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SATMAP: Personality Matching White Paper

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White Paper Personality Matching in Contact Centers


Executive Summary

The value of having high quality interactions between customers and contact

center agents is universally accepted.

Leading organizations have spent decades trying to optimize contact center

performance by focusing on traditional strategies such as recruitment and

training, messaging, and IT cost reduction. The best managers also coach for

empathy, recognizing that strength of rapport makes a large difference in the

outcome of a call. With SATMAP companies can now take advantage of the

diversity of personalities that exist between callers and agents and further

optimize empathy in interactions.

SATMAP's impact on contact center performance is transparent and precisely

measurable which is the reason enterprise customers cite it as the technology

with the single highest return on investment in their customer management


The Role of Personality

Matching in Optimizing

Contact Centers

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White Paper Personality Matching in Contact Centers


SATMAP gets to the heart of how we communicate. When personali�es are compa�ble, people establish

rapport and build empathy. In a SATMAP contact center, callers and agents interact be er, conversa�ons

get to the point faster, and understanding improves. This ul�mately drives call success.

The importance of having a personal connec�on in human interac�ons is both intui�ve and supported by

customer research. Customer studies find that “liking the sales person” is the leading reason behind why

customers that start with purchase intent make an eventual purchase. A cri�cal enabler of this outcome

involves the building of trust which occurs naturally when two individuals relate to one another and build

empathy. The contact center becomes a cri�cal link in the customer acquisi�on chain because it

represents the final human interac�on customers have before making a purchase. SATMAP ensures that

the opportunity to close this prospec�ve sale is op�mized by pairing customers and agents that have a

strong personality match and therefore the highest probability of having a successful call outcome.

SATMAP is not a replacement for skills-based rou�ng, cloud rou�ng or other incumbent call processing

tools. Instead, SATMAP extends the reach of these technologies by providing an addi�onal layer of

personality-based call matching intelligence.

The Importance of

Personality Fit in Call Interactions

The best contact center executives know that every call outcome is the

result of a conversation between two people.

SATMAP technology was built on cu+ng-edge ar�ficial intelligence and signal processing techniques

refined over the last decade with a team of so,ware engineers, sta�s�cians, ar�ficial intelligence scien-

�sts and quan�ta�ve analysts. SATMAP has developed

mul�ple patents and IP claims around intelligent call map-

ping and personality-based call pairing.

With almost half a billion successful call pairings and broad-

spread enterprise deployments, SATMAP helps contact cen-

ters worldwide create great combina�ons to reap the bene-

fits of higher quality interac�ons: improved revenue,

enhanced customer experience and lower enterprise costs.

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White Paper Personality Matching in Contact Centers


Returns on contact center technology investments have tradi�onally been problema�c to measure. If

performance improves a,er a new technology is introduced, was the improvement due to the technology

or to other ambient factors such as economic environment, compe��ve landscape, or agent training?

SATMAP's impact is precisely measurable. In standard implementa�ons, SATMAP is alternated on and off

at fi,een minute intervals. This cycling allows contact center managers to measure the impact of SATMAP

while it is running compared to when it is not. Managers know precisely the performance improvement

that SATMAP delivers with confidence that no other factor is influencing the measurement.

Delivers Precisely Measurable Results

Over the past decade contact centers have deployed a myriad of technologies: skills-based rou�ng, IVR,

call recording, workforce management and other infrastructure solu�ons. Successful managers have

learned how to op�mize performance within their exis�ng component suite.

SATMAP further enhances and builds on these investments. Tightly integrated with the majority of incum-

bent technologies, SATMAP raises contact center performance without changing exis�ng infrastructure or

opera�onal processes.

Enhances Existing Technologies

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White Paper Personality Matching in Contact Centers


SATMAP Improves Operations

A stable and mo�vated workforce helps drive contact center


SATMAP helps mo�vate and retain contact center agents by

raising the quality of their interac�ons and enhancing their

performance. Job sa�sfac�on improves and incen�ve oppor-

tuni�es increase. Contact centers save on recruitment,

onboarding and training costs, and produc�vity rises as agents

become more tenured.

With the benefits of SATMAP, managers can increase focus on

development ac�vi�es such as coaching, mentoring and per-

formance calibra�on.

Effective in Inbound and

Outbound Optimizations

Examples of Inbound optimizations

> Improve customer sa�sfac�on

> Op�mize up-sell / cross-sell

> Enhance reten�on

> Reduce handle �me

> Reduce truck rolls

> Improve first call resolu�on

> Minimize escala�ons

Examples of Outbound optimizations

> Boost sales conversions

> Op�mize up-sell / cross-sell

> Improve RGU yield

> Maximize ARPU

> Increase RevPAR

> Improve collec�ons

> Lower subscriber acquisi�on cost

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White Paper Personality Matching in Contact Centers


The SATMAP Artificial Intelligence Engine

SATMAP works with existing contact center technologies such as skills-based routing, IVR,

call recording, workforce management and cloud routing to further enhance contact

center performance without disrupting existing infrastructure or operational processes.


When SATMAP is first deployed, over a hundred

agent personality a ributes are captured

through a web-based survey. The survey takes

about 15 minutes to finish and in typical

deployments, 99% of agents voluntarily

complete this survey within one month.


SATMAP captures millions of customer

demographic and psychographic a ributes

from publicly available commercial databases,

social media catalogs and census archives that

are indexed by caller ID.

Thanks to advances in today’s technology, it is

possible for SATMAP to store and analyze this

vast amount of raw data. However, the real

strength of SATMAP’s technology is the ability

to analyze millions of records to create a

personality profile without relying on sensi�ve

or proprietary customer informa�on.


When a call arrives, SATMAP retrieves rich caller and agent data and evaluates which of the poten�ally

hundreds of pairings is op�mal. The final selec�on is made a,er analyzing tens of thousands of previous

call outcomes to iden�fy the personality combina�ons that will result in the highest probability of call

success. This decision is made in milliseconds and the call pairing instruc�ons are communicated to the

host PBX.


SATMAP has a built-in feedback mechanism that con�nually improves call pairings over �me. This feed-

back system learns by examining daily call sta�s�cs and call outcomes to iden�fy personality markers

that work well together. SATMAP's ar�ficial intelligence engine analyzes successful call interac�ons from

these daily feeds to reveal call pairing pa erns that can be used to improve future call results.

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White Paper Personality Matching in Contact Centers



SATMAP is the first major break-through technology to improve contact center performance in over 20

years. Our innova�ve solu�on gets to the heart of how people communicate and allows contact centers

to reap the benefits of higher quality interac�ons: improved revenue, enhanced customer experience and

lower enterprise costs.

Contact Us

1 877 721 9158

[email protected]

Suite 560 | 1700 Pennsylvania Ave NW | Washington, DC 20006