10/19/2010 1 Social Entrepreneurship in Small Business Oleh : Ign. Wahyu Indriyo Luncheon Talk SBM ITB 20 Oktober 2010 Perspektif Kewirausahaan Sosial Purely Philanthropic Hybrid Purely commercial Motives Appeal to goodwill Mixed motives Appeal to selfinterest Methods Mission-driven Balance of mission and market Market-driven Goals Social value creation Social and economic value creation Economic value Creation Destination of Income/Profit Directed toward mission activities of nonprofit organization (required by law or organizational policy) Reinvested in mission activities or operational expenses, and/or retained for business growth and development (for-profits may redistribute a portion) Distributed to shareholders and owners

Social Entrepreneurship in Small Business

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Page 1: Social Entrepreneurship in Small Business



Social Entrepreneurship in Small Business

Oleh : Ign. Wahyu Indriyo

Luncheon Talk SBM ITB

20 Oktober 2010

Perspektif Kewirausahaan Sosial

Purely Philanthropic Hybrid



Motives Appeal to goodwill Mixed motives Appeal to selfinterest

Methods Mission-driven Balance of mission and

market Market-driven

Goals Social value creation Social and economic value

creation Economic value Creation

Destination of


Directed toward mission activities of nonprofit organization (required by law or organizational policy)

Reinvested in mission

activities or operational

expenses, and/or

retained for business growth

and development (for-profits

may redistribute a portion)

Distributed to shareholders and owners

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Hybrid Spectrum

Traditional Nonprofit

Nonprofit with Income- Generating Activities

Social Enterprise

Socially Responsible Business

Corporation Practicing Social Responsibility

Traditional For-Profit

Mission Motive • Stakeholder Accountability •

Income reinvested in social programs • or operational costs

• Profit-making Motive • Shareholder Accountability • Profit redistributed to shareholders

Permasalahan Pembangunan Sosial

Buruh migran, nelayan, petani, masyarakatadat, perempuan miskin, working poor, …

DEGRADASI LINGKUNGAN : Akses matapencaharian, bahan pangan, sanitasi, air bersih, dll


Meningkatnya Jumlah Kelompok Rentan

Perubahan Iklim&


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Global Redesign


Cross Sector Partnership - Creating

Employment, Eradicating Poverty

and Improving Social Welfare,

Creating a Values Framework

Paradigma baru pembangunan : Perpaduan sektor bisnis & sosial

Pendekatan baru :Inovasi berfokus pada masalah

The New Emerging MarketBottom of Pyramid :

3,7 milyar jiwa = US $ 2,3 trilyun

Indonesia :Usaha mikro = 95,7% unit, 81,7% TK Usaha kecil = 4,05% unit, 10,58% TK

Filantropi & trenfinansial global – recycling of

capital, social impact : Venture Philanthropy Fund, Venture

Social Capital Fund, etc


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Tiga Sektor





Kebijakan yang Mendukung

Usaha Berkelanjutan &

Akses Pasar

Program yang BermanfaatBagi Masyarakat

Beberapa Profil Kewirausahaan Sosial di


Mitra BisnisKeluarga(MBKVentura)

• Top Rank of the 100 best MFIs in the world• Melayani kredit mikro dengan 200 ribu nasabah,

100% perempuan dan 75% miskin (tidakmemiliki KTP).

• Rata-rata pinjaman modal kerja per nasabah = Rp 732.000,-


• Berawal dari kegiatan ibu-ibu RT budidayaTOGA menjadi bisnis herbal yang mendunia.

• Membangun kemitraan dengan petani• Klinik dan konsultasi kesehatan.

Villa HutanJati

• Menggarap lahan kritis di daerah ParungPanjang melalui model kemitraan denganpetani, berkolaborasi dengan developer, investor dan pemerintah.

• Dari lahan kritis telah dihasilkan pohon jati, lima komoditi pangan organik, kawasanresapan air.

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Beberapa Profil Kewirausahaan Sosial di Indonesia


• Pendampingan petani hutan : Illegal logging Sustainable logging

• Bisnis bersama masyarakat.• Pengembangan industri kreatif berbasis



• Berawal dari kesulitan anak dalam berhitung, mengembangkan metode jarimatika.

• Saat ini sudah 130 cabang, lebih 500 unit.• Pemberdayaan bagi ibu RT.

Daughter of Klaten

• Harga kerajinan Indonesia jatuh, tetapiharganya melangit di Malaysia.

• Mengembangkan sistem pemasaran fair trade agar pengrajin mendapatkan penghargaanyang layak.

Aspek Menonjol

Melakukan inovasi untuk memecahkanmasalah sosial.

Makna keberadaan dan mewujudkan – Passion and Purpose.

Memanfaatkan sumberdaya yang ada –intangible assets.

Dari yang simple memberikan dampak besar.

Memperkuat modal sosial.

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