The Impact of War on Women Lindsay Maher Ava Shepherd Sami Robertson Jacqui Weber Gabby Prejean


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The Impact of War on WomenLindsay MaherAva Shepherd

Sami RobertsonJacqui Weber

Gabby Prejean

Women in WWII

During the War many women continued to work in traditionally

female occupations. But, many also took the positions of men who had gone off to war. Some

women even worked in the armed forces, starting as secretaries and clerks, but making their way up to

being pilots. They flew planes from factories to air bases.

During the war, posters and magazine ads like this one encouraged women to fill the jobs left by men who left for war

Hardships in the Workforce

Many women faced hostility on the job, especially african american womenWomen’s wages weren’t equal to men's wagesLabor unions did not support women workersWomen worked “double shifts”, spending a full day at work and then another full day completing domestic duties.

Opportunities in the Workplace1. As many men left for war, many job opportunities opened up for women. 2. Tough, physical labor increased the self-confidence, independence, and income of women.3. Many military women moved beyond clerical work and became truck drivers, mechanics, radio operators, or pilots.4. The army, navy, and coast guard established auxiliary branches for women.

Military Opportunities● Women started out in the military by taking clerical and secretarial jobs

from male soldiers so the could fight in the war.● Women’s Army Auxiliary Corps. was a civilian support unit for the army. On

the first day, 13,000 women registered.● In 1942, the Navy & Coast Guard established branches for women and all

armed forces began giving mechanic, truck driver and radio operator jobs to women.

● A select few became pilots to fly aircrafts from factories to bases.● Only the WAC actually worked on the battlefield behind the lines as

supporting roles. Over 200 women died overseas from enemy action.

Key Terms and COntent● Rosie the Riveter: cultural icon of the United States,

representing the American women who worked in factories during World War II, many of whom produced munitions and war supplies. These women sometimes took entirely new jobs replacing the male workers who were in the military.

● Women’s Army Corps: 1st day of registration over 13,000 women volunteered to serve in this unit; became members of military and underwent serious military training

● WAVES: navy women● SPARS: coast guard women