Bahasa Inggris / English Bahasa Inggris adalah bahasa Jermanik Barat, yang berasal dari Inggris. Bahasa ini merupakan kombinasi antara beberapa bahasa lokal yang dipakai oleh orang-orang Norwegia, Denmark, dan Anglo-Saxon dari abad ke-6 sampai 10. Lalu pada tahun 1066 dengan ditaklukkan Inggris oleh William the Conqueror, sang penakluk dari Normandia, Perancis Utara, maka bahasa Inggris dengan sangat intensif mulai dipengaruhi bahasa Latin dan bahasa Perancis. Dari seluruh kosakata bahasa Inggris modern, diperkirakan ±50% berasal dari bahasa Perancis dan Latin. English is a West Germanic language, originating from England. This language is a combination of several local languages are used by people of Norway, Denmark, and the Anglo-Saxons from the 6th century to 10. Then in in 1066 with the conquest of England by William the Conqueror, the conqueror of Normandy, Northern France, the English began to be influenced by very intensive Latin and French. Of all the vocabulary of modern English language, estimated to ± 50% came from French and Latin. Sejarah bahasa Inggris / History of the English language Sejarah bahasa Inggris bermula dari lahirnya bahasa Inggris di pulau Britania kurang lebih 1.500 tahun yang lalu. Bahasa Inggris adalah sebuah bahasa Jermanik Barat yang berasal dari dialek-dialek Anglo- Frisia yang dibawa ke pulau Britania oleh para imigran Jermanik dari beberapa bagian barat laut daerah yang sekarang disebut Belanda dan Jerman. Pada awalnya, bahasa Inggris Kuno adalah sekelompok dialek yang mencerminkan asal-usul beragam kerajaan-kerajaan Anglo-Saxon di Inggris. Salah satu dialek ini, Saxon Barat akhirnya yang berdominasi. Lalu bahasa Inggris Kuno yang asli kemudian dipengaruhi oleh dua gelombang invasi.

Bahasa Inggris

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Page 1: Bahasa Inggris

Bahasa Inggris / English

Bahasa Inggris adalah bahasa Jermanik Barat, yang berasal dari Inggris. Bahasa ini merupakan kombinasi antara beberapa bahasa lokal yang dipakai oleh orang-orang Norwegia, Denmark, dan Anglo-Saxon dari abad ke-6 sampai 10. Lalu pada tahun 1066 dengan ditaklukkan Inggris oleh William the Conqueror, sang penakluk dari Normandia, Perancis Utara, maka bahasa Inggris dengan sangat intensif mulai dipengaruhi bahasa Latin dan bahasa Perancis. Dari seluruh kosakata bahasa Inggris modern, diperkirakan ±50% berasal dari bahasa Perancis dan Latin.

English is a West Germanic language, originating from England. This language is a combination of several local languages are used by people of Norway, Denmark, and the Anglo-Saxons from the 6th century to 10. Then in in 1066 with the conquest of England by William the Conqueror, the conqueror of Normandy, Northern France, the English began to be influenced by very intensive Latin and French. Of all the vocabulary of modern English language, estimated to ± 50% came from French and Latin.

Sejarah bahasa Inggris / History of the English language

Sejarah bahasa Inggris bermula dari lahirnya bahasa Inggris di pulau Britania kurang lebih 1.500 tahun yang lalu. Bahasa Inggris adalah sebuah bahasa Jermanik Barat yang berasal dari dialek-dialek Anglo-Frisia yang dibawa ke pulau Britania oleh para imigran Jermanik dari beberapa bagian barat laut daerah yang sekarang disebut Belanda dan Jerman. Pada awalnya, bahasa Inggris Kuno adalah sekelompok dialek yang mencerminkan asal-usul beragam kerajaan-kerajaan Anglo-Saxon di Inggris. Salah satu dialek ini, Saxon Barat akhirnya yang berdominasi. Lalu bahasa Inggris Kuno yang asli kemudian dipengaruhi oleh dua gelombang invasi.

Gelombang invasi pertama adalah invasi para penutur bahasa dari cabang Skandinavia keluarga bahasa Jerman. Mereka menaklukkan dan menghuni beberapa bagian Britania pada abad ke-8 dan ke-9.

Lalu gelombang invasi kedua ini ialah suku Norman pada abad ke-11 yang bertuturkan sebuah dialek bahasa Perancis. Kedua invasi ini mengakibatkan bahasa Inggris "bercampur" sampai kadar tertentu (meskipun tidak pernah menjadi sebuah bahasa campuran secara harafiah).

Hidup bersama dengan anggota sukubangsa Skandinavia akhirnya menciptakan simplifikasi tatabahasa dan pengkayaan inti Anglo-Inggris dari bahasa Inggris.

Page 2: Bahasa Inggris

English history began with the birth of the English language on the island of Britain about 1,500 years ago. English is a West Germanic language derived from dialects of Anglo-Frisian islands brought to Britain by Germanic immigrants from several parts of the northwest area now called the Netherlands and Germany. Initially, Old English is a group of dialects that reflect the diverse origins of the kingdoms of the Anglo-Saxons in England. One of these dialects, the West Saxons eventually came to dominate. Then the original Old English language was then influenced by two waves of invasion.

The first wave of invasion is an invasion of the speakers of the language of the Scandinavian branch of a German family. They conquered and colonized parts of Britain in the 8th century and 9th.

Then this is the second invasion wave of interest Norman in the 11th century that spoke a dialect of French. Both the invasion of English has resulted in "mixed" to some degree (although it never became a mixture of literal language.)

Living together with members of ethnic Scandinavian simplification finally create the core grammar and enrichment of the Anglo-British than English.

Bahasa Inggris Purba (Bahasa Inggris Proto) / Ancient English (English Proto)

Suku-sukubangsa Jermanik yang memelopori bahasa Inggris (suku Anglia, Saxon, Frisia, Jute dan mungkin juga Frank), berdagang dengan dan berperang dengan rakyat Kekaisaran Romawi yang menuturkan bahasa Latin dalam proses invasi bangsa Jermanik ke Eropa dari timur. Dengan itu banyak kata-kata Latin yang masuk kosakata bangsa-bangsa Jermanik ini sebelum mereka mencapai pulau Britania. Contohnya antara lain adalah camp (kamp), cheese (keju), cook (memasak), dragon (naga), fork (porok, garpu), giant (raksasa), gem (permata), inch (inci), kettle (ketel), kitchen (dapur), linen (kain linen), mile (mil), mill (kincir angin), noon (siang), oil (oli, minyak), pillow (bantal), pin (paku), pound (pon), soap (sabun), street (jalan), table (meja), wall (tembok), dan wine (anggur). Bangsa Romawi juga memberi bahasa Inggris beberapa kata yang mereka sendiri pinjam dari bahasa-bahasa lain seperti kata-kata: anchor (jangkar), butter (mentega), cat (kucing), chest (dada), devil (iblis), dish (piring, makanan), dan sack (saku).

Menurut Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, sekitar tahun 449, Vortigern, Raja Kepulauan Britania, mengundang "Angle kin" (Suku Anglia yang dipimpin oleh Hengest dan Horsa) untuk menolongnya dalam penengahan konflik dengan suku Pict. Sebagai balasannya, suku Angles diberi tanah di sebelah tenggara Inggris. Liet5uryi 5u6 wsdalu pertolongan selanjutnya dibutuhkan dan sebagai reaksi "datanglah orang-orang dari Ald Seaxum dari Anglum dari Iotum" (bangsa Saxon, suku Anglia, dan suku Jute). Chronicle ini membicarakan masuknya banyak imigran atau pendatang yang akhirnya mendirikan tujuh kerajaan yang disebut dengan istilah heptarchy. Para pakar modern berpendapat bahwa sebagian besar cerita ini merupakan legenda dan memiliki motif politik. Selain itu identifikasi para pendatang di Inggris dengan suku

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Angle, Saxon, dan Jute tidak diterima lagi dewasa ini (Myres, 1986, p. 46 dst.), terutama setelah diterima bahwa bahasa Anglo-Saxon ternyata lebih mirip dengan bahasa Frisia daripada bahasa salah satu sukubangsa yang disebut di atas ini.

Germanic tribe that pioneered-ethnic English (ethnic Anglia, Saxons, Frisians, jute and possibly Frank), trade with and battle with people who said that the Roman Empire Latin, Germanic peoples in the process of invasion into Europe from the east. With that many Latin words entering the vocabulary of this Germanic peoples before they reach the island of Britain. Examples include camp (camp), cheese (cheese), cook (cook), dragon (dragon), fork (porok, fork), giant (giant), gem (gem), inch (inches), Kettle (kettle) , kitchen (kitchen), linen (linen), mile (miles), mill (windmill), noon (lunch), oil (oil, oil), pillow (cushion), pin (nail), pounds (lb), soap (soap), street (street), table (table), wall (wall), and wine (wine). The Romans also gave the English some of their own words borrowed from other languages such as the words: anchor (anchor), butter (butter), cat (cat), chest (chest), devil (demon), dish (plate , food), and Sack (pocket).

According to the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, around the year 449, Vortigern, King of the British Isles, invited the "Angle kin" (Tribe Anglia led by Hengest and Horsa) to help in the mediation of conflict with the tribe Pict. In return, the Angles tribe was given land in the southeast of England. 5u6 Liet5uryi wsdalu further help is needed and in response "came men of Ald Seaxum of Anglum of Iotum" (Saxon nation, tribe Anglia, and Jute tribes.) Chronicle discusses the entry of many immigrants or settlers who eventually established seven kingdoms termed heptarchy. Modern experts argue that most of this story is a legend and has a political motive. In addition, the identification of immigrants in Britain with the tribe Angle, Saxon, and Jute is no longer acceptable today (Myres, 1986, p. 46 ff.), especially after accepted that the Anglo-Saxon language is more similar to the Frisian language than one language Ethnic called on this.

Bahasa Inggris Modern Awal / Early Modern English

Mulai dari abad ke-15, bahasa Inggris berubah menjadi bahasa Inggris Modern, yang seringkali ditarikh bermula dengan Great Vowel Shift (“Pergeseran Bunyi Besar”).

Setelah itu bahasa Inggris mulai banyak mengambil kata-kata pungutan dari bahasa-bahasa asing, terutama bahasa Latin dan bahasa Yunani semenjak zaman Renaisans. Karena banyak kata-kata dipinjam dari bahasa yang berbeda-beda, dan ejaan bahasa Inggris bisa dikatakan tidak konsisten, maka risiko pelafazan salah kata-kata cukup tinggi. Namun sisa-sisa dari bentuk-bentuk yang lebih kuna masih ada pada beberapa dialek regional, terutama pada dialek-dialek di West Country.

Pada tahun 1755 Samuel Johnson menerbitkan kamus penting bahasa Inggris pertama, yang berjudul Dictionary of the English Language.

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Starting from the 15th century, English became Modern English, which often ditarikh begins with the Great vowel Shift ("Great Sound Shift").

After that the English language began many take the words of levies from foreign languages, especially Latin and Greek since the Renaissance. Because many borrowed words from different languages, and English spelling can be said to be inconsistent, then the risk pelafazan wrong words is quite high. But the remnants of the forms a more ancient still exist in some regional dialects, especially in dialects in the West Country.

In 1755 Samuel Johnson published the first English dictionary is important, entitled Dictionary of the Home Language.

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Present Tense / Simple Present Tense

Dalam bahasa Inggris Present Tense atau Simple Present Tense digunakan untuk menyatakan peristiwa atau kejadian, kegiatan, aktivitas dan sebagainya yang terjadi saat ini. Present Tense juga digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu Fakta, atau sesuatu yang tejadi berulang-ulang dimasa KINI. Ingat, PRESENT artinya adalah kini, sekarang.


Positif: S + V1 (s/es)

Negatif: S + DO/DOES + NOT + V1

Tanya: DO/DOES + S + V1

Contoh Kalimat Positif:

I drink coffee

She drinks coffe

We drink coffee

Ya, sengaja pelajaran Tense bahasa inggris ini dibuat simple saja agar cepat faham. Anda perlu mengembangkannya sendiri misalnya dengan membuat 100 contoh sendiri. Pasti Anda perlu kamus juga, karena belajar tenses lalu mentok dengan suatu kata kerja maka biasanya tidak jadi..

Cara Membaca Rumus:

S artinya Subject, V1 artinya Verb1 atau kata kerja bentuk pertama. Garis miring artinya ya Atau dong!.

Kapan pakai S atau ES dan kapan tidak?

Kalau Subjectnya He, She, It, John, Mufli, Ellen atau Orang ketiga TUNGGAL maka kata kerjanya tambah S atau ES. Tidak sembarang tambah S atau ES juga nih, ada daftarnya. Daftarnya itu bayak sekali, mustahal saya tulis disini, cape dehh nulisnya, Anda musti beli buku Grammar juga. Belajar bahasa Inggris perlu modal, hehe..

Di atas tadi ada istilah Orang Ketiga Tunggal, maksudnya gini: Orang ketiga adalah orang yang kita bicarakan, yang kita omongin. Sedangkan orang pertama ya yang bicara. Orang kedua lawan bicara. Tunggal ya satu. Jadi orang ketiga tunggal adalah orang yang kita bicarakan dan satu saja dia itu. Misalnya kita berdua ngomongin John Scoping. Yang ngomong saya, yang dengar Anda, yang dibicarakan John Scoping (orang ketiga tunggal). Faham ya?

John Scoping belajar Tenses.John Scoping learnS english.

Tidak bisa LearnES, mengapa? ya memang begitu!. Tetapi yang ini malah tambah ES:

John Scoping goES to School (tambah ES).

Page 6: Bahasa Inggris

In English, Present Tense or Simple Present Tense used to express the event or events, activities, events and so on that occur at this time. Present Tense is also used to express a fact, or something that happens over and over our times. Remember, PRESENT means it is now, now.

The formula:

Positive: S + V1 (s / es)

Negative: S + DO / DOES + NOT + V1

Q: DO / DOES + S + V1

Example Sentences Positive:

I drink coffee

She drinks coffee

We drink coffee

Yes, deliberately Tense english lesson is designed to quickly understand its just simple. You need to develop their own instance to make 100 examples of his own. You definitely need a dictionary too, because learning tenses and then stuck with a verb it is usually not so…

How to Read The formula:S means the Subject, V1 means Verb1 or verb form first. Or does it mean slash ya dong!.When to use S or ES and when not?

If Subjectnya He, She, It, John, Mufli, Ellen or third person verbSINGULAR then add S or ES. Not just add S or ES as well ya, nolist. The list is very stout, Mustahal I wrote here, cape dehh wrote it,you must also buy the book Grammar. Learn English need capital,hehe ..

The above is the term Third Single People, that is this: The third man is the person we are talking about, that we omongin. Whileyes the first person to speak. The second person addressee. Yessingle one. So the third person singular is the person we are talking and one course he was. For example we are both talking about John Scoping. That way I, who hear you, was talking aboutJohn Scoping (third person singular). Understand it?

John Scoping study tenses.John Scoping Learns bahasa.LearnES can not, why? yes He is!. But what is even more ES:John Scoping Goes to School (add ES).

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Kalimat Negatif Present Tense / Negative Sentences Present Tense

Bentuk Negatif, artinya menyatakan TIDAK. Maka sesuai rumus Present Tense, setelah SUBJECT ditambah DO atau DOES, baru NOT, lalu tambah kata kerja bentuk pertama tanpa S atau ES lagi. S atau ES nya dimana? Sudah di doES tadi.

Untuk I, WE, YOU, THEY tambah DO

Untuk SHE, HE, IT, Mufli, Ellen tambah DOES

I do not drink coffee.

She does not drink coffee.

John Scoping does not learn english.

Coba perhatikan She does not drink coffee. Drink nya tidak pake S lagi, pindah ke doES. Biasakan saja, Present Simple Tense ini sepertinya rumit tetapi kalau faham maka enak banget. Ulangi saja baca dari atas 10 kali lagi, biar meresap benar, hehe.. Bikin juga 10 contoh Anda sendiri dengan kata kerja yang berbeda. Yes, belajar bahasa Inggris tak boleh manja, harus aktif, baru akan bisa.

Kalimat Tanya Present Tense

Kalimat tanya untuk Present Tense sesuai rumus diatas, atau saya tulis lagi seperti ini:

Tanya: DO/DOES + S + V1

Sama saja pasangannya. Untuk I, WE, YOU, THEY gunakan DO. Untuk SHE, HE, IT, Mufli, Ellen gunakan DOES. Contohnya begini:

Kalimat positifnya: I drink coffee

Kalimat tanya menjadi: DO you drink cofee?

Kalimat positif: She drinks coffe

Kalimat tanya: DOES She drink coffee?

Kalimat tanya seperti diatas disebut juga YES/NO Question. Karena jawabannya memang Yes atau No. Do You drink coffee? “Yes I do” jawabnya. Atau bisa bisa dijawab dengan lengkap: “Yes, I do drink coffee”. Dihilangkan DO nya juga boleh, menjadi kalimat positif lagi: “Yes I drink coffee”.

Ya, memang benar kalau Present Tense ini lebih rumit dibandingkan denganPresent Continuous Tense karena tiba-tiba pakai DO, eh untuk orang ketiga tunggal pakai DOES segala, hehe.. Kalau dalam Present Continuous Tense nanti tinggal dibalik doang.

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Negative form, meaning that states NO. So according to the formula Present Tense, after SUBJECT plus DO or DOES, NOT new, then add first verb form without S or ES again. S or ES was where? Already on the does had.

For I, WE, YOU, THEY DO added

For SHE, HE, IT, Mufli, Ellen added DOES

I do not drink coffee.

She does not drink coffee.

John Scoping does not learn bahasa.

Take a look She does not drink coffee. Drink it does not use S again, moving to does. Get used to it, the Simple Present Tense It seems complicated but if the schools so awful. Repeat just read from the top 10 times longer, let me sink in properly, hehe .. Create your own also 10 samples with a different verb. Yes, learning English should not be spoiled, be active, will be new.

Present Tense Sentence Question

The sentence asked for Present Tense according to the formula above, or I write more like this:

Q: DO / DOES + S + V1

Same partner. For I, WE, YOU, THEY DO use. For SHE, HE, IT, Mufli, Ellen DOES use. Examples like this:

Positive sentences: I drink coffee

Sentences question becomes: DO you drink Coffee?

Positive sentences: She drinks coffee

The sentence asked: DOES She drinks coffee?

Sentences like the above question is also YES / NO Question. Because the answer is Yes or No. Do You drink coffee? "Yes I do" he replied. Or it could be answered in full: "Yes, I do drink coffee. " DO be eliminated is also allowed, a positive sentence again: "Yes I drink coffee. "

Yes, it is true that the Present Tense is more complicated than denganPresent Continuous Tense because suddenly wear DO, er to use the third person singular DOES all, hehe .. If the Present Continuous Tense doang will be staying behind.

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Present Continous Tense / Explanation In English

Present Continuous tense dalam tenses bahasa inggris digunakan untuk tindakan yang sedang berlangsung sekarang, kejadian di waktu sedang berbicara dan tindakan yang berlangsung hanya untuk jangka waktu yang singkat. Present Continuous tense disebut juga dengan Present Progressive Tense

Penggunaan :

1. kejadian sekarang atau kegiatan sementara

contoh : Mr. Teguh si writing a new book

Mr. Teguh sedang menulis buku baru

2. Rencana di masa depan yang sudah pasti waktunya (pribadi)

I am going to Surabaya at 07.30 tomorrow

Saya akan pergi ke Surabaya jam 7.30 besok

3. kejadian terkait atas sesuatu atau seseorang disekitar waktu sekarang atau sedang berbicara

contoh : it is raining day

hari ini sedang hujan

Rumus Present Continuous Tense :

Positif (+):

subject + to be (am, is, are) + Verb – ing + object

Negatif (-) :

subject + to be + not + verb – ing + object

Tanya (?) :

to be + subject + verb – ing + object

Contoh Present Continuous Tense :

I am watching TV now (+)

Mr. Khanafi is not going to Jakarta (-)

Is Mrs. Annisa cooking in the kitchen ? (?)

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Present Continuous tense membutuhkan :

- kata kerja “to be”


I am (orang pertama)

You are (orang kedua)

He / she / it is (orang ketiga)


We are (orang pertama)

You are (orang kedua)

They are (orang ketiga)

- bentuk kata kerja “-ing”

Contoh :

Go + ing = going

- Keterangan waktu (adverb of time) yang sering digunakan dalam Present Continuous tense :


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Present Continuous Tense / Explanation In English

Present Continuous tense in english tenses are used for ongoing action now, events in time is talking and the action lasted only for short periods of time. Present Continuous tense is also called the Present Progressive Tense


1. current events or activities while

For example: Mr. True to the writing a new book

Mr. Teguh was writing a new book

2. Plans for the future that it is definitely time for (personal)

I am going to Surabaya at 7:30 tomorrow

I will go to Surabaya at 7.30 tomorrow

3. related events over something or someone around the time now or is talking

For example: it is raining day

It was rainy day

The formula for Present Continuous Tense:

Positive (+):

subject + to be (am, is, are) + Verb - ing + object

Negative (-):

subject + to be + not + verb - ing + object

Ask (?):

to be + subject + verb - ing + object

Examples of the Present Continuous Tense:

I am watching TV now (+)

Mr. Khanafi is not going to Jakarta (-)

Is Mrs. Annie cooking in the kitchen? (?)

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Present Continuous tense requires:

- Verb "to be"


I am (first person)

You are (the second)

He / she / it is (third person)


We are (the first)

You are (the second)

They are (third person)

- forms of the verb "-ing"


Go + ing = going

- Description of time (adverb of time) are often used in the Present Continuous tense:


Present Perfect Tense

bentuk Present Perfect tense dalam tenses bahasa inggris digunakan untuk suatu tindakan sederhana yang masih berlangsung atau yang baru sajar berhenti, tetapi memiliki pengaruh hingga masa kini. Menempatkan penekanan pada hasil.

Penggunaan :

1. tindakan yang terjadi pada waktu yang tidak pasti sebelum saat ini

2. tindakan di masa lalu dan memiliki pengaruh di masa sekarang

3. tindakan yang dimulai di masa lalu dan masih berlanjut di masa sekarang

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Rumus :

Positif (+)

Subject + has / have + been + object

Subject + has / have + verb III + object

Negatif (-)

Subject + has / have + not + been + object

Subject +has / have + not + verb III + object

Tanya (?)

Have / has + Subject + verb III + object

Have / has + subject + been + object

Contoh :

I have been at home for a month (+)

Mr. Handoko has not eaten the sate already (-)

Has Mr. Imam been here since 06.00 ? (?)

Untuk membentuk kalimat Present Perfect (simple) tense kita perlu mengetahui tentang :

1. kata kerja (verb) “have” ( kata kerja bantu / auxiiliary verb)

- Bentuk tunggal,

I have

You have

He / she / it has

- Bentuk jamak,

We have

You have

They have

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2. past participle (been / verb III)

Contoh :

Talk = talked (regular)

Go = gone (irregular)

Present Perfect Tense / Explanation In English

forms tenses present perfect tense in English is used for a simple action that is still ongoing or newly sajar stop, but have an influence until the present. Placing the emphasis on results.


1. actions that occur in time before the current uncertain

2. actions in the past and have influence in the present

3. action that began in the past and still continues in the present


Positive (+)

Subject + has / have + been + object

Subject + has / have + object + verb III

Negative (-)

Subject + has / have + not + been + object

Subject + has / have + not + verb + object III

Ask (?)

Have / has + subject + verb + object III

Have / has + subject + been + object


I have been at home for a month (+)

Mr. Handoko has not already eaten the satay (-)

Has Mr. Imam been here since 6:00? (?)

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To form the present perfect sentences (simple) tense we need to know about:

1. verb (verb) "have" (auxiliary verb / auxiiliary verb)

- The singularity,

I have

You have

He / she / it has

- The plural,

We have

You have

They have

2. past participle (been / verb III)


Talk = talked (regular)

Go = gone (irregular)

Present Perfect Continuous Tense

Present Perfect Continuous mengungkapkan tindakan yang telah dimulai di masa lalu dan sekarang masih berlanjut. Tenses bahasa inggris ini juga digunakan untuk menceritakan kejadian yang dimulai dimasa lalu dan baru saja selesai.


1.tindakan yang telah dimulai dimasa lalu dan masih berlanjut sekarang

2.tindakan yang baru saja berhenti

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Rumus :

Positif (+)

Subject + has / have + been + verb-ing

Negatif (-)

Subject + has / have + not + been + verb-ing

Tanya (?)

Has/have + subject + been + verb-ing ?

Contoh :

I have been watching TV for two hours (+)

He has been playing football since elementary school (+)

Marina has not been learning english for two years (-)

Have you been reading a book for an hour ? (?)

Keterangan waktu (adverb of time) yang digunakan,

“for” dan “since” merupakan keterangan waktu yang sangat umum digunakan dalam Present Perfect Continuous tense

Present Perfect Continuous Tense / Explanation In English

Present Perfect Continuous express actions that started in the past and still continues. English tenses are also used to tell the events that started in the past and has just finished.


1. action has been initiated in the past and still continues today

2. action that has just stopped

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Positive (+)

Subject + has / have + been + verb-ing

Negative (-)

Subject + has / have + not + been + verb-ing

Ask (?)

Has / have + subject + been + verb-ing?


I have been watching TV for two hours (+)

He has been playing football since elementary school (+)

Marina has not been learning English for two years (-)

Have you been reading a book for an hour? (?)

Description of time (adverb of time) is used,

"for" and "since" is a very general description used in the Present Perfect Continuous tense.

Simple Past Tenses

Simple past Tense digunakan untuk mengungkapkan kejadian yang telah terjadi pada waktu tertentu di masa lalu. kejadian bisa pendek atau panjang. Berarti juga bisa menjadi beberapa kejadian terjadi satu demi persatu. Secara umum, Ada dua fakta penting yang perlu diingat dalam tenses bahasa inggris ini :

- kata kerja tak beraturan (Irregular Verbs)

- kalimat negatif dan pertanyaan tidak seperti kalimat positif tetapi mempertahankan bentuk dasar kata kerja


1. Peristiwa di masa lalu yang telah selesai (misalnya : I went to school)

2. Situasi di masa lalu (they lived a normal life until they won a lottery)

3. Serangkaian tindakan di masa lalu

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Rumus :

Positif (+)

- Subject + to be (was/were) + complement

- Subject + verb 2 + object

Negatif (-)

- Subject + to be (was/were) + not + complement

- Subject + did not + verb 1 + object

Tanya (?)

- Did + subject + verb 1 + object ?

Contoh Simple Past tense:

He was a businessman in 1999 (+)

- dia adalah seorang pebisnis pada tahun 1999

I sell these motorcycles in Surabaya(+)

- saya menjual sepeda motor ini di Surabaya

She did not visit me yesterday (-)

- dia tidak mengunjungiku kemarin

My parents were not home this afternoon(-)

- orang tua ku tidak ada di rumah siang ini

Did you play football yesterday ? (?)

- Apakah kamu bermain sepakbola kemarin ?

Keterangan waktu (adverb of time) yang umum digunakan dalam simple past tense :

Yesterday (kemarin, the other day (lain hari), just now (sekarang), the day before yesterday (sehari sebelum kemarin), etc

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Simple Past Tenses / Explanation In English

Simple past tense is used to reveal the events that have occurred at specific times in the past. events can be short or long. Means can also be a few incidents occur one by one. In general, there are two important facts to remember in this english tenses:

- irregular verbs (Irregular Verbs)

- negative sentences and questions are not as positive sentences but retain the basic form of the verb


1. Events in the past that have been completed (for example: I Went to school)

2. The situation in the past (They lived a normal life Until They won a lottery)

3. A series of actions in the past


Positive (+)

- Subject + to be (was / were the resource persons) + complement

- Subject + verb 2 + object

Negative (-)

- Subject + to be (was / were the resource persons) + notes + complement

- Subject + did not + verb 1 + object

Ask (?)

- Did + subject + verb 1 + object?

Examples of Simple Past tense:

He was a businessman in 1999 (+)

- he is a businessman in 1999

I sell these motorcycles in Surabaya (+)

- I sold this bike in Surabaya

She did not visit me yesterday (-)

- he did not visit me yesterday

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My Parents were the resource persons not home this afternoon (-)

- my parents not home this afternoon

Did you play football yesterday? (?)

- Do you play football yesterday?

Description of time (adverb of time) commonly used in the simple past tense:

Yesterday (yesterday, the other day (another day), just now (now), the day before yesterday (the day before yesterday), etc

Past Continuous Tenses

Past Continuous Tense mengungkapkan tindakan di masa lalu yang sedang berlangsung. tindakan kadang dapat juga disela oleh sesuatu. bentuk tenses bahasa inggris ini disebut juga Past Progressive Tense

Penggunaan :

1.Tindakan yang sedang berlangsung

2.kegiatan sela yang sedang berlangsung

[Past Continuous] + When + [Past Simple]

3.kegiatan yang sedang berlangsung pada waktu yang sama di masa lalu

4.Pertanyaan bersyarat / sopan

Misalnya : I was wondering if you could carry my bag.


Positif (+)

Subject + to be (was/were) + verb-ing + object

Negatif (-)

Subject + was/were + not + verb-ing + object

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Tanya (?)

- was/were + subject + verb-ing + object ?

Contoh - Past Continuous tense :

He was sleeping when I came (+)

- Dia sedang tidur ketika saya datang

He was not sleeping when I came (-)

- Dia tidak sedang tidur ketika saya datang

Was he sleeping when I came ?

- apakah dia sedang tidur ketika saya datang ?

I was working all night yesterday(+)

- saya sedang bekerja sepanjang malam kemarin

I was not working all night yesterday (-)

- Saya tidak sedang bekerja sepanjang malam kemarin

were you working all night yesterday ?

- Apakah kamu sedang bekerja sepanjang malam kemarin ?

Past Continuous Tenses / Explanation In English

Past Continuous Tense in the past reveal the action is in progress. sometimes the action can also be interrupted by something. forms of English tenses are also called Past Progressive Tense


1. Ongoing Actions

2. interrupted an ongoing activity

[Past Continuous] + When + [Past Simple]

3. Ongoing activities at the same time in the past

4. Question conditional / polite

For example: I was wondering if you Could carry my bag.

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Positive (+)

Subject + to be (was / were the resource persons) + verb-ing + object

Negative (-)

Subject + was / were the resource + not + verb-ing + object

Ask (?)

- was / were the resource persons + subject + verb-ing + object?

Example - Continuous Past tense:

He was sleeping Pls I Came (+)

- She was sleeping when I came

He was not sleeping Pls I Came (-)

- He was not asleep when I came

Was he sleeping Pls I Came?

- whether he was sleeping when I come?

I was working all night yesterday (+)

- I was working all night yesterday

I was not working all night yesterday (-)

- I am not working all night

you were the resource persons working all night yesterday?

- Whether you're working all night yesterday?

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Past Perfect Tenses

Kita menggunakan Past Pefect (simple) tense untuk menunjukkan suatu tindakan di masa lalu berkaitan dengan tindakan lain sebelumnya di masa lalu.

Penggunaan :

1.menceritakan sebuah tindakan yang sudah selesai sebelum tindakan lain di masa lalu

2.kalimat pengandaian (Conditional Sentence) Type III

If + subject + Past perfect + would have + verb III

If we had known the answer, we would have told you

Seandainya kami telah tahu jawabannya, kami akan telah mengatakan padamu (kenyataanya kami sudah tidak tahu jawabannya)

3.kalimat tak langsung (reported speech)

Ann: I have searched all the rooms.

George: Ann said she had searched all the rooms.

George : Ann mengatakan bahwa dia sudah mencari semua kamar

untuk pembahasan selengkapnya tentang reported speech dalam berbagai tenses disini

Rumus Past Perfect Tense :

Positif (+)

Subject + had + verb III + (past participle) + object

Negatif (-)

Subject + had + not + verb III + object

Tanya (?)

Had + subject + verb III + object ?

Contoh - Past Perfect tense :

They had been here before 1945 (+)

- mereka telah berada disini sebelum tahun 1945

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They had not been here before 1945 (-)

- mereka belum berada disini sebelum tahun 1945

Had they been here before 1945 ? (?)

- apakah mereka telah berada disini sebelum 1945 ?

She had gone to Amsterdam when I called her (+)

- dia telah pergi ke Amsterdam ketika aku meneleponnya

She had not gone to Amsterdam when I called her (-)

- dia belum pergi ke Amsterdam ketika aku meneleponnya

Had she gone to Amsterdam when you called her ?

- apakah dia telah pergi ke Amsterdam ketika kamu meneleponnya ?

Keterangan waktu (Adverb of time) yang umum digunakan dalam past Perfect tense ini :

after, before, already, as soon as, just, yet, until, till, by the time that.

past Perfect tense juga digunakan untuk ungkapan seperti : “I wish”, “as if/though” and “if only”.

I wish I hadn’t gone there.

aku berharap aku tidak pernah pergi kesana

Jono looked as if he had done something terrible.

Jono tampak seolah-olah ia telah melakukan sesuatu yang mengerikan

Past Perfect Tenses / Explanation In English

We use the Past Pefect (simple) tense to indicate a past action in relation to other acts previously in the past.


1. tells an action already completed before another action in the past

2. sentence modality (Conditional Sentence) Type III

If + subject + Past Perfect + Would have + verb III

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If We Had known the answer, We Would you have toll

If we already know the answer, we would have told you (in fact we already do not know the answer)

3. sentence indirect (reported speech)

Ann: I have searched all the rooms.

George: Had Ann said she searched all the rooms.

George: Ann said that she was looking for all rooms

for more discussion about the reported speech in various tenses here

Formulas Past Perfect Tense:

Positive (+)

Subject + Had + III + verb (past participle) + object

Negative (-)

Subject + Had + not + verb + object III

Ask (?)

Had + subject + verb + object III?

Example - Past Perfect tense:

They Had been here before 1945 (+)

- they've been here before 1945

They Had not been here before 1945 (-)

- they have not been here before 1945

They Had been here before 1945? (?)

- whether they have been here before 1945?

Had she gone to Amsterdam Pls I Called her (+)

- he has gone to Amsterdam when I call her

Had she not gone to Amsterdam Pls I Called her (-)

- he has not gone to Amsterdam when I call her

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Had she gone to Amsterdam Pls you Called her?

- whether he had gone to Amsterdam when you call him?

Description of time (adverb of time) commonly used in the past tense Perfect this:

after, before, already, as soon as, just, yet, Until, till, by the time that.

Perfect past tense is also used for expressions like: "I wish", "as if / though" and "if only".

I wish I hadn't gone there.

I hope I never go there

Jono looked as if he Had done something terrible.

Jono looks as if he had done something terrible.

Past Perfect Continuous Tenses

Past Perfect Continuous Tense digunakan untuk mengungkapkan suatu tindakan yang dimulai di masa lalu dan berlangsung sampai tindakan lain yang di masa lalu.

Penggunaan :

1.Durasi tindakan masa lalu sampai titik waktu tertentu di masa lalu juga

2.kalimat pengandaian (Conditional Sentence) Type III

If it hadn’t been raining, we would have played football

3.kalimat tak langsung (reported speech)

Ann: I was crying

George: Ann said she had been crying

George : Ann mengatakan bahwa dia telah menangis


Positif (+)

Subject + had + been + verb-ing + object

Negatif (-)

Subject + had + not + been + verb-ing + object

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Tanya (?)

Had + subject + been + object ?

Contoh Past Perfect Continuous tense :

He had been living in Jakarta about ten years (+)

- Dia telah tinggal di Jakarta sekitar 10 tahun

He had not been living in Jakarta about ten years (-)

- dia belum tinggal di Jakarta sekitar 10 tahun

Had He been living in Jakarta about ten years ? (?)

- apakah dia telah tinggal di Jakarta selamat 10 tahun ?

Perbedaan antara Present Perfect Continuous and Past Perfect Continuous adalah :

Present Perfect Continuous mengungkapkan tindakan yang terus berlanjut sampai sekarang sedangkan Past Perfect Continuous tidak.

He has been playing for two hours

Dia telah bermain selama 2 jam (dia masih bermain atau baru saja selesai)

He had been playing for two hours when arrived

Dia telah bermain selama 2 jam ketika saya tiba (sekarang tidak sedang bermain.

Past Perfect Continuous Tenses / Explanation In English

Past Perfect Continuous Tense is used to express an action that began in the past and continue until other actions in the past.


1.Durasi past actions until a certain time point in the past also

2.kalimat modality (Conditional Sentence) Type III

If it hadn't been raining, We Would have Played football

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3.kalimat indirect (reported speech)

Ann: I was crying

George: Ann said she Had been crying

George: Ann said that she had been crying


Positive (+)

Subject + Had + been + verb-ing + object

Negative (-)

Subject + Had + not + been + verb-ing + object

Ask (?)

Had + subject + been + object?

Examples of Past Perfect Continuous tense:

Had he been living in Jakarta, about ten years (+)

- He has lived in Jakarta about 10 years

Differences between the Present Perfect Continuous and Past Perfect Continuous are:

Present Perfect Continuous reveal the action that continued until now whereas Past Perfect Continuous are not.

He has been playing for two hours

He has been playing for 2 hours (she's still playing or recently completed)

Had he been playing for two hours arrived Pls

He has been playing for 2 hours when I arrived (currently not playing.

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Referensi/ References


-English Education and Literature,www.kaskus.us/englishlearn

- http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bahasa_Inggris,http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sejarah_bahasa_Inggris


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Latar Belakang / Background

Language is very important in human life. Language is means of communication. Without a language, a person cannot communicate with others. English is a language in the world. People call it a international language. In our school, the English language has been given since the fourth grade of the elementary school up to university.

Most people in the world from the different countries and nations speak language. Also, many scientific studies such as education, science, religion, technology, commerce or politic are written in the language.

Language includes four skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing.

Writing is language activity that needs much cognitive concentration. When writing, a writer is challenged to use just linguistics code without helping of other codes, take for instance, gestures. A writer has to arrange some ideas and transform them into his thinking carefully in writing codes on papers.

In fact, writing is different from writing Indonesian. English as stated above is a foreign language for Indonesian student. English is a new language that they often have trouble when they learn it. One of the reason is the characteristics of English itself. For example, tenses, regular and irregular verb are not found in Indonesia. On contrary, Indonesia is a language which the students have got earlier basically, we believe that mahasiswa have enough knowledge of it and have known to use it well and correctly. So it is possible that Indonesian, though it is a school language for most of them, can regard as the student’s mother tongue. They use Indonesian more frequently with they friends and teachers. Moreover, Indonesian is very close to them, to their speaking or writing habits. This is one thing that invites problems when the student writes the sentences composition in English.

Tujuan Pembuatan Makalah / The purpose of Paper Making

English paper-making purposes is for students to understand more about what has been made in this paper, which includes discussion of the English Language, English History, Present Tense and PastTense

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by Agus Suhendro

0970020030 / Electrical Engineering