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PROGRAMME of the final part of the annual events of the Ukrainian School of Archetypes

V International Contest of Young Scholars

VIІІ International Theoretical and Methodological Seminar



28-30 May 2017 Kyiv, Ukraine

Contact information:

Afonin Eduard Andriiovych Mob. (+38) 067 2444659 E-mail: Sushyi Olena Volodymyrivna Mob. (+38) 067 9109926 Е-mail:

KYIV– 2017

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LBC 67.9(4Укр)401я43


Executive editors:

Doctor of Social Sciences, Professor Eduard Afonin Doctor of Sciences in Public Administration, Associate Professor Olena Sushyi

Archetypes and Public Administration: Strategies and Mechanisms for Conflicts Solu-tion in the Modern World: Programme of V International Contest of Young Scholars and VIII International Theoretical and Methodological Seminar, Kyiv (Ukraine). Kyiv, 2017. 20 p.

The purpose of the theoretical and methodological seminar and contest for young scholars is to bring together interdisciplinary efforts of researchers who work in different areas of social and humanities knowledge, and their focus on the study of theoretical and methodological foundations for influence of the archetypes of the collective unconscious on the system of public administration.

ISBN © Chair of Policy Analysis and Forecasting National Academy for Public Administration under the President of Ukraine, 2017


I. Hosts of the Conference……………………………………………………………………3 II. Partners………………………………………………………….……………………..…...3 III. Sponsorship…………….…………………………………………………………………..4 IV. Organising committee.….…………………………………………………………………..4 V. Key dates………………………………………………………………….………………..5 VI. Timetable……………………………………………………………….………………… 5-6 VII. Thematic part………………………………………………………..……………………. 7-11

V International Contest of Young Scholars (Panel № 1) …..…………………………… 7-8 VIІI ТМS-2017 (Panel№ 2) ……………………………………………………………. 8-11 General discussion………………………………………………………………………. 11

VIIІ. Award ceremony…………………………………………………………………………... 11 ІX. Annexes…………………………………………………………………………………… 12-20

Michel Maffesoli. Brief information………..…………………………………………... 12-14 Requirement to the research papers...…………………………………………………… 14-15 Taras Plakhtiy. The method of group discussion in the form of two-dimensional and three-

dimensional networks………………….……………………………………………..... 16-19 Address, contacts, routes………………………………………………………………… 20



The National Academy for Public Administration under the President of Ukraine (Kyiv, Ukraine) Institute for Economics and Forecasting of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Kyiv,

Ukraine) Institute of Social and Political Psychology of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of

Ukraine (Kyiv, Ukraine) Ukrainian Technological Academy (Kyiv, Ukraine) Ukrainian Social Innovation Society (Kyiv, Ukraine) Ukrainian Assembly of Doctors of Science in Public Administration (Kyiv, Ukraine)


Apparatus of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (Kyiv, Ukraine) Bard College (Bard, New York, USA) Belarusian State University (Minsk, the Republic of Belarus) Open European Academy of Economics and Politics (Prague, the Czech Republic) Ukrainian Innovative Foundation People's Initiative (Kyiv, Ukraine) Dnipropetrovsk Regional Institute of Public Administration of the National Academy for Public

Administration under the President of Ukraine (Dnipro, Ukraine) Institute of Agricultural Economics (Kyiv, Ukraine) Institute of State Management of the Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University (Mykolaiv,

Ukraine) Institute of History of Ukraine of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Kyiv, Ukraine) Informational and Analytical Service “Peremoha” (Kyiv, Ukraine) Karaganda State Technical University (Karaganda, the Republic of Kazakhstan) The Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (Kyiv, Ukraine) The Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University (Starobilsk, Ukraine) Lviv Regional Institute of Public Administration of the National Academy for Public Administra-

tion under the President of Ukraine (Lviv, Ukraine) Interregional Academy of Personnel Management (Kyiv, Ukraine) Scientific and Technical Center “Psychea” (Kyiv, Ukraine) National Academy of Managerial Staff of Culture and Arts (Kyiv, Ukraine) the National Institute for Strategic Studies (Kyiv, Ukraine) The National Pedagogical Dragomanov University (Kyiv, Ukraine) The National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute” (Kharkiv, Ukraine) Lviv Polytechnic National University (Lviv, Ukraine) The National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine (Kyiv, Ukraine) Ivan Chernyakhovsky National Defense University of Ukraine (Kyiv, Ukraine) The Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University (Novosibirsk, the Russian Federation) Odesa Regional Institute of Public Administration of the National Academy for Public Administra-

tion under the President of Ukraine (Odesa, Ukraine) The Sumy State University (Sumy, Ukraine) Assessment s.r.o. (Prague, the Czech Republic) Paris Descartes University Paris V (Paris, France) Minsk subdivision of the Russian State Social University (Minsk, the Republic of Belarus) Semen Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics (Kharkiv, Ukraine) The Kharkiv National Academy of Municipal Economy (Kharkiv, Ukraine) Kharkiv Regional Institute of Public Administration of the National Academy for Public Admin-

istration under the President of Ukraine (Kharkiv, Ukraine) Cherkasy State Technological University (Cherkasy, Ukraine)



Legal entities:

International Association of Special Forces Officers for Combating Organized Crime “CENTER” (Kyiv, Ukraine)

Scientific and Technical Center “Psychea” (Kyiv, Ukraine) “Attracti” LLC (Kyiv, Ukraine) “Rukh Avia” LLC (Kyiv, Ukraine)

Physical entities:

Afonin Eduard Andriiovych, professor of the National Academy for Public Administration under the President of Ukraine (Kyiv, Ukraine)

Blahodietieliev Serhii Viktorovych, entrepreneur (Kyiv, Ukraine) Evtushok Yurii Ilarionovych, independent researcher (Kyiv, Ukraine)


Vasyl KUYBIDA, Doctor of Sciences in Public Administration, Professor, President of the NAPA under the President of Ukraine – co-head of the organizing committee (Kyiv, Ukraine)

Oleh AMOSOV, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Head of the Chair of Kharkiv Re-gional Institute of Public Administration, the National Academy for Public Administration under the President of Ukraine – co-head of the organizing committee (Kharkiv, Ukraine)

Eduard AFONIN, Doctor of Social Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Chair of Policy Analy-sis and Forecasting, the NAPA under the President of Ukraine – research advisor of the theoreti-cal and methodological seminar, member of the organizing committee (Kyiv, Ukraine)

Olha BALAKIRIEVA, Candidate of Social Sciences, Head of the Division for Monitoring Re-search of Social and Economic Transformations of the Institute for Economics and Forecasting of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Vice-President of the Sociological Association of Ukraine – member of the organizing committee (Kyiv, Ukraine)

Svitlana BLAHODIETIELIEVA-VOVK, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, independent researcher and social activist member of the organizing committee (Kyiv, Ukraine)

Pavlo KRUPKIN, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Senior Research Scientist, research advisor of the Research Center of the Present – member of the organizing committee (Paris, the French Republic)

Michel MAFFESOLI, Professor of the Paris Descartes University / Paris V – member of the organizing committee (Paris, the French Republic)

Kateryna MERKOTAN, Candidate of Political Sciences, independent researcher – member of the organizing committee (Borne Sulinowo, the Republic of Poland)

Yuriy SAUKH, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor., Associate Professor of the Chair of Policy Analysis and Forecasting, the NAPA under the President of Ukraine – member of the organizing committee (Kyiv, Ukraine)

Irvin STUDIN, Professor of the Université du Québec à Montréal, President of the Institute for 21st Century Questions, co-founder of Ukraine’s Higher School of Public Administration of the NAPA, Editor-in-Chief and Publisher of Global Brief magazine, member of the organizing com-mittee (Toronto, Canada)

Olena SUSHYI, Doctor of Sciences in Public Administration, Associate Professor, Head of the Laboratory for Methodology of Psychosocial and Political-Psychological Research of the Institute of Social and Political Psychology of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine academic secretary of the theoretical and methodological seminar, member of the organ-izing committee (Kyiv, Ukraine)

Hennadii SHKLIAREVSKYI, Doctor of Historic Science, Professor, Professor of the Bard Col-lege – member of the organizing committee (Rhinebeck, NY, USA)



15 March – deadline for the applications for participation in the annual events of the Ukrainian School of Archetypes

15 April – deadline to submit the manuscripts of the participants

28 May Completion of the preparation and printing in “Psychea” publishing house of the collection of re-

search papers of the winners and the best authors of V International Contest of Young Scholars Meeting of M. Maffesoli at the Boryspil Airport (14.05) M. Maffesoli’s visiting to the National Reserve Sophia Kyivska (17.00-17.45)

29 May Final arrangements of the TMS-2017 (09.00-20.00) Public performance of M. Maffesoli at the National Academy of Public Administration under

the President of Ukraine (09.30-11.30) Joint interview of the President of National Academy for Public Administration under the President

of Ukraine, Vasyl Kuybida, and M. Maffesoli at the parliament TV channel “Rada” (12.00-13.00) Individual tour for M. Maffesoli to the National Kyiv-Pechersk Historical and Cultural Re-

serve (14.30-17.30)

30 May Public performance of M. Maffesoli at the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

(09.30-11.30) Tour to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine for the participants of the TMS-2017 (11.00-13.00) Tour to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine for the participants of the TMS-2017 (14.00-16.00) Departure of M. Maffesoli to the Boryspil Airport (14.55)

30.06 – Completion of editorial preparation and printing of the special edition of the professional journal “Public Administration” with the papers of the TMS-2017 participants


V International Contest of Young Scholars (final part) and VIІІ International Theoretical and Methodological Seminar “Archetypes and Public Administration:

Strategies and Mechanisms for Conflicts Solution in the Modern World”

29 May 2017 (Kyiv, NAPA, 12/2, Pugacheva Str.)

09.00-09.30 – Registration of the participants 09.30-10.00 – Opening and greeting of the participants of the Contest of Young Scholars and TMS-2017 10.00-11.30 – Public performance of Michel Maffesoli “Neo Tribalism and Modern Decentrali-

sation Policy” (French with translation) for public administrators 11.30-12.30 – Plenary session (panel № 1): performances of the participants of the Contest of

Young Scholars 12.30-13.30 – Lunch 13.30-15.30 – Plenary session (panel № 2): performances of the participants of the TMS-2017 15.30-18.00 – General discussion of the contestants and participants of the TMS-2017 18.00-18.45 – Performances of the experts, award ceremony, awarding of certificates and badges

of the Ukrainian School of Archetypes 18.45-19.00 – Common photo session 19.00 – Dinner

Regulations: plenary speech – 7 minutes information statement – 5 minutes questions and answers – 3 minutes

Working languages – Ukrainian and English


The participants of the TMS-2017 will receive: programme of the events printed edition of the research papers of the young scholars e-version of the special edition of the professional journal “Public Administration” commemorative badge “Ukrainian School of Archetypes”

As the part of the TMS-2017 international expert committee will determine:

The best papers of the participants Contest of Young Scholars, who will be awarded with monetary awards: 1 award – UAH 3000 2 award – UAH 2000 3 award – UAH 1500 three incentive awards – UAH 500 each

The best papers of the main participants of the VIII ТМS-2017, who will be awarded with:

three incentive awards – UAH 1000 each

30 May 2017

09.30-11.00 – Public performance of professor Michel Maffesoli “Transformation of Political into Ethical and Moral Values of Postmodern Scope” (French with translation) for sociologists and members of the Sociological Association of Ukraine – Faculty of Sociology of the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, address: Hlushkova prospect, 4d, phone: +38 (044) 521-32-63, e-mail:

11.00-12.00 – Tour to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (5, Hrushevskogo Str., 1st entrance)

12.00-13.00 – Meeting with Viktor Yelenskyi, Member of Ukrainian Parliament, Vice-Head of the Committee on Culture and Spirituality of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

14.30-16.30 – Tour to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and visiting of the museum of the governments of Ukraine (12/2, Hrushevskogo Str.)


V International Contest of Young Scholars (panel № 1) VIІІ International Theoretical and Methodological Seminar “Archetypes and Public Administration:

Mechanisms and Strategies for Conflicts Solution in the Modern World” (panel № 2) (Ukraine, Kyiv, 12/2, Pugacheva St.)

Registration (9.00-9.30) Opening (9.30-10.00). Greetings to the participants of the academic meeting Public performance of Michel Maffesoli “Neo Tribalism and Modern Decentralisation Policy” (10.00-11.30) Panel № 1 (11.30-12.30)

Moderators – AMOSOV Oleh, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor (Kharkiv, Ukraine) SAUKH Yuriy, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor (Kyiv, Ukraine)

1. VESELSKA Maryna, post-graduate student of the National Academy for Public Administration under the President of Ukraine. Theme: Archetypal nature of conflict in the professional activity of public servants. Kyiv, Ukraine.

2. HAHARINOV Oleksii, post-graduate student of the Semen Kuznets Kharkiv National Universi-ty of Economics. Theme: The strategy of transformation of the post-Soviet state system of


Ukraine as a necessary condition for the resolution and prevention of social conflicts (arche-typal approach). Kharkiv, Ukraine.

3. GARNYK Liudmyla, Candidate of Political Science, Senior Lecturer of Academic Ivan Zyazun department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Social Systems Management, Head of Quality As-surance Department for Higher Education, the National Technical University “Kharkiv Poly-technic Institute”. Theme: Archetypes of economic behaviour and their origins in scientific-philosophic thought of middle eastern countries. Kharkiv, Ukraine.

4. DEMCHUK Iuliia, post-graduate student of the Chair of Public Administration, the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Theme: Archetype of Dialogicality as a Mechanism for Conflict Resolution and Overcoming Divisions in Ukrainian Society. Kyiv, Ukraine.

5. DZHAKUPOVA Dinara, Master, Head of the Scientific-Research Institute of Patriotic Educa-tion, the Karaganda State Technical University. Theme: Kazakhstan's tolerance: experience, achievements, prospects (archetypal analysis). Karaganda, the Republic of Kazakhstan.

6. DZYAMKO Pavlo, Master of Public Administration, independent expert. Theme: The causes and conditions emergence of conflict in Ukraine and ways to overcome: archetypal approach. Lviv, Ukraine.

7. EVDOKIMOVA Elizaveta, student of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Technolo-gies, the National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic”. Theme: Archetypal approach to analysis of the relations between the leader and his team. Kharkiv, Ukraine.

8. ZOZULIA Victoriia, student of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Technologies, the National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic”. Theme: The conflict within the concept needs by Abraham Maslow and John Burton: archetypal analysis. Kharkiv, Ukraine.

9. KNYSHOVA Iryna, post-graduate student of the Chair of Policy Analysis and Forecasting, the National Academy for Public Administration under the President of Ukraine. Theme: Arche-types of social conflicts in the process of interaction between the state and civil society. Kyiv, Ukraine.

10. KOTOVSKA Olha, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor, postdoctoral stu-dent of the Chair of Policy Analysis and Forecasting, the National Academy for Public Admin-istration under the President of Ukraine. Theme: Social conflicts in postmodern space of individu-al ontogeny and their influence on the sphere of public administration: archetypal and value ap-proach. Lviv, Ukraine.

11. OVCHYNNIKOVA Olha, student of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Technologies, the National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic”. Theme: Violence as a factor of con-flict in the family: archetypical approach. Kharkiv, Ukraine.

12. OMELYANENKO Vitaliy, Candidate of Economic Sciences, assistant of the Department of Economic Theory, Sumy State University. Theme: Archetypal analysis of modern economic conflicts in the context of national security. Sumy, Ukraine.

13. PONOMARENKO Lyudmyla, Leading Specialist of the International Cooperation Division, the International Relations Department, the National Academy for Public Administration under the President of Ukraine. Theme: National idea as a symbolic prerequisite of the revolutions of the 19th-20th centuries and equifinal model of social transformations of the 21st century. Kyiv, Ukraine.

14. ROHULSKIY Oleh, Chief Specialist of the Public Relations Sector, Main Territorial Depart-ment of Justice in the Vinnitsa region. Theme: Archetypal conflict management strategies based on the concept of Thomas-Kilmann. Vinnytsia, Ukraine.

15. SEMENETS-ORLOVA Inna, Candidate of Political Science, postdoctoral student, Research Scientist of the Chair of Education Management, Research Scientist of the National Academy for Public Administration under the President of Ukraine. Theme: Dynamics of educational in-


stitutional changes in the context of conflict in the Ukrainian society: archetypal concept of “neo tribalism” by M. Maffesoli. Kyiv, Ukraine.

16. HASANOV Ruslan, post-graduate student of the Chair of Policy Analysis and Forecasting, the National Academy for Public Administration under the President of Ukraine. Theme: Social conflict: archetypal nature and decision-making mechanisms. Kyiv, Ukraine.

17. CHUPRYN Vladyslav, Master degree student of Semen Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics. Theme: Application of archetypal management in the system of university educa-tion. Kharkiv, Ukraine.

18. YAKUSHKO Nadiia, post-graduate student of the Chair of Education Management, the Nation-al Academy for Public Administration under the President of Ukraine. Theme: Dialectics of leadership in the context of education development in Ukraine: archetypal analysis. Kyiv, Ukraine.

Lunch (12.30-13.30)

Panel № 2 (13.30-15.30)

Moderators – SUSHYI Olena, Doctor of Sciences in Public Administration, Associate Professor (Kyiv, Ukraine)

BALAKIRIEVA Olha, Candidate of Social Sciences (Kyiv, Ukraine)

1. AMOSOV Oleg, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Head of the Chair of Economic The-ory and Finances of Kharkiv Regional Institute of Public Administration, the National Academy for Public Administration under the President of Ukraine, GAVKALOVA Nataliia, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Head of the Chair of Public Service, Public Administration and Regional Economy, Semen Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics. Theme: Arche-typal approach to the diagnostics of social conflict. Kharkiv, Ukraine.

2. AFONIN Eduard, Doctor of Social Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Chair of Policy Analy-sis and Forecasting, the National Academy for Public Administration under the President of Ukraine, MARTYNOV Andrii, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Leading Research Sci-entist of the Division of History of International Relations and Foreign Policy of Ukraine, Insti-tute of History of Ukraine of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Theme: Archetypes of social and political conflicts: from modernism to postmodernism. Kyiv, Ukraine.

3. BIELSKA Tetiana, Candidate of Sciences in Public Administration, Associate Professor, Asso-ciate Professor of Management and Administration Department, O.M.Beketov National Univer-sity of Urban Economy in Kharkiv, USACHENKO Larysa, Doctor of Sciences in Public Ad-ministration, Professor, Professor of the Department of Public Administration Interregional Academy of Personnel Management. Theme: Functional features of institutional behaviour of subjects of global civil society in conflict zones (archetypical analysis). Kharkiv, Kyiv, Ukraine.

4. VALEVSKYI Oleksii, Doctor of Sciences in Public Administration, Leading Research Scientist of the Division of Humanitarian Security, the National Institute for Strategic Studies. Theme: Institutional and psychosocial analysis of Ukrainian reforms. Kyiv, Ukraine.

5. VORONA Petro, Doctor of Sciences in Public Administration., Associate Professor, Professor of the Chair of Parliamentarism and Political Management, the National Academy for Public Administration under the President of Ukraine. Theme: Archetypical strategy of overcoming of world view conflict: experience of Israel, Kyiv, Ukraine.

6. HARBUZOVA Varvara, student of the Vinnytsia Institute of Trade and Economics, Kyiv Na-tional University of Trade and Economics. Theme: Archetypes of formation of financial re-sources of local governments. Vinnytsia, Ukraine.

7. GOLUBCHYK Ganna, Candidate of Sciences in Public Administration, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Chair of Law and European Integration of Dnipropetrovsk Regional Institute of Public Administration, the National Academy for Public Administration under the President of Ukraine. Theme: The Memory Wars» in the modern Ukrainians’ public conscious-ness: administrative aspect. Dnipro, Ukraine.

9 8. GULAY Vasyl, Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of International

Information, the National University “Lviv Polytechnic”. Theme: Psychosocial, political and cultural factors of actualization of Ukrainian-Polish relation's conflict potential at the present stage in the coordinates of “the war of monuments”. Lviv, Ukraine.

9. MOKH Mohamad Al Jawad, postgraduate student of the Department of Philosophy, the Na-tional technical university “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”. Theme: Archetypes vs. stereotypes in the intercultural dialogue: strategies and mechanisms of conflict solving in the traditions of Muslim Orient. Kharkiv, Ukraine.

10. DOVGAN Olexiy, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Deputy Director of the Scientific Li-brary, the National Academy of Managerial Staff of Culture and Arts. Theme: Understanding the text in the context of neural networks (archetypal approach). Kyiv, Ukraine.

11. KOZHEMIAKINA Oksana, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associ-ate Professor of the Department of Philosophical and Political Sciences, Cherkassy State Tech-nological University. Theme: Language of trust in resolving social conflicts. Cherkasy, Ukraine.

12. KOZAK Viacheslav, Candidate of Sciences in Public Administration, Postdoctoral student of Dnipropetrovsk Regional Institute of Public Administration, the National Academy for Public Administration under the President of Ukraine. Theme: Forming the Ukrainian archetypical paradigm of the public administration in modern conflict country development condition. Dnipro, Ukraine.

13. KOZLOVA Liudmyla, Candidate of Sciences in Public Administration, Associate Professor of the Institute of Public Administration, The Black Sea National University of Petro Mohyla. Theme: Mental, social and cultural features of the conflict’s formation in the context of decen-tralization. Mykolaiv, Ukraine.

14. КОZAKOV Volodymyr, Doctor of Sciences in Public Administration, Professor, Professor of the Chair of Public Policy and Social Development, the National Academy for Public Admin-istration under the President of Ukraine. Theme: Ukrainian mentality as an archetypal factor for harmonization of social and power relations. Kyiv, Ukraine.

15. LAPINA Viktoria, Candidate of Social Sciences, Research Scientist of НДЧ of the Faculty of Sociology, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Theme: Globalization of the over-consumption archetype as a new sourse of social conflicts and social tension. Kyiv, Ukraine.

16. LASHKINA Mariia, Candidate of Sciences in Public Administration, Associate Professor, as-sistant of the Member of Parliament of Ukraine. Theme: Communicative component of conflict in the modern world: the birth of the archetype of the selfness. Kyiv, Ukraine.

17. MAHMOUD Yaghi, postgraduate student of the Department of Philosophy, the National tech-nical university “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”. Theme: Archetypes of economic behaviour and their origins in scientific-philosophic thought of Middle Eastern countries. Kharkiv, Ukraine.

18. MERKOTAN Kateryna, Candidate of Political Sciences, independent researcher. Theme: Fake information as a mean of inciting inter-state conflicts. Borne Sulinowo, the Republic of Poland.

19. NAPLYOKOV Yuriy, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Training of Peacekeeping Personnel, the National Defense University of Ukraine named after Ivan Chernyahovsky. Theme: Archetypal principles of the process for adoption of a conflict-free management decision. Kyiv, Ukraine.

20. NOVACHENKO Tetiana, Doctor of Sciences in Public Administration, Associate Professor, Professor of the Chair of Parliamentarism and Political Management, the National Academy for Public Administration under the President of Ukraine. Theme: Synergetic concept of self-organization of subjects of social development: archetypical discourse. Kyiv, Ukraine.

21. PLAKHTIY Taras, independent researcher. Theme: Archetypal model of the emergence, escala-tion and solution of the social conflict. Lviv, Ukraine.

22. RYBAKLYUCHEVA Olha, Candidate of Sciences in Law, Associate Professor, Head of the Educational and Methodical Department, the Academy of the Ministry of Interior of the Repub-lic of Belarus, postdoctoral student of the Department of Public Administration of the Faculty of Law, Belarusian State University. Theme: Archetype strategy for resolving of social conflicts in the work with personnel of the internal affairs bodies of the Republic of Belarus. Minsk, the Re-public of Belarus.

10 23. RYNKEVICH Igor, Senior Lecturer of the Branch of the Russian State Social University in

Minsk. Theme: Psychosocial aspects of dialogue and conflict resolution in the labor sphere of modern society. Minsk, the Republic of Belarus.

24. ROZUMNYI Maksym, Doctor of Political Sciences, Head of the Division of Political Strate-gies, the National Institute for Strategic Studies. Theme: “Russian spring”: the magical realism of managing the social crisis. Kyiv, Ukraine.

25. SAUKH Yuriy, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Chair of Policy Analysis and Forecasting, the National Academy for Public Administra-tion under the President of Ukraine. Theme: Peculiarities of socio-transformational processes: the archetypal nature of socio-political conflicts. Kyiv, Ukraine.

26. SERDECHNA Lyudmyla, Candidate of Sciences in Public Administration, postdoctoral student of the Chair of Public Policy and Social Development, the National Academy for Public Administra-tion under the President of Ukraine. Theme: The concept of advertising as a solution to the contra-diction between social justice and economic efficiency (archetypal approach). Kyiv, Ukraine.

27. SYCHOVA Anastasiia, Candidate of Political Sciences, Senior Lecturer of the Department of His-tory of Ukraine, Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University. Theme: Political trust as a re-source of cooperation between the state and society: an archetypical approach. Starobilsk, Ukraine.

28. SIRYI Evgen, Doctor of Social Sciences, Professor, Professor and Head of НДС the Faculty of Sociology, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Theme: Evaluation of epistemologi-cal potential of deprivation as semantic core conceptualization of social tension today's Ukrain-ian community. Kyiv, Ukraine.

29. SOBOLNIKOV Valerii, Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Depart-ment of General Psychology and History of Psychology, Novosibirsk State Pedagogical Univer-sity. Theme: Archetypal issues of information impact as an element of cognitive modelling. No-vosibirsk, the Russian Federation.

30. SOLOVIOV Yevhen, postgraduate student of the Chair of Policy Analysis and Forecasting, the National Academy for Public Administration under the President of Ukraine. Theme: Value and semantic archetypes of behaviour of forced migrants as a basis for development of mechanisms for their adaptation. Poltava, Ukraine.

31. STETSYUK Natalia, Candidate of Sciences in Public Administration, Associate Professor of the Department of Public management and Administration, Educational and Research Institute of Postgraduate Studies, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine. Theme: The archetypes of the public authorities: governance arrangements political conflicts. Kyiv, Ukraine.

32. SUDAKOV Volodymyr, Doctor of Social Sciences, Professor, Head of Theory and History of Sociology Department, Faculty of Sociology, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Theme: The global determinants of the conflict interactions in the contemporary models of em-ployment (archetypical analysis). Kyiv, Ukraine.

33. SUSHYI Olena, Doctor of Sciences in Public Administration, Associate Professor, Head of the Laboratory for Methodology of Psychosocial and Political-Psychological Research of the Insti-tute of Social and Political Psychology of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine. Theme: Nation-forming process: archetypal reconstruction. Kyiv, Ukraine.

34. URBANOVA Eva, Psychologist of ASSESSMENT s.r.o., MAJEWSKA Petra, Psychologist of ASSESSMENT s.r.o., PASNICHENKO Victor, Senior Lecturer of the Open European Acade-my of Economics and Politics.. Theme: Loyalty, reliability, resistance to corruption: Psycholog-ical aspects of diagnostic options (the experience of the Czech Republic). Prague, the Czech Re-public.

35. KHOROLSKYI Oleksandr, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Deputy Head of PO «Ukrainian Innovation Fund People's Initiative». Theme: The formation of a dy-namic model of socio-economic relations in Ukraine: an archetypal approach. Kyiv, Ukraine.

36. TSEGELNIK Olga, Candidate of Sciences in Law, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Financial Law and Legal Regulation of Economic Activity of the Faculty of Law,


Belorussian State University. Theme: “Investment conflict”: strategy and ways of the resolving of the psychological and social contradictions in the modern world. Minsk, the Republic of Belarus.

37. CHEPURENKO Yana, Candidate of Historic Sciences, Senior Research Scientist, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Management, Informational and Analytical Activity and European Integration, the National Pedagogical Dragomanov University. Theme: Archetypal nature of the information infrastructure. Kyiv, Ukraine.

38. CHERNOIVANENKO Alina, Leading Specialist of the Division of Organisational and Meth-odological Provision, the Department of Informational Processes Management, Kharkiv Re-gional Institute of Public Administration, the National Academy for Public Administration un-der the President of Ukraine. Тема: The role of political parties in the emergence and resolution of political conflicts in Ukraine: archetypal analysis. Kharkiv, Ukraine.

39. SHKLIAREVSKY Gennady, Doctor of Historic Sciences, Professor, Professor of Bard College, Bard, New York, USA. Theme: Networks, hierarchies and the modern global unrest. Bard, New York, USA.

40. YUSHYN Serhii, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, main research worker of NSC “Institute of Agrarian Economy”. Theme: Archetype as reference-point of leading out of man and society from the deadlocks of invisibility of spatio-temporal regeneration of the socio-economic systems. Kyiv, Ukraine.

41. YAREMENKO Natalya, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Kryvyi Rih Pedagogical University, KOLOMIETS Natalia, Candidate of Philo-logical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Kryvyi Rih Pedagogical Uni-versity. Theme: The archetype of the “divine child” as the matrix of overcoming the crisis of the socio-humanitarian space. Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine.


in the form of two-dimensional dynamic network (15.45-18.15)

The discussion will focus on defining the configuration of the changing world of international relations, the dynamics of globalization processes and the increasing influence of regional tendencies of globalization on the international situation. Scotsman Roland Robertson drew attention to them. The old principles of peace and security in Europe that are derived from the former (modern) worldview concepts of “the unity of the world – in its materiality” will be analysed. But the dis-course is aimed at the search for new principles of international peace and security that arise on the background of spreading of social transformational processes in the world and strengthening of the socio-cultural factor on social development.

Moderator: PLAKHTIY Taras, independent researcher (Lviv, Ukraine) AFONIN Eduard, Doctor of Social Sciences, Professor (Kyiv, Ukraine) SAUKH Yurii, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor (Kyiv, Ukraine) SUSHYI Olena, Doctor of Sciences in Public Administration, Associate Professor (Kyiv, Ukraine)

VІIІ. AWARD CEREMONY (18.15-19.00)

Performance of the experts Certifications award of ТМS-2017, badges of the Ukrainian School of Archetypes and mone-

tary awards. Common photo session

INFORMAL MEETING (19.00-21.00)




Annex 1

MICHEL MAFFESOLI: brief information

Michel Maffesoli (fr. Michel Maffesoli, 14 November 1944 in Graissessac, Hérault) is a French sociologist. He studied in Stras-bourg and Grenoble. He is a former pupil of Gilbert Durand and Julien Freund, and an emeritus professor at Paris Descartes Uni-versity, chief editor of the international journal Sociétés, which he has been publishing since 1982. M. Maffesoli together with G. Balandier founded the Centre d'études sur l'actuel et le quoti-dien. He is the director of the Cahiers Européens de l'imaginaire. He is a member of the editorial board of Sociologia International-is.

The works of Maffesoli are devoted to the problems of the post-modern era – the phenomena of global massive involvement, transformation of politics and political sphere, everyday sphere and transformation of the sacred, festive into everyday life, the phenomena of subordination and violence, phenomena of nomad-ism and new nature of identity in the modern world. The cross-

cutting interest of all his works is the problematic of the imaginary, its embodiment in social and symbolic forms. While developing an understanding of culture and modernity by Max Weber and Georg Simmel, Maffesoli draws closer to the “sociology of the imagination” by Dietmar Kamper.

Original publications 1. Logique de la domination. Paris: PUF, 1976 2. La Violence totalitaire. Paris: PUF, 1979 3. La Conquête du présent. Pour une sociologie de la vie quotidienne. Paris: PUF, 1979 4. L'Ombre de Dionysos [1982]. Paris: Le Livre de Poche, 1991 5. Essai sur la violence banale et fondatrice. Paris: Librairie Méridiens/Klincksieck, 1984 6. La Connaissance ordinaire. Précis de sociologie compréhensive. Paris: Librairie des Mé-

ridiens, 1985 7. Le Temps des tribus [1988]. Paris: Le Livre de Poche, 1991 8. Au creux des apparences. Pour une éthique de l'esthétique. Paris: Plon, 1990 9. La Transfiguration du politique [1992]. Paris: Le Livre de Poche, 1995 10. La Contemplation du monde [1993]. Paris: Le Livre de Poche, 1996 11. Eloge de la raison sensible. Paris: Grasset, 1996 12. Du nomadisme. Vagabondages initiatiques. Paris: Le Livre de Poche, 1997 13. La part du diable: précis de subversion postmoderne. Paris: Flammarion, 2002 14. Le rythme de vie - Variation sur l'imaginaire post-moderne. Paris: Ed. Table Ronde, 2004 15. Le réenchantement du monde - Morales, éthiques, déontologies. Paris: Ed. Table Ronde,

2007 16. La République des bons sentiments. Paris: Editions du Rocher, 2008 17. Apocalypse. Paris: CNRS Éditions, 2009 18. Matrimonium. Paris: CNRS Éditions, 2010 19. La passion de l'ordinaire: miettes sociologiques. Paris: CNRS Éditions, 2011.

Publications in Russian and Ukrainian 1. Zaiets D. «Indie-rock sociology» of Michel Maffesoli / D. Zaiets // Sociology: theory, meth-

odology, marketing. – 2011. – № 3. – p. 74-83 2. Fantastic world of every day // Artistic journal. – 1997. – №17. – p. 14-16 3. Aliieva D.Ya. Paradigmatic shifts in the sociology of everyday life. The concept by Michel

Maffessoli // Sociological journal. – 1995. – № 1. – p. 110-121


4. Enchantment of the world, or Divine social // Socio-Logos. – М.: Progress, 1991. – p. 133-137 Recognition: The Grand Prize of the French Academy in the nomination of the Science of Man by for the book La Transfiguration dupolitique (1992); National Order of the Legion of Honour (2003); Order of Merit (2003)

Key ideas of works by M. Maffesoli

Transition to postmodernism as the transformation from “social” to the “sociality”. The concept of social corresponds to the “society” (Geselschaft by F. Tönnies), “Promethean” culture with its basis of social bounds in “mechanical solidarity” of E. Durkheim, characterized by instrumentalism, pro-jectivity, rationality and teleology. The postmodern social order is described in terms of “communi-ty” (Gemeinschaft by F. Tönnies), the values of the “Dionysian” culture and the “organic” (or “orgi-astic”) solidarity with its enchantment of present, non-logical, immoral and communicational. The indication of coming “neo tribalism” era represents a “resurgent interest in everything natural and a sense of the re-enchantment world”.

The implosion of the politic finds its concentrated expression in the “irresponsible” masses, but their indifference to “high politics” seems to be passive only in the old coordinate system. In fact, it is “a dynamic position through which social life is refocused on the essential”. There is a peculiar position in “people's stoicism”: if person cannot or does not want to influence the situation, he/she stays in-different. This indifference allows the individuals to concentrate the energy on the nearby process. The meaning of life is no longer attained in an unattainable utopia and not in a comprehensive ra-tionalization of existence, but [in mastering existential experience] “here-and-now”. And if political activism was the dominant value in times of modernity, while a key value of postmodernity is an aesthetically colored “non-action”.

Postmodern “aesthetics” is not limited only by “the fine arts” but covers the whole complex of eve-ryday life. "Aesthetics" implies a private strategy: now the world is being used for pleasure, and not for dominating over it. This usage is common & shared with others: according to Maffesoli, “the aesthetics in this sense is synonymous to the intersubjectivity”. “Aesthetics” is an experience of the shared feelings. It means the constant interaction, where it is essential to “co-exist” with others. Con-trary to the narcissism and hedonism, which may seem from the postmodern aesthetic perception of everyday life in the old system of spiritual coordinates, but indeed new social ethics is being stated – “aesthetical ethics”.

The implosion of a rationally organized modern political body does not mean “the end of social” but it designs and develops postmodern sociality, which is structured by the “culture of feelings”.

Political implosion does not represent a catastrophe, instead it represents the “transformation” in form of the “tribes”, which are engendered by the collective people’s life in modern megapolises. In the same way as the primitive tribal communities were organically linked to the “mesocosm” of their environment and thereby they identified themselves in the social environment they shared. The mod-ern “tribes” are connected with their quarters, streets, places of hanging out in the “stone jungle” and thereby they create a specific community of their members, providing them with the identification.

Postmodern “self” has nothing to do with the Cartesian “I think”, nor with an autonomous individual as a participant in a social contract. This is the porous self, which is in a state of constant trance and therefore it inclined to join the feelings experienced by others, which ensures the security in the “ar-chetypal community”.

The “tribalization” of the social world means “the return to the tribal ideal at the expense of the soci-etal ideal. The process of the social development can be studied in the positive way by sociology, although not in the form of a levelling universal theory, but from the point of view of the “specula-tive empiricism” that develops a “receptive mind” that is capable to consider the most diverse ele-ments of social reality.

Conceptualizing symbolic as the prototype of political, one can speak about the “coexistence imagi-nal power” as a constant in the bizarre progress of human history, due to which the underworld communities have the institutional power. This power can be channelled by the established power,

14 but it does not cease to exert its latent pressure on it. From time to time, this pressure comes out in a rigid form of explosion and makes rising a new era (modern in particular), within which social evo-lution results in the implosion.

The inversional interpretation of everyday life that removes the binary opposition between sacred and profane together with the method of “tribal empathy” allows us to speak about the transfor-mation from the “individual” into a “persona” using the “masks” as the polyfunctional characteris-tics and from the “groups” or “organizations” into the “tribe”, which is understood as a micro-community with free membership, or as a intersubjectivity based on affect, most often spontaneous, dispersed, unstable consolidation of sociality. A distinctive feature of tribes reveals in their “imma-nent transcendence” - a condition in which the sociality transcends its members, but the sociality itself stays not transcended. At the same time, the borders of the mass and the tribe are extremely unstable and not clear, due to the “constant oncoming traffic” and the change of “masks”.

Hereby the processes of sensationalization, mythologization and the revival of the territory, body, orgies, spectacle and enjoyment values designate a regression to the archaic and constitutes sociality as a daily occurrence.

Annex 2

REQUIREMENT TO THE RESEARCH ARTICLES for publication in the specialized collection of research papers “Public Administration”

and collection of papers by the winners and the best authors of the contest of young scholars

General key points

manuscript should be sent to Prof. Afonin’s E-mail: deadline – 15 April 2017 file is marked by the name and surname of the author manuscript is sent together with a photo as a separate file (.jpg standard), preferably official or

in office, resolution over 800 Кb, size 10х12 cm) manuscript should be marked with UDC (designated by bibliograph) personal number of the ORCID system is obligatory added to the manuscript

( and Web of Science Researcher ID (, which can be obtained by the author after respective registration

The competitive papers will be printed in the original language in a special collection of academic papers of the winners and the best authors of the V International Contest of Young Scholars. In addi-tion, the works of the winners of the contest will be printed together with the main papers of the par-ticipants of TMS-2017 in English in the professional collection of papers “Public Administration”. The editors of the collection are working on the issue of its inclusion to the authoritative world sci-ence-based, bibliographic and reference databases SciVerse Scopus, Web of Science and the list of professional academic publications in the field of “Public Administration”. The collection is pub-lished in two languages (original and English). In the printed version, the collection is completed with publications in English, and in the electronic version – in Ukrainian with publication on the website of the public academic organization “Ukrainian Assembly of Doctors of Sciences in Public Administration”

Under the condition that the article is submitted to the collection in two languages, the publication of the article is free, and in the absence of an English translation it will cost the author 55 UAH for 1 page, A4 format for the purpose of its professional translation into English. The editors reserve the right to edit the articles. The amount and requisites for payment for the translation of the article into English will be sent to the author(s) only after the article has been edited by the editorial board of the collection.

The content requirement for the manuscript

15 The paper should be written on the topical theme of public administration, use archetypal methodol-ogy and to solve problems in provision of strategy or mechanisms for resolving conflicts in the world today.

The structure of the research paper (according to the requirements of VAK): UDC index in the upper left corner of the sheet (Times New Roman, 14 pt., Italic) an empty string (Times New Roman, 14 pt.) Full name of the author (co-authors, not more than three), academic degree, academic title, po-

sition, place of work, address of the place of work with indication of the postal code, e-mail of the author, contact phone, width, in the language of the article (Times New Roman, 14 Fri.) ORCID, in the lower right corner of the sheet (Times New Roman, 14 pt., Italics) an empty string (Times New Roman, 14 pt.) title of the article - in capital letters, centered, in the language of the article (Times New Ro-

man, 14 pt., Bold). The title of the article is submitted without the use of highly specialized abbre-viations, a dot at the end of the title is not put; an empty string (Times New Roman, 14 pt.) Abstract (1500-2000 characters), in the language of the article (Times New Roman, 14 pt.). an empty string (Times New Roman, 14 pt); Keywords (3-10 words), in the language of the article (Times New Roman, 14 pt).


RUSSIAN AND ENGLISH LANGUAGES BEFORE THE PAPER Empty string (Times New Roman, 14 pt., Bold) Problem setting (Times New Roman, 14 pt., Bold) Recent research and publications analysis (Times New Roman, 14 pt., Bold) The paper objectives (Times New Roman, 14 pt., Bold) The paper main body (Times New Roman, 14 pt., Bold) Conclusions of the research and prospects for further research (Times New Roman, 14 pt.,

Bold) References in the end of the paper according to DSTU 7.1:2006 (Times New Roman, 14 pt.,


Research paper layout

all statistics should be supported by references to sources all quotations must end with references to sources references to textbooks and popular science literature are undesirable references to own publications are not welcome and are allowed as exceptions if the publications analysis or hereafter refers to the name of a scholar, his or her publication

should be in the general literature list after the paper secondary citation is not permitted! If you quote Ph. Kotler, then the reference should be to

Kotler, and not to the author who read Kotler list of sources and literature – at least 10 entries in the original languages (except for Chinese,

Japanese, Korean and Arabic, in which case the source is translated into English, indicating the orig-inal language in parentheses) only generally accepted symbols to be used in formulas all tables should be numbered and have a title the terms in the text that are generally accepted and those that are often encountered should be

given an abbreviation (expanded when used for the first time) all figures and diagrams should be numbered and have a title A4 page size, font Times New Roman, font size 14, 1,5 line spacing; margins – 2cm on all

sides preferable size of the paper – 20-24 thousand characters with spaces while building diagrams, consider that the magazine is black and white

16 More information about the collection can be found on the link:

information/ Annex 3

Тарас Плахтій. Методика групових обговорень у форматах двовимірної та тривимірної динамічних мереж

In our publication, “Management of group dynamics in primary cells of socio-political

organizations” ( there was a description of the tools for manage-ment of group dynamics in primary cells of socio-political organizations by introducing the algo-rithms and rules that we proposed for interactions of their members, who together constitute a dy-namic network. Dynamic network is a variable structure of socio-political organizations that organ-izes and keeps in a conflict-free state the interaction of all its members through their cyclical restruc-turing into small groups of different functional purposes according to a certain algorithm, that en-sures the development, harmonization and adoption of collective decisions by the participants in the “equal with equal” positions, and execution – in the plural of temporary hierarchical design, execu-tive and process groups with responsible executors at the head.

The algorithm for developing, agreeing and making collective decisions is developed by combining of two components into one entity:

1) the methods of classical brainstorming, during the first part of which participants put for-ward ideas without criticism, discuss them at the second stage in groups with another composition;

2) the methods of cross-groups that is used in pedagogy, which includes the assimilation in the initial groups of parts of a certain array of information and mutual learning by the participants of these parts in cross-groups.

Conflict-free work of participants is provided by algorithmic reproduction of their interaction not as separate individuals, but as representatives of previously disbanded functional groups – carri-ers of coordinated group decisions. Potential intergroup conflicts are overcome by a continuous change in the composition of cross-groups, which contributes to the formation of a field of trust be-tween all participants and makes it impossible to consolidate the internal group framework.

Implementation of decisions is in accordance with the provisions of modern project and pro-cess management.

The proposed algorithm for developing, agreeing and making collective decisions in a dy-namic network can be used to hold seminars, conferences, conventions, forums – that is events that take place in the form of meetings of large groups of people. Depending on the number of partici-pants in the meetings, a two-dimensional or three-dimensional dynamic network algorithm is used. The choice of the type of dynamic network is based on the calculation, which comes from a well-known thesis about the optimal number of team members – a small group of 7 (+/- 2) people. In so-cial psychology, a group of 5 people is considered to be the most effective as a result of the fact that in such a group there is no formation of a click, and, consequently, it has a low propensity for the appearance of intra-group conflicts. However, as practice shows, a group of 9 people is also quite workable, and the maximum number of one working group should not exceed 12 people. At the same time, the maximum number of issues of equal value for discussion that can be comprehensive-ly discussed by the gathering to develop specific solutions within one session for 2-3 hours should not exceed five issues. With more issues, due to the natural fatigue of participants, the quality of the discussion decreases and, accordingly, the level of solutions developed. Thus, the maximum number of the group that can work in a two-dimensional dynamic network over 5 issues is 40-60 people. As it will be shown below, in a three-dimensional dynamic network, which can integrate up to 12 two-dimensional dynamic networks, more than 700 participants can work simultaneously. In certain cas-es, by complicating the algorithm and increasing the discussion time, the number of issues and the number of working groups, and also increasing the discussion time, one can involve up to two thou-sand participants into the joint work. And it is assumed that all the participants involved will be able to discuss all the issues posed. In case when this restriction is not mandatory, the number of issues

17 can be increased to several dozen, and the number of participants can be increased from several hun-dred to several thousand people.

We shall note that for each individual case of teamwork, a network type is chosen as part of a large group of participants and an optimal algorithm for its work is designed, the quantitative com-position of the working groups is determined, and the personal protocols of the participants are formed.

Scheme 1.

The algorithm for the operation of a two-dimensional dynamic network

The two-dimensional dynamic network, which is presented in Scheme 1, includes the fol-lowing steps of work:

1. Plenary session, where the task is set, the presentation of the methods of joint work and the division of participants into profile groups are made. For this, participants are structured into small groups of approximately the same size in accordance with their competence in the areas or profiles of activities or other criteria that are determined by the type of tasks to be addressed. The duration of the first step is 10-30 minutes.

2. Work in profile groups by the method of brainstorming, when participants discuss tasks and generate alternatives or components of solutions without their critical analysis. This allows you to almost completely avoid conflicts, which positively affects the relationship between participants and contributes to the creative self-realization of each of them. The result of work in the second step is a list of alternatives or components of the solution, developed by the group, in the personal proto-col of each participant. The duration of the second step is 20-40 minutes and depends on the com-plexity of the profile questions.

3. Work in cross-sections, each participant of which represents his or her own profile group. They take turns reporting on the produced alternatives or components of decisions in their profile groups and in the process of discussion they receive comments, criticisms, advice, additions, new alternatives or components of decisions from colleagues that they contribute to the personal protocol.

Cross-section work corresponds to the second stage of the brainstorming procedure – dis-cussing the alternatives or making decisions in the groups with other participants. A special feature of this step is an unbiased critique by the cross-sections participants of the made alternatives or com-ponents of a solution from an impersonal list – as they did not participate in their development and, therefore, were not personally interested in promoting one of them to consolidate their rank. In such circumstances, the speaker has the opportunity to assess the attitude of colleagues to each of the al-ternatives or components of the solution presented to them without regard to their authorship and to obtain additional information in the discussion process. And in cross-section groups everyone in turn acts as a speaker from own profile group, and as an expert, which, along with other experts, discuss-es the panel's report.

Since each of the speakers is the carrier of opinion of the profile group (in this case – a carri-er of a set of produced alternatives or components of solutions), not a single member of the cross-section group is able in an irrational way – due to his or her charisma, authority or psychologically emotional impact, to force the speaker to change this opinion. Even the collective opinion of the

18 cross-group cannot outweigh the opinion of the profile group, since the latter consists of the most competent participants of this profile.

Described distribution of role positions for interaction of participants in cross-group and the algorithm for their interleaving eliminates the conflicts that accompany the ranking process and de-termine the expression of opinion leaders, stabilizes the dynamics of socio-psychological processes in the group; it gives each participant of the primary focus the opportunity to efficiently influence the formation of the solutions during the discussion of alternatives or their components, and it also al-lows all participants to develop their own positions for each alternative or component of solutions based on the analysis of all available information, which circulates freely in the organization and is based on a comparison of different positions both groups as a whole, and the position of each partic-ular colleague. The duration of the third step is 30-60 minutes and depends on the number and com-plexity of the profile issues.

4. Work in the initial profile groups in which participants summarize, discuss and agree all the information received in the cross-sections and on its basis, they produce a draft (or alternative projects) of the final solution and select or appoint a speaker. The peculiarity of the work at this stage is a cardinal change in the status of the participants – now each of them represents his or her own cross-group, that strengthens his or her position and neutralizes the pressure from both potential informal leaders and group pressure in general, eliminating the need for conformist behaviour. This allows each participant to actively oppose even recognized authorities, which would be impossible in a group with classical dynamics for the flow of socio-psychological processes. The duration of the fourth step is 20-40 minutes and depends on the complexity of the profile issues.

5. Plenary session, during which the representatives of the profile groups announce the agreed drafts of their solutions, that are adopted by consensus or, if necessary, put to the vote with-out discussion and are adopted by a qualified majority of 2/3 or 3/4 – depending on the requirements for the adoption of that or another type of solution. The duration of the fifth step is 20-40 minutes and depends on the number and size of draft solutions.

The optimum duration of a two-dimensional dynamic network is 2-3 hours and it depends on the number of participants and the number and size of issues introduced for discussion.

The three-dimensional dynamic network includes the first four steps of the work of a set of two-dimensional dynamic networks, implemented simultaneously, as well as additional steps to harmonize the developed solutions.

For example, Scheme 2 presents an algorithm for the operation of a three-dimensional dy-namic network for discussion of four profile issues, which is formed on the basis of three two-dimensional dynamic networks. Below there are four additional steps that allow the participants of such a meeting to discuss all the issues raised and agree a common solution for each of them (the numbering of steps is continued after the first four steps of a two-dimensional dynamic network).

5. Work in matching groups in which each participant of the same profile groups of different two-dimensional dynamic networks presents the results of their work in the form of a draft(s) solu-tion. In the process of presentation, other participants discover identities and differences with their own draft solutions and note them in personal protocols. Personality conflicts during work in the matching groups are blocked by the mechanisms described above for cross-groups. The duration of the step is 30-60 minutes and it depends on the number and complexity of the profile issues.

6. Work in the initial profile groups in which participants summarize and discuss all the in-formation received in the matching groups and on its basis, they develop their proposals for the pro-ject (or alternative projects) of the final solution and select or appoint a member of the editorial board – a representative of their profile group. Conflict blocking occurs according to the mecha-nisms that were described for step 4 of a two-dimensional dynamic network. The duration of the step is 20-40 minutes and depends on the complexity of the profile issues.

7. The work of the editorial board in the composition of groups, the number of which corre-sponds to the number of issues submitted for discussion. Participants of each of them represent the corresponding profile groups of parallel two-dimensional dynamic networks. In the process of dis-cussion, they agree on a joint draft(s) of the final solution, that are then copied for all participants. Personal conflicts during the work of the editorial board are blocked by the mechanisms described

19 above for cross-groups. If necessary (for example, to agree draft solutions on various profile issues) and if time permits, the work of the editorial board can occur according to the algorithm of the two-dimensional dynamic network. The duration of the work of the editorial board is from 30 to 120 minutes and depends on the number and complexity of the profile issues discussed.

8. Plenary session, during which representatives of specialized groups of the editorial board declare agreed draft solutions that are adopted by consensus or, if necessary, put to the vote without discussion and are adopted by a qualified majority of 2/3 or 3/4 – depending on the requirements for the adoption of one or other type of solutions. The duration of the fifth step is 30-60 minutes and depends on the number and size of draft solutions.

Scheme 2.

The algorithm for the operation of a three-dimensional dynamic network

The optimal working time of a three-dimensional dynamic network is 4-7 hours and it de-pends on the number of two-dimensional dynamic networks underlying it, and the number and size of issues discussed.

An example of the personal protocol for the operation of a three-dimensional dynamic net-work is shown in Scheme 3.

Scheme 3.

Personal protocol of work of the participant of the three-dimensional dynamic network


Annex 4


ТМS-2017 will be welcomed by the National Academy for Public Administration under the Presi-dent of Ukraine (NAPA: 03057, Kyiv, 12/2, Pugacheva Str.), which is situated near “Lukianivska” Metro Station (№ 312 according to the lines of Kyiv Metro)

Кафедра політичної аналі-тики та прогнозування НАДУ. , адреса: вул. Софії Перовської, 5, 10 поверх, кімн. 1000.

тел./факс: +38 044 455 6763 (методист – Олійник Інна Михайлівна) моб. +38 067 244 4659 (наук. кер. ТМС – Афонін Едуард Андрійович)


Kyiv Railway Station – NAPA hotel (36/1 Melnykova Str.): – NAPA academic building (NAPA, 12/2, Pugacheva Str.): “Vokzalna” Metro Station (117) – “Teatrakna” Metro Station (119) – transfer to “Zoloti vorota” Metro Station (314) – “Lukianivska” Metro Station (312) – trolleybus / public taxi bus №№ 16, 19, 23 from “Lukianivska” bus stop to “Puhachova” bus stop – 36/1 Melnykova Str. (NAPA hotel).
