My slide show immigration

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English migrating

Why did the english migrate to new zealand.

By Harrison Malone

How one families life changed

Families got more food each day.

Families lived happier lives.

Families lived in better houses.

Houses were larger with more room.

Immigration statistics.

South-west of England was the part of England that immigrated the most.

People immigrated in england the most in 1840-1852 .

Lancashire did not immigrate as much as the rest of England

How an english families roles changed.

Many children would have to become more respectful because there parents could look after them more

The parents would have to be more dedicated to the children because they had more things such as house space and food and water to help look after them.

The families would stop stealing because they had no need to.

Assisted immigration

Assisted immigration is when new zealand help england migrate over here for a better life.

Reasons they let them come is because they wanted more population and more farmers and crafts men.

New zealand mainly let farmers and crafts men and there families.

The process of the migration

The boats were crammed and the rooms could barely fit two people.

People got diseases really easy.

People died from dehydration ,starvation and from the diseases.

There was barely any food or water people were dying from this and it is one reason that people were afraid of going.


Teara NZ history google My grandparents My mum and dad

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