R efractor y B lades http://www.diamondblade.com/shop/ refractory-blades/super-pro-refac tory-blades/

Refractory blades

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  1. 1. Refractory Blades http://www.diamondblade.com/shop/refract ory-blades/super-pro-refactory-blades/
  2. 2. Refractory Blades Patriot Diamond Refractory Blades are designed for high-performance chopping on masonry saws for even the toughest refractory brick and block. From difficult, dense refractories such as solid alumina and zircon to the less difficult to cut materials such as basic brick. You may depend on Patriot Refractory Blades to cut quickly and give you long service life.
  3. 3. Get More Details Contact Us: Refractory Blades