f^toajnaiisW D  E > C \ s  p R |ZE-WINNING  RECIPES ... ALL  US\« 6 L i V. JL

101 Ways to a Man's Heart - Delicious Prize-winning Recipes... All Using E-Z Bake Flour

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8/12/2019 101 Ways to a Man's Heart - Delicious Prize-winning Recipes... All Using E-Z Bake Flour

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f̂ toajnaiisWD  E

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s  p R | Z E - W I N N I N G  R E C I P E S . . . A L L  U S \ «6

iV. JL

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Th e se we l l - k n o wn In d i a n a p o l i s h o m e ec o n o m is t s j u d g e d

a l l r e c i p e s e n te re d in t h e  E Z BAKE  Pr i ze Con tes t . They

a r e ,  l e f t t o r i g h t : M is s M a r i a n E . S c h l e ic h e r , f o o d  c o n

s u l t a n t f o r M a p l e h u rs t J e r s e y Fa rm s ; M i ss M a ry A l i c e

Cro s s o n ,  h o m e s e r v i c e d i r e c to r o f C i t i z e n s Ga s & Co k e

U t i l i t y ; a n d M r s . S t e n a M a r i e T w i n a m e , c h a i r m a n , h o m ee c o n o m i c s a d v i s e r t o K i n g a n & C o m p a n y .

P R I C E :  2 5  C E N T S

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* *

Dishes that will delight your family and friends— person-

ally selected and tested by leading home economists from

the nearly  5 000 entries in the E Z BAKE Recipe Contest.

T o  "set  a good  table"—and  to do i t in teres t ingly and appet i z ingly , day

af ter  day—is  an uns ung and under es t i ma t ed a r t . Her e i s a book t o

l ighten this dai ly  meal-planning  problem. We believe i t wil l be a helpful

companion in your k i t chen because i t conta ins  101  proven rec ipes which

othe r ho m em ak ers hav e found to be a l l - time fami ly f avor i t es .

These recipes , selected f rom some  5 000  entered in the  E - Z - B A K E

Rec i pe Con t es t , wer e pe r s ona l l y t e s t ed by t he ou t s t and i ng home econo

mis t s who served as judg es . T ry these pr i ze-winning rec ipes soon. T he y

mer i t a p lace on your  menus—for  nut r i t iousness , for appet i t e appeal ,

for f lavor and ease of preparat ion.

Propor t ions given in each recipe are based on the use of   E - Z - B A K E

A ll -Purp ose Fl ou r . So for uniform ly perfect re su l ts , be sure to use this

fine  flour  exclusively.  E - Z - B A K E  is mi l led f rom choices t gra ins un de r

s t r i c t es t l ab ora tory cont ro l . . .  triply enriched  w i th al l essent ial

vi tam in s , pro tein s an d min erals . . . s i fted th ro u gh f inest s i lk to a ssure

max i mum t ende r nes s and f i nes t t ex t u r e .

A C M E - E V A N S C 0 M P A N  Y ,  I N D I A N A P 0 L I S

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C A K E S • F R O S T I N G S

IM P O R T A N T Th e foll owin g r ec ip e s g iv e i n s t ru c t i o n s fo r  hand  mixing  on ly . T o m ake cakeswi th an  electric mixer,  fol low thes e d irec t ions:

M easu re sho rtenin g in to bow l. A dd f lour, res i f ted with sugar, sal t , leaven ing an d

three -four ths of the m ilk . For chocolate cakes , add chocolate at th is poin t . B ea t 2

m inute s at low to medium speed, frequent ly scraping down s ides of bowl and be ate r .

A dd un be ate n eggs , rem aining milk and f lavoring, and be at an other 2 m inu tes . F or

best resul ts , have al l ingredients a t room temperature.


1  c u p s sif te d E - Z - B A K E F l o u r3 teaspoons bak ing powder}4  teaspoon soda34  teaspo on sal t}4  cu p b u t t e r

Resif t f lour with baking powder, soda and sal tth ree t imes . Cream toge ther bu t te r and sugarun t i l l ight and f luffy. A dd egg yolks an dchocolate , then f lour and milk al ternately ;

1 cup sugar2 eggs , separated3 squares chocolate , mel ted\x/i  cups milk1 teaspoon vani l la

bea t af ter each addi t ion . A dd vani l la . Fold inegg wh ites . B ake in two greased layer pan s inmodera te oven (350° F . ) 30 minu tes . Pu tlayers together with a favori te fros t ing .


H  cup bu t te r o r margar ine1 cup sugarcup milk

}4  tea spo on flavoring ext ra ct

Cream toge ther bu t te r o r margar ine and sugar .A dd flavoring. M ix an d sift dr y ingr ed ien tsthree t imes and add to f i rs t mixture al ternately

1K  c u ps s ifte d E - Z - B A K E F l o u r2 teaspoons baking powder}4  teaspoon sal t3 egg whites, beaten stiff

with milk . Fold in egg wh ites . B ak e in twobut tered and f loured layer cake pans in moderate oven (375° F. ) 25 minutes .

Filling  and Icing:

1 \i  cups sugarcup water

2 egg whites, beaten stiffBoil  sugar and water unt i l syrup spins ath read . Then g radua l ly bea t sy rup in to egg

]4  cup chopped rais ins or dates14 cup c hopp ed figs

14 cup chopped nu tswhi tes ; con t inue bea t ing un t i l  thick

fru i ts and nuts .


1 c u p s if te d E - Z - B A K E F l o u r14 t easpoon c ream of t a r ta r1)4  cups sugar14 cup wa ter

Resif t f lour with cream of ta r ta r twic e. B oi lsugar and water unt i l syrup spins a longth re ad . B ea t egg whi tes wi th sa l t un t i l  stiff.Pour hot syrup in a f ine s t ream over eggwhi tes , bea t ing con t inuous ly un t i l mix tu recools . B ea t egg yolks unt i l th ick an d  lemon-

6 eggs , separatedM  teaspoon sal t]4  teaspoon lemon extract14 t easpoon a lmond ex t rac t

colored . A dd flavoring an d fold into s yru pmixture. Fold in f lour mixture. Turn in to ung reased tube pan (10 inches in d iam eter ) . B akein slow oven (375° F.)  1)4  hours . Inver t tocool before removing from pan.

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* O R A N G E C A K E

cup shortening134  cups sugar8 egg yolks1 orange, juice and gra ted r ind

Cre am sho rtening and sugar unt i l f luffy. B eat

yolks unt i l th ick an d lemon colored. A dd tocreamed mixture and beat smooth. Then addorange juice and r ind . A dd sif ted d ry ingredients a l terna te ly wi th mi lk. B eat tho roug hly.

2H  c u ps E - Z - B A K E F lo ur14 teaspo on sa l t3 t easpoons bak ing powder

cup milk

B ak e in a greased and floured pan in m od era te

oven (35 0° F . ) 50 to 60 min utes. A f ter b aking ,let cake stand a few minutes before removingfrom pan.

Yellow Icing:

2 cups sugar14 cup wate r34  cup whi te corn syrup4 egg yolks34  teaspoon sa l t

Cook sugar , water and corn syrup unt i l mixture spins  lcng  double th read s . B ea t yo lksunt i l th ick and lemon colored. A dd sa l t andpour syrup over eggs in cont inuous st ream,beat ing cont inuously unt i l cool and fudge-

1 teaspoon lemon juice14 teaspo on orang e r ind1 teaspoon orange juice2 tablespoons cream}4  cup coconut

l ike.  A dd cream , f rui t juices and orange r ind .Frost cake. If icing gets too  stiff thin with al i t t le sweet cream. Sprinkle wi th coconutbefore frosting sets.


1  cups sifted  E-Z-BAKE  Flour34  teaspoon sa l t

2 teaspoons baking powdery/i  cup but ter or margar ine

1 cup sugar1 teaspoon vani l la

Mix and sift f lour, sal t and baking powder.Cream together but ter or margar ine and sugar .A dd flavoring. A dd flour m ixtu re al te rna telywith milk. Fold in egg whites. Place half thebatter in a bowl and add to i t the chocolate,hot water and soda which have been mixedtogether. Line a loaf pan  (10H

  x  5M  inches)

wi th bu t t e red w axed paper . A l t e rna te l igh t

cup milk3 egg whites, beaten st iff

1 square (1 ounce) cookingchocola te , mel ted

2 tablespo ons hot w ater34  teaspoon soda

and da rk layers by spoonfuls . B ake in mo dera te oven (350 ° F . ) a bo ut 55 min utes. Cooland ice to p with b lend of 1 squ are m eltedchocola te , 2 tablespoons cream, 1 tablespoonsoftened butter, a few drops of vanil la andenough powdered sugar for spreading consis tency.


2]4  c up s s if te d E - Z - B A K E F l ou r}4  teaspoon sa l t3^   teaspoon c innamon}/2 teasp oon allspice34 teaspoon cloves1 cup chopped ra is ins14 cup chopped nu t s

Resift f lour with salt and spices. Cream shortening and sugar, whip in egg and apple sauce.A dd flour mix ture a l terna te ly wi th hot waterin which soda has been dissolved. A dd raisins


}4  cup shortening1 cup sugar1 large egg or 2 small ones13^   cups cold, thick unsweetened

apple sauce2 teaspoons sodaH  cup boil ing water

and n ut s with last addit io n of flour. B ak e ingreased floured pan 8 x 12 x 134 inches inmoderate oven (350° F . ) 45 minutes.


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14 cup shortening  14 cup milkYz  cu p s u g ar 2 cu ps s if ted E -Z -B A K E F l o u rYi  cup hone y 2 teaspoo ns bak ing powd er1 egg  Y  teaspoon sal t

1 teaspoon lemon extract

Cream toge ther shor ten ing and sugar . A ddhon ey and be at unt il l ight and fluffy. A dd eggand ex t rac t and bea t tho rough ly . A dd s if ted

dry ing red ien ts a l t e rna te ly w i th mi lk . B ake ina shal low pan in moderate oven (375° F. )25 to 30 minutes .


1  c up s E - Z - B A K E F lo u r2 teaspoons bak ing powderY  teaspo on sodaY  teaspo on sal t14 cup bu t te r o r ma rgar ine

Sift flour, baking powder, soda and salt toge ther th ree t imes . Cream toge ther bu t te r o rm arga rine and su gar. A dd eggs , one at a t im e,bea t ing after each add i t ion . A dd orange r ind


13:2  cups milkz/i  cup l ight brown sugar

1 package (8 oz. ) p i t ted dates

Place milk and sugar in sauce pan. St i r unt i lsugar is d issolved. B oi l 5 m inu tes . A dd da tes .

Cook unt i l mixture forms a soft bal l . Cool .

1 cup sugar2 eggsGrated yellow rind of 1 orangeYz  cup coconutYz cup orange ju ice

and c oconut . Mix wel l. A dd f lour mix turea l te rna te ly wi th o range ju ice . B ake in two10-inch layer pans in moderate oven (375° F. )25 minutes .

1 teaspoon vani l laYz  cup coconut34  cup chopped nu t me ats

A dd remain ing ingred ien ts and bea t un t i lsmooth enough to spread between layers . Frost

with Seven Minute Icing (page 5) .


34  cup shorteningcup l ight brown sugar

1  egg1 Yz c up s E - Z - B A K E F lo ur\\4  t easpoons bak ing powder

Whip shortening, sugar and egg to a  fluff. A d dflour, mixed with baking powder, salt andspices , a l ternately with water to the shorten-

Y  teaspoon sal t1 teaspoon cinnamonYi  teaspoon cloves34  t easpoon n u tm egYt  cup water

ing mix ture. B ake in a shal low pa n  7 x 7  inchesin moderate oven (375° F. ) 25 minutes .


1 Yz c u ps s ifte d E - Z - B A K E F l ou rY  teaspoon sal t14 teaspoon soda1 2 teaspoon b aking powde r1 teaspoon ginger

j cup boi l ing wate r

Yi  teaspoon cinnamon34 cup  shortening34 cup sugar1 eggYi  cup dark molasses

Mix dry ingredients . Whip shortening, sugarand egg to a  fluff.  Combine molasses andwater . Fo ld  Y  of  f lour mixture in to shorteningmix tu re . Then bea t in  Yt  of the l iquid. Fold inan o t h e r  Yz of f lour m ixture . B eat in rem aining

l iquid . Fold in rem aining f lour mix ture . B akein a 7 x 7 inch shallow pan , l ined w ith greasedwax paper, in moderate oven (350° F. ) about30 minutes . Let s tand in pan 3 minutes beforetu rn ing ou t on a rack . B reak apar t wi th 2 forks.


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1 Yz c u ps sifte d E - Z - B A K E F l ou r1 cup sugar34 teaspoon salt2 teaspoons baking powder

Sift together three times flour, sugar, salt and

bak ing powd er. A dd milk and vani l la to egg.A dd to dry ingred ients . Mix only unt i l b lended.Fold in butter or margarine. Fill 12 well

1 egg, well beatencup milk

1 teaspoon vani l laY  cup me lted bu t ter or ma rgarin e

greased muffin t ins  ful l. B ake in mod erate

oven (375° F. ) about 15 minutes .Variation:   Pla ce a spoonful of ba tt er in muffint in . A dd a gum drop , then more ba t te r .


In top of double boiler place:

1 egg white%  cup sugar

B ea t to thoroug hly b lend. Set over boil ingwater and beat with ro tary beater unt i l mixture is fluffy and holds its  shape—about  7

Y  teaspoon cream of ta r ta r3 tablespoons water

minu tes . Remove f rom hea t and bea tteaspoon vani l la .


1 Y±  cu p s sifte d E - Z - B A K E F l ou r1 cup sugar2 teaspoo ns cinn amo nYz  teaspoon clovesY  t easpoon nu tm eg

1 cup but termilk or sour milk

}4  teaspoon sal tYz  cup bu t te r o r margar ine1 egg, well beaten2 tablespoons molasses1 teaspoon soda (scant)

Mix dry ingred ients thorou ghly . W ork in butte r o r margar ine . Reserve  Yz  cup of mixturefor topping. Gradual ly beat molasses in to egg,and add but termilk in which soda has beendissolved. Combine with f lour mixture. Pour

in to grease d a nd floured pan , 7 x 7 x  13^inches . Sprinkle reserved mixture over top .B ake in mo dera te oven (375° F . ) a bou t 25m i n u t e s .


1M  cu p s sifte d E - Z - B A K E F l ou r2 teaspo ons baking powder

teaspoon sal tYz  cup bu t te r o r ma rgar ine

3 eggs

134  cups sugarYz cup milkY  teaspoo n vani l la extractY  teaspo on lemon extra ct

Mix flour, baking powder and salt and sifttoge ther th ree t imes . Cream toge ther bu t te ror ma rgarin e and sugar. A dd f lour mixtur eal tern ately with milk to sugar mix ture . A dd

eggs one at a t ime and beat thoroughly aftereach add i t ion . A dd f lavoring. B ake in greasedshallow pan 8 x 12 inches in moderate oven(375° F. ) for about 35 minutes .


1 t ab le sp oo n E - Z - B A K E F lo ur

1 cup confectioners sugar2 tables poon s softened bu t te ro r margar ine

B lend and spre ad when cake is cooled.

2 tablespoons th ick cream

Few drops each vani l la andlemon extract

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1 cup but te r o r margar ine1 cup granula ted sugar2 whole eggs

3 cu p s E - Z - B A K E F l ou r (o r m o r e)Mix butter or margar ine , sugar and eggs unti lsm oot h. A dd f lour and gra ted peel . Chil ldough. Rol l th in . Cut . P lace on but te redcooky sheet . B rush cookies l ightly with egg.

Grated peel of 1 lemonTopping:  1 egg beaten with 1 table

spoon water

Ground a lmonds mixed with sugarSprinkle each with a lmond sugar mix. B ake inmodera te oven (350° F . ) . Makes 4 to  A


dozen cookies, depending on size of cutter.


14 cup but t e r o r marg ar ine1 cup sugar1  egg1 %  cu p s s ifted E - Z - B A K E F l ou r

Cream together butter or margar ine and sugar .B ea t in egg and ad d vani l la . Combine dryingredien ts and mix in to bu t te r mix ture a l te r nate ly with milk. Drop by teaspoonfuls , 2

3 •>  teaspoon sodaY  teaspoon sa l tYz  cup b ut te rm i lk1 teaspoon vanil la

inches apa r t , on but te red bak ing shee t . B akein hot oven (400° F.) about 10 minutes .

For tea cookies, decorate with bits of candied fruits, colored sugar or nuts.


3 3-2 c u ps s ifte d E - Z - B A K E F l ou r1 teaspoon sodaYz  teaspoon sa l t

2 eggs

1 cup chopped nuts1 cup butter or margar ine2 cups brown sugar

Sift together three times flour, soda and salt.A dd nuts . Cream toge the r bu t te r or margar ineand sugar . B ea t in eggs . Com bine mixtures .

Shape in rol ls the desired diameter . Wrap inwax paper and chill in refrigerator. Slice thin.B ake in ho t oven (400° F . ) un t i l b row ned.


Yz   c u p s ifte d E - Z - B A K E F l ou rY  teaspo on sa l t2 squares (ounces) choco la teYz  cup milk

2 eggs1 cup sugar

) cup butte r or margar ine , m elted

1 cup nuts1 teaspoon vanil la

Mix flour and salt. Cut chocolate in bits andheat with milk, s t i r r ing continuously unti lm ixtu re is sm ooth an d thick. Cool . B eat eggs,then bea t in sugar gradua l ly . Con t inue bea t ingunti l mixture is smooth.

Whip chocola te mixture into egg mixture ;

the n add f lour m ixture . B eat in m elted bu tteror margar ine and vani l la . A dd nut s . B ake inbuttered and floured shallow pan  1 2 x 7  inchesin modera te oven (350° F . ) about 40 minutes .Cut in small squares.


Y  cup but te r o r marga r ine1 cup sugar1 teaspoon gra ted orange r ind2 eggs, well beaten

Y  teaspoon sa l t

2 tablespoons orange juice1 cup chopped raisins2 c up s E - Z - B A K E F lo u r2 teaspoons bak ing powder

Cream toge the r shor ten ing and sugar . A ddrind, eggs, and orange juice . Whip smooth.A dd ra is ins and remaining ingred ients well-

mixed. Chil l dough. Roll thin. Shape with asha rp cutter . B ake on greased bakin g sheet inmoderate oven (375° F.) .

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Yz  cup shor tening 1 egg, well bea tenYz  cup brow n sugar 34 teasp oon sal tY  cup whi te sugar 34 teaspo on bak ing sodaYz  cup draine d crushed p ineapple 1 teaspo on bak ing powderY  cup broken nu ts 1 teaspoo n vani l la

2 c up s E - Z - B A K E F lo ur

Crea m shor t en ing wi th sugar s . A dd egg and A dd nu t s . Mix tho rough ly . Drop by t easpoon-pinea pple. M ix thoro ugh ly . A dd f lavoring .  fuls  on to a greased cooky sheet . B ake in hotSift f lour, m ea sure , an d sif t with sal t , bak ing oven (425° F. ) ab ou t 10 m inute s,soda and ba king powde r . A dd to fi rs t mixture.


3 Yz  c u p s s if te d E - Z - B A K E F l o ur 1 c u p s u ga r1 teaspo on soda 1 cup th ick sour cream34 teaspoon sal t  Yz  teaspoo n almond ext rac t1 cup bu t te r or m argar ine 1 egg wh i te4 egg yolks G ran ula ted sugar

Sift toge ther thr ee t im es f lour, soda and sal t . Chil l dou gh and form into bo wk no ts. B rushR ub bu t ter or m arga r ine in to f lour mixtu re. wi th bea ten egg whi te and spr inkle wi th sugar .B ea t egg yolks , the n gradual ly bea t in sugar . B ak e in mo dera te oven (350° F.) unt i l a l ightA dd cream and flavoring, the n flour m ixtu re.  brown—about  15 minutes .


Yz  c u p b u t t e r or m a r g a r i ne 1 c u p s ifte d E - Z - B A K E F l o ur34 cup brow n sugar 1 egg wh ite, be ate n sl ight ly1 egg yolk  Yz  cup chopped nuts

Jel ly

Cre am together bu t ter or ma rgar ine and sugar , shee t . M ake a well in the center of each cooky.the n bea t in egg yolks . Gradu al ly work in B ake in m ode rate oven (375° F.) 5 m inutes .

f lour. Roll doug h in small bal ls, dip in egg Pre ss cen ters dow n and continu e bak ing 15whi te then in nu ts . Place on a but tere d cooky m inu tes . Cool s l ightly and f ill centers with  jelly.


3H  c u p s s if te d E - Z - B A K E F l o u r 1 c u p s h o r te n i n g1 teas poo n soda 2 cup s l ight brow n sugar1 teas po on sal t 2 eggs1 cup chopped nu t s  Y  cu p cold coffee

2 cups wel l -drained m ince m eat

Sift tog ethe r thr ee t im es me asure d flour, soda, dra ine d from min ce m ea t . St ir in minc e  meatand sal t . A dd nu ts . Cre am together shor tening W he n well b lended , drop by teaspoonfuls onand sugar . B ea t i n eggs one a t a t ime . A dd bu t t e red bak ing shee t . B ake i n mod era t e ovenflour m ixtur e al t ern ate ly with coffee and juice (375 ° F. ) ab ou t 15 m inu tes .


3 Yz  cups  E-Z-BAKE  Flo ur 1 cu p cold stro ng coffee1 teaspo on baking powder 1 cup shor tening1 teaspo on soda 1 cup whi te sugarY  teaspo on sal t 1 cup brow n sugar2 teaspo ons cinnam on 2 eggsY  teas poo n cloves 1 cup cho ppe d seeded raisins34 teaspoon nutmeg  Y  cup mi lk

M ix flour, leave ning, sal t and spices. Cre am Chil l . D ro p by teaspoo nfuls (1 Yz inches ap ar t )

togeth er shor tening and sugars ; be at in eggs . on greased cooky she et . B ake in ho t ovenA dd f lour m ixture al tern ately wi th coffee to (400° F.) ab ou t 12 m inutes . M akes 5 to 6shor tening m ixture . M ix in rai s ins and nu ts . dozen cookies .


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6 tablespoo ns bu t te r or m arga rine 1 teaspoon vani l la1 Yz  cu p s g ran u l a t ed s u ga r 1 cu p s if ted E -Z -B A K E F l o u r3 eggs, well be ate n 34 teas poo n salt2 squares choco late , mel ted 6 tablespoo ns milk

1 cup chopped walnu ts

Cream tog e ther bu t te r o r ma rgar ine and sugar ,

beat in eggs, chocolate, and vanilla. Mix flourand sal t and add al ternately with milk to f i rs tmix tu re . S t i r in nu ts . B ake in g reased pan

1 2 x 8 x 1  inches in moderate oven (350° F. )

25 min u tes . If hard ra ther th an chewy b row niesare preferred , bake 10 m inute s longer.

P I E S  • P A S T R I E S


For 2-Crust Pies (9 inch)

2K  c up s E - Z - B A K E F lo ur24  teaspoo n sal t

Sif t f lour and sal t together . Cut shorteninginto f lour to consis tency of coarse meal . A ddcold water a l i t t le a t a t ime, us ing only enough

Y  cup shorteningCold water to mois ten

to make the dough ho ld toge ther . Turn ou t ona lightly floured board and roll thin, handlingas l i t t le as possible.


1 c u p sif te d E - Z - B A K E F l o u rY  teaspoo n sal t

Mix and sift flour and salt . Cut in shorteningunt i l mixture is l ike coarse corn meal . Mix inwater , add ing on ly enough to make doughhold together. Roll out on floured cloth toY  inch th ic k . Fi t down in to pa n. Flu te edges .

Y  cup shortening2 to 3 tablespoons ice water

Chil l . B efore baking, prick pa s tr y with a forkto preve nt puffing du ring baking . B ake in ho toven (475° F.) 8 to 10 minutes. Cool beforeadding filling.


7 cu p s s if ted E -Z -B A K E F l o u r 4 t e a sp o o n s s a lt 2 cups shortening

Resift flour with salt . Cut in shortening with apa stry b lender or 2 knives unt i l the mix ture is

like coarse meal. Store in a closely covered jarin the refr igerator . For a  2-crust pie, use 2 cupsof the Pas t ry Mix and a bou t 5 t ab lespoons o f

ice w ater . M ix the water in l ight ly with spa tulaso the pas try wil l be smooth . Rol l out on

floured board to  Y  inch th ick , handl ing asl i t t le as poss ib le . B ake according to d irect io nswith each recipe.


1 qu ar t fresh* blueberries 2 tablespoo ns bu t ter or ma rgar inecup sugar 1 teaspoo n lemon ju ice

3 t ab le sp o on s E - Z - B A K E F lo u r

1 recipe Plain Pastry (see above)

Line a p ie p late with pas try and f i l l wi th b lueberries . Sprinkle with lemon ju ice and mixtureof sugar and f lour. Dot with but ter or margarine. Cover with top crus t . Cut s l i ts in topfor escape of s team . Seal edges . B ake in h ot

oven (425° F. ) about 40 minutes .

*With canned blueberries use 3 cups berr ies ,Y  c u p j u ic e , 3 t ab le s po o ns E - Z - B A K E F l o u rand enough sugar to sweeten.

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3 cups pit ted fresh cherries  Y  teasp oon sa l t

c u p su g ar ( s c a n t ) 1 t o 2 t a b le sp o o n s E - Z - B A K E F l o u r

1 t ab lespoon bu t t e r

1 rec ipe Pla in Past ry (page 8)

Co mb ine cherr ies and dry ingredien ts , adjust - wi th cherr ies; do t wi th bu t te r ; cover wi th top

ing am ou nts of sugar and flour according to crust or arra ng e la t t ice of pa st ry s t r ips . B ak esweetness and juic iness of cherr ies; mix thor - in ho t oven (425° F . ) 40 to 45 m inute s,oughly. Line pie pla te wi th past ry and f i l l


6 to 8 ta r t apples 34 teasp oon sa l t

^4  cup sugar 2 t ab lespoons bu t t e r

1 rec ipe Pla in Past ry (page 8)

Line pie pla t e wi th pa st r y and f il l wi th apples, of crust , cover wi th top crus t ; press edges to-pared and sl iced; spr ink le w i th m ixtu re of gether . C ut s l i ts in to p crus t to a llow steam to

sugar and sa l t ; dot wi th bu t te r . Moisten edge escape. B ak e in hot oven (425° F . ) 45 m inu tes.


\Yz  p o u n d s r h u b a r b , w a sh ed a n d 3 t ab l es p o o n s E - Z - B A K E F lo u rcut in  inch pieces  Y  teasp oon sa l t

1 cup sugar 1 egg, bea ten

1 t ab lespoon bu t t e r o r marga r ine

1 rec ipe Pla in Past ry (page 8)

P rep a re rhu ba rb . Com bine sugar, f lour , and bu t t e r or ma rga r ine . Cover w i th top   crustsa l t ; th en blend in egg. M ix w i th r hu ba rb . C ut s l i ts in top for escape of s team . Seal edges.

Place in pa st ry- l ined pa n. D ot f il ling wi th B ake in ho t oven (425° F . ) abo ut 45 m inu tes .


Y  rec ipe Pla in Pa st r y (page 8)

34 cup bu t ter or ma rgar ine 34 teasp oon sa l t1 cup l ight brow n sugar 3 eggs1 cup wh i te corn syru p 1 teaspo on vani l la

1 cup pecans

Cream toge the r bu t t e r o r marga r ine and sugar , i n to pas t ry - l ined p la t e . B ake in ho t ovensyrup , sa l t . A dd eggs one a t a t ime and be at (450° F . ) 10 m inu tes, the n reduce he at to

un ti l f luffy. A dd v anil la and pec ans . T u rn 350 ° F . an d ba ke un ti l f il ling is set .


Yz  rec ipe Pla in Pa st r y (page 8 )

Yz  c u p s if te d E - Z - B A K E F l o u r 1 c u p m i lk1 cup sugar  y2  cup prun e juice ( in which prun esYz  teaspoo n sa l t were cooked)Y  teaspoon c inna mo n 1 cup chop ped cooked prun es3 eggs, s l ight ly bea ten 1 teaspo on vani l la

Com bine f lour, sugar , sa l t and c innam on. chi lled past ry - l ined pa n. B ake in hot ovenB lend into eggs to mak e a smo oth mix ture . (425° F . ) ab ou t 45 m inu tes. Cool . Ju st beforeCom bine mi lk, pru ne juice and vani l la , and serving sprea d w i th: 1 cup cream wh ipped,st i r into f lour m ixture . A dd pru nes . Po ur into s l ight ly sweetened an d f lavored wi th van i l la .

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\Y   cups cot tag e cheese2 t ab le sp oo n s E - Z - B A K E F l ou r34 teaspoon salt2 tablespoo ns cre amY  cup sugar

3 egg yolksForce cheese throug h s ieve. A dd f lour, sal t a ndcrea m. M ix wel l. B ea t sugar in to egg yolks ,then add lemon ju ice, r ind and currants . Combine with cheese mixture. When wel l b lended,

1 tab lespoon mel ted bu t te r o r margar ine1 tablespoon lemon ju ice1 teaspoon grated yel low rind of lemon34 cup currants3 egg whites, beaten stiff

Y  cup coarsely ground alm ondsfold in egg whites. Place in a shallow squarepan l ined with German Pie Paste (see below).Sprinkle almo nds over top . B ak e in hot oven(400° F. ) about 35 minutes .


4 tab lespoons bu t te r o r margar ine2 egg yolks2 tablespoons lemon ju ice

Y  teaspo on sal t

3 tablespoons water1 Yz c u ps s if te d E - Z - B A K E F l ou r1 teaspoon baking powder

Cream bu t te r o r marga r ine . A dd yolks , l emonjuice and w ate r . B lend wel l . A dd f lour, s i ftedwith baking powder and sal t . Press with f inger

tips into bottom and sides of 7-inch squarepan . F lu te edge .


3 t ab le sp oo n s E - Z - B A K E F lo u r 2 %  cups milk2 tablespoo ns corns tarch 3 egg yolks , s l ightly bea tenY  cup sugar 1 tablespo on but ter or ma rgarin eYz  teaspoon sal t 1 teaspo on vani l la

1 recipe Pastry Shel l (page 8)

Mix flour, cornstarch, sugar and salt . Stir inmilk . B ring to a boi l over low heat , s t i rr ingcon t inuous ly . Con t inue cook ing 3 minu tes .St i r a l i t t le of the hot mixture in to egg yolks;then blend in to hot mixture. Cook over hot

wa ter 10 m inute s , s t i rr ing occasional ly . St i r inbu t te r o r ma rgar ine . Coo l tho rough ly . A ddvani l la . Pour in to cooled, baked pastry shel l .When cool , cover with whipped cream or th ismer ingue :

3 egg whites 34 teaspoo n cream of ta r ta r 6 tablespoo ns sugar

B eat egg wh ites unt i l foamy . A dd cream of g lossy . Sprea d over p ie , seal onto edges . B row nta rt ar and cont inue beat in g unt i l s ti ff enough abo ut 15 min utes in s low oven (325° F . ) .to hold a peak. Gradual ly beat in sugar unt i l


Yz  cu p E -Z -B A K E F l o u r 34 t e a sp o o n s a lt4 t ab lespoons bu t te r o r margar ine  cup l ight brown sugar1 pin t ho t milk 2 egg yolk s, slightly be ate n

Y  teasp oon vani l la

1 recipe Pastry Shel l (page 8)

Combine f lour and but ter or margarine overlow heat. Stir until well blended. Stir in hotmilk gradual ly . Cont inue s t i rr ing while cooking. When th ick , b lend in sal t and sugar. St i ra l i t t le of hot mixture in to egg yolks . Return

2 egg whites

Y  teaspoon cream of tar tarB ea t egg whi tes un t i l foamy. A dd c ream ofta r ta r and bea t un t i l stiff.  B ea t in sugar g radually. Flavor. Spread on cooled pie, being care-

to sauce pan. Cook over hot water 5 minutes .A dd flavoring. C ool and po ur into cooled,baked pastry shel l . Cover with meringue madefrom:

Yz cup sugar

Few drops vani l laful  to spre ad to edge. B ake in slow o ven(325° F. ) about 15 minutes .

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1 c u p s ifte d E - Z - B A K E F l o u r1 cup boil ing water

Sif t and measu re flour. B r ing water and bu t terto a rolling boil. A dd all th e flour and stircont inuously wi th a wooden spoon unt i l mixture clears the pan and forms into a bal l

( abou t 1 m inu te ) . Coo l. A dd unbea t en eggsone at a t ime, beat ing to a smooth paste aftereach addi t ion . Cont inue beat ing unt i l mixturelooks velvety . Drop by spoonfuls onto bakingshe et, form ing 12  mounds—3  inches apar t .

Y  cup bu t ter or ma rgar ine4 eggs

B ake in ho t oven (450° F.) 15 min utes . R educ eheat to 350° F. and cont inue baking 30 to 35minutes more. When baked, cool away f romdrafts. To fi l l , remove tops with a sharp knife.

Scrape out any flecks of soft dough. Fill puffswith sw eetene d and flavored wh ipped c reamor sof t custard . Replace tops . Spr inkle wi thpowdered sugar .


1 tablespoon gelat inY  cup cold wa ter1 cup brown sugar , packed in cupY  teaspoon sal t

1 teaspoon cinnamon34 teaspoon gingerY  teasp oon al lspice

1 Y  cups cooked pum pkin3 egg yolks , beaten unt i l th ick and

lemon coloredY  cup mi lk

3 egg whitesY  teaspoo n cream of tar tar6 tab lespoo ns granula ted sugar

1 recipe Pastry Shell (page 8)

Soak gelat in in cold water. Mix together brownsugar, salt and spices in top of double boiler.St i r in pumpkin . Combine egg yolk wi th mi lkand b lend in to pumpkin mixture. Cook overhot water unt i l mixture th ickens and the f lavors are b lended (abou t 10 min utes) , s t i r r ingfrequent ly . Re mo ve f rom he at . B eat in soakedgelat in. Cool mixture unti l i t begins to set ;

then beat unt i l f luffy with a rotary beater .Make a st i ff meringue by beat ing egg whiteswi th cream of tar tar unt i l  stiff;  then gradual lybeat ing in sugar. Continue beat ing unti l glossy.Fold in to pumpkin mixture. Pi le l ight ly in tocooled baked pastry shell and chill in refrigerator a t least 2 hou rs before se rving.

Q U I C K  B R E A D S


1 p in t but te rm i lk 2 tab lespoo ns mel ted bu t te r2 c u p s E - Z - B A K E F l o u r 1 t e a sp o o n s o da2 eggs  Yz  teaspo on sal t

Strawberries or apple sauceGradual ly beat the but termi lk in to the f lour .When smooth , cover and le t s tand severalhours .  Then add r emain ing ing red i en t s , bea t ing eggs in well . B ak e on grease d, ho t gridd le.

Spread with butter and pi le in layers withsl iced sugared strawberries or sweetened applesauce for filling.

WAFFLES2 c u p s E - Z - B A K E F l o u r 1 t a b le s p o o n s u ga r3 teaspoon s bak ing powder 2 eggs , sepa rated1 teaspoon sal t  \ cups mi lk

Y  cup mel ted and cooled shor tening

Mix together dry ingredients . Combine eggyolks,  mi lk , shor tening , and add to dry ingredien ts. B ea t unt i l free from lum ps . Fold in egg


wh ites. B ak e in ho t waffle i ron unti l ste amceases to escape.


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2 cups sifted E-Z-BAKE FlourYz cup chopped nuts24  cup milk1 egg, beaten

Sift together flour, baking powder, salt; addnuts.  Add milk, honey and cooled meltedmargarine to egg. Add liquid mixture to dryingredients, mixing quickly, only enough to

4 teaspoons baking powderY  teaspoon salt3 tablespoons honey4 tablespoons margarine, melted

dampen flour. Half fill greased muffin tins. Ifdesired, garnish each with a whole nut. Bakein hot oven 400 ° F.) about 25 min utes.

8 cups sifted E-Z-BAKE Flour


34 cup baking powder

Mix flour, baking powder and salt thoroughly.Cut in shortening until mix has a uniform

4 teaspoons salt1Y  cups shortening

crumb like coarse meal. Store in refrigerator.U se  Y  cup milk to 2 cups M ix.

DROP BISCUITS2 cups Biscu it M ix see abo ve) 1 cup milk

Stir milk into mix. Drop by tablespoonfuls inmounds, an inch apart, on greased baking

sheet. Bak e in hot oven 45 0° F.) abou t 12minutes. Serve immediately.


Use 2 cups Biscuit Mix abo ve) and enoughmilk to ma ke a soft dough about  cup).Roll half of dough to  Y  inch thick. Cutwith 1 Y  inch cutter. Place close together on a

greased baking sheet. Place on top of each aspoonful of deviled ham. Roil the remaining

dough, cut, and top each filled round. Pressedges together. Bake in hot oven 450 ° F.)about 12 minutes. Minced chicken, cubes ofpimiento cheese or marmalade may be used

instead of ham.


To serve with green salads)

2 cups sifted E-Z-BAKE Flour4 teaspoons baking powderY  teaspoon salt

Sift dry ingredients together three times. Cutin shortening. Add milk to make a soft dough.

Add cheese. Drop by spoonfuls on buttered

3 tablespoons shorteningMilk to moisten—about  Y  cupYz  cup grated sharp cheese

baking sheet. Bake in hot oven 450 ° F. ) 10 to12 minutes, depending on size. Serve hot.


3 cups sifted E-Z-BAKE Flour3 teaspoons baking powderYz  teaspoon salt1 egg, beaten

Mix together flour, baking powder and salt.Gradually beat sugar into egg. Then add milkalternately with flour mixture. When well

blended, add peel and butter. Pour into buttered, floured loaf pan. Let stand 20 minutes.Bake in moderate oven 375 ° F.) about 50minutes.


1 cup sugar1 cup milk1 cup chopped candied orange peel*2 tablespoon s butter or margarine, me lted

•To  candy orange peel, remove white, bitterskin from orange peel. Cut into strips  Y  inchwide. Boil in syrup made of 1 cup sugar and

Y  cup water until tender and candied. Addwater if  thi  syrup cooks down before the peelis candied.

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•  * N UT BRE AD

3 cups E-Z-BAKE Flour3 teaspoons baking powder1 teaspoon salt

cup sugar

Sift flour once, measure, add baking powder,

salt and sugar; sift again. Add nuts. Combineeggs, milk and shortening ; add to flour mixtureand blend. Bake in greased loaf pan in mod-

1 cup chopped nut meats2 eggs, well beaten1 cup milk4 tablespoons melted butter or margarine

erate ove n 35 0° F.) 1 hour, or until done.

Store the bread overnight or for several hoursin order to cut into thin slices.


3 cups sifted E-Z-BAKE Flour4 teaspoons baking powderYz  teaspoon sodaYz teaspoons salt

3 tablespoons sugar

Mix together dry ingredients and cut in shortening. Add eggs to milk and combine with dryingredients. Stir in nuts and prunes. Bake in

34 cup shortening2 eggs, well beaten1 cup milkY  cup chopped nuts1 cup chopped, cooked prunes

buttered, floured loaf pan—9  x 5 x 3 inches-in moderate oven 375 ° F. ) 1 hour.


3 Y2  cups sifted  E Z BAKE  Flour Grating of nutm egY  teaspoon soda 1 egg1 teaspoon baking powder scant) 1 cup sugarY  teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons melted shortening

1 cup buttermilk or sour milk

Mix flour, leavening, salt and spice. Graduallybeat egg into sugar. Add shortening and flourmixture alternately with milk. Chill dough foreasier handling. Turn part of dough at a time

out on floured board, roll out gently to  Y  inchthick. Cut with floured cutter. Fry in deep fatat 370° F. until golden brown, turning doughnuts once.


2 cups sifted E-Z-BAKE Flour3 teaspoons baking powderY  teaspo on saltY  teaspoon mace

Mix together sifted flour, baking powder, saltand mace. Whip sugar, shortening and eggs toa smooth  fluff.  Add flour mixture alternately

Y  cup sugar2 tablespoons softened shortening2 eggsY  cup milk

with milk. Drop batter by teaspoonfuls intohot fat 37 5° F.) and fry until golden brown.Drain on absorbent paper.


2 cups sifted E-Z -BA K E Flour 4 teaspoon s baking powder34 cup sugar 1 egg, well beate nY  teaspoo n salt 1 cup milk

Y   cup melted shortening

Combine flour, sugar, salt, and baking powder.

Add milk to eggs. Stir egg mixture into flourmixture, stirring only until mixed. Blend incooled shortening. Fill greased muffin pansY  full . Bak e in hot oven 425 ° F.) about 20

* *  HRST  P R I Z E W I N N E R

minutes. Serve piping hot.

For Blueberry Mu ffins:  Add 2 tablespoonssugar and Y  cup well-drained berries to batterjust before putting into muffin pans.

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1 c u p s if te d E - Z - B A K E F l o urVo  teasnoon sal tz  teaspoo n sal t

Com bine f lour and sal t . B eat m ilk in to eggs;then beat in to f lour mixture. Put 34 teaspoonbutter into hot muffin pans. Pour half full of

2 eggs, beaten1 cup milk

ba t te r . B ake in ho t oven (475° F . ) 15 minu tes .Reduce hea t to 350° F . and bake 30 minu teslonger.


2 c u ps s if te d E - Z - B A K E F l o u rYz  teaspoo n sal t

\  teaspoon soda

4 tablespoons shorteningY  cup bu t ter m ilk or sour milk (s can t)

Sift together measured flour, soda and salt .Cut in shortening unt i l mixture has the textureof corn mea l . A dd enough milk to mak e a softdoug h . Tu rn ou t on flou red board . K nead

lightly. Roll  Yz  inch thic k. Cu t wit h a flouredbiscui t cut ter . Prick with fork . Place close together on a bakin g sheet . B ake in hot ove n(450° F. ) 12 to 15 minutes .



1 package compressed orgranular yeas t

34 cup lukewarm water2 cups sweet milk

Soften yeast in lukewarm water . Scald milk ;add sugar, sal t , shortening. Cool to lukewarm,th en ad d 2 cups flour, be at well; ad d yea st.A dd more flour grad ual ly to form a m ode ratelys t i ff dough. Turn out on board; knead unt i lsmooth—5  to 8 minu tes . Place in greased

2 tablespoons sugar2 teaspoons sal t2 tablespoons shorten ing6 c u ps s ifte d E - Z - B A K E F l o u r

bowl. Cover. Let r ise unt i l double in bulk .Punch down; le t r ise again unt i l doubled.Shape in to loaves . Cover, le t r ise on board10 minutes . Place in greased pans . Let r iseunt i l double. B ake in hot oven (400° F. ) 45 to50 minu tes . Makes two one-pound loaves .


4 c up s s if te d E - Z - B A K E F l o ur2 cakes fresh yeast or 2 packages

granular yeas t

Y  cup lukew arm milk

Sift and measure f lour. Crumble yeast in to34 cup milk (if granular yeast is used, sprinklei t on m ilk ); s ti r in 1 tablespoon su gar. Cre amshor ten ing and  Yz cup sugar as for cake . B eatin eggs and ye ast m ixtu re. A dd half th e f lourand rem aining milk ; bea t wel l . A dd rem aining

Yz  cup sugar, p lus 1 tablespoonYz  cup shortening2 eggs1 teaspoon salt

f lour and sal t . B ea t unt i l smo oth . Cover w ithdamp cloth . Let r ise unt i l doubled in   bulk

punch down. Let dough res t  15 m inu tes . Shaperolls . Let rise until  light—about  15 minutes .B ake in hot oven (400° F. ) 12 to 15 m inu tes .Makes about 30 ro l ls .


Foundat ion Sweet Dough (page 16)

3 tablespoons but ter or margarineW hen F ou nda t ion Sweet Dou gh is l ight , fi t i tin to a greased shal low pan. For topping, rubbut ter or margarine in to a mixture of f lour


c up E - Z - B A K E F lo ur

cup sugarand sugar. When dough has doubled in bulk ,bake in moderate oven (375° F. ) about 35minu tes .

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1 package yeast , compressedor granular

34 cup lukewarm water1 cup milk, scaldedY  cup shorten ing

34 lemon rind, grated

Yz  cup sugar1 Yz  teaspoo ns sa l t4 egg yolks or 2 whole eggs4 34 c u p s s if te d E - Z - B A K E F l o u r1 cup cur ran t s

Soften yeast in lukewarm water . Combineshortening, sugar, milk and salt . Cool to lukew a r m . A d d 2 c u p s E - Z - B A K E F lo u r t o th esof tened yeast and beaten eggs. (Reservewh i te of 1 egg for f rost ing. ) B eat thoro ugh ly.A dd l emon r ind and cur ran t s . B lend wel l. A ddremaining flour to form a soft dough. Turn outon l ightly floured board and knead unti lsmooth and sa t iny. P lace in a l ight ly greasedbowl, cover, and let rise in warm place unti l

double (abou t 2 hours ) . K nead , shape in tosmall buns. Place close together in greasedpa n. Le t r i se unt i l double (about 1 ho ur) .B ak e in ho t oven (400° F . ) 20 min utes . Remove from pan a t once and decora te wi thcrosses of confectioner 's sugar icing while hot.

Frosting:  A dd sugar gradual ly to rem ainingegg white and beat unti l st iff enough to holdsh ap e. A dd a few drop s of vanil la.


Foundat ion Sweet Dough (page 16)1 tablespoon but ter or margar ine

Pecan halves

2 tablespoons brown sugarY  teaspoon water

C o m b i n e  Yz t easpoon bu t t e r ,  1  teaspoon brownsugar and  Y  teaspoon water in muffin t in, andarrange 3 pecan halves in each. Rol l outFo un da t io n Sweet Do ugh as for c innam onrol ls . B rush l ight ly wi th mel ted bu t ter , spr inklewith brown sugar, and roll as for jelly roll. Seal

edges. Cut in  1-inch  lengths. Place cut sidedown in prep ared muffin pan s. W hen doubledin bulk, bake in moderate oven (375° F . )about 25 minutes. Let rolls cool in pans beforeremoving .

C I N N A M O N R OLLSFoundat ion Sweet Dough (page 16)34 cup mel ted but te r or m arga r ine


1 cup sugar1 Y  t easpoons c innamon

When Foundat ion Sweet Dough is l ight , rol linto long narrow oblong 34 inch thick. S preadwith but ter or margar ine . Mix sugar and c innamon and spr inkle over dough. Rol l up l ikejelly roll . Seal edge. Cut in one-inch sl ices.Place cut side down in well-greased muffin

t ins o r deep pan . B rush tops wi th m i lk .Sprinkle wi th sugar and c innamon mixture .Let r i se unt i l doubled in bulk. B ake in m odera te oven (375° F . ) abo ut 25 m inute s. M akes30 rolls.


6 c up s s if te d E - Z - B A K E F l ou r1 cup lukewarm wa te r

1 yeast cake1 cup milk

cup sugar , plus 1 teaspoon 2 teaspoo ns sa l t4 tablespoons mel ted shortening

Sift and measure flour. To  Yz  cup of the wateradd 1 teaspoo n sugar an d yeas t . Scald mi lk;ad d  Y  cup sugar and sa l t . Cool to lukewarm;add to yeast mixture wi th remaining water .A dd half the f lour and be at unt i l sm ooth. B eatin mel ted shortening and enough of the remain ing flour to mak e a soft doug h. K nea dwell . Place in a l ightly greased bowl. Coverand let rise in a warm place unti l doubled in


bulk. Punch down in bowl and let rise againunt i l doubled in bulk. Rol l out  Yz  inch thick .B rush over l ight ly wi th mel ted but te r or ma rgar ine . Cut out wi th a  2 3^2-inch biscui t c ut te r .Crease heavi ly through the center wi th dul ledge of a knife. Fold over pocket-book shape.Place close together on a greased baking sheet .Cov er and le t r ise . B ake in hot oven (425° F . )about 20 minutes. Makes 30 rol ls .

f B

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1 cake yeast2 cups milk, scalded7 c up s E - Z - B A K E F lo ur4 egg yolks1 egg

Dissolve yeast in lukewarm milk; add 2 cupsflour. Let s tand in warm place about  Yz  hour.B ea t egg yolks , egg, sugar, vani l la , lemon r indand salt together until l ight; add to first mixt u r e .  A dd bu t te r . A dd remain ing f lou r; be a t

Y  cup sugarYz teaspoon vani l laRind of lemon grated1 teaspoon saltY  cup bu t te r , mel ted

well. Cover and let rise until double in bulk.Place on floured board, pat until dough isYz  inch th ick . Cu t w ith d oug hnu t cut ter a ndlet rise. Fry in deep, hot fat (365° to 375° F.)abou t 3 minu tes .


5 c u ps s if te d E - Z - B A K E F l o ur2 cakes yeast (scant) or

2 package s granular ye as t34 cup lukewarm water

2 eggs , beaten

1 cup milk, scalded34 cup but ter or margarineYz  cup sugar1 teaspoon sal t

Measure and sift flour. Dissolve yeast in lukewa rm water . A dd bu t te r o r marg ar ine , sugarand sal t to milk . Cool to lukew arm . A dd halfth e f lour. B eat w el l . B eat in yeast , eggs andenough f lour to make a soft dough. Turn out

on lightly floured board and knead untilsat iny . Place in a l ight ly greased bowl. Coverand let rise until doubled in bulk. When light,punch down and shape in to tea r ings , ro l ls , orcoffee cakes.


1 cup milk, scalded

4 tablespoons mel ted but ter ormargar ine

Yz  teaspoon sal t

A dd but te r or ma rgar ine, sal t and sugar to hotmilk . Cool to lukewarm. Crumble in yeast andstir until dissolved. B ea t in flour. L et do ugh

2 tablespoons sugar

1 compressed yeast cake2 c u ps sifte d E - Z - B A K E F l o u r1 egg, well beaten

rise unt il l ight. B ea t in egg. Le t rise a gain .Po ur in to 8 large bu t ter ed muffin t ins . Letr i se .  B ake in ho t oven (425° F . ) 25 minu te s .


5 t o 6 cu p s s if ted E -Z -B A K E F l o u r2 yeas t  cakes

Y  cup lukewarm water1 cup milk34 cup shortening

6 tablespoons sugar

Y  cup sugar1 teaspoon salt

2 eggsB u t te r or margar ine , m el ted1 tablespoon cinnamon

Measure flour. Soften yeast in water. Scaldmilk , add shortening, sugar and sal t . Cool toluke wa rm . A dd 2 cups of the f lour, beat wel l ,then beat in yeast mixture and eggs . Mix inab ou t 3 cups of th e flour. Tu rn o ut on flouredboard and knead unt i l sat iny . Place in greasedbowl, brush with fat , and let rise in a warmplace unt i l doubled in bulk . Divide dough in

halves . Rol l each in a rectangle about  Yz  inchthick, 6 inches wide and 16 inches long. Spreadl ight ly with mel ted but ter or margarine, thensprinkle with a mixture of c innamon and

sugar, reserving 1 tablespo on of m ixtu re tosprinkle on top of loaves when they haverisen. Roll up lengthwise like jelly roll . Shape,punch ends toge ther to make a smooth   loaf.Plac e in 2 greased loaf pans   9 3 ^ x 5 3 ^ x 2 ^ 4inches . B rush tops with fat . Let r ise unt i lt r ip led in bulk . Sprinkle surface with remaining c innamon m ix tu re . B ake in mo dera te oven

(375° F. ) 50 minutes .Variation:  A dd chopped nu ts to dough andshape in to two loaves . Omi t c innamon andsugar.


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1 c up E - Z - B A K E F lo u rY  cup sugar1 teaspoon baking powder

Y  teaspo on sa l t1 teaspoon mel ted but te r o r ma rgar ineY  cup milk

Mix ingredients thoroughly and place in well-greased, deep bread pan,  4 x 8  inches . Th en mixtoge the r :

1 cup dra ined, canned cherr ies  Y  cup hot cherry juice1 cup sugar 1 teaspoo n me lted bu tte r

P lace che r ry mix tu re on top of ba t te r . B ake in ho t oven (400° F . ) 40 to 45 minute s . Do ugh r isesup through cher r ie s .


2 3̂2 cu ps E - Z - B A K E F lo ur  Yz  teaspoon sa l t4 teaspoons baking powd er 3 tab lespoons shor ten ing13 ^  tablesp oon s sugar 1 cup milk

1 egg (if yellow dough is preferred)

Sif t together dry ingredients; work in shor tening un ti l f laky. A dd beate n egg an d milk t omake ve ry sof t dough. Div ide dough and pa t

out sm ooth in greased cake pan s . B ake in ho toven (42 5° F.) 15 to 20 m inu tes . Fi l l an d to pwith sweetened strawberr ies .


2 c u ps s ifte d E - Z - B A K E F l o u rYz  teaspo on sa l tY  cup shor ten ingIce wa te r , about  Y  cup

Resif t flour with sa l t . B lend in sh or ten ing .A dd ice wa te r to ho ld dough toge the r . Rol lout on floured board as for pie crust. Cut in6 squ are s, each 7 or 8 inch es. Set an ap ple oneach and f i l l center with sugar and c innamon

6 tar t apples , pared and coredY  cup sugar1 teaspoon c innamon1 tab lespoon but te r

mixed, and dot of butter . Moisten edges ofpas t ry wi th wa te r and sea l edges . P lace dumplings in a shallow pan , 1 inch ap ar t . M ak e asyrup by boil ing together for 2 minutes:

4 tab lespoons but te r34 teaspoo n c innam on

Po ur s yru p over apples and bak e in ho t oven (425° F.) ab ou t 1 ho ur .

1 cup sugar2 cups water


(S teamed in Sauce)

1 Y  c up s s ifte d E - Z - B A K E F l o u rY  teaspoon soda1 teaspoon baking powderY  teaspoo n sa l tYz  teaspoon c innamon34 teaspoon clovesY  cup nu ts

Sift together flour, leavening, salt and spices;add nuts . Cream but te r o r margar ine and

Co m bine an d br ing to boil in 2 qu ar t , covered sauc epa n:

1 cup granula ted sugar  13^  cups water

4 tab lespoons but te r o r margar ineYz  cup packed brown sugar2 eggsY  teaspo on gra ted lemon r indY  teaspo on gra ted orange r ind1 cup gra ted carrots1 tablespoon lemon juice

sugar ; then beat in eggs, r ind, carrots andlemon ju ice . Combine mixtures .

Pour bat ter into boil ing l iquid. Do not s t i r .Cover immedia te ly . When s team comes out

Y  cup cur ran ts

v igorous ly , r educe hea t . S team 45 minutes .Turn out on p la t te r , ups ide down.


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1 c u p s ifte d E - Z - B A K E F l o u r1 cup l ight brown sugarY  cup bu t te r o r m argar ine1 quar t s l iced apples

Mix together f lour and brown sugar . Cut in

but te r o r margar ine un t i l mix ture i s c rumbly .P lace apples in bu t te red baking d ish , andspr inkle with mixture of granula ted sugar ,

1 cup granula ted sugarYz  teaspoon c innam onY  teaspoon sa l t1 cup water

c innamon and sa l t . Pour on water . Cover with

f lour m ixture . B ake in m od erate oven (375 ° F.)1 hour . Serve warm or cold with whippedcream.


Select large , tar t apples . Remove core ; peela nd ro l l i n E - Z - B A K E F lou r . F il l c e n te rs w i th

bu t te r o r margar ine and sugar . B ake in mode ra te oven (375° F . ) about 30 minutes .


1 c u p s ifte d E - Z - B A K E F l o u r\Y z  teaspoons baking powderY  teaspo on sa l t1 tablespo on sh or tening

Sif t together f lour , baking powder and sa l t .Cream shor tening and sugar , then beat in egg;add vani l la . A dd f lour mix ture a l te rna te lywi th mi lk to egg mixture . Turn in to greased

Yz  cup sugar1 egg1 teaspoon vanil laY  cup milk

pudding molds, cover t ightly. Steam for  1 Yzhours. Serve hot with whipped cream or hardsauce.


2 c up s s ifte d E - Z - B A K E F l o u r1 teaspoon soda34 teas poo n salt2 eggs, beaten

Sift together three times flour, soda and salt.B ea t sugar gradua l ly in to eggs , and cont inu ebea t ing unt i l smooth an d th ick . A dd s ievedpersimmons to egg mixture . Then add f lourmixture a l te rna te ly wi th mi lk . Pour ba t te r ,

1 Yz  cups sugar1 quar t pe r s immons rubbed

through sieve1 quar t milk

which is very thin, into a buttered pan  12x9x 2 inches. B ake in s low oven (325° F.) ab ou t2 ho urs . St ir 2 or 3 t imes du r ing b akin g. Servewarm or cold with whipped cream.



1 ham, 12 to 14 pounds1 q u a rt E - Z - B A K E F lo ur1 cup brown sugar

1 tablespoon ground c lovesHave butcher remove sk in f rom ham and a3-inch length from the hock end. Place fat sideup in a roas t ing pan . Combine dry ingred ien tsand add enough cider or water to make a soft

1 tab lespoon c innamon2 tab lespoons m usta rd1 teaspoon black pepper

Cider or waterdough. Roll out large enough to blanket hamon top, s ides and ends. Place on rack in shallow pan , adding no wa ter . B ake in slow ov en(350° F.) a l lowing 20 minutes per pound.

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B iscui t Dough (see page 24)

2 veal kidneys1 pound beef steakY  pound mushroom s

4 tablespoons drippings3 ta bl es po o ns E - Z - B A K EFlour

1 teaspoon saltY  teaspoon pepper

Remove ou t s ide membrane and fa t f rom k id ne ys ,  spli t lengthwise, take out fibrous partwith sharp, pointed knife and cut in smallpieces. Soak in salted cold w ater 1 hou r ormore, and drain . Cut s teak in   3^-inch  cubes .Wash and sl ice mushrooms (or drain and sl icecanned mushrooms). Dredge meat wi th f lour

and brown kidneys , s teak and mushrooms indrippings in a hot frying pan for 10 minutes.

1 small onion1 sprig parsley1 small bay leaf

Y  teaspo on celery salt10 peppercornsY  t easpoon p repared mu s tard2 cups meat stock

(or bouillon)

A dd seasoning and mea t s tock. (M ea t bonescooked in water or mushroom l iquor makegood stock.) If bouillon is used, use less seasoning. Line a round  8 x 2 3 ^  inch baking dish withRich B iscui t Dough (see page 24) . Fi l l wi thmeat mixture. Cover wi th dough and s lash topcrust for s team ven t . B ak e in ho t ov en

(425° F.) 35 minutes .


B iscui t Dough (see page 24)

1 pound ground s teak34 teaspo on pep per

Rol l dough to  Yz  inch thick. Cut into 8 piecesthe size of a saucer. Place on baking sheet.

Mix remaining ingredients thoroughly andshape in to pat t ies to f i t tops of b iscui ts . Fry

2 tablesp oon s minced onion1 t ab lespoon p repared mu s tard

in small amount of fat , and place a meatpa t ty on each biscui t . B ake in ho t oven

(450° F.) 10 to 12 m inute s . Serve im m edia tely .


B iscui t Doug h (see page 24)

1 Yz  cup s finely g rou ndcooked beef

Cut dough into six pieces. Pat and roll out tomake rounds the s ize of saucers . Combinebeef gravy and seasoning, and place a spoonfulon half of each round. Moisten edges withwater . Fold plain hal f of dough over meat to

5 tables poo ns left-over gra vyFew drops Worcestershi re Sauce

make hal f round. Press edges together wi thtines of fork. C ut sl i t in top cru st of each . B ak e

on greased baking sheet in hot oven (425° F.)12 to 15 minutes. Serve hot.


•Biscuit  Crust (see page 24)

34 cup chicken fat 2 cups chicken stockY  cup E -Z -B A K E Flour 2 cups d iced cooked ch ickenYz  teaspoon sal t  Yz  cup draine d cooked pe as

Y  teaspoon pepper  Yz  cup diced cooked ca rro ts1 cup diced cooked potatoes

B lend fat , f lour, sal t and pepp er . A dd br othgradual ly , s t i r r ing cont inuously , over moderate heat unt i l th icke ned. A dd chicken andvegetab les . Po ur in to deep, 9-inch bak ing dish .

Cover with biscuit crust , cutt ing sl i ts in crustfor s team v ent . B ake in ho t oven (450° F .)about 15 minutes .*Double ingredients if under-crust is desired.

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Biscuit Dou gh see page 24)

2 cups finely minced cookedchicken

Roll out dough to a thin rectangle 9 x 12inches. Cook celery in butter or margarineuntil soft but not brown. Spread dough withchicken, then with celery. Roll up like a jelly

3 tablespoons softened butteror margarine

34 cup minced celery

roll. Cut in  Y  inch len gths . Set on cut endsin greased pan. Bak e in hot oven 475° F.)about 15 minutes. Serve immediately. Mincedveal or ham may be used instead of chicken.


Biscuit Dou gh see page 24)

1 cup flaked tuna fish2 tablespoons cream

1 tablespoon chopped onion

2 tablespoons chopped parsley1 tablespoon chopped pimiento

3 tablespoons chopped sweet pickle4 teaspoon salt

Roll dough into oblong 34 inch thick. Combine tuna with other ingredients and spreadon the biscuit dough; form a roll. Place in

greased baking pan and bake in hot oven425° F.) 30 minutes.


1 cup sifted E-Z-BAKE Flour1 tablespoon salt

34 teaspoon white pepperCombine flour, salt and pepper. Mix egg andmilk. Dip fillets in egg mixture then roll in

1 egg, beatenY  cup milk

2 pounds fish fillets or steakseasoned flour. Fr y in deep hot fat 350°375° F.) until golden brown and crusty.


5 tablespoons sifted E-Z-BAKEFlour

4 tablespoons butter or margarine1 cup milk

Combine flour and butter or margarine overlow heat. When well blended, stir in milk,gradually. Cook until thickened, stirring continuously. Add cheese and stir until melted.Stir a little of the hot mixture into beatenegg yolks. Return to sauce pan. Fold in beaten

Yz  teaspoon saltcup cheese grated or cut in

tiny cubes)3 eggs, separated

egg whites. Pour into greased baking dish.Bak e in slow oven 325° F.) ab out 1 hour oruntil set. Serve immediately. Salmon soufflema y be m ade b y using 1 cup flaked salmoninstead of cheese.


2 cups E-Z -BAK E Flour scant)

Sift flour. Break eggs into a bowl and stir inflour to make a very stiff dough. Knead untildry and smooth. Do not salt . Divide intoconvenient portions and roll as thin as paper.Let dry 1 hour on a floured cloth. When dry,

2 eggs

roll up like a jelly roll and cu t off thin •having* ;then unroll and dry again. To cook, drop  •*

few noodles at one time into rapidly  boilingsalted water. Boil 10 minutes. Drain and addto soup or serve with meat.

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2 c u p s s ifte d E - Z - B A K E F l o u r1 teaspoon sa l t (scant)

Combine dry ingred ien ts and mix thoroughly .Stir in milk. Drop mixture f rom spoon into

5 teaspoons baking powderY  cup milk

br ot h. Cover c losely. B oil s lowly 12 m inu teswithout lifting cover.  Se rve imm edia te ly .


(To serve with roast beef)

2 c ups s if te d E - Z - B A K E F lou r 2 e ggs, be a t e n s li gh tly

Yz  teas po on sa l t 1 pin t milk2 teaspoons me l ted bu t te r

Resif t flour w ith sa l t . A dd a l terna te ly w ithmi lk to e ggs. A dd me l t e d bu t t e r . B e a t w i throtary egg beater or an e lec tr ic mixer unti lm ixtu re is sm ooth an d free from bub bles ( from

5 to 10 minutes ) . P lace in ho t pan  1 2 x 8 x 2inches, in which is melted 3 tablespoons of

roas t bee f dr ipp ings . B ake in ho t oven (425 ° F .)25 m inute s . Se rve imm edia te ly , cu t in squares ,with roast beef gravy.Note : I f ba t te r needs to s tand , bea t thor

oughly again just before baking.


2 t ab l es p o on s E - Z - B A K E F lo u r3 tab lespoons but te r o r margar ineY  teaspo on sa l t

B lend flour and bu tte r or m arga r ine over heat .St ir in sa l t . A dd milk, s t i r r ing con tinuo usly

unti l sauce boils and thickens. Remove f rom

Y  cu p milk1 tablespoon lemon juice2 egg yolks, beaten

hea t . B ea t in lemon ju ice and s ti r mix ture in tobeaten egg yolks. Place saucepan over boil ing

water , s t i r and cook unti l smooth and thick.


To each 34 cup fa t an d m ea t juice add 34 cups ifte d E - Z - B A K E F l o u r a n d b le n d u n ti lsm ooth . A dd gradua l ly , whi le cooking an dst ir r ing contin uou sly, 2 cups milk or w ater or

a combina t ion of these . Cont inue s t i r r ing andcooking unti l the gravy boils and thickens.Season to ta s te .


Char t o f Ingred ien ts

B a k i n gRec ipe F lour Pow der Sa l t Shor ten ing M ilk

(cups) ( teaspoons) ( teaspoons) ( tab lespoons) (cups)B e e f T u r n o v e r s  \Y z  3  Yz  3  YChick en Pie 1 2  Yz  4  YzChick en Rolls 2 4  Yz  4  YH a m bur ge r B i s c u it s 2 4 2 4 Sou the rn B ee f Rol l 2 3 1  Y  cu p  YSteak and K idney P ie 2 4 1 6  Yz  to 

T un a Rol l 2 4  Y  2 W ie ne r s i n B l a nke t s 2 4  Y c u p 

Directions for  Mixing

Mix togeth er f lour, sa l t , bak ing powder , and cut in sho r tenin g. A dd eno ugh milk to

make a sof t dough. Roll out on f loured board and cut as direc ted in each rec ipe .

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\i i  fixP A G E

C a k e s , F r o s t i n g s 2 -5

Cookies 6 -8

P i e s ,  P a s t r i e s 8 -1 1

Q u i c k B r e a d s 1 1 -1 4

Y e a s t B r e a d s 1 4-1 7

Desse r t s 17 -20

E n t r e e s 2 0 -2 4

S a u c e s , G r a v i e s 2 4

N O T E :  A ddi t io na l cop ies o f th i s rec ipe book ma y be ob

t a ined by ma i l i ng t he name  " E - Z - B A K E "  from a bag of

E - Z - B A K E   Fl ou r , a long with 10 cents in coin ( to cover

pos tage and mai l ing cos t s ) to  A CME-E V A N S COMPA N Y,

Ind i anapo l i s , I nd i ana .

Mi  ourposes.


* /J BV A .« S C O M W


B a k i n g

m a d e e a s y

w i t hE Z B A K E

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