January 2014 VOLUME Learn more! TOEIC Tips Getting to Know TAQF Thailand Aviation Qualification Framework APDI Training Center New! Read about recent events in Aviation Updates The Official Mgazine of Aviation Personnel Development Institute, Kasem Bundit University

บินไกล Issue 5

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Aviation Personnel Development Institute's magazine

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Page 1: บินไกล Issue 5

January 2014


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Getting to Know

TAQF Thailand Aviation Qualification Framework

APDI Training Center


Read about recent events in



The Official Mgazine of Aviation Personnel Development Institute, Kasem Bundit University

Page 2: บินไกล Issue 5

ทฆายโก โหต มหาราชา ขอพระองค ทรงพระเจรญ

ดวยเกลาดวยกระหมอมขอเดชะ ขาพระพทธเจา คณาจารย เจาหนาท


Page 3: บินไกล Issue 5

Contents Aviation Updates

pages 6-7

Evolution of Thai

Airways Uniform pages 24-25

Thailand Aviation

Qualification Framework pages 12-15

Top 10 Airports 2013 pages 8-11

TOEIC Tips pages 16-17

APDI Training

Center pages 20-21

Read more about… .

◊Travellers’ Haven ◊Gizmo ◊Hall of Fame

◊From Science to London ◊Lecturers’ Profile

◊English Corner ◊Largest Airport in the World

Page 4: บินไกล Issue 5

Dr. says Welcome to the 5th issue of our APDI (Aviation Personnel Development

Institute) magazine from Kasem Bundit University. We are pleased to

announce our readiness for the implementation of standards for the AEC

(Asian Economic Community) for 2015. The number of international students

joining us from abroad continues to increase and we look forward to

welcoming more from many countries and continents in the coming semesters.

I am confident in our team of lecturers who are specialists in their own

academic fields of expertise that they are able to bring their knowledge and

experience in order to continually develop students’ knowledge, wisdom and

understanding and hone their skills for their chosen career path.

APDI is very proactive in serving the aviation community with seminars, training and skills development. The

institute’s new training centre houses an aeroplane for actual in-flight service training as we continue to pioneer

and set the standards for the aviation industry academically including; mock-up rooms designed specifically to give

realistic hands on training for boarding, checking-in procedures, ticketing and reservations and so on to ensure

students receive the best education and training possible.

As an institute, APDI is looking forward to future cooperative initiatives with other institutes, universities and

different airlines who share the same field of interest and who also have the passion for developing personnel and

fulfilling the needs of the aviation industry.

Dr. Meta Ketkaew


Aviation Personnel Development Institute

Kasem Bundit University

Dr. Kenneth Higgins Aj. Rawat Gartchotechai Aj. Dondon Parohinog Aj. Sonny Samonpal Aj. Jirajittra Higgins

Page 5: บินไกล Issue 5

หลกสตรเขมขน การเตรยมตวเปนพนกงานตอนรบบนเครองบน

ขอเชญผทสนใจอาชพพนกงานตอนรบบนเครองบนเขารวมฝกอบรม หลกสตรเขมขนการเตรยมตวเปนพนกงานตอนรบบนเครองบน 130 ชวโมง สอนโดยครฝกพนกงานตอนรบบนเครองบน เมอเรยนจบหลกสตรไดรบประกาศนยบตร เรยนทสถาบนพฒนาบคลากรการบน (APDI) และฝกปฏบต Simulator, Wet Drill, Fire Drill ทศนยฝกลกเรอ (หลกส)


In-Flight Services and Advanced In-Flight Services

เรยนรและเขาใจถงความแตกตางของอปกรณ หองโดยสาร หองครว และลกษณะของชนดเครองบน ขนตอนการเตรยมอปกรณ หนาทและความรบผดชอบ ฝกปฏบตการจรงในหองโดยสารจ าลอง (Cabin Mockup) เรยนรและเขาใจขนตอนการบรการชนสง ดานอปกรณ อาหารและเครองดม

Personality Development

พฒนาบคลกภาพเพอความเปนเลศ สรางความประทบใจและความเปนมออาชพ

ในการสอสารทงวาจาและทาทาง ตลอดจนการปฏสมพนธทด

Interview techniques. Individual and Group Interview

Tips for a flight attendant job.

เทคนคการสอบสมภาษณแบบเดยวและกลม รวมถงเคลดลบตางๆ ส าหรบพนกงานตอนรบบนเครองบน

สถาบนพฒนาบคลากรการบน (APDI) รวมกบ บรษท ไทยไฟลทเทรนนง (จ ากด)

Tel: 02-904-2222 Ext. 2230 Mobile : 085-115-7325


Page 5

- Introduction to Aviation /

Aircraft Description

- Airline Specification and


- Crew and Passenger briefings /

Passenger Handling

- Aircraft Familiarization and

Emergency Exit

- Emergency Procedure and


- Security and Threats, First Aids/

Medical Kits

- Handling of Special Passengers

- Unruly / Disruptive Passengers

Page 6: บินไกล Issue 5

Airport Authority of Thailand (AOT) plans to

expand the operation at Bangkok’s second International

Airport (Don Mueang). The plan is to increase the

capacity to 30 million passengers annually by 2017.

Terminal 1 and 2 at Don Mueang are now under

renovation and expected to be fighting to get market

share from Suvarnnabhumi which also slated to be

expanded in the very near future.

การทาอากาศยานแหงประเทศไทย ไดวางแผนขยายการด าเนนงานของ

สนามบนนานาชาตแหงท 2 ของกรงเทพมหานคร (สนามบนดอนเมอง) โดยคาดวาจะ

สามารถเพมการใหบรการผ โดยสารไดถงปละ 30 ลานคน ภายในป พ.ศ. 2560

ขณะนไดอยในระหวางการด าเนนการปรบปรงอาคารผ โดยสาร 1 และ 2 โดยคาดวา


Air Asia X (AAX), the largest low cost

carrier is optimistic on doing business in

Thailand. The medium-to-long haul operator

feels confident that the Thai market can be

penetrated with potential to succeed. Branding

the airline is important and the airline hopes to

become the market leader among competitors.

สายการบน แอรเอเชย เอกซ (AAX) ซงเปนสายการบน

ตนทนต าทใหญทสด และเปนผ ใหบรการเสนทางการบนระยะกลางและ

ระยะไกล มความมนใจวา จะสามารถประสบความส าเรจในการด าเนน

ธรกจในประเทศไทย และเปนผน าทางการตลาดในกลมผประกอบการ

Page 6

Thai Lion Air is Thai low-cost airline founded in

2013. It’s hub is at Don Mueang International Airport.

The airline is a joint venture between Indonesia-based

Lion Air and a Thai partnership. First flight was on

December 4, 2013 and it operates from Bangkok to

Jakarta and Kuala Lumpur. Fleet size includes 2

aircrafts from Boeing family plus 48 more on order.

สายการบนไทยไลออนแอร ซงเปนสายการบนไทยตนทนต า ไดเปด

ใหบรการในป พ.ศ. 2556 ซงมศนยกลางทสนามบนดอนเมอง โดยเปนการรวมทน

ระหวางสายการบนไลออนแอรของอนโดนเซยและผ รวมทนชาวไทย

ทงนเมอวนท 4 ธนวาคม 2556 ไดมเทยวบนปฐมฤกษจากกรงเทพไปยง

จาการตา และกวลาลมเปอร โดยในระยะแรกจะใชเครองบนโบอง จ านวน 2 ล า และ

มการสงเพมอกเปนจ านวน 48 ล า



Page 7: บินไกล Issue 5

Recently Bhutan Air has launched its

service from Bhutan (The Land of Happiness)

to Thailand (The Land of Smile). Bhutan Air is

the first privately owned airline and is able to

compete with Drukair which is owned by the

States. The airline shows to operate by using

an Airbus 320-200 with the capacity of 144

seats to Suvarnabhumi Airport from Bangkok

– Para via Kolkata. Next year, it hopes to add

Kathmandu and Dhaka.

เมอเรวๆน สายการบนภฐานแอรไดเรมเปดใหบรการเทยวบนจากประเทศภฐาน (ดนแดนแหงความสข) มายงประเทศไทย (ดนแดนแหงรอยยม) โดยสายการบนภฐานแอรเปนสายการบนเอกชนแหงแรกทสามารถแขงขนกบสายการบนดรกแอรซงบรหารงานโดยรฐบาลภฐาน สายการบนภฐานแอรไดเลอกใชเครองบนแอรบส 320-200 จ ำนวน 144 ทนง ใหบรการเทยวบนจากกรงเทพ-พารา แวะพกเครองทโกลกาตา และในปหนาจะมการเพมเทยวบนไปยงกาฐมาณฑและธากา

Japan Airlines announced that it intends to

place an order of 31 Airbus A350s at a cost of

USS 9.5 billion. The Airlines is getting

18 A350-900s and 13 A350-1000s with

an option to purchase another 25 airplanes. JAL

has decided not to go with the Dreamliner’s

lines manufactured by Boeing due to the

problems with the aircraft.

สายการบน เจเปน แอรไลน ไดประกาศวาบรษทไดด าเนนการสงซอเครองบน Airbus A350 เปนจ านวน 31 ล า มลคา 9.5 พนลานเหรยญสหรฐ โดยแบงออกเปน A350-900 จ านวน 18 ล า และ A350-1000 จ านวน 13 ล า และจะด าเนนการสงซอเพมอกเปนจ านวน 25 ล า สายการบนเจแปน แอรไลน ตดสนใจไมสงซอเครองบน Dreamliner

จาก โบอง เนองจากปญหาของเครองบนดงกลาว

Emirates is now offering 6 daily service on

Bangkok-Dubai route. The Middle Eastern opera-

tor offers 2,500 seats on a daily basis from the

capital city of Bangkok to Dubai.

ขณะนสายการบนเอมเรตส ไดเปดใหบรการเทยวบนระหวางกรงเทพ-ดไบโดยม 6 เทยวบนและใหบรการถง 2,500 ทนงตอวน

Page 7



Page 8: บินไกล Issue 5

1) Singapore Changi Airport Last year’s Ranking: 2

For Changi, it was a triple success. Securing the Airport of the Year accolade, it picked up the awards for Best Airport in Asia and the Best Airport for Leisure Amenities. This is the fourth time Changi airport has achieved the top prize - last claiming victory back in 2010. According to the airport's website, it is a major air hub in Asia, serving more than 100 international airlines flying to some 220 cities in about 60 countries and territories worldwide.

2) Incheon International Airport Last year’s Ranking: 1

Voted for by air travelers across the globe, Incheon International Airport has won the top award, twice. This year however, it slipped to the second slot. Said to be South Korea's largest airport, Incheon is also one of the world's busiest.

source: www.indiatimes.com Page 8

TOP 10 Airports

Page 9: บินไกล Issue 5

4) Hong Kong International Airport Last year's ranking: 3 Hong Kong International Airport is a two-terminal and two-runway facility. According to the airport's website, in 2012, 56.5 million passengers used HKIA and 4.03 million tonnes of air cargo passed through Hong Kong.

TOP 10 Airports

Page 9 Photo: Carlos Kleiton

3) Amsterdam Schiphol Airport Last year's ranking: 4 For the first time in 6 years, there was a change to the top-3 global airlines with Amsterdam Schiphol Airport accomplishing a third place f i n i s h i n t h e s u r v e y . Airport Schiphol is the Netherlands' main international airport. Over the last 30 years, Amsterdam Schiphol Airport has won many global airport awards in various categories, from both a i r l i n e a n d p a s s e n g e r organizations.

Page 10: บินไกล Issue 5

7) Zurich Airport Last year's ranking: 7

Zurich Airport is a major airport in Switzerland. According to the airport's website, 1,998,413 passengers were

handled at Zurich Airport during March 2013, a gain of 1.6% versus March 2012.

Page 10

6) Munich Airport Last Year’s Ranking: 6

Munich Airport is one of Germany's most renowned airports. The airport is a shopping, business and recreation hub.

5) Beijing Capital International Airport Last Year’s Ranking: 5

Beijing Capital International Airport (BCIA), is also called "China Gateway". It is among the largest, and busiest international aviation hubs in the world.

Page 11: บินไกล Issue 5

8) Vancouver International Airport Last year's ranking: 8

Today, 62 airlines serve Vancouver International Airport, connecting people and businesses to 99 destinations in Canada, the US and around the world.

10) London Heathrow Airport Last year's ranking: 11

Heathrow Airport achieved its best ever result entering the top-10 airports for the first time and also scooping the awards for World's Best Airport Terminal for Terminal 5 and for the third year running the prize for Best Airport Shopping.

Page 11

9) Tokyo International Airport (Haneda) Last year's ranking: 14

One of Tokyo's primary airports, the Tokyo International Airport boasts of restaurants, shops and duty-free shops.

Page 12: บินไกล Issue 5


"The institution certifies professional

knowledge, expertise and skills by determining

the level of personal competencies using

standardized classification of personal

competencies to promote national


วสยทศน "เปนสถาบนท ใหการรบรองความร ความเชยวชาญ และทกษะทางดานวชาชพ โดยก าหนดระดบสมรรถนะของบคคลใหเปนมาตรฐานสากล


Missions 1. To match professional qualification with educational qualification

on par with international standards

2. To recognize and evaluate organizations that test individuals'

competencies and accredit professional qualification

3. To promote competency-based training to make the workforce

competitive at the national level

4. To serve as an information resource center for professional

qualification system and occupational standards พนธกจ

1. ก าหนดมาตรฐานคณวฒวชาชพเทยบกบมาตรฐานคณวฒทางการศกษา ตามมาตรฐานสากล 2. ก าหนดองคกรเพอรบรองสมรรถนะตามระบบคณวฒวชาชพและตดตามประเมนผล 3. สนบสนน พฒนาสมรรถนะผประกอบอาชพเพอเพมขดความสามารถในการแขงขนระดบประเทศ 4. เปนศนยกลางขอมลเกยวกบระบบคณวฒวชาชพและมาตรฐานอาชพ


Get to



Page 12

Page 13: บินไกล Issue 5



สถาบนคณวฒวชาชพเปนองคการมหาชนภายใตการก ากบดแลของนายกรฐมนตร และด าเนนงานเพอตอบสนองนโยบายรฐบาลดานสงคมและคณภาพชวตดานนโยบายการ ศกษา โดยเรงรดจดท าคณวฒวชาชพเพอรบรองสมรรถนะการปฏบตงานตาม มาตรฐานอาชพ และเพอเพมขดความสามารถของทรพยากรมนษยใหพรอมรบการเปดเสรประชาคม อาเซยนและสรางมลคาเพมทางเศรษฐกจ สถาบนฯ ไดเรมด าเนนงานเมอคณะรฐมนตรมมตแตงตง พลเอกเลศรตน รตนวานช เปนประธานกรรมการบรหารสถาบนฯ เมอวนท 2 เมษายน 2555 และม นายวระชย ศรขจร เขาด ารงต าแหนงผอ านวยการสถาบนฯ เมอวนท 18 มถนายน 2555 โดยมส านกงานตงอยทชน 17 อาคารซนทาวเวอร บ ถ.วภาวดรงสต แขวงจอมพล เขตจตจกร กรงเทพฯ วตถประสงคในการจดตงสถาบนคณวฒวชาชพ 1. พฒนาระบบคณวฒวชาชพแหงชาต 2. จดท ามาตรฐานอาชพ 3. ใหการรบรององคกรทมหนาทในการรบรองสมรรถนะผประกอบวชาชพ 4. เปนศนยกลางขอมลเกยวกบระบบคณวฒวชาชพและมาตรฐานอาชพ 5. ตดตามและประเมนผลองคกรทมหนาทในการรบรองสมรรถนะผประกอบอาชพ 6. รวมมอกบหนวยงานภาครฐและเอกชนในการสงเสรมระบบคณวฒวชาชพ


TPQI is under the prime minister’s supervision, and its missions are

tied to government’s social policies and educational policies. TPQI

promotes the development of professional qualification system. It helps

increase human capital’s competitiveness in expectation of the launch of

ASEAN Economic Community and creates economic value added.

TPQI’s work began when the cabinet appointed

General Lertrat Ratanawanich as chairman of the board on April 2, 2012

and Mr. Virachai Srikajon as director-general on June 18, 2012.

TPQI office is located on the 17th floor of Suntower B, Vibhavadee Rd.,

Chomphon, Chatuchak, Bangkok.

Founding objectives 1. To develop professional qualification system

2. To develop occupational standards

3. To accredit organizations that test individuals’ competencies

4. To act as an information center on professional qualification system

and occupational standards

5. To evaluate organizations that certify individuals’ competencies

6. To collaborate with government and private sectors in promoting

professional qualification system

Page 13

Organizational Structure

Page 14: บินไกล Issue 5

ผลทคาดวาจะไดรบ แผนทอาชพ และ แผนทคณวฒ ของกลม 7 สายงานอาชพธรกจการบน รายละเอยดมาตรฐานอาชพ และคณวฒวชาชพ รปแบบกระบวนการประเมนสมรรถนะตามมาตรฐานอาชพ ของกลม สายงานอาชพธรกจการบน

7 Categories Related to

Aviation under TPQI

◊ Pilot

◊ Flight Attendant

◊ Flight Operations

◊ Terminal Operations

◊ Ramp Operations

◊ Instructor

◊ Driver

ขอบเขตและแนวทางการด าเนนงาน

ดานเนอหา จดท าแผนทอาชพของกลมอาชพในธรกจการบนทง 7 สายงาน พฒนามาตรฐานอาชพและคณวฒวชาชพ ตามกรอบคณวฒวชาชพแหงชาต ดานการด าเนนงาน ประสานเครอขายทเกยวของ จดประชมระดมความคดเหน เพอก าหนด

รายละเอยด พฒนาองคความรโดย ศกษา วเคราะห เพอจดท ารางแผนภาพอาชพและ

แผนภาพคณวฒ จดท าหนวยสมรรถนะหลก สมรรถนะยอย โดยรบฟงขอเสนอแนะจากผ

ปฏบตและและผประกอบการ น าเสนอผลการด าเนนงานตอคณะกรรมการมาตรฐานอาชพ และเครอขาย

เพอความเหนชอบ และน าเสนอตอสถาบนคณวฒวชาชพเพออนมต

วตถประสงค เพอจดท ามาตรฐานอาชพ และคณวฒวชาชพใหสอดคลองกบความตองการของ

ผประกอบทงใน และตางประเทศ เพอสรางเครอขายการจดท า พฒนา เผยแพรมาตรฐานอาชพ และคณวฒวชาชพ เพอประชาสมพนธใหระบบมาตรฐานอาชพและคณวฒวชาชพเปนทรบร และยอมรบในทกภาคสวน

โครงการจดท ามาตรฐานวชาชพ และคณวฒวชาชพ กลมอาชพธรกจการบน


จดท าคณภาพมาตรฐานอาชพและคณวฒวชาชพตามนโยบายของรฐ เผยแพรมาตรฐานอาชพและคณวฒวชาชพใหเปนทยอมรบในระดบสากล เสรมสรางขดความสามารถในการแขงขนของผประกอบการของประเทศไทยกบ

ผประกอบการของชาตตางๆ ในภมภาค ก าหนดคณภาพมาตรฐานบคลากรการบนใหใกลเคยงกบประเทศในกลมประชาคม


Page 14

Page 15: บินไกล Issue 5

◊Aviat ion Training Associat ion

◊Thai land Professional Qual i f ica t ion Ins t i tu te

◊Thai F l ight Training Academy (TFTA)

◊Aviat ion Personnel Development Inst i tu te (APDI)

◊Kasem Bundi t Univers i ty

◊Assumption Univers i ty (ABAC)

◊Civi l Aviat ion Tra ining Center

◊Sri racha Aviat ion


◊Internat ional Aviat ion Col lege, Nakhon Phanom Universi ty

◊Sripatum Universi ty

◊Prince of Songkhla Univers i ty

◊Mae Fah Luang Universi ty

◊Bangkok Thonburi Universi ty

◊Rangsi t Univers i ty

◊Phra Nakhon Rajabhat Univers i ty ◊Royal Sky Avia t ion Center

◊Bangkok Univers i ty

Aviation Training Association

Aviation Personnel Development Institute (APDI)

Kasem Bundit University

Committee Members

Dr. Meta Ketkaew

Aj. Jirajittra Higgins Aj. Krit Wongcharern

Aj. Attapol Moungsawad Aj. Rawat Garchotechai

More Info: www.taqframework.com or www.facebook.com/taqframework

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Page 16: บินไกล Issue 5

TOEIC TIPS by Aj. Jirajittra Higgins

What is TOEIC? TOEIC stands for Test of English for International Communication. It is divided into two main sections: Listening and Reading. The listening section tests the ability to understand spoken English. While the reading section tests the knowledge of grammar and vocabulary and the ability to read and understand short passages.

There are a total of 200 questions on the TOEIC test and the test lasts about two hours. All the items are multiple choice questions with three or four possible answers.

Keys to Higher TOEIC Scores

Key 1: Know the Direction

Each part of the TOEIC test has its own

directions. Knowing what they are before you take the

exam will help you manage your time.

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Page 17: บินไกล Issue 5

Key 2: Read each Question


Before looking at the answer choices,

read the question closely to know what you

are being asked. Incorrect answer choices are

often designed to trap you if you misread the

question. If you do not understand a question,

reread it slowly.

Key 3: Predict the Answer

After you are clear on what you are

required to do, try to predict the answer in your

own words before looking at the answer


Key 4: Evaluate the Answer


After you have predicted the answer in

your own words, check to see if your answer is

among the choices. If the choices do not match

your predicted answer exactly, select the

choice that best matches.

Key 5: Eliminate Wrong

Answer Choices

If the answer you have predicted is

not among the answer choices, eliminate any

answer choices that you know are wrong and

choose the best answer from the remaining

choices. If you can eliminate even one wrong

choice, you will increase your chances of

guessing the correct answer.

Key 6: Answer Easy Question First

Generally, the TOEIC test is organized from

easy to difficult.

Key 7: Answer Every Question

Do not leave any questions unanswered.

There is no scoring penalty for an incorrect

answer on the TOEIC exam.

Key 8: Manage your Time

The TOEIC exam is a timed test; you

are given 45 minutes to complete the

Listening Comprehension Section and 75

minutes to complete the Reading

Comprehension Section.

Key 9: Check your Answer Sheet for Mistakes

or Unanswered Questions

If you finish the test before time is called, check your answer sheet to make

sure you have filled in each oval completely and that there are no extra marks on it.

Be sure you have filled in only one answer choice for each question.

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Page 18: บินไกล Issue 5

Travellers’ Haven Photos by: Chakrapan Na Songkla

Text by: Sonny Samonpal

In this issue of APDI magazine, we would like

to feature places around the world as

photographed by Mr. Chakrapan Na Songkla

whose lenses captured numerous scenic spots.

We hope that as you go through each of these

photos, you will be fascinated just like what we

do. Now, see the photos for yourself!

ในนตยสารฉบบน สถาบนพฒนาบคลากรการบนขอน าเสนอเรองราวผานภาพถาย โดยไดรบความอนเคราะหจากคณจกรพนธ ณ สงขลา ผบนทกภาพประทบใจจากทวโลก หวงวาผอานจะไดรบความประทบใจจากภาพถายเหลาน เชนเดยวกบผ เขยน Siberia is a very large geographical region

consisting of almost all of North Asia. Siberia

has been a part of Russia since the 17th century.

ไซบเรยเปนดนแดนทกวางใหญ มอาณาเขตครอบคลมทางตอนเหนอเกอบทงหมดของทวปเอเชยเหนอ ซงเปนสวนหนงของประเทศรสเซยมาตงแตศตวรรษท 17

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Page 19: บินไกล Issue 5

Page 19

Venice is a very beautiful

and romantic city. The name is

derived from the ancient

Veneti people living in the

region in the 10th B.C. It has

been known as Queens of the

Adriatic, City of Water, City

of Canals, City of Bridges.

Luigi Barzini described it in

the New York Times as

undoubtedly the most beautiful

man-made city. Venice is a

city in Northern Italy with 118

small islands separated by

canals and linked by bridges.

“เวนส” เปนนครทมความสวยงามและเปนเมองแหงความรก โดยชอเวนสนนไดมาจากชาวเวนตในสมยโบราณซงอาศยอยในบรเวณแหงนในราว ค.ศ. ท 10 นครแหงนเปนทรจก ในหลายๆ นาม เชน ราชนแหงเอเดรยแอตก นครแหงน า นครแหงสะพาน ดงค ากลาวของลยอจ บารซน บรรยายในหนงสอนวยอรคไทมวา เวนสเปนนครท สวยงามทสดจากการสรางของมนษย เวนสเปนเมองทอยทางตอนเหนอของประเทศอตาล ซงมเกาะตางๆจ านวนถง 118 แหง โดยมคลองตางๆเปนเสนแบงเขตและมสะพานเชอมโยงระหวางกน

Below: Oktoberfest is the world’s largest fair held annually in Munich, Bavaria, Germany. It is a 16-day festival

running from late September to the first weekend of October. Beer, sausages, fried pork leg are quite famous food during

the festival.

ออคโทเบอรเฟสเปนการเฉลมฉลองทใหญทสดในโลก ซงจดขนในเมองมวนค แควนบาวาเรย ประเทศเยอรมน การเฉลมฉลองนจะใชเวลาทงหมด 16 วน โดยเรมจากปลายเดอนกนยายนถงสปดาหแรกของเดอนตลาคม อาหารทขนชอของเทศกาลน คอ ไสกรอก, ขาหมทอด และเบยร

Page 20: บินไกล Issue 5
Page 21: บินไกล Issue 5

KBU Air Booking Co., Ltd.


Book with us and see the world!

จ าหนายตวเครองบนภายในประเทศและตางประเทศทวโลก บรการใหค าปรกษาวซาส าหรบลกคาทวไป, นกศกษา และบคลากรของมหาวทยาลยเกษมบณฑต ทกทาน

KBU Air Booking Co., Ltd.

Email: [email protected]

Facebook: www.facebook.com/KBUAirBooking

Tel: 02-904-5269

Mobile: 084-159-8600

Page 22: บินไกล Issue 5

KBU Air Booking Co., Ltd.


Book with us and see the world!

จ าหนายตวเครองบนภายในประเทศและตางประเทศทวโลก บรการใหค าปรกษาวซาส าหรบลกคาทวไป, นกศกษา และบคลากรของมหาวทยาลยเกษมบณฑต ทกทาน

KBU Air Booking Co., Ltd.

Email: [email protected]

Facebook: www.facebook.com/KBUAirBooking

Tel: 02-904-5269

Mobile: 084-159-8600

Page 23: บินไกล Issue 5

Thai Food Recipe By: Sonny Samonpal

Phad Thai without a doubt is one of the

most favorite dishes of mine. Notwithstanding its

popularity, Phad Thai cooking is quite interesting

to none Thais. In my opinion, the key to create

nice Phad Thai is to prepare all the ingredients

and set them up in easy fashion before starting to

cook. Make certain that you find the finest

ingredients for your Phad Thai.

ผดไทยเปนอาหารทเปนทโปรดปรานของใครหลายๆคนรวมถงผ เขยนดวย การปรงผดไทยนนเปนทนาสนใจส าหรบชาวตางชาต ซงหวใจหลกของการปรงผดไทยนนคอการเตรยมเครองปรงและสวนผสมตางๆใหครบถวนกอนจะลงมอท า

History: A dish of stirred fried rice noodles brought to Ayutthaya city by Vietnamese traders. Prime Minster of

Thailand Luang Phiboonsongkram made the dish popular during the late 1930s and 1940s by naming Phad Thai as part

of his political campaign to promote Thai Nationalism while aiming to cut down the domestic rice consumption and

encourage Thai nationals to make and sell rice noodles from street vendors and in restaurants. Phad Thai has since

become one of Thailand’s national dishes and has become popular world over.

กวยเตยวผด เปนอาหารทมการเผยแพรในประเทศไทยตงแตสมยกรงศรอยธยาโดยพอคาชาวเวยดนาม ตอมาหลวงพบลยสงครามไดท าใหอาหารจานนเปนทรจกมากขน ในชวง

ระหวางป 2473 ถง 2483 โดยมการตงชอวา “ผดไทย” ภายใตนโยบายทางการเมองในการสงเสรมความเปนไทย แตขณะเดยวกนนน กมวตถประสงคทจะลดปรมาณการบรโภคขาว

ในประเทศและสนบสนนใหมการปรงและขายกวยเตยวผดไทยตามทองถนนและในรานอาหารตางๆ ซงนบตงแตนนมาผดไทยกกลายเปนหนงในอาหารประจ าชาตไทย ทเปนทนยม


How to make Phad Thai with shrimps

1. Bring water to a boil, remove from heat, and soak the noodles in hot water for

8-10 minutes until pliable. Drain and rinse with cold water. Toss the noodles with

a drizzle of oil so they do not stick together.

ตมน าใหเดอดและน าออกจากเตา จากนนแชเสนกวยเตยวในน าเดอด ทงไวประมาณ 8 –10 นาท น าเสนกวยเตยวไปแชใน น าเยน จากนนเสนกวยเตยวคลกเคลาน ามน เพอไมท าใหเสนตดกน 2. Have all of the ingredients chopped, sliced, prepped, and divided before

beginning. Tip: Be sure to work in small batches to coat in the sauce evenly.

จดเตรยมเครองปรง หน ตด ใหเรยบรอย เคลดลบ เตรยมเครองผดไทย ในภาชนะขนาดเลก เพอใหเครองปรงทวถง 3. Heat a dash of canola, peanut, or grape seed oil in a frying pan or a wok over

medium-high heat. Add garlic or shallot.

เทน ามนลงในกระทะ โดยใชไฟดวยความรอนปานกลาง แลวใสกระเทยมหรอหอมแดงลงไป

4. Add pepper and beansprouts. When the beansprouts have softened just a little,

move ingredients to the side of the pan and add eggs.

ใสพรกปน และถวงอก เมอถวงอก…... พกเครองปรงไวขอบกระทะ จากนนตอกไขใสกลางกระทะ 5. Scramble the eggs and stir all of the ingredients in the pan together.

จากนน รวนไขและผดเครองปรงทกอยางใหเขากน

6. Reduce heat to medium-low. Add your protein, like tofu, fresh shrimps, dried

shrimp and stir. Do not overcook the shrimps, it will be chewy and dry.

หรไฟลงเลกนอย ใสเตาห กงสด กงแหงตามตองการ และผดใหเขากน ไมควรผดใหกงสกเกนไป เพราะจะท าใหเนอกงเหนยว และแหงเกนไป 7. Add a handful of noodles and Thai fish sauce, tamarind juice and palm sugar

letting it cook until the sauce boils.

เตมเสนกวยเตยวเสนจนทและ น าปลา น ามะขามเปยก น าตาลปบ ผดใหเขากนจนสวนผสมเดอด 8. Sprinkle in garlic chives, making sure everything is evenly coated in the sauce.

โรยหนาดวยกยชายคลกเคลาจนกระทงทกอยางเขากน และน าออกจากกระทะ 9. Top with roasted peanuts and cilantro. Serve with a wedge of lime

on the side.

โรยดวยถวลสงและมะนาวฝานเปนซกๆ และน าเสรฟ

Main Ingredients: ~ Dried rice noodles

~ Eggs

~ Fermented tofu

~ Tamarind juice

~ Fish sauce

~ Dried shrimp

~ Garlic or shallots

~ Dried chili pepper

~ Palm sugar

~ Lime juice

~ Peanuts

~ Bean sprouts

~ Garlic chives

สวนผสมหลก ~ เสนกวยเตยวจนท ~ ไขไก ~ เตาห ~ น ามะขามเปยก ~ น าปลา ~ กงแหงปน ~ กระเทยมหรอหวหอม ~ พรกปน ~ น าตาลปบ ~ น ามะนาว ~ ถวลสง ~ ถวงอก ~ ใบกยชาย

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Page 24: บินไกล Issue 5

A Revolution of Thai Airways International Brand Image

By Aj. Rawat Gartchotechai

Not only flight attendants but their uniforms also

represent the airline image. Thai Airways International

has had eight major changes of flight attendant uniforms

since 1960.

บรษท การบนไทย จ ากด (มหาชน) ไมเพยงแตจะใหความส าคญกบ

พนกงานตอนรบบนเครองบน แตยงคงเลงเหนความส าคญของเครองแบบ

ของพนกงานตอนรบบนเครองบนอกดวย ซงการบนไทยไดมการเปลยน

เครองแบบของพนกงานตอนรบบนเครองบน รวมทงหมดถง 8 ครง ตงแตป

พ.ศ. 2503 จนถงปจจบน

1. From 1960 – 1967, the uniforms were

designed by HSH Prince Kraising


แบบท 1 ผออกแบบเครองแบบ คอ หมอมเจาไกรสงห วฒชย

ซงใชในระหวางป พ.ศ. 2503-2510

2. From 1967 – 1970, the uniforms were also designed by the

same designer, HSH Prince Kraising Vuthichai.

แบบท 2 หมอมเจาไกรสงห วฒชย ไดเปนผออกแบบอกเชนเดม โดยมการเปลยนสและ

รปแบบใหม ซงใชในระหวางป พ.ศ. 2510-2513

3. From 1970 – 1974, the uniforms were also designed by HSH

Prince Kraising Vuthichai.

แบบท 3 หมอมเจาไกรสงห วฒชย ไดเปนผออกแบบ โดยเปลยนรปแบบคอปกเสอเปนคอจน ซง

ใชในระหวางป พ.ศ. 2513-2517

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Page 25: บินไกล Issue 5

4. From 1970 – 1974, the uniforms were designed

by HSH Prince Kraising Vuthichai.

แบบท 4 ใชในระหวางป พ.ศ. 2517-2521 โดยการออกแบบของหมอมเจาไกรสงห วฒชย

5. From 1974 – 1977, the uniforms were

designed by Pronsri De Bouton.

แบบท 5 ใชในระหวางป พ.ศ. 2521-2524 โดยการออกแบบของหองเสอพรศร

6. The uniforms from 1977– 1989 were

designed by a French haute couture,

Pierre Balmain.

แบบท 6 เครองแบบทใชในระหวางป พ.ศ. 2524-2532 โดยการออกแบบ

นกออกแบบชนแนวหนาของฝรงเศส คอ ปแอร บาลแมง

7. The uniforms from 1989– 2006 were designed by

Suchart Mingpan.

แบบท 7 เครองแบบทใชในระหวางป พ.ศ. 2532-2549 โดยการออกแบบของสชาต มงพนธ

8. The uniforms from 2006 up to the present,

Thai Airways crew wear a uniform by a well-known

designer Pichita Boonyaratapan

แบบท 8 เครองแบบทใชในระหวางป พ.ศ. 2549 ถงปจจบน โดยการออกแบบของพจตรา บญรตนพนธ

However, the in-flight uniform (left) is the

only uniform that has never changed. แตอยางไรกตาม เครองแบบทไมมการเปลยนแปลงคอ

ชดบรการบนเครอง (ซายมอ)

Page 26: บินไกล Issue 5

G I Z M O By: Dondon Parohinog

While the internet is stormed by infinite number of websites both for entertainment and educational

purposes, smart phone users are also bombarded with applications for the same functions. As a smart

phone user myself, I tried to gather some of the numerous applications which may be of interest to you

readers too.

ในปจจบน อนเตอรเนตไดมบทบาทอยางมาก ทงในดานความบนเทงและการศกษา ซงผ ใชสมารทโฟนสามารถใชบรการผานแอพพลเคชนตางๆไดอยางหลากหลาย โดย

ผ เขยนไดรวบรวมแอพพลเคชนทนาสนใจมาน าเสนอในบทความน

SoundHound: I grew up with a lot love for music since I was born in the 80’s. Unfortunately, some songs may have titles unknown to me. Lucky to have installed SoundHound on my phone. Sing a few line, hum it up and the application will find the title of the song for you. It may not be 100% accurate but, you can always give it a try!

________________ SoundHound: แมวาผ เขยนจะเตบโตมากบเสยงเพลงในยค 80 แตบางครงกไมใชเรองงายท จะจดจ าชอเพลง แตชางโชคด เพยงแคตดตงแอพพลเคชน SoundHound บนสมารทโฟน กสามารถทราบชอเพลงเหลานนไดอยางงายดาย แครองเพลงนนสกหนงทอน คณกจะทราบชอเพลงไดทนท แมจะไมแมนย ามากนก แตกนาจะลองดนะครบ

LinkedIn: Now, let’s get away from Facebook and discover a new networking site identified as the “largest professional networking site with 225 million strong users”. True to its slogan, this application paves the road in a more formal manner by allowing members to build professional identity online, discover professional opportunities and update themselves with inspiration and insights needed for further development.

________________ Linkedin: ถาทานผอานรสกเบอกบ facebook ลองหนมาใชบรการใหมน ซงเปนเวบไซดทมเครอขายเกยวกบอาชพทใหญทสด โดยมผ ใชบรการถง 225 ลานคน ผสมครสามารถสรางประวตการท างานออนไลน หางานและอพเดทขอมลของตนเอง เพอการพฒนาตนเอง

Page 26

Page 27: บินไกล Issue 5

iStoryTime: For married and working professionals, spending quality time with your kids is a must. Reading can be one of the best activities before your kids go to bed. Knowing how children can be so techie these days, iStoryTime might work for you. As the website says, “iStoryTime brings the joy of children’s book the convenience of your mobile device”.


IStoryTime เปนแอพพลเคชนทเหมาะอยางยง ส าหรบคณพอคณแม ทตองการใชเวลากบลกๆ ซงการเลานทานใหลกๆฟงกอนเขานอนเปนกจกรรมทมคาอยางมาก IStoryTime จะชวยใหคณรถงความสามารถทางเทคโนโลยของลกๆของคณ ดงค ากลาวทวา “IStoryTime น ามาซงความสขสนกสนานในการอาน พรอมความสะดวกสบายผานโทรศพทมอถอของคณ”

Big Lens: Do you want to take photos using your smart phone but with qualities like that of a DSLR? Here’s the apps for you. Big Lens can give you more creative options like aperture settings, blur options and background adjustments. Don’t you think it’s interesting?


Big Lens หากคณตองการถายรป ดวยสมารทโฟน แตคณภาพเทยบเทากลอง DSLR Big Lens คอแอพพลเคชน ทสามารถชวยคณได ไมวาจะเปนความเรวของแสง การท าภาพมว การปรบพนหลงภาพ ซงนาสนใจไมนอยเลยทเดยว

4-Pics-1-Word: Do you want to improve your vocabulary in a fun way? Here’s an application which can help you out. It starts with basic words to the more difficult ones. This is not the only word-game apps around. There’s also Emojination and much more!


4-Pics-1-Word: ถาคณตองการพฒนาค าศพท พรอมความสนกสนาน

ลองแอพพลเคชนตวน ทจะชวยคณได โดยเรมจากค าศพทงายๆ จนถงค าทยากขนเรอยๆ

ไมเพยงแคเกมสค าศพทนเทานน แตยงมเกมส Emojination และอนๆอกมากมาย

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Page 28: บินไกล Issue 5

Nitiwat Kapinlakarn is a student at

KBU (Kasem Bundit University) and

has managed to achieve and maintain

a GPA grade 4 average as well as be

involved in various projects and

activities at university.

Tell me about yourself.

My name is Nitiwat Kapinlakarn,

but my friends and family call me

“P.” I am studying in APDI’s

International program. I was born in

Bangkok, Thailand but moved to

Chicago, Illinois when I was about

six or seven years old. I pretty much

got all my education there and

Oakton Community College (OCC)

was the last school I attended before I

left the States. While I was on my

second semester at OCC, my parents suggested continuing my studies here

in Thailand. I saw it as an opportunity to travel and experience new things

so I went along with it. So now here I am, halfway through obtaining my

Bachelor’s degree here at KBU.

Do you have any interest or hobbies?

I recently fell in love with photography and cinematography and it has

been my passion ever since. I do it mostly as a hobby but I hope someday I

can turn it into a career. My friends recently helped me set up a Facebook

page for my photography, kind of like a gallery where I’ll post my newest

photos and behind the scene shots. Definitely worth checking out;

www.facebook.com/nitiwatphotography. Even with all the projects and

assignments, my friends and I are always trying to find new ideas or con-

cepts for our photo shoots or

films. Aside from that, I

don’t do much other than

what the typical college kids

do like listening to music;

hanging out with friends,

photo shoots here and there,

and of course always eating.

Are you involved in any

projects or activities right


Yes I am. I’m currently working on a huge project for my IEB class.

The goal of this project is to set up a company and sell a product. However,

the product we are selling isn’t something that’s tangible…we are selling

our intellect. I was given the position of Project Manager which comes with

a lot of responsibilities but also a great opportunity to apply theory and

experience hands on what it is like to set up and manage. This is probably

the largest project I have ever done because this company we are setting up

includes a sales team, marketing team, creativity team, and even an audio

and technical team. It’s the whole nine yards really. By the end of this

project, we hope to have been able to contact a multi-national company and

produce a professional viral video for their product or services.

HALL O Anything else?

Another big project I’m working on is this magazine you’re

currently reading. I was asked to photograph some of the photos

in this magazine which really meant a lot to me because this

would be the first time my work has been published. So thank you

to everyone who was a part of this project and especially to all the

wonderful models.

How do you maintain a GPA of 4.00?

Well, this is probably going to be a very cliché answer but it is

honestly the truth. I get this question a lot so I’ve learned to come

up with a solid response. I didn’t always get good grades my

whole life. In high school, I had grades ranging from one or two

F’s to a couple A’s and everything in between. I was twice as lazy

back then as I am now. Anyways, I quickly learned the secret to

getting good grades that is so sought after by many. Go to class,

pay attention, and complete your assignments. People always say

“yeah yeah yeah I do all that but I’m still not getting A’s.” That’s

because these are just the fundamental steps. It’s all the little

things you do that contribute to that A.

When doing assignments, don’t just do it to complete them.

Do it so you understand the material you’re learning and whatever

you do don’t copy from your friends. Sure you’ll have something

to turn in, but you’re not learning anything and when it comes to

testing, there’ll be no one to copy off and your grade will reflect

that. I always see everyone trying to cram a semester’s worth of

knowledge in one night right before their finals. Nobody can do

that. You need to manage your time wisely, for example try

spreading out studying for an exam two or three nights before the

exam. Time management is probably the most important skill

college students need to learn. Master time management and

everything will become less stressful and your grades will also

reflect that.

Who or what are your inspirations?

I think my biggest inspiration are probably my parents. My

parents have done so much and sacrificed so much for me so

making them proud and trying my best is something I can at least

do for them. My friends and family are also a huge inspiration to

me. They’re always pushing me to do my best and I think they’re

one of the reasons why I was able to maintain my GPA. Surround

yourself with good people and you’ll find all the inspiration you

will ever need.

By: Dr. Kenneth Higgins

Page 28


Page 29: บินไกล Issue 5

Tell me about yourself please.

My name is Rajina and my family name is Pradhanang. My religion is Hindu. I am from Kathmandu which is the capital city of Nepal.

Nepal is located between China and India. My nickname is Raina, only my family and close friends call me Raina. I am a very cheerful and

optimistic person. I did my schooling at Gyanodaya Bal Batika Higher Secondary School in Kathmandu which is an English medium school. I

studied in English for more than 15 years and it is my second language. It has just been just over a year since I came here to Thailand as a

student and my life has changed a lot more than I expected and is the first country for me to visit outside Nepal.

I was a good student when I was in school and the education in my country is quite similar with India in that it is theory based. This is

different to Thailand which is more practical then in my country but in comparison to my country not that difficult. I am very grateful to my

teachers for everything because I believe that the way I present myself anywhere is just because of their help and support. They taught me well

enough that made me feel like I can present myself and survive anywhere I go.

How did you come to be studying in Thailand?

My life was pretty good when I was back in Nepal. I was looking

for something extra to study so I did not join any normal BBA class for my

bachelors so I waited for my results. After getting my results, I was planning

to go to States for my bachelors but I guess it was my destiny to come here to

Thailand as I was looking for something different when I got to know about

this university and aviation management. It was really something new for me

as universities in Nepal do not have aviation management. It was quite

catchy for me so I thought of studying here. Before joining this university I

did not have any idea regarding what this course was all about. I joined this

university on 2nd semester on 2012 of 2nd international year of aviation. I

happened to be the 1st Nepali student in this university and not just in the

aviation faculty which was something new for me.

How did you survive being away from home for the first time?

It was difficult for me at the beginning as it was my 1st time away from home. Life was totally opposite of what I had imagined when I

was planning to come here. I had a problem trying to communicate with people here at first and was not easy for me to cope with this new

environment and the hot climate here. However, I have managed to survive and now I’m doing good and I like it here and have loads of friends

now. I focus on my studies as that was my only reason to come here and that helped me to get 4GPA for last 2 semesters as I have studied 2

semesters till now in KBU. I am hoping for many things and trying my level best to keep things simple and easy but effective at the same time

after I complete my graduation. I want to graduate with good results and would love to work here in Bangkok. I will be seeking for more

opportunities in future.

How about the people and culture?

I found people here very helpful and I like the culture as it is not that

different from my country but it isn’t the same as well. I got help and support from

the teachers here in KBU which was very kind of them and helpful for me. I met new

friends from different countries that was a new experience. I gained a lot staying here.

I feel like I did the right thing coming here in Thailand.

I am hoping to get more from here; I want to know more about Thai culture,

places around here and many other things. Coming here just for studies and going

back will be in vain if I don’t do anything extra. I’m far away from home as I miss

my family & friends it makes me sad sometimes and things harder for me as it is

not easy to stay away from home when you are very close to them. But I would sug-

gest that every individual should experience this amazing journey of life as a student

surviving alone in an unknown country. It builds up your confidence level, makes

you a better person and gains much knowledge then you can ever imagine. Life is good if we keep it simple. New experiences make our lives

more interesting and beautiful.

Page 29

Rajina F FAME By: Dr. Kenneth Higgins

Page 30: บินไกล Issue 5

The accepted view of scientists today is that

man evolved from Africa, for the simple reason that there are

monkeys there, as science holds the empirical view of

evolution. Interestingly, historians and even linguistic experts

agree that civilization started in Mesopotamia. For example,

the scientific opinion is that that the pyramids were built by

Africans when in fact science has proved with DNA, that the

pyramids were built by what we call Europeans today and even

King Tutankhamen’s DNA is related to Europeans and not


Another scientific view is that there was an ice age,

although this does not really explain why creatures who

roamed warm pastures were suddenly frozen in an instant of

time while eating vegetation that exists in hot climates and not

the Siberian cold that is experienced now. In fact all ancient

civilizations and cultures have a story of a flood and not

evolution and one wonders why science takes such a radical

view especially in light of the fact they have found the remains

of a boat the size of Noah’s Ark exactly where the bible said it

landed after the floods subsided. 1500 years ago scientists

believed that the earth was flat and 500 years ago Science

taught that earth was the centre of the universe. The fact is that

evolution is mathematically impossible and takes more faith to

believe in the logic of science than anything supernatural and

maybe in years come, people will laugh at the theory of

evolution the same way they mock the flat earth theory.

What is interesting is that if we look at world history

from the perspective of what is recorded, and ignore the

scientific currently held view, we can see some very logical

explanations about how three different races spread across the

globe. According to the story of the flood, three sons left the

boat that landed on Mount Ararat and spread east, south and

west. Interestingly one son’s name actually means dark

skinned which would do more to explain why Africans have

darker skin than other continents. People think it is because

Africa is hot when in reality the Middle East can be a lot hotter

and yet there skin is not dark as in Africans.

From Science

to London by Dr. Kenneth Higgins

One son headed east and we can see the

influence of Chinese culture in most Eastern countries

today except where communism fanatically attempted to

destroy anything spiritual. The third son headed west and

is controversially known today as the Aryan race. At the

time of the Second World War, Hitler tried to develop the

Aryans as a superior European race. In fact we can again

see evidence that the Aryan race started in the Middle

East because a fact that scientists are unable to explain

because it does not fit in with their preconceived view, is

why in countries like Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, etc. There

are blonde haired blue eyed people which give more

evidence where the European race came from than trying

to find the illusive missing link to justify an erroneous

empirical view of Africa.

This race spread out and eventually reached the

shores of what is today called Britain. The North

Americas were originally settled by the Asia /Europeans

coming across from places like Eastern Russia. As a

country, Britain can be a miserable place, with miserable

weather and yet when we look beneath the surface we see

some fascinating things.

Britain is made up of four countries namely,

England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales. Wales has more

castles per square kilometer than any other country on

earth. One might be forgiven in thinking it has more rain

in Wales than any other country if you have ever traveled

there on holiday.

Page 30

Page 31: บินไกล Issue 5

Ireland is a land of magic and fairies. The fairies are

not the friendly type depicted in books but rather demons that

are feared and respected and in certain places that the Irish

believe they exist, and there are many, and so respected and

avoided by the Irish. Interestingly the pioneer of the study of

the human psyche, Sigmund Freud, made a very controversial

statement when he said it is impossible to psychoanalyze the

Irish. Unless one has engaged in a debate with an Irish person

one cannot appreciate what Freud meant. There are many

mysteries in Ireland and the oldest burial tomb is located in

Ireland predating the pyramids by many centuries and also the

oldest timepiece, a sundial, which predates the oldest one

thought to have been in existence in Mesopotamia.

Scotland is famous for men running round in skirts

(kilts) and whiskey. In history, warriors or soldiers from

Scotland were among the most feared on a battle field. The

most famous wall on earth is the Great Wall of China and yet

what is not common knowledge is that the Romans built a

wall across the top of England to keep the Scots out. So even

the great Roman army that conquered the known world at the

time was unable to tame, control or conquer the nation of

Scotland. Scotland is also famous for many stone circles like

we see at Avebury, Stonehenge and so on and amazingly, the

first ever chess set was found washed up on a beach on the

Isle of Lewis which is a remote island in the far north. It also

has the most haunted castle on planet earth in Edinburgh.

As for England, the French describe England as a

second rate country attached to a first rate city. The English

say of France, a great country pity about the people. So no

love lost between the French and English or between the

English and the Scots, Irish or Welsh. It is an odd thing that if

Ireland or Scotland or even Wales are in some sporting

competition that the English will support them. However,

when the English play, the Scots, Irish and Welsh will favour

the opposing team and not England. It is strange to think such

a small country as England could develop a word empire and

control the Irish, Welsh and especially the Scots. In Britain

everyone’s blood is mixed as in all descending from the Celts

and Picts although today defined by national borders.

The English

countryside is one of the

most beautiful aspects of

England and anywhere

you scratch the surface,

history bubbles to the top.

London’s reputation as

the center of globalism

is well earned as very little

in London’s day to day

life can be seen as

quintessentially “English”

and yet on every street

corner the history cries

out. London even has

what is considered to be

the most haunted place on

earth in the Tower of London, a very foreboding place, but

packed with so much history and fascinating things including

the biggest and second biggest diamonds in the world

belonging to her majesty Queen Elizabeth. But London is

more famous in this modern age for being the center of the

arts and fashion and of course a global language that the

world has to learn to do business globally which is great for

native speakers.

History as taught in schools is more about

nationalism than real history and as we all know, the victors

are the ones that write or rewrite history and so today man is

so lost as to whether he originates from some divine

supernatural God or if he fell out of a tree and evolved from

monkeys. In fact, if we follow the scientific modern day

empirical view we would have no idea where we came from

and try and make some sense of being in this modern age.

But in fact, the human being is the only creature ever to have

lived on earth that has a spine 90 degrees to the earth as

though designed to look heavenward and question the

meaning of existence and so on. Also, the fact that people can

access information so easily now on the worldwide web to

build a bigger picture and test and learn the truth for

themselves as opposed to accepting blindly what is

supposedly truth in other people’s eyes, means we do not

have to remain totally in ignorance of whatever is the truth.

Cole Porter once said “When a man is tired of

London, he is tired of life.” Living away from my home

town for so many years I have come to appreciate the historic

path to being born in London and though one of the most

expensive cities in the world, I can truly appreciate the rich

culture. I guess more importantly, is that I always encourage

my students to question a life that is dictated to them.

We all have our individual journeys in life and can

echo the words of Pontius Pilot “What is truth?” Maybe not

something we can logically explain easily and as in the case

of social psychology and spiritual analytical thinking, the

obvious solution or explanation is the most ignorant. If we

don’t know who we really are then how can we ever know

truly where our destiny lies?

From “Science to London”

maybe an abstract concept, but

unless we think abstract and out

the box we will never know what

truth is which in itself is not

abstract, but dumb.

Page 31

Page 32: บินไกล Issue 5

1 a trip by air 4 the coming to a place, appearance 6 a person who works at an airport, carrying luggage 8 a cab 10 the sky above a country 12 an act of departing, a leaving 14 a thin luggage bag with a zipper used to carry suits and dresses 16 place where airplanes take off and land 17 a person who serves passengers on a plane and is responsible for their safety 19 the building in an airport where air traffic is routed in and out of the airport 22 a person who flies an aircraft 23 bags, suitcases, etc. used to carry clothing and other goods whiles travelling 24 a station, depot (rail, bus, airline) 26 an airplane 27 not requiring payment of duty fees 28 entrance or exit, usually at an airport 2 an aircraft with one or two motorized blades on its top 3 a type of strong light that passes through the body and makes a picture of bones and other body parts 4 an airplane, glider, or other flight vehicle 5 to enter a ship, train, plane, etc. 6 people who help keep buildings and other areas safe, guards 7 a foreign travel authorization 9 a flat, sturdy box with a top and bottom, usually attached by hinges on one side and held closed by latches, and with a handle for carrying, made to carry suits and other clothes when travelling 11 a person (other than the driver) who rides in a bus, boat, car, taxi, etc., especially one not steering it 13 a machine for flying passengers or goods 15 a small path or field for planes to take off and land 18 a business that carries passengers and cargo by airplane 19 describing a bag that is carried on an airplane, bus, etc., instead of being stored in the luggage compartment 20 suitcases and bags used to carry clothing while travelling 21 a rise or ascent, as if an aircraft from the runway 25 to reach land

English Corner with Aj.Jirajittra

Crossword: Airline Business



Page 32

Page 33: บินไกล Issue 5
Page 34: บินไกล Issue 5

By: Dondon Parohinog

On a cold Monday morning when everybody

still deals with the weekend hangover, I sat with one of

the newest lecturers to join APDI, Aj. Sonny Samonpal.

He gamely answered and even shared some of the most

significant details in his life.

Aj. Sonny spent most of his career-life in the

United States where he studied high school and

postgraduate studies, respectively. He also was certified

by the F.A.A. as a flight dispatcher .Eventually, he

landed a job for Northwest Airlines, worked as a flight

attendant for five years and flew to big and small cities

around the country. He considered Fort Walton Beach

in Florida as his most favorite place given how white

sand beach and clear blue sky could refresh him after

long flights. Came second is Paris because of its good

cuisine, yummy gataux and fashions.

Looking back, before he became a man that he is

today, Aj. Sonny was like any other young students in

school who enjoyed sports and loved the company of

friends. He played tennis and some golf but showed

more interest in studying. “My foreign English teachers

helped me build that strong foundation for English.

English was difficult but challenging, and challenges

gave me more fun and fulfillment.”

We shared some lighter moments when I asked

about his earliest memory. He could clearly remember

his Kindergarten year. His nanny dragged him to school

with a hanky around his neck and a Vicks vapor rub. It

does sound amusing at fully understandable since the

same things happen to four-year-olds now.

Finally, we ended the interview with Aj. Sonny

sharing his guiding principle in life. He said, “Be true to

yourself and everything will be just fine. Know yourself

first and soon, you will realize your dreams.”

At the course of the interview, I realized that our

lecturer, in the person of Aj. Sonny, is such a fulfilled

person but still dreams of travelling the world and

perhaps, share his own vision through journalism.

Lecturer’s Profile

Page 34

Page 35: บินไกล Issue 5

Our Lecturers By: Dondon Parohinog

Another lecturer who joined APDI since the

beginning of Academic Year 2013-2014 is Aj. Watcharaporn

Aranuvechphun or we simply call her Aj. Pop. This former

flight attendant of Japan Airlines (JAL) is in her late thirties

and is happily married. She met her husband 10 years ago

before they decided to get married and now, both are blessed

with a lovely baby boy.

First impression doesn’t really last as Aj. Pop told me

that she may look serious and indifferent but is quick in

refuting that she actually is a happy, a bit crazy person. She

reaffirmed it when I asked if she’s also full of enthusiasm

and positive outlook.

After I had a share of her personal side, she revealed

more about how she was as a student in her time. Some may

find it quite unbelievable but Aj. Pop also came to class late

just like any other students nowadays. She wasn’t so serious

about her studies then and had regrets of not paying more

attention to it. With that realization, she wants to share these

points: (1) Four years in the university is short that students

should really try harder to learn basic knowledge. So when

they look back, they can always be proud of what they

achieve. (2) The academic environment in KBU is

something that one cannot find in other universities. So,

students must exert effort and take advantage of these

facilities to further their knowledge in their respective

careers. According to Aj. Pop, “You, as students, can create

your future right now.”

Even with her achievement, our lecturer still dreams

of establishing a home-based business and seeing her family

happy. I can truly attest that she’s not far in achieving those

dreams. Having a degree in Management and a former

marketing manager of one of the Top Travel Agencies in

Thailand, it is still way to go for Aj. Pop.

Lecturer’s Profile

Page 35

Page 36: บินไกล Issue 5

Page 36

World’s Largest Airport

◊ The name is Al Maktoum International Airport located in Jebel Ali –

a part of Dubai World Central, an aviation city.

◊ Wizz Air is the first commercial flight that landed at the newly opened


◊ The mammoth airport opened for its cargo service in 2010, the set up of

its passenger terminal had experienced many delays.

◊ The official forecast is that 160 million passengers would be

accommodated in 2027 when construction is completed.

◊ The owner of the airport is Dubai Government and is operated by Dubai

Airports Company.

◊ Originally, the colossus project scheduled for 2017, but, it was delayed

owning to financial crisis.

◊ Cost of building this airport is projected at $32.67 billion.

◊ Presently, operating only one runway. But eventually, it will feature 5

main runways.

Page 37: บินไกล Issue 5

Page 37


Aj. Jirajittra Higgins, Deputy Director of APDI shared

lighter moments with our International Students during the

cover shoot for this magazine. They were photographed by

Nitiwat Kapinlakarn, a sophomore Aviation Industry Manage-

ment student and a member of the Project X.

Answer for Crossword

on page 32

Page 38: บินไกล Issue 5

Dream to Fly,

Fly to


Dreams! Website: http://

Instagram: KBU APDI

Facebook: www.facebook.com/kbuAPDI

วทยาเขตรมเกลา 60 ม. 7 ถนนรมเกลา แขวงมนบร เขตมนบร กรงเทพฯ 10510 โทร. 02-904-2222 ตอ 2230

หมายเลขโทรศพทมอถอ 085-115-7325

Twitter: KBU APDI

Youtube: www.youtube.com/user/kbuapdi

Page 39: บินไกล Issue 5

◊ A flight attendant comprehensive training for selected

4th year Aviation Business. ◊ A 9-week training session

◊ Encompassing the overview of flight attendant scope of practice

Benefits including: Beauty tips Grooming Aptitude for customer care Career prospect How to get hired Training is conducted by seasoned professionals in the Aviation Industry.

Reach for the Stars

Page 40: บินไกล Issue 5

Aviation Personnel Development Institute


Dream to Fly, Fly to Your Dreams.

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(International Program)

หลกสตรศลปศาสตรบณฑต สาขาธรกจการบน BACHELOR OF ARTS IN AIRLINE BUSINESS

หลกสตรศลปศาสตรมหาบณฑต สาขาวชา การจดการการบน MASTER OF ARTS IN AVIATION MANAGEMENT

KBU Air Booking จ าหนายบตรโดยสารเครองบนราคาประหยดทงในและตางประเทศ ทวโลก บรการใหค าปรกษาวซาส าหรบนกศกษา และลกคาทวไป Tel. 02-919-5269

Mobile: 084-159-8600, 085-534-5007

หลกสตรปรญญาตร (ภาษาไทยและ International Program)

Kasem Bundit University



บรการจ าหนายบตรโดยสารเครองบน

Cabin Crew Course หลกสตรเขมขน การเตรยมตวเปนแอรโฮสเตส- สจวต สถาบนพฒนาบคลากรการบน (APDI) รวมกบ บรษท ไทยไฟลทเทรนนง (จ ากด) ขอเชญผทสนใจในอาชพแอรโฮสเตส-สจวตเขารวมฝกอบรมหลกสตรเขมขนการเตรยมตวเปนแอรโฮสเตส-สจวต 130 ชวโมง สอนโดยคร แอรโฮสเตส-สจวต, เรยนจบไดรบประกาศนยบตร เรยนทศนยฝกลกเรอ (หลกส) Simulator, Wet Drill, Fire Drill และสถาบนพฒนาบคลากรการบน

Personality Development พฒนาบคลกภาพ เพอความเปนเลศ สรางความประทบใจและความเปนมออาชพ

Interview Techniques (Individual and Group Interview Tips for a flight attendant job)

สมครวนนเรมเรยน เดอนมกราคม 2557 (เรยนวนเสาร-วนอาทตย)

Website : http://airline.kbu.ac.th

Email : [email protected]

Facebook: www.facebook.com/KBUapdi