Online Reputation & Authority Chris Newton [email protected]

Your Online Brand Reputation

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O n l i n e Re p u ta t i o n & Au th o r i ty

Chris Newton

[email protected]

W h a t d o a l l th e s e s i t e s h a v e i n c o m m o n ?

They want to serve up the “best” content.

De f i n e “ Be s t ”

Most credibleMost sensational

Most accurateMost informativeMost interesting



Authority (Google Patent)

Google has given us some clues...

• “Within search results, information tied to verified online profiles will be ranked higher than content without such verification…”

Eric Schmidt, from his book “The New Digital Age” – published April 2013

• “Over time, Google will care more about identity and social reputation.”

Matt Cutts mentioned on day three of SMX – March 2013

Google has given us some clues...

Go o g l e Au th o r s h i pUp to 35% CTR

W h a t Go o g l e W a n t s , Go o g l e Ge t s …

• Google wants you to “own your content” (so far as tying your name and face to it)

• Remember, an effort to deliver the highest quality, most credible and sensational information

• Imagine how this will change as authors and identities “like”, “+1”, or share other authors content.

Th e s e Th i n g s Ch a n g e Fa s t

This is not a real screenshot.

Rather, a prototype of what could someday come?

Fa c e b o o k Gr a p h S e a r c h

Facebook has an agenda too…

Fa c e b o o k Gr a p h S e a r c h

Al l th e s e th i n g s a r e c o n n e c t e d …

• Everything is connected.• Your online reputation is important. It matters.• Actively engaged, responsive• Consistence• Provide high quality, accurate content

What is your business or brand doing to manage and

monitor your online reputation and authority?

W e b Ad v e r t i s i n gChris Newton

[email protected]

O n l i n e Ad v e r t i s i n g h a s Ex p l o d e d

2011 – Internet advertising revenues surpassed cable television

2012 - Increased 15% over 2011

2013 – Another 13% increase seen in Q1

S o m e Ba s i c Te r m i n o l o g y

• Impressions – the # of times your ad has been displayed

• Clicks – the # of times your ad has been clicked

• CPC / PPC – cost per click or pay per click

• CPM / PPM – cost per impression or pay per impression

• CPA / PPA – cost per action or pay per action

Ad v e r t i s i n g Me d i u m s

Re m a r k e t i n g / Be h a v i o r a l Ta r g e t i n g

Reach customers based upon:•Their interests, topics•Past search / web history•Gender•Age

How did it know I am

losing my hair?

Go o g l e Ad W o r d s S EM

Highly Targeted Advertising

Fully measurable sales funnel

Very powerful when combined with Google Analytics

Less risky compared to other options (CPC)

Go o g l e Di s p l a y Ne tw o r k

Text, Image, Interactive, Video Advertisements

Highly targeted placement

Very detailed management, track budget and results as you go

Less risky compared to other options (CPC)

Y a h o o & Bi n g S EM

Fa c e b o o k Ad v e r t i s i n gCPA / PPA

Co n t e n t Ma r k e t i n g

Ca s e S tu d y

• Plumbing client spent $10,900 in Google Advertising over 5 months• 1,376 clicks through to the website (fully tracked)• 156,848 impressions• 75 click-to-calls directly from mobile device• 23 customers clicked an ad then filled out the website form• Phone traffic increased by 200-250 calls.• Average cost per click was $7.00• Avg. Service Ticket Cost is $225

Paid online advertising works.

Advanced analytics can help you follow your advertising dollar in

near real-time.

Attention to detail and adapting with optimizations can ensure ROI.