Contoh 1: Asalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahi wabarakatuh Greetings to all of us. To the honorable father Siswanto Hadi, who I respect Mr.  Ngadiono, friends father and mother a teacher and elementary school employees Genuk Suran 3 which I loved. First of all let us praise and thank us pray toward the presence of God the Almighty because of all the abundance of His grace and guidance on this day we can gather in this place held a handover ceremony in order to position our elementary school principals Genuk Suran 3. Ladies and Gentlemen, allow me to represent my friends elementary school teachers and employees of State Genuk Suran 3 to deliver a few words in the context of the handover ceremony elementary school principal positions Genuk Suran 3. So far, our school principal of the soon leave our beloved school, the father Siswanto Hadi has provided the best for our school. His effort to make our school is to become a better outcome had appeared, one of our schools get help for classroom development and information technology development for our school. He was a good example and role model for other teachers and for school employees. We hope that Mr Siswanto Hadi can continue his performance in the new school. And we would like to welcome the new headmaster father, Mr.  Ngadiono. Hope we all of course for our schools get much better than the next and of course a favorite school and pride for students who attend school here, and certainly the expectations of teachers and friends Mr Ngadiono school employees may also be a good example and role model for the citizens of the school everything. Hopefully with the turn of this elementary school principals Genuk Suran 3 could be better and remain the pride of us all. Finally, I represent my friends elementary school teachers and employees of State Genuk Suran 3 say good luck to you Siswanto Hadi new school would be, and we extend our welcome to Mr. Ngadiono that on this day will be our new  principal and We hope friends and employees of the school teacher of course SD Negeri 3 can be better under the leadership of the father as head of the school Ngadiono SD Negeri 3 new. So from me and thank you for your time and opportunity given to me. Wasalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.  Bahasa indonesianya : Asalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh Salam sejahtera bagi kita semua. Kepada yang terhormat bapak Siswanto Hadi,

contoh pidato

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Contoh 1:

Asalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Greetings to all of us. To the honorable father Siswanto Hadi, who I respect Mr.

 Ngadiono, friends father and mother a teacher and elementary school employees

Genuk Suran 3 which I loved.First of all let us praise and thank us pray toward the presence of God the

Almighty because of all the abundance of His grace and guidance on this day

we can gather in this place held a handover ceremony in order to position our 

elementary school principals Genuk Suran 3.

Ladies and Gentlemen, allow me to represent my friends elementary school

teachers and employees of State Genuk Suran 3 to deliver a few words in the

context of the handover ceremony elementary school principal positions Genuk 

Suran 3.

So far, our school principal of the soon leave our beloved school, the father 

Siswanto Hadi has provided the best for our school. His effort to make our 

school is to become a better outcome had appeared, one of our schools get help

for classroom development and information technology development for our 

school. He was a good example and role model for other teachers and for school

employees. We hope that Mr Siswanto Hadi can continue his performance in

the new school. And we would like to welcome the new headmaster father, Mr.

 Ngadiono. Hope we all of course for our schools get much better than the next

and of course a favorite school and pride for students who attend school here,and certainly the expectations of teachers and friends Mr Ngadiono school

employees may also be a good example and role model for the citizens of the

school everything. Hopefully with the turn of this elementary school principals

Genuk Suran 3 could be better and remain the pride of us all.

Finally, I represent my friends elementary school teachers and employees of 

State Genuk Suran 3 say good luck to you Siswanto Hadi new school would be,

and we extend our welcome to Mr. Ngadiono that on this day will be our new principal and We hope friends and employees of the school teacher of course

SD Negeri 3 can be better under the leadership of the father as head of the

school Ngadiono SD Negeri 3 new. So from me and thank you for your time

and opportunity given to me.

Wasalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

 Bahasa indonesianya :

Asalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhSalam sejahtera bagi kita semua. Kepada yang terhormat bapak Siswanto Hadi,

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yang saya hormati Bapak Ngadiono, teman-teman bapak dan ibu guru serta para

karyawan sekolah SD Genuk Suran 3 yang saya kasihi.

Pertama-tama mari kita panjatkan puji syukur kita kehadirat Tuhan Yang Maha

Kuasa karena atas segala limpahan rahmat dan hidayah-Nya pada hari ini kita

dapat berkumpul ditempat ini guna mengadakan acara serah terima jabatankepala sekolah kita SD Genuk Suran 3.

Para hadirin yang saya hormati, ijinkanlah saya mewakili teman-teman guru dan

karyawan sekolah SD Negeri Genuk Suran 3 untuk menyampaikan sepatah dua

 patah kata dalam rangka acara serah terima jabatan kepala sekolah SD Genuk 

Suran 3.

Selama ini kepala sekolah kita yang sebentar lagi meninggalkan sekolah tercinta

kita ini, bapak Siswanto Hadi telah memberikan yang terbaik untuk sekolah

kita. Usaha beliau untuk menjadikan sekolah kita ini untuk menjadi lebih baik 

telah menampakkan hasil, salah satunya sekolah kita mendapatkan bantuanuntuk pengembangan kelas dan pengembangan teknologi informasi bagi

sekolah kita. Beliau pun menjadi contoh dan panutan yang baik bagi guru-guru

yang lain dan bagi karyawan sekolah. Kami berharap semoga Bapak Siswanto

Hadi dapat meneruskan prestasinya di sekolah yang baru. Dan kami

mengucapkan selamat datang kepada bapak kepala sekolah yang baru yaitu

 bapak Ngadiono. Harapan kami semua tentunya agar sekolah kita ini bisa lebih

 baik lagi kedepan dan tentunya menjadi sekolah favorit dan kebanggaan bagi

siswa yang bersekolah disini, dan tentunya harapan dari teman-teman guru dan

karyawan sekolah Bapak Ngadiono dapat pula menjadi contoh dan panutan

yang baik bagi warga sekolah semuanya. Mudah-mudahan dengan pergantian

kepala sekolah ini SD Genuk Suran 3 bisa menjadi lebih baik dan tetap menjadi

kebanggaan kita semua.

Akhir kata, saya mewakili teman-teman guru dan karyawan sekolah SD Negeri

Genuk Suran 3 mengucapkan semoga sukses untuk bapak Siswanto Hadi di

sekolah yang baru nantinya, dan kami ucapkan selamat datang kepada bapak 

 Ngadiono yang pada hari ini akan menjadi kepala sekolah kita yang baru dan

harapan kami teman-teman guru dan para karyawan sekolah tentunya SD

 Negeri 3 bisa menjadi lebih baik lagi dibawah kepemimpinan bapak Ngadiono

sebagai kepala sekolah SD Negeri 3 yang baru. Sekian dari saya dan terimakasih atas waktu dan kesempatan yang telah diberikan kepada saya.

Wasalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

Contoh 2:

Dear Mr. Principal, Mr. and Mrs. Teacher, and friends that I love.

First of all let us pray toward praise gratitude to God Almighty for His grace

over all on this day we can gather together to hold a farewell ceremony school.

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Ladies and Gentlemen, allow me to represent my friends to convey a few words

in the context of this separation.

During school, we as students are very proud and grateful to all teachers who

have taught at this school, which very well, never favoritism in educating, very patient and tireless in guiding us. Thanks to the efforts of all teachers, we were

able to graduate from junior high.

I hope all the teachers in charge of teaching at this school can be given good

health and happiness always given.

Also for teman2 all. Really it's hard to part with you all, because we've

 bersama2 for 3 years. But still I also pray teman2 all can move on to higher 

education, both to high school, to CMS, the STM and other educationalinstitutions to be able to achieve so far diangan2kan cita2.

Finally, I would say success is always made teman2, my prayer accompanies

teman2 all

Bahasa indonesianya:

Yang terhormat Bapak Kepala Sekolah, Bapak dan Ibu Guru, serta teman-teman

yang saya cintai.

Pertama-tama marilah kita panjatkan puji syukur ke hadirat Tuhan Yang Maha

Esa karena atas segala rahmat-Nya pada hari ini kita dapat berkumpul bersama

guna mengadakan acara perpisahan sekolah.

Para hadirin yang saya hormati, ijinkan saya mewakili teman-teman untuk 

menyampaikan sepatah dua patah kata dalam rangka perpisahan ini.

Selama bersekolah, kami sebagai siswa sangat bangga dan berterima kasih

dengan semua guru yang telah mengajar di sekolah ini, yang dengan sangat

 baik, tidak pernah pilih kasih dalam mendidik, sangat sabar dan tidak kenal

lelah dalam membimbing kami. Berkat jerih payah semua guru, kami pun dapat

lulus dari SMP ini.

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Mudah-mudahan semua guru yang bertugas mengajar di sekolah ini dapat

diberikan kesehatan yang baik dan diberi kebahagiaan selalu.

Juga untuk teman2 semua. Sungguh berat rasanya berpisah dengan kalian

semua, karena kita sudah bersama2 selama 3 tahun ini. Tapi tetap saya juga

mendoakan teman2 semua dapat melanjutkan ke pendidikan yang lebih tinggi,

 baik ke SMA, ke SMK, ke STM maupun institusi pendidikan lainnya untuk 

dapat mencapai cita2 yang selama ini diangan2kan.