The performance and the characterization of laser ablation ...R. Gemayel et al.: Laser ablation...


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Atmos. Meas. Tech., 9, 1947–1959, 2016


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The performance and the characterization of laser

ablation aerosol particle time-of-flight

mass spectrometry (LAAP-ToF-MS)

Rachel Gemayel1, Stig Hellebust1,a, Brice Temime-Roussel1, Nathalie Hayeck1,b, Johannes T. Van Elteren2,

Henri Wortham1, and Sasho Gligorovski1

1Aix Marseille Université, CNRS, LCE UMR 7376, 13331, Marseille, France2National Institute of Chemistry, Slovenia, Laboratory for Analytical Chemistry, Hajdrihova 19, 1000 Ljubljana, Sloveniaanow at: Central Statistics Office, Cork, Irelandbnow at: Université de Lyon 1, CNRS, UMR 5256, IRCELYON, Institut de Recherches sur la Catalyse et

l’Environnement de Lyon, Villeurbanne, 69626, France

Correspondence to: Rachel Gemayel (

and Sasho Gligorovski (

Received: 18 November 2015 – Published in Atmos. Meas. Tech. Discuss.: 20 January 2016

Revised: 6 April 2016 – Accepted: 13 April 2016 – Published: 2 May 2016

Abstract. Hyphenated laser ablation–mass spectrometry in-

struments have been recognized as useful analytical tools for

the detection and chemical characterization of aerosol parti-

cles. Here we describe the performances of a laser ablation

aerosol particle time-of-flight mass spectrometer (LAAP-

ToF-MS) which was designed for aerodynamic particle siz-

ing using two 405 nm scattering lasers and characterization

of the chemical composition of single aerosol particle via ab-

lation/ionization by a 193 nm excimer laser and detection in a

bipolar time-of-flight mass spectrometer with a mass resolv-

ing power of m/1m> 600.

We describe a laboratory based optimization strategy for

the development of an analytical methodology for charac-

terization of atmospheric particles using the LAAP-ToF-MS

instrument in combination with a particle generator, a differ-

ential mobility analyzer and an optical particle counter. We

investigated the influence of particle number concentration,

particle size and particle composition on the detection effi-

ciency. The detection efficiency is a product of the scattering

efficiency of the laser diodes and the ionization efficiency or

hit rate of the excimer laser. The scattering efficiency was

found to vary between 0.6 and 1.9 % with an average of

1.1 %; the relative standard deviation (RSD) was 17.0 %. The

hit rate exhibited good repeatability with an average value of

63 % and an RSD of 18 %. In addition to laboratory tests,

the LAAP-ToF-MS was used to sample ambient air during a

period of 6 days at the campus of Aix-Marseille University,

situated in the city center of Marseille, France. The optimized

LAAP-ToF-MS methodology enables high temporal resolu-

tion measurements of the chemical composition of ambient

particles, provides new insights into environmental science,

and a new investigative tool for atmospheric chemistry and

physics, aerosol science and health impact studies.

1 Introduction

Atmospheric aerosols, defined as an assembly of solid or liq-

uid particles suspended in a gas (Finlayson-Pitts and Pitts,

2000), have a large impact on human health (Dockery and

Pope, 2006) and global climate (Poeschl, 2005). Ambient

aerosols typically span a size range from 3 nm to 10 µm in di-

ameter. Between these particles, those with a diameter larger

than 5 µm are rapidly removed by gravitational settling while

aerosols with a diameter in the nanometer range, depend-

ing on the chemical composition and local meteorology, may

drift in the atmosphere for a prolonged period of time. Most

of the elements that are vaporized during various human ac-

tivities (e.g., coal combustion) tend to condense and form

fine particles with a high surface-to-volume ratio which can

Published by Copernicus Publications on behalf of the European Geosciences Union.

1948 R. Gemayel et al.: Laser ablation aerosol particle time-of-flight mass spectrometry

be transported over long distances (Canagaratna et al., 2007).

In addition, the smaller particles exhibit more adverse health

effects compared to the larger particles since they are more

likely to penetrate the human lung and even enter the blood

stream (Dockery and Pope, 2006). A recent study (Lelieveld

et al., 2015) has shown that outdoor air pollution leads to

3.3 million premature deaths per year worldwide, predomi-

nantly in Asia, mostly due to PM2.5 (particulate matter). This

figure could double by 2050 if emissions continue to rise at

the current rate.

A detailed understanding of the particle sizes and

the chemical composition of atmospheric particles is of

paramount importance to understand their impact on health

and climate. Hence, there is a need for the development of ap-

propriate analytical methods for on-line, time-resolved mea-

surements of atmospheric particles. In the last decade sev-

eral hyphenated laser ablation – mass spectrometry instru-

ments have been developed (see for instance Gaie-Levrel et

al. (2012) with the aim of chemically characterizing aerosol

particles. Murphy (2007) has reviewed the development and

implementation of single particle laser mass spectrometers.

These instruments appear promising for aerodynamic sizing

of particles and characterization of their chemical composi-

tion. The advantage of using laser ionization compared to

methods based on thermal desorption, such as that applied

in the aerosol mass spectrometer (AMS), is the ability to

analyze both non-refractory (e.g., organics, ammonium ni-

trate) and refractory (e.g., mineral dust, soot) components of

individual atmospheric aerosol particles (Pratt and Prather,

2011). However, a deeper investigation is required in order

to promote the laser ionization technique as a suitable ex-

perimental device for the elemental quantification of individ-

ual aerosol particles. The recently launched Laser Ablation

Aerosol Particle Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer (LAAP-

ToF-MS), based on laser desorption and ionization, provides

information on the aerodynamic diameter and chemical com-

position of individual aerosol particles. LAAP-ToF-MS is

intended for on-line and continuous measurement of atmo-

spheric particles with an analysis time in the order of mil-

liseconds per particle.

Here we present a laboratory-based study of the LAAP-

ToF-MS instrument performance and a novel approach to de-

veloping an analytical methodology for continuous monitor-

ing of particle size distribution and their composition using

this instrument. It will allow both qualitative information on

single particles and quantitative information about ambient

particle ensembles to be obtained simultaneously.

2 Experimental

2.1 Description of the LAAP-ToF-MS instrument

The LAAP-ToF-MS instrument (AeroMegt, GmbH) features

an aerodynamic particle lens inlet, a particle-sizing region

using two scattering lasers, a bipolar time-of-flight mass

spectrometer and an excimer laser as ablation/ionization

laser. The particle inlet is comprised of an aerodynamic lens

with a transmission for particles with an aerodynamic diam-

eter between 80 and 600 nm. The working principle of the

LAAP-ToF-MS is shown in Fig. 1a.

The aerosol particles leave the differential pumping stages

(inlet) and enter into the detection region where they pass

through the region irradiated with light (λ= 405 nm), emit-

ted by two continuous wave (cw) lasers (scattering lasers)

with a power range between 100 and 450 mW, facilitating

particle sizing by light scattering. The flight path between the

two laser beams has a length of 11.5 cm. The time between

the two scattering events, i.e. the particle’s time of flight, is

recorded and used to calculate the aerodynamic particle size.

In addition, the second scattering event triggers the excimer

laser that fires and ablates the drifting particle in its path. The

ionization laser is a 193 nm ArF* excimer laser (GAM Laser

Inc.) with a maximum energy of 10 mJ per pulse (pulse dura-

tion ∼ 10 ns) enabling ablation of single particles every 4 µs.

The LAAP-ToF-MS is operational in three modes of fast

triggering. (i) The first mode provides information about the

particle size and chemical composition of individual aerosol

particles; in this mode the excimer laser is triggered by two

consecutive light scattering events in both diodes. (ii) In the

second mode the excimer laser is triggered by the second

scattering laser only, allowing the calculation of high parti-

cle hit rates, without providing size information on the parti-

cles. (iii) In the third mode the excimer laser is fired without

a trigger pulse at constant frequency in the range between

1 and 100 Hz and particles will be ablated arbitrarily if they

happen to be in the path of the laser beam. In this study, only

the performance of the first mode will be described. In this

mode it is possible to study the chemical composition as a

function of the particle size (Buzea et al., 2007).

After ablation, the charged ions are extracted into a bi-

polar time-of-flight mass spectrometer (Tofwerk, BTOF)

with a resolving power of m/1m≥ 600 FWHM (Full Width

at Half Maximum) for both ion polarities. The ions are ex-

tracted into their corresponding flight region (positive or

negative ions) and detected by microchannel plate detec-

tors (MCPs). Positive and negative ions are detected inde-

pendently; both mass spectra (positive and negative), as well

as the related scattering signals, are recorded together and

can be further analyzed.

2.2 Experimental setup

2.2.1 Laboratory experiments

Two types of particles were used for laboratory experiments,

spherical particles of Polystyrene Latex beads (PSL, Duke

Scientific Corp) with a factor shape equal to 1 and a density

of 1.05 g mL−1, and ammonium nitrate particles (ACROS or-

ganics) with a factor shape equal to 0.8 and a density of

1.7 g mL−1.These particles were generated by an atomizer

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Figure 1. (a) Schematic diagram of the working principle of LAAP-ToF-MS, (b–c) Experimental configuration aimed to investigate the

influence of particle density, size effect and detection efficiency, and (c–d) Experimental configuration for aerosol particle measurement.

(model 3076, TSI, US). A diffusion dryer (model 3306, TSI,

US) was used to decrease the humidity so it does not affect

the hit rate and the particle size. The number concentration is

regulated by a concentration controller. To control the num-

ber concentration in the sample flow, the particle flow is split

into two, one flow path passing through the particle filter

while the second one goes through a normal tube. The two

flows are then merged at the outlet of the concentration con-

troller. By increasing the fraction of the flow passing through

the filter, the particle number concentration decreases.

The experimental configurations were designed to investi-

gate the instrument’s performance in the first mode of oper-

ation, with particle sizing. The first outline (Fig. 1b–c) was

employed to study the repeatability, the size calibration and

the effect of the particle size and the particle number con-

centration on the hit rate of the excimer laser (HR) and the

scattering efficiency of the scattering lasers (E). The dif-

ferential mobility analyzer (DMA 3081, TSI, US, impactor

size 0.071 cm, sample flow= 0.3 L min−1 (liter per minute),

sheath flow= 3.0 L min−1) was placed downstream of the

particle generation assembly and was set to select particles

in the required size range between 15 and 773 nm. The sized

particle stream leaving the DMA was split between a conden-

sation particle counter (CPC 3776, TSI) (F1 = 0.3 L min−1)

and the LAAP-ToF-MS (F2 = F3 = 0.08 L min−1), to obtain

independent measurements of the number of particles per

second and the particles’ number in the DMA-selected size

range, respectively, allowing calculation of the scattering ef-

ficiency and the detection rate.

2.2.2 Ambient measurements

The second configuration (Fig. 1d–c) was used for the mea-

surement of atmospheric particles. This second configuration

was designed to assess the potential effect of chemical com-

position on the hit rate and the scattering efficiency of real

particles and to assess the effect of the number concentration.

The chemical composition, particle size and the number evo-

lution of the ambient particles were measured continuously

by the LAAP-ToF-MS and an optical particle counter (OPC

1.109, Grimm, Germany).

3 Results and discussion

3.1 Detection efficiency

The first step in the analysis of the processed raw data is to

evaluate the detection efficiency and to test the repeatability

of the performed analysis. To this end we need to introduce

three different concepts of instrumental efficiency. The detec-

tion efficiency (DE) is defined as a product of the scattering

efficiency of the laser diodes (E) and the ionization efficiency

of the excimer laser, also known as hit rate (HR):

DE (%)= E×HR. (1)

The scattering efficiency of the laser diodes is defined as

the ratio between the frequency of the detected particles by

LAAP-ToF-MS and the number of particles detected by the Atmos. Meas. Tech., 9, 1947–1959, 2016

1950 R. Gemayel et al.: Laser ablation aerosol particle time-of-flight mass spectrometry

CPC per unit of time:

E (%)=N × 100

c×U × t, (2)

where N is the number of particles detected by the laser

diodes of the LAAP-ToF-MS, c is the number concentration

[cm−3], U is the aerosol sampling flow rate [80 mL min−1]

and t is the time [minutes]. The hit rate represents the ra-

tio between the number of ablated/ionized particles and the

number of particles detected by the laser diodes:

HR (%)=Ni × 100

N, (3)

where Ni is the number of ablated particles by the excimer

laser, which are, in turn, measured by ToF-MS yielding the

associated mass spectra. The hit rate depends on the thresh-

old setting discriminating between the useful spectra and to-

tal spectra. The intensities of real spectra depend on how suc-

cessful the laser ablation is. Laser ablation is a process that is

hard to replicate because the particles are randomly ablated.

Thus, each particle ablation event is different: (1) particles

can be completely missed by the laser pulse, (2) there can be

partially ablated particles, and there can be (3) completely

ablated particles. The threshold is considered as a better

discriminant than other measures, such as spectral variance

around the baseline, because it allows low-intensity spectra

to be included in the useful category, while excluding spectra

without distinct peaks, but which may have noisy baselines.

Inspection of excluded spectra is necessary for assessing the

correct value of the discriminant, i.e. the threshold.

3.2 Repeatability

Laboratory experiments

The repeatability of the LAAP-ToF-MS instrument was

tested by continuous analysis of polystyrene latex (PSL) par-

ticles with a diameter of 450 nm and a number concentration

of 39± 5 particles cm−3. The period of repeatability tests is

limited by the use of silica gel for particles drying which is

efficient for 53 h maximum. The repeatability test for both

the scattering efficiency and the hit rate, during the total time

period of 53 h, is shown in Fig. 2.

Every point in this figure corresponds to an average of de-

tected particles during a period of 3 min, which is a minimum

time interval necessary to attain sufficient number of detected

particles. The scattering efficiency varies between 0.6 and

1.9 % with an average of 1.1 %. The relative standard devia-

tion (RSD) is 17 % over the entire period of 53 h of analysis.

The hit rate exhibits good repeatability with an average value

of 63 % and the RSD is 18 %. The scattering efficiency may

decrease due to larger particles passing through the critical

orifice leading to a lower flow rate in the inlet. The argon

fluoride gas lifetime is another important parameter which

influences the hit rate. To test this parameter we generated

Figure 2. Repeatability of the scattering efficiency (E) and the hit

rate (HR), during a time period of 53 h.

Figure 3. The influence of the ArF gas life time on the evolution of

the laser hit rate (HR) over the time.

PSL particles with a diameter of 450 nm seven times for few

minutes each and then measured the hit rate. The first mea-

surement was made immediately after refilling the excimer

laser and the time difference between the first measurement

and the last one was 12 days. Figure 3 shows the variation

of the hit rate with time. During the first week the hit rate

is considered constant, and from the eighth day it begins to

decrease. Four weeks after refilling the excimer laser the hit

rate has dropped down to zero upon daily use of the laser.

According to the Laser Gam Ex5 specifications, laser energy

drops to 50 % after a shelf life of 12 days or after 12 million

pulses of ArF excimer laser. It seems that the shelf life is the

limiting factor when using the laser in association with sin-

gle particle mass spectrometer, at least in the diode trigger

modes. Therefore, the data shown in Fig. 3 correspond only

to the first 12 days.

The alignments of the scattering laser, aerodynamics

lenses and the ionization laser are done manually. Therefore,

the average of scattering efficiency and the hit rate are not

the same as above for the experiments discussed in the rest

of this article. However, the values of repeatability are ex-

pressed as relative standard deviation, which is not based on

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Figure 4. The total particle number concentration detected by LAAP-ToF-MS and OPC as a function of time; indicated are peaks corre-

sponding to smoking events (a and b) and to generation of TiO2 (c). The total PM2.5 results according to Air PACA are depicted in green.

the alignment. Therefore, for a good repeatability of the scat-

tering efficiency during a field campaign it is important to fil-

ter out large particles to maintain a constant flow in the inlet

for as long as possible, while for a good repeatability of the

hit rate it is strongly recommended that the excimer laser is

refilled once a week.

3.3 Ambient measurements

Ambient aerosol measurements were performed on the cam-

pus of Aix-Marseille University, situated in the city center of

Marseille, France. The ambient air was simultaneously sam-

pled by LAAP-ToF-MS and OPC for a period of 6 days. A to-

tal of 62 813 bipolar mass spectra of single particles with dif-

ferent sizes were recorded, among which 36433 spectra were

useful.This corresponded to a hit rate of 58 %. The number of

particles detected every 5 min by OPC, in the range between

265 nm and 3 µm (aerodynamic diameter), is shown in Fig. 4.

The total number of particles in the range between 200 nm

and 3 µm (aerodynamic diameter), detected every 5 min by

LAAP-ToF-MS is also depicted.

As shown in Fig. 4, there are three peak events detected

during this monitoring campaign. Two of these particle num-

ber concentration spikes (a and b), with maxima of 510.9

and 607.5 particles cm−3, were detected on 7 January 2015 at

10:17 a.m. and 02:27 p.m., respectively, correspond to smok-

ing events near the building. The third peak (c), detected on

9 January 2015 is related to the generation of TiO2 parti-

cles that we intentionally introduced to the ambient air. Al-

though, these phenomena only lasted a few minutes they

were detected by LAAP-ToF-MS. As can be observed from

Fig. 4 there is a strong agreement between the three peaks

detected by OPC and LAAP-ToF-MS. Figure 4 also shows

good agreement between the particle number concentrations

detected by LAAP-ToF-MS and the results obtained by the

air monitoring station (Air PACA) which is located at 1.6 km

distance from our sampling site. The results of Air PACA

shown in Fig. 4 correspond to the particle mass concentra-

tions of PM2.5. The absence of the three peaks detected by

LAAP-ToF-MS is logical since these peaks were caused by

events happening on the sampling site, as described above.

The LAAP-ToF-MS measurements permit the identifica-

tion and the monitoring of several types of ions. Figure 10

shows the standard deviation of all superimposed positive

and negative ions mass spectra.

The negative ion mass spectra contain peaks associated

with elemental carbon (24C−2 ), nitrate (46NO−2 ) and sul-

fate (97HSO−4 ). The presence of cyanide (26CN−), (17OH−),

(35Cl−) can also be observed in Fig. 5. In the positive ion

spectra, the identified ion peaks are associated with elemen-

tal carbon (12C+1 , 24C+2 , 36C+3 ) and nitrate (30NO+). Also

potassium (39K+) and to a lesser extent sodium (23Na+) and

silicon (28Si+) are present. The two specific ions related to

TiO2 (48Ti+ and 64TiO+) were also observed. Other metal

ions such as lead, cerium and tin were also detected. The

source apportionment of these elements is outside the scope

of this article.

3.4 Parameters influencing the detection efficiency

The detection efficiency of the particles can be influenced

by the particle number concentration in the sample flow, the

size of the particles and the chemical composition which

can vary during the analysis. For this purpose, five different

number concentrations of ferric sulfate particles ranging be-

tween 50 and 1200 particles cm−3 were analyzed to evaluate

the number concentration effect. On the other hand five dif-

ferent sizes of PSL particles (350, 450, 500, 600, 700 nm)

were analyzed at the same particle number concentration,

20 particles cm−3, to assess the particle size effect. Several

repeat particle analyses were performed for each particle size

and particle number concentration. Atmos. Meas. Tech., 9, 1947–1959, 2016

1952 R. Gemayel et al.: Laser ablation aerosol particle time-of-flight mass spectrometry

Figure 5. The standard deviation of all positive and negative ion mass spectra.

3.4.1 Size effect

Laboratory experiments

To test the influence of particle size on the efficiency of

the scattering lasers and the hit rate of the excimer laser,

five different sizes of PSL particles (350, 450, 500, 600,

700 nm) were analyzed at constant particle concentration of

20 particles cm−3. For this particle concentration, particles

smaller than 350 nm are undetectable. The RSD for each par-

ticle size, obtained from several replicate analyses, was com-

pared to the coefficient of variation corresponding to differ-

ent particle sizes. The particle size influences both the laser

scattering efficiency and the hit rate, and therefore the detec-

tion efficiency of LAAP-ToF-MS (Fig. 6), as well.

Figure 6 shows that the hit rate decreases with the parti-

cle diameter, from 93 to 83 % when the diameter decreases

from 600 to 350 nm. This behavior can be explained by the

fact that smaller particles drift with higher velocity. Thus, the

ions generated by the ionization laser have a higher kinetic

energy resulting in aberrations (Murphy, 2007). A maximum

efficiency of 2.5 % for the laser scattering diodes was ob-

served for particles with a diameter of 450 nm and a lower

efficiency for smaller particles. When the size of the individ-

ual particles becomes equivalent to or greater than the wave-

length of the laser (λ= 403 nm), the scattering becomes a

complex function with maxima and minima with respect to

the incident angle according to Mie theory (Finlayson-Pitts

and Pitts, 2000). As the diameter of the particle drops below

the wavelength of the scattering laser the scatter intensity de-

creases rapidly, inversely proportional to the sixth power of

the particle diameter (1/d6).

Figure 6. The scattering efficiency and the hit rate as a function of

the size of various PSL particles (350, 450, 500, 600, and 700 nm)

at a particle number concentration of 20 cm−3. The SPLAT and

SPLAM scattering detection efficiency results are given for com-

parison purpose.

The scattering efficiency decreases again for particles with

a dva diameter greater than 600 nm as only the particles in the

range between 80 and 600 nm are transmitted at 100 % by the

aerodynamic lenses.

A comparison between the scattering efficiencies of

LAAP-ToF-MS, the single particle laser ablation mass spec-

trometer (SPLAM) (Gaie-Levrel et al., 2012) and the sin-

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gle particle laser ablation time-of-flight mass spectrome-

ter (SPLAT) (Zelenyuk and Imre, 2005) has been under-

taken (Fig. 6). The scattering efficiency of SPLAT de-

creases slightly for particles higher than 300 nm compared to

SPLAM or LAAP-ToF-MS. The scattering efficiency shows

the same behavior for LAAP-ToF-MS and SPLAM which

can be ascribed to the same operating wavelengths of the

scattering lasers (λ= 405 nm for SPLAM). However, the

scattering efficiency of SPLAM is much higher than that

of LAAP-ToF-MS, which can be explained by the much

smaller distance (dd) between the two scattering lasers within

SPLAM, i.e. 4.1 vs. 11.5 cm for LAAP-ToF-MS. Another

advantage of SPLAM compared to the LAAP-ToF-MS is

the higher value of Cmax which is ascribed to the small dd.

The distance between the two scattering lasers influences

the Cmax for a particle size of 350 nm and a velocity of

103 m s−1, the Cmax of LAAP-ToF-MS is 618 particles cm−3

whereas the Cmax of SPLAM for the same particle size and

a velocity of 100 m s−1 is 1.7× 103 particles cm−3. The ra-

tio between the dd of SPLAM and LAAP-ToF-MS is 2.87

and is similar to the ratio between the Cmax of SPLAM and

LAAP-ToF-MS (2.75), which explains that divergence of the

particle beam increases with dd and is more pronounced for

smaller particle sizes. In comparison to SPLAM, which uses

ionization laser at λ= 248 nm, the ablation of the particles

by LAAP-ToF-MS occurs at 193 nm which means that even

metals can be ionized. A big advantage of LAAP-ToF-MS

compared to SPLAM or SPLAT is the much higher hit rate.

For LAAP-ToF-MS the effective hit rate is 90 % for PSL par-

ticles and 58 % for atmospheric particles, while the hit rate of

SPLAT is only 8 % for atmospheric particles. Also, LAAP-

ToF-MS is an easily transportable tool for fast field deploy-


Finally, a comparison was carried out with another similar

instrument named Aerosol Time of Flight Mass Spectrom-

eter (ATOFMS) (Gard et al., 1997). This instrument oper-

ates at 266 nm unlike the LAAP-TOF-MS (λ= 193 nm). The

lower wavelength of the ionization laser enables the analysis

of trace metals. There are few papers in the literature refer-

ring to the development of ATOFMS associated with detec-

tion of different size of particles (Allen et al., 2000; Su et al.,

2004; Zauscher et al., 2011). For example, the detection effi-

ciency of ATOFMS is highest for the ambient particles with

diameter of 1.8 µm and decreases for about 3 orders of mag-

nitude for the lowest size that is 320 nm (Allen et al., 2000).

Su et al. (2004) reported that ATOFMS is able to detect small

size particles ranging between 70 and 300 nm with detection

efficiency varying between 0.3 and 44.5 %.

In any case, it should be noted that size has an impact on

the detection efficiency as we mentioned above.

Ambient measurements

We assessed the size effect of ambient aerosols on the hit rate

and on the scattering efficiency. For each size in the range

between 10 nm and 2.5 µm (aerodynamic diameter) we are

showing (Fig. 7) the total number of particles detected by the

LAAP-ToF-MS during the measurements by the scattering

lasers and also the total number of ionized particles during

the measurements.

The optimum particle size for detection is in the range be-

tween 400 and 600 nm (aerodynamic diameter), in the same

range as the wavelength of ionization (λ= 403 nm). The

Fig. 7b shows the time evolution of the particle concentra-

tion. It can be seen that in the ambient air the maximum

particle number concentration corresponds to the lowest size

range (dva < 300 nm). The comparison between the results of

the Fig. 7a and the results of the Fig. 7b confirm the conclu-

sions from laboratory tests that the scattering efficiency is af-

fected by the size of particles and its maximum is influenced

according to the Mie theory.

In addition, Fig. 7a shows that the hit rate for ambient

aerosol as function of the size range is different from the lab-

oratory results. This difference can be ascribed to the effect

of chemical composition which is detailed in Sect. 3.4.3.

Figure 7c shows the evolution of the number of spectra

in each size range every 5 min during the measurements.

Since the scattering efficiency and the hit rate are affected

by the particle size, so is the detection efficiency (Fig. 7c).

Most of the usable spectra are in the range between 400 and

500 nm. The effect of particle size is overcome by cluster-

ing the spectra obtained for each size range and multiply-

ing the number of ionized particle by the detection efficiency

(D%= E×HR) corresponding to each size range.

3.4.2 Effect of the distance between the two scattering


Laboratory experiments

We investigated the transmission efficiency between the first

and the second scattering laser, considering that the two laser

diodes have the same characteristics. However, the first scat-

tering laser exhibits a much higher efficiency (Ed1) than the

second scattering laser (Ed2). This observation is a conse-

quence of the divergence of the particles between the two

laser diodes. In order to understand the magnitude of the par-

ticle divergence we researched into the relationship between

the ratio of scattering efficiencies Ed2/Ed1 (%) and the par-

ticle size. Figure 8 displays a parabolic dependency of the

ratio of the scattering efficiencies with the size of the PSL

particles generated, indicating that velocity indeed plays an

important role.

Smaller particles with a diameter of 350 nm exhibit higher

velocities and diverge much more than bigger particles with a

size of 600 nm. This curve also explains the lower scattering

efficiency of particles with a diameter of 350 nm displayed in

Fig. 8. Atmos. Meas. Tech., 9, 1947–1959, 2016

1954 R. Gemayel et al.: Laser ablation aerosol particle time-of-flight mass spectrometry

Figure 7. (a) Total number of particles detected and ionized during the ambient measurements in different size range and the hit rate

corresponding to each size range (aerodynamic diameter). (b) The evolution of the particle number concentration of the ambient aerosol

detected by the OPC during the measurements for different size range depicted between 275 and 2500 nm (aerodynamic diameter). (c) The

evolution of the number of particles ionized during the ambient measurements in different size range depicted between 10 and 2500 nm.

Figure 8. The ratio Ed2/Ed1 (%) as a function of the PSL particle


In this study there are no information about the values of

detection limit in number concentration for each particle size,

because this limit is different for each type of particle.

Liu et al. (1995) have demonstrated that the morphology

of the particles is a very important parameter that influences

the divergence of particles during their drift between the two

scattering lasers. In fact, the divergence of the particles in-

creases for non-spherical particles implying a reduction of

the scattering efficiency of the laser diodes.

3.4.3 Chemical composition

Laboratory experiments

The ionization efficiency of the excimer laser depends on

the chemical composition of the particles (Pratt and Prather,

2011). Experiments were carried out with two types of par-

ticles containing ammonium nitrate and ammonium sulfate

in order to assess the effect of chemical composition on

LAAP-ToF-MS performance. Although, both particles have

the same density (1.74± 0.03 g cm−3) and the same shape

factor (0.8), the hit rate is completely different. Because sul-

fate resists ionization (Kane and Johnston, 2001), the hit rate

decreases from 60 % for the ammonium nitrate particles to

21 % for the ammonium sulfate particles. The hit rate also

strongly depends on the alignment of the ionization laser

and on the delay time. A change in the chemical particle

composition induces a change in the refractive index. Yoo et

al. (1996) evaluated the influence of the refractive index on

the scattering efficiency of laser diodes. The higher the re-

fractive index, the smaller the particles that can be measured.

Moffet and Prather (2005) developed a method to calibrate

the light scattering signal collected from individual particles

using the Mie theory to calculate the partial scattering cross-

section as a function of the particle diameter. The particle

density was used to fit the partial scattering cross-section to

the Mie theory (Moffet and Prather, 2005).

Atmos. Meas. Tech., 9, 1947–1959, 2016

R. Gemayel et al.: Laser ablation aerosol particle time-of-flight mass spectrometry 1955

Figure 9. (a) Different clusters of particles and their evolution during the measurements in different size range between 10 and 2500 nm. (b)

The standard deviation of the total hit rate calculated every 5 min during the measurements for each size range.

Ambient measurements

The complete set of spectra can be clustered using the soft-

ware MATLAB version 2013b into different chemical classes

of particles.

Figure 9a illustrates four of these clusters and their repar-

tition every 5 min in different size range. These clusters were

chosen as example to show different kind of inorganics par-

ticles, and one cluster with major carbonaceous ions. The in-

organic particles are those containing sulfate and nitrate that

are considered as secondary particles and particles contain-

ing TiO2 that are rather considered as primary particle (Del-

mas et al., 2005). It can be observed that nitrosium ion NO+

(m/z= 30) is abundant in the first cluster and potassium ion

K+ (m/z= 39) is abundant in the second cluster. The third

cluster represents particles with high signals of carbon, and

in the fourth cluster characteristic peak of carbon C+ (m/z=

12), C+2 (m/z= 24), C+3 (m/z= 36) dominate.

Every cluster has its own repartition, which is defined as

a number of particles detected every 5 min in different size

range. Thus, the chemical composition of the particles de-

tected during the measurements is not constant. To show the

effect of chemical composition on the hit rate we calculated

the hit rate of particles with different size range every 5 min

during the entire time of the measurements. Then we calcu-

lated the RSD of the hit rate for each size range. The RSD

varies between 51 % for the aerodynamic size range between

400 and 500 nm to 96 % for aerodynamic size range between

800 and 1000 nm (Fig. 9b). Comparing the RSD of ambi-

ent particles to the RSD calculated of spherical PSL particles

during the laboratory tests (Sect. 3.2, repeatability 18 %), it

can be concluded that chemical composition of particles af-

fects the hit rate.

The effect of chemical composition on the hit rate was as-

sessed for particles ranging between 400 and 500 nm (aero-

dynamic diameter). Figure 10a shows the evolution of the

scattering efficiency and the hit rate for the detected particles

between 400 and 500 nm (aerodynamic diameter).

It can be seen that the hit rate and the scattering efficiency

are not constant all the time. As was already seen for a single

type of particles the instrument exhibits good repeatability.

Therefore the variation in HR (%) and E (%) is mainly the

consequence of the variation of the chemical composition. In

Fig. 10a and c the variation of the number of three types of

particles is represented. The first type (Fig. 10b) represents

the particles having an aerodynamic size between 400 and

500 nm and containing sulfate (cluster 1 and 2). The second

type represents the particles having an aerodynamic size be-

tween 400 and 500 nm and containing a TiO2 (cluster 3). The

third type (Fig. 10c) (cluster 4) represents the carbonaceous

particles having a size between 400 and 500 nm. The increase

and decrease of the percentage of particles containing sulfate

is illustrated by the peak and trough (points G) depicted in

Fig. 10b. The points G′ depicted in Fig. 10a correspond to a

decrease of hit rate according to the peak of sulfate and an

increase of hit rate caused by the decrease of the percentage

of sulfate. The point A in Fig. 10b shows the highest percent-

age of sulfate in parallel to a low hit rate shown in Fig. 10a.

The point S which corresponds to a maximum concentration

of TiO2 (Fig. 10b) shows a very low value of scattering effi-

ciency and hit rate (Fig. 10a). Regarding the points P , R and Atmos. Meas. Tech., 9, 1947–1959, 2016

1956 R. Gemayel et al.: Laser ablation aerosol particle time-of-flight mass spectrometry

Figure 10. (a) The scattering laser E (%) and the evolution of the hit rate HR (%) of the LAAP-ToF-MS for particles having a size between

400 and 500 nm. (b) The evolution of the sulphate particles and the particles containing TiO2. (c) The evolution of the elemental carbon

particles. A, G and G′ represent the influence of the percentage of sulphate containing particles on the HR (%). S corresponds to the

maximum concentration of TiO2 and very low values of scattering efficiency and hit rate. P ,R and T represent the influence of the percentage

of carbonaceous particles on the scattering efficiency.

T the number of carbonaceous particles decreases while the

number of TiO2 particles increases. For these three points the

scattering efficiency decreases, as well. The evolution of the

carbonaceous particles before and after S exhibits a similar

behavior as the hit rate. Despite the effect that other particles

could induce on these parameters, the comparison made in

Fig. 10 emphasizes the importance of chemical composition

toward the hit rate and the scattering efficiency.

Therefore, a simple separation by size range and a correc-

tion of the detection efficiency according to the size can no

longer lead to the real concentration number because of the

variation of the chemical composition. Thus, the average of

the detection efficiency calculated for each size range is no

longer adequate for a time interval of few minutes. Therefore,

it is necessary to have a particle counter (like an OPC) to cal-

culate the detection efficiency (Dn, t ) for each size range for

every time interval. On the other hand, the total amount of

particles must be separated in different classes (Ci) based on

their chemical composition. These classes must be separated

in different size ranges (Ci, n). Every Ci, n, according to its

distribution during the time, must be multiplied by its corre-

spondingDn, t . The description of this method is out of scope

of this article and therefore will be detailed and validated by

comparison to another instrument elsewhere.

Size calibration

Ambient measurements showed that a significant amount of

particles could be related to particles with a diameter less

than 350 nm, which is not the case for experiments with the

spherical PSL particles during the calibration of the instru-

ment. This can be explained by the fact that particles in ambi-

ent air have different optical characteristics, enabling them to

scatter the light more efficiently at the scattering wavelength

used in this instrument (λ= 405 nm). Therefore, in order to

precisely determine the diameter of the particles we carried

out measurements related to the size calibration of the parti-


When a particle drifts through the particle-time-of-flight

(P-ToF) chamber, it crosses the beam of two light scatter-

ing lasers. Upon passing the first laser beam, the scattered

light from the particle is detected by the first photomultiplier

tube (PMT). As explained above in the description of LAAP-

ToF-MS, the flight time of an individual particle between the

first and second scattering lasers is used to determine its ve-

locity and associated vacuum-aerodynamic diameter. For the

given beam separation distance of 11.5 cm between the two

scatterings lasers the particle velocity was determined and

plotted against the aerodynamic particle diameter (Fig. 11).

Atmos. Meas. Tech., 9, 1947–1959, 2016

R. Gemayel et al.: Laser ablation aerosol particle time-of-flight mass spectrometry 1957

Figure 11. Plot of aerodynamic particle size versus particle velocity

for (a) PSL particles and (b) ammonium nitrate particles.

Figure 11 shows the calibration curve for aerodynamic

particle sizing measurements carried out for five certified

sizes of PSL particles (a) and five different sizes of ammo-

nium nitrate particles (b).

The experimental data were fitted with a first order expo-

nential decay curve. The smallest PSL particles that can be

precisely size-calibrated have a diameter of 350 nm. How-

ever, the fitting equation depicted in Fig. 11 can serve to

roughly estimate the size of atmospheric particles with an

aerodynamic diameter smaller than 350 nm.

3.4.4 Particle number concentration effect

Laboratory experiments

Prior to study the effect of number concentration, an upper

limit of the particle number concentration (Cmax) has been

determined for each size to ensure that below this limit only a

single particle is present in the space between the two scatter-

ing lasers. The obtained results presented in Fig. 12 indicate

that Cmax is linear and inversely proportional to the particle


For a particle size of 350 nm, which is the smallest par-

ticle size that has been tested, Cmax is ≈ 618 particles cm−3.

For higher particle number concentrations, more particles are

present in the space between the two scattering lasers which

indicates that smaller particulate matter with d < 200 nm can

be detected but the obtained information corresponds to two

different particles detected in very small frame of time. In

other words, the spectrum obtained relates to a single, real

particle, but the size information does not. Hence, the E (%)

should decrease because the data of one single particle is

Figure 12. Variation of Cmax for particles with different aerody-

namic diameters.

recorded instead of two. In order to study the effect of a

concentration higher than Cmax on the E (%), ferric sul-

fate particles (450 nm) were generated at 5 different con-

centrations between 50 and 1200 particles cm−3. The higher

level 1200 was chosen according to the value of Cmax found

at 562 particles cm−3 for particles with diameter of 450 nm.

The influence of particle concentration on the detection ef-

ficiency was assessed by comparison of the obtained RSD

values based on at least three independent measurements.

Concerning the scattering efficiency E (%), it was ex-

pected that it decreases, but the RSD between the different

concentrations is lower than the RSD between the repeti-

tions for the same concentration, so the E (%) is considered

constant. To study the effect of concentration number higher

than Cmax on the detection of particles lower than 200 nm to

which the scattering lasers are blind, the percentage of these

particles for the different concentration numbers studied was

assessed (Fig. 13). Once the concentration is higher than the

Cmax, 562 particles cm−3, the percentage of the particles with

size lower than 200 nm increases from 1 % for a concentra-

tion number of 40 particles cm−3 to 19 % for a concentra-

tion number of 612 particles cm−3. This means that the de-

tected particle with diameter lower than 200 nm corresponds

to the detection of two different particles by the two scatter-

ing lasers.

Ambient measurements

The detected particles in the range between 250 and 350 nm

(aerodynamic diameter) could be the result of two phenom-

ena. The first one is the presence of a total concentration

number higher than the Cmax for all the particle sizes and

the second one is the increase of the refraction index of the

particles. A comparison of the results obtained by the OPC

and the LAAP-ToF-MS, that has been undertaken for the

particles ranging between 250 and 350 nm shows the reason

why these particles were detected. The comparison of the re- Atmos. Meas. Tech., 9, 1947–1959, 2016

1958 R. Gemayel et al.: Laser ablation aerosol particle time-of-flight mass spectrometry

Figure 13. The hit rate and the scattering efficiency of 450 nm ferric

sulfate particles as a function of the particle number concentration

and the percentage of the particles having a size lower than 200 nm

for different concentrations of generated particles.

sults is depicted in Fig. 14a where a similar evolution of the

number of particles is shown for the two types of measure-

ments. The figure indicates that the particles between 250

and 350 nm detected by the LAAP-ToF-MS are not a con-

sequence of the total concentration of particles which was

higher than the Cmax during the 6 days of measurements.

Considering that the scattering laser is blind with respect

to the particles with dva<200 nm and that the aerodynamic

lenses cannot transmit particles with dva < 80 nm, the effect

of Cmax was evaluated as shown in Fig. 14b. Particles having

an aerodynamic diameter between 0 and 80 and 0 and 200 nm

were detected mainly when the number concentration of par-

ticles increased (Fig. 14b).

4 Conclusions

A recently developed LAAP-ToF-MS instrument has been

calibrated and characterized.

In this work the performance of LAAP-TOF-MS has

been characterized on standard spherical particles under con-

trolled laboratory conditions and on ambient particles.

Prolonged on-line measurements revealed that the detec-

tion efficiency of LAAP-ToF-MS and the hit rate exhibits

good repeatability with RSD of 17 and 18 %, respectively.

A comparison between the detection efficiency of LAAP-

ToF-MS and the scattering efficiency of single particle laser

ablation mass spectrometer (SPLAM) showed that the detec-

tion efficiency as a function of particle size is very similar.

A maximum detection efficiency of 2.5 % was observed

for particles with a diameter of 450 nm with a decreasing ef-

ficiency towards smaller sized particles. Therefore, to further

increase the accuracy of the data it is essential to improve the

detection efficiency for smaller particle sizes.

Figure 14. (a) The number of particles sizes between 200–300 nm

detected by the LAAP-ToF-MS every 50 min and the number con-

centration detected every 5 min by the OPC for the particles sizes

250–300 nm. (b) the number of particles having a size between 0–

200 and 0–80 nm detected by the LAAP-ToF-MS every 5 min.

Many parameters such as particle number concentration

in the sample flow, the size of the particles, and the chemical

composition, could change during a field campaign and af-

fect the detection efficiency of the LAAP-ToF-MS. For this

reason, the changing in the performances of this instrument

caused by the parameters cited above was studied using lab-

oratory and atmospheric particles. The temporal evolution of

the particles was validated during the ambient aerosol mea-

surements performed at the campus of Aix-Marseille Univer-

sity, situated in the city center of Marseille, France. The ob-

tained results are in good agreement with the data obtained

by optical particle counter and the PM2.5 data obtained by

the local air monitoring station. Also several metal ions were

detected during this field campaign such as lead, cerium, ti-

tanium and tin.

Therefore, LAAP-ToF-MS is a suitable instrument for on-

line monitoring of atmospheric particles that can provide

information on size distribution, number concentration and

chemical composition of the detected particles.

Acknowledgements. This work is a contribution to the LABEX

SERENADE (no. ANR-11-LABX-0064) funded by the “Investisse-

ments d’Avenir”, French Government program of the French Na-

tional Research Agency (ANR) through the A*Midex project (No.


The authors gratefully acknowledge the support of this work by

French National Agency of Research within the ANR-10-EQPX-


Edited by: P. Herckes

Atmos. Meas. Tech., 9, 1947–1959, 2016

R. Gemayel et al.: Laser ablation aerosol particle time-of-flight mass spectrometry 1959


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