Simple Present Tense I. Simple Present Tense ( Verbal ) adalah kalimat yang digunakan untuk menyatakan kegiatan sehari-hari. Example : memasak = cooks FORMULA : (+) Subject + V1 + s/es + adverb (-) Subject + do/does + not + V1 + adverb (?) Do/Does + subject + V1 + adverb ? Note : 1. Subject : Orangnya (She, He, It, I, You, We, They). 2. V1 : kata kerja bentuk pertama. Contoh : cook. 3. s/es : tambahan sesuai singular dan pluralnya. 4. Adverb : keterangan. Subject : ¿ I You We They Anton , Dina , Ardi } Do Example : (+) She cooks breakfast every morning. (-) She does not cook breakfast every morning. (?) Does she cook breakfast every morning ? Yes, She does. No, She does not. Change the sentences into Negative (-) and Introgative (?) ! 1. (+) Father reads newspaper every morning. (-) (?)

Buku bahasa inggris untuk SD

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Page 1: Buku bahasa inggris untuk SD

Simple Present TenseI. Simple Present Tense ( Verbal )

adalah kalimat yang digunakan untuk menyatakan kegiatan sehari-hari.

Example : memasak = cooks


(+) Subject + V1 + s/es + adverb

(-) Subject + do/does + not + V1 + adverb

(?) Do/Does + subject + V1 + adverb ?

Note :1. Subject : Orangnya (She, He, It, I, You, We, They).2. V1 : kata kerja bentuk pertama. Contoh : cook.3. s/es : tambahan sesuai singular dan pluralnya.4. Adverb : keterangan.

Subject :


IYouWeT h ey

Anton ,Dina , Ardi}Do

Example : (+) She cooks breakfast every morning.(-) She does not cook breakfast every morning.(?) Does she cook breakfast every morning ?

Yes, She does.No, She does not.

Change the sentences into Negative (-) and Introgative (?) !

1. (+) Father reads newspaper every morning.



Yes, ... No, ...

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2. (+) They plays football every day.



Yes, ... No, ...

3. (+) My mother buys some vegetables in the market.



Yes, ... No, ...

4. (+) I studies the lessons in the school every day.



Yes, ... No, ...

5. (+) He cleans the blackboard.



Yes, ... No, ...

6. (+) We learns English every noon.



Yes, ... No, ...

7. (+) She goes to school every day.



Yes, ... No, ...

Page 3: Buku bahasa inggris untuk SD

There Is / There Are(Kalimat Tunjuk)

1. This is : Ini adalah (benda dekat/tunggal).

2. These are : Ini adalah (benda dekat/jamak).

3. That is : Itu adalah (benda jauh/tunggal).

4. Those are : Itu adalah (benda jauh/jamak).

5. There is : Ada (untuk tunggal).

6. There are : Ada (untuk jamak).

Note :

Tunggal : hanya 1 benda.

Jamak : lebih dari 1 benda.

Example :

1. Ada sebuah buku. There is a book.

2. Ini adalah tiga ekor sapi. These are three cows.

Translate the sentences to be an English !

1. Itu adalah sepuluh ekor domba : ...............................................

2. Ada tujuh tangkai mawar : ...............................................

3. Ini adalah sebuah tas : ...............................................

4. Itu adalah sebuah penghapus : ...............................................

5. Itu adalah dua buah pensil : ...............................................

6. Ini adalah dua butir telur : ...............................................

7. Ada sebuah payung : ...............................................

8. Ini adalah lima ekor kucing : ...............................................

9. Ini adalah sebuah rautan : ...............................................

10. Ada sepuluh ekor jerapah : ...............................................

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Pengertian A & An

A dan An : memiliki arti yang sama yaitu, seorang, seekor, setangkai, sebuah, sebutir,

dan lain-lain (yang artinya hanya 1 benda).

A : digunakan untuk kata yang berawalan huruf consonant (huruf mati).Example : a book, a pen, a cat.

An : digunakan untuk kata yang berawalan huruf vocal (huruf hidup), yaitu : a, i, u, e, o.

Example : an eraser.

Fill the blanks with A or An !

1. .......... Tiger.

2. .......... Umbrella.

3. .......... Buffalo.

4. .......... Ice cream.

5. .......... Rose.

6. .......... Sheep.

7. .......... Egg.

8. .......... Eagle.

9. .......... Pen.

10. .......... Orange.

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Singular and Plural1. Singular : artinya satu / tunggal.

Example : one cat, one house, one student.

2. Plural : artinya banyak / lebih dari satu dan selalu diberi tambahan s/es dibelakang kata.

Example : five houses, twenty dogs, many students.

Beberapa contoh kata yang menggunakan tambahan s :

Singular (Tunggal) Terjemahan Plural (Jamak) Terjemahan

Rabbit Kelinci Rabbits Kelinci-kelinci

The boy Anak laki-laki The boys Banyak anak laki-laki

The girl Anak perempuan The girlsBanyak anak


Orange Jeruk Oranges Jeruk-jeruk

Beberapa contoh kata yang menggunakan tambahan es :

Singular (Tunggal) Terjemahan Plural (Jamak) Terjemahan

Bus Bis Buses Bis-bis

Glass Gelas Glasses Gelas-gelas

Potato Kentang Potatoes Kentang-kentang

Box Tinju Boxes Tinju

Beberapa contoh perubahan kata menjadi bentuk jamak :

Singular (Tunggal) Terjemahan Plural (Jamak) Terjemahan

Tooth Gigi Teeth Gigi-gigi

Child Anak Children Anak-anak

Knife Pisau Knives Pisau-pisau

Foot Kaki Feet Kaki-kaki

Sheep Domba Sheep Domba

Man Pria Woman Pria-pria

Woman Wanita Women Wanita-wanita

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Make these words Plural !

1. Glass : ........................

2. Child : ........................

3. Table : ........................

4. Fox : ........................

5. Bus : ........................

6. Horse : ........................

7. Tomato : ........................

8. Car : ........................

9. Knife : ........................

10. Window : ........................

Make these words Singular !

1. Women : ........................

2. Guitars : ........................

3. Lessons : ........................

4. Matches : ........................

5. Teeth : ........................

6. Chairs : ........................

7. Buffaloes : ........................

8. Oranges : ........................

9. Owls : ........................

10. Kitties : ........................

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Foods and Drinks(Makanan dan Minuman)

1. A glass of : Segelas.2. A cup of : Secangkir.3. A bottle of : Sebotol.4. A plate of : Sepiring.5. A bowl of : Semangkuk.6. A Tin of coke : Sekaleng minuman bersoda.7. A Can of candy : Sekaleng permen.8. A loaf of bread : Sepapan roti.9. A bar of chocolate : Sebatang cokelat.10. A slice of cheese : Seiris keju.11. A piece of : Sepotong.

Note : A tin of : hanya berlaku untuk minuman / bena cair. A can of : berlaku untuk diisi dengan benda padat, seperti kelereng.

Beberapa contoh makanan dan minuman :Foods (Makanan) Terjemahan Drinks (Minuman) Terjemahan

Meatball Bakso Fresh water Air putihBread Roti Milk Susu

Porridge Bubur Coffee KopiDoughnut Donat Tea Teh

Cake Kue Syrup SirupChocolate Cokelat Coke Minuman bersoda

Cheese Keju Orange juice Jus jerukFried rice Nasi goreng Ice tea Es teh

Translate into English !

1. Segelas air putih : ..........................................

2. Secangkir kopi : ..........................................

3. Sebotol susu : ..........................................

4. Sepiring ikan : ..........................................

5. Sebatang cokelat : ..........................................

6. Semangkuk mie goreng : ..........................................

7. Sekaleng biskuit : ..........................................

8. Sepotong kue : ..........................................

9. Secangkir teh : ..........................................

10. Semangkuk bakso : ..........................................

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Simple Present Continous Tense

Simple Present Continous : yaitu kalimat yang digunakan pada kejadian / peristiwa yang

sedang berlangsung.

Example : Belajar = Study + ing = Studying.

Formula :

(+) Subject + to be (is, am are) + V1 + ing + adverb.

(-) Subject + to be + not + V1 + ing + adverb.

(?) To be + subject + V1 + ing + adverb.

Subject :

¿ ¿ I }am

Example :

(+) Anton is studying English now.

(-) Anton is not studying English now.

(?) Is Anton studying English now?

Yes, he is.

No, he is not.

Make the sentences Negative (-) and Introgative (?) !

1. (+) My brother is sleeping in the bedroom.



Yes, ...

No, ...

2. (+) Yordan and Evand are buying some pencils.



Yes, ...

No, ...

3. (+) I am sweeping the floor.



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Yes, ...

No, ...

4. (+) Yanuar is reading a book now.



Yes, ...

No, ...

5. (+) Mr Zaenal is repairing his car.



Yes, ...

No, ...

6. (+) You are writing a letter.



Yes, ...

No, ...

7. (+) They are playing football in the yard.



Yes, ...

No, ...

8. (+) My brother is swimming in the beach.



Yes, ...

No, ...

9. (+) We are singing in the classroom.



Yes, ...

No, ...


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( Kata Depan )1. On : diatas (menempel).2. Above : diatas (tidak menempel).3. In : di dalam.4. Under : di bawah.5. Beside : di samping.6. Behind : di belakang.7. Between : di antara.8. Among : di antara (2orang / benda).9. In front of : di depan.10. Near : di dekat.

Example :

Buku ada diatas meja. The book is on the table.

Bola-bola ada di bawah kursi. The balls are under the chair.

Translate these sentences below into English !

1. Kacamata ada disamping buku.2. Rina ada diantara Dewi dan Andi.3. Tempat sampah ada disamping kebun.4. Jam ada di dinding.5. Air putih ada didalam gelas.6. Sapu ada dibelakang pintu.7. Papan tulis ada didepan meja.8. Murid-murid bermain sepak bola di lapangan.9. Kucing-kucing ada dibawah meja.10. Ayahku membaca koran di ruang tamu.

Time ( Waktu )

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1. Half : 30 menit ( jarum panjang tepat di angka 6 ).2. Quarter : 15 menit ( jarum panjang tepat diangka 3 atau 9 ).3. To : jika jarum panjang masih di sekitar angka 7-11.4. Past : jika jarum panjang masih di sekitar angka 1-6.5. O’clock : tepat (jarum panjang epat di angka 12 ).

Example :

1. 07.30 = half past seven.

2. O9.45 = 10 kurang 15 menit = a quarter to ten.

3. 09.00 = nine o’clock.

Change these times below sentences !

1. 18.20 :

2. 07.05 :

3. 10.30 :

4. 15.15 :

5. 21.50 :

6. 16.20 :

WH – Questions

11 12 1 10 2

9 . 3 8 4 7 6 5

11 12 1 10 2

9 . 3 8 4 7 6 5

11 12 1 10 2

9 . 3 8 4 7 6 5

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( Kalimat Tanya )1. What : Apa.

2. When : Kapan.

3. Where : Dimana.

4. Why : Mengapa.

5. Who : Siapa.

6. Whose : Milik siapa.

7. Which : Yang mana.

8. How : Bagaimana / berapa / betapa.

9. How many : Berapa banyak ( dapat dihitung ).

10. How much : Berapa banyak ( tidak dapat dihitung ).

11. How diligent : Betapa rajin.

Example :

Question : What is your name? Siapa (Apa) namamu?

Answered : My name is Rina. Nama saya Rina.

Read the text below and answer the questions !

My name is Charles. I am ten years old, i am a student of elementary school. My father is Mr. Hendra, he is a doctor. My mother is Mrs. Lina, she is an english teacher. I have two brothers, Gilang and Randy. And one sister, Shinta. And my neighbour is near my house, my uncle’s house. The name is Rudy, he has wife. The name is Tuti. And have two son, Bernard and Chiko. Everyday we always plays football together. We are happy family.

1. What is Charles ?2. How old is he ?3. What is the name of Mr. Hendra’s wife ?4. Who is Chiko and Bernard ?5. What is Mrs. Lina ?6. How many Charles’s brother ?7. What is the name of Mrs. Tuti’s husband ?8. Who is Charles’s cousin ?9. Where is Mr. Rudy’s house ?10. Who is Mr. Rudy ?

Simple Past Tense

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Simple past : digunakan untuk kejadian / peristiwa yang terjadi di masa lampau

Example : Yesterday.

Formula :

(+) Subject + V2 + Adverb.

(-) Subject + Did+ Not + V1 + Adverb.

(?) Did + Subject + V1 + Adverb.

Example :

(+) He slept here last night.

(-) He did not sleep here last night.

(?) Did he sleep here last night ?

Yes, he did.

No, he did not.

Change these sentences into Negative (-) and Introgative (?) !

1. (+) They came to your house last week.



Yes, ...

No, ...

2. (+) Father went to Sangata last noon.



Yes, ...

No, ...

3. (+) She drank a bottle of milk last evening.



Yes, ...

No, ...

4. (+) We played football yesterday.


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Yes, ...

No, ...

5. (+) I ran in the city last morning.



Yes, ...

No, ...

6. (+) My mother cooked fried chiken last noon.



Yes, ...

No, ...

7. (+) I saw you in the hospital last month.



Yes, ...

No, ...

8. (+) Anton bought some books last noon.



Yes, ...

No, ...

9. (+) Rina, Ardi, and George watched movie last week.



Yes, ...

No, ...

10. (+) He wrote a letter last year.



Yes, ...

No, ...

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Ordinal Number( Bilangan Bertingkat )

Number Abbreviation ( Singkatan )

Ordinal Number Meaning ( Terjemahan )

1 1st First Kesatu ( Pertama )2 2nd Second Kedua3 3rd Third Ketiga4 4th Fourth Keempat5 5th Fifth Kelima6 6th Sixth Keenam7 7th Seventh Ketujuh8 8th Eighth Kedelapan9 9th Ninth Kesembilan

10 10th Tenth Kesepuluh11 11th Eleventh Kesebelas12 12th Twelfth Keduabelas13 13th Thirteenth Ketigabelas14 14th Fourteenth Keempatbelas15 15th Fifteenth Kelimabelas16 16th Sixteenth Keenambelas17 17th Seventeenth Ketujuhbelas18 18th Eighteenth Kedelapanbelas19 19th Nineteenth Kesembilanbelas20 20th Twentieth Keduapuluh

Fill the blanks with ordinal number !

1. March is the ................... month of the year.

2. Saturday is the ................... day of the week.

3. Four is the ................ number.

4. We are celebrate the Independence day on ................. month of the year.

5. December is the ................... month of the year.

6. February is the .................. month of the year.

7. Ten is the ................ number.

8. Soekarno is the .................... Precident.

9. Monday is the ................... day of the week.

10. May is the ................... month of the year.

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Season & Weather( Musim dan Cuaca )

Season :1. Spring : musim semi ( warm / hangat ).

2. Summer : musim panas ( hot / panas ).

3. Autumn : musim gugur ( cool / sejuk ).

4. Winter : musim dingin ( cold / dingin ).

Weather :

1. Rainy : hujan.

2. Sunny : Cerah.

3. Cloudy : mendung.

4. Foggy : berkabut.

5. Windy : berangin.

6. Snowy : bersalju.

Example :

Bring the umbrella. The weather is rainy.