The journey is more important than the Destination - Author Unknown

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The journey is more important than the Destination- Author Unknown



Old Art

New Art

Then - Now


Texture & Modeling




Christopher J. Rudolf

Game Art



Basic Training

Still me

out of regs


Survive the Lows

another puppy

Retired at 24

Moving on

Future goals

A Catalyst of creativity

Contact info

Facebook: facebook.com/cj.rudolf.7

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 555-Not gonna happen

Twitter: https://twitter.com/cjrudolf

Slide 6: http://www.molliebaptistapr.com/?page_id=117


Backdrop: http://photoseed.com/collection/group/hawaiian-landscape-japanese-garden-album/

Slide 1: Photographs and drawings by Christopher Rudolf

Slide 2: Photographs by Dorothy Arnold

Slide 3: Photographs by Dorothy Arnold

Slide 4: Photographs and drawings by Christopher Rudolf

Slide 5: Photographs and drawings by Christopher Rudolf

Slide 6: Photographs and drawings by Christopher Rudolf

Slide 7: Photographs and drawings by Christopher Rudolf

Slide 8: Photographs and drawings by Christopher Rudolf

Slide 9: Photographs and drawings by Christopher Rudolf

Slide 10: Photographs and drawings by Christopher Rudolf

Slide 11: Photographs and drawings by Christopher Rudolf

Slide 13: http://www.nicolausassociates.com/Patriotic.htm

Slide 14: Photographs and drawings by Christopher Rudolf

Slide 15: Photographs and drawings by Christopher Rudolf

Slide 16: Photographs and drawings by Christopher Rudolf

Slide 17: Photographs and drawings by Christopher Rudolf

Slide 18: Photographs and drawings by Christopher Rudolf

Slide 19: Photographs and drawings by Christopher Rudolf

Slide 20: Photographs and drawings by Christopher Rudolf

Slide 21: Photographs and drawings by Christopher Rudolf

Slide 22: http://gaminrealm.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/nintendo_logo_by_thedrifterwithin-

d5kzl78.png.jpg https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/d/dc/

Lionhead_Studios_Logo.png http://www.flickeringmyth.com/wp-content/

uploads/2015/05/Ubisoft-Logo.jpg http://www.blizzplanet.com/wp-content/uploads/

blizzard-logo-huge.png http://www.blogcdn.com/www.joystiq.com/media/


Slide 23: Photographs and drawings by Christopher Rudolf

Slide 24: Photographs and drawings by Christopher Rudolf
