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The Print Business of 2015:
A Contrarian Perspective

Dr. Joe WebbWhatTheyThink
Economics & Research Center
Strategy 09, Toronto, November 11, 2009


What happened to our nice, predictable industry?

No business as usual

Transitional opportunities

It's not whom you know,
it's who knows you

Opportunities? There are some?

Where We Are

Media choice saturation But still only 168 hours a week

Advertising-based media undermined

Information seeker/recipient in chargePublishers/content owners hate that

Content is NOT king, distribution is

Weak economics stimulate speed of change

Canada Forecast as of 11/09

What's Changing

Advertising gives way to public relationsSearch engines changed everything

Shift from finding customers to getting customers to find you

Community loses its geographyFacebook, LinkedIn, others, create new ways to interact without proximity

Hard core users vs occasional vs lurkers

Change is Faster than it Seems