Oil Paintings for Sale Decorate your home or office with our 100% hand painted art painting of Abstract in Contemporary style. Why settle for a print, poster, giclee or canvas transfer when you can decorate your walls with this genuine oil painting on canvas at up to 75% below gallery prices. Painted by experienced artists brushstroke-by-brushstroke with attention to all details. Order it today direct from Dafen Oil Painting Village, this piece is absolutely stunning and would give great ambiance anywhere it is hung. The digital picture of this painting doesn't do it justice. The original work has richer color and higher gloss with a natural tone. Contact Us: Busha Road, Buji Town, Shenzhen, Guangdong Sheng, China Zip Code: 518112, Ph: 755-28723729 Visit website: www.dafenvillageonline.com

Oil paintings for sale

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Page 1: Oil paintings for sale

Oil Paintings for Sale Decorate your home or office with our 100% hand painted art painting of Abstract in Contemporary

style. Why settle for a print, poster, giclee or canvas transfer when you can decorate your walls with

this genuine oil painting on canvas at up to 75% below gallery prices.

Painted by experienced artists brushstroke-by-brushstroke with attention to all details. Order it today

direct from Dafen Oil Painting Village, this piece is absolutely stunning and would give great ambiance

anywhere it is hung.

The digital picture of this painting doesn't do it justice. The original work has richer color and higher

gloss with a natural tone.

Contact Us:

Busha Road, Buji Town, Shenzhen, Guangdong Sheng, China Zip Code: 518112,

Ph: 755-28723729

Visit website: www.dafenvillageonline.com