पपरी ᳲचचवड महानगरपािलका, ᳲपपरी 18 म᭟यवतᱮ भांडार िवभाग ई-िनिवदा सुचना ᮓ. 43/2020-21 पपरी ᳲचचवड महानगरपािलके᭒या निवन भोसरी, िजजामाता, थेरगाव व आकुडᱮ ᱧणालयासाठी व ऑसीजन सह मेडीकल गॅस पाईप लाईन बसिवणेकामी(Turn Key Projects) ᳰदले᭨या तपिशलाᮧमाणे संबंधीत उ᭜पाᳰदत कंपनी / ᭜यांचे अिधकृत िवतरक अथवा अिधकृत पुरवठाधारक यांचेकडुन ई टᱶडᳳरग कायᭅᮧणाली प᭟दतीने िनिवदा मागिवणेत येत आहे. अ.ᮓ. कामाचा तपिशल अंदाजे कमत (जीएसटी वगळुन) अनामत र . . बयाणा र . . फॉमᭅ फᳱ . . (परत िमळणारी) कामाची मुदत 01) निवन भोसरी, िजजामाता, थेरगाव आकु डᱮ ᱧणालयासाठी व ऑसीजन सह मेडीकल गॅस पाईप लाईन (Turn Key Projects) बसिवणेबाबत. 26,61,18,947/- 1,33,05,947/- 26,61,189/- 42,560/- 45 ᳰदवस सदर िनिवदेतील पुरवठयाचा तपिशल, अनामत, बयाणा रᲥम, िनयम, अटी-शतᱮ, िनिवदा शेडयुल इ᭜यादीची मािहती मनपा᭒या www.pcmcindia.gov.in या वेबसाईटवर उपल᭣ध आहे. सदरची िनिवदा ई- टᱶडरᱭग प᭟दतीने www.mahatender.gov.in या वेबसाईटवᱧन भरावयाची आहे. याकामी पुरवठाधारकांनी महारा शासनाचे संकेतथळा᳇ारे से᭨फ रिजᮝेशन नᲂदणी करणे आवयक आहे. वरील कामासाठी िनिवदा पुवᭅ सभा (Pre-Bid Meeting) ᳰद. 07/01/2021 रोजी सकाळी 11.00 वाजता म᭟यवतᱮ भांडार िवभागात ई िनिवदा कᭃात होईल. त᭜पुवᱮ िनिवदेबाबत काही आᭃेप, खुलासे अडचणी अस᭨यास िनिवदा पूवᭅ सभेपुवᱮ सायंकाळी 05.00 वाजेपयᲈत [email protected] या ई-मेलवर पाठिव᭛यात यावे. अथवा समᭃ आणून दे᭛यात यावेत. सदरची िनिवदा फᲦ ई – िनिवदा ᮧᮓᳱये अंतगᭅत ᳰद. 04/01/2021 ते ᳰद. 25/01/2021 अखेर दुपारी 03.00 वाजेपयᲈत ई – िनिवदा प᭟दतीने www.mahatender.gov.in या वेबसाईटवᱧन भरता येईल. सदरची ई – िनिवदा ᮧणाली वापराबाबत काही तांिक अडचण िनमाᭅण झा᭨यास NIC यांचेकडील support-eproc@nic अथवा Help Desk Number 0120-4200462,4001002,4001005,6277787 या दुर᭟वनीवर संपकᭅ साधावा. सही/- आयुᲦ पपरी ᳲचचवड महानगरपािलका, पपरी 411018. सही/- अित. आयुᲦ (2) पपरी ᳲचचवड महानगरपािलका पपरी 411018 जाहीरात ᮓ. ᮓ.मभां/16/कािव/ 02/2021 ᳰद. 01/01/2021

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पपरी चचवड महानगरपािलका, पपरी 18 म यवत भाडंार िवभाग ई-िनिवदा सचुना . 43/2020-21

पपरी चचवड महानगरपािलके या निवन भोसरी, िजजामाता, थेरगाव व आकुड णालयासाठी व ऑ सीजन सह मेडीकल गसॅ पाईप लाईन बसिवणकेामी(Turn Key Projects) दले या तपिशला माण ेसंबंधीत उ पा दत कंपनी / यांच े अिधकृत िवतरक अथवा अिधकृत पुरवठाधारक यांचेकडुन ई टड रग काय णाली प दतीन ेिनिवदा मागिवणेत येत आह.े

अ. . कामाचा तपिशल अंदाज े कमत

(जीएसटी वगळुन) अनामत र .. बयाणा र ..

फॉम फ र .. (परत न िमळणारी) कामाची मदुत


निवन भोसरी, िजजामाता, थेरगाव व आकुड णालयासाठी व ऑ सीजन सह मेडीकल गॅस पाईप लाईन (Turn Key Projects) बसिवणेबाबत.

26,61,18,947/- 1,33,05,947/- 26,61,189/- 42,560/- 45 दवस

सदर िनिवदतेील पुरवठयाचा तपिशल, अनामत, बयाणा र म, िनयम, अटी-शत , िनिवदा शेडयुल इ यादीची मािहती मनपा या www.pcmcindia.gov.in या वबेसाईटवर उपल ध आह.े सदरची िनिवदा ई-टडर ग प दतीने www.mahatender.gov.in या वेबसाईटव न भरावयाची आह.े याकामी पुरवठाधारकांनी महारा शासनाच ेसंकेत थळा ारे से फ रिज ेशन न दणी करणे आव यक आह.े वरील कामासाठी िनिवदा पुव सभा (Pre-Bid Meeting) द. 07/01/2021 रोजी सकाळी 11.00 वाजता म यवत भांडार िवभागात ई िनिवदा क ात होईल. त पवु िनिवदबेाबत काही आ ेप, खुलास े अडचणी अस यास िनिवदा पूव सभेपुव सायंकाळी 05.00 वाजेपयत [email protected] या ई-मेलवर पाठिव यात याव.े अथवा सम आणून दे यात यावेत. सदरची िनिवदा फ ई – िनिवदा य े अंतगत द. 04/01/2021 ते द. 25/01/2021 अखेर दपुारी 03.00 वाजेपयत ई – िनिवदा प दतीने www.mahatender.gov.in या वबेसाईटव न भरता येईल. सदरची ई – िनिवदा णाली वापराबाबत काही तांि क अडचण िनमाण झा यास NIC यांचेकडील support-eproc@nic अथवा Help Desk Number 0120-4200462,4001002,4001005,6277787 या दरु वनीवर संपक साधावा.


आयु पपरी चचवड महानगरपािलका, पपरी 411018.


अित. आयु (2) पपरी चचवड महानगरपािलका

पपरी 411018 जाहीरात . .मभा/ं16/कािव/ 02/2021 द. 01/01/2021

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Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation

Mumbai-Pune Road, Pimpri - 411018,

Maharashtra, INDIA


[email protected]

Bid Reference No- E Tender- 43/2020-21

Tender website: https://mahatenders.gov.in










Dates for Submission of Online Tenders:

04/01/2021 FROM 10 A.M. TO 25/01/2021, 03 P.M.


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E-Tender Reference No. 43/2020-21


S/n E-Tender Reference No. e-tender- 43-2020-21

1 Name of Organization Commissioner Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation, Pimpri - 411018,

2 Subject Supply, Installation & Commissioning

of Medical Gas Pipeline System

(MGPS) on turnkey basis at PCMC

1) New Bhosari Hospital

2) Jijamata Hospital

3) Akurdi Hospital &

4)Thergaon Hospital

3 Tender Fees Rs. 42,560/-

4 Earnest Money Deposit Rs. 26,61,189/-

5 Date Of commencement of sale of Tender document/ download

Dt. 04/01/2021 10.00 hrs to Dt. 25/01/2021 - 15.00 hrs.

6 Pre Bid Meeting Dt. 07/01/2021 -at. 11.30am at. Dy. Commissioner, Stores, Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation, Pimpri - 411018,

7 End Date and Time of Bid Submission Dt. 25/01/2021 - up to 15.00 hrs

8 End date & time for receipt of EMD Dt. 25/01/2021 - up to 15.00 hrs

9 Date and Time of Opening of Technical Bid

Dt. 27/01/2021 12.00 hrs. onwards

10 Address for Communication Office of the Dy. Commissioner, Store , PCMC , Pune 411018,

11 Venue for opening of bid Office of the Dy. Commissioner, Store , PCMC , Pune 4100018

NOTE: All bid related activities (process) like tender download, bid preparation , bid

submission and bid opening etc. will be governed by time schedule under the key dates

mentioned in above schedule. The venue for opening of bids and pre bid meeting will be

at office of Add. Commissioner, Stores, Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation,

Pimpri - 411018,

Page 3 of 64


1. The Tenders shall be submitted online through e-tendering process only. No tender will be

accepted manually or through fax /mail etc.

2. Total estimated price for above projects Rs. 26,61,18,947/- (Excluding GST)

3. Pre-qualification (Eligibility Criteria) to participate in the tender.

A. Manufacturing units are eligible to participate in the tender provided, they have

a) Valid ISO certificate.

b) Product must be certified as per Technical Specification (Section V)

c) Tenderer (Manufacturer) should have proof of supply & commissioning of medical

gas pipe line system (MGPS) mentioned in the schedule of requirement (executed

directly by manufacturer or through distributor to any Govt. organization / Corporate

Hospitals / PSU Hospitals having minimum 200 bed capacity and purchase order

copies in support of as per format at Annexure III. .

d) Proof of annual average turnover (Manufacturers/Importer) shall be 50% of total

estimated price mentioned above or more in the last three (3) financial years certified

by the Chartered Accountant.

e) Multiple bids are not allowed

B. Authorized distributors on behalf of the manufacturer are eligible to participate in the

tender provided

a) They should have proof of annual average turnover shall be 50% of total estimated

price mentioned above or more in the last three (3) financial years certified by the

Chartered Accountant.

b) In addition to this, the distributor shall also submit the average annual turnover of the

manufacturer of the item (s) as mentioned in A (d) above.

c) They should submit manufacturer‟s authorization to transact business on behalf of the

manufacturer as per the format at Annexure -IV.

d) Proof of supply of Medical gas Pipe Line System (MGPS) by Bidder/OEM to any

Govt. organization /Corporate Hospitals /PSU Hospitals having minimum two

hospitals 200 bed capacity and purchase order copies in support of as per format of

Annexure III.

e) The authorized distributor will submit the following documents in support of the

manufacturer along with the tender :

1. Valid ISO certificate

2. Valid certificates of the manufacturer as per technical specification.

f) Multiple Bids are not allowed.

C. Principal/original equipment manufacturer should have direct presence & After sales

service centres in India since last 5 years from date of publishing this E-Tender & proof

needs to be submitted in technical bid.

4. The Tender form will be available online only. No tender form will be sold / issued manually

from Office of the Dy. Commissioner, Stores, PCMC , Pune - 411018,

5. The tender document will be uploaded / released on website https://mahatenders.gov.in. The

tenderer is required to download the tender document from this website as per the schedule of

activities for online tender document download.

6. The tenderer is required to download the tender document within the schedule of activity for

online tender document download. After expiry of the date and time for tender document

Page 4 of 64

download, the Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation, Pimpri - 411018, will not be

responsible for any such failure on account of tenderer for not downloading the document

within the schedule even though he has paid the cost of the tender to the Pimpri Chinchwad

Municipal Corporation, Pimpri - 411018, In such case the cost of the tender paid by the

tenderer will not be refunded.

7. During the activity of bid preparation, the tenderer is required to upload all the documents

mentioned in the terms & conditions of the technical bid by scanning the documents and

uploading it in the PDF. This activity of uploading the documents as well as preparation of

commercial bid and other Annexure enclosed with the tender shall be completed within the

schedule given for bid preparation.

8. After bid preparation, the tenderer is required to submit the bid during the activity of

submission of bid.

9. The tenders submitted online will be opened on the schedule date before the participant. At

the time of opening of technical bid the tenderer should bring all the original documents

which have been uploaded along with the technical bid so that same can be verified at the

time of opening of technical bid.

10. As the tenders are invited online, tenderers are required to upload tender as per the schedule

given. Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation, Pimpri , is not responsible for failure on the

part of tenderer to upload tender within the time schedule. In case of any help required for this

purpose the tenderer shall contact to help line of e-tendering agency National Infomatics

Center (NIC). Tenderers are requested to go carefully through the process of e-tendering

given on the website of https://mahatenders.gov.in.in to avoid disqualification of their tender

on any ground. In case of any technical problems e.g. payment of EMD, downloading of

tender terms, uploading of tender etc. This bidder should contact NIC helpline for resolution

of their issues. Communication with Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation, Pimpri will

not be entertained. Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation, Pimpri is not responsible for

bidder not able to participate in tender due to any technical problems.


If required by Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation, Pimpri and depending

upon the nature of work, the pre-bid meeting will be held at the date, time and

venue mentioned in the e-Tender Notice. Tenderers shall note that any corrigendum issued regarding this tender notice will be published on

the website of https://mahatenders.gov.inThe prospective tenderer(s) should submit their

suggestions/observations if any, in writing through email [email protected] before

16.00pm 06/01/2021 .Only suggestions / observations received in writing by mail within

stipulated time will be discussed and clarified in pre-bid meeting and any modification of the

tendering documents, which may become necessary as a result of pre-bid meeting, shall be made

by Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation, Pimpri exclusively through the issue of an

addendum/corrigendum. The tender uploaded shall be read along with any modification.

Authorized representatives of prospective tenderer(s) can attend the said meeting and obtain

clarification regarding specifications, works & tender conditions. Authorized representatives

should have authorization letter to attend the pre-bid meeting, provided queries are submitted in

time on mail .

12. Any amendment to the tender will be placed on the e-tendering website

https://mahatenders.gov.in. and the pre bid amendments herein called common set of deviations

(CSD) should be downloaded by the tenderer and the tenderer should upload these signed &

stamped CSD along with the tender terms and conditions as they form a part of tender. a) The tenderer will not be communicated separately regarding the amendment.

Page 5 of 64

b) In case there is single response to this tender the committee will be within its right to take

action as per instructions prescribed G.R.No.SPO-2014/Pra.Kra.82/Part-III/Industry-4,

dated 01.12.2016 issued by Industry, Energy & Labour Department, Mantralaya, Mumbai – 32.

13. Non-attendance at pre-bid meeting shall not be a cause for disqualification of a tenderer. The

suggestions/objections received in pre-bid meeting may not be considered, if the same are not in

consonance with the requirement of the tender/project. Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation, Pimpri reserves the right to reject the same.

14. Commissioner of PCMC reserve all the rights with respect to award or cancellation of this E-Tender.

15. Manner of Submission of Tender The tender is divided in two parts and required to be submitted online only

Technical Bid (Part I):- Contains technical information such as technical specifications, terms &

conditions of the tender, qualification criteria, documents required to be submitted to become

qualify for opening of commercial bid, general terms & conditions of the tender, instructions to

the tenderer for submission of the tender, other Annexures required to be submitted by the

tenderer along with the technical bid, confirming to tender terms & conditions. With respect to

any technical specification deviation in technical bid , decision of technical committee shall be

binding on bidders . Detailed specification of the tendered item shall be as per Annexure „XIV &

BOQ shall be as per Annexure XV, XVI,XVIII & IX‟.

Commercial Bid (Part- II):- Contains price bid to be filled in by the tenderer.

16. Original Tender Form :-

Tenderers are required to sign and put official seal of the company on every page of the tender form as well as common set of deviations (CSD). They are also required to sign on every page of the specification copy and affix the seal of the company at the right hand corner of the bottom of the page.

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Technical bid shall contain following documents duly SELF ATTESTED, failing which tender will be declared Invalid. These documents shall be in the form of PDF files, if required in Zip file. These documents need to be digitally signed by the tenderer and uploaded in the technical bid during online bid preparation stage.


To be submitted along-with Technical Bid as mentioned in (Annex- I).

In every case of offer whether indigenous or imported the name of manufacturer,

address together with brand /make /model should be indicated in the tender. Any

conditional offer of the tenderer will be rejected.

2. Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) & Tender Fee

The EMD will be forfeited if the tenderer withdraws from tender process at any

stage or the tenderer fails to enter into contract according to the terms & conditions

if accepted. EMD of the successful as well as unsuccessful tenderer shall be

refunded within due course.

3. Product Catalogue:-

Original Catalogues/brochures showing details of Technical Specifications of

Equipment should be enclosed. All specification should be substantiated by

Technical data sheets in original. Photocopies of the Catalogue / Brochure will be


4. Copy of G.S.T. Registration Certificate.

5. GST / VAT Clearance Certificate:-

Sales Tax / GST clearance certificate mentioning clearance up to the last

month/quarter (as applicable) from the date of publishing of the tender should be


6. Turnover: - The average turnover of the bidder for the last 3 years from the date of

publication of tender should be 50% of total estimated cost. Bid Capacity letter

shall be attached along with technical bid.

The bidder should submit complete audit report with relevant certificates and

schedules for the last 3 financial years from the date of publishing of the tender

certified by registered Chartered Accountant. It the audit of last financial year is

not complete, the bidder has to submit provisional audit report (Balance Sheet and

Profit & Loss Account Statement) signed by registered Chartered Accountant. &

the details shall be furnished as per Annexure II.

7. Authorization Letter:-

Bidder quoting on behalf of manufacturer must attach authorization letter from the

manufacturer to quote on behalf of manufacturing & to do after sales services till

disposal of machinery as per Annexure-IV. (It is mandatory to have a complete

address, working e-mail address and contact numbers of the Manufacturer as well

as it should mention the Country of manufacture of the equipment. Equipment

manufactured in any other place, than the mentioned originally; will be rejected.

Incomplete Authorization in any form will not be accepted. It will be liable for


Page 7 of 64

8. Certificates:-

Product Quality Certificates & other details as asked in the technical specifications

to be submit by bidder during technical submission otherwise bids will be liable for

rejection. Incomplete certifications as per technical specifications in any form will

not be accepted. It will be liable for rejection.

9. Users list:-

The tenderer should submit user list of quoted model (only) as per Annexure - VII.

And should also submit order copies to support the claim.

10. Make / Model:-

Detail of products, called in tenders, supplied to the client list in India for past 7

years along their telephone numbers of concerned and their valid e-mail id. This

should be supported by order copies of the same.

11. After Sales Service:-

The bidder / OEM should have minimum 2 service centers in Maharashtra with

complete address, phone nos., fax nos. and e-mails as per (Annexure - VIII).

Bidder / OEM must have at least one service center in Pune.

12. Bidder has to execute Tri Party agreement for imported products & equipment as per Annexure XIII with Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) as per Annexure XII for MGPS on Rs. 500 stamp paper & shall be enclosed in the Technical bid. Tri-Party Agreement shall be directly between bidder and foreign OEM. Tri-party agreement between OEM‟s distributor/vendor and bidder shall not be acceptable. Tri party agreement with end user agency shall be executed with successful bidder at a later stage.

13. Terms & Condition Acceptance Certificate should be submitted as per (Annexure -


14. Fall Clause

It is a condition of the contract that all through the currency thereof, the price at

which the bidder will the supply stores should not exceed the lowest price charged

by the bidder to any customer during the currency of the rate contract and that in

the event of the prices going down below the rate contract prices the bidder shall

promptly furnish such information to Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation to

enable Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation to amend the contract rates for

subsequent supplies.

15. Commercial bid should not be submitted in Tech. Bid else the bid will be rejected.

16. In case of Turnkey tender, prices quoted in the commercial bid should inclusive of

all (Basic equipment plus installation and commissioning of equipment). The

maintenance of any additional equipment required for proper installation and

commissioning of the equipment/machinery supplied will be the responsibility of

the tenderer for minimum of 10 years. Uninterrupted Liquid Oxygen supply

guarantee for two years is mandatory requirement. Bidder must quote rate for

Liquid Oxygen supply.

Page 8 of 64

17. All bidders must upload all records, data and documents on which they wish to rely

in support of their Technical Bid. Each scanned document should have an index

page indicating the name of the documents enclosed with page number. Unless for

reasons to the satisfaction of the Corporation, bidders will not be allowed to

supplement data and documents submitted online, with additional data and

documents, during tender evaluation.

18. Authentication for Documents: -

The responsibility to produce correct authentication for documents rests with the

tenderer. If any documents is detected to be forged, bogus etc., the tender shall be

rejected and EMD shall be forfeited. Any contract entered under such condition

shall also be liable to be cancelled at any time during its currency and further penal

action like criminal prosecution, blacklisting etc. against the said contractor and/or

the partners shall be instituted.

At the time of submission of tender documents to this office all the photo copies of

certificates / documents attached with the tender should be duly Self Attested.

If any of the above documents / information as enlisted from no.1 to no.15 is not

attached with the tender, the tender is liable to be treated as invalid.

Page 9 of 64


The Commercial Bid (Part-II) should contain the price. The cost should be quoted in Indian currency only, any fluctuation in the international currency will not be a concern of Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation, Pimpri and the price quoted in the tender will be considered as final. Tenderer should quote the price in proforma mentioned in Annexure-XI mentioning Basic cost of Instrument along with applicable Taxes in percentage.

All financial offers must be prepared and submitted online which should be signed using individual's digital certificate. Date of opening of commercial bid will be informed accordingly. Commercial quote in any other format shall be rejected. Conditional offers shall not be considered and shall be treated as non-responsive.


1. No price should be quoted in part I (Technical Bid). If any price is quoted in technical bid, the entire tender shall be considered as INVALID.

2. Financial bid shall be opened only when the documents as mentioned in Technical Bid are in order, as per requirements and as per specifications. Valid tenderer shall be informed accordingly.

3. Financial bid (Commercial Bid) shall be opened of only those tenderers who have submitted all the documents as per tender terms and conditions in the Technical Bid and are technically qualified.

4. Unsatisfactory performance at demonstration will disqualify the tenderer.

5. The demonstration should be done if possible, at the institute specified. In case of heavy / bulky equipment the demonstration may be arranged at a place where the equipment is already functioning and as per convenience of the concern technical committee at the cost of the tenderer. Demonstration of the equipment in the factory premises is not allowed.

6. The tender validity should be for a minimum period of 120 days from the date of opening the Financial bid (Commercial Bid). The validity of the tender can be extended up to 180 days at the discretion of Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation, Pimpri

7. There will be no change or any type of rectification in quoted cost due to international fluctuation of currency after submission of tender. No communication in this regard will be entertained.

8. Pre-dispatch Inspection: If required the Pre-dispatch inspection will be done by a team appointed by Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation, Pimpri prior to shipment and the team will inspect the equipment physically in accordance to the tender specifications and certify the following things: -

9. The equipment shall be new and made of virgin material, it is not reconditioned / retrofitted.

Page 10 of 64

10. Original Invoice issued by bidders / manufacturer should contain following


a) The name of the equipment manufacturer, model and serial nos. of the


b) Name of the consignee -list attached

c) Purchase order number and date issued by Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal

Corporation, Pimpri, Pune.

11. Demonstration: -

Demonstration is compulsory for lowest bidder and the bidder should arrange for the demonstration in India of the equipment quoted for in the tender within 7 days from the date of intimation of the request for demonstration preferably in Pune / Mumbai. However, if complete system of quoted model/complete system is not available in Pune / Mumbai, demonstration may be arranged outside Pune / Mumbai in any mutually agreed upon hospital at bidder‟s cost. Demonstration must be given within 7 days-time from the date of receipt of letter from Office of Asst. Commissioner Stores Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation, Pimpri, if planned in Pune / Mumbai and within 15 days if outside Pune / Mumbai, otherwise liable for penalty/legal action like forfeiture of EMD, blacklisting. If demonstration / testing of equipment offered by bidder is found to be non-satisfactory, then his offer will not be considered.

The demonstration of equipment should be attended by empaneled members as decided by Office of the Asst. Commissioner Stores Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation, Pimpri. The demonstration report shall be prepared on same day and signed by all present including representatives of bidder and the report of the demonstration should be scanned and mailed to Office of the Asst. Commissioner Stores Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation, Pimpri on his / her office mail I.D. on the same day.

12. Training: - The successful tenderer shall have to give sufficient training at his cost to the staffs of the Hospital and Engineers of concern institute to operate the Medical Equipment. Also it shall be provided as and when required if asked by user department.

13. The successful tenderer will have to pay a security deposit of an amount equivalent to 5 % of the successful bid in the following form within 15 days from the date of issue of supply order from the PCMC. D. D. / Bank Guarantee of valid for 2 months after the expiry of date of contract issued by any Nationalized / Scheduled Bank.

14. Security deposit will be refunded only after completion of warranty period and conformation AMC/CMC.

15. The delivery of goods should be at door and should be made within 2 weeks for indigenous items and 6 weeks for imported items, from the date of work order. If the date of delivery cannot be strictly adhered to, then extension required by the tenderer should be stated in the bid. No excuses for delay by any statutory authorities like custom etc. will be taken into consideration for extension of the period of delivery. The primary responsibility for supply of goods in time will be rest with the supplier.

Page 11 of 64

16. Penalty on late delivery:- In the event of the late delivery of goods, the purchaser will recover from contractor by way penalty, a sum equal to 0.1% of the goods (subject to maximum 5%) delivered late per day calculated from the next day after the agreed delivery period is over.

17. Consequences of inferior supply: - If the equipment supplied is found of inferior quality or not as per specifications, the contractor shall replace the equipment within one month from the date of intimation at the cost & risk of the contractor and also liable to pay the fine imposed by the consignee, failing which Earnest Money Deposit & Security Deposit of the contractor shall be forfeited and the tenderer shall be liable for penal action including black-listing etc. In addition to the forfeiture of the Earnest Money Deposit & Security Deposit, if any fine is imposed by the consignee same shall be recovered from other dues to the contractor from –his bills payable.

18. Replacement of Rejected materials: - Tenderer / Contractor shall have to replace rejected material with approved one. The supplier shall remove the rejected material within 15 days failing which the same will be disposed off by consignee at the risk and cost of contractor without any further correspondence in this regards.

19. Risk & Cost Purchase: - In case the Contractor/s, shall at any time during the continuance of these presents fails to supply satisfactorily the equipment within the prescribed time as herein provided and or in case shall fail to replace any part/s that may have been rejected with other of approved quality, the consignee shall be at liberty forthwith to procure the same in the open market at the risk and cost of the contractor/s. Similarly if the work underlying the contract is not executed satisfactorily within the stipulated period or after the same having been disapproved wholly or partly is not rectified or re-done to the satisfaction of the Officer in Charge within the said specific period, the consignee shall get the same executed or rectified or re-done through any other agencies, at the entire risk of the supplier and expenses thereby incurred, shall be payable by the supplier and / or may be deducted from any moneys due or become due to the contractor/s and the consignee may, however fix such other subsequent date as he may think fit by which the delivery of the said article and or execution of the said work shall be completed.

20. Blacklisting: - The firm shall be black-listed, if it is found that:- a) Forged documents are submitted or

b) If it becomes responsive on the basis of submission of bogus certificate /


c) In case of non-supply of equipment / accessories or supply of substandard

quality or supply of equipment / accessories found to have been previously

used or having reconditioned parts.

21. Warranty (including supply of spares) & Annual Maintenance Contract period

a) The warranty period shall be for 5 years from the date of commissioning of all equipment supplied as certified by the consignee.

b) The successful tenderer must ensure 95% uptime during warranty period. In case of downtime, warranty period will be extended for period of downtime. If the equipment is not attended within 24 hours for PCMC and 48 hours for other places the supplier will be liable to pay a penalty of 0.07% of purchase

Page 12 of 64

cost for every day of delay. Such penalty will be recovered from the amount of security deposit . Certificate of such uptime / downtime issued by the end user will be binding for the supplier.

c) Replacement of parts and service thereof due to manufacturing defects during warranty period will be entirely at the supplier's cost. The expenditure incurred for procurement of space, transport, installation, commissioning and various duties shall be borne by the supplier.

d) The tenderer shall provide free Annual Maintenance contract for 2 years after the expiry of standard warranty of 5 years.

22. Annual Maintenance Contract (For rendering services) /Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract:-

a) The tenderer have to agree to enter into an Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC)@ 1% per year or Comprehensive Maintenance Contract (CMC) inclusive of all spares @ 5% of the Order value (excluding taxes) of the equipment per year for the next 3 years after expiry of standard warranty of 5 years & free AMC period of 2 years.

b) In case of non-compliance of AMC/CMC the supplier will be liable to pay a penalty. Such penalty shall be recovered from the amount of bank guarantee submitted. Payment for AMC /CMC on yearly basis will be made by the user‟s institution, at the end of year after satisfactory performance report from the end user.

23. Payment:-

Successful bidder will get payment equal to 60% of contract value after supply of material as per BOQ & remaining 40% against completion of work , successful testing & handover of project to PCMC officials.

24. Third Party Inspection :-

If required Asst. Commissioner Stores Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation, Pimpri has authority to appoint third party inspection. The cost of third party inspection shall be borne by Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation, Pimpri if required.

25. The tenderer should install the equipment in the concerned department of the institution, give demonstration free of cost and train the staff of the department (number as specified by the user.)

26. In case of imported machine, the purchase orders will be issued in Indian currency and afterwards the exchange rates is increased; no financial implications will be accepted by the Office of the Commissioner, PCMC, Pimpri, Pune

27. If the Contractor becomes bankrupt or otherwise insolvent, the Corporation reserves the right to terminate the contract at any time, by serving written notice to the Contractor without any compensation, whatsoever, to the Contractor, subject to further condition that such termination will not prejudice or affect the rights and remedies which have accrued and / or will accrue thereafter to the Corporation.

Page 13 of 64

28. Complaints :-

If any bidder has a complaint against any process, decision etc. then the complainant has to give a written complaint within 7 days of such a decision or any other grievance by paying Rs. 1,00,000/- in form of Demand Draft to the Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation, Pimpri to review such a decision or grievance and mention clearly his grievance, provided that after declaration of successful bidder only those bidders who have participated in tender process can lodge a complaint also if technical bid is opened and before opening of commercial bid only those bidders who have been declared as technically qualified can lodge their grievance. If the complaint is found to be true the amount will be refunded else this amount will be forfeited.

29. Jurisdiction of the Courts :-

In case of any claim, dispute or differences arising in respect of tender, the cause of action shall be deemed to have arisen in Pune and all legal proceedings in respect of any such claim, dispute or difference shall be instituted in a Competent Court in the city of Pune.

30. The undersigned understand hereby certify that, they or any of their subcontractors /

vendors / distributors / OEMs / brokers / importers / Joint Venture or Consortium Partners

are/were not blacklisted or debarred or penalized or had adverse observation or case in

sub-judice or inquiry is going on against them in the past for any of the item in part or

whole by any local, state or central government institutes including Competition

Commission of India (CCI) / Comptroller and Auditor General of India (CAG)/ Central

Vigilance Commission (CVC) in entire India (in the past means since incorporation of the

company). AFFIDAVIT as per Annexure XII to be submitted to this office on Rs. 500

stamp paper.

31. The Corporation reserves the right to cancel the tender process at any time without

assigning any reason whatsoever, and without entertaining any claim in this respect. At

any time prior to the deadline for submission of bids, as may be extended, the Corporation

may amend the Bidding Documents by issuing addenda/ corrigenda. In order to give

prospective bidders reasonable time in which to take an addendum/ corrigendum into

account in preparing their bids or for other causes and considerations, the Corporation

may in its discretion, extend the time for the submission of bids.

32. The decision of Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation, Pimpri, Pune will be final and binding. The Corporation reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to accept or reject any or all offers without assigning any reason whatsoever and would not be liable for any cost that might have incurred by any bidder for bidding.

I have read all the terms and conditions of the tender carefully and I agree to abide by them.

Signature of Tenderer with Seal

Page 14 of 64

List of Annexure

Annexure No. Description

Annex No. I : Proforma to be submitted along-with Technical Bid

Annex No. II : Annual Turnover of Bidder & OEM

Annex No. III : Performance Statement

Annex No. IV : Manufacturer Authorization Letter

Annex No. V : Technical Compliance Chart

Annex No. VI : Scope of Supply

Annex No. VII : User List of Quoted Model

Annex No. VIII : Details of After Sales Service Station

Annex No. IX : Terms & Condition Acceptance Certificate

Annex No. X : Additional Declaration by the bidder

Annex No. XI : Proforma of Commercial Bid

Annex No. XII : Proforma of Affidavit.

Annexure XIII : Triparty Agreement

Annex No. XIV : Technical Specifications

Annex No. XV : Bill of Quantity

Page 15 of 64

Annexure – I

(Incomplete Annexure is liable for Rejection)

(on Bidder‟s Letterhead)


1 Name and address of the firm :-

2 Registered Head Office Postal address :-

3 Telephone No. & FAX & E-Mail :- :-

4 In case of proprietorship / Partnership firms, names of proprietors / partners/ Directors

with address and percentage of share

5 Ownership status of the firm

(Maharashtra Govt. / Central Govt./Jt. Sector /co - operative /SSI /Private)

6 Whether tendering as a manufacturer / Distributor

7 Name of the person & Phone no. who should be contacted by this office in case of any urgent problem.

8 Full Address with Email ID, Phone Numbers and Location of Original manufacturing

work/factory/factories :

I / we hereby declare that particulars furnished above are true to the best of my /our

knowledge and belief and that if any of the particulars is found to be materially incorrect /

misleading, my /our tender shall be rejected and I / we are liable for penal action as per terms

specified in the " term and conditions of tender”.

Date :-

Full Signature of the tenderer with official seal and address

Page 16 of 64

Annexure- II

(To be submitted in Technical Bid)

(Incomplete Annexure is liable for Rejection)


The Annual Turnover for the last three financial years of M/S

who is a manufacturer / importer/ Distributor of medical equipment are given below and certified that the

statement is true and correct.


Signature of Auditor/

Place: Chartered Accountant


(Name in Capital)

Membership No.

This turnover statement should also be supported by copies of audited annual statements of the last

three years/ Annual Reports and the turnover figure should be highlighted there.

Sl. No. Financial Year Turnover in (Rs )

both in words and figures

1 2017- 18

2 2018- 19

3 2019-20


Page 17 of 64

Annexure III

(Incomplete Annexure is liable for Rejection)

Performance Statement

( on Bidders letter head)

(Pl. Furnish order copies of the clients serially, the names of which are mentioned below)


Name of Bidder :_____________________________

Name of Manufacturer:_______________________________

Name of the work: Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Centralised Medical Gas Pipe

line System on turnkey basis at

1) New Bhosari Hospital

2) Jijamata Hospital,

3) Akurdi Hospital

4) Thergaon Hospital

S/n Order placed by

(Address of

purchaser) (attach



Order no. &


Value of



Date of


Have the goods been



(attach documentary






(attach separate sheets if the space provided is not sufficient)

Date :-

Full Signature of the tenderer with official seal and address

*The documentary proof will be copies of the purchase order (during the last 3 years) indicating P.O.

No. and date.

**The documentary proof will be certificate from the consignee/end user indicating P.O. No. and date.


Page 18 of 64

Annexure-IV (Manufacturers Authorization Letter)

(Incomplete Annexure is liable for Rejection)

Manufacturer's Letter Head

Ref. No.: Dated:


The Commissioner,

Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation,

Pimpri, Pune 411 018

Dear Sir,

We ______________________________________________ who are established

and reputable manufacturers of ____________________ having factories

at________________________ Registered office at _____________________hereby

authorize M/s.______________________________________________________ (Name

and address of Representative), to quote rates/collect the orders/raise the bills for the items

________________________________manufactured by me/us, under the Tender

No:______________________ for Supply, Installation & Commissioning

of Medical Gas Pipeline System (MGPS) on turnkey basis at PCMC

1) New Bhosari Hospital

2) Jijamata Hospital,

3) Akurdi Hospital

4) Thergaon Hospital

We also hereby extend our full warranty, Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) / Comprehensive

Maintenance Contract (CMC), as applicable as per tender conditions, read with modification, if any, for

the goods and services offered for supply, installation, testing & commissioning by the above firm against

this document.

We also hereby confirm that we would be responsible for the satisfactory execution of contract placed on

the authorized agent. We also hereby extend our technical support and confirm the availability of spares

for the useful life of the system/spares.

We also hereby declare that we have the capacity to manufacture and supply, install and commission the

quantity of the equipment‟s bided within the stipulated time.

Yours faithfully,


for and on behalf of M/s. _______________

(Name of Manufacturer)

Note: This letter of authority should be on the letterhead of the manufacturing concern and

should be signed by a person competent and having the power of attorney to bind the


Page 19 of 64

Annexure- V

(Incomplete Annexure is liable for Rejection)

Technical Compliance Chart

(On Bidder‟s Letterhead)

Name of the Work: Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Centralised Medical Gas Pipe

line System on turnkey basis at

1) New Bhosari Hospital

2) Jijamata Hospital,

3) Akurdi Hospital

4) Thergaon Hospital



Tender specifications

as asked in the tender




quoted by the

tenderer with


name of the


Whether the

tender quoted

by the supplier

is as per


asked for.

Indicate against

each item



If the tender


is not as per

specifications then


s should be clearly

indicated against

item asked for

Above mentioned details in table to be furnished for every equipment/instrument mentioned in BOQ

barring furniture items and it should be mandatorily uploaded with Technical Bid .

Important Note:

1) Equivalent detail compliance in column 3 of quoted product with make & model is expected.

Simply writing Yes/ NO/ Complies/ as per tender requirements, will be liable for rejection.

2) If false information is submitted found in Annexure III , then bidder will be black-listed and their

Bid Security will be forfeited.

3) Leaflets / Technical Brochures / Product Data Sheets of the Model offered highlighting features of

the product offered must be attached in support of the information provided above.


Full Signature of the tenderer with official seal and address:

Page 20 of 64


(Incomplete Annexure is liable for Rejection)

Scope of supply

On Bidders Letter Head

Name of work:- Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Centralized Medical Gas

Pipe line System on turnkey basis

1) New Bhosari Hospital

2) Jijamata Hospital,

3) Akurdi Hospital

4) Thergaon Hospital

Bidder should submit the scope of supply including standard, essential accessories,

details of turnkey work etc as applicable if any along with make and model for

equipment/items mentioned in BOQ

Sr. No.

Item description Manufacturer Model /

Part No. Qty Unit


Full Signature of the tenderer with official seal and address:

Page 21 of 64

Annexure- VII User List of Quoted Model

(Incomplete Annexure is liable for Rejection)

(On Bidder‟s Letterhead)

Name of the Work: - Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Centralized Medical

Gas Pipe line System on turnkey basis at 1) New Bhosari Hospital

2) Jijamata Hospital,

3) Akurdi Hospital

4) Thergaon Hospital

Sr. No.

Name and Address of Institute

Authorized Contact


Tel., Fax & Mobile No.

with Email-ID

Date of Supply

1 2 3 4 5


Full Signature of the tenderer with official seal and address:

Page 22 of 64

Annexure VIII

(Incomplete Annexure is liable for Rejection)

Details of After Sales Service Station

(On Bidder‟s Letterhead)

Name of the Work: - Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Centralized Medical

Gas Pipe line System on turnkey basis at 1) New Bhosari Hospital

2) Jijamata Hospital,

3) Akurdi Hospital

4) Thergaon Hospital



Name of the


Full Address

with Pin code

Contact Person


Contact Numbers with STD code

Tel (Off) Email-

ID Mobile No.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7


Full Signature of the tenderer with official seal and address:

Page 23 of 64

Annexure IX

(Incomplete Annexure is liable for Rejection)

(On Bidder letterhead )

Terms & Condition Acceptance Certificate

Name of the Work: - Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Centralized Medical

Gas Pipe line System on turnkey basis at 1) New Bhosari Hospital

2) Jijamata Hospital,

3) Akurdi Hospital

4) Thergaon Hospital

Respected Sir,

I /We the undersigned have examined the above mentioned Tender Enquiry document, including

Amendment / Corrigendum No. Dt (if any), the receipt of which is hereby confirmed.

If our tender is accepted we undertake to supply the goods & perform the services as mentioned in

Tender Enquiry Document in accordance with the delivery schedule.

We further understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest or any tender you may receive against

your tender enquiry.

We confirm that we fully agree to the terms and conditions specified in above mentioned Tender

Enquiry document including Amendment / Corrigendum if any.

The specifications, makes and models of all the items on this work have been carefully

studied and understood by me/us before submitting this tender. I/We undertake to use

only the material specified in the tender including makes and models as specified and

declare that we will not take any deviation from the specifications, makes and models

specified in tender during execution construction.

Date :-

Full Signature of the tenderer with official seal and address

Page 24 of 64

Annexure-X (Incomplete Annexure is liable for Rejection)

Additional Declaration of the Contractors for working in Covid-19


(On Bidder‟s Letterhead)

Name of the Work: - Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Centralized Medical

Gas Pipe line System on turnkey basis at 1) New Bhosari Hospital

2) Jijamata Hospital,

3) Akurdi Hospital

4) Thergaon Hospital

I/We hereby declare that, we have made ourselves thoroughly conversant with the local

conditions regarding all materials and labour of which, we have based our rates for this

work. The specifications, conditions and lead of materials on this work have been carefully

studied and understood by us before submitting this tender. We undertake to use only the

best materials approved by the Commissioner Pimpri Chinchwad Muncipal Corporation

Pimpri 411 018 or his duly authorized assistant, before starting the work and to abide by

his decision.

I/We hereby declare that I/We have done a site visit to understand local site conditions and

see no issues whatsoever in executing and completing this building as per NABH/NABL &

MCI guidelines. I also hereby declare that I understand that we need to collaborate with

multiple existing/future contractors working on the same project and we see no issues

whatsoever working in coordination with said contractors.

I/We hereby declare that, we are completely aware that, we will have to work in COVID

Hospital, where active Covid patients are admitted. We hereby declare that our labour will

use Personal Protective Equipment (PPEs) and any take other precautions during working

in active Covid hospital, at no additional cost to client. We will be responsible for safety of

our labours. We herewith understand the transportation hurdles nationwide and see no reason

in completing this project in expected time period.

I/We herewith agree to hold harmless and indemnify PCMC from any and all liability related

labour and material safety.

Date :-

Full Signature of the tenderer with official seal and address

Page 25 of 64

Annexure – XI

(Incomplete Annexure is liable for Rejection)

Proforma of Commercial Bid [COMMERCIAL OFFER]

Price Schedule for E-__________________________

Name of the Work: Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Centralized Medical Gas

Pipe line System on turnkey basis at 1) New Bhosari Hospital

2) Jijamata Hospital,

3) Akurdi Hospital

4) Thergaon Hospital






Total ( Excluding



Supply, Installation, Testing and

Commissioning of Centralized Medical

Gas Pipe line System on turnkey basis


1 New Bhosari Hospital Pune

2 New Jijamata Hospital

3 New Akurdi Hospital

4 New Thergaon Hospital

Total price = 1+2+3+4 ( excluding GST)

5 Supply of Liquid Oxygen gas at per m3 Rates Valid for

2 years only ( excluding GST )

a) Financial offer D will be considered for bidding purpose.

b) Price of item 5 will not be considered for financial evaluation but successful bidder is liable to


Liquid oxygen for concerned facilities , remuneration for such service will be paid as per actual

requirement .

c) The statutory taxes will be deducted by PCMC while releasing the payments as per the policy.

To be uploaded in the form of EXCEL

We fully agree to the terms and conditions specified in Tender document, including

amendment / corrigendum if any

Full Signature of the tenderer with official

Seal & Address

Page 26 of 64

Annexure – XII

(To be submitted to this office)


(On Rs. 500 Stamp Paper)

NAME OF WORK:- Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Centralised Medical Gas Pipe line

System on turnkey basis at Bhosari Hospital Pune.

1. I, the undersigned, do hereby certify that all the statements made in the required attachments are

true and correct.

2. The undersigned also hereby certifies that our firm M/s ________________________________

has never abandoned any work in India nor any contract awarded to us for such works have been

rescinded, during last five years prior to the date of this bid.

3. The undersigned also hereby certifies that our firm M/s ________________________________

has never blacklisted or debarred in India by any Government ( fully owned / semi-autonomous /

autonomous) institution or authority with respect to any healthcare equipment sales or service

prior to the date of this bid .( Sub judicial matters shall not have any exemption from this clause

till final verdict is given by Hon. Court of law ) .

4. The undersigned hereby authorize(s) and request(s) any bank, person, firm or corporation to

furnish pertinent information deemed necessary and requested by the Department to verify this

statement or regarding my (our) competence and general reputation.

5. The undersigned understand and agrees that further qualifying information may be requested and

agrees to furnish any such information at the request of the Department/ Project implementing


6. The undersigned understand hereby certify that, they or any of their subcontractors / vendors /

distributors / OEMs / brokers / importers / Joint Venture or Consortium Partners are/were not

blacklisted or debarred or penalized or had adverse observation against them in the past for any of

the item in part or whole by any local, state or central government institutes including

Competition Commission of India (CCI) / Comptroller and Auditor General of India (CAG)/

Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) in entire India (in the past means since incorporation of the


7. If false information is submitted found, then bidder will be black-listed and their Bid Security will

be forfeited.


(Signed by an Authorized Officer of the Firm)


Title of Officer


Name of Firm



Page 27 of 64

Annexure XIII

Tri party agreement between PCMC, Foreign manufacturer/ OEM and Bidder

Contractor to make Note of:

Non submission of tri party agreement under envelope no. 1 shall result in direct

disqualification from tender

Bidder to execute Tri Party agreement with Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) of

Medical Gas Pipeline, as mentioned in Detailed Specifications - Annexure XIV and

subsequent BOQ -Annex XV, XVI,XVII,& XVIII. The agreement shall be executed in

the prescribed format on Rs. 500 stamp paper

Tri-Party Agreement shall be directly between bidder and foreign OEM. Tri-party

agreement between OEM‟s distributor/vendor and bidder shall not be acceptable. Tri

party agreement with end user agency shall be executed with successful bidder at a later


Page 28 of 64

Tri Party agreement between PCMC, Foreign Manufacturer/OEM and Bidder

This agreement made on this the __________ Between PCMC hereinafter referred to as the

PURCHASER (1ST Party) and ----------------., India a firm (hereinafter referred to as the

“SUPPLIER (BIDDER)” which expression where the context admits shall include its successors in

interest and assigns of the other part (2nd party) and M/s -------------- (3rd Party as Principal

OEM ) for the work mentioned below

Name of Work: Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Medical Gas Pipeline System

(MGPS) on turnkey basis at PCMC New Bhosari, Jijamat, Akurdi & Thergaon Hospital

Whereas as the PURCHASER is desirous that Supply, Installation, testing and

commissioning of the equipment & accessories on turnkey basis be done by supplier or

manufacturer as per the terms and conditions laid out in tender document of the PURCHASER.

Purchaser will follow standard practices as per the terms and condition laid out in the tender

document to evaluate the bids submitted by the suppliers or manufacturers. Bidders who

unconditionally accept all the terms and conditions of the purchaser will be eligible to bid.

All the suppliers (bidders) have to be authorized by the manufacturers and manufacturers

indemnifies that all the terms are acceptable to them as well.

Manufacturer has accepted the bid terms and conditions submitted by SUPPLIER for the

Comprehensive/Annual Maintenance Contract & Supply Order terms under reference and whereas

the SUPPLIER/Principal OEM has agreed to execute the CMC/AMC if and when awarded in

future, terms and condition as hereinafter referred to at a comprehensive/ annual maintenance cost.

And whereas various General, technical & commercial negotiation / correspondences took

place between SUPPLIER & PURCHASER as a result of which SUPPLIER‟S final offer has been

accepted and whereas supply order has already been issued to the SUPPLIER by the PURCHASER

vide Ref. No. which has been duly accepted by the SUPPLIER.


1. In pursuance of the agreement and in consideration of Rate only as payable to the Manufacturer/

Bidder, the Manufacturer/ Bidder shall start commencing the work in the manner as stated in the


2. The parties hereunder shall respectively and faithfully abide by the terms and conditions

and stipulations contained in this agreement and perform / discharge their part of the obligation

of the agreement accordingly.

3. The agreement shall be executed within the purview of the Indian Laws.

4. In this agreement words and expressions shall have the same meanings as are respectively

assigned to them in the conditions of agreement herein before referred to.

Page 29 of 64

5. The three sets of agreement shall be signed & 1 set of each agreement shall remain with the

Purchaser, Bidder and with Principal i.e. OEM.

6. In Witness Whereof the parties have hereunto set their respective hand seals at Pune on the date,

month and year first above written.

7. The Supplier has agreed for 2 years warranty & free 5 years AMC post warranty for preventive

and breakdown maintenance of the supplied equipment and it‟s accessories in order to ensure

proper functioning of the equipment. The chargeable CMC/ AMC period will start only after

successful completion of warranty period of two years & free 5 years AMC period which is

further extendable as per DOWNTIME PENALTY clause stipulation as under.

During warranty period of 2 years i.e. 24 months from the date of satisfactory commissioning /

installation of the equipment, log book will be maintained at the Engineering/ User Department.

If the availability of the equipment, during warranty period, falls below 96% i.e. assuming 351

working days in the year of 365 days and similarly 1051 days in three years, the warranty period

will be extended for the breakdown days the equipment remains breakdown minimum 96%

availability of the equipment in terms of working days.

8. The OEM shall also assure continuity of service to their product, in the event of change in

dealership or the bidders – their existing dealers - couldn‟t provide service during the

warranty / AMC period.

9. The responsibility of supply, installation, testing and commissioning of medical equipment‟s

with 2 years warranty and 5 years Annual Maintenance Contract (as applicable) shall be of

Manufacturer and supplier Jointly As Well As Severally.

10. Warranty & Free AMC ( Annual Maintenance Contract) of 5 Years post warranty.

Complete system including labour & spares should have comprehensive onsite warranty for

Two years; commencing from the date of issue of installation certificate by the institute.

a) Incremental Cost (if any) for, up gradation, if required, should form part of the contract for

the Warranty.

b) The Supplier (manufacturer) shall set-up a maintenance base to provide maintenance

service, of the entire turnkey system being offered, at short notice during the warranty

c) If the performance of any individual equipment or system is not satisfactory, the same shall

be replaced by the supplier free of cost.

d) If it is found that to meet the performance criteria, any extra equipment is required the same

will be provided free of cost by the supplier.

e) All faults appearing and their rectification shall be periodically advised to the hospital, the

period being not more than a month.

f) Any lacuna or lacunae noticed in the functioning of the installation as a result of any design

feature shall be rectified by the supplier free of cost.

g) The supplier warrants comprehensively that the goods supplied under the contract is new,

unused and incorporate all recent improvements in design and materials unless prescribed

otherwise by the purchaser in the contract. The supplier further warrants that the goods

supplied under the contract shall have no defect arising from design, materials (except when

the design adopted and/or the material used are as per the Purchaser‟s/Consignee‟s

specifications) or workmanship or from any act or omission of the supplier, that may

develop under normal use of the supplied goods under the conditions prevailing in India.

h) The warranty shall remain valid for 24 months from the date of installation &

Page 30 of 64

commissioning with a regular updates of newer technology as and when evolved.

i) No conditional warranty like mishandling, manufacturing defects, etc. will be acceptable.

j) In case of any claim arising out of this warranty, the Purchaser/Consignee shall promptly

notify the same in writing to the supplier. Upon receipt of such notice, the supplier shall,

within 8 hours on a 24(hrs) X 7 (days) X 365 (days) basis respond to take action to repair or

replace the defective goods or parts thereof, free of cost, at the ultimate destination. The

supplier shall take over the replaced parts/goods after providing their replacements and no

claim, whatsoever shall lie on the purchaser for such replaced parts/goods thereafter. The

penalty clause for non rectification will be applicable as per tender conditions

k) In the event of any rectification of a defect or replacement of any defective goods during the

warranty period, the warranty for the rectified/replaced goods shall be extended till the

completion of the original warranty period of the main equipment.

l) If the supplier, having been notified, fails to respond to take action to repair or replace the

defect(s) within 8 hours on a 24(hrs) X 7 (days) X 365 (days) basis, the purchaser may

proceed to take such remedial action(s) as deemed fit by the purchaser, at the risk and

expense of the supplier and without prejudice to other contractual rights and remedies,

which the purchaser may have against the supplier.

m) During Warranty & free AMC period, the supplier is required to visit at each consignee‟s

site at least once in 4 months commencing from the date of the installation for preventive

maintenance of the goods.

n) A warranty certificate duly signed and with proper stamp of the institution concerned and

also signed by the authorized signatory with the stamp of the successful bidder shall be

submitted to the Tender Inviting Authority for keeping it under safe custody along with the

Installation Certificate. A copy of the original warranty papers has to be given to the

institution head concerned.

o) The equipment which requires quality assurance test shall be done at free of cost

immediately after installation, during the comprehensive warranty period, during the AMC

period, by the demand of User Institutions and also when major spares are replaced

p) The bidder shall attend any number of breakdown/repair calls as and when informed by the

Tender Inviting Authority/User Institution.

q) During post warranty Free Annual Maintenance Contract period, the cost of spares will be

borne by the Tender Inviting Authority or the user institutions, as the case may be. During

the period of AMC, other terms and conditions will remain the same as in the case of

Comprehensive Warranty/CMC, except in respect of the cost of spares. In short, the AMC is

a CMC with provisions for payment of cost of spare parts during the currency of the

contract by the Tender Inviting Authority or User Institution as the case may be.

11. CMC/ AMC Charges: The CMC/AMC charge post 2 year warranty & 5 year free AMC period

has been agreed by all the executors. The charges for CMC/ AMC (with spares) for 3 years

for total unit & will start after successful completion of 2 years warranty & free 5 years

AMC period.

No advance payment will be made to the supplier on a/c of CMC/AMC rather; the payment of

AMC/CMC of the medical equipment‟s shall be made on yearly basis subject to satisfactory

completion of maintenance and servicing activities. In case of Breakdown, failure in providing

Quarterly Preventive Maintenance service will lead to nonpayment of proportionate CMC/AMC


Page 31 of 64

12. In case of non-compliance of Warranty, AMC & CMC the supplier will be liable to pay a

penalty. Such penalty shall be recovered from the amount of bank guarantee submitted.

13. I/We ------------ (Manufacturer) and I/We -------------- (Supplier) hereby further state and

declare that I/We are

not declared insolvent any time in the past.

not blacklisted or debarred or penalized or had adverse observation against them in the

past for any of the items in part or whole by any local, state or central government

institutes including Competition Commission of India (CCI) / Comptroller and Auditor

General of India (CAG)/ Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) in entire India (in the past

means since incorporation of the company).

not convicted under the provision of IPC or Prevention of Corruption Act., nor any

criminal case is pending against me/us in any court of law.

Settlement of Disputes: It is incumbent upon the supplier/Principal OEM to avoid litigation

and disputes during the course of the execution. However, if such disputes take place

between the contractor and the PCMC, effort shall be made first to settle the disputes at the

PCMC level.

The supplier/Principal OEM should make request in writing to the PCMC for settlement of

such disputes /claims within 30 (thirty) days of arising of the cause of disputes/claim failing

which no disputes/claims of the supplier shall be entertained by the company.

If differences still persist, in case of parties other than Govt. agencies the redresses of the

dispute may be sought in the Court of Law in Pune Jurisdiction only.

The Supplier shall familiarize with the orders of the State/ Central Govt. applicable to the

work, payment of wages Act, Workman‟s Compensation Act, Contract Labour (R&A) Act

etc. and shall be fully responsible and liable for due observance of the same.”


By the said Bidder/Supplier (2nd party)

For M/s.-------------------------





By the said (1st party)


Page 32 of 64





By the said (3rd


For OEM---------






Signature: Signature:

Name: Name:

Address: Address:


Biomedical Engineer


Sd/- sd/-

Dy. Commissioner Addt. Commissioner ,


Sd/- sd/-

Mr. Manoj Patil Commissioner

Healthcare consultant PCMC

Page 33 of 64

Annexure- XIV

Technical Specifications for Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Medical

Gas Pipe Line System on turnkey basis at Bhosari, Jijamata, Akurdi & Thergaon


1. The work being tendered is on turnkey basis (entire scope mentioned herein) wherein

design, supply, installation, testing & commissioning including training user agency

staff shall be the scope of services of Medical Gas Pipeline (MGPS) contractor. It is

responsibility of a bidder to verify all site conditions before quoting for the work. It is

strongly recommended for bidder to take actual site measurements prior to bidding.

2. Electrical Control Panel for Vacuum and Air plant system to be supplied by the

Contractor. All required electrical connection for installation of entire system including

alarm panel/ pendant/ control panel should be tapped from the nearest available points

and remains in the Scope of Work of the Contractor. Hospital will provide power at one

point inside each of the manifold room and plant room only. Further distribution and

wiring is to be carried out by the Contractor to make the system functional. Technical

Specifications will be as per the bidding documents. Prior approval of electrical panel

drawings shall be taken from the Corporation before manufacture. Supply of 3 -phase

power up to the plant room shall be in the scope of hospital authority and/ or the


3. All the required consumables, gases, cylinders etc. for installation, testing, calibration,

quality control tests, commissioning etc. remains in the Scope of Work of the


4. Successful bidder has to design entire MGPS system as per NABH, NABL guidelines

and get it approved from end user agency prior to procurement.

5. Any core cutting required for utilities shall be entirely in MGPS contractor‟s scope.

Prior approval is a must before proceeding with any core cutting activity.

6. It is responsibility of successful bidder to prepare working drawings in consultation

with medical consultant and user agency and submit the same for approval prior to

proceeding with the work.

7. It is also responsibility of bidder to prepare as-built drawings. Contractor has to design

their own equipment layout as per their own equipment with respect to

MCI/NABH/NABL guidelines. However approval of Technical Review Committee is

mandatory for such proposed floor plan prior to procurement of equipment.

8. The hospital authority / Corporation will arrange for D type Oxygen/ Nitrous cylinders

for the Manifold Room for the regular supply of Gases for the patient use at a later

stage. Bidders need not have to consider prices of D type Cylinder in their Bid for

operation of the installed system. However cylinders required for installation, testing

and commissioning of the pipeline system will have to be arranged by the Contractor.

9. The Contractor should arrange for all statutory approvals, if any required for

Page 34 of 64

satisfactory commissioning of the system. Required documentation will be provided by

the Corporation and/ or the hospital.

10. Electricity required for commissioning the system will be provided by the hospital free

of Cost, if available

11. Hospital will provide facility for storage space for the materials, tools etc. but watch

and ward of the material will be the responsibility of the selected bidder. Hospital takes

no responsibility for the loss /theft of the materials before commissioning and handover

of the complete system.

12. The Contractor should submit technical data sheets, Product catalogs, Drawings,

samples etc for approval. The Corporation or its appointed consultant will provide

approval as per the specification in the Bidding Documents.

13. The Contractor should supply complete set of part manuals, service manuals and user

manuals for all the systems and subsystems to be supplied.

14. The Contractor should demonstrate pressure and flow rate at each outlet point at the

time of commissioning. The Contractor is required to demonstrate and Document all

safety features incorporated in the system as per HTM02-01 / NFPA 99C Standards.

15. All material used for Installation, Testing and Commissioning the system should have

required quality certification.

16. All supporting material like saddles, cable trays, channels, joints/ connectors, necessary

civil works including foundation & modification of manifold/plant room as required,

trenches/bridges for pipe laying, making holes in the wall & repairing after installation

of copper piping, electrical works, etc. are a part of MGPS work. If Bidder feels any

items other than those listed in BOQ is required for the commissioning of the complete

Medical Gas Pipeline System, the cost of such items may be included in his bid. No

further payment will be made other than the rates & items in BOQ.

17. Final electrical safety test, system test and calibration should be done by the bidder by

authorized persons using calibrated test equipment as per standards.

18. Earthing arrangements for all the equipment shall be completed by the bidder as per

standard practice.

19. The Contractor is required to put up signages, as are applicable inside and outside of

the manifold/ plant room.

20. The Bidders are not allowed to quote for equipment‟s / components

a) lesser specification (in quality or thickness of material) as specified in


b) Lower specifications / deviation from tender specification shall lead to rejection

of bid straightaway.

c) Latest models which fulfills this tender‟s specifications must be quoted.

d) The bidder is required to submit for each & every item / components quoted,

compliance sheet, which should reflect details of clause by clause compliance of

Page 35 of 64

technical specifications.

21. Training for operation and preventive & breakdown maintenance of the equipment is

to be arranged by the supplier / manufacturer immediately after installation to end

user‟s designated staff members for entire system.

22. Date of commissioning of work shall be date of commissioning of last part/portion of

the work.

Following systems. Items must be from the same principal company/manufacturer .

1. Fully Automated Manifold Control Panel- N2O / CO2

2. Medical Air Plant including Control Panel

3. Surgical Air Plant including Control Panel

4. Medical Vacuum Plant including Control Panel

5. AGSS System

6. Gas Outlet Points / Terminal Units

7. Medical Gas Area & Master Alarm Panel

8. Isolation/Line Valves

9. Zonal Valve Boxes

Following Product Quality Certificates & other details which needs to be submit by bidder

during technical submission otherwise bids will be liable for rejection.

1. Bidder has to submit product catalogues, technical compliance sheet & product certificates

during technical bid submission otherwise bids will be straight way reject.

2. Copper pipe should be as per standard BS: EN 13348:2008,

3. American UL/ETL Listed Certificate wherever is applicable.

4. ISO 13485 Certificate from OEM.

5. CE, BIS, ISI certificate for Indigenous products & European CE with certified body for

imported products

6. ISO 13485 certificate for OEM.

7. European CE 4 digit notified body no. certificate wherever is applicable.

8. Factory Test Certificates for Manifold Panels, Medical Air Compressors, Medical Vacuum

Pumps, AGSS SYSTEM. Bidder has to submit samples certificates during bid submission.

9. Ignition test reports of all Fully Automatic Manifold Panels. Bidder has to submit samples

certificates during bid submission otherwise bid will be rejected.

10. The Anaesthetic Gas Scavenging (AGS) System shall comply with HTM 02-01, HTM2022 and

either EN ISO 7396-2 or BS 6834.


Copper pipe should be as per standard BS: EN 13348:2008, Solid drawn, seamless, deoxidized,

non-arsenical, half hard (hard can be accepted only for sizes 54mm or more), tempered and

degreased copper pipe conforming to the standard. All copper pipes should be degreased &

delivered capped at both ends. The pipes should be accompanied with manufacturers test

certificate for the physical properties & chemical composition. Copper pipe must have reputed

third party inspection certificate (Eg. Lloyd‟s or TUV or SGS). Fittings should be made of

copper and suitable for a working Pressure of up to 17bar and especially made for brazed socket

type connections. The isolation valve body shall be made of chromium plated brass with non-

lubricated ball-type. All valves shall be pneumatically tested for twice the working pressure and

factory degreased for medical gas service. Copper fittings should comply with EN 1254:1 or

equivalent factory degreased and brazing filler metals should comply with EN 1044or

equivalent . Fitting should be degreased, individually packed for medical use. The minimum

Page 36 of 64

thickness of copper pipes as mentioned in BOQ.

Installation & testing

Installation of piping shall be carried out with utmost cleanliness. Only pipes, fittings and valves

that have been degreased and fittings shall be used at site. Pipe fixing clamps shall be of

nonferrous or non-deteriorating plastic suitable for the diameter of the pipe. Inert gas welding

technique should be used by passing oxygen Free Nitrogen Gas inside the copper pipes during

silver brazing, in order to avoid carbon deposition inside the copper pipes. Only copper-to-

copper joints are permitted on site except threaded or flanged joints may be made where

pipelines are connected to items such as valves and control equipment. No flux shall be used for

joining Copper to Copper joints and on for joints made on site. Copper to copper joints shall be

brazed using a 5% silver-copper phosphorous brazing alloy CP104. A total of 5 joints shall be

cut out for examination to establish the quality of the joints being made on site. The insides

shall be clean and free from oxides and particulate matter and the minimum penetration of the

brazing alloy at any point shall be three times the wall thickness of the tube. If the joints

examined do not conform to these requirements, then adjacent joints shall be cut out and

examined until the extent of faulty workmanship has been made good. Copper-to-brass or

gunmetal joints shall only be made under controlled conditions off site. The joints are ordinarily

used to join short copper pipe tails to brass, gunmetal or bronze fittings to permit their

connection into the pipeline. The sub-assemblies shall be degreased and individually sealed in

bags or boxes before delivery to site.

Adequate supports should be provided while laying pipelines to ensure that the pipes do not sag.

Suitable sleeves shall be provided wherever pipes cross through walls / slabs. All pipe clamps

shall be non-reactive to copper.

After erection, the pipes are to be flushed with dry nitrogen gas and then pressure tested with

dry nitrogen at a pressure equal to twice the working pressure or 150 psig, whichever is higher

for a period of not less than 24 hours.

Length and quantity of individual items (Copper pipes, AVSUs, Alarm panels, Isolation valves,

Outlets, pendants etc.) are mentioned. However quantity will be calculated and paid at actual.

Bidder should quote unit price for all the items as detailed

Maximum interval between supports (Horizontal and Vertical)

(12mm Pipe - 1.5m, 15mm pipe - 1.5m, 22mm pipe – 2m, 28mm pipe-2m, 35mm pipe-2.5m,

42mm pipe -2.5m, 54mm pipe - 2.5m, 76mm pipe – 3meter)


All the pipes from manifold/plant upto the outlets should be painted with two coats of synthetic

enamel paint and colour codification should be as per standards followed and with consultation

with competent authorities of the Institute.


It should comply with NFPA99 standard.

a) All Medical Gas Valves shall be specially prepared for oxygen service and shall conform to

NFPA 99 standard. Valves shall be ball-type, with Teflon seats and adjusting stem packing

gland with Teflon stem seal.

b) Ball valves shall be rated 600 WOG, actuate from full “ON” to full “OFF” by 90 degree turn

of vinyl gripped valve handle.

c) Furnish and install only valves with factory installed type K copper tubing extensions.

d) Valves not in valve boxes shall be provided with locking handles.

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e) All valves shall be cleaned for oxygen, capped and sealed in a polyethylene bag for shipping

and storage.

f) Apply labels to each valve in the assembly for gas service identification according to

manufactures recommendations.

g) Zone valves shall include a 1 1/2 inch pressure gauge reading 0 to 100 psig for oxygen, air,

nitrous oxide; 0 to 300 psig for nitrogen; and 0 to 30 HG for vacuum and WAGD. The

gauge port shall be equipped with removable plug for pressure testing before final assembly

of gauge.

h) All zone valve boxes assemblies shall read pressure downstream and vacuum upstream of

the valve as per NFPA 99. Valves shall be piped left to right with right being on patient


3. Manifold Supply System (Without Cylinders)-O2/N2O/CO2

The manifold(s) should comply with HTM 02-01/NFPA 99/ DIN / EN / ISO-7396-1

standards.The manifold(s) size as mentioned in BOQ, it shall be compatible with Class-D type

bulk cylinders. Manifold shall consist of two high pressure header bar assemblies to facilitate

connection of primary and secondary cylinder supplies. Each header bar shall be provided with

respective numbers of cylinder pigtail connections to suit cylinder valves as per IS 3224/ BS/

ASME incorporating a check valve at the header connection. The high-pressure header bar shall

be designed in such a manner that it can be extended to facilitate additional cylinder

connections. Each header bar assembly shall be provided with a high pressure shut off valve.

Oxygen Manifold should consist of 2 rows of respective numbers of class D-type bulk oxygen

cylinders. The manifold should be hydraulically tested to 3000 psig. The manifold should be so

designed that it shall suit easy cylinder changing and positioning. The system should have non –

return valves for easy changing of cylinders without closing the bank. The cylinder should be

placed with the help of cylinder brackets and fixing chains which should be galvanized.

4. Fully Automatic Manifold Control Panel- O2/N2O/CO2 The fully automatic control panel should comply with NFPA99 standard & imported only. It

shall be fully automatic, including shifting to secondary bank when the service bank is

exhausted, with automatic reset of replaced bank to primary status. Semi-automatic manifolds

are not acceptable. The manifold control(s) shall incorporate:

a. Pressure switches to actuate designated signals when service bank is exhausted.

b. Visible display on control unit to determine when primary bank is exhausted and the

secondary bank is in operation.

c. A continuously lit green indicator to indicate header in use.

d. Gauges to indicate contents of each header.

e. An amber indicator of header ready for the secondary header.

f. A red indicator of header empty for each header.

g. A pressure gauge for line pressure.

h. Minimum flow capacity should be 1500 LPM @ 50 to 60 PSI.

Manifold design shall ensure that the failure of any one component does not prevent continued

supply of gas to patients. Manifolds design shall incorporate dome biased regulators for header

switching and shall not require heaters for any gas. Alarm Manifold power supply shall be

separate unit for ease of installation. Wiring between manifold and power supply shall be

manufacturer supplied. Manifolds requiring electrical work inside the manifold cabinet during

installation are not acceptable. Wiring shall terminate in power supply box not in manifold.

Manifolds using gauges which require electrical power are not acceptable. Manifolds which

cannot perform switching operations without electrical power are not acceptable. The manifold

panel should be ignition tested or Adriatic testing as per ISO 10524-2. Bidder has to submit

Page 38 of 64

reference Ignition or Adriatic certificate for technical evaluation.

5. Medical Gas Area Line Pressure Alarm

It should comply with NFPA99 standard with American UL/ETL/ATL listed certificate.

It should be capable of monitoring up to 6 gas services by means of pressure sensors that detect

deviations from the normal operating limits. It should have each gas service shall be displayed

on LCD touch screen Panel. The area alarm should be controlled by LCD display touch screen .

An audible warning shall sound simultaneously with any failure indication and a mute facility

shall be provided. Following a mute selection the audible will resound after approximately 15

minutes, or shall operate simultaneously should a further alarm condition occur. A “Mute”

switch shall be provided inside the panel for use during any maintenance resulting in prolonged

pipeline or plant shutdown. This facility shall automatically reset when the gas service returns to

normal. The alarm panel shall have a „Test‟ facility to prove the integrity of the internal circuits,

visual and audible warning. The alarm panel shall incorporate a volt free normally closed relay

to allow for interconnection to either a medical gas central alarm system or an event recording

circuit of a building management system. In the event of an electrical power supply failure the

„System Alarm‟ LCD panel shall illuminate (flashing) and the audible warning shall be delayed

for 30 seconds to enable standby generator tests. Line continuity monitoring circuits shall be

provided to constantly monitor the integrity of the input sensors and interconnecting wiring. In

the event of any fault the line continuity monitoring circuits shall initiate the specific gas service

failure indication, a „System Alarm‟ indication and an audible warning. Further aids to fault

diagnosis shall be provided by means of varying flashing rates whilst operating the „Test‟

switch. It should be connected through Pressure and Vacuum Switches: Pressure and vacuum

switches shall be manufactured with brass wetted parts and house a PCBA with line continuity

monitoring resistors. Electrical connectors shall be designed for frequent disassembly. Spade

connectors are not acceptable. Pressure switches shall include both high and low-pressure

settings in the same switch. The body and housing of the pressure switch shall be manufactured

from impact resistance, rigid and inherently corrosion proof materials. Pressure switches shall

connect directly to the area alarm panel. It is not acceptable to fit a separate connection box to

convert switch signals to a data signal. The emissions from alarms should conform with EMC

standards or as per guideline of standard to be followed.

The medical gas area alarm should fully satisfy the requirement as per NFPA99 and should have

American ETL/UL/ATL Listed certificates.

6. Master Alarm Panel

It should comply NFPA99 with American UL/ETL/ATL listed certificate.

Master Alarm System panel shall be microprocessor based with individual microprocessors on

each area display and sensor board. The sensors shall be capable of local or remote mounting.

Each area display module/sensor unit shall be gas specific & with an error message display for

an incorrect connection. Alarm should be capable with hospital BMS facility. Master Alarm

panel allow users to set up customized instructions for each alarm signal, to appear on the

screen when the signal is in alarm. Alarm should be with the touch screen interface on the alarm

panel LCD. Edit or Incorporate user-defined instructions into an emergency response plan by

the hospital facility. Alarm should be capable of monitors up to 25-60 local inputs. The alarms

shall be field expandable with the facility for addition of extra modules up to six services to be

accommodated per standard box. A built-in web server in each panel allows a remote operator

to display the alarm's web page and view alarm signals, pressures, and other networked devices.

Page 39 of 64

Each specific service shall be provided with numerical digital read comprising of 0-250 psi for

positive pressure and 0-30-inch Hg for vacuum. The touch screen panel readout shall provide a

constant indication of each service being measured. Minimum screen size should be 8.5 inches

Touch Screen LCD Display. A bar graph trend indicator shall be provided for each service

indicating a green “NORMAL”, yellow “CAUTION” and a red “HIGH” or “LOW” alarm

condition. Under normal operation the bar graph display shall move up and down in the green

range depending on service usage.

If an alarm occurs, the “RED” alarm light will flash, and an audible alarm will sound. Pushing

the “ALARM SILENCE” button will cancel the audible alarm, but the unit will remain in the

alarm condition until the problem is rectified.

The default set points shall be +/- 20% variation from normal condition.

In the calibration mode the following parameters shall be field adjustable:

High/Low set points

Imperial /Metric Units

Repeat alarm enable/disable

Set points shall be adjustable by two on board push buttons.

In addition, “PUSH TO TEST” & “ALARM SILENCE” buttons shall be easily accessible to

operate and test the unit.

Combination master/area alarms shall have no moving parts and shall require no maintenance

after initial installation.

• Medical Oxygen plant room alarm system shall indicate the following

. LOX tank level low

. Vaporizer 1 ON

. Vaporizer 2 ON

. Manifold Main Bank Discharging

. Manifold Reserve Bank Discharging

. Critical care header pressure Normal / Lo / Hi with digital read out

. General care header pressure Normal / Lo / Hi with digital read out

• Medical Air plant room alarm system shall indicate following

. Compressor 1 ON/OFF

. Compressor 2 ON/OFF

The medical gas master alarm should fully satisfy the requirement as per NFPA99 and should

have American ETL/UL/ATL Listed certificates.

7. Medical Vacuum System

The duplex medical vacuum system should comply with HTM 02-01/NFPA 99/ DIN / EN /

ISO-7396-1 standards. It should be Oil Sealed Rotary Vane/Oil Lubricated Screw Type to

produces minimum 160 CFM (+/- 5%) as primary and 160 CFM as standby. The vacuum plant

shall comprise air-cooled, oil lubricated rotary vane vacuum pumps on skid mounted with

control panel suitable for both continuous and frequent start/stop operation at inlet vacuum

levels between 500mmHg and 660 mmHg. The control system should normally employ

automatic rotation of the lead pump to maximize pump life and ensure even wear. Vacuum

pump inlets shall include a wire mesh filter and integral non-return valve to prevent oil suck

back and pressure increases in the vacuum system. Each vacuum pump shall be fitted with anti-

vibration pads between the pump foot and mounting frame. The plant shall be fitted with duplex

bacteria filter system.

The vacuum receiver (Indigenous or equivalent) of 2000 liters shall be made of rust free

corrosion resistant steel and fabricated as per BS/ISO for a vacuum pressure of 760mmHg. It

should include bypass valves, manual drain valves, vacuum gauge.

Page 40 of 64

Vacuum Controller

The control include individual self-protected combination motor controls with short circuit,

single phase and thermal overload protection, individual control circuit transformers with fuse

less primary and secondary protection, pressure sensors, temperature switches with reset

buttons, and an electronic controller to automatically change the operating sequence of the

compressors. The system should have a status display to show the system pressure, fault

conditions, and silence button, lighted Hand-Off-Automatic selector switches and safety

disconnect operating handles.

Duplex Vacuum Bacterial Filters

The filters should be designed for removal of solid, liquid and bacterial contamination from the

suction side of vacuum pump systems, preventing damage to the pump and the potential

biological infection of the surrounding environment. The dryer should be particulate filter dryer

with ability to remove particles as small as 1micron. Each individual filter shall have the

capacity to deliver full design flow such that one set is designated duty and the other will be

standby. Bacteria filters shall have efficiency at least 99.999% when tested by the sodium flame

method in accordance with BS 3928:1969/as per required standard utilizing particles in the 0.02

to 2 micron size range. The pressure drop across each clean filter at 50% of the system design

flow should not exceed 25 mm Hg (3 kPa) at a vacuum of 475mm of Hg (63 kPa). Bacteria

filters shall be marked with the legend „Bio-Hazard‟. Each bacteria filter shall be provided with

a transparent sterilizable collection jar to collect condensate.

8. Duplex Medical Air Plant & Surgical Plant 3 Phase 50 Hz in Bhosari Hospital

The medical air plant shall fully comply with the requirements of the HTM 02-01/

NFPA99/EN/DIN/ISO 7396-1. Compressors shall be Oil free/Oil lubricated Rotary Screw

compressors, with duplex drier and filtration system. The system shall be duplex such that the

supply is maintained in single fault condition. Standby compressors system capacity shall be

accordingly as per the relevant standards. A test certificate shall be provided from the

manufacturer for the compressors showing the results of the tests, including the free-air flow

rate obtained at normal working pressure. Compressor must be comply as per ISO 7396-1. This

declaration should be on manufacturer‟s letter head which shows model no., article no.states

that proposed compressor is comply to ISO 7396-1. Belt driven compressors are not acceptable

only direct driven machine is acceptable.

Each compressor should be equipped with integrated PLC controller having advanced

monitoring, High definition colour display with clear service and warning indications. Easy

remote monitoring through a simple Ethernet connection thanks to the built-in webserver,

monitoring features include new service and warning indications, error detection and

compressor shut-down.

Purification Module

The duplexed filter and dryer module shall incorporate high efficiency oil filters, heatless

regenerative desiccant dryers, impregnated activated carbon filters and bacteria filters.

Contaminants in the delivered air downstream of the bacteria filters. Each dryer tower shall

have the water concentration in the delivered air continuously monitored by a dedicated sensor

providing an alarm indication for high dew point on the respective dryer as backup to the alarm

provided by the hygrometer with digital display. The outlet air pressure shall be regulated

through a duplex arrangement of non-relieving pressure regulators and protected from over-

pressure by duplex pressure safety valves. The output of both dryers shall be joined to a

common pipe prior to entering the pressure regulators to allow either pressure regulator to be

Page 41 of 64

used with either dryer. Duplex Dryer Should have Carbon tower with Indicator and facility to

convert toxic CO to harmless CO2.

Digital Dew Point Display The purification module shall incorporate a ceramic dew point hygrometer with an accuracy of

1 degree Celsius in the range 0 to -46 degree Celsius atmospheric dew point. Aluminium oxide

or palladium wire sensors are not acceptable. An alarm condition shall trigger on the dryer

control panel if the dew point exceeds a -46 degree Celsius atmospheric (67 ppm v/v) set point

as per HTM/ISO or minimum -12° C pressure dew point as per NFPA99 compliance.

Air Receiver(s)

The air receiver of 2000 litres shall be as per BSEN/ASTM standards and the same should be

stamped /engraved with code no./lot no along with the test certification. Air Receiver shall be

supplied with Auto drain Valve, Gauss, Safety Valve.

9. Medical Gas Terminal Units

Medical gas outlet stations shall be modular, quick-disconnect recessed type, or DISS screw

thread recessed type equal. Threaded DISS connector shall be per CGA standards.

Outlets shall be field assembled with sequences and services indicated. Furnish indexed rough

in and gas specific latch valve with non-interchangeable safety keying and with color coded gas

service identification. The safety keying index pins shall be permanently captured in the latch

assembly and non-removable without destroying the outlet. Designs with index pins molded in

plastic are not acceptable. The latch mechanisms shall be designed for one handed, single thrust

mounting and one handed fingertip release of secondary equipment. The complete outlet shall

be made, cleaned and packaged to NFPA 99 Standards, American UL Listed and CSA certified.

Medical gas outlets shall be cleaned for oxygen service in accordance with CGA Pamphlet G-

4.1. The assembly shall be capped and the finish assembly poly bagged for shipment. The

rough in assembly shall be of modular design and include a gas specific 16 gauge steel

mounting plate designed to permit on-site ganging of multiple outlets, on 5 inch center line

spacing. A machined brass outlet block shall be permanently attached to the mounting bracket

to permit the 1/2” OD, type-K copper inlet to swivel 360 degrees for attachment to the piping

system. The rough in assembly shall contain a double seal to prevent gas leakage between the

rough in and latch-valve assemblies after the wall is finished. A single o-ring seal shall not be


10. Oxygen Flow Meter With Humidifier Bottle (CE Marked)

It should be as per Class I of Medical Device Directives (93/42/EEC). It should be

manufactured in an ISO 13485:2003 quality management system duly certified constructed in

accordance with the requirement of international standard.

Back Pressure Compensated flow meter for accurate gas flow measurement with following


a) Control within a range of 0-15 LPM.

b) It should meet strict precision and durability standard.

c) The flow meter body should be made of brass chrome plated materials.

d) The flow tube and shroud components should be made of clear, impact resistant


e) Flow tube should have large and expanded 0-15 LPM range for improved readability at low


f) Inlet filter of stainless steel wire mesh to prevent entry of foreign particles

Page 42 of 64

g) The humidifier bottle is made of unbreakable & reusable polycarbonate

/polysulfone/polypropylene material autoclavable at 121 degree centigrade.

11. Ward Vacuum Unit

It should be as per Class I of Medical Device Directives (93/42/EEC). It should be

manufactured in an ISO 13485:2003 quality management system duly certified constructed in

accordance with the requirement of international standard.

It must consist of the following:- a) 1 no of Suction Regulator and 1no of 1000 ml polysulfone /polycarbonate/polypropylene

collection jar.

b) Suction Regulator: Suction regulator should be supplied with a safety jar, including and

antibacterial filter and an anti-overflow safety device. Should have wide membrane continuous

suction controller

c) Should have vacuum levels: 0-760 mm of Hg

d) Should have vacuum gauge fitted with a protective bumper device.

e) Should have on/off knob allowing for the quick restoration of a readjusted vacuum level.

f) Must have central adjustment knob with a color coded for 0 to 760 mm of Hg. Should have

Polysulfone/polycarbonate 100cc safety jar, autoclavable at 121º C, unbreakable, fitted with an

anti-overflow safety device and equipped with a plastic antibacterial filter. It should be totally

transparent, to ensure perfect sucked liquid visibility.

12. Theater Suction Trolley

Theatre Suction Trolley shall be Certified as per Class I of Medical Device Directives

(93/42/EEC) . It should be manufactured in an ISO 13485:2003 quality management system

duly certified constructed in accordance with the requirement of international standard.

It will be trolley mounted. The unit will include one regulator having gauge and mounted on

the trolley stand, having two reusable each 2000 ml plastic collection bottles mounted on the

base of trolley unit and connected with regulator & low pressure tube inter-connections. Safety

Jar 200 cc to be provided with regulator. The collection jar is made of unbreakable material,

which is fully auto-cleavable at 121 Degree Centigrade.

13. Horizontal/ Vertical Bed Head Panel (CE marked)

Horizontal/ Vertical Bed Head Panel-1200mm upto 2 Gas Outlets, 1500mm for upto 4/5outlets

configuration and 1800mm for 6/8 Outlet configurations along with electrical switches. It shall

confirm to HTM 02-01/ NFPA 99/EN/DIN/ISO 7396-1. The design should be approved by the

respective institute before installation and it is responsibility of the bidder after getting order

they have to discuss with respective institute and finalized the Bed Head Panel

(Vertical/Horizontal) as per site condition.

- Efficient, Safe & Robust design in extruded Aluminium section.

- Smooth curved surfaces, and choice of base color and fascia plates.

- Unit should have integrated rail system to mount accessories

- The headwall system should be constructed of Aluminium extrusions joined together to

form a carcass to suit the particular application. Unit should be factory assembled for

electrical and mechanical components.

- Segregation of services i.e. Low voltage supplies, High Voltage supply and Medical gases

should be maintained with minimum 2 tier/2 channel arrangements.

- Front fascia plate should be removable individually to access for respective service.

- It should have one rail for mounting Accessories.

- Each bed-head unit shall be supplied with electrical and electrical outlets pre-fitted.

Page 43 of 64

Gas Outlets, Electrical sockets and others accessories configuration as follows for:

1200mm Bed Head Trunking configuration

1. O2 x 1

2. Vac x 1

3. 5 /15A combined Electrical socket with switch- 4 nos.

4. Vacuum Jar holder- 1 no.

5. Cut out/provision for Nurse call bell

6. RJ45 socket/Ethernet-1

7. Monitor bracket

8. SS Basket

9. Infusion pump mount pole with adapter for mounting at least two infusion pumps

Gas Outlets, Electrical sockets and others accessories configuration as follows for 1500mm Bed head


- Efficient, Safe & Robust design in extruded Aluminium section.

- Smooth curved surfaces, and choice of base color and fascia plates.

- Unit should have integrated rail system to mount accessories

- The headwall system should be constructed of Aluminium extrusions joined together to

form a carcass to suit the particular application. Unit should be factory assembled for

electrical and mechanical components.

- Segregation of services i.e. Low voltage supplies, High Voltage supply and Medical gases

should be maintained with minimum 2 tier/2 channel arrangements.

- Front fascia plate should be removable individually to access for respective service.

- It should have one rail for mounting Accessories.

- Each bed-head unit shall be supplied with electrical and electrical outlets pre-fitted.

Gas Outlets, Electrical sockets and others accessories configuration as follows for:

1200mm Bed Head Trunking configuration

1. O2 x 1

2. Vac x 1

3. 5 /15A combined Electrical socket with switch- 4 nos.

4. Vacuum Jar holder- 1 no.

5. Cut out/provisin for Nurse call bell

6. RJ45 socket/Ethernet-1

7. Monitor bracket

8. SS Basket

9. Infusion pump mount pole with adapter for mounting at least two infusion pumps

Gas Outlets, Electrical sockets and others accessories configuration as follows for 1500mm Bed head


1. O2 x 1/2

2. Air x 1

3. Vac x 1/2

4. 5 /15A combined Electrical socket with switch- 4 nos.

5. Vacuum Jar holder- 1 no.

6. Cut out/provisin for Nurse call bell

7. RJ45 socket/Ethernet-1

8. Monitor bracket

9. SS Basket

Page 44 of 64

10. Infusion pump mount pole with adapter for mounting at least two infusion pumps

Gas Outlets, Electrical sockets and others accessories configuration as follows for 1800mm Bed

head trunking:

1. O2 x 2

2. MA x 2

3. Vac x 2

4. 5 /15A combined Electrical socket with switch- 8 nos.

5. Vacuum Jar holder- 1 no.

6. Cut out/provisin for Nurse call bell

7. RJ45 socket/Ethernet-1

8. Monitor bracket

9. SS Basket

10. Infusion pump mount pole with adapter for mounting at least two infusion pumps.

14. Electrical Wiring Inside The Gas Manifold And Plant Room

Hospital will supply 3 phase cable with distribution board and at one point inside the plant

room. Electric cable with fixtures and fittings for manifold room will be done by the hospital.

All switch-gear and motor control centre e.g. switches statement etc. volt and ampere meters.

All switch gear motor etc. shall be of the same make for interchangeability. All electrical

equipment shall be earthed in an approved manner as per I.E.E. rules and acceptable to the local

authority. Earthing station shall be provided by the contractor. No medical gases pipe shall be

used for electrical earthing. Entire installation shall be done taking care to follow all safety

regulations for electrical installation of piped medical gases system. Two main supply of the

required KW shall be provided up to the electrical control panel. The wiring after the control

panel has to be provided by the supplier as per IEE regulations. Following material must be

inside the plant room. 1.Cables , 2.G.I Earth Wire, 3.Saddling, 3a.Thumbling,4.Gland,

5.Control Cable.

15. Anaesthetic Gas Scavenging System

The Anaesthetic Gas Scavenging (AGS) System shall comply with HTM 02-01, HTM2022 and

either EN ISO 7396-2 or BS 6834. The AGS system shall be a dedicated, specifically designed

active extraction and disposal system for waste anaesthetic gas. It shall provide a maximum

flow rate of 80 l/min (EN ISO 7396-2) or 130 l/min (BS 6834) with a 1 kPa resistance to flow,

and a minimum of 50 l/min (EN ISO 7396-2) or 80 l/min (BS 6834) with a 2 kPa (EN ISO

7396-2) or 4 kPa (BS 6834) resistance to flow at each terminal unit, irrespective of the number

of terminal units in use. The AGS system shall use dedicated radial blowers in a simplex or

duplex configuration. The AGS pump assemblies shall be skid mounted and included on the

skid shall be the simplex or duplex pump(s), motor control unit(s) with starter/isolator, moisture

drain flask and flexible connector(s) to connect the plant to the pipeline. Each pump shall

include an electric motor and directly coupled impeller assembly. Impeller bearings in the

pump(s) shall not require lubrication. The pump(s) shall be air cooled and rated for continuous


Control System

Control panel shall incorporate an emergency panel isolation switch facility, which controls all

electrical power to the exhauster unit, remote start switch panels and system indication lights.

All control and status indication circuitry shall be limited to 24V a.c. A green „POWER ON‟

indicator shall be fitted to the starter/isolator panel, and shall illuminate whenever power is

Page 45 of 64

available to the 24V control and indication circuit. A „HAND/OFF/AUTO‟ switch shall be

provided to control operation of the pump, running the pump continuously when selected to

„HAND‟. When selected to „AUTO‟, control of the pump shall be passed to the remote start

switch panels. Operation of any of the remote start switches shall activate the pump. The pump

shall continue to run until all remote switches are selected „OFF‟.

The starter/isolator panel shall incorporate a thermal protection overload device. The thermal

protection overload device shall also monitor the electrical power supply and phase input. In the

event of a fault, the overload device shall break the circuit to the pump, preventing operation

until the system is manually re-set. Operation of the overload device shall also break the circuit

to the remote start switch panels, extinguishing the green running indicator.Simplex

starter/isolator panels c/w alarm pressure switch and duplex units incorporate line pressure

switch. This line pressure switch monitors vacuum levels and provides an additional control of

the remote start switch and starter/isolator panel green „RUNNING‟ indicators. The pressure

switch shall also include a digital display providing an accurate readout of the vacuum level in

the pipeline in order to assist with installation/commissioning and annual re-commissioning.

Duplex installations shall use remote start switches that include an amber „PLANT FAULT‟

indicator. This shall illuminate, if either pump is set to „HAND‟, or if one of the overloads tr ip.

A red „PLANT EMERGENCY‟ indicator shall also be provided and shall illuminate on all

remote start switch panels if the vacuum level falls below the pressure switch set point level

when the pump has been called. The on/off rocker switch shall include a green illuminated

surround to indicate „mains on‟.

Where a duplex system is installed each pump shall be controlled by a motor control panel to

enable servicing of either pump or control gear whilst maintaining system operation.

AGSS Terminal Units

Terminal unit shall be provided with an adjustable orifice to allow balancing of the terminal unit

flows during commissioning. Venturi style terminal units are not acceptable. Terminal units

shall not be connected to the medical vacuum system. The anaesthetic gas scavenging (AGS)

terminal unit shall conform to BS6834: 1987. The wall mounted first fix assembly shall consist

of brass pipeline termination block with copper stub pipe secured between a back plate and a

gas specific plate to allow limited radial movement of the copper stub to align with the pipeline.

The gas specific plate shall be fixed to the backplate by means of a tamperproof clip-fit

mechanism. The first fix shall incorporate a maintenance valve (except for vacuum) and a test

plug. The test plug shall provide an effective blank to enable carcass pressure testing. The

second fix plastic components shall be manufactured with the pin index permanently moulded

into the gas specific socket. The socket assembly shall retain a capsule assembly, containing the

check valve and probe „O‟ ring seals. The replaceable capsule assembly shall enable all working

parts subject to wear through usage to be replaced as a factory tested assembly, thereby

reducing maintenance time. Each termination block assembly shall be pressure tested by the

pressure decay method.

Gas Specificity

Terminal units shall be gas specific and only accept the correct medical gas probe. Gas specific

components shall be pin-indexed to ensure that a correct gas specific assembly is achieved so

that in normal course of dismantling for repair or maintenance, parts from other gases cannot

inadvertently be used. Wall mounted terminal units shall incorporate an anti-rotation pin to

engage with connected downstream medical equipment ensuring correct orientation.

Page 46 of 64


All screws, probe roller pins, locking springs and the anti-rotation pin shall be manufactured

from stainless steel. The second fix assembly shall be incorporate three injection moulded parts

in fire-retardant nylon 66. All wetted parts (except seals) shall be brass or copper. Copper stubs

pipes shall be manufactured from phosphorous de-oxidised non-arsenical copper to BS EN

1412:1996 grade CW024A, manufactured to metric outside diameters in accordance with BS

EN 13348:2001 R250 (half hard).

CE Marking

The Anaesthetic Gas Scavenging System & terminal units should be„CE‟ marked under the

Medical Devices Directive 93/42/EEC with approval from notified body with 4 digit number

(Lloyd‟s Register Quality Assurance). Under this directive, the specified products are classified

as Class IIb Medical Devices.

16. Zone Valve Box with Valves & Gauges

Valve boxes shall be constructed of 18 gauge steel/aluminium with white enamel finish. The

valve box shall have a sliding, opaque door with pull ring and clear gauge window. The

removable window cannot be replaced when any valve is closed. The frame assembly shall be

capable of adjusting for variances in wall thickness up to 1”. The window shall conceal

piping and mounting screws. Window shall be labeled “Caution Medical Gas Shut - Off

Valves - Close Only in Emergency.” Provide clear viewing space in the window to display the

gas service, the pressure gauges and the label for areas controlled by the valve. a) All Medical Gas Valves along with Gauges shall be incorporated with Valve box and shall

conform to NFPA 99. Valves shall be ball-type, with Teflon seats and adjusting stem

packing gland with Teflon stem seal.

b) Ball valves shall be rated 600 WOG, actuate from full “ON” to full “OFF” by 90 degree turn

of vinyl gripped valve handle.

c) Furnish and install only valves with factory installed type K copper tubing extensions.

d) Valves not in valve boxes shall be provided with locking handles.

e) All valves shall be cleaned for oxygen, capped and sealed in a polyethylene bag for shipping

and storage.

f) Provide color coded self-adhesive gas labels for compliance with NFPA 99 labeling

requirements. Apply labels to each valve in the assembly for gas service identification

according to manufactures recommendations.

g) Zone valves shall include a 1 1/2 inch pressure gauge reading 0 to 100 psig for oxygen, air,

nitrous oxide; 0 to 300 psig for nitrogen; and 0 to 30 HG for vacuum. The gauge port shall

be equipped with removable plug for pressure testing before final assembly of gauge.

h) All zone valve boxes assemblies shall read pressure downstream and vacuum upstream of

the valve as NFPA 99. Valves shall be piped left to right with right being on patient side.

The medical gas valve box should fully satisfy the requirement as per NFPA99.

17. Liquid Oxygen Tank with Duplex Vaporiser. (LOX capacity 10 KL)

The double walled Vacuum Insulated Evaporator shall be constructed of stainless steel inner vessel

contained within a carbon steel outer vessel. The annular space between the vessels shall be filled

with non-inflammable perlite insulation material to insulate under vacuum. The VIE should be self-

pressurizing type by partial evaporation of liquid oxygen through a pressure building coil by a non-

ferrous . pressure regulator. The vessel shall be supplied as a functional whole with all materials of

construction & the cleaning regime suitable for medical grade liquid oxygen.

Page 47 of 64

Quantity : 10KL x 1 No

Installation : Outdoor

Type : Double walled, vertical

Capacity : Minimum 10000 litres water capacity – 1No

Design Code : ASME Sec.VIII Div.I Latest Edition/EN 13458-2 Annexure –C/AD2000

MARKBLATTER 2004 Edition

Max working pressure : 17 Bar G

Design temperature : - 196⁰ C to + 50⁰ C

Hydraulic test pressure : 26 bar G

Type of Insulation : Vacuum, Perlite filled

Safety Valve Set pressure : 17 Bar G (dual safety valve with three way diverter valve)

Bursting Disc Set pressure : 23 Bar G (Bursting disc)

Standard fittings : Pressure rising coil, Pressure building regulator of adequate capacity and size,

dual safety valve with . three way diverter valve, bursting disc., pressure

gauges, liquid over flow line, Liquid level gauge and adequate numbers of extended spindle glove

valve etc.

Maximum Evaporation Rate : <0.35% of net value.

Material of Construction : Inner shell and wetted parts of SS-304 Outer shell of CS ASTMA 516

Gr.70/CG3412002 EN13455 S275/S355

Joint Efficiency : 100%

Radiography : 100% for inner, for outer spot

External piping : From LMO Tank to Vaporizer SS304 From Vaporizer to Inlet of Pressure

Reducing Station SS304 From Outlet of Pressure Reducing Station to Main header Copper

Cryogenic Valves : Non Ferrous .

Cryogenic Safety Valves : .

Pressure Building Regulator : Non ferrous .

Leak Detection test : Helium Leak Detection

Painting : Primer and finish with White RAL 9010

Inspection : By 3rd party (SGS/LLOYDS/TUV)

Cleaning : Degreasing for Oxygen Service and Pressurize with Nitrogen.

Withdrawal rate : 1000 Cum hr. at 12 Bar G

Accessories :

LMO Tank along with P & ID shall be fitted with the following accessories:

- Top Fill Valve

- Bottom Fill Valve

- Liquid charging line blow valve

- Liquid Delivery valve

- Overflow Valve

- Gas blow valve

- Filling Coupling

- Vaporizer Coupling

- Liquid Level Gauge (Dial 100 mm)

- High Level Valve

- Equalizing Valve

- Low level Valve

- Pressure Gauge (100mm dial, Range 0-25 kg/sq.cm)

- Pressure Gauge Isolation Valve

- Pressurizing Valve

- Pressurizing Coil

Page 48 of 64

- Filter

- Pressure Regulator

- Economizer

- Check Valve

- Evacuation Port

- Vacuum Gauge Connection Port/Vacuum probe valve.

- Telemetry

Safety Fitting:

The vendor should ensure that all international safety norms and standards applicable as

implemented and certified by the CCOE.

Following are the mandatory provisions for vessel:

• Vessel low liquid level alarm

• Vessel low pressure alarm

• Pipeline low pressure alarm.

• Twin regulator

• Non return valve and 3 way diverter (bypass) valve

• Automatic changeover to manifolds with control panel

• Alarm on indicating manifold in use in case the vessel is not in use.

• Alarm on low pressure back-up manifold cylinders

• Two safety valves for inner vessel fitted on pipe line with flow divert valve.

• Rupture disc for inner vessel

• Safety valve for inlet pipeline

• Safety valve for pipeline of pressurizing evaporator

• One rupture disc/safety device on outer vessel.


The Liquid Medicals oxygen tank shall accompany the Original Quality Test Certificate

covering following documents:

-Approvals letter from CCOE along with approved drawing from CCOE.

-Approval letter from CCOE for use of cryogenic vessel(s) at site.

-Certificate from the authorized inspection agency.

-Heat chart for pressure parts.

-Dimension checks parts.

-Dished End reports.

-Mechanical properties test reports.

-Visual inspection report.

-Radiography examination report.

-Liquid penetrant examination.

-Cleaning inspection report.

-Hydro-pressure test report.

-Pneumatic pressure test report.

Inner vessel rub-off sheet.

Material test reports for pressure gauges, level gauge etc.


- All valves shall be long stem valves with SS body.

- Manufacturer authorization for liquid medical oxygen tank is mandatory .

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- Liquid Medical Oxygen Supply authorization from liquid medical oxygen manufacturer is


Liquid Oxygen supply system.

One vessel of 1 x 10 KL Liquid Oxygen VIE vessel system will be the primary (main)

supply source.In case of failure in liquid oxygen supply, it should automatically switch over to an

emergency oxygen manifold having 2x20 Cylinder bank.

The unit should consist of a double walled vertical vessel (inner pressure vessel made

of stainless steel and outer vessel of carbon steel). It should be fitted with standard

accessories and should be passed the standard inspection requirement at factory for

VIE. The copy of certificate should be forwarded to the client (Hospital/tender issuing authority)

prior to shipping and original should be enclosed along with the shipping document. Bidder should

follow international standards.

Product and Service specification:

Proposed capacity of the primary liquid oxygen storage tank is 10KL X 1

Gas outlet pressure to be maintained at 4.2 kg/cm2.

Space taken for installation should be as per regulations of Indian explosive controller

and having easy access for LMO tank.

The site would be protected by fence around, well lit by sodium vapour lamps and

demarcated with proper signage Indication of liquid oxygen level and outlet gas pressure should be


Automatic change over should be provided between the primary and secondary LMO

tanks. In case of failure in liquid oxygen supply, it should automatically switch over to

an emergency oxygen manifold having 2 x 20 cylinders

Specification of Components

Product: The liquid medical oxygen (LMO) supplied at site should be of IP grade.

The LMO supplied should comply with all relevant SMPV regulations and standards

under the preview of the Indian Drugs and Cosmetic Act rules. They should also satisfy the IP 2007


Storage Tank Specifications

The storage tank and the vaporizer coils should be designed as per the ASME

Sec.VIII Div.I latest Edition / EN -13458-2 Annexure-C/ AD2000 , MARKBLATTER 2004


The cryogenic vessel shall be of cylindrical shape with vaporizer and the pressure

control system. It should be provided with the essential components to fill the liquid,

to build up pressure, to relieve pressure, to withdraw product and to evacuate the

vessel. All protective, safety and alarm provisions mandatory to Liquid Medical

Oxygen plants should be supplied.

The requirement of the Cryogenic Vessel should be:

1. Configuration: Vertical

Page 50 of 64

2. Inner vessel maximum allowable working Pressure: 17 kg/cm2

3. Inner vessel hydrostatic test pressure: Greater than 26 kg/ cm2

4. Outer vessel material of construction: Carbon steel

5. Inner vessel material of construction: Stainless steel

6. Independent AV coil should be provided with each vessel.

Storage Tank Capacity

Vacuum insulated evaporator vessel should have a capacity of 1X10 kilo litres. The AV coil should

have adequate capacity to handle the gas flow requirements of the hospital.

Duplex Vaporiser Coil

a. Maximum operating Pressure: 20 kg/cm2

b. Design Pressure: 22 kg/cm2

c. Pneumatic test Pressure: Greater than 24 kg/cm2

d. Inlet temperature: - 196 to +40°C.

e. Duty cycle: Continuous duty

f. Flow rate : 1200 cubic metre/ hour

The fence, foundation, lighting, signage, approach gate etc are to be designed and installed

by the vendor.


The vendor should ensure that all international safety norms and standards applicable as

implemented and certified by the CCE.

Following are the mandatory provisions for vessel:

1) Vessel low liquid level alarm

2) Vessel low pressure alarm

3) Pipeline low pressure alarm.

4) Twin regulator

5) Twin safety valve

6) Non return valve and 3 way diverter (bypass) valve

7) Automatic changeover to manifolds with control panel

8) Alarm on indicating manifold in use in case the vessel is not in use.

9) Alarm on low pressure back-up manifold cylinders


Gross capacity -200 ltrs

Net Capacity -190 ltrs

Material – Satinless Steel , x5 cr-Ni 18-10

Standard – EN 1251

Mximum Allowble working pressure – 24.1/ 24.6 ( barg/kg/cm2g)

Test Pressure – 32.7 / 33.3 ( barg/kg/cm2g)

Design Temprature - -196 to +40 C

Cleaning duty – Oxygen

Insulation – Vacuum + SI

Inspection – IIL + TPI

Outer vessel

a. Material – SS 304

Page 51 of 64

b. Standard – EN 1251

c. Oerating pressure – Vaccum

Empty weight approx. - 167 kg

Outside diameter – 556 mm

Overall height – 1691 mm

Statutory Requirements

All statutory requirements of the Chief Controller of Explosives of India and SMPV rules

need to be followed, besides all regulations and guidelines put forward by the Govt. Of India

from time to time should be followed.

Interconnection to LMO tank

Bidder should include all installation, material (Copper pipes fittings etc) trenches and labour

etc charges as per site condition for interconnection.

Page 52 of 64

Annexure - XV

BOQ for Medical gas Pipeline system ( MGPS) on turnkey basis at New Bhosari Hospital


No. Description (Item wise) Unit Qty.

1 Oxygen System

1.1 SITC of Oxygen Manifold System of 20 x 20 cylinder bank system for

Jumbo Cylinders as per tender technical specifications. set 1

1.2 SITC of Fully Automatic Manifold Control Panel accordance to

NFPA99 as per tender technical specifications. set 1

1.3 SITC of Oxygen Flow meter with humidifier bottle as per tender

technical specifications. nos. 130

2 Nitrous Oxide System

2.1 SITC of N2O Manifold System of 5 x 5 cylinder bank system for

Jumbo Cylinders as per tender technical specifications. set 1

2.2 SITC of Fully Automatic Manifold Control Panel accordance to

NFPA99 as per tender technical specifications. set 1

3 Carbon Di Oxide System

3.1 SITC of CO2 Manifold System of 5 x 5 cylinder bank system for Jumbo

Cylinders as per tender technical specifications. set 1

3.2 SITC of Fully Automatic Manifold Control Panel accordance to

NFPA99 as per tender technical specifications. set 1


Medical Air System (Oil Lubricared Rotray Screw Compressors)as

per tender technical specifications. Each Compressor should be

minimum 15 KW motor rating which delivers minimum 70 CFM @ 10

bar pressure. Total Compressors configuration should be Duplex. One

compressor would be running as Primary & another one would be

secondary. Total Air Receiver capacity should be 1000 Liters as per MS

IS 2825 standard. Duplex Dryer & FIlteration as per tender technical

specifications. Duplex Pressure reducing station.

set 1


Medical Vacuum System (Oil Lubricared Rotray Vane Pumps) as

per tender technical specifications.

Total System capacity should be 160 CFM. Each Compressor should be

minimum 5.5 KW motor rating which delivers minimum 160 CFM.

One compressor would be running as Primary & another one would be

secondary. Total vacuum Receiver capacity should be 2000 Liters as

per MS IS 2825 standard. Duplex bacteria filteration as per tender

technical specifications. Starter Panel with vacuum switches.

set 1

5.1 Ward Vacum Unit as per tender technical specifications nos. 130

5.2 Theater Suction Trolley as per tender technical specifications nos. 10

Page 53 of 64


WAGD/AGSS system (.) as per tender technical specifications.

Pumps configuration should be in


Primary system capacity should deliver 520lpm and standby system

capacity should be 520 LPM

set 1

6.1 Duplex AGSS Remote Switch nos. 6

6.2 AGSS Receiver & Transfer Hose assembly. nos. 6

6.3 AGSS Terminal unit with Probe. nos. 6


Gas Terminal Units with compatible indigenous Stainless Steel

Probes/Adapters for Gas Outlets & Plastic Mounting Box.as per

tender technical specifications.

7.1 Oxygen nos. 153

7.2 Nitrous Oxide nos. 11

7.3 Medical Air nos. 30

7.4 Instrument Air nos. 6

7.5 Vacuum nos. 153

7.6 CO2 nos. 6

8 Touch Screen Medical Gas Alarms as per tender technical


8.1 2 Gas Services nos. 6

8.2 3 Gas Services nos. 4

8.3 6 Gas Services nos. 5

9 Touch Screen Master Alarm panel as per tender technical

specifications set 1

10 Zonal Valve Box as per tender technical specifications

10.1 2 Gas Services nos. 6

10.2 3 Gas Services nos. 4

10.3 7 Gas Services nos. 5

11 Line Isolation/Shut off Valves as per tender technical specifications

11.1 1/2'' nos. 30

11.2 3/4'' nos. 24

11.3 1'' nos. 18

11.4 1-1/2" nos. 8

11.5 2'' nos. 8

12 Horizontal/Vertical Bed Head Panel as per tender technical


12.1 1200mm/1500mm/1800mm nos. 32

13 Copper Pipes & Copper Fittings as per tender technical

Page 54 of 64


13.1 54mm x 1.2mm thk Mtrs 140

13.2 42mm x 1.0mm thk Mtrs 30

13.3 28mm x 1.0mm thk Mtrs 1400

13.4 22mmx 1.0mm thk Mtrs 2900

13.5 15mm x 1.0mm thk Mtrs 2639

13.6 12mm x 1.0mm thk Mtrs 550

14 SITC of Electrical Control Panel for Vacuum pumps & Air

Compressors. lot 1


SITC of Electrical wiring inside plant room only for interconnection of

vacuum pumps and air compressors

(*Hospital will provide 3 phase & single phase power supply with cable

inside the gas manifold and plant room.

Hospital will provide DG back up and phase preventer + Isolation


Hospital will provide all electrical fixtures like exhaust fan, light, power

sockets inside gas manifold and plant room)

lot 1

16 SITC of Liquid Oxygen Tank 10KL with Duplex vaporiser system as

per tender technical specifications set 1

Page 55 of 64

Annexure - XVI

BOQ for Medical gas Pipeline system ( MGPS) on turnkey basis at Jijamata Hospital



Description (Item wise) Unit Qty.

1 Oxygen System

1.1 SITC of Oxygen Manifold System of 20 x 20 cylinder bank system for

Jumbo Cylinders as per tender technical specifications.

set 1

1.2 SITC of Fully Automatic Manifold Control Panel accordance to

NFPA99 as per tender technical specifications.

set 1

1.3 SITC of Oxygen Flow meter with humidifier bottle as per tender

technical specifications.

nos. 191

2 Nitrous Oxide System

2.1 SITC of N2O Manifold System of 5 x 5 cylinder bank system for

Jumbo Cylinders as per tender technical specifications.

set 1

2.2 SITC of Fully Automatic Manifold Control Panel accordance to

NFPA99 as per tender technical specifications.

set 1

3 Carbon Di Oxide System

3.1 SITC of CO2 Manifold System of 5 x 5 cylinder bank system for

Jumbo Cylinders as per tender technical specifications.

set 1

3.2 SITC of Fully Automatic Manifold Control Panel accordance to

NFPA99 as per tender technical specifications.

set 1

4 Medical Air System (Oil Lubricared Rotray Screw Compressors)as

per tender technical specifications. Each Compressor should be

minimum 18 KW motor rating which delivers minimum 94 CFM @ 10

bar pressure. Total Compressors configuration should be triplex. Two

compressors would be running as Primary & another one would be

secondary. Total Air Receiver capacity should be 1500 Liters as per MS

IS 2825 standard.Duplex Dryer & FIlteration as per tender technical

specifications. Duplex Pressure reducing station.

set 1

5 Medical Vacuum System (Oil Lubricared Rotray Vane Pumps) as

per tender technical specifications.

Total System capacity should be 165 CFM. Each Compressor should be

minimum 5.5 KW motor rating which delivers minimum 160 CFM.

One compressor would be running as Primary & another one would be

secondary. Total vacuum Receiver capacity should be 2000 Liters as

per MS IS 2825 standard. Duplex bacteria filteration as per tender

technical specifications.

Starter Panel with vacuum switches.

set 1

5.1 Ward Vacum Unit as per tender technical specifications nos. 197

Page 56 of 64

5.2 Theater Suction Trolley CE as per tender technical specifications nos. 12

6 WAGD/AGSS system (.) as per tender technical specifications.

Pumps configuration should be in


Primary system capacity should deliver 1500lpm and standby system

capacity should be 1500 LPM

set 1

6.1 Duplex AGSS Remote Switch nos. 6

6.2 AGSS Receiver & Transfer Hose assembly. nos. 6

6.3 AGSS Terminal unit with Probe. nos. 13

7 Imported Gas Terminal Units with indegenious Compatabile

Stainless Steel Probes/Adaters for Gas Outlets & Plastic Mounting

Box.as per tender technical specifications.

7.1 Oxygen nos. 213

7.2 Nitorus Oxide nos. 13

7.3 Medical Air nos. 76

7.4 Instrument Air nos. 13

7.5 Vacuum nos. 213

7.6 CO2 nos. 13

8 Touch Screen Medical Gas Alarms as per tender technical


8.1 2 Gas Services nos. 8

8.2 3 Gas Services nos. 8

8.3 6 Gas Services nos. 6

9 Touch Screen Master Alarm panel as per tender technical


set 1

10 Zonal Valve Box as per tender technical specifications

10.1 2 Gas Services nos. 8

10.2 3 Gas Services nos. 8

10.3 7 Gas Services nos. 6

11 Line Isolation/Shut off Valves as per tender technical specifications

11.1 1/2'' nos. 76

11.2 3/4'' nos. 40

11.3 1'' nos. 24

11.4 1-1/2" nos. 12

11.5 2'' nos. 10

12 Horizontal/Vertical Bed Head Panel as per tender technical


12.1 1200mm/1500mm/1800mm nos. 61

Page 57 of 64

13 Copper Pipes & Copper Fitings as per tender technical


13.1 54mm x 1.2mm thk Mtrs 150

13.2 42mm x 1.0mm thk Mtrs 20

13.3 28mm x 1.0mm thk Mtrs 1400

13.4 22mmx 1.0mm thk Mtrs 3200

13.5 15mm x 1.0mm thk Mtrs 2983

13.6 12mm x 1.0mm thk Mtrs 650

14 SITC of Electrical Control Panel for Vacuum pumps & Air


lot 1

15 SITC of Electrical wiring inside plant room only for interconnection of

vacuum pumps and air compressors

(*Hospital will provide 3 phase & single phase power supply with cable

inside the gas manifold and plant room.

Hospital will provide DG back up and phase preventer + Isolation


Hospital will provide all electrical fixtures like exahust fan, light, power

sockets inside gas manifold and plant room)

lot 1

16 SITC of Liquid Oxygen Tank 10KL with Duplex vaporiser system as

per tender technical specifications

set 1

Page 58 of 64

Annexure - XVII

BOQ for Medical gas Pipeline system ( MGPS) on turnkey basis at Akurdi Hospital



Description (Item wise) Unit Qty.

1 Oxygen System

1.1 SITC of Oxygen Manifold System of 20 x 20 cylinder bank system for

Jumbo Cylinders as per tender technical specifications.

set 1

1.2 SITC of Fully Automatic Manifold Control Panel accordance to

NFPA99 as per tender technical specifications.

set 1

1.3 SITC of Oxygen Flow meter with humidifier bottle as per tender

technical specifications.

nos. 218

2 Nitrous Oxide System

2.1 SITC of N2O Manifold System of 5 x 5 cylinder bank system for

Jumbo Cylinders as per tender technical specifications.

set 1

2.2 SITC of Fully Automatic Manifold Control Panel accordance to

NFPA99 as per tender technical specifications.

set 1

3 Carbon Di Oxide System

3.1 SITC of CO2 Manifold System of 5 x 5 cylinder bank system for

Jumbo Cylinders as per tender technical specifications.

set 1

3.2 SITC of Fully Automatic Manifold Control Panel accordance to

NFPA99 as per tender technical specifications.

set 1

4 Medical Air System (Oil Lubricared Rotray Screw

Compressors)as per tender technical specifications. Each Compressor

should be minimum18 KW motor rating which delivers minimum 94

CFM @ 10 bar pressure. Total Compressors configuration should be

triplex. Two compressors would be running as Primary & another one

would be secondary. Total Air Receiver capacity should be 2000 Liters

as per MS IS 2825 standard.Duplex Dryer & FIlteration as per tender

technical specifications. Duplex Pressure reducing station.

set 1

5 Medical Vacuum System (Oil Lubricared Rotray Vane Pumps) as

per tender technical specifications.

Total System capacity should be 320 CFM. Each Compressor should be

minimum 5.5 KW motor rating which delivers minimum 160 CFM.

One vaccume would be running as Primary & another one would be

secondary. Total vacuum Receiver capacity should be 2000 Liters as

per MS IS 2825 standard. Duplex bacteria filteration as per tender

technical specifications.

Starter Panel with vacuum switches.

set 1

5.1 Ward Vacum Unit as per tender technical specifications nos. 178

Page 59 of 64

5.2 Theater Suction Trolley CE as per tender technical specifications nos. 12

6 WAGD/AGSS system (.) as per tender technical specifications.

Pumps configuration should be in


Primary system capacity should deliver 1500lpm and standby system

capacity should be 1500 LPM

set 1

6.1 Duplex AGSS Remote Switch nos. 6

6.2 AGSS Receiver & Transfer Hose assembly. nos. 6

6.3 AGSS Terminal unit with Probe. nos. 11

7 Gas Terminal Units with indegenious Compatabile Stainless Steel

Probes/Adaters for Gas Outlets & Plastic Mounting Box.as per

tender technical specifica tions.

7.1 Oxygen nos. 239

7.2 Nitorus Oxide nos. 12

7.3 Medical Air nos. 82

7.4 Instrument Air nos. 11

7.5 Vacuum nos. 223

7.6 CO2 nos. 11

8 Touch Screen Medical Gas Alarms as per tender technical


8.1 2 Gas Services nos. 9

8.2 3 Gas Services nos. 7

8.3 5 Gas Services nos. 1

8.4 6 Gas services Nos. 5

9 Touch Screen Master Alarm panel as per tender technical


set 1

10 Zonal Valve Box as per tender technical specifications

10.1 2 Gas Services nos. 9

10.2 3 Gas Services nos. 7

10.3 5 Gas Services nos. 1

10.4 7 Gas services Nos. 5

11 Line Isolation/Shut off Valves as per tender technical specifications

11.1 1/2'' nos. 8

11.2 3/4'' nos. 8

11.3 1'' nos. 10

11.4 1-1/2" nos. 2

11.5 2'' nos. 1

12 Horizontal/Vertical Bed Head Panel as per tender technical


12.1 1200mm nos. 10

12.2 1500 mm Nos. 25

12.3 1800mm` Nos. 22

Page 60 of 64

13 Copper Pipes & Copper Fitings as per tender technical


13.1 54mm x 1.2mm thk Mtrs 300

13.2 42mm x 1.0mm thk Mtrs 600

13.3 28mm x 1.0mm thk Mtrs 1200

13.4 22mmx 1.0mm thk Mtrs 3000

13.5 15mm x 1.0mm thk Mtrs 3500

13.6 12mm x 1.0mm thk Mtrs 400

14 SITC of Electrical Control Panel for Vacuum pumps & Air


lot 1

15 SITC of Electrical wiring inside plant room only for interconnection of

vacuum pumps and air compressors

(*Hospital will provide 3 phase & single phase power supply with cable

inside the gas manifold and plant room.

Hospital will provide DG back up and phase preventer + Isolation


Hospital will provide all electrical fixtures like exahust fan, light,

power sockets inside gas manifold and plant room)

lot 1

16 SITC of Liquid Oxygen Tank 10KL with Duplex vaporiser system as

per tender technical specifications

set 1

Page 61 of 64

Annexure - XVIII

BOQ for Medical gas Pipeline system ( MGPS) on turnkey basis at Thergaon Hospital



Description (Item wise) Unit Qty.

1 Oxygen System

1.1 SITC of Oxygen Manifold System of 20 x 20 cylinder bank system for

Jumbo Cylinders as per tender technical specifications.

set 1

1.2 SITC of Fully Automatic Manifold Control Panel accordance to

NFPA99 as per tender technical specifications.

set 1

1.3 SITC of Oxygen Flow meter with humidifier bottle as per tender

technical specifications.

nos. 389

2 Nitrous Oxide System

2.1 SITC of N2O Manifold System of 5 x 5 cylinder bank system for

Jumbo Cylinders as per tender technical specifications.

set 1

2.2 SITC of Fully Automatic Manifold Control Panel accordance to

NFPA99 as per tender technical specifications.

set 1

3 Carbon Di Oxide System

3.1 SITC of CO2 Manifold System of 5 x 5 cylinder bank system for

Jumbo Cylinders as per tender technical specifications.

set 1

3.2 SITC of Fully Automatic Manifold Control Panel accordance to

NFPA99 as per tender technical specifications.

set 1

4 Medical Air System (Oil Lubricared Rotray Screw

Compressors)as per tender technical specifications. Each Compressor

should be minimum18 KW motor rating which delivers minimum 94

CFM @ 10 bar pressure. Total Compressors configuration should be

triplex. Two compressors would be running as Primary & another one

would be secondary. Total Air Receiver capacity should be 2000 Liters

as per MS IS 2825 standard.Duplex Dryer & FIlteration as per tender

technical specifications. Duplex Pressure reducing station.

set 1

5 Medical Vacuum System (Oil Lubricared Rotray Vane Pumps) as

per tender technical specifications.

Total System capacity should be 320 CFM. Each Compressor should be

minimum 5.5 KW motor rating which delivers minimum 160 CFM.

Two vaccume would be running as Primary & another one would be

secondary. Total vacuum Receiver capacity should be 3000 Liters as

per MS IS 2825 standard. Duplex bacteria filteration as per tender

technical specifications.

Starter Panel with vacuum switches.

set 1

5.1 Ward Vacum Unit as per tender technical specifications nos. 311

Page 62 of 64

5.2 Theater Suction Trolley CE as per tender technical specifications nos. 9

6 WAGD/AGSS system (.) as per tender technical specifications.

Pumps configuration should be in


Primary system capacity should deliver 1500lpm and standby system

capacity should be 1500 LPM

set 1

6.1 Duplex AGSS Remote Switch nos. 8

6.2 AGSS Receiver & Transfer Hose assembly. nos. 8

6.3 AGSS Terminal unit with Probe. nos. 17

7 Gas Terminal Units with indegenious Compatabile Stainless Steel

Probes/Adaters for Gas Outlets & Plastic Mounting Box.as per

tender technical specifica tions.

7.1 Oxygen nos. 419

7.2 Nitorus Oxide nos. 19

7.3 Medical Air nos. 189

7.4 Instrument Air nos. 17

7.5 Vacuum nos. 395

7.6 CO2 nos. 17

8 Touch Screen Medical Gas Alarms as per tender technical


8.1 2 Gas Services nos. 12

8.2 3 Gas Services nos. 21

8.3 5 Gas Services nos. 1

8.4 6 Gas services Nos. 7

9 Touch Screen Master Alarm panel as per tender technical


set 1

10 Zonal Valve Box as per tender technical specifications

10.1 2 Gas Services nos. 12

10.2 3 Gas Services nos. 21

10.3 5 Gas Services nos. 1

10.4 7 Gas services Nos. 7

11 Line Isolation/Shut off Valves as per tender technical specifications

11.1 1/2'' nos. 17

11.2 3/4'' nos. 10

11.3 1'' nos. 16

11.4 1-1/2" nos. 7

11.5 2'' nos. 2

12 Horizontal/Vertical Bed Head Panel as per tender technical

Page 63 of 64


12.1 1200mm nos. 40

12.2 1500 mm Nos. 33

12.3 1800mm` Nos. 54

13 Copper Pipes & Copper Fitings as per tender technical


13.1 54mm x 1.2mm thk Mtrs 400

13.2 42mm x 1.0mm thk Mtrs 800

13.3 28mm x 1.0mm thk Mtrs 2000

13.4 22mmx 1.0mm thk Mtrs 3500

13.5 15mm x 1.0mm thk Mtrs 4000

13.6 12mm x 1.0mm thk Mtrs 900

14 SITC of Electrical Control Panel for Vacuum pumps & Air


lot 1

15 SITC of Electrical wiring inside plant room only for interconnection of

vacuum pumps and air compressors

(*Hospital will provide 3 phase & single phase power supply with cable

inside the gas manifold and plant room.

Hospital will provide DG back up and phase preventer + Isolation


Hospital will provide all electrical fixtures like exahust fan, light,

power sockets inside gas manifold and plant room)

lot 1

16 SITC of Liquid Oxygen Tank 10KL with Duplex vaporiser system as

per tender technical specifications

set 1

Sd/- sd/-

Biomedical Engineer Medical Officer of Health


Sd/- sd/-

Dy. Commissioner Addt. Commissioner ,


Sd/- sd/-

Mr. Manoj Patil Commissioner

Healthcare consultant PCMC

Page 64 of 64