GREY Food Trends 2009 GREY Food Trends Holistic Food

Grey Food Trends - Recession and "Credit Crunch Cuisine"

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Excerpt from Grey Food Trends Study "Holistic Food". Focussing on the effect of the recession on consumer behaviour, the food industry and grocery stores. February 2009.

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GREY Food Trends 2009

GREY Food Trends

Holistic Food

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Visit exit-recession.de/blog/

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Questions that we would like to discuss with you

• Does your brand capitalize on the potential of current trends?

• How do you handle the increasing demand for innovation?

• How do you handle the consequences from a change in target group segmentation?

• How can you deal with the increasing time limitation and mobility of the consumers?

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Outlook 2009 The "Credit Crunch Cuisine"

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Recession trends 2009

1. The food industry defies the crisis

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Grocery retail sales rise despite recession

Verdict Research UK Forecast 2009: Retail: -0.6% Retail Food: +3.3%

Asda Stores Ltd: 9 new stores, 7000 new jobs

Tesco 200 new stores, 10 000 new jobs

Sainsbury: 5000 New Jobs

Aldi: One new store per week

Source: twnetwork.de, Jan 2009

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Food and household products resist the recession

Premier Foods sales: +10% in the second half of 2008

Largest British food producer

Source: The Guardian 2008

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Recessions trends 2009

1. The food industry defies the crisis 2. Consumers cut on restaurant spendings

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The situation is getting serious

British pubs have lowest beer sales since the “Great Depression”

Beer sales in supermarkets and kiosks rise by 4%

Source: British Beer Barometer 2008

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Restaurants pay the price

Technomic foodservice consultancy Forecast USA:

Fullservice Restaurants: -6,0%

Quick Service Restaurants: +/- 0

Source: Penton Business Media 2009

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Recession trends 2009

1. The food industry defies the crisis 2. Going out becomes an opportunity for savings3. Consumers retreat to their homes

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Staying in is the new going out

Lovefilm DVD Rental has 40% more members since summer 2007

Source: The Observer, Jan 2009

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Success of premium ready meals as a restaurant substitution

Source: The Observer, Jan 2009, Technioom 2009

Waitrose "As good as going out", sales: +30% in 2008

Ready meals growth USA 2008: +6%

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Commuters are learning to prepare a lunchbox

Source: timesonline.co.uk, Sept 2008

Tupperware lunch box : +40% Sandwich bag sales: +34% Thermos flask sales : +100%

Sainsbury‘s sales numbers year to year Sept 2008

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Recession trends 2009

1. The food industry defies the crisis 2. Going out becomes an opportunity for savings3. Consumers retreat to their homes4. Consumers seek savings without compromising

on quality

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Two phases of the credit crunch down grade

„In past times it served as a restaurant substitute when consumers were under spending pressure, but increasingly the mainstream supermarkets compete effectively on premium ranges"

Sir Stuart RoseExecutive Chairman, Waitrose

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Spectacular success of Marks & Spencer "Dine for Two for 10 Pounds" promotional campaign

Copy of the campaign by Waitrose: Plus bottle of wine on top

Private premium labels under increasing price pressure

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Mainstream private labels were starting the price battle

"Feed Your Family For a Fiver” campaign by Sainsbury's discount chain.

Weekly planner sends online recipes with cheap meal suggestions.

Large sales increase after each recipe suggestion: e.g. +300% sausage sales

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Recession trends 2009

1. The food industry defies the crisis 2. Going out becomes an opportunity for savings3. Consumers Retreat to their Homes4. Consumer seek savings without compromising on quality5. The better world has to wait for better times

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Consumers replace premium fruit juices by premium private labels

Innocent Smoothies Sales: -20% between April 2008 and Sept 2008

Main competitor PJ Smoothies lost even more.

Source: Drink Business Review, Dez 2008

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„Deep greens“ stay loyal to organic, „Light Greens“ change sides

UK organic Nov 2008: +2% year to Year (Nov 2007 +16%)

U.S. organic Dec 2008: +5,8% year to year (Dec 2007 +27%)

German organic Dec 2008: +10% year to year (Dec 2007 +14%)

Source: BOLW, Nielsen in Reuters News Jan 2009

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Local production becomes more relevant than organic

Consumers who prefer locally produced food, almost doubled in the last year to 27%.

Consumer who are preferring organic decreases from 24% (Jan 2008) to 19% (Jan 2009)

IGD Shopper Trends 2009

Source: Igd.com, Jan 2009

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Recessions trends 2009

1. The food industry defies the crisis 2. Going out becomes an opportunity for savings3. Consumers retreat to their homes4. Consumer seek savings without compromising on quality5. The better world has to wait for better times6. In bad times consumers turn to nostalgic worlds

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Success Formula for 2009: comfort, nostalgia and humor

Grocery Magazine Top 14 Food Brands 2008

"Brands that offer comfort and nostalgia thrive in a tough climate as well as brands that have humour.“

Claire Nuttall, Grocery Magazine

Source: Grocery Magazine Top Brands 2008

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Revival of nostalgic 1980s food brands


In difficult times successful food brands embody the comfort of mother's kitchen table

Birds Eye Potato Waffles +67%Baked beans + 32%Fish fingers + 29%

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Longing for homeland and familiarity

.Source: Grocery Magazine Top Brands 2008

Walker crisps has been part of British snack culture for generations

2008-2009 sales growth by 9.5%

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British tradition offers orientation to UK consumers

Hovis Bread is positioned as part of British history

13% sales growth in 2008

Source: The Guardian 2008

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Recession trends 2009

1. The food industry defies the crisis 2. Going out becomes an opportunity for savings3. Consumers retreat to their homes4. Consumer seek savings without compromising on quality5. The better world has to wait for better times6. In bad times consumers escape in nostalgic retro worlds7. Consumers are looking for comfort in “good mood food”

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Rescession food has to balance moods and feelings

UK chocolate sales rise by 42% (Aug 2008 to Nov 2008)

Source: The Sun, Nov 2008

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The end of lifestyle advertising and comeback of sentimentality

“Open Happiness” replaces “Coke Side of Life”

Focus on basic product line in US.

Coke wants to offer a small time out from the sorrows of the recession.

Source: Associated Press Jan 2009

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How to navigate a food brand through the recession?

In a climate of crisis, food brands have to offer an immaterial value to a sentimental consumer who is longing for security, simplicity and comfort.

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Bon Appetit!

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Organic Food

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Alessandro PanellaHead of Strategic Planning

Grey Worldwide GmbHPlatz der Ideen 140476 Düsseldorf

T +49.211.3807-444M [email protected]

Sebastian BrunnerStrategic Planner

Grey Worldwide GmbHPlatz der Ideen 140476 Düsseldorf

T +49.211.3807-7614F [email protected]

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GREY Worldwide GmbH

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