2-29.10.08 Detailed Final Report_0

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  • 8/13/2019 2-29.10.08 Detailed Final Report_0


    Institutional Strengthening and Awareness Raising

    Project for Sustainable Crocodile Conservation in Nepal

    (RSG Project: !"#$"$%&

    'inal Report

    Subitted b)

    *ishnu +ari ,agle

    Subitted to

    -he Rufford Sall Grants 'oundation. /0

    Noveber. $#$

  • 8/13/2019 2-29.10.08 Detailed Final Report_0


    Project Nae: Institutional Strengthening and Awareness Raising Project for

    Sustainable Crocodile Conservation in Nepal

    Popular Nae:Crocodile Conservation Awareness Program (CCAP)

    -ea leader:ishnu !ari "agle

    'inancial Support: #heRufford Small $rants %oundation& '

    Project Area: uffer one Area of Chitwan National Par*Project Coverage: +, schools and - ./Cs in uffer one area of Chitwan National Par*

    ,ebsite: www0rufford0org1rsg1projects1bishnu2hari2wagle23



  • 8/13/2019 2-29.10.08 Detailed Final Report_0



    I would li*e to ac*nowledge contribution of man4 people and organi5ations that provided

    various t4pes of supports without which this project would not have been successfull4


    Chitwan National Par* deserves m4 than*s for its direct and indirect assistance during the

    project implementation0 6speciall4& I wish to than* ed ahadur had*a& $anesh Pant&

    Assistant "arden& /epartment of National Par*s and "ildlife Reserve7 Rupa* 8aharjan&

    Ranger of Chitwan national par* for their suggestions& guidance and support during the

    project period0

    84 sincere than*s go to /r0 eshab /utta Awasthi& /ean Institute of %orestr4 and Santosh

    Ra4amajhi& 9ecturer at Institute of %orestr4 their constant suggestion& and guidance since the

    beginning of project development0

    I am grateful to the teachers and headmasters of those schools where project activities were

    based and 8r0 Chhabilal Neupane& #reasurer of Prabhat iran Sewa Samaj for harmoni5ing

    the wor*ing environment in the schools and local communit40 Similarl4& I am grateful to the

    students and local people who activel4 participated in the project activities0

    8r0 Suman hattarai& team leader of Partnership for Rhino Conservation deserves m4 due

    appreciation for valuable interactions and collaboration in some of the project activities0Similarl4& I wish to than* Ishwor /C of 'jj4alo national networ* radio& who arranged an

    interview about the project and broadcasted it from more than -3 %8 radios of Nepal through

    'jj4alo national networ*0 8r0 /eepa* Achar4a& 6:ecutive director of Co;Action Nepal

    deserves m4 due appreciation for his support in leadership development training0 Similarl4& I

    am than*ful to Nara4an Adhi*ari; Station 8anager of !amro %8& asanta Parajuli; News

    Chief of S4nerg4 %8 for assisting in highlighting the news of the project in the local %8

    radio of Chitwan and Nawalparasi districts0

    I would also li*e to e:tend especial than*s to field assistant& Radha Chhetri for her tireless

    support and dedication towards the project0

    At last& but not the least7 I am ver4 much grateful and than*ful to #he Rufford Small $rants

    %oundation& ' for providing the financial support to materiali5e the concept of the project0


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    uffer one

    C< Communit4 ased

  • 8/13/2019 2-29.10.08 Detailed Final Report_0


    -able of Contents

    1. BACKGROUND............................................................................................1

    2. OBJECTIVES ..............................................................................................3

    3. ACTIVITIES................................................................................................4

    3.1 SCHOOLSELECTION.......................................................................................................4

    3.2 CROCODILECONSERVATIONCLUB(CCC) RENEWAL/FORMATION.............................................4

    3.3 SCHOOLTEACHINGANDLEADERSHIPDEVELOPMENTTRAINING................................................5

    3.4 ORATORY(SPEECH) COMPETITION.....................................................................................5

    3.5 ESSAYCOMPETITION......................................................................................................

    3. E!POSUREVISIT............................................................................................................

    3." NOTICEBOARDDISTRIBUTION.........................................................................................."

    3.# WALLMAGA$INEPUBLICATIONATSCHOOL........................................................................"


    3.9.1 Wall calendar ....................................................................................................7

    3.9.2 Brochure............................................................................................................8

    3.9.3 Pamphlet ..........................................................................................................8

    3.9.4 Conservation Copy ...........................................................................................9

    3.1& REVIEWMEETING........................................................................................................%

    3.11 RENEWANDUPDATEOFWEBSITE ................................................................................1&

    4. PROJECT IN MEDIA ...................................................................................10

    5. OUTPUTS AND SUCCESS OF THE PROJECT..................................................10

    6. REFERENCES............................................................................................11


    ANNE!1' NAMELISTOFCLUBMEMBERS..............................................................................12



    ANNE!4' NAMELISTOFSTUDENTSPARTICIPATEDINFIELDVISIT ...............................................1%


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    1. Background

    Among the ?@ species of crocodilian within its families& onl4 two species i0e0& 8arsh crocodile

    (Crocodylus palustris) and $harial (Gavialis gangeticus) are found in Nepal08arsh crocodile are principall4 restricted to the Indian sub continent where the4 ma4 be found in

    number of freshwater habitat t4pes including rivers& la*es& and marshes0 In India and Sri 9an*a

    marsh crocodiles have adapted well to reservoirs& irrigation canal and manmade ponds and in

    some area ma4 even found in coastal water lagoons ("hita*er +BD& "hita*er and "hita*er

    +BB)0 !istoricall4 marsh crocodile was relativel4 common through out the #erai of Nepal in

    marsh4 la*es& ponds and small rivers ($roombridge +B?) and now it is reduced to isolated

    population primaril4 in protected habitat such as Su*laphanta "ildlife Reserve& oshitappu

    "ildlife Reserve& ardia National Par* and Chitwan National Par* (Andrews and 8c6achern


    !istoricall4& the gharial was abundant in all the large river s4stems of the Indian sub;continent0 Its

    range e:tended throughout the $angetic plain& west to the Indus River in Pa*istan& north and

    north;east to Nepal and hutan& east to urma& and south to

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    #o restore the rapidl4 dwindling population of crocodile in Nepal& breeding program was started

    with the establishment of $harial reeding Center in asara& Chitwan since +BD0 #hus&

    Crocodile conservation efforts in Nepal began in +BD when $harial reeding Center was

    established in asara inside the Chitwan National Par*0 uentl4&

    perception of tribal people about medicinal values of crocodile led to egg collection and slaughter

    *o2 # General Characteristics of Crocodilian

    All crocodilians depend upon wetland habitats and the4 are effective a>uatic predators

    Crocodiles are cold blooded and have a bod4 temperature similar to the surrounding air& land or water

    At smaller si5es the4 often eat a>uatic insects& small fish and crustaceans and as the4 grow larger the4 tend eat

    more vertebrates& including fish& turtles& birds and mammals0 Crocodiles have a tendenc4 to retain hard&

    indigestible objects in their stomach and most crocodiles over two meters long have been found to have stonesin their stomach0 It is believed that the stones are used as gastroliths (to aid in grinding up food) and that the4

    also ma4 function as ballast (just as in a shipFs hull)0

    Crocodiles attempt to maintain their bod4 temperature within narrow limits b4 bas*ing in the sun when cool

    and see*ing shade when hot0

    #he4 are metabolicall4 efficient and have fast refle:es and effective locomotors abilit4 on land& where the4

    wal* on erect legs& and in the water& where the4 swim rapidl4 driven b4 their powerful tails0

    Crocodilians have comple: behaviours including social interactions& dominance hierarchies& and vocali5ation&

    coordinated feeding& and well developed maternal behaviour0

    %emales deposit from +3 to over -3 hard;shelled eggs into a nest which is either a hole dug into the ground& or

    into a mound of vegetation formed b4 the female0 8ost females remain near their nest during incubation and

    ma4 protect it from predators0 'pon hatching& vocali5ations made b4 the hatchlings induce the female to assist

    the hatchlings to emerge& and in some cases to carr4 the tin4 babies to the water in her mouth0 !atchlings

    remain together near the mother for several months& deriving protection from her0

    As the4 grow and become more widel4 dispersed and independent& a large number of the offspring perishG

    some eaten b4 other crocodilians0

    #he survivors reach maturit4 after a period of ,G+, 4ears depending on the species0

    %emales grow more slowl4 and reach maturit4 at a smaller si5e than males& who continue growing and usuall4

    e:ceed females in ma:imum si5e0 Crocodilians can be long lived in the wild and there are records of particular

    individuals residing for decades at some locations0

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    of crocodiles remain continued0 !abitat degradation along floodplain and river ban*s due to

    intensive agricultural practices led to further depletion of habitat re>uired to sustain viable

    crocodile populations in Nepal0 uatic ecos4stem

    and their hide and meat has a big commercial value ("hita*er +BD)0 As a *e4stone speciesJ crocodile

    maintain structure and function in a>uatic ecos4stem b4 their activities (ing +B)0 #hese ecological roles

    include selective predation on fish species& rec4cling of nutrients and maintenance of wet refugia during

    drought season0 Crocodiles are ver4 important to the river ecos4stem and to humans0 #he4 contribute to the

    health of the ecos4stem and biodiversit40 #he4 are the top predator and as such are an essential part of the

    biodiversit4 of these habitats ((Rashid& ?33@& cited in /eppert& ?33)0 #he4 pre4 on the slow moving predator4

    fish thus removing the diseased individuals& thereb4 maintaining good stoc*s of commerciall4 valuable fish in

    an4 water bod40 %ew studies done in Africa& Australia and America indicate that the presence of crocs in a

    water s4stem actuall4 boosted fish stoc*s (/eppert& ?33)0 A loss of an4 species of crocodilian would

    represent a significant loss of biodiversit4& economic potential and ecos4stem stabilit4 (I'CN& +BB)0

    Crocodiles are called the indicators of a clean a>uatic environment for a ver4 good reason0 "ithout the mugger

    or the gharial in the wild we lose so much0 #hese crocodiles feed on the wea* and sic* fish *eeping the fish

    population strong and health40 #he4 also *eep the water clean and uncontaminated b4 scavenging on dead

    animal matter0 "ithout the crocodiles in the water s4stems& the larger predator fish will eat the smallercommerciall4 important fish& resulting in a smaller population of fish for the fishermen0 #he crocodiles will eat

    the larger predator fish thereb4 allowing a greater population and commercial catch of fish in the river0

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    /issemination of efforts and issues of crocodile conservation in Nepal

    3. Activities

    3.1 School selection

    #he project activities were implemented in +, schools of the buffer 5one area of CNP0 Among the

    selected schools& B were those previousl4 selected during first RS$0 Additional si: schools were

    selected after discussion with par* staff and *e4 informants7 and direct observations0 Nearness of

    the school from habitat of crocodile and dependenc4 of the local communit4 on the habitat are

    major criteria of selection0 #hus& the following schools were selected from si: different ./Cs

    inside the uffer one area of Chitwan National Par*H

    +0 Adarsha !igher Secondar4 School& /iv4anagar

    ?0 luebird 6nglish oarding School& Kagatpur

    @0 Kanaj4oti Padam Nara4an /harma*umari 8alla !SS& Su*ranagar

    0 Kana*i !igher Secondar4 School& 8eghauli

    ,0 9a:mi Secondar4 School& Kagatpur

    -0 8adi Secondar4 School& asantapur

    D0 Prabhat !igher Secondar4 School& Su*ranagar

    0 Saraswati Secondar4 School& Keetpur

    B0 Saraswati Secondar4 School& 8eghauli

    +30 Shajhapur Secondar4 School& 8eghauli

    ++0 Shree 8otherland oarding School

    +?0 Shree Rastri4a 9ower Secondar4 School&

    +@0 Siddhartha 9ower Secondar4 School& Kagatpur

    +0 Someshwor !igher Secondar4 School& $ardi

    +,0 .id4a K4oti 6nglish School& aruwa

    3.2 Crocodile Conservation Club (CCC) renewal!or"ation

    As most of the members of Crocodile Conservation Club (CCC) formed during first RS$ project

    passed out from their respective schools& the CCCs were reformed in those schools0 Similarl4& the

    CCCs were formed in additional - schools0 !ence& students were organi5ed in conservation

    initiatives in +, different schools of the area0 #he headmasters& teachers and members of

    previousl4 formed CCCs facilitated the process of club formation0 #he club members varied fromB to +D in number and comprised balanced teams of bo4s and girls7 and the students from different

    classes as well0 Name list of the club members of each school have been presented in anne: +0

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    3.3 School teaching and leadershi# develo#"ent training

    School teaching program was organi5ed in each school where students were provided *nowledge

    about the role of crocodile as a *e4 stone species and the issues of their conservation through the

    classroom activities0 9ecture and group discussion methods were used to deliver the

    information1*nowledge of conservation0

    9eadership development trainings were organi5ed in each school for the members of CCCs0 #he

    major contents of the training modules areH

    Structure and importance of school based conservation club

    Role of headmaster as an advisor

    Roles and responsibilities of guide teacher

    Potential activities of conservation clubs

    Role and responsibilities of President& .ice;president& Secretar4& Koint;secretar4& #reasurer

    and 8embers of conservation club

    Role and responsibilities of "all maga5ine publication sub;committee

    8eeting of conservation club

    %inancial management and its areas; fund generation& mobili5ation and record *eeping

    9in*age1relationship of Conservation club with other organi5ations

    Proposal development

    Program management

    Report generation

    3.$ Orator% (s#eech) co"#etition

    #o increase the interest of students in project

    activities and strengthen their *nowledge and

    s*ills on disseminating of conservation message&


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    of +? different schools e:pressed their views on the topic and e:plored the issues among0 Name

    list of the students participated in the event is presented in Anne: ? and the top students awarded

    with pri5e and a certificate is H

    S0N0 Name of student School Ran*

    + 8anoj #hapa Prabhat !SS %irst

    ? Navaraj hattarai Someshwar !SS Second

    @ Sita Neupane Sajhapur SS #hird

    Subhadra Sap*ota 9a:mi !SS %ourth

    3.& 'ssa% Co"#etition

    Inter school essa4 competition entitled ECrocodile Conservation in NepalE was organi5ed on the

    occasion of .ija4a /ashami (the greatest festival in Nepal)0 #he essa4s were collected fromdifferent schools along with the letter from school to certif4 that the essa4 was written b4 the

    respective student0 #hose essa4s were evaluated b4 a team of e:perts0 Among the ?+ participants

    from ++ different schools& top four essa4s were awarded with pri5es and letter of certificates0

    Name list of the students participated in the competition is presented in anne: @ and followings

    were the top four students0

    S0N0 Name of student School Ran*

    + Sagar 9amichhane Someshwar !SS %irst

    ? /ipendra Paudel Saraswati SS& 8eghauli Second@ Amar $onga Siddhartha SS #hird

    #irtha andel Saraswati SS& Kagatpur %ourth

    3. '#osure visit

    An e:posure visit was organi5ed for

    the students where , students of

    different schools got opportunit4 to

    see the breeding centerFs activities

    and crocodile in its natural habitats

    around Rapti river0 #he major places

    visited wereH

    8useum at the head>uarter of Chitwan National Par*&

    $harial reeding Center at asara inside Chitwan National Par* and

    Surrounding of Rapti River which is the main natural habitat and release site of crocodile

    in Nepal0

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    At the breeding center& a class was organi5ed for the students to describe the breeding centerFs

    activities where ishnu !ari "agle& team leader of CCAP and Prem Chapagain of $harial

    reeding Center clarified the >ueries of the students0

    #he name list of the students participated in field visit is presented in anne: 0

    3.* +otice board distribution

    /uring the first RS$ project& CCAP had

    distributed +3 notice boards in different

    schools where projects activities were

    concentrated0 #hose boards are found

    ver4 useful to publish and paste news

    including conservation related messages as

    the4 provide secured space for the purpose0 /uring the second RS$ project& - additional boards

    were prepared and distributed to those schools where conservation activities were e:tended during

    this second RS$ project0 CCCs have fi:ed those boards in an appropriate place of the respective


    3., -all aga/ine 0ublication at School

    Altogether , wall maga5ines were published b4

    the +, crocodile conservation clubs in each school

    where students e:pressed the message of conservation through their article& song& poem and other

    creation0 8embers of each CCC directl4 involved in publishing the wall maga5ines in their school

    (one maga5ine in ever4 three months)0 #hus& wall maga5ine served as an e:tension material

    among the school students and teachers0 Students got opportunit4 to share the information among

    their friends and teachers through the maga5ine0

    3. Awareness raising "aterials #roductiondistributionehibition

    3"!"# ,all calendar

    #he individuals or organi5ation(s) use to hang a wall

    calendar with great interest at least for a 4ear and

    it has been found as an effective tool for information


  • 8/13/2019 2-29.10.08 Detailed Final Report_0


    to the local people& students& teachers and different

    relevant governmental and non;governmental

    organi5ations in Nepal0 #he calendar has pages and

    each page contains three months0 #he ,3 area in

    each page has been occupied b4 the pictures and

    message of conservation and remaining area is

    occupied b4 national1local festivals& holida4s& national and international da4s0 #he green da4s

    (different conservation da4s) are highlighted0 Some of the photographs of activities during the

    first RS$ project are also printed to aware and motivate the people to participate on (crocodile)

    conservation initiatives0 #he RS$% logo along with the contact detail of team leader has also

    been published0

    3"!" *rochure

    +,33 copies of brochure were published to disseminate

    the issues and importance of crocodile conservation

    especiall4 among the local communit40 #he brochure

    contains the introduction and importance of $harial

    and 8ugger Crocodile7 Challenges of their conservation& conservation initiatives of $harialreeding Center& CCAP etc and so on0 8ost of the brochures were distributed among school

    students& local people& C

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    3"!"4 Conservation Cop)

    #he remaining stoc* of e:ercies copies with the

    message of conservation in front and bac* page

    produced b4 the CCAP and PARC during first

    RS$ project were distributed in this period as well0

    #hose were used as a part of stationeries and were

    also distributed for the students from the poor

    famil4 bac*ground who are especiall4 more

    dependent on the natural resources of the par* and its


    3.1 eview eeting

    A review meeting was arranged to share and anal45e the current initiative of crocodile

    conservation at schools and to identif4 the wa4s to promote the local participation in conservation

    initiatives0 Representatives of school teachers&


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    3.11 enew and u#date o! website

    #he website www0crocodilenepal0org was

    registered ?33D from Po*haracit40com at

    Po*hara& Nepal0 #his website is being

    renewed annuall4 and updated periodicall40

    #he website contains useful information

    about the crocodiles found in Nepal and

    their conservation efforts and issues0

    8an4 students& researchers& organi5ations etc have ac*nowledged the website as being ver4 useful

    and informative to them0

    $. 0roject in edia

    #he news of the project activities were broadcasted from the local %8 radio in Chitwan (S4nerg4

    %8 and ali*a %8) and Nawalparasi (ija4a %8)0 Similarl4& an interview with the team leader

    (ishnu !ari "agle) was broadcasted from the Annapurna %8 Radio of Po*hara& Nepal0 #he

    interview was of +, minute duration where @ RS$ recipients described about their project

    activities and the species concerned0 esides this& news of the project activities were published in

    Chitwan post& a dail4 maga5ine published from Chitwan& Nepal0

    &. Out#uts and Success o! the 0roject

    #he outputs of the project have been summari5ed in the following table0 Success of the project has

    been evaluated b4 the indicators of success0

    S0 N0

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    S0 N0

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    Anne 15 +a"e 6ist o! Club e"bers

    School Nae: Prabhat +igher Secondar) School

    ClassClub Nae: Prabhat Crocodile Conservation Club

    President Roshan Nepali BA

    .ice;president /il umari Sap*ota +3A

    Secretar4 #ila* #amang +3C

    Koint;secretar4 amala Rijal B

    #reasurer Sanjita #iwari

    8ember 8anoj #hapa +3

    8ember 8itralal Pari4ar A8ember Pra*ash Shrestha DA

    8ember iran Adhi*ari D

    8ember Cha*rapani /awadi $uide #eacher

    School Nae Siddhartha Secondar) School

    ClassClub Nae Siddhartha Crocodile Conservation Club

    President Amar $ongwa B

    .ice;President /inesh #amang

    Secretar4 Sabina /hungana BKoint;Secretar4 Muvaraj astola D

    #reasurer Sarita $hale

    8ember 9a:mi Shahi D

    8ember Rupa Sunar D

    8ember Rajendra Puri -

    8ember amala #hinga -

    Nara4an Prasad /awadi $uide #eacher

    School Nae 5a2i +igher Secondar) School

    ClassClub Nae 5a2i Crocodile Conservation Club

    President Ramesh 0 0 B

    .ice;President Saraswati #ha*ur

    Secretar4 A*ash Paudel B

    Koint;Secretar4 Kamuna Paudel B

    #reasurer /iv4a Achar4a

    8ember Anshu Adhi*ari

    8ember Subhadra Sap*ota B8ember Asho* ar*i

    8ember Alisha $hatane D

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    8ember Suman Ar4al D

    8ember Amit Shrestha D

    8ember Raju 0 0 D

    8ember Sangita 9ama -

    8ember A*elesh #ha*ur ++

    Su*rachar4a $himire $uide #eacher

    School Nae *lue *ird 6nglish *oarding School. 7agatpur

    ClassClub Nae *lue *ird Crocodile Conservation Club

    President Rachana aral B

    .ice;President Anil Chitaure

    Secretar4 Sanoj Shrestha B

    Koint;Secretar4 Navin 0 0 D

    #reasurer Nishan Puri

    8ember 8adhav Chalise B8ember ishal Nepali D

    8ember Sudhan hushal D

    8ember Ra*sha Adhi*ari

    School Nae Shree 8adarland *oarding School

    ClassClub Nae 8adarland Crocodile Conservation Club

    President ishal Adhi*ari

    .ice;President 9edisa 8ahato ,

    Secretar4 Nirajan 8ahato B

    Koint;Secretar4 Roshan $odar D

    #reasurer Sophi4a 8ahato D

    8ember Suman $urung B

    8ember Raj*umar Sur*heti -

    8ember Saru Subedi -

    8ember Soni Po*harel 8ember ibe* Sunar ,

    8ember ishal #amang ,

    School Nae Sarwaswati Secondar) School

    ClassClub Nae Sarwaswati Crocodile Conservation Club

    President aburam Ro**a B

    .ice;president Nasib Sap*ota

    Secretar4 Nirajan Rijal B

    Koint;secretar4 Pratima unwar B

    #reasurer amala $ole 8ember 8anjila 9ama B

    8ember Samjhana 0 0

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    School Nae Saraswati Secondar) School. 7eetpur

    ClassClub Nae Saraswati Crocodile Conservation Club

    President /ina Sunar BA

    .ice;president Raju umal

    Secretar4 asu Parajuli B

    Koint;secretar4 8intu Subedi

    #reasurer 8inu umal A

    8ember 8ajoj umal DA

    8ember Sima Subedi D

    8ember Pabitra umal -

    Rajendrashali $himire $uide #eacher

    School Nae Sajhapur Secondar) School

    ClassClub Nae Sajhapur Crocodile Conservation Club

    President Rajesh 0 0 +3.ice;president 9a:mi #hapa 8agar

    Secretar4 Sita Neupane BA

    Koint;secretar4 ishnu Sap*ota -

    #reasurer 8una Pangeni +3A

    8ember 'mesh Paudel +3A

    8ember Radha 8ahato +3

    8ember Alisha 8alla B

    8ember rishna Adhi*ari B

    8ember Rajesh 8ahato B

    8ember Sunil 8ahato A8ember Shanti $autam

    8ember 8adhusudan /ha*al D

    8ember Santosh Neupane D

    Ishori handari $uide#eacher

    School Nae 7ana1i +igher Secondar) School

    ClassClub Nae 7ana1i Crocodile Conservation Club

    President 8adan Ar4al BA

    .ice;president Kivan ote B

    Secretar4 /ilu Chaudhari BA

    #reasurer asanti #hapa

    8ember ija4a /hungana BA

    8ember Pratima Adhi*ari B

    8ember Alisha Shrestha BC

    8ember Ashwin $urung BC8ember /ipendra 8ahato A

    8ember Apsara Patha* A

    8ember Abinash 0C0

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    8ember /ilma4a hatri DA

    8ember Sudhan Paudel DA

    8ember 8ilan /ha*al D

    8ember Sumina Neupane D


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    Club Nae 8adi Crocodile Conservation Club

    President Alina 8ahato BA

    .ice;president Shanti Pande B

    Secretar4 iran Paudel A

    Koint;secretar4 /ipendra Sunar

    #reasurer Parvati 8ahato BC

    8ember $ovinda 8ahato B/

    School Nae 8adi Secondar) School. *asantapur

    ClassClub Nae 8adi Crocodile Conservation Club

    8ember Susmita shetri DA

    8ember uddi Sagar Po*hrel D

    8ember 9i*haraj 8ahato DC

    8ember #aranath Chapagain $uide #eacher

    School Nae idh)a 7)oti 6nglish School. *aruwa 8adiClassClub Nae id)a 7)oti Crocodile Conservation Club

    President Shiva Paudel

    .ice;president Sushma 8ahato B

    Secretar4 !ari umar 8ahato B

    Koint;secretar4 Aja4a 8ahato

    #reasurer Sirjana Paudel

    8ember Rohit Paudel B

    8ember Sunil $hale D

    8ember arsha 8ahato D

    8ember Anjali 0 C0 D8ember #ulasi Ram Pande $uide #eacher

    Anne 25 +a"e list o! students #artici#ated in S#eech co"#etition

    S" N" Nae School

  • 8/13/2019 2-29.10.08 Detailed Final Report_0


    + aburam Ro**a Saraswati SS& 8eghauli

    ? /ina Sunar Saraswati SS& 8eghauli

    @ Kamuna Paudel 9a:mi !SS

    Keevan ote Kana*i !SS

    , 8adan Ar4al Kana*i !SS

    - 8anoj #hapa Prabhat !SS

    D Navaraj hattarai Someshwar !SS

    Parvati 8ahato 8adi SS

    B Sabina /hungana Siddhartha SS

    +3 Sita Neupane Sajhapur SS

    ++ Subhadra Sap*ota 9a:mi !SS

    +? Suraj /hungana Kanaj4oti Padam Nara4an /harma*umari 8alla !SS

    +@ #ila* #amang Prabhat !SS

    Anne 35 +a"e list o! students #artici#ated in essa% co"#etition

    S" N" Nae School Class

    + inita Paudel Kanaj4oti Padam Nara4an /harma*umari 8alla !SS A

    ? Amar $onga Siddhartha SS B

    @ i*as Pande4 Rastri4a 9SS

    i*ash husal 8adi SS +3 C

    , i*ash $halan Siddhartha SS B- ishnu astola Siddhartha SS B

    D /eepa* 9amsal Saraswati SS& Kagatpur +3

  • 8/13/2019 2-29.10.08 Detailed Final Report_0


    /eepa* Raj Adhi*ari Kanaj4oti Padam Nara4an /harma*umari 8alla !SS +3

    B /ipendra Paudel Saraswati SS& 8eghauli

    +3 !ar*a Raj hatri Saraswati SS& Kagatpur B

    ++ amal afle Kana*i !SS +3A

    +? 8adan Ar4al Kana*i !SS B+@ 8una Pageni Sajhapur SS +3A

    + Nabina Neupane Prabhat !SS BA

    +, Navaraj hattarai Someshwar !SS +3A

    +- Rajesh 0 0 Sajhapur SS +3

    +D Ramesh 0 0 9a:mi !SS B

    + Sagar 9amichhane Someshwar !SS BA

    +B Saroj hanal Saraswati SS& Kagatpur +3

    ?3 Subas Subedi Prabhat !SS +3A

    ?+ #irtha andel Saraswati SS& Kagatpur BA

    Anne $5 +a"e list o! students #artici#ated in !ield visit

    + A*elesh #ha*ur 9a:mi !SS

    ? Alina 8ahato 8adi SS

    @ Alisha Shrestha Kana*i !SS

    Amar $ongwa Siddhartha SS

    , Anjali 0 C0 .idh4a K4oti 6nglish School

    - arsha 8ahato .idh4a K4oti 6nglish SchoolD asanti #hapa Kana*i !SS

    asu Parajuli Saraswati SS& Keetpur

    B ija4a #imilsina Kana*i !SS

    +3 i*ash Pande4 Shree Rastri4a 9ower SS

    ++ /ina Sunar Saraswati SS& Keetpur

    +? /inesh #amang Siddhartha SS

    +@ $ovinda ote Someshor !SS& aruwa 8adi

    + Kunu Subedi Shree Adarsha !SS

    +, amala #hinga Siddhartha SS

    +- iran Adhi*ari Prabhat !SS+D 9edisa 8ahato Shree 8adarland oarding School

    + 9i*haraj 8ahato 8adi SS

  • 8/13/2019 2-29.10.08 Detailed Final Report_0
