Recent literature on the foot


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Recent Literature on the Foot


Clinical and hemodynamic results of bypass to isolated tibia1 artery segments for ischemic ulceration of the foot. Belkin M; Welch HJ; Mackey WC; O’Donnell TF Jr. Am J Surg Sep 1992, 164 (3) ~28 1-4; discussion 284-5

A study of human foot length growth in the early fetal period. de Vasconcellos HA; Prates JC; de Moraes LG. Anat Anz Ott 1992, 174 (5) ~473-4

Risk factors for amputation in diabetics [letter]. Newman LG; Stagnaro-Green A. Ann Intern Med Feb 1 1993, 118(3)p231

The medial arm flap. Matloub HS; Ye Z; Yousif NJ; Sanger JR. Ann Plast Surg Dee 1992,29 (6) p5 17-22

Coverage of widely separate defects of the lower extremity: application of cluster analysis. Yousif NJ; Prevel CD; Ye Z; Matloub HS; Sanger JR; Grunert BK. Ann Plast Sure Dee 1992.29 (6) u5 12-6

The @a&verse gracilis musculocutaneous flap. Yousif NJ; Matloub HS; Kolachalam R, Gtunert BK; Sanger JR. Ann Plast Surg Dee 1992,29 (6) ~482-90

Amputations in diabetics [letter]. Tovey FI. Ann R Co11 Surg Engl Jan 1993,75 (1) p67

[Osteoid osteoma of the limbs: the clinical aspects and diagnostic problems]. Osteoma osteoidehegli arti: asnetti clinici e Droblemi diaenostici. AtTanni M: Ampollini A; D’Angelo G; Divoti D. Arch Putti’Chir Organi Mov 1991,39 (2) ~281-7

Verapamil-induced secondary erythermalgia. Drenth JP; Michiels JJ; Van Joost T; Vuzevski VD. Br J Dermatol Sep 1992,127 (3) ~292-4

Operation for polysyndactyly of the fifth toe using Z-plasty. Onishi K; Nakajima T; Yoneda K; Aoki T. Br J Plast Surg Ott 1992,45 (7) ~554-6

[Clinical application of reverse island flap with first metatarsal dorsal vessels]. Qian YL. Chung Hua Cheng Hsing Shao Shang Wai Ko Tsa Chih Jun 1992,8 (2) p93-4

Complications of laser surgery: safety, risks, and the plume. Chinn SD. Clin Podiatr Med Surg Jul 1992,9 (3) p763- 79

Las& use in bone and joint surgery. Landsman MJ; Mancuso JE: Abramow SP. Chn Podiatr Med Sum Jul 1992,9 (3) p721-37

Principles of laser surgery. Advantages and disadvantages. Ballow EB. Clin Podiatr Med Surg Jul 1992,9 (3) p539- 59

Emergence of lasers in podiatric surgery. Gorman JB. Clin Podiatr Med Surg Jull992,9 (3) p5 11-9

Tendon injuries of the foot and ankle. Trevino S; Baumhauer JF. Clin Sports Med Ott 1992,11(4) p727- 39

Verrucous carcinoma (epithelioma cuniculatum) plantare. Soong CV; Hughes D; Stirling I. Eur J Vast Surg Nov 1992,6 (6) ~662-4

Lipoblastoma circumscripta of the toe: a case report and review of the literature. Pirela-Cruz MA, Herman D; F7r;\R; Miller RA. Foot Ankle Ott 1992, 13 (8)

The Harris and Beath footprint: interpretation and clinical value. Welton EA. Foot Ankle Ott 1992, 13 (8) ~462-8

Excision of ununited fractures of the posterior process of the talus: a treatment for chronic posterior ankle pain. Veazey BL; Heckman JD; Galindo MJ; McGanity PL. Foot Ankle Ott 1992, 13 (8) ~453-7

Treatment of hallux valgus by oblique osteotomy of the first metatarsal. Mizuno K; Hashimura M; Kimura M, Hirohata K. Foot Ankle Ott 1992, 13 (8) ~447-52

The pneumatic ankle tourniquet with ankle block anesthesia for foot surgery. Lichtenfeld NS. Foot Ankle Jul-Aug 1992, 13 (6) ~344-9

Thumb and fingertip reconstruction by composite microvascular tissue from the toes. Morrison WA. Hand Clin Aug 1992,8 (3) ~537-50

Complications of replantation surgery. Idler RS; Steichen JB. Hand Clin Aug 1992,8 (3) ~427-5 1

Macrodactyly of the hands and feet. Minguella J; Cusi V. Int Orthop 1992, 16 (3) ~245-9

Particle analysis from small incision surgery. Lemont H. J Am Podiatr Med Assoc Jan 1993,83 (1) ~47-8

Osteomyelitis of the distal phalanx followmg~trauma to the nail. A case reuort. Fox IM. J Am Podiatr Med Assoc Ott 1992,82 (i 0) ~542-4

Opioid receptor affinity for agonist-antagonist analgesics. Jacobs AM, Youngblood F. J Am Podiatr Med Assoc Ott 1992,82 (10) ~520-4

The long plantar wing distal metaphyseal osteotomy. Elleby DH; Barry LD; Helfinan DN. J Am Podiatr Med Assoc Ott 1992,82 (10) ~501-6

Warfarin sodium. Practitioner beware. Bernard JM; Black JR, Kokseng CD, Covey DF. J Am Podiatr Med Assoc Jul 1992,82 (7) ~345-51

The effect of lower-limb anatomy on knee loads during seated cycling. Ruby P, Hull ML; Kirby KA; Jenkins DW. J Biomech Ott 1992,25 (10) ~1195-207

Propofol @iprivan)--a new intravenous anesthetic with applications for outpatient ambulatory surgery. Bocian D; French S. J Foot Surg Nov-Dee 1992,3 1 (6) ~603-6

Isolated transverse rupture of the peroneus brevis tendon treated with a free split-thickness tendon graft. Springer KR. J Foot Surg Nov-Dee 1992,3 l(6) ~595-8

Close range shotgun wounds to the foot. Butler BW; F7hi3mer SJ. J Foot Surg Nov-Dee 1992,3 1 (6)

One of the most feared complications of surgery is infection feditoriall. Harkless LB. J Foot Sum Nov-Dee 1992,3 1 (6) ~533 -

Septic shock syndrome in the surgical wound cam patient. Zier BG; Byrne C. J Foot Surg Sep-Ott 1992,3 1 (5) ~459-62

Review of the management of open fractures. Stanifer E; Wertheimer S. J Foot Surg Jul-Aug 1992,3 1 (4) ~350-4

Hallux fractures: diaanosis and treatment. Lv PN: Fallat L. J Foot Surg Jul-b;ug 1992,3 1 (4) ~332-41 ’

Surgical correction of symphalangism with incomplete polydactylism. Schocher DA, Vinikoor J; Vinikoor LR. J Foot Surg Jul-Aug 1992,3 1 (4) ~329-3 1

Arterial thrombosis and protein S deficiency. Horowitz IN; Galvis AG; Gomperts ED. J Pediatr Dee 1992,12 1 (6) p934-7

Jaccoud’s arthropathy and inflammatory bowel disease. Maher JM; Strosberg JM; Rowley RF; Farber M. J Rheumatol Ott 1992,19 (10) ~1637-9

Kates forefoot arthroplasty in rheumatoid arthritis. A 5-year followup study. van der Heijden KW; Rasker JJ; Jacobs JW; Dey K. J Rheumatol Ott 1992,19 (10) ~1545-50

Spontaneous reflex sympathetic dystrophy (Sudeck’s atrophy) syndrome associated with idiopathic thrombocytopenia. Hidaka T; Suzuki K; Ham M; Kawagoe M, Nakamura H. J Rheumatol Jun 1992, 19 (6) ~989-91

Early ambulation and discharge in 100 patients with bums of the foot treated by grafts. -Grube BJ; Engrav LH; Heimbach DM. J Trauma Nov 1992.33 (5) ~662-4

Experimental study of free toe replantation in’r% J&rig JF; Gu YD. Microsurgery 1992,13 (5) ~287-90

A prospective study of the effect of the appropriateness of foot-shoe fit and training shoe type on the incidence of overuse injuries among infantry recruits. Finestone A; Shlamkovitch N; Eldad A; Karp A, Milgrom C. Mil Med Sep 1992,157 (9) ~489-90

Insertions of the hunbrical and interosseous muscles in the human foot. Oukouchi H; Murakami T; Kikuta A. Okajimas Folia Anat Jpn Aug 1992,69 (2-3) ~77-83

Energy demands for walking in dysvascular amputees as related to the level of amputation. Pinzur MS; Gold J; Schwartz D; Gross N. Orthopedics Sep 1992, 15 (9) ~1033-6; discussion 1036-7


Complications of prolonged bilateral lower extremity tourniquet [letter]. Gold M, Bleday R, Brown F. Plast Reconstr Sum Jan 1993,91 (1) ~198-200

Hook nail deforn&y repaired using a composite toe graft. Bubak PJ: Richev MD: Enarav LH. Plast Reconstr Sure Dee 1992190 (6jp107&8f

Influence of increasing photoperiod and toe clipping on breast buttons of turkeys. Newberry RC. Poult Sci Sep 1992,71 (9)pl471-9

[Quintus varus supraductus. Results of the surgical treatment by cutaneous gratI, internal capsulotomy and external transfer of the extensor of the 5th toe], Le quintus varus supraductus. Resultats du traitement chirurgical par plastic cutanee, capsulotomie inteme et transfert exteme de l’extenseur du 5e orteil. Tawil HJ; Piiliard D; Taussig G. Rev Chir Orthop Reparatrice Appar Mot 1992,78 (2)

rreiE;bf cutaneous losses of the heel with lateral calcaneus artery flap]. Tratamento das perdas cutaneas do calcanhar corn retalho da arteria calcanea lateral. Monteiro Junior AA; Schiozer WA, de Lemos RG; de Almeida OM; Alonso N; Ferreira MC. Rev Hosp Clin Fat Med Sao Paulo May-Jun 1991,46 (3) ~152-5

Intercalary flexor tendon grafts. A morphological study of intrasynovial and extrasynovial donor tendons. Gelberman RH; Seiler JG 3d; Rosenberg AE; Heyman P; Amiel D. Stand J Plast Reconstr Surg Hand Surg 1992,26 (3) ~257-64

[Distal pedicled musculus extensor digitorum brevis island flap for covering an amputation stump--case report]. Distal gestielter Musculus-extensor-digitorum-brevis- Insellappen fur die Deckung eines Amputationsstumpfes--Fallbericht. Soyka P; Jirecek V; Ganzoni N. Unfallchirurgie Ott 1992, 18 (5) p3 15-6

weurn-orthopedics in the system of complex treatment of rheumatoid arthritis]. Revmoortopediia v sisteme kompleksnogo lecheniia revmatoidnogo artrita. Pavlov VP. Vestn Ross Akad Med Nauk 1992, (6) ~36-9

[Effective operations of the foot. Report of experiences after 25 years of administration of the orthopedic department]. Bewahrte Operationen am Fuss. Erfahrungsbericht nach 25 jahriger Leitung der orthopadischen Abteihmg. Dederich R. 2 Orthop Ihre Grenzgeb Jul-Aug 1992,130 (4) ~323-32


Mucormycosis osteomyelitis causing avascular necrosis of the cuboid bone: MR imaging findings. Chaudhuri R; McKeown 8; Harrington D; Hay RJ; Bingham JB; Spencer JD. AJR Am J Roentgen01 Nov 1992,159 (5) plO35-7

Outcome of conservative and surgical management of navicular stress fracture in athletes. Eighty-six cases proven with computerized tomography. Khan KM; Fuller PJ; Brukner PD; Keamey C; Burry HC. Am J Sports Med Nov-Dee 1992,20 (6) ~657-66

OS trigonum impingement in dancers. Marotta JJ; Micheli LJ. Am J Sports Med Sep-Ott 1992,20 (5) ~533-6

Osteochondrosis dissecans of the talus. Comparison of results of surgical treatment in adolescents and adults. Bruns J; Rosenbach B. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg 1992, 112 (1) ~23-7

The modified Mayo procedure combined with basal valgus osteotomy of the first metatarsal for severe hallux valgus. Abbuhl U; Morscher E; Wilson-MacDonald J. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg 1992,116 (6) ~309-13

Multifocal metachronous osteogenic sarcoma. Verghese G; Sarada V; Sundararaj GD; Chandi SM. Australas Radio1 Aug 1992,36 (3) ~257-9

Ultrasound attenuation of the calcaneus in the female population: normative data. Damilakis JE; Dretakis E; Gourtsoyiannis NC. Calcif Tissue Int Sep 1992, 5 1 (3) ~180-3

Open total dislocation of the talus with extrusion (missing talus): report of two cases. Hiraizumi Y; Ham T; ;a$ltyhi M, Mayehiyo S. Foot Ankle Ott 1992, 13 (8)

Excision of ununited fractures of the posterior process of the talus: a treatment for chronic posterior ankle pain. Veazey BL; Heckman JD; Galindo MJ; McGanity PL. Foot Ankle Ott 1992, 13 (8) ~453-7

Transverse proximal diaphysial fracture of the fifth metatarsal: a review of 12 cases. Arangio G. Foot Ankle Nov-Dee 1992, 13 (9) ~547-9

Metatarsal lengthening by distraction osteogenesis: a report of two cases. Saxby T; Nunley JA. Foot Ankle Nov- Dee 1992,13 (9) ~536-9

Transfer versus lengthening of the posterior tibia1 tendon in Duchemte’s muscular dystrophy. Greene WB. Foot Ankle Nov-Dee 1992, 13 (9) ~526-3 1

Calcaneal fracture after cortical bone removal, Manoli A 2d; Harper MC; Fitzgibbons TC; McKernan DJ. Foot Ankle Nov-Dee 1992,13 (9) ~523-5

Strength of fixation constructs for basilar osteotomies of the tirst metatarsal. Lian GJ: Markolf K: Cracchiolo A 3d. Foot Ankle Nov-Dee 1992, 13 (9) ~509-14

“What’s a foot surgeon to believe?” [editorial; comment]. Johnson KA. Foot Ankle Nov-Dee 1992,13 (9) ~508

Hallux valgus correction with proximal metatarsal osteotomy: two-year follow-up. Thordarson DB; Leventen EO. Foot Ankle Jul-Aug 1992, 13 (6) ~321-6

An irreducible medial cuneiform fracture-dislocation, Compson JP. Injury 1992,23 (7) ~501-2

Low grade chondrosarcoma occurring in unusual sites. Ferrandez L; Ramos L; Usabiaga J; No L; Flores T. Int Orthop 1992, I6 (4) ~392-7

Heel spursurgery. A transverse plantar approach. Boike AM: Snvder AJ: Roberto PD: Tabbert WG. J Am Podiau ked Assoc Jan 1993; 83 (1) ~39-42

Calcaneonavicular bar resection. A retrospective review. Cohen AH; Laughner TE; Pupp GR. J Am Podiatr Med Assoc Jan 1993,83 (1) ~10-7

Avulsion fracture at the plantar Iateral base of the first metatarsal. Two case reports. Hodor L; Murphy RD; Eskandari NB. J Am Podiatr Med Assoc Ott 1992,82 (10) ~525-8

Bilateral bipartite medial cuneiform. A case report. Dellacorte MP; Lin PJ; Grisafi PJ. J Am Podiatr Med Assoc Sep 1992,82 (9) ~475-8

Cystic bone lesion in the fifth metatarsal with subcutaneous rheumatoid nodule. Chiu DW; Ross S; Salvatori RW. J Am Podiatr Med Assoc Sep 1992,82 (9) ~47 i-4

Surgical repair of a talar body nonunion. Mahan KT; Lamy C. J Am Podiatr Med Assoc Sep 1992,82 (9) ~454-62

Talectomy for diabetic Charcot foot. An alternative to amputation, Tom RK; Pupp GR. J Am Podiatr Med Assoc Sep 1992,82 (9) ~447-53

Deformity of-the calcane&uboid joint in patients who have talioes eouinovarus. Thometz JG: Simons GW. J Bone Joint Suig Am Feb 1993,75 (2) ~190-5

A new technique of talectomy for severe fracture-dislocation of the talus. Gunal I; Atilla S; Arac S; Gursoy Y; K-6~~~lu H. J Bone Joint Surg Br Jan 1993,75 (1)

MRI of injury to the lateral collateral ligamentous complex of the ankle. Cardone BW; Erickson SJ; Den Hartog BD; Carrera GF. J Comput Assist Tomogr Jan-Feb 1993,17 (1) ~102-7

Calcaneal ostectomy for Haghmd disease. Pauker M; Katz K; Yosipovitch Z. J Foot Surg Nov-Dee 1992,3 1 (6) p588-9

Occult fractures of the talus. Frankel J; Turf R, Miller GA. J Foot Surg Nov-Dee 1992,3 l(6) ~538-43

Rigid internal fixation of the Austin/Chevron osteotomy with Herbert screw fixation: a retrospective study. Han8 JR; Kashuk KB; Bonner AC; Toney M; Schabler J. J Foot Surg Sep-Ott 1992,3 1 (5) p5 12-8

Fifth metatarsal distal oblique wedge osteotomy utilizing cortical screw futation. Castle JE; Cohen AH; Docks G. J Foot Surg Sep-Ott 1992,3 1 (5) ~478-85

Austin bunionectomy: postoperative MRI evaluation for avascular necrosis. Wilkinson SV; Jones RO, Sisk LE; Sunshein KF; Van Manen JW. J Foot Surg Sep-Ott 1992,3 1 (5) ~469-77

A calcaneal fracture from a fall or a fall from a calcaneal fracture?. Kalla TP; Kominsky SJ. J Foot Surg Sep-Ott 1992,3 1 (5) p446-9


First cuneiform closing abductory osteotomy for reduction of metatarsus primus adductus. Ham B; Beck JC; Woo RA. J Foot Surg Sep-Ott 1992,3 1 (5) ~434-9

Enlargement of the entire posterior aspect of the calcaneus: treatment with the Keck and Kelly calcaneal osteotomy. Perlman MD. J Foot Surg Sep-Ott 1992,3 1 (5) ~424-33

Osteotomies of the great toe. Barouk LS. J Foot Surg Jul- Aug 1992,3 1 (4) ~388-99

Intraosseous lipoma of the calcaneus. Schatz SG; Dipaola JD; D’Agostino A; Hanna R; Quinn SF. J Foot Surg Jul- Aug 1992,31 (4) ~381-4

Fibular regeneration. Edelman R; Barbacci D. J Foot Surg Jul-Aug 1992,3 1 (4) ~368-71

The plantaris tendon as a tendo-osseous graft. Part I. An anatomical study. Schlicht SM; Morrison WA. J Hand Surg [Br] Aug 1992, 17 (4) ~467-70

In response to article by Dr. Korovessis et al [letter]. Maffulli N; Lepore L. J Orthop Trauma 1992,6 (3) ~392

Tibio-tale-calcaneal fusion with a free vascularized fibular grat? in comminuted open fractures of the talus and the calcaneus. Kusakabe N; Takagi M; Tsuzuki N. J Orthop Trauma 1992,6 (3) ~386-90

Metatarsal epiphyseal bracket: treatment by central physiolysis. Mubarak SJ; O’Brien TJ; Davids JR. J Pediatr Orthop Jan-Feb 1993, 13 (1) ~5-8

Preoperative and postoperative assessment of surgical intervention for equinus gait in children with cerebral palsy. Etnyre B; Chambers CS; Scarborough NH; Cain TE. J Pediatr Orthop Jan-Feb 1993,13 (1) ~24-3 1

Osteoid osteoma of the OS calcis in a teenage athlete. Chang JL; Ireland ML. Med Sci Sports Exert Jan 1993,25 (1) ~2-8

Fracture of the lateral talar process. Crosby LA; Mormino MA. Nebr Med J Dee 1992,77 ( 12) ~340-2

Chronic osteomyelitis of the calcaneus: treatment with a vascularized muscle flap. Fish DN; Goulet JA; Stevenson T. Orthopedics Jan 1993, 16 (1) p8 l-5

Treatment of multiple pterygium syndrome. McCall RE; Budden J. Orthopedics Dee 1992,15 (12) ~1417-22

Case report 755: Burkitt’s lymphoma of the talus. Bloom RA; Peylan-Ramu N: Okon E. Skeletal Radio1 1992.21 (7) p474-7

The hallux sesamoids revisited. Potter HG; Pavlov H; Abrahams TG. Skeletal Radio1 1992.21 (7) 0437-44

[Treatment of calcaneus and mid-foot fractures ;‘sing closed reposition and fixation with the I&row tixator]. Die Frakturbehandlung des Kalkaneus und des Mittelmsses mittels geschlossener Reposition und Fixation im Ilisarow-Fixateur. Kortmann HR; Wolter D; Bisgwa F; Meffert R. Unfallchirurg Nov 1992,95 (11) p54 1-6

[The implantation of a vascular bundle in the treatment of aseptic necrosis of the bones and pseudarthroses]. Implantatsiia sosudistogo puchka pri lechenii asepticheskikh nekrozov kostei i lozhnykh sustavov. Saks LA; Zhukov VN. Voen Med Zh Nov 1992, (11) ~29-3 1


Congenital flat foot: different clinical forms. Salo JM; Viladot A; Garcia-El& M; Sanchez-Freijo JM; Viladot R. Acta Orthop Belg 1992,58 (4) ~406-10

[The treatment of rigid hallux using Swanson’s silastic implant (single and double stem). Clinical, radiological and podobarographic review with a 16-year maximum follow-unl. Traitement de I’hallux rieidus mu les implants-en Silastic de Swanson (single et double stem). Revue clinique, radiologique et podobarographique avec I6 ans de recul maximal. Mahieu C; Chaput A, Bouillet R. Acta Orthop Belg 1992,58 (3) p3 14-24

[Trismus-pseudocamptodactyly syndrome: presentation and genealogy of a new European case]. Syndrome trismus et pseudocamptodactylie: presentation et genealogie dune nouvelle observation euroneenne. Rombouts JJ: Verellen-Dumoulin C. Ann Chi? Main Memb Super 1992. 11 (4) 0333-7

Pedicle &apt& apophysis transplantation in congenital limb malformations. Teot L; Souyris F; Bosse JP. Ann Plast Surg Ott 1992,29 (4) ~332-40

The modified Mayo procedure combined with basal valgus osteotomy of the first metatarsal for severe hallux valgus. Abbuhl U; Morscher E; Wilson-MacDonald J. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg 1992,116 (6) ~309-13

bedderhose’s disease]. La malattia di Ledderhose. Bardelli M; D’Arienzo M; Veneziani C. Arch Putti Chir Organi Mov 1991,39 (2) ~335-9

[The indications for and limits of “extensive” posterior lysis in the surgical treatment of congenital clubfoot (talipes equinovarus supinatus)]. Indicazioni e limiti della lisi posteriore “allargata” nel trattamento chirurgico de1 piede tort0 congenito equino-varo-supinato. Guzzanti V: Di Lazzaro A. Arch Putti Chir Oraani Mov 1991.39 (2) ~321-34

Surgical treatment of the child’s flatfoot. Viladot A. Clin OlthOD Ott 1992. (283) ~34-8

Revision surgery in clubfeei Atar D; Lehman WB; Grant AD; Strongwater AM. Clin Orthop Ott 1992, (283) ~223-30

The Harris and Beath footprint: interpretation and clinical value. Welton EA. Foot Ankle Ott 1992, 13 (8) ~462-8

Treatment of hallux valgus by oblique osteotomy of the first metatarsal. Mizuno K; Hashimura M; Kimura M; Hirohata K. Foot Ankle Ott 1992, 13 (8) ~447-52

Transfer versus lengthening of the posterior tibia1 tendon in Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy. Greene WB. Foot Ankle Nov-Dee 1992, 13 (9) ~526-3 1

Strength of fixation constructs‘for basilar osteotomies of the first metatarsal. Lian GJ: Markolf K: Cracchiolo A 3d. Foot Ankle Nov-Dee 1992, 13 (9) p&)9- 14

Investigation of muscle imbalance in the leg in symptomatic forefoot pes cavus: a multidisciplinary study. Tynan MC; Klenerman L; Helliwell TR, Edwards RH; Hayward M. Foot Ankle Nov-Dee 1992, 13 (9) p489- 501

Chevron osteotomy for hallux valgus. Rossi WR; Ferreira JC. Foot Ankle Sep 1992, 13 (7) ~378-81

Adult acquired flatfoot deformity at the talonavicular joint: reconstruction of the spring ligament in an in vitro model. Deland JT; Amoczky SP; Thompson FM. Foot Ankle Jul-Aug 1992, 13 (6) ~327-32

Hallux valgus correction with proximal metatarsal osteotomy: two-year follow-up. Thordarson DB; Leventen EO. Foot Ankle Jul-Aug 1992, 13 (6) p32 l-6

Excision arthroplasty for hallux valgus in the elderly: a comparison between the Keller-and modified Mayo ouerations. Maikowski RS: Gallowav S. Foot Ankle Jul-Aug 1992, i3 (6) p3 17-20 ’

A sot? fibroma. LaPorta DM; Snyder AJ; Luthringer PJ. J Am Podiatr Med Assoc Ott 1992,82 (10) ~545-7

Surgical management of chronic tophaceous gout. A case report. Ford TC. J Am Podiatr Med Assoc Ott 1992.82 (lb) p514-9

The long plantar wing distal metaphyseal osteotomy. Elleby DH: Barrv LD: Helfman DN. J Am Podiatr Med Assoc Oct1992; 82 (i0) ~501-6

Rotational scarf(Z) osteotomy bunionectomy for correction of high intermetatarsal angles. Duke HF. J Am Podiatr Med Assoc Jul1992.82 (7) ~352-60

Tricorrectional bunionectomy [i&&j. Markinson BC. J Am Podiatr Med Assoc Sep 1992,82 (9) ~492

Crescentic osteotomy [letter]. Goel AR. J Am Podiatr Med Assoc Sep 1992,82 (9) p49 l-2

Deformity of the calcaneocuboid joint in patients who have talipes equinovarus. Thometz JG; Simons GW. J Bone Joint Surg Am Feb 1993,75 (2) p 190-5

Footprints and arches [letter]. Phillipson A; Klenerman L. J Bone Joint Surg Br Jan 1993,75 (1) ~163

The offset V modification of the Chevron bunionectomv: a retrospective study. Fox IM, Cuttic M; DeMarco P: J Foot Sure Nov-Dee 1992.3 1 (6) ~615-20

Structural m&arsus adducms de&&y, surgical case report. Marcinko DE; Hetico HR. J Foot Surg Nov-Dee 1992,31 (6) ~607-10

The offset “V” bunionectomy using cortical screw and buried Kirschner wire fixation. Kissel CG; Unroe BJ; Parker RM. J Foot Surg Nov-Dee 1992,3 1 (6) ~560-77

Rigid internal fixation of the Austin/Chevron osteotomy with Herbert screw fixation: a retrospective study. Han8 JR; Kashuk KB; Bonner AC; Toney M; Schabler J. J Foot Surg Sep-Ott 1992,3 1 (5) p5 12-8


A modification of the Regnauld procedure for halhtx limitus. Cohen M, Roman A, Liessner P. J Foot Surg Sep-Ott

ou osteotomie sous-capitale?. Udin B; Dutoit M. Rev

1992,3 1 (5) ~498-503 Chir Orthop Reparatrice Appar Mot 1992,78 (3) p169- 75

Fiflh metatarsal distal oblique wedge osteotomy utilizing cortical screw fixation. Castle JE; Cohen AH; Docks G. J Foot Surg Sep-Ott 1992,3 1 (5) ~478-85


Austin bunionectomy: postoperative’&lRl evaluation for avascular necrosis. Wilkinson SV: Jones RO: Sisk LE: Sunshein KF; Van Manen JW. J Foot Surg Skp-Ott 1992,3 1 (5) ~469-77

First cuneiform.ciosing abductory osteotomy for reduction of metatarsus nrimus adductus. Hara B: Beck JC: Woo RA. J Foot S&g Sep-Ott 1992,31 (5) ~434-9

Enlargement of the entire posterior aspect of the calcaneus: treatment with the Keck and Kelly calcaneal osteotomy. Perlman MD. J Foot Surg Sep-Ott 1992,3 1 (5) ~424-33

Osteotomies of the great toe. Barouk LS. J Foot Surg Jul- Aug 1992,3 1 (4) ~388-99

The modified Scarf bunionectomy . Kramer J; Barry LD; Helfman DN; Mehnert JA; Pokrifcak VM. J Foot Surg Jul-Aug 1992,3 1 (4) ~360-7

Histological study of the phalangeal articular side following Keller procedure for hallux valgus. de Palma L; Tulli A; Sabetta SP. J Foot Surg Jul-Aug 1992,31 (4) ~355-9

Surgical correction of symphalangism with incomplete polydactylism. Schocher DA, Vinikoor J; Vinikoor LR. J Foot Surg Jul-Aug 1992,3 1 (4) ~329-3 1

Correction of overlapping second toe deformity: long-term results including a 7-year follow-up. Bogy LT; Vranes R: Goforth WP: Canorusso JM. J Foot Sure Jul-Aue 1992.3 1 (4) ~319-23

Polydactyly [editorial]. Reinherz RP. J Foot Surg Jul-Aug 1992,3 1 (4) p3 17-S

Problems in surgical treatment of congenital clubfoot. Prichasuk S: Mulmuek P. J Med Assoc Thai Jan 1992. 75 Suppl 1 P106-i 1

Adolescent bunion deformity treated with double osteotomy and longitudinal pin fixation of the first ray. Peterson HA: Newman SR. J Pediatr Ortho~ Jan-Feb 1993.13 (1) p80-4

Preoperative and postoperative assessment of surgical intervention for eauinus gait in children with cerebral palsy. Etnyre B; Chamb& CS; Scarborough NH; Cain TE. 3 Pediatr Orthop Jan-Feb 1993, 13 (1) ~24-3 1

Split tibialis posterior tendon transfer and tendo-Achillis lengthening for spastic equinovarus feet. Synder M; Kumar SJ: Stecvk MD. J Pediatr Orthoo Jan-Feb 1993. 13 (1) ~26-3 -

Relationship between acquired spastic talipes equinovarus and dvstonia musculorum deformans. Betz RR: Steel HH: Pillar EA: Clancv M. J Pediatr Orthou Jan-Feb 1993, 13 (1) pi5-9 -

Neuropathic foot ulceration in patients with myelodysplasia. Maynard MJ; Weiner LS; Burke SW. J Pediatr Orthop Nov-Dee 1992. 12 (6) ~786-8

Brachymetatarsia of the &st metatarsal treated by surgical lengthening. Steedman JT Jr; Peterson HA. J Pediatr Orthop Nov-Dee 1992,12 (6) ~780-5

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Bibliography prepared from MEDtME by the British Library Medical Information Service, covering the Jamm-y to April 1993 files.

