2010 PPMR Kedah Sc1 w Ans

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  • 8/9/2019 2010 PPMR Kedah Sc1 w Ans


    SULlT55/1SCIENCEKertas 190S1 jam

    I!i.. ~ ~ .




    SCIENCEKertas 1Satu Jam


    1. Kertas soalan ini adalah dalam dwibahasa.2. Soaian dalam Bahasa Inggeris mendahului soaian yang sepadan dalam Bahasa Melayu .3. Calon dikehendaki membaca maklumat di halaman belakang kertas soaian ini.

    Kertas soaian ini mengandungi 37 halaman bercetak


    55/1[Lihat sebelahSULlT


  • 8/9/2019 2010 PPMR Kedah Sc1 w Ans




    This question paper consists of 40 questions.Kenas soa/all illi lIIellgalldl/llgi 40 soa/all.

    Answer all questions.Jau'ab semua soa/all.


    Each question is foliowed by four alternative answers, A, B, e and D. For each question,choose one answer only. Blacken your answer on the objective answer shee t provided.Tiap-liap soa/all diikwi o/el! elllpm pi/il!all jal\'apall. iaill/, A, B, e dall D . Bagi seliapsoo/all. pilil! salli jal\'a{Jall sal!aja. Hiralllkan jOll'afJall anda pada kenas jall'apall objekliJ.\'allg disediakall.

    Ir you wish to change your answer. erase the blackened mark that you have made. Thenblacken the new answer.Jika allda I!endak lIIelll/kar jOll'apal1. padaliikali lallda ya ll g ,e/al! dibllal. Kellllldial/I!ilC/ll/kal/ jaH'apall yallg bam.The diagrams in the questions provided are nOI clrawn to scale uniess stated.Rajal! .ral/g //Iel/giril/gi soo/al/ lidak di/llkis //Iel/gikw ska/a kecllali dil/yarakall.

    You may use a non-programmable scientific calcu lator.AI/da dibellarkall //Iel/ggl/I/akall ka/kll/alor saill lijik ral/g lidak bo/el! diprogra//l.



  • 8/9/2019 2010 PPMR Kedah Sc1 w Ans


    SULIT 3 55/11 The following statement shows one of the outcomes in scientitic investigation.

    Pemyataall berikllllllelllllljllkkall salli hasi/ da/alll pellyiasatall sailllifik.

    Sall dissolves faster in water at higher temperatureCarolii /anll/ebih cepat da/mll air .\'allg slIhllllya /ebih lillggi

    Which of the following is the step involved in making the statemeilt?Allrara /allgkah beriklll vallg liialiakah lerliIJal da/alll lIIelllbllnl pemyataalllerseblll?A Stating the problem

    Pernyataan masa/ahB Making conciusian

    Melllbllal kesilllpll/allC Collecting data

    MellglllllplI/ dataD Analysing dat3

    MellRanalisa daw

    SS/l 2010[Lihal halaman sebelahSULIT


  • 8/9/2019 2010 PPMR Kedah Sc1 w Ans


    SULlT 4

    2 Diagrum I ,hows lhe Slruclure of an animal eelI.Rajal! I 11Il'l1l1lljukkllll slruklllr sellrahl'an.

    DiagramRaja" I

    Which of the 1'0110\\ ing i, labelled conectly')


    AI11Or(l beriklll yang 111C1/1Oko11 (h/abel dengal/ bewl'!J K L

    A Nuelcu, Cytopla,m Cell membraneNllk/ell.1 SilOpla.\I//(/ Melllbrall ,el

    R Cytopla ... rn eeli membranc Nuclcu:',SilOpla\ll/{/ Mell lbral/ sel Nl/kielis

    C Cell mcmbrane Nueleus Cell wallMel1lhrall sel Nilk/eliS Dil/dil/g sel

    D Nueleu, Cytoplasm Ccll wallNIIkielis Siroplasl11t1 Dilldil/g sel

    3 Which of the following b the ad\anwge of keeping petroleul1l ga, in liquid form?All/ara heriklll. -"al1M manakah /...elebilllll/ l11enyimpol/ gas peTra/eU1I1 do/am bellflfk ('ecair?A The ga ... burns wilh le ...... sool

    Ga.\ ml'mbakar dellgllll jelliga .rang sedikirB The ga ..., can burns more easily

    Gas hoIeit memhokar denga II lebi" mlldoll

    e Ea-,y for lran

  • 8/9/2019 2010 PPMR Kedah Sc1 w Ans


    SULIT 5

    4 Diagram 2 shows substances in three states of maller.Rajal! 2 lIIellulljukkall balwlI dalalll 1iga keadaall.jirilll.

    roold ring

    einein emasDistilled walerAir sulillgDiagram 2

    Rajall 2



    Which of the following shows the arrangemelll of particles in the three substanee,'1Ailiara berikw, yang lI/ollakah mellltl/jukkon SlI5WIOII :,arah da/al1l /)alwlI-balwll lersehw?

    x yA GB ~ L ? ~ L ? . 0 0 00oB

    e V GBGB 0 0 00o


    55/1 2010

    z0 0 00oGB~ L ? V

    ILihal halaman sebelahSULlT


  • 8/9/2019 2010 PPMR Kedah Sc1 w Ans


    SULIT 6

    5 Diagram 3 , hows lhe composilion of gases in air.Raja" 3 melllllljllkkall kamposisi gas-gas da/alll IIdara.

    Diagram 3Rajah 3



    Which of lhe labeJled componenl A. B. e and D supports combuslion and is needed for resp iralion?Kompollell ber/ahel A, B, e dall DwlIIg mallakah mellvoKollg pembakarall dall diper/llkall lililIIkrespirasi?

    6 The following informalion shows the properlies of a gas in air.Mak/llmal berikulmelllllljukkall sifal-sifm gas da/am udara.

    Turns lime waler c10udyMellukarkall air kaplIrlllelljadi kenth

    Extinguishes a burning spl interMemadamkal1 kayu uji berllyala

    Changes lhe colour of lilmus paper from blue la redMenukarkan warnCl kenas li,mllS dari hint ke merah

    The gas which has lhe properties lisled above isGas YllI lR 111empuIlyai si/at seper li .vang dinyatakon di mas ialahA hydrogen

    hidrogellB ca rbon dioxidekarholl dioksida

    C nilrogennirrogenD oxygenoksigell

    55/1 @ 20 10 SULIl'


  • 8/9/2019 2010 PPMR Kedah Sc1 w Ans


    SULIT 7 55/1

    7 Diagram 4 shows a boy Ihrowing a ball up and an01her boy on Ihe [irsl iloor of Ihe building is ealehingil.Rajah 4 lIlelllllljllkkall seorallg blldak lelaki lIlelalllbullgkall sebiji bola dall seorc/ng blldak lelaki lain

    lIlenangkap bola ilU di lillgkal salu sebllah baliguliali.

    Diagram 4Rajal! 4

    What energy ehange is involved in this activilY?Apakah peruhallon rellaga yang tertibar dalam aktivir; ini?A The kinetie energy of Ihe ball is ehanged 10 potential energy

    Tenago khletik bola iru diubah m e / ~ j a d j leI/aga keupayaanB The pOlenlial energy of the ball is changed 10 kinelic energy

    Tel/aga keupayaon hala il/{ diubah melljadi !enaga kinelike The ehemieal energy of the ball is ehanged 10 pOlential energy

    Tel10ga kimia bola ilU diubah Illenjadi le"aga kellpayaallD The kinelic energy of Ihe ball is ehanged 10 ehemieal energy

    Tellaga killelik bola i,u diubah lIlelljadi lellaga killlia

    55/1 2010[Lihat halaman sebelah



  • 8/9/2019 2010 PPMR Kedah Sc1 w Ans


    8Diagram 5 shows a beaker containing hot wate!".Rajail 5 lIIell/llljukkan sebllail bikar vang lIIengandllngi air ponas.


    Coppcr pimeKepinga11 kuprul11 I- - - - -... - - -

    Diagram 5Rajail 5How is heat lost from the beaker"JBagailllanokail Iwba iiilanI! dari bikar?A By conduction and convection

    Melalui kondllksi dan perolakanB By conduelion and radiation

    Me/alu; kOl/duks; dall sinoralle By convection and radiation

    Me/allli "ero/akan dan silloral1D By radiation

    Me/allli sinoron


    Hot \VaterAir panas




  • 8/9/2019 2010 PPMR Kedah Sc1 w Ans


    SULlT 99 Diagram 6 shows the physical processes involved in the change in state of maller.

    Rajah 6 lIIelllllljllkkan proses Jizikal .rong [erlihar dcllam peruhahan keadaan jiri",.


    sv e ecairGolid [][Jepeja l GasDiagram 6

    Raja" 6The changes in states of maller invalve the absorption or release of heat.Which of the following is true'Peruhahan keadaall jiri//l//leliharkall pell.l'erapall alalt pe//lhehasall haba.Alltara berikut, yang manakah bellar?

    Process i n vol ved Heat absorbed / Heat releasedProses yang (erlihat Haba diserap / Haba dibebaskan

    L M L M

    A Melting Sublimatian Absarbed ReleasedPencairan Pe//lejalwapclIl Diserap Dibebaskall

    B Melting Sublimation Released AbsorbedPencairoll PelllejallVapall Dibebaskan Diserap

    e Sublimation Melting Absorbed ReleasedPell1ejalwapan Pencaira/7 Diserap Dibebaskan

    D Sublimation Melting Released AbsorbedPellleja/ll'apall Pencairan Dibebaskall Diserap


    55/1 20tO[Lihal halaman sebelah



  • 8/9/2019 2010 PPMR Kedah Sc1 w Ans


    SULlT 1010 Diagram 7 shows the absorption of heat by IWO differenl surfaees.

    Rajah 7 mell1mjukkall penyerapall IIaba olell dlla permukaall yallg berbeza.

    Painled blackDieat IIil(//1I

    Beaker MBikar M

    Carbon dioxideKarboll dioksida


    _ . Lime \Vater __.. "'_1--- Airkapur -_ . . _.Diagram 7Rajall 7

    - Paimed whileDieat pIIliII

    Beaker NBikar N

    Whieh of lhe following observation and eonelusion is lrue?Alltara beriklll, pelllerllaliall dall kesimpltlan iilanakali .vallg bellar?

    Observalion ConelusionPelllerhatian Kesimpulon

    A Lime water in bOlh beakers lUrn c10udy at BOlh surfaees are good heal radialorslhe same time Kedua-dua permukaall adalall pellyillarAir kap"r di kedlla-dlla bikar bertllkar Iwba yallg baikmenjadi keruh pada lJlasa YClIlg sama

    B Lime water in beaker M turns c10udy first Blaek surfaee is a good heal absorberAir kapIIr di dalalll bikarM bertllkar Penllllkaall IIil(//1I adalah pellyerap Iwbamelljadi ken,II dall"lu mllg baik

    e Lime water in beaker N turns eloudy first White surfaee is a good heat absorberAir kapIIr di dalam bikar N berll lkar lIIenjadi Penllllkaall plllill adalall pellyerap Iwbakeruh dalllllll yallg baik

    D Lime water in beaker N turns c10udy first White surfaee is a good heat radiatorAir kapIIr di dalam bikar N bertukarmelljadi Penllukaall plIIill adalah pellyillar habakuuh dalllllll yallR baik

    55/1 2010




  • 8/9/2019 2010 PPMR Kedah Sc1 w Ans


    SULIT 11II Diagram 8 shows an experiment set-up to study one of the properties of sound.

    Rajah 8 mellulljukkall satu eksperimen dijalallkall /IIl/uk mengkaji salah satu sifal bunyi.

    Diagram 8Rajah 8

    Which of the following is the application of the property studied in daily life?Alltara "eriklit, vallg manakah aplikasi sifat ,vang dikaji dalam kehidupan seharian?A Plueking a taut guitar string

    Memetik tali gilar .vallg tegangB Determining the depth of the sea bed

    Menentukall kedalaman dasor lawe Giving a speech in a hallMemberi ueapan di dalam dewan

    D Install earpet in einema hallMemasang pennaidani di (Jalam pan88tmg wayang


    55/1 2010[Lihal halaman sebelah



  • 8/9/2019 2010 PPMR Kedah Sc1 w Ans


    Diagram 9 shows a class of food .Rajah 9 lIIelllllljukkan salu ketas liiakaliali.

    Diagram 9Raja" 9


    The main funclion of lhe class of food is toFUllgsi wallla kelas makanan tersebut ialah untukA form slrong bones and leelh

    lII elllbellluk tulang dan gigi yallg kl/atB prevent conslipation

    mellcegah sembelite build new lissuesmembinCl tisu haruD act as heal insulator

    bertilldak sebagai penebar "aba

    /1 2010




  • 8/9/2019 2010 PPMR Kedah Sc1 w Ans


    SULIT 1313 Diagram 10 shows processes in the human digeslive system.

    Rajal! 10 lIIellunjukkall proses- proses da/am siSlem pencernaan manusia.

    Peristalsis ... Absorption ofPerisla/sis proteinPellyerapall


    Absorption ofdigested foodPellyerapanmakanantereerna

    Diagram toRajal! 10

    I" Absorption ofwaterPenyerapan air

    Which of the following shows the correct sequence of organs involved in the processes?AilIara berikul, yallg liiallakaI! melllllljukkall SUSl/l101l yallg betu/ organ-organ yang ler/ibald(i/am proses-proses tersebut?A Small intestine Large i n t e s t i n e ~ Oesophagus Stomach

    Usus keci/ Usus besar Esajagus PenllB Large i n t e s t i n e ~ Oesophagus S t o m a c h ~ Small intestine

    USIlS besar Esajagus PenH Usus kecile Oesophagus Stomach ~ S m a l l intestine Large intestine

    EsoJagus Peru( USIIS kecil Usus besarD Stomach ~ S m a l l intestine Large i n t e s t i n e ~ Oesophagus

    Perlll Usus kecil Usus besar EsoJagus


    55/1 2010[Lihal halaman sebelah



  • 8/9/2019 2010 PPMR Kedah Sc1 w Ans


    14Diagram II shows classification of vertebrates,Rajal! II lI1elllllljukkan pengketasan "erlebmlG,


    Diagram IIRajah II

    Which of the following characteristics are true about animals in group X?


    Amara berikw, yang Illanakah ciri-ciri ya llg belll/ tenTallg haill'a ll da/alll klllllpu/an X?A Have slimy sca le s and lay eggs

    Mell/punya i sisik ber/endir dan bertelllrB Have webbed legs and lay eggs

    Melllpullyai kaki berse/aput dan berte/llre Have fur and give birth to their young

    Mell/pullyai bU/1I dallllle/ahirkall allakD Have dry seales and give birth to their young

    Mell/prmyai sisik kerillEt dalllll e/ahirkall allak





  • 8/9/2019 2010 PPMR Kedah Sc1 w Ans


    SULlT 15JS Diagram 12 shows an interaetion between two living organisms.

    Rajal! 12 melllllljllkkall illteraksi all/ara dua orgallisma hidup.

    Diagram 12Rajah 12

    What type of interaetion is represcnted by Diagram 12?Apakah jellis illteraksi .vallg dill'akili olel! Rajal! 12?A Commensalism

    Komensal isme

    B Prey-predatorMallgsa dall pemallgsa

    C CompetitionPersaillgall

    D MutualismMiilitalisine

    55/1 2010


    [Liha! halaman sebelahSULIT


  • 8/9/2019 2010 PPMR Kedah Sc1 w Ans


    166 Diagram 13 shows the now of energy in a simple food web.

    Rajall 13 melllllljllkkall alirall renaga d{i/am sirarallmakanan ringkas.

    Diagram 13Rajall 13

    Which organi sm is the producer"JOrganisma yallg mallakah pengeluar?A QB Re pD S






  • 8/9/2019 2010 PPMR Kedah Sc1 w Ans


    SULIT 1717 Diagram 14 shows the electrolysis of water.

    Rajah 14 melllllljllkkall eleklrolisis air.



    0 "," 0 Gas YGasY-+ - - Water +dilute sulphuric acid

    Air +asid sulfurik cair\:...:..... . : . . . . : ~ ' = " - - Calhode


    Diagram 14Rajah 14

    Which of the following shows the eorreet eonfirmation tests for gas X and Y?Allrara berikw yallg mallakah lIjiall pellgesahall .vallg belllllllllllk gas X dall Y?

    Gas X Gas YA Limc wa)er tums cloudy Red !itmus paper lUms blue

    Air kapllr melljadi keruh Kenas lilmus merah berluka,- menjadi biruB A !ighted sp linter is put out A glowing wooden splinter is ignited

    Kayu uji berllyala padam Kayu Il}; berbara menyalae A glowing wooden splinter is ign ited Lime water tums cloudyKa\,I/ '(ii berbara mellyala Air kapl/r melljadi kerll"D A glowing wooden splinter is ignited A 'pop' sound is produced with a lighted

    Kayu Ilji berbara mellyala splinterBI/Ilyi '1'01" dilwsilkclI/ del/gall kavlI lIjiberllyala


    55/1 2010[Lihat halaman sebelahSULIT


  • 8/9/2019 2010 PPMR Kedah Sc1 w Ans


    SULIT 1818 The graph shows the solubility of four different substances at different temperatures.

    Grafmenunjukkan kererlarutan empat bahan berlainan pada suhu yang berbeza.

    Solubility in 100 mi water / gKererlarutan dalam lOO mi air / g


    V-. /


    V _.

    ...----- l,.;.....-'

    ' 7V/

    i -17. . . . .


    XLV _z .

    ---_ . .._. ._.-o 10 20 30 40 50 60

    Temperature / eSuhu / e

    Which of the substance is most affected by temperature when it dissolves?Bahan yang manakah paling dipengaruhi oleh suhu semasa me/arut?

    A ZB Ye xD W


    5/1 2010 [Lihat halaman sebelahSULIT


  • 8/9/2019 2010 PPMR Kedah Sc1 w Ans



    19 The following word equation shows the neutralisation reaetion between hydroehlorie acid andsubstanee X.


    Persamaan perkaraan berikur menunjllkkan rindak balas peneurralan anrara asid hidroklorik danbalzan X.

    Hydroehlorie acid + X Y + waterAsid Izidroklorik + X Y + air

    X and Y representX dan Y mewakili

    XA sodium hydroxide

    narriwn hidroksidaB ealeium earbonatekalsiwn karbonale zinc

    zinkeopper sulphatekuprum suifalD

    Ysodium ehloridenQtrium kloridaealcium eh loridekalsillm k/aridazine ehloridezink kloridaeopper ehloridekuprum klorida

    20 Diagram 15 shows an empty aerosol ean.Rajah 15 //lelllllljllkkan saLU lin aerosol kosong.

    Diagram 15Rajah 15

    Whieh of the following will happen if the aerosol ean is exposed to the Sun?Anlara beriklll, yang manakah akan berIakli jika lin aerosol illl terdedah kepada cahaya marahari?A The size of the gas particles will inerease

    Sai;; ;;arah gas akan berrall/bahB The pressure inside the ean beeomes lower than the atmospherie pressure

    Tekanan dalam rin menjadi rendah daripada lekanan almosferae The attraetive foree between gas particles in the ean increases

    Daya rarikan amara zarah-zarah gas dalam lin benall/bahD The k.inetie energy of gas particles in the ean increases

    Tenaga kinerik ;;arah-zarah gas dalam rin berrambah

    55/1 20 10[Lihat halaman sebelah



  • 8/9/2019 2010 PPMR Kedah Sc1 w Ans


    20 55/1

    Diagram 16 shows an inseetieide spray that is punetured at positian W, X, Y and Z.Rajah 16 mellulljukkall salu pellyembur raculI serangga yang dilebuk pada kedudukan W, X, Y dan Z.



    xy z

    - - - ~ -

    Diagram 16Rajah 16

    InseetieideRacun serallgga

    The hale that does not affeet the normal funetioning of the spray is at positianLubang yang lidak mempengaruhi filllgsi penyembur berada pada kedudukanA XB We YD Z

    Diagram 17 shows the extension of a spri ng when a laad of 10 N is hung to il.Rajah 17 mellulljukkall pemalljangan salu spriilg apabila salu beball JO N diganl1lng padallya.


    Diagram 17Rajah 17

    What is the length of the spring if a load of 30 N is hung from it?Apakah panjang spriilg jika beban 30 N digamullg padanya?A 6emB geme 10cmD I I cm

    2010[Lihat halaman sebelah



  • 8/9/2019 2010 PPMR Kedah Sc1 w Ans


    SULIT 21

    23 Diagram IS shows astudent with a mass of 50 kg carrying a box with a mass of 5 kg.He walks up the stairs in JO seconds.Raja" IS' menunjukkan seorang pelajar berjisim 50 kg membawa sebuah karak berjisim 5 kg.Pelajar ilu menaiki lallgga ilU dalam masa 10 saat.

    4.0 mDiagram ISRajah IS

    Calculate the power generated by the man.HiIullgkan kuasa yang dijanakall olei! le/aki ill/.I I kg = 10 N IA 165 WB 220WC 275 WD 150W



    55/1 2010[Lihal halaman sebelah



  • 8/9/2019 2010 PPMR Kedah Sc1 w Ans


    SULIT 22

    24 Diagram 19 show s the support system of three different organisms.Raja" 19 mellLlnjllkkall sistem sokongan tiga organisilla yang berbeza.



    Diagram 19Rajah 19

    Earthwormeaeill tanah

    Which of the following shows correctly the support system of the organisms?Amara beriklll yang manakah mellllnjllkkall sistelll sokongan organisina yallg betul?A Endoskeleton ExoskelelOn Hydroskeleton

    Rallgka dalam Rallgka IlIar Rallgka hidrostatikB Hydroskeleton Endoskeleton ExoskeletonRallgka i1idrostatik Rangka dalam Rangka IlIare Endoskeleton HydroskelelOn ExoskeletonRallgka dalam Rallgka hidrostmik Rallgka IlIarD Hydroskeleton Exoskeleton Endoskeleton

    Rallgka hidrostmik Ral/gka luar Rallgka dalam


    55/1 20 10[Lihat halalTIan sebelah



  • 8/9/2019 2010 PPMR Kedah Sc1 w Ans


    SULIT 2325 Diagrarn 20 shows the from and side views of two cars.

    Rajah 20 lI1el1unjukkal1 pandallgan sisi dan pandangan depan dua buah kerera.

    Diagrarn 20Rajah 20

    CarPKereta P

    CarQKerera Q

    Which of the following staternent is true about the stabi lity of the cars?Anrara pemyataall berikut yang manakah bellar tenrang kestabiian kereta-kereta lersebut?A Car Q is rnore stable than car P because it is higher

    Kereta Q {ebih srabil daripada kereta P keralia kereta Q lebih tinggiB Car P is rnore stable than car Q because it can move faster

    Kereta P lebih stabil daripada kereta Q keralia kereta P boleh bergerak lebih palltasC Car Q is less stable than car P because it has a lower centre of gravity


    Kereta Q kurang stabil daripada kereta P keraila kereta Q lI1empullyai pusat graviti yanglebih relldah

    D Car P is rnore stable than car Q because it has wider base areaKerera P lebih srabil daripada kereta Q kerlma kereta P lI1empunyai luas tapak yallg {ebihlebar

    55/1 2010[Lihat halaman sebelah



  • 8/9/2019 2010 PPMR Kedah Sc1 w Ans


    2421 shows an objeet with a mass of 500 g hanging on arad in equilibrium.

    Rajah 21 lIlenlll1jukkan sebuah objek berjisilll 500 g diganlllng pada sebalang roddalam keadaan seimbang.

    ) 30 cm ) ' - -20 cm

    Diagram 21Rajah 21

    Which of the following shows the correet reading of the spring balanee?A n t ~ a berikul yang manakah memmjukkan bacaol1 yang hetliI pada lIeraca spriII!!?A e

    N N

    :lf 2-34-= 451 t 5 -B D

    N N2- :n45 1 5 ~


    2010 lLihal haIamall sebelahSULIT


  • 8/9/2019 2010 PPMR Kedah Sc1 w Ans


    SULIT 2527 Diagram 22 shows an application of the principle of lever.

    Raja" 22 lIlellulljukkall saIu aplikasi pril1sip luas.


    Diagram 22Raja" 22

    Which of the following statement is true about the lever?Amara pernyaraan berikw yallg manakah bellar temallg ilias fersebw?A A large effon is lIsed to overcome a smallload


    Salli daya yallg besar digllllakall l/lllllk iileligalasi salli beball yallg keeilB The effon and the load act in the same directionDaya dan beboll berlilldak pada aralt vallg salllae The load is between the fulcrum and the effon

    Beban lerlelak di ailIara Julkruiil dall davaD The door operates based on the principle of third class lever

    Pilllu illl berrilldak berdasarkall prillsip Ilias kelas keliga

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  • 8/9/2019 2010 PPMR Kedah Sc1 w Ans


    ULIT 2628 Diagram 23 shows structure X in the human resp iratory system.

    Rajall 23 lIIelllll1jukkan slruklllr X eia/aili siSlelll respirasi mallllsia.

    Diagram 23Rajall 23

    Which or the following process takes place in structure X?Amara proses beriklll yang manakoll ber/aku eia/aili slmklur X'JA Breathing

    PemafasanB Gaseous exchange

    Perttlkaran gas

    e Transport of oxygenPengangkulan oksigenD Transport or water vapour

    Pengangklllan lI'ap air





  • 8/9/2019 2010 PPMR Kedah Sc1 w Ans


    27Diagram 24 shows the cross-section of human heart.Rajal! 24 mellulljllkkall kera/all relllas jalllullg manlls;a.



    Diagram 24Rajah 24


    Which of the valve in Diagram 24 prevents the backflow of oxygenated blood to the heart?Illjap yallg manakah da/am Rajall 24 melleegah pengaUrall balik darah beroks;gen kejantung?


    2010[Lihat halaman sebelah



  • 8/9/2019 2010 PPMR Kedah Sc1 w Ans


    SULIT 2830 Diagram 25 shows the path taken by water and minerai salts in a plant.

    Rajah 25 lIIelllllljllkkall lalllall air dall garall1l11illeral dalalll/lll11buhall.

    SoilTallah _____ _____ ___

    Diagram 25Rajah 25

    Which of the following represents X. Y and Z?All/ara beriklll yallg liiallakah lIIewakili X. Y dall Z?





    Water vapourWap air




    55/1 2010




  • 8/9/2019 2010 PPMR Kedah Sc1 w Ans


    SULlT 2931 Diagram 26 shows the human urinary system.

    Raja" 26 mellulljukkall sistem urillari mallllsia.

    Diagram 26Raja" 26

    Which of the following statement is true?Amara pernyataan berikfll yang manakah bellar?A R stores filtered urine

    Rmenyimpan air kellcing .vang dirapisB Q fjlters and drains urine

    Qmellopis dan mengalirkall air kellcinge P filters waste products in blood

    Pmenapi.\' bahall bllangall dalam dara"D S sends filtered urine out of the body





    S mengJulI1tar air kel/cing ."allg ditapis ke/lIar dari had(lII

    32 Diagram 27 shows the calendar for March 20 IO.Raja" 27 melllllljllkkall kalelldar bagi blllan Mac 20 IO.

    S M TI 2

    7 8 914 15 1621 22 2328 29 30

    W T3 410 I I17 1824 2531

    Diagram 27Raja" 27

    F S5 612 1319 2026 27


    Aremale experiences her ovulation on the 20'" of March. ealculme the date of her nextovulation.Seorallg ",allita mellgalami omiasiII.\,([ pada 20"b Mac. Hill/llgkan tariklIpengo\'lllallllya -"allg berikwl1ya.

    A 4 ," AprilB 10 ," Aprile 14 ," AprilD 17 '" April

    55/1 2010[Lihal halaman sebelah



  • 8/9/2019 2010 PPMR Kedah Sc1 w Ans


    SULlT 30

    33 Which of the following organism and its type of asex ual reproduction is matchedcorrectly?Amara beriklll, yang Illanakah organisliia don jenis pembiakan aseks dipadankalldengall berliI?





    SS/l 2010

    OrganismOr ollisliia

    . .. ...

    :, .,

    Type of asexual reproductionlellis eliibiakan aseksVegetative reproduction

    Pelllbiakall vegerarif

    Binary fissionBelahall dedlla

    RegenerationPelljallaan semula

    BuddingP ertullGSGIl




  • 8/9/2019 2010 PPMR Kedah Sc1 w Ans


    SULIT 3134 Diagram 28 shows a fraetional distillation tower used in the petrochemieal industry to purify

    petroleum.Rajall 28 lIIelllllljllkkall mellara pelly"lillgall belperillgkar yang digllnakall da/alll i lldl/stripetrokill1ia IIl1tuk mellapis petroleumo

    Fraetional distillatiol! towerMellara pell)'lIlillgall berperillgkat

    Heated erude oilMillyak IIIelitah dipallaskall

    Diagram 28Rajall 28

    Compared to fraction Q, fraction P hasBerhalldillg dellgall peeallan Q, peeallall P lIIelllpulI)'aiA larger moleeulesIIIoleklii yallg lehi" besarB a higher viseosity

    kelikatall yallg lebih tillggiC a lower boiling point

    takat didih yang lebih rendahD a darker colour

    wama yallg lebill gelap


    55/1 20tO[Lihal halaman sebelah



  • 8/9/2019 2010 PPMR Kedah Sc1 w Ans


    SUL IT 3235 Diagram 29 shows the body weight gain based on gender.

    Rajah 29 lIlellll/ljukkall perTamba/wll berar badall berdasm'kal/ jal/til/a,Body weight l kgBerat badall / kg

    60545248444038322.2 '20I.124



    2 4 e 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22Diagram 29

    Rajah 29Based on Diagram 29, which of the following is true?Berdasarkal/ Rajah 29, yal/g mal/akah bellar?

    Age 1yearVmur 1 ra/1l1II


    Age leve l when th e body weight ga in the same formale and femaleX y Peril/gkat umur bila pertambahal/ berat badal/lelaki dall perempuall sama

    (yearlrahull)Fema le Male 0 - 6PereliltJuan Le/akiA

    Male Female 0 - 6Lelaki PerempuQnB

    e Female Male 0-2Pereilipuoll LelakiMale Female 2 - 6Lelaki PerenrpIIClJID

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  • 8/9/2019 2010 PPMR Kedah Sc1 w Ans


    SUUT 33 55/1

    36 Diagram 30 shows a parallei eireuit with two identi cal bulbs , R and S.Rajah 30 mell llllj llkkall sal li litar selari dellgan dua melllol mllg serupa, R dall S.


    . - - - - - R ~ - - I --------,1sDia gram 30Raja" 30

    The resistanee of eaeh bulb is 2 n. What is the reading of ammeter A, ir the switeh in this c ireu il is on?Rilltangall seliap meil/oi iala" 2 n. Apaka" bacaa ll amllleler A, jika .",is dalalll Iita,. ini di"idupkall?A 0.2 AB 0.3 Ae 1.2 AD 1.5 A

    55/1 20tO[Lihal halarnan sebel a h



  • 8/9/2019 2010 PPMR Kedah Sc1 w Ans


    SULlT 3437 Diagram 31 shows five compasses placed around a bar magnetto determine the direction of its

    magnetic field.Raja" 31 lIIellul ljukk{lII lill la buah kOlllpas diletakkall sekelilillg sebllah lIIagllel bar //luukmenewukan arah medali maglleluyo.

    p Q81 Magnet 18 81 Magnet 18CD CD CD CD8 8

    R S81 Magnel 18 81 Magnel 18CD CD CD CD

    8 8Diagram 31Rajah 31

    Which of the following shows the correct direclions of the compasses needle?Amara berikw, yang manakah melllmjukkall arah jorIIm kompas-kompas dengan bewl?A P only

    P sahajaB R and S

    R dall Se Qand R

    Q dall RD P and S

    P dall S


    55/1 ID 2010 SULlT


  • 8/9/2019 2010 PPMR Kedah Sc1 w Ans


    SULIT 3538 Table I shows the fixture of fuses for four eleetrieal applianees.

    Jad/lal I lIIen/lnj/lkkan pelllaselllgan fius bagi elllpat alal eleklrik.


    Alat elektrikIronSelerikaWater heaterPelllanas airStand fanKipas berdiriTelevisionTelevisve11




    Table IJadl/al 1



    Which of the following is fixed with a suitable fuse rating?






    Al1Iara beriklll. relllg manakah lelah dipasang dengall Ililai }i/ls yallg ses/lai?A Stand fan and television

    Kipas berdiri dan te/evisyenB lron and stand fan

    Selerika dan kipas berdirie Watcr heater and televisionPemanQs air don tele\'isyel1D Iron and water heater

    Selerika dan pemollas air

    55/1 2010[Lihal halaman sebe lahSULIT


  • 8/9/2019 2010 PPMR Kedah Sc1 w Ans


    SULIl' 3639 Diagram 32 ,hows the ga laxy Milky Way in which our Solar System is found.

    Rajall 32 melllllljllkkall galaksi Bima Sakli dalam m({{{{{ lerdal'all/wI Sislem SI/ria kiw.

    Tl1e Sun j , locmed alMarallar; ferlefak diA KB Le Mo N

    Diagram 32Rajall 32




  • 8/9/2019 2010 PPMR Kedah Sc1 w Ans


    SULlT 3740 Whieh of th e ro llowing pairs is the application of teehnology in space exploration?

    Amara herikul. pasangallllwnakalt adalah aplikmi rekllologi dalmll penerok{/{IIIallgkasa lepas')

    Teehnology ApplicationTekllologi Aplikasi

    A Space probcs Send images and data back to the EarthProb angkasa lepa.1 Mengltwrrar illlej dan dara "alik kr 811l11i

    B Spaee shuttles Repair l11alfunctioned spacc probesKapal allgkasa IIlall[!,-alik Membaik I'ulih prob allgkasa lepas yang rosak

    e Sate liites Launeil a space probc into spaceSarelir Melol1car pro/) ([ngkasa lepas kl' angkw.;a lepas

    D Rockets Transport astronauts to sateliitesRoker Mellgangkw 1I11gkasmrllll kl' "are/ir


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  • 8/9/2019 2010 PPMR Kedah Sc1 w Ans


    Sub Topik Q A R S T Rajah Jadual


    1.2 Steps in scienctific investigation 1 B 12.1 Cells 2 A 1 1

    3.4 The use of properties of matter in everyday life 3 C 1

    4.2 Elements, compounds and mixtures 4 A 1 1

    5.1 The composition of air 5 D 1 1

    5.2 The properties of oxygen and carbon dioxide 6 B 1

    6.1 The various forms and sources of energy 7 A 1 1

    7.2 Heat flow and its effect 8 B 1 1

    7.3 The effect of heat on matter 9 A 1 1

    7.5 Absorbing and giving out heat 10 B 1 1


    8.8 Sound and hearing 11 B 1 1

    9.1 Classes of food 12 B 1 19.3 Digestive system in human 13 C 1 1

    10.1 Organisms and their classification 14 A 1 1

    11.2 Interdependence among living organisms 15 B 1 1

    11.3 Food web 16 C 1 1

    12.2 Composition of water 17 D 1 1

    12.4 Solution and solubility 18 D 1 1

    12.5 Acid and alkali 19 A 1 1

    13.1 Air pressure 20 D 1 1

    13.2 Application of the principle of air pressure 21 B 1 1

    14.2 Measurement of force 22 D 1

    14.5 Application of power 23 A 1

    15.1 Support systems in animals 24 A 116.1 Stability 25 D 1

    17.1 Levers 26 C 1 1

    Appreciating the innovative efforts in the design of

    machines to simplify work


    18.1 Human breathing mechanism 28 B 1 1

    19.1 Transport system in humans 29 D 1 1

    19.3 Transport system in plants 30 C 1 1

    20.2 Human urinary system 31 C 1 1

    21.4 The menstrual cycle 32 D 1 1

    21.1 Understanding Sexual and Asexual Reproduction 33 C 1 123.5 Natural fuel resources and their importance 34 C 1 1

    22.1 The pattern of human growth 35 B 1 1

    24.3 Measuring electricity 36 D 1 1

    24.8 Magnetism 37 C 1

    25.6 Functions of fuse and earth wire 38 D 1 1

    26.2 The stars and the galaxies in the Universe 39 B 1 1

    Developments in the field of astronomy and space


    19 13 8 29 2






    17.2 1


    27 C