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Business Development Manage WA: Candidate application pack

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Ever Wondered Who Put That ATM There? Like the Sound Of All Of WA Being Yours? Hotels, Cafes, High Foot Traffic Areas Will Be Your Client Base. Half Account Management and Half New Business. Responsible for working with a client base Of Hotels, Café's, Hospital's and high foot traffic areas...

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Page 1: Business Development Manage WA: Candidate application pack

Candidate Information For the appointment of:

Business Development Manager- WA

Prepared by Kane McCard Manager Permanent Recruitment

Page 2: Business Development Manage WA: Candidate application pack


Table of Contents

3 Cur ren t Vacancy 4 In f o rm at ion on Ap p licat ion Process 5 Pr ivacy

Page 3: Business Development Manage WA: Candidate application pack


Current Vacancy


Business Development Manager Only representative in WA Region

Half New Business/Half Account Management

Responsible For Working With A Client Base Of Hotels, Café’s, Hospital’s and High Foot Traffic Areas

Our client is a financial services company that services various sectors such as clubs, hotels, petrol stations, convenience stores and other retailers in both Metro and Regional areas & to achieve contract renewal targets for both new and existing business partners. Offering businesses the opportunity to house an ATM machine over a defined period, this role offers clients the opportunity to add an additional revenue stream whilst offering their clients an additional service, security and convenience. Working within all of Western Australia as your territory, but with a strong focus within the metro area, this role will see you responsible for an even mix of account management and new business development. Duties in the role include: Key areas of responsibility in the role include:

Secure Renewals of allocated sites within WA territory

Regular planning with & update of CRM Database

Source leads and opportunities

Acquire new business

Negotiation on renewals and change of ownerships

Develop existing relationships with our clients

Ideally suiting individuals who have strengths in communication, sales and enjoy working in an autonomous role, applicants with a background in servicing the hospitality, petrol/convenience, vending or FMCG industries are highly encouraged.

On offer to the successful applicant is the chance to work in an autonomous role that offers the chance to in the field and from your home office. A salary including a strong base, car allowance, phone, laptop and uncapped commission structure will ensure that star performers will be rewarded for their efforts. Interested applicants can apply to Kane McCard via www.mcarthur.com.au quoting reference number 128612. Telephone enquiries are welcomed to 08 8100 7000. Applications close September 22nd 2014. Confidentiality of all applicants is assured.

Please contact Kane McCard P 08 8100 7000 E [email protected] Reference No 128612

Best People Fit

Page 4: Business Development Manage WA: Candidate application pack


Information on Application Process

Than k yo u f o r r egist er ing your in t erest and review ing t he d et ails f o r t he p osit ion o f

Business Develo p m en t Man ager .

The f o llow ing is an out line o f t he recru it m en t p rocess: Your Application

Ap p licat ions f o r t h is p o sit ion should consist o f t w o sect ions:

1. Your CV d et ailing your em p loym en t h ist o r y, ed ucat ional q ualif icat io ns and con t act

d et ails.

2. A cover let t er o f up t o t w o p ages out lin ing your relevan t exp er ience and

ach ievem en t s, r elat ab le t o t he cr it er ia out lined in t h e p rovid ed p osit ion d escr ip t ion The Recruitment Process

Search and Ad ver t ising:

You m ay b e con t act ed f o r f ur t her d iscussion o n your ap p licat ion d ur ing t he se arch

and ad ver t isin g p hase t hat t akes p lace up un t il t he closing d at e o f ap p licat ions.

Ap p licat ion Review and Shor t list ing:

In co llab o rat ion w it h t h e clien t f o llow ing t he close o f ap p licat ions, M cAr t hur w ill

f inalise review o f all ap p licat ions and agree on a sho r t list b ased on ap p licat ion d at a

and screen in g con t en t . Screen ing m ay invo lve in it ial in t erv iew s w it h a McAr t hur

consult an t t o clar if y d et ail and com p ile a m ore com p rehensive p ro f ile o f your

ap p licat ion .

Panel In t erview s:

Select ion f o r in t erview w ill b e b ased on how w ell you have p rovid ed com p arat iv e

in f o rm at ion com p ared t o o t her ap p lican t s. Yo u w ill b e con t act ed in ad vance t o

ar range a su it ab le t im e t o at t end . If you are no t select ed f o r p an el

in t erview , you w ill b e no t if ied b y em ail.

Psychom et r ic Assessm en t s:

Shor t list ed cand id at es m ay b e asked t o com p let e an on line Psychom et r ic Assessm en t

d ur ing t h is p rocess.

Ref erence Checks:

At t he ap p ro p r iat e t im e, in f o rm at ion m ay b e sough t f rom your nom inat ed ref erees. It

is p ref erab le t hat one o f t hese ref erees is your m ost recen t o r cur ren t sup erviso r .

Your p erm ission w ill b e sough t p r io r t o any co n t act b eing m ad e.

Con f id en t ialit y is assured .

Background Checks:

Fo r som e p osit ions it m ay b e necessary t o ver if y in f o rm at ion yo u h ave p rovid ed (e.g .

Ed ucat ional q ualif icat io ns), o r t o und er t ake cer t ain p re-em p loym en t checks (e.g.

cr im inal convict ion check, w ork ing w it h ch ild ren check). These ch ecks w ill b e

cond uct ed on t he p ref er red ap p lican t (s) on ly.

Page 5: Business Development Manage WA: Candidate application pack



McAr t hur op erat es un d er t he National Privacy Principles set out in t he Privacy Act of

1988. Fur t h er in f o rm at ion regard in g t he Act and how M cAr t hur w ill use and st o re your

p ersonal in f o rm at ion can b e f oun d in t he Pr ivacy sect ion o f our w eb sit e at

w w w .m car t hur .com .au.

As p ar t o f t he recru it m en t p rocess f o r sen io r o r execut ive ap p o in t m en t s, M cAr t hur w ill

com p ile a m at r ix o f all ap p lican t s sum m ar ising t he recen t em p loym en t and relevan t

q ualif icat ions f o r each . Th is m at r ix m ay b e p rovid ed

t o clien t s t o aid in sho r t -list ing d iscussions. Please ad vise us at t h e t im e o f ap p lyin g if

you d o no t w ish your d et ails

t o b e includ ed .

Ap p licat ions clo se: September 22nd 2014 and m ust b e received (p ref erab ly in Wo rd

f o rm at ) via o ur w eb sit e w w w .m car t hur .com .au. Ref erence 128612- At t en t ion : Kane

McCard . McAr t hur reserves t he r igh t t o accep t ap p licat ions af t er t h is d at e in

consult at ion w it h our clien t .

If you req uire any assist ance d ur ing t he ap p licat ion p rocess, p lease call Kane McCard

on 08 8100 7000

We loo k f o rw ard t o receiv ing your ap p licat ion and d iscussing t h is p osit ion w it h you in

f ur t her d et ail.