11 Colgate Palmolive Philippines

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  • 7/24/2019 11 Colgate Palmolive Philippines


    Colgate Palmolive Philippines, Inc., vs. Ople

    G.R. No. 73681; Jne 3!, 1"88

    #$CON% %I&I#ION' P(R(#, J.'


    On March 1, 1985, the respondent Union fled a Notice o Strike with the Bureau o

    Laor !elations "BL!# on $round o unair laor practice consistin$ o alle$ed reusal

    to ar$ain,dis%issal o union o&cers'%e%ers( and coercin$ e%plo)ees to retract

    their %e%ership withthe union and restrainin$ non*union %e%ers ro% +oinin$

    the union-ter e.orts at a%icale settle%ent pro/ed una/ailin$, the O&ce o the

    MOL0, upon petition o petitioner assu%ed +urisdiction o/er the dispute pursuant to

    -rticle 23 "$# o the Laor 4oden its position paper, the petitioner pointed out

    that the inractions co%%itted ) the threesales%en ull) con/inced the co%pan),

    ater in/esti$ation o the e6istence o +ust cause or their dis%issal, that their

    dis%issal was carried out pursuant to the inherent ri$ht and prero$ati/e

    o %ana$e%ent to disciplne errin$ e%plo)ees Moreo/er, the petitioner reuted the

    union7s char$ethat the %e%ership in union and reusal to retract precipitated

    their dis%issal was totall) alseand a%ounted to %alicious i%putation o union

    ustin$ hre respondent union on hte other hand assailed its answers to the

    petitioner7s position paperOn -u$ust 9,1985, respondent Minister rendered a

    decision whichound no %erit in the Unions4o%plaint or unair laor practice

    alle$edl) co%%itted ) petitioner and that the the threesales%en, :ere$rino

    Sa)son, Sal/ador !e)nante ; 4ornelio Me+ia,

  • 7/24/2019 11 Colgate Palmolive Philippines


    inco%patile with a fndin$ o $uilt @here the totalit) o the e/idence was su&cient

    to warrant the dis%issal o the e%plo)eesthe law warrants their dis%issal without

    %akin$ an) distinction etween a frst o.ender and ahaitual delinuent Under the

    law, respondent Minister is dul) %andated to euall) protect andrespect not onl)

    the laor or workers side ut also the %ana$e%ent and'or e%plo)ers sidehe law,

    in protectin$ the ri$hts o the laorer, authoriCes neither oppression nor sel*destructiono the e%plo)er o order the reinstate%ent o the errin$ e%plo)ees

    would in e.ect encoura$euneual protection o the laws as a %ana$erial e%plo)ee

    o petitioner co%pan) in/ol/ed in thesa%e incident was alread) dis%issed and was

    not ordered to e reinstated -s stated ) Us inthe case o San Mi$uel Brewer) /s

    National Laor Union,