oil Dash cayenne red pepper 1 teaspoon salt % cup crumbled roquefort 1 teaspoon paprika cheese

I n t ightly covered ja r, sha ke a l l i ngred ients except cheese u nt i l b l ended. A d d cheese. Refr ige rate several hou rs t o b lend f l avors . Shake aga i n befo re serv i n g. 1 1/2 cups dressing.

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Heat oven to 350°. Trim fat from 8 po rk chops, 1 1/2 i nches thick. P l ace chops i n u ngreased je l ly ro l l pan, 1 5 1hx1 01hx1 inch. Top each chop w i th 1 t h i n onion s lice and 1 thin lemon s lice. Spoon 1 tab l espoon b rown sugar and 1 tablespoon cats u p on each chop.

Cove r with a l u mi n u m foi l . Bake 21/2 ho u rs. U n cove r; baste chops a n d bake 30 min utes longer, basting occasiona l ly to g laze chops . Watch ca refu l ly d u ri n g last 30 min u tes . 8 servings.


Heat 1 1/2 c u p s s u gar and 3/4 c u p water to boi l ing, sti r ring u nti l s u g a r is d isso lved. Red u ce heat; a d d 4 peaches, peeled and ha lved. Coo k just u n ti l tender, spoonin g syr u p ove r peaches occas i o n a l ly . Ch i l l .

Spoon p i s tac h i o i ce c ream i n to dessert d ishes. Top each serv i ng w i th peach h a lf and Raspberry-Cu rra nt Sau ce (be low) . 8 servings

Raspberry-Currant Sauce: H eat 1 package (1 0 o u n ces) frozen raspberr ies, thawed, and 1/2 cup cu rra n t je l ly to boi l ing . B lend 1 tab l espoon co ld wate r and 1 1/2 teaspoo n s co rnstarch; sti r into berry m ixtu re. Cook , stirring con stant ly, u n ti l mixtu re thickens and boils. Boil and stir 1 minute. Coo l and strain .

@ C o pyri g h t 1 9 7 1 b y General M i l ls, Inc. A U r i g h t s reserved. P r i nted i n U . S . A .

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Gala Menus from the Betty Crocker Dining Room 11

12 servings

Broiled Saratoga Lamb Chops*

Pear Half-Mint l elly Garnish

Fresh Asparagus with Mock Hollandaise*

Golden Relish Molds*

Tiny Cinnamon Rolls

Fresh Fruit Curacao*


Di agona l ly s l a sh o u te r edge of fat o n 1 2 Sa ratoga l a m b chops, 1 to 1 1/2 i n ches t h ick, at 1 - i n c h i nterva l s to p reven t c u r l i ng . P l ace chops o n rack i n b ro i le r pan . Set oven contro l at b ro i l and/or 550°. B ro i l w i t h tops 3 t o 5 i n ches from heat 2 5 t o 30 m i n u tes or u nt i l b rown, t u rn i n g o n ce. Season wi th sa l t and pepper. 12 servings.

===<=) Ask your meat retailer for rib lamb chops, boned and rolled around a section of pork tenderloin.

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Cook 41/2 pou nd s fresh asparag u s spears u ncovered in 1 inch boi l ing sa l ted water 5 m i n u tes. Cover ; cook 7 to 1 0 min u tes l o n ger or u n t i l cr i sp-tender. Dra i n .

W h i l e asparagus cooks, b l e nd 1 c a n ( 10 1/2 o u n ces) condensed cream of chicken soup, 1/4 cup mayo n naise and 1 tab lespoon lemon j uice. Cook over low heat, s t irr i n g occas iona l l y, u n t i l heated throug h . Serve sauce over asparagus . 1 2 servings.


1 package (6 ounces) orange­flavored gelatin

4 or 5 medium carrots 4 celery stalks

10 green onions

1 teaspoon salt Bibb lettuce Dairy sour cream Pimiento strips

Prepare ge l at i n as di rected on package except-decrease water to 1 1/2 cups and ch i l l u n ti l s l ight ly thickened. F i ne ly chop vege­tab les . St ir vegetab les and sa l t i n to ge lat i n . Pour i n to 12 i ndi­v i d u a l m o lds. Ch i l l u n t i l f irm, at least 6 h o urs. U n m o ld onto Bibb lettu ce; top w i th sour cream and p i m i e n to s trips. 12 servings.


Mar i nate 2 c u p s fresh st rawberr i es i n j u st e n o u g h curacao to cover. M i x w i th 7 cups cut- u p p i neap p l e and papaya. Spoon fru i ts i n to 12 dessert d i shes . G a r n i s h wi th m i nt . 12 servings.

@Copyr i g h t 1971 by General M i l ls, Inc. A l l r ig h t s reserved. Prin ted in U. S.A.

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Gala Menus from the Betty Crocker Dining Room 12

12 servings

Athenian Salad*

Marinated Roast Lamb* Bulgar Pilaf*

Buttered Spinach with Mushrooms

Crusty Rolls

Lime Chiffon Pie

ATHENIAN SALAD Div ide 6 c u p s each b i te-s ize p i eces rom a i n e and h ead lettu ce, 16 rad i shes, s l i ced, 2 c u c u m bers, s l i ced, and 8 sca l l i o n s, c u t u p, between 2 l a rge p l as t ic bags. Add 1/4 c u p p l u s 2 tab lespoons o i l a nd v i nega r s a l ad dress i n g a nd 18 G reek o r r ipe o l ives t o each bag.

C lose bags a nd s h a ke u n t i l i n g redients a re coated. D iv ide a m o n g 1 2 sa lad bowl s; t o p w i th 1/2 c u p cru m b l ed b l u e o r feta cheese a nd 2 can s (2 o u n ces each) ro l led a n c h ovies with capers, d ra ined . 12 servings.

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Marinade (below) 5-to 6-pound rolled lamb

shoulder 2 medium carrots, sliced

1 medium onion, sliced 1/2 cup water

3 tablespoons flour

Pou r Mari nade over meat in glass d i sh ; cover and refr igerate 24 hou rs, t u r n i n g meat occas iona l ly . Heat oven to 325°. P l ace meat, Mar i n ade, carrots and on ions in roast i n g pan . Roast u n ­covered 31/2 hou rs o r u ntil meat i s tender, basting 5 o r 6 t imes with Marinade.

Remove meat and vegetables; keep warm. Stra i n broth; mea­s u re 2 cups and pou r i nto pan. Shake water and f lou r i n cov­ered jar ; st i r f lou r mixtu re s lowly i nto broth. Heat to boiling, s t i r r i n g constant ly. B o i l and sti r 1 m i n u te. Serve over s l i ced l a m b. 12 servings.

Marinade: Heat 2 cans (101/2 o u n ces each) condensed beef b roth (bo u i l lon) , 2 tablespoons p i ckl i n g sp ice, 11/2 teaspoons pou l t ry season i n g, 1 teaspoon sa l t, 2 tab lespoons g rated lemon peel and 3 tablespoons lemon j u i ce. Coo l .


Cook and st i r 1/J cup each minced onion, chopped green pep­per and butter u nt i l onion i s tender. Sti r i n 6 c u ps ch icken broth, 3 cups b u l ga r wheat, 3 cans (3 o u nces each) s l i ced m u sh­rooms, d ra i n ed, 11/2 teaspoons sa l t a nd 1/4 teaspoon pepper. Cover ; heat to boi l i ng . Reduce heat and s i m m e r 15 m i n u tes. 12 servings.

© C o p yr i g h t 197 1 by General M i l ls, I n c . A l l r i g h t s reserved. P r i n ted in U . S . A.

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Gala Menus from the Betty Crocker Din ing Room 13

12 servings

Cranberry Cocktail

Chicken Crepes Versailles*

Peas with Water Chestnuts

Pickled Beets Celery and Carrot Curls

Creme de Menthe Parfaits*


Crepe Sauce: In sau cepan , m e l t 2 tablespoon s b u tter or mar­gar i ne; b l end i n 2 tab l espoo n s f lou r. Cook over low heat, st i r­r i n g u n t i l b u b b ly. Remove from heat ; st i r i n 2 c u p s l i ght c ream . H eat t o boi l i n g, s t i r r i n g constant ly . B o i l a n d st i r 1 m i n u te . Re­move fro m heat ; cover and keep warm . (Co n t i n u ed on back of t h i s card. )

�Crepes can b e made ahead and frozen. Cool and stack be­tween layers of waxed paper, wrap in aluminum foil and freeze. To thaw, separate and let stand at room temperature 10 minutes. Fill and bake as recipe directs.

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Crepe Sauce (front of this card)

1 can (4 ounces) m ushroom stems and pieces, drained

1/2 cup chopped green pepper 1/2 cup butter o r margarine 1/2 cup Gold Medal flou r

2 teaspoons salt 1/4 teaspoon pepper

2 cups chicken b roth 2 cups l ight cream 2 cups diced cooked chicken

1/2 cup chopped pim iento 2 cups Bisquick baking mix 2 eggs 2 cups mi lk 2 cups sh redded Swiss cheese

N utmeg

Prepa re C repe Sauce ; set as ide. Cook and st i r m u s h rooms and green peppe r in bu tter u n t i l tender. B l end in flou r, sa l t and pepper. Cook over low heat, s t i r r ing u n t i l m ixtu re is b u b b ly . S lowly st i r in chicken b roth and cream . Heat to boi l ing, st i r ring constantly. Boil and st i r 1 min u te . St i r in c h i cken and pimiento; h eat th ro u g h .

P repa re c repes: B e a t bak i n g m ix, eggs and m i l k w i th rotary beater u n ti l smooth . Spoon 2 tab lespoons batter i n to hot l i ght ly g reased 6- o r 7- i n c h s ki l l et. Rotate pan u n t i l batter covers bot­tom. Bake u n ti l bubb les appear. Tu rn ; bake other s ide .

Heat oven to 350°. Spoon 1/4 c u p ch icken mixtu re o n each c repe; ro l l up. P l ace seam s ide down in 2 u n g reased baking d i shes, 1 1 1hx7 1hx1 1h i nches . Cover with C repe Sauce ; top with cheese and n u tmeg. Bake u ncove red 20 m i n u tes . 12 servings.

� To make Creme de Menthe Parfaits, alternate layers of vanilla ice cream and green creme de menthe in parfait glasses. Top with whipped cream and pistachio nuts.

@ C o pyrig h t 197 1 by General Mills, I n c . All rig h ts reserved. Printed in U.S.A.

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Gala Menus from the Betty Crocker Din ing Room 14

8 servings

Chilled Tomato Juice Crabmeat Canapes*

Crusty Curried Chicken* Chutney Garnish*

Artichoke Hearts with Lemon Butter Cranberry-Pineapple Mold*

Crescent Rolls Pink Mint Ice Cream

with Hot Fudge Sauce


Heat oven to 400°. Mix 1 can (7 1/2 o u n ces) crabmeat, d ra i ned and cart i l age removed, 1/4 c u p m ayo n n a i se, 1 teaspoon Wor­cestersh i re s a u ce, 1/4 c u p d i ced ce l e ry and 1 d i l l p i c k l e, d i ced . Spread on 24 toast rou nds . Top each wi th 1/4 s l i ce p rocess cheese. Heat on u ngreased bak ing sheet 15 m i n u tes . 24 appe­t izers.


F i l l t i ny sak i c u p s w i th chopped c h utney; sp ri n k l e w i th s n i p ped pars l ey . Su rro u n d c u ps with pars ley.

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8 chicken breasts, spl i t 1/4 cup shortening 1/4 cup butter o r margarine 1 cup Bisquick baking mix

11/2 teaspoons salt 1/4 teaspoon pepper 1/s teaspoon cu rry powder

H eat oven to 425°. Wash c h i cken and pat d ry . In oven , m e l t shorten i n g a n d b u tte r i n bak i n g pan, 1 3x9x2 i n ches .

M ix bak i n g m i x a nd seaso n i ngs i n p l ast i c bag. S h ake 2 o r 3 c h i cken p ieces at a t i m e i n bag to coat thoro u gh ly. P l ace c h i cken sk i n s ide down in s i n g le l ayer in pan. B ake 40 m i n u tes. Red u ce oven tem peratu re to 375°. Tu rn c h i cken ; bake 20 m i n­u tes longer. 8 servings.


2 cups boi l i ng water 1 package (6 ounces)

raspberry-flavored gelatin

1 can (16 ounces) whole cranberry sauce

1 can (83/4 ou nces) crushed pineapple

3/4 cup port 1/4 cup chopped walnuts

Leaf lettuce lemon Mayonnaise (below)

Pou r water over ge l a t i n in bowl , s t i rr i n g u nt i l ge lat i n is d i s­solved. St i r i n cranbe rry sauce, p i neap p l e (wi th syru p ) , port and n u ts. Po u r i n to 8 mo lds . Ch i l l u n t i l f i rm . U n mold o n lettuce ; top wi th Lemon Mayo n n a i se. 8 servings.

lemon Mayonnaise: Mix 1/2 cup mayo n n a i se o r sa l ad dress i n g and 1/4 c u p frozen lemo nade con cen trate, thawed. Fo ld i n 1/2 cup w h i p p i n g crea m, w h i pped.

© C o py r i g h t 1971 by General M i l ls, Inc. A l l r i g h ts reserved. P r i nted i n U. S . A .

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Gala Menus from the Betty Crocker Dining Room 15

12 servings

Pheasant en Creme*

Wild Rice Elegant*

Buttered Peas with Celery

Fresh Fruit Salad*

Angel Food Cake with Softened Ice Cream


Pou r 8 cups bo i l i ng wate r over 2 cu ps u n cooked w i ld r i ce ; cover and l e t stand 20 m i n u tes. D ra i n. Repeat 3 t i m es, u s i n g fresh bo i l i n g water e a c h t i m e a n d add i n g 2 tab l espoons sa l t t h e l ast t i m e.

F ry 8 s l i ces bacon , d iced, u n t i l c r i sp; dra i n off a l l b u t 3 tab le­spoons fat . Add 8 green o n ions , f i ne ly chopped, a nd 12 f resh m u s h rooms, th i n l y s l i ced ; cook u n t i l tender. St i r i n r i ce, sa l t a nd pepper ; heat th rou gh. 12 servings.

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5 or 6 pheasants, halved 2 cups chicken broth 2 cups cream

3/4 cup brandy 2 tablespoons Worcester­

shire sauce 1 cup chopped onion 2 cloves garl ic, m i nced

1 tablespoon p lus 1 teaspoon salt

1/4 teaspoon pepper Melted butter Paprika

1 cup water 1/4 cup Gold Medal f lour

Heat oven to 325° . Wash pheasants and pat dry. P l ace in 2 roast­i n g pans . M i x rema i n i n g i n g red ients except b u tter, papr i ka, wate r and flo u r ; heat th rough and pou r over p h easants . Cover; bake 2 h o u rs.

Decrease oven temperatu re to 300°. Remove p h easa n ts from sauce ; p l ace s k i n s ide up in 2 je l ly ro l l pans, 1 51/2 x1 01/2 x1 i nch . B ru s h wi th b u tte r ; spr i n k l e with papr i ka. Bake 30 m i n u tes o r un t i l tender and b rown .

Wh i l e pheasants b rown, s k i m fat f ro m sau ce ; s t ra i n sau ce i n to l a rge saucepa n . Shake water and flo u r i n covered j a r ; st i r s l owly i n to sauce . Heat to boi l i ng, st i rr i n g constant ly . Bo i l and st i r 1 m i n u te . Serve wi th pheasants . 12 servings.


For each serv i n g, a rra nge on leaf l ettu ce 2 waterme lon wedges, 3 canta l o u pe ba l l s , 2 p l u m ha lves and a c l u ster of green grapes. Spoon on lemon yogurt a nd garn i sh with wate rcress.

@Copyr i g h t 1971 b y General M i lls, I n c . A l l r i g h t s reserved. P r i nted in U . S . A .

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Gala Menus from the Betty Crocker Din ing Room 16

12 servings

Hot Madrilene*

Roast Cornish Hens*

Peach Half-Cranberry Relish Garnish

Poppy Seed Noodles Peas with Mushrooms

Corn Muffins*

Baked Custards with Raspberries*


I n l arge sau cepan, h eat 2 cans(13 o u n ces each) c lear m adri lene and 2 cans (13 o u n ces each) red madr i lene to boi l i n g. Remove from heat . Serve hot. 12 to 15 servi ngs (about 1/2 cup each).


Ahead of t i m e, bake 2 packages of our co rn m u ffi n m ix as d irected . At serv i n g t i m e, wrap m u ff ins i n fo i l; heat in 425° oven 10 m i n u tes . 24 m u ffins.

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6 Rock Cornish hens (about 11/2 pounds each), split

11/2 cups Gold Medal flour 3 teaspoons salt

% teaspoon pepper 11/2 cups shortening

(half butter) Melted butter Paprika

Heat oven to 425°. Wash hens and pat dry. M ix f lour, s a l t and pepper; coat hens wi th f lour m ixture. In oven, me lt s h orte n i n g i n two bak i n g pans, 13x9x2 i nches.

P l ace hens s k i n s ide down in mel ted shorte n i ng . Bake u ncov­ered 45 m i n u tes. Turn ; bake 1 5 m i n u tes lon ger. Bru s h wi th me l ted b u tter and spr i nk le with papr i ka. 12 servings.


6 eggs, s l ightly beaten 2/J cup sugar 1fa teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons vanil la

5 cups m i l k, scalded N utmeg Sweetened fresh raspberries

Heat oven to 350°. B lend eggs, s u gar, sa l t and van i l l a . Gradu a l ly st ir i n m i l k. Pour i n to twe lve 6-ou nce cu stard cups . S pr i n kle with n u tm eg . P l ace cups i n 2 bak i n g pans, 13x9x2 i nches . Pour very hot water in to pans to within 1/2 inch of tops of cu ps.

Bake abo u t 45 m i n u tes or u n t i l k n i fe i nserted h a l fway between cen ter and edge comes out c lean . Remove c u ps from water. Ch i l l . Un mol d i n to sherbet d i shes; top wi th berr ies . 12 servings.

© Copyri g h t 1971 by General M i l ls, Inc. Al l r i g h ts reserved. Printed in U. S . A.

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Gala Menus from the Betty Crocker Din ing Room 17

12 servings

Sherried Vegetable Bouillon*

Twin Salad Plate:

Chicken Curry Salad* Fresh Fruit Salad*

Hot Baking Powder Biscuits

Frosted Brownies* Demitasse


2 cans (101/2 ounces each) condensed beef broth (bouillon)

2 cans (46 ounces each) vegetable juice cocktail

1 cup sherry Snipped parsley

In large saucepan, heat all ingredients except parsley to sim­mering. Sprinkle with parsley. Serve hot. 12 servings (about % cup each) .

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4 cups cut-up cooked chicken 2 cups diced celery 2 tablespoons lemon juice

Salt and pepper 1/2 cup dairy sou r cream 1/2 cup mayonnaise

11/2 teaspoons cu rry powder 4 hard-cooked eggs, cut up

lettuce cups 2 hard-cooked eggs, s liced

Snipped parsley

Toss c h i cken, cele ry, l emon j u i ce, salt and pepper . M i x i n sou r c ream , m ayo n n a ise and c u rry powder. Careful l y fold i n cut -up eggs. Cover and c h il l . jus t befo re serv i ng, spoon ch i cken m ix­t u re i n to lettu ce c u ps. G a rn ish wi th egg sl i ces and parsley. 12 servings.


For each serv i ng, ar ra n ge on Boston lettu ce 3 sl ices honeydew me lon , 3 or 4 da rk sweet cherr ies and 1 peach h a l f ; f ill peach half with sweetened b l u e berr ies. D r izzle with L i m e D ress i ng (below) .

lime Dressing: Beat u n t i l smooth 1/J c u p each honey, sa lad oil and f rozen l i meade concentrate, thawed , and 1/2 teaspoon each cele ry seed and poppy seed.


Mix 1/4 c u p b u tter, softened, 1 tab l espoon mi l k, 2 c u ps confec­t ioners' sugar a n d 1 teaspoon van illa . Sp read over b rown ies . Ch ill u n t il fi rm . D r izzle wi th 1'/2 o u n ces u nsweetened choco­late, melted . Refr igerate. Frosts 13 x 9 x 2-inch pan brownies.

© Copyri g h t 1971 by General M i l ls, Inc. A l l r i g h t s reserved. P r i n ted in U. S . A .

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Gala Menus from the Betty Crocker Dining Room 18

12 servings

Twin Salad Plate:

Fruited Chicken Salad in Cheese Pastry Shells*

Marinated Asparagus and T ornata Salad*

Hot Popovers

Rainbow Sherbet Dessert* Thin Sugar Cookies


Cheese Pastry Shells : H eat oven to 475°. Prepa re pastry for Two­crust P ie as d i rected on 1 package of o u r p i e crust m i x except­st i r i n 1 c u p s h redded Cheddar chees� before add i n g wate r.

Div ide dou g h i n to 1 2 eq u a l pa rts. Rol l each part i n to 6- i nch c i rc l e. Ea se c i rc l es i n to 41/4- i n c h tart pans. F l u te edges. P r ick thoro u g h l y to p revent p u ff i n g ; p l ace on bak i n g sheet. Bake 8 to 1 0 m i n u tes . Cool before remov i n g from pans. (Con t i n u ed on back of th i s card . ) 12 tart shells .

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Cheese Pastry Shells (front of this card)

4 cups cut-up cooked chicken 2 cups diced celery 2 tablespoons lemon juice

Salt and pepper 1/2 cup dairy sour cream

1/2 cup mayonnaise or salad dressing

2 cups halved seedless green grapes

1 cup toasted slivered blanched almonds

Bake Cheese Pastry S h e l l s . Toss c h i cken, cel ery, lemon j u i ce, sa l t a n d pepper . M ix i n sour cream a n d mayo n n a i se . Carefu l l y fo l d i n grapes. Cover a n d ch i l l . J ust befo re serv i n g, spoon c h i cken m ixtu re i n to pastry s h e l l s . Sp r ink le wi th a l monds . 12 servings.


For e a c h se rving, mar inate 3 cooked asparagus spears a n d 2 th i ck tomato s l i ces i n o i l and v i negar sa lad d ress i n g 1 h o u r. A r­range on leaf lettuce and garn ish wi th 2 h ard-cooked egg s l i ces.


F i l l sherbet d i shes wi th s m a l l cranberry, l i me a n d lemon sherbet ba l l s . G a rn i s h each with spr ig of m i n t; serve with th i n s u gar coo k ies .

© Copyr ight 1971 by General M i l l s , In c . A l l r i g h t s reserved. P r i n ted i n U . S . A.

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Gala Menus from the Betty Crocker Din ing Room 1 9

8 servings

Cranberry Cocktail Hot Zesty Crackers*

Boston Clam-Rice Bake* Shrimp Sauce*

Fresh Asparagus Spears

Orange-Bermuda Onion Salad

Blueberry Muffins

Honeybee Sundaes*


3 tablespoons soft butter 1/2 teaspoon onion juice

2 drops Worcestenhire sauce

1/4 teaspoon anchovy paste 1 drop red pepper sauce

1 teaspoon snipped parsley 1/4 teaspoon celery seed 24 crisp crackers

Heat oven to 325 ° . Mix all ingredients except crackers ; spread on crackers. P lace on u ngreased baking sheet. Bake 7 minutes. Serve hot. 24 servings.

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3 eggs, s l ightly beaten 3 cups cooked rice 2 cups mi lk 1 cup shredded sharp

Cheddar cheese 1/4 cup each m i nced onion

and parsley

2 cans (7 1/2 ounces each) minced clams, drained

1 jar (2 ounces) p im iento, drained and chopped

1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon Wo rcestershire

sauce Shri mp Sauce (below)

Heat oven to 325°. M ix thorough ly eggs, rice, mi l k, cheese, o r:� ion and pars ley . Sti r in c l ams, p i miento, salt and Wo rceste r­sh i re sauce. Sp read in greased bak i n g pan, 1 3 x 9 x 2 inches . Bake u n covered 45 m i n utes. Cut i n to s q u ares a n d top w i th S h r i mp Sauce. 8 servings.

Shri mp Sauce : H eat ove r med i u m heat, st i r r i n g occas i o n a l ly, 1 can ( 1 0 1/2 o u n ces) condensed cream of s h r i mp soup, 1 cup c leaned cooked sh r i mp, 1/2 cup d a i ry sou r cream, 1 teaspoo n l emon j u i ce and 1/2 teaspoon cu rry powde r.


Mix 1 1/2 cups honey and 1 1/2 cups fru i t-f l avo red b randy. D ivide 1 q u a rt choco l ate ch ip i ce cream a mo n g 8 dessert dishes . Spr i n­k le each se rv i n g with powdered i n sta n t coffee a n d spoon o n honey sauce . Pass any rema i n i n g sauce. 8 serv ings.

@ Copyri g h t 197 1 by General M i l l s, Inc. Al l r ights reserved. P r i n ted in U . S . A.

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Gala Menus from the Betty Crocker Dining Room 20

8 servings

Cellini Pies*

Three Green Salad

Pickle Sticks Carrot Curls Radish Roses


Chiffon Cake with Orange Fluff Topping*


Golden Pastry : Measure 2 cups Gold Medal flour, 2 tablespoons sugar and 1 teaspoon salt into bowl. Cut in 3/4 cup butter tho r­oughly. Blend 2 egg yolks, 3 tablespoons lemon juice and 2 tablespoo n s water; mix into flour mixture until all flour is moi st­ened and dough almost cleans side of bowl. Cover and chill.

Divide dough into 8 equal parts ; roll each in to round 1 1h inches la rger than inverted 41/4 -inch tart pan . Ease pastry into pans . Flute edges. (Continued on back of this card.)

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CELLI N I P IES (con tin ued)

Golden Pastry (front of this card)

2 small cloves garl ic, m inced 2 medium onions, minced 8 thin s l ices Swiss cheese

8 smal l tomatoes, s l iced Flou r

24 anchovies, c u t up Capers

2 cups whipping cream

H eat oven to 400° . Prepare pastry. Mix gar l i c and o n i o n s; spread in pastry- l i ned tart pans . Cover with cheese s l i ces . D i p to matoes i n to f l o u r; p l ace o n cheese. Spr i n k l e w i th an chovies and capers . Po u r c ream over p i es .

Cove r edges of pastry with 1 1/2 - i n ch str ips of a l u m i n u m fo i l to p reve n t excess ive brown i n g ; remove fo i l l as t 1 5 m i n u tes of bak­i n g. Bake 25 to 30 m i n u tes . 8 servings.


4 egg yolks or 2 eggs 1/2 cup sugar 1/J cup orange ju ice

1 tablespoon grated orange peel

1 cup whipping cream, stiffly whipped

1/2 cup chopped toasted blanched almonds or grated fresh coconut

I n top of doub le bo i l e r, m ix egg yo l ks , s u gar a n d o ra n ge j u i ce . Cook over hot water, st i r r i ng constant ly, u n t i l m ixtu re t h i ckens , abo u t 1 5 m i n utes . St i r i n orange pee l . Coo l . Fo ld in w h i pped cream a n d a l monds . Serve on s l i ces of ch i ffon cake.

© Copyr i g h t 1971 by General M i l l s, I n c . Al l r i g h t s reserved. P r i n ted i n U . S . A .

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Gala Menus from the Betty Crocker Dining Room 21

8 servings

Melon Wedges Cheese Crisps* .

Lobster de ]onghe*

Dilled Brussels Sprouts

Green Salad with Water Chestnuts and Cucumbers

Hard Rolls

Lemon Meringue Pie


Heat oven to 450° . Prepare pastry for One-crust Pie as directed on 1 package of our pie crust mix except-add 1/2 cup shredded sharp natural Cheddar cheese with the water. Rol l dough into rectangle, 1 2 x 1 0 i nches.

P lace on ungreased baking sheet. Cut dough into 2- inch squares ; cut half the squares diagonal l y in half. (Do not separate squares.; they wil l bake apart.) Sprink le with salt, sesame seed and pap­rika. Bake 8 to 1 0 minutes or unti l golden brown. About 45 ap­petizers.

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3 tablespoons butter o r m argarine

3 tablespoons f lour 21/4 cups l ight cream

1/4 cup plus 2 tablespoons brandy

1 teaspoon salt Dash cayenne red pepper

2 egg yolks 4 cups cut-up cooked


3 to 4 cups hot cooked rice 1/2 cup butter or margarine,

melted 1 cup soft b read cru mbs 1 dove garl i c, minced 1 tablespoon minced green

onion or ch ives 1 tablespoon snipped parsley

1 1/2 teaspoons paprika 1/2 teaspoon Worcestershire


Melt 3 tab lespoon s b u tter in saucepan. St ir in flour. Cook over l ow heat, stirr i n g u n ti l b u bb ly, about 2 m i n utes . Remove from h eat. St ir i n 2 cups of the crea m, the brandy, sa l t a n d red pep­per. Heat to bo i l i n g, st irr i n g constan tly. Bo i l and st ir 1 m i n u te . Remove from h eat .

Beat egg yo l ks and 1/4 cup cream. St ir at least ha lf the hot m ix­ture i n to egg m ixture; b lend egg m ixture i n to rem a i n i n g hot m ixture in saucepa n . Cook over med i u m heat, st irr i n g con­stan t ly, 2 m i n u tes. St ir i n lobster; h eat through . Div ide hot r i ce among 8 i n d iv i d u a l cassero les; top with l obster m i xture. Toss 1/2 c u p b utter and the rema i n i n g i n gred ients ; sp r i n k le on cas­seroles .

Set oven con trol a t bro i l and/or 550°. Broi l cassero l es about 5 i n ches from heat 4 to 5 m i n u tes or u n t i l topp i n g i s go lden brown . 8 servings.

© Copyr i g h t 1971 by Gen era l M i l t s, I nc. A l l r i g h t s reserved. P r i n ted i n U . S . A .

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Gala Men us from the Betty Crocker Dining Room 22

8 servings

Savory Scallops*

Tomato Wedge-Bibb Lettuce Garnish

Whole Green Beans

Green Salad with Clear Salad Dressing*

Crusty Onion Muffins*

Raspberries and Melon Balls with Custard Sauce*


2 pints scallops, cut up 2 teaspoons salt 1 to 11/2 cups l ight cream 6 cups soft b read crum bs 1 cup butter, melted

1/2 teaspoon pepper 2 tablespoons celery seed


H eat oven to 400°. A rran ge scal lops in greased bak i n g d i s h , 111/2 x ?1/2 x 1 1/2 i n ches . Pou r on h a l f the c ream. Toss rem a i n ­i n g i ngred ients except cream a n d papr i ka ; spr i n k l e over sca l ­lops. Pou r rem a i n i n g cream o n top. Spr i n k l e w i t h papr i ka . Bake u n covered about 30 m i n utes. 8 servings.

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R u b sa lad bowl w i th c u t c love gar l i c. I n to bowl, tear h ead l et­tuce, Bosto n le ttuce and s p i n ach i n to b i te-s ize p i eces (8 cups) . Toss greens, 1 j ar (6 o u n ces) m ar i n ated art ichoke hearts, dra i n ed, and C lear Sal ad Dress i n g (be low) . 8 servings.

Clear Salad D ressing : In covered j ar, shake 1 c u p o l ive o i l , 1/4 cup w i n e v i negar, 1 teaspoon each sa l t, pepper and papr i ka and 1/2 teaspoon each s ugar and dry m ustard.


3 cups Bisqu ick baking mix 1 teaspoon onion salt

3/4 cup shredded Cheddar cheese

1 can (31/2 ounces) French fried onion rings, crumbled

1 cup mi lk 1 egg

H eat oven to 400° . Grease 1 6 med i u m m uffi n c u ps. M ix a l l i n ­gred i e n ts ; beat v i gorous ly 1/2 m i n u te. F i l l m uffi n c u ps 2/J fu l l. Bake 1 5 m i n u tes. 1 6 muffins.


Measure 4 c u ps fru i t (raspberr ies, canta l o u pe and hon eydew me lon ba l l s) i n to bowl ; spr i n k l e w i th 1/4 c u p oran ge-fl avored l i q ueur. Cover and refr igerate. D iv ide fru i t amon g 8 dessert d i shes . Mix 1/4 cup m i l k and 1 can of o ur ready-to-serve van i l l a pudd i n g ( 2 cu ps) . Spoon p u d d i n g m ixture over fru i t . 8 servings.

© Co p y r i g h t 1971 by General M i l ls, I n c . A l l r i g h ts reserved. Pr inted i n U . S . A .

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Gala Menus from the Betty Crocker Dining Room 23

8 servings

Shrimp Curry with Condiments*

Green Salad with Sesame Seed Dressing*

Small Crusty Rolls

Fresh Summer Fruit Platter with Sherbet Balls*


Condiments : Chopped h a rd-cooked egg w h i tes; chopped pea­n uts; c h u tn ey; f laked o r grated coco n u t ; s i eved h a rd-cooked egg yo l ks; s m a l l tom ato wedges ; sweet p i c k l e re l i s h . (Cont i n ued on back of th is card .)

� In our dining room, condiments in small bowls on a wooden t ray are passed at the table. This menu also adapts well to a dramatic buffet.

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SHRIMP CURRY (con tinued)

1/4 cup plus 2 tablespoons butter or margari ne

1/2 cup m inced onion 1 tablespoon curry powder

1/4 cup p lus 2 tablespoons Gold Medal flou r

1 1/2 teaspoons salt 11/2 teaspoons sugar

1/4 teaspoon ginger 2 cups chicken b roth 2 cups m i l k 4 cups cleaned cooked shrimp 1 teaspoon lemon j u ice 6 to 8 cups hot cooked rice

Condiments (front of this card)

Mel t bu tter i n l a rge saucepan . Cook and st i r on ion and cu rry powder i n b u tter u n t i l on ion i s tender. B l en d i n f l o u r, sa l t, s u gar and g i n ger . Cook over low heat, s t i r r i ng u n t i l m ixtu re i s s mooth and b u bb ly .

Remove from heat ; s t i r i n c h i cken b roth a n d m i l k . Heat to boi l ­i n g, s t i r r i n g con stant ly . Bo i l a n d st i r 1 m i n u te . St i r i n s h r i m p a n d l emon j u ice ; h e a t th rough . Serve cu rry over r i c e ; pass Con d i ­ments. 8 servings.


Com b i n e 1 c u p o i l and v i n egar s a l a d d ress i n g, 1/2 teaspoon bas i l and 1 tab lespoon toasted sesame seed. About 1 c u p d ressing.


On lemon leaves, a r range a c i rc le of waterme lon wedges, p i ne­a p p l e ch u n ks, b l ueberr ies and grape c l u sters . Fi l l center of c i rc le w i th scoops of raspberry, p i n eapp l e and l i me she rbet. Garn i sh w i th chopped m i n t l eaves .

© C o pyri g h t 1971 b y General M i l l s, I n c. A l l r i g h ts reserved. P r i n ted in U . S . A.

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Gala Menus from the Betty Crocker Dining Room 24

12 servings

Trout Almandine*

Lemon Twist-W tiltercress Garnish

Parsleyed New Potatoes Asparagus with Wine Sauce*

Preserved Kumquats Pickled Cauliflowerets Ripe Olives

Light and Dark Rolls

· Blueberry Glace Tarts*


Heat oven t o 425°. Season twelve 8- o r 9-inch pan-dressed trout with salt. P lace in greased jel ly rol l pan, 1 5 1/2 x 1 0 '/2 x 1 inch. Drizz le with about 1/2 cup b u tter or margarine, melted. Bake uncovered 20 minu tes or until fish f lakes eas i ly w i th fork.

Brown 1/2 cup b u tter or margarine in skil let ; add 1/2 cup toasted slivered blanched a l monds, 1/2 teaspoon sa lt and 1 tab lespoon plu s 1 teaspoon lemon j uice. J ust before serving, top f i sh with buttered a l monds. 12 servings.

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1/2 cup sauterne 2 tablespoons instant minced


2 tablespoons lemon j u ice 11/2 cups mayonnaise

4 hard-cooked eggs, chopped

I n saucepan, m i x w i n e, on ion , lemon j u ice and m ayon n a i s e ; h eat t o bo i l i n g. Fo ld i n eggs. Serve over hot cooked asparagus . 2 2/J cups sauce.


2 sticks or 1 packet of our pie crust mix

6 cups b lu eberries 1 cup sugar

3 tablespoons cornstarch 1/2 cup water 1 package (3 ounces) cream

cheese, softened

Heat oven to 475 ° . P repare pastry fo r Two-crust Pie as d i rected except-d iv ide dough i n to 12 eq u a l parts . Ro l l each part i n to 6- inch c i rc le . Ease c i rc les i n to 41/4 - i n ch tart pans . F l u te edges. Pr ick to p reven t pu ff i n g ; p l ace on ba k i n g sheet. Bake 8 to 10 m i n u tes. Cool before remov i n g from pans .

Mash enough berr ies to meas u re 1 c u p . M ix sugar and corn­starch . G rad u a l l y st i r i n wate r and crushed berr ies . Cook over med i u m heat, s t i rr i n g constan t ly, u n t i l m ixtu re th i ckens and bo i l s . Bo i l a n d st i r 1 m i n u te . Coo l .

Beat cheese u n t i l smooth ; sp read o n botto ms of tart she l l s . F i l l she l l s w i th rem a i n i n g berr ies ; po u r berry m ixtu re over tops. Ch i l l 3 h o u rs o r u n t i l set. 12 tarts.

© Co p y r i g h t 1971 by General M i l ls, Inc. Al l r i g h ts reserved. Pri n t ed i n U . S . A .

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Gala Menus from the Betty Crocker Din ing Room 25

12 servings for brunch

Winter Fruit Platter*

Deviled Ham Quiche*

Broccoli Spears Sauteed Mushrooms

Coffee Ice-cream Alexanders*


On l eaf l ettu ce, a l te rnate fi gs, p i n k grapefru i t sect ions, u n pa red a p p l e s l i ces, o ra n ge segments, n u t-s tuffed d ates, pear s l i ces, red p l u m s and w h i te grapefr u i t sect ions . S p r i n k l e fru i t w i th pomegranate seeds.

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Pastry for two 9-inch one-crust pies

3 cans (4 1/2 o u nces each) devi led ham

1/4 cup p lus 2 tablespoons d ry bread crumbs

2 cups shredded natural Swiss cheese (8 ounces)

2/J cup m inced onion 8 eggs 4 cups whipping cream or

l ight cream 1 1/z teaspoons salt

1/z teaspoon sugar 1/4 teaspoon cayenne red


H eat oven to 42 5 ° . P repare pastry . Mix ham and b read cru m bs. Spr i n k l e ham m ixtu re, cheese and o n ion in 2 pastry- l i ned p i e p a n s . B e a t eggs s l i gh t ly ; beat i n rem a i n i n g i n gred ients . Po u r i n to p i e pans . Bake 1 5 m i n utes .

Reduce oven tem peratu re to 300° and bake 3 0 m i n u tes l o n ger or u n t i l k n i fe i n se rted 1 i nch f rom edge comes out c lean . Let p ie s sta n d 1 5 m i n u tes befo re cu tt i n g . Serve in wedges. 1 2 servings.


B l e n d thoro u g h l y 1 q u a rt coffee i ce cream , softened , and 2 o u n ces each brandy and dark creme de cacao. Spoon i n to 1 2 w i n e g l asses. Garn i s h w i th grated chocol ate and serve wi th straws. 12 servings.

© Co p y r i g h t 1971 by Gener a l M il l s, Inc . A l l r i g h t s reserved. Printed i n U . S . A.

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Gala Menus from the Betty Crocker Dining Room 26

8 servings for brunch

Spiced Fruit Compote*

Golden Cheese-Shrimp Bake*

Asparagus with Lemon Butter

French Breakfast Puffs*

Cafe au Lait*


Heat 2 cans (1 6 o u n ces each) fru i ts fo r sa lad (with syru p) , 1/4 teaspoon cardamo m and 1/4 teaspoon a l l sp i ce to bo i l i n g. Se rve wa rm . 8 servings.


Po u r eq u a l amou nts of hot coffee and hot m i l k s i m u l taneous ly f rom separate pots i n to each cup .

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5 cups day-old bread cubes 2 cups cleaned cooked shrimp 1 can (3 ounces) sl iced

mushrooms, drained 2 cups shredded sharp process

American cheese

3 eggs 2 cups m i l k

1/2 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon dry mustard

Dash pepper Dash paprika

Heat oven to 350° . A rran ge h a l f t h e bread c u bes i n u n g re ased b a k i n g d i s h , 1 1 1/2 x7 1/2 x1 1/2 i n ches. Top w i t h the s h r i m p, m u s h ­rooms, h a l f t h e ch eese a n d the rem a i n i n g b read cu bes a n d cheese. Beat eggs, m i l k a n d seaso n i n g s ; po u r o v e r cheese. Bake u n cove red 45 to 50 m i n u tes o r j u st u n t i l set . 8 servings.


1/J cup shortening 1/2 cup sugar 1 egg

1 1/2 cups Gold Medal f lour* 1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder

1/2 teaspoon salt

1/4 teaspoon nutmeg 1/2 cup mi lk 1/2 cup sugar 1 teaspoon cinnamon

1/2 cup butter, melted

H eat oven to 350° . G rease 1 5 med i u m m u ff i n c u ps . M i x s h o rt­e n i n g, 1/2 c u p s u g a r a n d the egg. S t i r i n f l o u r, b a k i n g powder, s a l t a n d n u t meg a l ternate ly w i th m i l k . F i l l m u f f i n c u ps 2/J fu l l . B a ke 2 0 t o 2 5 m i n u tes . M i x 1/2 c u p s u g a r a n d t h e c i n n a m o n . Ro l l hot p u ffs i n m e l ted b u tter, then i n c i n n a m o n - s u ga r . 1 5 pu ffs.

* I f u s i n g se l f - r i s i ng f l o u r, o m i t bak i n g powder a n d sa l t .

© Co p y r i g h t 1971 b y Gener a l M i l l s, I n c . A l l r i g h t s reserved . Printed i n U . S . A .

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Gala Menus from the Betty Crocker Dining Room 27

10 servings for brunch

Melon Wedges Raspberries

Swiss Cheese Oven Omelet*

Canadian Bacon

Baked T ornata Garnish

Assorted Coffee Cakes*


20 eggs 5 cups shredded Swiss cheese 1 cup dairy sour cream

1/J cup sherry 1 teaspoon salt

1 cup sliced ripe olives 1/2 cup chopped pimiento

Heat oven to 350°. Beat eggs on high ,speed until fluffy, about 7 minutes. Fold in sour cream, sherry and salt on low speed. Fold in cheese, olives and pimiento. Pour into ten greased 1-cup shallow baking dishes. Bake 30 minutes or until set. 10 servings.

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1/2 cup butter or margarine, softened

1 cup sugar 3 eggs 1 teaspoon vanilla

2 cups Softasilk cake flour 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 teaspoon soda 1 cup dairy sour cream

Filling (below)

Heat oven to 350°. Grease 12-cup bundt pan. Combine butter, sugar, eggs and vanilla in large mixer bowl. Beat 2 minutes medium speed. Mix in flour, baking powder and soda alter­nately with sour cream. Pour into pan, alternating layers of batter and Filling. Bake 45 to 50 minutes. Serve warm.

Filling: Mix 1/4 cup brown sugar (packed), 1/2 cup chopped nuts and 11/2 teaspoons cinnamon.


2 cups Bisquick baking mix 3 tablespoons sugar

% cup orange juice

1 egg 2 tablespoons salad oil

Orange Topping (below)

Heat oven to 400°. Grease round layer pan, 9x11h inches. Mix all ingredients except topping; beat vigorously 1/2 minute. Spread in pan; sprinkle with topping. Bake 25 to 30 minutes. Serve warm.

Orange Topping: Mix 1/4 cup chopped nuts, 1/2 cup brown sugar (packed), 1 teaspoon cinnamon, 2 tablespoons soft butter and 1 tablespoon grated orange peel.

©Copyright 1971 by General Mills, lnc. All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A.